Seminar 9

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Dictionary of the English Language

Post-Reading Exercises
1. What was the most imPortant change in the reading public in the eighteenth century?
– to fix the grammar of the Englsih language
2. What did middle-class readers hope to achieve through reading? – to attain knowledge
otherwise unattainable to them.
3. Why did reading increase during the century? – bc many writer started to write in
english after establishing the rules for the grammar and aknowledging them, which made it
easier to read books.
4. 'Why did some people consider the novel a threat? – bc it contained storys which werent
usual to that society. Many types of novels came out that time which gave the writers a
wider range to fill in with their works.
5. Expiain why poorer people read less than their social superiors? – poor people didnt
have acces to books bc they didnt have the money for the, while their superiors, who werre
obviously rich, had acces to both moneyand books.
6. The noveI was the only genre to be read during the l700s. Say whether this is true or
false,giving reasons for your answer,
7. Why were libraries important to the growth of the reading public?
8. Why did so many academics believe it was fundamental to standardize the English
language and codifY grammar?- bc the language lacked a system o frules, in English
everything seemed uncertain.
9. Which countries had already succeeded in dealing with the question of standard
language forms, and how had thls been achieved? – the Italians and the French. The
French was purpotedly the purification of the Italian language, and it had published several
dictionaries down the years.
10. Who made the greatest single contribution to fixing the English language in the
eighteenth century? – Jonathan Swift. His desire to fix the language led to his famous
proposal in 1712, for an institution that would regulate the language in a permanent way.

by Samuel Richardson
Lucifer in the Shape of my Master
1. What did Mr B tell Pamela to rely on as she tried to resist his advances? – probably means,
he would her on the spot.
2. Pamela accuses Mr B of 'levelling all distances' between them (lines 16-17). Explain what
she means in your own words. -
3. When Mr B asks 'Who then am I?' (Line 25) What reply does he expect? How does he react
to Pamela's answer? – he expects , youre my master,. He got angry with Pamela.
4. Why according to Pamela, does Mr B stop running after her? - to see if Pamela would obey
his orders.
5. Why does Pamela ask for forgiveness? (Line 44) – bc Mr B is the son of her the ever-
honoured lady, for who she held high reverence till the end, and tries to hold this reverence
for MrB too.
6. Why does Pamela go back when Mr B calls? - she didnt want, but what else could she have
7. What is Pamela prepared to sacrifice for her master? What is she not prepared to sacrifice? –
She prepared to sacrifice her obidience, but not her patience.
1. 1 line 1-10, 2. line 25 – 30, 3.- , 4.line 10-15
2. we see Pamelas pov, we dont know what Mr B is thinking, we only see what Pamela is
describing to us
3. Helpless, Obedient, Determined,
4. Arrogant, Manipulative, Intimidating,
5. It gives the reader an objective account of events.

A Dictionary of the English Language

Samuel Johnson
1. IS this a statement a fact or an opinion? Do you agree with it? - Statement and an opinion.
Johnson expressing his thought and experience in his work.
2. What statement is Johnson making about the place of language ideas and education in world
culture? - He says that the language is important, and that is why it needs development. And
after years of recovery he dedicates his time to improve the english language, hoping, that
his work going to help in many ways.
3. What does this statement tell you about the authors personality? - That he takess his work
very seriously.He made sure that this dictionary was well put together.
4. What qualities of Johnsons voice does this statement convey? - That he doesnt care about
complaining nor praises about himself.
5. What opinion is hidden within this factual definition? - he says ,generally, which means hes
aware and continues w ,but, to let us know that hes aware of its usage.
6. Wit – hes a writer maybe he just likes synonyms
After you read:
1. That he liked working on this dictionary, and took his work seriously.
2. Maybe, that whoever read his dictionary through would spread the knowledge thats foung
within it.
3. The definition of CLUB, MAN,. He probably enjoyed talking about these things as he
written it down to us.
4. The overrall tone is journalistic. It might suggest that Johnson liked to do research.
5. I enjoy reading both. It gives a little bit of lavour to the text.

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