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1. I shall do the job to the best of my _______.
A. capacity B. talent C. knowledge D. ability
2. Are there enough apples for us to have one _______?
A. every B. self C. each D. individually
3. The judge _______ the pedestrian for the accident.
A. blamed B. charged C. accused D. sued
4. Let’s just _______ our differences and be friends.
A. leave B. forget C. stop D. rid
5. There has been a great _______ in his English.
A. escalation B. increase C. rise D. improvement
6. Even after I washed the coat, it still had some _______ marks on it.
A. faint B. weak C. thin D. uncertain
7. The difference between the cost and the selling price is usually the _______
A. advantage B. increase C. winnings D. profit
8. The woman said, “This carpet was made _______, so it is expensive.”
A. by the hand B. by hand C. by hands D. by our hands
9. I was wakened by the sound of someone _______ on the door.
A. crashing B. bumping C. knocking D. hitting
10. The _______ of the poetry competition will be known today.
A. decision B. choice C. effect D. result
11. _______ of the shop, my friend Roger went in.
A. As I came out B. On coming out
C. When coming out D. Coming out
12. “He was right!” - “Oh, I know! I really wish I _______ his advice!”
A. took B. had taken C. have taken D. would take
13. _______ the fighting stopped, travel across country has been quite safe.
A. When B. Unless C. After which D. Since
14. She is eighteen, so by law her father cannot _______ her marriage.
A. avoid B. defeat C. prevent D. fail
15. By raising their weapons the men showed their _______ to continue the fight.
A. ready B. readily C. were ready D. readiness
16. The visit of the president will increase the _______ between the two countries.
A. understanding B. peace C. quiet D. knowledge
17. She had done more work in one day than her husband _______ in three days.
A. do B. may do C. could do D. done
18. You are going to come to the party, _______?
A. aren’t you B. do you C. will you D. won’t you
19. David always _______ over to my house after he had done his homework.
A. gone B. went C. came D. passed
20. The librarian went to look in the cupboard _______ rare books were kept.
A. which B. there C. that D. where
21. What do you usually _______ for delivering things?
A. demand B. charge C. cost D. price
22. “I’ll call _______ you at 6 o’clock,” said James.
A. by B. up C. for D. in
23. Have I _______ you about how Mary is getting on at college?
A. said B. told C. answered D. explained
24. The plane crashed into a bridge because it was flying too _______.
A. low B. shallow C. deep D. narrow
25. The film _______ several scenes that might upset young children.
A. admits B. contains C. involves D. displays
26. The car burst into _______ but the driver managed to escape.
A. flames B. burning C. heat D. fire
27. The vase is definitely not _______, but just a very good imitation.
A. real B. factual C. genuine D. true
28. Her parents were very _______ because she was out so late that night.
A. responsible B. sorry C. overcome D. worried
29. I was just _______ to go out when you telephoned.
A. about B. around C. thinking D. planned
30. This morning the postman was _______ down the street by my dog.
A. hunted B. chased C. run D. sped
31. The noise of the traffic prevented me from _______ to sleep.
A. falling B. starting C. going D. beginning
32. It was very difficult for the inspector to _______ what recommendations he should make.
A. realise B. decide C. solve D. settle
33. It’s a good idea to see your doctor regularly for a(n) _______.
A. check-up B. control C. investigation D. revision
34. After the water workers went on strike there was a _______ of water.
A. drain B. loss C. shortage D. decrease
35. The blue curtains began to _______ after they had been hanging in the sun for two months.
A. melt B. die C. dissolve D. fade
36. You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by _______ it a lot.
A. exercising B. practising C. training D. doing
37. From the hotel there is a good _______ of the mountains.
A. vision B. picture C. sight D. view
38. The bank won’t lend you the money without some _______ that you will pay it back.
A. profit B. guarantee C. charge D. interest
39. This is the oldest building _______ the village.
A. in B. by C. of D. to
40. She can’t get home she has no money _______.
A. unless B. without C. until D. if
41. The losing team were disappointed at the result, but all the players agreed that it had been a
good _______.
A. play B. score C. game D. sport
42. Let’s go for a long walk, _______ we?
A. shall B. do C. will D. must
43. They were very _______ about keeping so much money in the house overnight.
A. dangerous B. nervous C. willing D. risky
44. The three friends all _______ for the same job.
A. applied B. chose C. requested D. referred
45. I took someone else’s coat from the cloakroom by _______.
A. error B. fortune C. mistake D. forgetfulness
46. He _______ me to take a lawyer to court with me.
A. suggested B. advised C. threatened D. insisted
47. He _______ me by asking me stupid questions while I’m working.
A. interests B. quarrels C. damages D. annoys
48. In order to finance the project the Council will have to get a large _______ from the bank.
A. loan B. interest C. gain D. profit
49. He refused to give up work, _______ he’d won a million pounds.
A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though
50. Firemen rescued several people from the _______ floor of the blazing building.
A. high B. low C. basement D. top
1. I’m sure they were _______ lies!
A. telling B. speaking C. talking D. saying
2. She always _______ the crossword in the paper before breakfast.
A. makes B. does C. writes D. works
3. The newspaper report contained _______ important information.
A. many B. another C. an D. a lot of
4. He couldn’t _______ I his father that he was telling the truth.
A. convince B. confide C. trust D. admit
5. The main road through Salisbury was blocked for two hours today after an accident
_______ several vehicles.
A. containing B. involving C. connecting D. including
6. That old vase will _______ an attractive lamp-holder.
A. compose B. form C. make D. assemble
7. The police are _______ the town for the missing vehicle.
A. combing B. looking C. investigating D. seeking
8. Armed terrorists are reported to have _______ the Embassy.
A. taken up B. taken to C. taken into D. taken over
9. When he woke up, he realised that the things he had dreamt about could not _______ have
A. certainly B. likely C. possibly D. potentially
10. He cannot _______ ignorance as his excuse; he should have known what was happening in
his own department.
A. insist B. defend C. refer D. plead
11. The Government’s present policy is seen as a _______ to local democracy.
A. sneer B. harm C. threat D. suppression
12. It was not easy to understand her _______ to the situation.
A. feelings B. reaction C. outlook D. conduct
13. He always did well at school _______ having his early education disrupted by illness.
A. in spite of B. on account of C. in addition to D. even though
14. He told his father a long and _______ story to explain his lateness.
A. inconceivable B. incredulous C. unimaginable D. unconvincing
15. After listening to all the arguments I am now of the _______ that there should be no new
A. attitude B. opinion C. thought D. idea
16. One condition of this job is that you must be _______ to work at weekends.
A. accessible B. capable C. acceptable D. available
17. It was too late to _______ of the contract.
A. back out B. back down C. back up D. back away
18. All his companies had been successful and he was known to be _______ rich.
A. absolutely B. completely C. extremely D. thoroughly
19. Religion and politics interest him almost _______.
A. equally B. the same C. similarly D. alike
20. Employees who have a _______ are encouraged to discuss it with the management.
A. hindrance B. grievance C. disadvantage D. disturbance
21. Sparkling pools of water lay trapped among the rocks as the tide _______.
A. removed B. refilled C. retired D. receded
22. The police have been ordered not to _______ if the students attack them.
A. combat B. challenge C. retaliate D. rebuff
23. The woman was _______ from hospital yesterday only a week after her operation.
A. ejected B. discharged C. evicted D. expelled
24. According to the _______ of the contract, tenants must give six months notice if they intend
to leave.
A. terms B. rules C. laws D. details
25. In spite of his poor education, he was a most _______ speaker.
A. attentive B. ambiguous C. articulate D. authoritarian
26. Please accept our _______ congratulations!
A. finest B. dearest C. warmest D. deepest
27. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation’s .
A. inheritance B. heritage C. possessions D. legacy
28. A part-time job gives me the freedom to _______ my own interests.
A. catch B. chase C. seek D. pursue
29. She’s _______ interrupting me while I’m talking.
A. always B. never C. sometimes D. just
30. In his first game for Newcastle, Keegan _______ a goal after 58 minutes.
A. won B. scored C. earned D. gained
31. Shy people often find it difficult to _______ group discussions.
A. take place in B. get on with
C. take part in D. get in touch with
32. It _______ a lot of patience to be a nurse.
A. takes B. uses C. spends D. costs
33. I couldn’t decide between the two records, so I bought _______ of them.
A. each B. all C. either D. both
34. People still haven’t _______ how dangerous pollution can be.
A. remarked B. realised C. noted D. minded
35. After I _______ finished working, I switched off the machine.
A. had B. have C. having D. to have
36. I think access to cinemas and theatres is the main _______ of city life.
A. amenity B. attraction C. leisure D. recreation
37. I don’t want to go, but there is no way of getting _______ it.
A. from B. off C. out of D. away
38. That child is really _______ by its grandparents.
A. spoilt B. polluted C. stained D. naughty
39. When they got back from holiday, they found their house had been _______ by burglars.
A. broken off B. broken up C. broken down D. broken into
40. His bad behaviour was put _______ his upbringing.
A. down to B. with C. off D. up
41. What he told me was a _______ of lies.
A. mob B. load C. pack D. flock
42. Dentists recommend brushing teeth with a fluoride toothpaste to _______ them from decay.
A. defend B. guard C. arm D. protect
43. In some parts of the world the indigenous population has been completely _______.
A. wiped up B. wiped out C. wiped away D. wiped off
44. _______ through the attic and see if you can find anything for the jumble sale.
A. Forage B. Ravage C. Rummage D. Salvage
45. The rain seems to have set _______ for the evening.
A. upon B. in C. about D. down
46. The thought of taking such an examination had never for one moment _______ my head.
A. crossed B. occurred C. entered D. slipped
47. According to a recent survey, most people are on good _______ with their neighbours.
A. relations B. acquaintance C. relationships D. terms
48. This young author has already received the sort of _______ that many older and wiser heads
have had to strive a lifetime for.
A. attentiveness B. note C. recognition D. notoriety
49. I hope this headache _______ soon.
A. goes out B. comes away C. passes away D. wears off
50. They began constructing the bridge in 1960, but several years _______ before the project
was completed.
A. elapsed B. advanced C. proceeded D. progressed
1. After Mervyn’s accident and his subsequent appearance in court, he was _______ from
driving for a year.
A. dispossessed B. forfeited C. invalidated D. disqualified
2. When we put up the shelves in the kitchen, it was very simple. We just had to _______ a
few holes in the wall.
A. stab B. drill C. pierce D. saw
3. When Mrs Frobisher was taken to hospital, two ambulance men carried her out of the house
on a _______.
A. mattress B. hammock C. stretcher D. hearse
4. As a result of the company’s _______ policy, there are now 15 Fairdeal supermarkets
compared with 10 in 1980.
A. magnification B. expansion C. increase D. intensification
5. My cousin’s main _______ for going abroad was his poor health.
A. need B. cause C. reason D. desire
6. He parked in the wrong place and the police _______ his car away.
A. towed B. hitched C. hoisted D. lifted
7. The work keeps _______, and I seem to get very little done.
A. piling on B. growing up C. heaping on D. piling up
8. I’m not _______ to your plan but it needs modifying.
A. objected B. opposed C. disputed D. conflicted
9. Luggage may be placed here _______ the owner’s risk.
A. by B. under C. with D. at
10. He doesn’t _______ to take a holiday this summer.
A. suppose B. determine C. plan D. suggest
11. A coach carrying football _______ crashed into a lorry on the motorway.
A. fans B. watchers C. people D. lovers
12. He ran down the beach and _______ into the sea.
A. headed B. sank C. dived D. bathed
13. She was born in Japan but has now _______ in the United States.
A. settled B. planted C. fixed D. stuck
14. His business is growing so fast that he must take _______ more workers.
A. up B. over C. on D. out
15. Since he was a boy, one of his _______ has been stamp-collecting.
A. cares B. hobbies C. sports D. professions
16. She has a lot of spare time and wants to know how best to _______ it.
A. waste B. save C. make D. spend
17. The examiner will test your _______ to drive under normal conditions.
A. ability B. advantage C. wisdom D. virtue
18. It is dangerous to _______ out of the windows of the train.
A. hold B. slope C. bend D. lean
19. He hated his job; as a _______ of fact he has now given it up.
A. nature B. matter C. condition D. type
20. Fat people should _______ the temptation to eat a lot of sweet things.
A. resist B. disobey C. deny D. refuse
21. The cows got out of the field through a _______ in the fence.
A. fault B. crack C. gap D. cut
22. In this job you must _______ up to the problems and not run away from them.
A. face B. gaze C. raise D. play
23. Over the past two years the _______ of living has risen considerably.
A. rate B. charge C. price D. cost
24. In hot weather fresh milk quickly turns _______.
A. bitter B. sour C. foul D. rotten
25. Women workers wear hats in _______ their hair gets caught in the machinery.
A. course B. occasion C. event D. case
26. A learner driver must be _______ by a qualified driver.
A. connected B. accompanied C. involved D. associated
27. God never _______ a mistake.
A. makes B. puts C. plays D. gives
28. Mary is so _______ that people tell her all their troubles.
A. dependent B. confidential C. permission D. sympathetic
29. It’s so long since I saw him that I almost failed to _______ him.
A. receive B. recognise C. accept D. approve
30. The house was burgled while the family was _______ in a card game.
A. entertained B. buried C. busy D. absorbed
31. The police must now _______ the escaped convict in the surrounding countries.
A. look for B. look after C. search D. be in search of
32. Some of the older villagers prefer to _______ tobacco rather than to smoke it.
A. munch B. bite C. chew D. gnaw
33. Now that he has retired, he lives partly on his pension and partly on the _______ on his post
office savings account.
A. income B. wages C. salary D. interest
34. Newspapers should try to _______ printing statements that they cannot check.
A. refuse B. neglect C. avoid D. deny
35. Switzerland is well-known for its impressive mountainous _______.
A. views B. scenes C. sights D. scenery
36. Her hair was wet from the _______ tossed up by the huge waves.
A. spray B. lather C. surf D. foam
37. Most people were no longer listening to his long _______ story.
A. irritable B. tiring C. boring D. annoying
38. His speech was careful and _______ but his words seemed to make no sense.
A. distinguished B. distinctive C. distinct D. distinguishable
39. One of the problems local authorities have to deal with is the _______ of plastic containers.
A. dispersal B. disposition C. disposal D. dissolution
40. I was told that this material would not _______ in the wash but it has.
A. dwindle B. shrink C. decrease D. contract
41. Before he got married, Danny always went out on Saturday nights. He never _______ stay
A. would B. use to C. is used to D. used to
42. There’s someone at the door. _______ it.
A. I’ll answer B. I answer C. I answered D. I’m answering
43. What’s wrong with you today? Did you get out of bed on the wrong _______?
A. end B. side C. foot D. edge
44. Did you see that fascinating wildlife programme _______ television last night?
A. on B. at C. in D. by
45. The beach was so crowded the other day that we _______ difficulty finding an empty spot.
A. have B. have had C. had D. have been having
46. If I’m tired in the evenings, _______ to bed early.
A. I go B. I’d have gone C. I went D. I’d go
47. I’ve put Mr Matthew’s papers in your green file, _______ is on your desk.
A. 0 B. which C. that D. whose
48. Don’t worry. You _______ told if there’s a change of plan.
A. be B. will C. will be D. will been
49. The village seemed strangely familiar _______ I’d never been there before.
A. however B. in spite of C. despite D. although
50. In Britain it is _______ for children to attend school between the ages of five and sixteen.
A. compulsory B. obliged C. enforced D. made
1. If they aren’t more careful with their money they’ll get into _______.
A. overdraft B. loss C. debt D. problem
2. Do you mean the cinema _______ the station?
A. front B. opposite C. to D. on
3. As she didn’t understand her question she merely gave him a _______ look.
A. blank B. clear C. simple D. useless
4. She is the most _______ manageress we have ever had.
A. good B. working C. active D. efficient
5. During the boss’s _______, his assistant took over.
A. vanishing B. absence C. loss D. disappearance
6. The manager will reply to all letters _______ are sent to him.
A. when B. if C. that D. who
7. During the voyage, the ship’s crew organised many different _______ games.
A. level B. ground C. floor D. deck
8. The commander gave an _______ talk to his men.
A. encouraging B. encouragement
C. encouraged D. encouragingly
9. The _______ of the sugar is of course to sweeten the medicine.
A. reason B. cause C. purpose D. need
10. It was nine years ago _______ Sir Alfred returned from America.
A. since B. when C. when that D. that
11. Please tell me about it. _______ you if I’ve heard the story before.
A. I stopped B. I’ll stop C. I’ve stopped D. I’m stopping
12. After reading the letter, _______ it on the table.
A. leaving B. and leaving C. and she left D. she left
13. What a _______ that your father is ill again.
A. pity B. sorrow C. sadness D. pain
14. He didn’t go into detail on the subject; he spoke in _______.
A. common B. regular C. general D. ordinary
15. The spy was tried _______.
A. public B. in the public C. in a public D. in public
16. When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to _______ her umbrella.
A. carry B. fetch C. gather D. reach
17. The cost of the hotel room doesn’t usually _______ the price of breakfast.
A. include B. contain C. share D. hold
18. You must put your name and address on this side of the form, and then sign on the _______
A. back B. other C. opposite D. under
19. _______ ten minutes of the start of the game two players had been sent off.
A. Before B. Inside C. Within D. Around
20. They talked for three days before finally _______ to a decision.
A. coming B. reaching C. bringing D. arriving
21. The teachers at the school went _______ with ‘flu one after the other.
A. off . B. down C. out D. under
22. If you require any more _______ about the holiday, please telephone us.
A. information B. description C. news D. fact
23. What John says _______ true but I very much doubt it.
A. should be B. may be C. will be D. shall be
24. The by-laws say that all dogs _______ be kept on a lead in the park.
A. ought B. need C. have D. must
25. A wedding is a wonderful opportunity for _______ off new clothes.
A. wearing B. carrying C. showing D. putting
26. If you want to have a pet you must be ready to look _______ it for several years.
A. at B. for C. after D. over
27. I lost too much money betting at the races last time, so you won’t _______ me to go again.
A. convince B. impress C. urge D. persuade
28. After a lot of difficulty, he _______ to open the door.
A. managed B. succeeded C. obtained D. realised
29. You will become ill _______ you stop working so hard.
A. until B. unless C. when D. if
30. The child hurt himself badly when he fell _______ the bedroom window.
A. out of B. out from C. down D. over
31. The train will be leaving in five minutes so you _______ better hurry up.
A. should B. had C. will D. would
32. This is not the right _______ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen!
A. moment B. situation C. opportunity D. circumstance
33. He kept his job _______ the manager had threatened to sack him.
A. despite B. unless C. even D. although
34. Some people think it is _______ to use long and little-known words.
A. intentional B. clever C. skilled D. sensitive
35. Learners of English as a foreign language often fail to _______ between unfamiliar sounds
in that language.
A. distinguish B. differ C. separate D. solve
36. As the streets of our city become busier, people are turning more and more to the _______
A. historical B. old-aged C. old-fashioned D. elderly
37. I’m sorry, I haven’t got _______ change. Why don’t you try the bank?
A. some B. lots C. all D. any
38. Don’t hurry! There’s no need _______.
A. to run B. running C. run D. you run
39. These figures show a _______ in the number of unemployed people in England and Wales.
A. loss B. lessening C. reduction D. lowering
40. The water company will have to _______ off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are
carried out.
A. take B. cut C. break D. set
41. The students were slow to catch _______, but gradually they began to understand.
A. in B. away C. on D. out
42. My doctor _______ me to take up swimming as it is such good exercise.
A. suggested B. proposed C. said D. advised
43. The situation has _______ considerably since the New Year.
A. decreased B. lessened C. worsened D. lowered
44. The burglar _______ to open a window at the back of the house.
A. succeeded B. managed C. forced D. discovered
45. Dave and I have _______ to meet at the bus station at 9 o’clock.
A. confirmed B. combined C. arranged D. appointed
46. She isn’t _______ well with the new manager.
A. getting on B. going on C. keeping on D. taking on
47. I am _______ tired to think about that problem at the moment.
A. simply B. far too C. nearly D. much more
48. Newspapers vary greatly in their _______ to the government.
A. opinion B. view C. bias D. attitude
49. I have no _______ for people that can’t look after themselves.
A. care B. regard C. pity D. sympathy
50. The football match was so dull that most of the _______ left at half-time.
A. audience B. viewers C. onlookers D. crowd
1. John’s father ordered _______ not to stay out late again.
A. him B. to him C. that he D. for him
2. There is _______ to be a fortune on the sea-bed nearby.
A. told B. rumoured C. whispered D. written
3. They were _______ for smuggling jewellery into the country.
A. arrested B. judged C. accused D. warned
4. When the electricity failed, he _______ a match to find the candles.
A. rubbed B. scratched C. struck D. started
5. Nobody knows what the _______ of the explosion was.
A. cause B. source C. reaction D. reason
6. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to cut _______ the gas
supply to the flat.
A. down B. out C. across D. off
7. She refused to eat meat under any _______.
A. circumstances B. occasion C. opportunity D. reason
8. It was difficult to guess what her _______ to the news would be.
A. feelings B. reaction C. capital D. opinion
9. The company directors asked the government to _______ in the dispute and prevent a
A. interpose B. interact C. intercept D. intervene
10. After a long and exhausting journey, they arrived home _______.
A. finally B. by the end C. at last D. at the end
11. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually _______ to its original splendour.
A. repaired B. restored C. renewed D. renovated
12. I should be most grateful if you’d give me a _______ of this new typewriter.
A. showing B. display C. demonstration D. manifestation
13. £507 £707? Let’s _______ the difference and say £607.
A. avoid B. split C. agree D. decrease
14. Visitors are _______ to beware of pickpockets.
A. commanded B. informed C. advised D. notified
15. Sport provides an _______ for a teenager’s feeling of aggression or frustration.
A. overflow B. exit C. exhaust D. outlet
16. Do very young children really _______ foreign travel?
A. appreciate B. benefit C. delight D. evaluate
17. He’s determined to finish the job _______ long it takes.
A. whatever B. whenever C. no matter D. however
18. He _______ me to believe that they had left the district.
A. made B. assured C. led D. confirmed
19. He didn’t know anyone at the wedding _______ than the bride and groom.
A. except B. other C. apart D. rather
20. A relief _______ has been set up to help earthquake victims.
A. fund B. donation C. treasury D. collection
21. By going in person to the office which _______ the forms she was able to get what she
A. controlled B. offered C. issued D. disseminated
22. On _______ to power the new President announced a programme of social reforms.
A. arriving B. reaching C. achieving D. coming
23. Our salesmen normally _______ their travel expenses from the company once a month.
A. settle B. claim C. cover D. reimburse
24. This travel guide is very useful, but it does not _______ to cover every aspect of the
A. state B. announce C. claim D. expect
25. The purpose of the survey was to _______ the inspectors with local conditions.
A. inform B. notify C. instruct D. acquaint
26. The chances of a repetition of these events are _______ indeed.
A. slim B. distant C. unlikely D. narrow
27. That picture is somewhat _______ of Picasso’s early work.
A. mindful B. similar C. reminiscent D. memorable
28. TI*3re will of necessity be a _______ to the amount of money put at the new manager s
A. summit B. roof C. sky D. ceiling
29. When Jane won the prize, I _______ her on her success.
A. rejoiced B. congratulated C. approved D. appreciated
30. Ben’s wife is a terrible snob. She looks _______ almost all his friends because they have
north country accents.
A. up to B. forward to C. down on D. out on
31. The _______ of the Titanic was caused by an iceberg.
A. plunge B. sinking C. drowning D. descent
32. When you are an old age pensioner, you have to learn to _______ a very small income.
A. live on B. live up to C. live out D. live down
33. The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home, because I was _______ the
speed limit.
A. transcending B. exceeding C. surpassing D. overtaking
34. You can buy an iron at any _______ shop.
A. electric B. electrifying C. electrician D. electrical
35. The volcano on the island is still _______.
A. alive B. performing C. active D. busy
36. A great _______ of bees settled on our apple tree during a storm.
A. crowd B. buzz C. flock D. swarm
37. She _______ for lost time by studying at weekends.
A. got up B. made up C. set about D. put in
38. Mr Adams found time had begun to _______ after six months of retirement.
A. bore B. stretch C. drag D. pull
39. She arranged a party to help put the strangers at their _______.
A. ease B. pleasure C. delight D. comfort
40. We are _______ your request and will shortly reply to it.
A. thinking B. considering C. realising D. noticing
41. Although it was _______ jewellery, it looked real enough.
A. dishonest B. untrue C. invented D. imitation
42. As I felt so much better, my doctor _______ me to take a holiday by the sea.
A. advised B. considered C. accepted D. suggested
43. They all thought he was guilty, but no one could _______ anything against him.
A. point B. accuse C. ensure D. prove
44. The _______ of Brian’s furnished room is ten pounds a week.
A. rent B. wage C. cash D. payment
45. Having lost the match, the team travelled home in _______ spirits.
A. cold B. deep C. dark D. low
46. He is under sixteen, _______ he should not drive a car.
A. therefore B. so far as C. considering D. however
47. It was my first attempt; I _______ to do better next time.
A. suppose B. hope C. think D. feel
48 In some countries there have been widespread demands for the _______ of seal hunting.
A. extinction B. extermination C. abolition D. annihilation
49. Charles had very little interest in the museum: he gave each exhibit no more than a(n)
_______ glance.
A. transient B. cursory C. ephemeral D. temporary
50. When we had finished dinner, George asked the waiter to bring him the _______
A. total B. cost C. bill D. count
1. The car skidded to a halt after _______ its headlights smashed in the crash.
A. making B. letting C. having D. doing
2. There were no lifeboats on the ship because it was _______ to be unsinkable.
A. believed B. claimed C. told D. argued
3. He said that the plane had already left and that I _______ arrived an hour earlier.
A. must have B. had to C. should have D. was supposed to
4. You have to be rich to send a child to a private school because the fees are _______.
A. aeronautical B. astronomical C. astrological D. atmospherical
5. The mysterious case of the missing millionaire has become the _______ of considerable
interest in the press over the last few weeks.
A. middle B. target C. pin-point D. focus
6. Try and _______ on the bright side — the worst may never happen!
A. see B. look C. think D. consider
7. It’s distressing to see small children _______ in the streets.
A. pleading B. imploring C. begging D. entreating
8. Conversations you strike up with traveling acquaintances usually tend to be _______.
A. imperative B. perverse C. insufficient D. trivial
9. Being described by the Americans as a homemaker seems infinitely preferable to being
referred to as a(n) _______ housewife.
A. lone B. mere C. only D. sole
10. The small box _______ a tiny live terrapin.
A. contained B. comprised C. consisted of D. included
11 Judy does not _______ for Peter nearly enough to think of marrying him.
A. love B. desire C. care D. like
12. Several of my friends are _______ reporters.
A. newspapers B. newspaper C. newspaper’s D. newspapers’
13. News items are _______ to a stringent process of selection.
A. subject B. reliant C. determined D. dependent
14. Alice didn’t expect _______ to Bill’s party.
A. to ask B. being asked C. to be asked D. asking
15. I finally finished _______ at 7:00 p.m. and served dinner.
A. to cook B. to be cooked C. being cooked D. cooking
16. Gloria never seems to get tired. I sure wish I _______ her energy.
A. would have B. have C. had D. have had
17. A good teacher makes her students _______ the world from new perspectives.
A. to view B. view C. to be viewed D. viewing
18. We _______ have been married for twenty-three years on our next anniversary.
A. will B. should C. must D. could
19. There are several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one. Television is
A. the another B. the other C. other D. another
20. The electorate will not easily forgive the government for failing to fulfill its _______.
A. promises B. vows C. aspirations D. offers
21. I wish they _______ change their minds so often!
A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. mightn’t D. wouldn’t
22. Many of the jobs which have been created in this area can be directly _______ to tourism.
A. attributed B. dedicated C. attracted D. supported
23. Thousands of people use the _______ of footpaths across these hills.
A. grid B. network C. circuit D. channel
24. Surprisingly, the frontier guards seemed _______ at our presence.
A. unconscious B. uninterested C. unconcerned D. uncritical
25. Whenever he had an important decision to make, he _______ a cigar, supposedly to calm
his nerves!
A. had lit B. would have lit C. would be lighting D. would light
26. Despite the bad weather, he _______ get to the airport in time.
A. could B. couldn’t C. was able to D. almost
27. Alan and Susie _______ an argument. They’re not speaking to each other.
A. must have had B. might have C. must have D. might had
28. He _______ all his money, then closed the account.
A. took away B. took out C. paid in D. paid off
29. The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it’s worth _______ a packed lunch.
A. take B. to take C. taken D. taking
30. When British people go abroad, it takes them several days to get used to _______ on the
right-hand side of the road.
A. drive B. driving C. driven D. drove
31. The car is old but reliable; so far it hasn’t let me _______.
A. down B. up C. in D. through
32. There’s been no _______ the weather for nearly three days now. It’s rained non-stop.
A. improvement of B. improvement for
C. improving D. improvement in
33. The gun went _______ as he was cleaning it but luckily he wasn’t hurt.
A. out B. off C. by D. over
34. When the alarm went off, Mick just turned _______ and went back to sleep.
A. down B. up C. over D. out
35. I really like Joe’s dad but I don’t get _______ with his mother at all.
A. on B. by C. out D. through
36. Young children often express their anger by having temper _______.
A. attacks B. tantrums C. fits D. spells
37. He should have phoned the police. However angry he was, he shouldn’t have _______ the
laws into his own hands.
A. taken B. held C. had D. grasped
38. The assistant suggested _______ the next day when the manager would be there.
A. we are coming back B. we came back
C. we will come back D. to come back
39. Why don’t you both come _______ for dinner on Thursday? Kate and Bill are coming.
A. round B. in C. through D. past
40. By cutting down trees we _______ the natural habitat of birds and animals.
A. harm B. damage C. hurt D. injure
41. People have different ways of preparing _______.
A. their exams B. to exams C. in exams D. for exams
42. Many old people don’t like change. They are very set in their _______.
A. ways B. habits C. routines D. life
43. Susan _______ as a nurse for 3 years before her marriage.
A. has worked B. has been working C. is working D. worked
44. The government plan to _______ the price of petrol.
A. ascend B. heighten C. raise D. rise
45. If I were you, _______ phone and tell her you’re going to be late.
A. I B. I’ll C. I’d have D. I’d
46. Rosa suggested _______ a suit and tie when he went for the interview.
A. him to wear B. he must wear C. he wore D. that he wears
47. I love travelling in Scandinavia; the _______ is so beautiful there.
A. countryside B. country C. environment D. nature
48. I’ll have to buy some new shoes. None of the ones I’ve got _______ with the dress I’ve just
A. combine B. go C. match D. get on
49. The government are doing a _______ of people’s changing habits.
A. plan B. project C. research D. survey
50. In some countries children use pocket _______ when doing mathematics.
A. counters B. computers C. calculators D. robots
1. I remember Alison as a spotty young girl but she’s turned _______ a beautiful woman.
A. to B. into C. out D. on
2. You can’t drive a car unless you hold a driving _______.
A. permission B. ticket C. licence D. pass
3. At first the disease affected only his hands, but now it has _______ to his arms.
A. spread B. covered C. expanded D. entered
4. It was so cold at night that she took a hot water _______ to bed with her.
A. bag B. pot C. kettle D. bottle
5. I’d like to taste your cake in order to _______ it with mine.
A. review B. differ C. compare D. decide
6. Let’s wait here for her; I’m sure she’ll _______ before long.
A. turn up B. turn off C. turn down D. turn over
7. Although he is rich and famous, he lives in a _______ house in the village.
A. limited B. slight C. modest D. reserved
8. April is the month when many European trees _______ into leaf.
A. jump B. spring C. turn D. burst
9. I realised it would be far too _______ to walk alone through those ill-lit streets after dark.
A. bold B. daring C. risky D. courageous
10. The law proved so unpopular that it was _______ by the Government a year later.
A. repelled B. repulsed C. taken back D. repealed
11. The choir stood in four rows according to their _______ heights.
A. respectable B. respective C. respectful D. respected
12. There is often so much traffic on the main thoroughfares that motorists may be able to travel
faster on _______ roads.
A. subordinate B. local C. district D. minor
13. A cool drink _______ him after his long hot journey.
A. relaxed B. relieved C. refreshed D. recovered
14. He has to arrange for the _______ of his furniture before he goes abroad.
A. sale B. sole C. seal D. sail
15. Every day thousands of _______ fly the Atlantic for negotiations with American firms.
A. merchants B. dealers C. businessmen D. tradesmen
16. It is dangerous for any town to _______ the interests of its young people.
A. neglect B. lack C. express D. impress
17. Many strands were _______ together to make the rope really strong.
A. woven B. twisted C. revolved D. rolled
18. Your grandfather is rather tired so do not _______ your visit.
A. shorten B. lengthen C. delay D. prolong
19. No one is so _______ as the person who has no wish to learn.
A. unwise B. ignorant C. useless D. intelligent
20. The manager was pleased with the increased _______ from the factory.
A. outlet B. output C. outset D. outcome
21. Smoking is a dirty _______.
A. manner B. fashion C. habit D. custom
22. Can you tell me who is responsible _______ passports?
A. to check B. for checking C. about checking D. checking
23. I got very nervous during the exam. When the examiner asked my name, my mind went
completely _______.
A. empty B. void C. white D. blank
24. _______ you were all sitting at your desks working hard last week, we were sitting on a
plane bound for Hawaii.
A. Despite B. While C. As soon as D. Whenever
25. The other motorist drove right in front of me, I couldn’t avoid _______ his car.
A. hitting B. to hit C. hit D. from hitting
26. This school has the highest _______ standards in the area.
A. learning B. intelligence C. study D. academic
27. They are _______ to be married next year.
A. engaged B. prepared C. intended D. planned
28. The general was always _______ about his past campaigns.
A. praising B. boasting C. complimenting D. congratulating
29. The room was _______ of strangers.
A. full B. complete C. replete D. filled
30. Prices are very _______ these days.
A. big B. expensive C. high D increased
31. In Britain the _______ on a letter is now twelve pence.
A. posting B. postage C. post D. postal
32. The town stands on the south side of the _______ road to London.
A. top B. leading C. quick D. main
33. The Minister listened to arguments for and _______ the planned airport.
A. from B. away from C. against D. down
34. After the _______ of the climbers, the police were thanked for their work.
A. freedom B. rescue C. help D. safety
35. In some countries more and more young people now need _______ teeth.
A. unnatural B. spare C. untrue D. false
36. _______ that we were late, we began to run.
A. Knowing B. To know C. We knew D. As knowing
37. Henry _______ a rich man today if he had been more careful in the past.
A. will be B. is C. would be D. was
38. My father has an older brother he hasn’t seen _______ thirty years.
A. for B. from C. during D. since
39. Lee is _______ at the local Chinese restaurant. Four waiters work there altogether.
A. an waiter B. a waiter C. the waiter D. waiter
40. Roger’s _______ are £74 a week.
A. earns B. earned C. earnings D. earning
41. In the _______ of proof, the police could not take action against the man.
A. absence B. shortage C. want D. lack
42. This tool is not dangerous _______ it is used carelessly.
A. except B. whether C. only D. unless
43. In order to _______ with his studies he worked through the summer.
A. take on B. catch on C. catch up D. take up
44. This is the _______ church in the city.
A. elder B. elderly C. older D. oldest
45. I am _______ to come to the meeting on Monday evening, please apologise for my absence.
A. capable B. unable C. excused D. disliked
46. The school arranges a _______ to Brighton every year.
A. route B. passage C. trip D. travel
47. My uncle took _______ golf when he retired from work.
A. up B. on C. over D. after
48. A copy of our spring brochure is _______ with this letter.
A. combined B. attached C. delivered D. enclosed
49. To promote him so quickly you must have a very high _______ of his ability.
A. view B. opinion C. idea D. feeling
50. I am not in the least _______ about his opinion.
A. aware B. interested C. concerned D. regarded
1. He was very upset by the _______ of his English examination.
A. failure B. result C. effect D. success
2. The manager expected the team _______ because they hadn’t done enough training.
A. to be lost B. have lost C. to lose D. by losing
3. I have been looking for this book for months, and _______ I have found it.
A. at last B. in time C. at the end D. at present
4. When he heard the terrible noise he asked me what was _______ on.
A. happening B. being C. getting D, going
5. He _______ being given a receipt for the bill he had paid.
A. asked for B. demanded C. insisted on D. required
6. It is a great _______ that the exhibition was cancelled at the last minute after all your work.
A. pity B. sorrow C. complaint D. sadness
7. The job of student lodgings officer _______ many visits to landladies.
A. concerns B. offers C. asks D. involves
8. Last year the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it look as though we shall
have a better _______.
A. product B. crop C. amount D. outcome
9. The Chairman was so angry with the committee that he decided to _______ from it.
A. cancel B. postpone C. prevent D. resign
10. The wind blew so hard and so strongly that the windows _______ in their frames.
A. flapped B. slapped C. rattled D. shocked
11. _______ it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat.
A. Although B. In spite of C. However D. In spite
12. If it _______ fine, I shall go out.
A. was B. will be C. were D. is
13. I am going to have a short rest as I _______ a headache.
A. take B. have C. feel D. suffer
14. When you _______ him, give him my best wishes.
A. visit B. would visit C. will visit D. have visited
15. If you’re not too tired, we could have a _______ of tennis after lunch.
A. match B. game C. play D. party
16. The soldier was punished for _______ to obey his commanding officer’s orders.
A. objecting B. regretting C. refusing D. resisting
17. Phone me before ten; _______ I’ll be too busy to talk to you.
A. otherwise B. whether C. unless D. if
18. The World Cup is a football _______ which is open to all countries.
A. participation B. competition C. occasion D. involvement
19. After the campaign a special medal was _______ to all combatants.
A. gained B. deserved C. earned D. awarded
20. You’re _______ your time trying to persuade him; he’ll never help you.
A. losing B. spending C. wasting D. missing
21. By the time you receive this letter, I _______ for Japan.
A. will leave B. will have left C. would have left D. have left
22. Drug taking has become a major _______ in sport.
A. argument B. view C. case D. issue
23. People work mainly to _______ money.
A. pay B. finance C. earn D. win
24. Her eyes are her best _______.
A. feature B. aspect C. trait D. characteristic
25. We have those hats in a full _______ of colours.
A. total B. list C. range D. variety
26. The cut on my leg is taking a long time to _______.
A. remedy B. right C. cure D. heal
27. I don’t remember _______ the front door when I left home this morning.
A. locking B. to lock C. locked D. to have locked
28. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually _______
A. sinks B. lowers C. drops D. reduces
29. She put _______ speaking to him as long as possible.
A. over B. off C. away D. back
30. Banks only _______ money if they are sure it will be paid back.
A. borrow B. charge C. interest D. lend
31. His parents agreed to _______ him their car while they were away on holiday.
A. lend B. borrow C. hire D. let
32. I left my last job because I had no _______ to travel.
A. place B. opportunity C. position D. possibility
33. In order to buy his house he had to obtain a large _______ from his bank.
A. capital B. finance C. loan D. debt
34. She _______ drive to the station every day but then she suddenly decided to walk instead.
A. was used to B. had used to C. was using to D. used to
35. I cannot bear the noise of my brother’s radio; it _______ me from my work.
A. disturbs B. perturbs C. distracts D. interrupts
36. To prevent flooding in winter the water flowing from the dam is constantly _______ by a
A. monitored B. graded C. managed D. conducted
37. How many people do you think his car would _______?
A. occupy B. hold C. fit D. load
38. The leaders, sensing that war was _______, prepared their defences.
A. immediate B. immune C. imminent D. immense
39. If you don’t pay your bill, the Electricity Board will _______ your power supply.
A. disconnect B. sever C. dismantle D. uncouple
40. Under the circumstances it _______ be best to wait for a few weeks.’
A. seemed B. should C. might D. ought
41. Students sometimes support themselves by _______ of evening jobs.
A. means B. ways C. efforts D. methods
42. The newspaper did not mention the _______ of the damage caused by the fire.
A. range B. quantity C. amount D. extent
43. We sat on after the meal, _______ the taste of the fine brandy.
A. indulging B. savouring C. sipping D. sensing
44. Protests died down when they realised that the new tax _______ to only 50p a week.
A. added B. reached C. amounted D. approached
45. The prison was so well guarded that any thought of escape was _______.
A. despairing B. aimless C. desperate D. pointless
46. The student failed to meet the necessary _______ for admission to the course.
A. fulfilments B. qualities C. requirements D. aptitudes
47. No one really knows who composed this piece of music, but it has been _______ to Bach.
A. identified B. attributed C. referred D. associated
48. A property company was making a take-over _______ for the supermarket site.
A. proposition B. proposal C. tender D. bid
49. It’s the Prime Minister’s right to _______ an election at any time he likes.
A. summon B. nominate C. call D. submit
50. Marrying into such a rich family had always been _______ his wildest dreams.
A. beyond B. above C. over D. under
1. The dampness of the walls caused the paint to _______ off.
A. flake B. splinter C. crumble D. scale
2. Unfortunately, our local cinema is on the _______ of closing down.
A. threat B. hint C. edge D. verge
3. The door hinges had all been oiled to stop them _______.
A. shrieking B. screeching C. squeaking D. squealing
4. You should _______ at least three days for the journey.
A. allow B. permit C. accept D. expect
5. This film _______ several scenes which are very funny.
A. depicts B. pictures C. features D. illustrates
6. From an early lead, the team _______ to an embarrassing defeat.
A. dropped B. fell C. declined D. slumped
7. I bought this fridge because I had confidence in the _______ name.
A. mark B. brand C. commodity D. maker
8. When it started to snow he _______ his overcoat.
A. put on B. put in C. took off D. took out
9. We’re thinking of going _______ holiday to Spain.
A. in B. at C. on D. for
10. The government hopes to _______ its plans for introducing cable TV.
A. keep on B. turn out C. carry on D. carry out
11. You’re late again — please try to be _______ in future.
A. accurate B. efficient C. punctual D. reliable
12. The house is old and it’s in bad _______.
A. condition B. state C. damage D. situation
13. To be chosen to go to the moon would be the _______ of a lifetime.
A. fortune B. chance C. luck D. fate
14. He couldn’t afford to _______ his car repaired.
A. get B. make C. do D. pay
15. If _______ develops in your new TV within six months of purchase.
A. damage B. an error C. a mistake D. a fault
16. ... you will be _______ to a replacement.
A. allowed B. guaranteed C. entitled D. permitted
17. I would _______ you didn’t leave just at the moment.
A. advise B. like C. ask D. rather
18. His parents were so _______ that he ran away from home.
A. struck B. striped C. strict D. severe
19. Some friends at school _______ him to steal the sweets.
A. dared B. threatened C. let D. made
20. Can you _______ me to your parents when you next see them?
A. excuse B. remember C. forget D. remind
21. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are _______.
A. out of work B. out of reach C. out of stock D. out of practice
22. They bought the land with a _______ to building a new office block.
A. purpose B. view C. goal D. reason
23. Of course he can lift that! He’s as _______ as a horse.
A. tough B. big C. heavy D. strong
24. I _______ be most grateful if you could let me have the details as soon as possible.
A. should B. intend to C. ought to D. might
25. He was _______ thought of in the cut-throat world of competitive business.
A. high B. highly C. higher D. highest
26. He was disqualified for failing to _______ with the rules of the competition.
A. comply B. compete C. accommodate D. acquiesce
27. She _______ out of the house as fast as her legs would carry her.
A. strolled B. dashed C. ambled D. plunged
28. The soap opera star threatened to _______ her dentist for $10 million.
A. prosecute B. charge C. convict D. sue
29. We should make a clear _______ between “competent” and “proficient” for the purposes of
our discussion.
A. separation B. division C. distinction D. difference
30. Whatever happens, your father and I will always _______ you.
A. stand for B. stand by C. stand over D. stand in for
31. The bombardment from sea and air _______ large parts of the city.
A. liquidated B. abolished C. demolished D. drowned
32. The new production of Othello is very ambitious and extremely interesting, but somehow it
doesn’t quite _______.
A. come off B. come through C. come out D. come round
33. Four people drowned when the yacht _______ in a sudden storm.
A. inverted B. capsized C. upset D. overflowed
34. The proposed _______ of Micro Industries and SJ Electronics would make the new
company the largest electronics firm in Britain.
A. merger B. combination C. fusion D. mixture
35. The suspect was unable to _______ for his movements on the evening of May 6.
A. recount B. swear C. account D. explain
36. His greediness was _______ to his often going hungry as a child.
A. set down B. put back C. put up D. put down
37. I was only trying _______ things into perspective so we could write a proper report.
A. putting B. to set C. to put D. arranging
38. Put some oil on that tight nut; that might _______ the trick.
A. make B. prove C. work D. do
39. Let’s _______ a coin to decide which film to go to.
A. turn B. revolve C. toss D. twist
40. He still looks _______ after his illness.
A. discoloured B. pale C. dull D. fair
41. The car was repaired but not quite to the owner’s _______.
A. joy B. pleasure C. regard D. satisfaction
42. I saw a _______ good film on TV last night.
A. lovely B. nice C. pretty D. beautiful
43. There was no one in the house, but the _______ of the meal lay on the table.
A. remains B. remainders C. ruins D. records
44. Although the family trusted her, she _______ them down badly.
A. put B. let C. set D. left
45. That house always _______ me of a holiday I spent in Switzerland.
A. reminds B. recalls C. connects D. awakens
46. She was so _______ with the noise that she sent the children to bed.
A. taken over B. blown out C. filed in D. fed up
47. Mr Smith is very fat; he ought to _______ some weight.
A. give B. lose C. throw D. waste
48. She _______ several times in her chair and then at last she went to sleep.
A. dropped B. shook C. nodded D. sank
49. Edward has found a bigger flat and is _______ move into it.
A. about to B. on the way C. near to D. ready for
50. Their cheerful voice showed their they were having a _______ discussion.
A. heated B. serious C. deep D. friendly
1. In all English towns there is a speed _______ of 30 miles an hour.
A. limit B. allowance C. condition D. control
2. He said he wished to _______ the opportunity to thank us for our work.
A. turn B. gain C. fetch D. take
3. He was making a _______ house for his daughter’s birthday.
A. child’s B. toy C. doll’s D. baby’s
4. Whenever he writes to his parents, he _______ a cheque with his letter.
A. contributes B. encloses C. reserves D. contains
5. The doorway is low, so _______ your head when you go in.
A. mark B. attend C. mind D. take care
6. He argued _______ in favour of the proposal.
A. forcefully B. heavily C. severely D. hardly
7. Since we’ve had TV, attendances at cinemas have _______.
A. descended B. settled C. disappeared D. fallen off
8. She is a cheerful girl, with a _______ laugh.
A. solid B. hearty C. thrilling D. bodily
9. She gave him some money, just enough to buy a _______ of cigarettes.
A. bundle B. parcel C. packet D. case
10. He wrote his name _______ and carefully at the top of the paper.
A. clearly B. largely C. seriously D. attentively
11. As we can wait no longer for the delivery of your order, we have to _______ it.
A. postpone B. refuse C. delay D. cancel
12. The melting of the snow has caused flooding by _______ rivers.
A. swollen B. expanded C. prolonged D. extended
13. He _______ spends his holidays in the mountains though occasionally he goes to the
seaside instead.
A. constantly B. invariably C. usually D. always
14. The bank _______ planned to escape in a stolen car.
A. thieves B. bandits C. burglars D. robbers
15. A horse drives the _______ from its body with its tail.
A. flies B. wasps C. ants D. spiders
16. A force of desperate men burst out of the besieged city and _______ the army that had
surrounded them.
A. submitted B. broke down C. gained D. defeated
17. The campers _______ their tent in a sheltered valley.
A. established B. installed C. pitched D. fixed
18. The floods did not start to _______ until two days after the rain had stopped.
A. retire B. depart C. retreat D. recede
19. The jury returned a(n) _______ of “not guilty”.
A. sentence B. verdict C. charge D. evidence
20. If you like skiing, there’s a ski _______ under an hour’s driving from Madrid.
A. resort B. station C. place D. port
21. I can’t stop eating chocolate. I’ve been _______ on it since I was about four years old.
A. addicted B. hooked C. fixed D. enslaved
22. Where have you been? I’ve been trying _______ you for nearly an hour.
A. phoning B. phone C. to phone D. for phoning
23. Some people are _______ interested in animals than in other people.
A. further B. far more C. much D. most
24. We can’t go skating. The _______ has been closed for repairs.
A. rink B. course C. ring D. pitch
25. People have nothing to do in their _______ time.
A. amusement B. leisure C. sports D. entertainment
26. Why don’t you do something _______ of just complaining?
A. instead B. except C. apart D. but
27. The children got into the garden through a gap _______ the fence.
A. of B. at C. through D. in
28. Can you deliver this letter _______ hand?
A. with B. by C. in D. to
29. As I liked the photo I had it _______.
A. lengthened B. widened C. sized D. enlarged
30. Mrs Smith always likes someone to _______ her to the bus stop at night.
A. go B. company C. accompany D. join
31. _______ we had been invited to dinner, we wore our best suits.
A. Though B. As C. If D. If so
32. My younger sister is very _______ and so she loves going out but I am much quieter and
prefer to stay at home.
A. enjoyable B. funny C. pleasing D. lively
33. In Britain the _______ are all painted red.
A. letter boxes B. letters box C. letters boxes D. letter’s boxes
34. There’s no prettier place in the valley _______ our village.
A. to B. that C. than D. as
35. You shouldn’t go to the meeting _______ you’ve got an invitation.
A. except B. if not C. without D. unless
36. Susan couldn’t help _______ at the fat man.
A. to laugh B. laughed C. laughing D. for laughing
37. _______ another cup of tea, Janet?
A. Do you like B. Would you like C. Will you like D. Did you like
38. After the storm the _______ of a small ship was thrown up on the shore.
A. damage B. breakage C. wreckage D. wastage
39. The firemen fought for three hours before they managed to _______ the fire.
A. put out B. give up C. break off D. cutback
40. Those who completed the race were greeted _______ handshakes and kisses.
A. in B. to C. with D. from
41. Most of the students agreed on the plan but a few _______ it.
A. argued B. differed C. failed D. opposed
42. _______ to animals is forbidden by law.
A. Cruel B. Cruelty C. The cruel D. Cruelly
43. Catching the earlier train will give us the _______ to do some shopping.
A. opportunity B. luck C. possibility D. occasion
44. We have agreed _______ the need for firm action.
A. for B. on C. in D. at
45. Their aim is to _______ up a new political party.
A. set B. stand C. strike D. show
46. At the end of the day we watch a little television _______ going to bed.
A. then B. before C. upon D. during
47. Too much exercise can be harmful but walking is good _______ you.
A. to B. by C. for D. with
48. Although this wine is quite cheap, it is very _______.
A. drinkable B. drinking C. drank D. drunk
49. Children in large families learn how to get _______ with other people.
A. across B. away C. along D. through
50. All courses at the college are offered on a full-time basis unless _______ indicated.
A. further B. differently C. below D. otherwise
1. After Joe’s mother died, he was _______ up by his grandmother.
A. taken B. brought C. grown D. drawn
2. If you keep trying, you might _______ to do it.
A. succeed B. discover C. understand D. manage
3. My employer’s _______ of my work does not matter to me at all.
A. meaning B. opinion C. belief D. expression
4. I don’t think that red dress _______ her.
A. cheers B. matches C. suits D. agrees
5. I knew him _______ I was a child.
A. when B. until C. as D. during
6. Wait _______ you get home before you unpack your parcel.
A. to B. after C. when D. until
7. It is _______ knowledge in the village that Mr and Mrs Thorne quarrel violently several
times a week.
A. common B. complete C. normal D. usual
8. The shop assistant was _______ helpful, but she felt he could have given her more advice.
A. entirely B. exactly C. quite D. totally
9. The explorers walked all the way along the river from its mouth to its _______
A. cause B. source C. well D. outlet
10. I have lived near the railway for so long now that I’ve grown _______ to the noise of the
A. aware B. familiar C. unconscious D. accustomed
11. As far as I’m _______ it’s quite all right for you to leave early.
A. concerned B. regarded C. consulted D. bothered
12. We have _______ of time to catch the train so there’s no need to rush.
A. very much B. enough C. plenty D. great deal
13. _______ of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement.
A. On behalf B. In place C. Instead D. On account
14. My parents _______ that they will move to the seaside when my father retires next year.
A. thinking B. think C. will think D. thought
15. _______ accepting your offer, I’d like to know a bit more about the company.
A. In advance B. In order C. Until D. Before
16. She’ll be a millionaire by the time she _______ forty.
A. is B. was C. will be D. is going to be
17. I don’t _______ locking the door.
A. remind B. forget C. remember D. accept
18. A _______ is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the bank robber.
A. prize B. reward C. notice D. repayment
19 They travelled to Spain by the most _______ route.
A. easy B. straight C. direct D. unique
20. It’s time we _______ away with our old-fashioned prisons.
A. shall do B. do C. have done D. did
21. The President made a wonderful _______.
A. speech B. talk C. lecture D. message
22. There was no _______ in waiting longer than half an hour so we left.
A. good B. worth C. point D. use
23. Many countries _______ to compete in the 1980 Olympics.
A. denied B. protested C. rejected D. refused
24. The population of the town can be divided into three main _______.
A. lists B. groups C. gangs D. tribes
25. Most sports _______ team-work.
A. involve B. imply C. apply D. infer
26. The Belgian football player, Van Moer, is _______ the question of retirement.
A. considering B. deciding C. contributing D. thinking
27. Keeping the ball out of the net is the _______ responsibility of the goalkeeper.
A. own B. individual C. sole D. unique
28. For this recipe to be successful, you _______ cook the meat for at least two hours in a
moderate oven.
A. need B. will C. ought D. must
29. She wondered _______ her father looked like now, after so many years away.
A. how B. what C. whose D. that
30. _______ of the committee, I’d like to thank you for your generous donation.
A. In addition B. According C. Together D. On behalf
31. Several items of _______ were found on the river bank.
A. clothing B. dress C. costume D. clothes
32. The meeting had to be put _______ until a later date.
A. away B. on C. off D. up
33. My passport _______, so I will have to get a new one.
A. elapsed B. expired C. ended D. terminated
34. The usual reason for exemption from tax does not _______ in this case.
A. impose B. regard C. apply D. concern
35. The World Bank has criticised Britain for not giving enough financial _______ to
developing countries.
A. allowance B. provision C. loan D. aid
36. The government made serious attempts to raise the _______ of living.
A. level B. cost C. standard D. mode
37. His mother’s illness had placed him under a considerable _______.
A. tension B. stress C. worry D. strain
38. There is a lot of friendly _______ between the supporters of the two teams.
A. rivalry B. contest C. contention D. defiance
39. He did not share his secrets with many people but he _______ in her.
A. confessed B. confided C. consented D. concealed
40. My throat infection left me very _______ and made talking difficult.
A. speechless B. dumb C. hoarse D. inarticulate
41. One way of cutting down waste is to _______ such things as glass and paper.
A. recycle B. renew C. repeat D. redirect
42. After a quick _______ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.
A. gaze B. stare C. glance D. glimpse
43. That minister’s _______ of party politics is well known to the public.
A. disgust B. opposition C. objection D. dislike
44. It was a serious quarrel, and they took a long time to make it _______.
A. over B. away C. up D. out
45. Supposing I _______ to agree to your request, how do you think the other students would
A. would B. am C. could D. were
46. He’s only in his twenties but he’s already going _______.
A. bald B. bare C. bony D. smooth
47. _______ had the van turned the corner than the wheel came off.
A. Scarcely B. No sooner C. No longer D. Hardly
48. _______ had they recovered from the first earthquake when they felt the second tremor.
A. Scarcely B. Just C. No sooner D. Never
49. _______ his advice, I would never have got the job.
A. Except B. Apart from C. But for D. As for
50. He realised that the manager was angry from the _______ tone he adopted.
A. smooth B. curt C. brief D. high
1. _______ the government fall, the stock market will crash.
A. Provided B. Should C. In case D. Had
2. A man’s pay usually _______ on the number of hours he works in a week.
A. results B. starts C. follows D. depends
3. Mary attempted to _______ herself with her new boss by volunteering to take on extra
A. ingratiate B. please C. gratify D. commend
4. _______ of the financial crisis, all they could do was hold on and hope that things would
A. At the bottom B. On the top C. At the height D. In the end
5. Sales of margarine rose last year _______ those of butter.
A. at the expense of B. at a loss of
C. comparing D. with regard to
6. All the applicants for the post are thoroughly _______ for their suitability.
A. searched B. vetted C. investigated D. scrutinised
7. This new advertising campaign is not _______ with our company policy.
A. matched B. allied C. suited D. consistent
8. _______ of recent political developments he was taken by surprise on his arrival in the
A. Unaware B. Unacquainted C. Unexpected D. Unknowing
9. Because both teams came from the same town, the stadium was packed with _______.
A. playgoers B. spectators C. public D. audience
10. He doesn’t travel as much _______ he used to.
A. that B. than C. what D. as
11. Are you used _______ on your own?
A. to working B. to work C. at work D. with working
12. _______ Richard is a businessman, his brother is a rock singer.
A. However B. Yet C. Whereas D. Despite
13. Just try and _______ what life would be like without paper.
A. guess B. imagine C. fancy D. suppose
14. If you run _______ Steve, give him my best wishes.
A. over B. up C. to D. into
15. “I really don’t like the idea.” “Neither _______ I.”
A. like B. don’t C. do D. nor
16. It took him ages to _______ living in the new town.
A. get used to B. accustomed C. used to D. use to
17. He’ll always be the same - a leopard never changes its _______.
A. pattern B. stripes C. spots D. coat
18. Tomorrow’ morning we are going to _______ mushroom.
A. pluck B. pick C. choose D. select
19. The _______ listened attentively to every word the vicar said in his sermon.
A. sightseers B. audience C. spectators D. congregation
20. Many _______ crafts such as weaving are now being revived.
A. traditional B. customary C. habitual D. ordinary
21. He said the club was very _______ for the members’ help and support.
A. welcome B. pleasant C. willing D. grateful
22. There is no _______ that the new agricultural policy has been in any way disastrous.
A. indication B. indiscretion C. indecision D. inducement
23. The sheep were huddled into a _______ to protect them from overnight frosts.
A. kennel B. pen C. hutch D. cage
24. We failed to lay eyes on a tiger during our expedition, _______ film one.
A. apart from B. not to mention C. let alone D. but for
25. Certain details in the contract still remain to be _______ out.
A. flattened B. borne C. ironed D. dealt
26. There is a _______ resemblance between the two of them.
A. biting B. piercing C. striking D. shining
27. The young lad was the _______ of his father.
A. image B. likeness C. picture D. portrait
28. I dread having to speak to my boss. He’s such a(n) _______ character that I never know
how he’s going to react.
A. transitory B. volatile C. impermanent D. fleeting
29. In many parts of the world, crop failure means _______, which leads to the death of many
people each year.
A. famine B. desert C. drought D. shortcoming
30. The curtains were put up only three months ago, but they have _______ badly.
A. shaded B. lightened C. dimmed D. faded
31. This is a nice _______ spot. Let’s have our picnic here.
A. separate B. stagnant C. secluded D. motionless
32. The paper was so thin that the _______ of the pencil went right through it.
A. end B. point C. edge D. tail
33. Who do you think I _______ in the library this morning?
A. ran down B. ran over C. ran in D. ran across
34. You can’t see five yards in _______ fog like that.
A. solid B. fat C. thick D. wet
35. The swamp area _______ in crocodiles.
A. abounds B. unbounds C. rebounds D. bounds
36. The jury _______ the defendant “not guilty”.
A. gave B. returned C. found D. subscribed
37. Don’t pick _______ me just because you want someone you can blame.
A. at B. up C. out D. on
38. The manager _______ one of the hotel servants of stealing the money.
A. accused B. blamed C. complained D. scolded
39. He passed the _______ test but he failed the written examination.
A. skillful B. working C. practical D. efficient
40. When I finally got through to the BBC, the switchboard operator said she would try to
_______ me.
A. attach B. connect C. link D. combine
41. _______ he hasn’t any formal qualifications, he has managed to do very well for himself.
A. Despite B. Notwithstanding C. Whereas D. Although
42. During the storm we took _______ in the doorway of a shop.
A. rescue B. shelter C. guard D. caution
43. Please do not _______ from me when I am talking to you.
A. turn away B. turn down C. turn off D. turn back
44. As the train left the station, they _______ good-bye to their friends.
A. raised B. waved C. shook D. handed
45. It was a good game, and at the end the _______ was Scotland 4, Ireland 3.
A. total B. balance C. record D. score
46. To _______ the best results, mix the powder with warm water.
A. find B. obtain C. prepare D. expect
47. We need some sunshine; so we have _______ up our minds to go abroad this year.
A. turned B. set C. brought D. made
48. The drunken men were arrested for causing a _______ in the street.
A. violence B. crisis C. disturbance D. chaos
49. Although he supports the council, he does not take an active _______ in politics.
A. charge B. affair C. play D. part
50. We’re hoping to buy a house next year, so we’ve been putting _______ a certain amount of
money each month towards the deposit.
A. by B. together C. in D. up
1. Before he goes to bed, he makes sure all the taps are _______ off tightly.
A. stopped B. shut C. closed D. dripped
2. There’s a rumour that the National Bank is going to _______ the company I work for.
A. take over B. overtake C. take on D. take off
3. He’s a _______ drinker and can nearly always be found in the hotel bar.
A. full B. heavy C. high D. strong
4. After his service to the country, he was _______ with a knighthood.
A. raised B. granted C. improved D. honoured
5. The professor’s book _______ a new interest in local history.
A. startled B. disturbed C. awakened D. upset
6. The men spent all day _______ water out of the flooded houses.
A. blowing B. sucking C. forcing D. pumping
7. He gave me a brief _______ of his plans.
A. border B. surface C. outline D. frame
8. The student waited with some slight _______ while his teacher stood reading his exercise.
A. apprehension B. terror C. dread D. horror
9. I doubt whether he can keep _______ his efforts much longer as he looks very tired.
A. in B. up C. on D. on with
10. Far more should be done to _______ the sufferings of unwanted domestic pets.
A. remedy B. improve C. remove D. alleviate
11. He says he would write an English course book if he could find a(n) _______ to deal with
the less interesting parts.
A. accomplice B. collaborator C. ally D. partner
12. You will _______ your hand if you put it into that hot water.
A. scorch B. bake C. scald D. boil
13. My aunt _______ a brightly-coloured thread round her finger so as not to forget her
A. curved B. wound C. wounded D. bound
14. She worships the sun and _______ she always spends her holidays in Greece.
A. accordingly B. nevertheless C. yet D. however
15. Can you take the day off tomorrow?
Well, I’ll have to get _______ from my boss.
A. allowance B. licence C. permit D. permission
16. The headlights of the approaching car were so _______ that the cyclist had to stop riding.
A. gleaming B. dazzling C. glittering D. glowing
17. He has recently got an interesting _______ in a textile factory.
A. job B. employment C. work D. occupation
18. Normally he is rather _______ but sometimes he talks freely about himself.
A. sociable B. serious C. reserved D. peaceful
19. Deirdre and Paul have just bought a small house _______ of the town.
A. in the district B. on the outskirts
C. in the suburb D. in the edge
20. This time tomorrow _______ by my swimming pool.
A. I’ll be relaxing B. I’m relaxing C. I relax D. I’m relaxed
21. My father doesn’t like any kind of change. He’s very _______ in his ways.
A. fixed B. established C. determined D. set
22. _______ the pastry thinly and cover the dish with it.
A. Roll B. Flatten C. Press D. Stretch
23. The party starts at 8 o’clock so I’ll _______ at 7.45.
A. look for you B. fetch you C. pick you up D. pick up you
24. I’ve been feeling ill all week, so I’m going to see my doctor for a _______.
A. check-off B. check-out C. check-in D. check-up
25. Don’t put Graham in charge of arranging the theatre trip: he’s too _______
A. unorganized B. inorganized C. disorganized D. organized
26. Unless it stops raining, _______ the tennis tournament.
A. they cancel B. they’d cancel
C. they’ll cancel D. they’d have cancelled
27. Is that the woman _______ is going out with Alicia?
A. whose son B. that’s son
C. the son of whom D. the son of who
28. Unemployment _______ by 4% since January and now stands at just under three million.
A. was raised B. has risen C. was raised D. rose
29. The smell of floor polish still brings _______ memories of my old school.
A. on B. up C. back D. over
30. He was _______ with robbery, found guilty and sent to prison.
A. accused B. charged C. convicted D. sentenced
31. Amy and Rosalind look like sisters but actually they’re not _______.
A. family B. relation C. related D. familiar
32. The new hospital will be opened by the well _______ actor John Miner.
A. famous B. known C. celebrated D. prominent
33. The doctor has advised _______ less coffee.
A. me to drink B. me drink C. me drinking D. I will drink
34. Next summer, we’re _______ a swimming pool built in our back garden.
A. making B. having C. letting D. deciding
35. By the year 2020, many people currently employed _______ their jobs.
A. have lost B. are losing C. will be losing D. will have lost
36. They had lunch together in the school _______.
A. canteen B. restaurant C. cafe D. bar
37. I’m really looking forward _______ to university.
A. to go B. to going C. going D. go
38. If you _______ a crime, you must expect to suffer the consequences.
A. perform B. make C. commit D. do
39. Oh no! I don’t believe it! My purse _______!
A. has been stolen B. is stolen C. was stolen D. is being stolen
40. I’m afraid we can’t raise your salary this year. The company’s operating on a very _______
A. hard B. close C. cheap D. tight
41. In their latest attack, terrorists have attempted to blow _______ the White House.
A. through B. over C. up D. down
42. Although we’ve been interviewing all day, we haven’t _______ a suitable applicant.
A. succeeded to find B. able to find
C. managed finding D. managed to find
43. I hear Emma’s been offered a place at university. She _______ be really pleased.
A. must B. might C. may D. can
44. Chris is in a terrible state. Her house was _______ last night.
A. robbed B. stolen C. burgled D. broken in
45. Lack of sleep can have a noticeable _______ your performance at work.
A. effect to B. effect in C. effect on D. affect on
46. Many young people travel all over the world, and do all kinds of jobs before they _______.
A. lie down B. touch down C. put down D. settle down
47. It’s not true. He’s _______ a lot of nonsense.
A. speaking B. talkingC. saving D. telling
48. The evening with my old school friends brought _______ a lot of happy memories.
A. back B. in C. round D. up
49. Overwork is _______ to cause increased stress.
A. possible B. probably C. obviously D. likely
50. You really must make some _______ if you are going to succeed.
A. try B. attempt C. effort D. work
1. Dr Jones has received an award for her great _______ in treating leukemia
A. achievements B. activities C. deeds D. undertaking
2. Their house is the _______ of the whole street.
A. jealousy B. envy C. desire D. need
3. Jan didn’t check she had enough petrol before she left, _______ was careless of her.
A. which B. it C. that D. what
4. My uncle is very _______ with his money.
A. nice B. giving C. kind D. free
5. Fortunately, nobody was _______ in the accident.
A. damaged B. wounded C. injured D. broken
6. The police asked me for _______ on the accident.
A. informations B. information
C. an information D. some informations
7. He was seen crying, and his face _______ red with shame.
A. turned B. broke C. caught D. suffered
8. I think you’ll win the race; indeed we all think _______.
A. to . B. not C. such D. so
9. I’m glad to say that she has now _______ her illness.
A. got into B. got on C. got over D. got around
10. Although they are poor, they have _______ five children well.
A. brought up B. taken up C. grown up D. pulled up
11. Susan is in the kitchen looking for something _______.
A. for eating B. to eat C. to eating D. eating
12. Let the boy _______ it himself before you offer to help.
A. try B. to try C. will try D. trying
13. The doctor sent him to bed, saying he was much _______ to go to work.
A. very ill B. too ill C. ill enough D. ill
14. We’ve kept this seat for you. It’s _______ comfortable chair we have.
A. the more B. the very much C. the most D. much too
15. The _______ were all invited to the school.
A. boys’ parents B. boys parents’ C. boys’ parents’ D. boys parents
16. Janet’s plane to New York was an hour late _______.
A. rising up B. moving away C. taking off D. pulling out
17. We were all too hungry to wait _______ longer for supper.
A. the B. some C. more D. any
18. She has to work hard to keep the house _______ and tidy with three small children.
A. smooth B. ordered C. neat D. plain
19. The salesman showed us _______ the washing machine.’
A. for using B. to work C. the working of D. how to use
20. The farmer was very angry _______ the dogs chasing his sheep.
A. for B. with C. about D. because
21. In a break-in last week the burglars _______ all my jewellery but left the picture.
A. took B. have taken C. take D. were taking
22. There was nothing to _______ him with the burglary until the police found a gold ring in
his car.
A. fix B. link C. place D. join
23. There are _______ people who always cause trouble.
A. these B. that C. any D. some
24. It’s a very nice drink; I’m sure you would like it if you _______ it.
A. tested B. tried C. proved D. surveyed
25. I phoned the bank to _______ how much money there was in my account.
A. check B. inspect C. test D. control
26. You’ll have to hurry because the _______ train leaves in ten minutes.
A. last B. latter C. latest D. least
27. This is a photograph of the school I _______ when I lived in Swindon.
A. used B. assisted C. attended D. joined
28. The purpose of the examination was to _______ the students’ knowledge of the subject.
A. try B. test C. prove D. inspect
29. The three friends all _______ for the same job.
A. requested B. referred C. intended D. applied
30. I have absolutely no doubt _______ the innocence of the accused.
A. over B. about C. on D. with
31. He hit the vase with his elbow and it _______ to the floor.
A. broke B. smashed C. crashed D. knocked
32. All students leaving college at the end of term must leave their addresses so that letters can
be sent _______.
A. forward B. on C. through D. to
33. Can you _______ the papers with you when you come to see me, please?
A. bring B. collect C. take D. get
34. He was afraid of losing his suitcase so he tied a _______ on it on which he had written his
name and address.
A. badge B. label C. mark D. notice
35. In spite of her protests, her father _______ her train for the race three hours a day.
A. let B. caused C. insisted D. made
36. I can’t make _______ what’s happening.
A. out B. away C. do D. over
37. I expect it will rain again when we’re on holiday this year; but at least we are properly
prepared _______ it this time.
A. about B. at C. with D. for
38. Since the accident he has walked with a _______.
A. slope B. lame C. limp D. strain
39 The doctor gave the patient _______ examination to discover the cause of his collapse.
A. a universal B. a thorough C. an exact D. a whole
40. He had to leave early, _______ ne?
A. hasn’t B. mustn’t C. didn’t D. shouldn’t
41. Some of the passengers spoke to reporters about their _______ in the burning plane.
A. occasion B. experience C. event D. happening
42. Fortunately, the machine was not _______ when it caught fire.
A. in order B. in ruins C. in progress D. in use
43. He was offered the job _______ his qualifications were poor.
A. despite B. in spite of C. even though D. whereas
44. Scientists have discovered a close _______ between smoking and several serious diseases.
A. connection B. action C. union D. combination
45. We are _______ him to arrive at any moment.
A. waiting B. hoping C. expecting D. wishing
46. She came in quietly _______ not to wake the baby.
A. as if B. so as C. such as D. if so
47. The child was told to eat all his vegetables or _______ he would get no ice-cream.
A. in case B. in fact C. instead D. else
48. Sport is sometimes used by governments as a tool of foreign _______.
A. policy B. political C. politics D. politician
49. Violence at football matches is a symptom of problems in _______.
A. nation B. state C. fraternity D. society
50. Sportsmen _______ their political differences on the sports field.
A. put aside B. take part C. take place D. keep apart
1. The Grand Canyon is the product of centuries of _______.
A. erosion B. crumbling C. deterioration D. decay
2. Some people enjoy training; for others it is only a _______ to an end.
A. tool B. method C. way D. means
3. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you _______ to leave?
A. about B. planned C. around D. thinking
4. She _______ her neighbour’s children for the broken window.
A. accused B. complained C. blamed D. denied
5. Don’t forget to _______ the alarm clock for six o’clock tomorrow morning.
A. put B. ring C. wind D. set
6. She had no _______ of selling the clock - it had belonged to her grandfather.
A. interest B. meaning C. intention D. opinion
7. When the starter gave the _______ all the competitors in the race began to run round the
A. warning B. signal C. shot D. show
8. The Department is also deeply _______ in various improvement schemes.
A. connected B. entailed C. implied D. involved
9. We don’t sell foreign newspapers because there is no _______ for them.
A. demand B. claim C. requirement D. request
10. After a short holiday, he _______ himself once more to his studies.
A. converted B. applied C. engaged D. exerted
11. He is not under arrest, nor have the police placed any _______ on his movements.
A. restriction B. obstacle C. veto D. regulation
12. The other transport unions gave the railway workers their _______.
A. agreement B. solidarity C. backing D. alliance
13. He read it through quickly so as to get the _______ of it before settling down to a thorough
A. gist B. run C. core D. detail
14. Before you can start a business, you will have to raise the necessary _______
A. investment B. capital C. savings D. income
15. _______ all my efforts, I will not have the report ready by Friday.
A. Making B. No matter C. Despite D. Considering
16. A glass of wine now and then won’t _______ you any harm.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
17. He was very taken _______ by her aggressive attitude.
A. about B. aback C. apart D. aside
18. At school he had a good academic record, and also _______ at sports.
A. prevailed B. achieved C. excelled D. surpassed
19. As he approached the end of the race, he found it hard to _______ his speed.
A. carry on B. keep on C. persevere D. maintain
20. I hope you won’t take _______ if tell you the truth.
A. annoyance B. offence C. resentment D. irritation
21. She always _______ the smell of fresh bread with her mother, who loved baking.
A. remembered B. attributed C. exemplified D. associated
22. The judge said the thief had shown complete _______ for the law.
A. ignorance B. disregard C. disobedience D. negligence
23. These suggestions are _______ to be accepted by the majority of members.
A. undoubtedly B. impossible C. unlikely D. inconceivable
24. The unscrupulous salesman _______ the old couple out of their life savings.
A. swindled B. deprived C. robbed D. extracted
25. Frank would be more popular in the office if he didn’t try so hard to _______ himself with
the boss.
A. regard B. sympathise C. ingratiate D. congratulate
26. The politician tried to arouse the crowd, but most of them were _______ to his arguments.
A. closed B. dead C. indifferent D. careless
27. Your argument _______ that Britain is still a great power, but this is no longer the case.
A. outlines B. presupposes C. concerns D. presents
28. You are under no obligation _______ to accept this offer.
A. indeed B. eventually C. whatsoever D. apart
29. Could you possibly _______ me at the next committee meeting?
A. stand in for B. make up for C. fall back on D. keep in with
30. She should have been here but she’s gone _______ flu.
A. through with B. back on C. down with D. down by
31. She expressed her _______ for certain kinds of cheaply-produced movies.
A. disapproval B. disloyalty C. dissatisfaction D. distaste
32. He became a millionaire by _______ of hard work and a considerable amount of luck.
A. process B. dint C. effect D. cause
33. He’s a very difficult person to _______ with.
A. deal B. do C. get D. treat
34. She’s _______ a kind person that she can never say no to anyone.
A. so B. quite C. very D. such
35. I must remember to put that dinner invitation in my _______.
A. agenda B. diary C. record D. journal
36. You can look up the number in the phone _______.
A. index B. register C. directory D. dictionary
37. He’s been teaching music for years, but he hasn’t any _______.
A. examinations B. qualifications C. experiences D. experience
38. I don’t know the _______ price, but it costs about £50.
A. accurate B. true C. proper D. exact
39. In a dream he had a _______ of the future.
A. view B. reflection C. vision D. image
40. My brother lives on the fifteenth floor of that _______ of flats.
A. house B. building C. tower D. block
41. If I _______ the chance, I would have trained to be a doctor.
A. would have had B. had had C. would have D. have had
42. Don’t worry, it’s just a difficult stage. She’ll _______ it.
A. grow out of B. get through to
C. get up to D. get on with it
43. The crime _______ seems to be going up and up.
A. percentage B. wave C. figures D. rate
44. I am _______ the habit of reading in bed.
A. on B. in C. of D. from
45. In order not to jerk the vehicle you must release the _______ gently.
A. clutch B. dashboard C. windscreen D. indicator
46. Not _______ did she refuse to speak to him, but she also vowed never to see him again.
A. even B. at all C. only D. always
47. I do _______ with your predicament but things could be a lot worse, you know.
A. sympathise B. agree C. share D. feel
48. The left wing of the party prospers _______ the right wing seems to be losing ground.
A. until B. whether C. unless D. while
49. To be _______. I couldn’t understand what he was getting at.
A. sly B. humble C. honest D. cowardly
50. The _______ of the word is unknown, but it is certainly not from any Latin-based language.
A. derivation B. extract C. genesis D. descent
1. _______ little we may like it, old age conies to most of us.
A. Despite B. However C. So D. As
2. I was in a quandary _______ what to say.
A. as to B. for C. of D. owing to
3. They stood glowering at each other, eyeball to eyeball, their firsts _______ ready for action.
A. joined B. grasped C. clasped D. clenched
4. “Mary, I’d like you to meet Howard Canning. He was a(n) _______ at university.”
A. accompaniment B. contemporary C. twin D. coincidence
5. As we waited on the pavement, a black Mercedes _______ beside us.
A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled off D. pulled through
6. Arthur assured me that he was going to come, but he hasn’t _______ yet.
A. turned in B. turned on C. turned up D. turned round
7. I’d like to have a bath, but there doesn’t seem to be a _______ or anything to stop the water
running away.
A. lid B. cork C. cap D. plug
8. The Prime Minister has _______ from the dogmatic position he adopted a few days ago.
A. backed up B. backed down C. backed out D. backed on
9. Mario has now _______ to the point where his English is almost fluent.
A. advanced B. approached C. arrived D. reached
10. I was hard put _______ it to decide which of the two computers I liked best.
A. with B. to C. for D. at
11. Without telling her directly they _______ that she’d got the job.
A. prophesied B. inferred C. intimated D. insinuated
12. You’ve had a nasty fall, but I don’t think you’ve _______ any bones.
A. split B. burst C. loosen D. broken
13. Shall we _______ all this awful wallpaper and paint the room instead?
A. rip B. strip C. scratch D. tear
14. I feel _______ of his being able to buy a new car.
A. jealous B. greedy C. mean D. angry
15. He said the government would do its best to _______ the problem of unemployment.
A. decide B. answer C. relax D. solve
16. The rocket went into _______ round the moon.
A. track B. orbit C. path D. circle
17. The officer said he had a good _______ to arrest the beggar.
A. mind B. head C. heart D. spirit
18. She said she liked dancing but was not in the _______ for it just then.
A. opinion B. frame C. mood D. manner
19. You cannot see the doctor _______ you have made an appointment with him.
A. even B. without C. however D. unless
20. You should _______ to your uncle for being rude to him.
A. forgive B. excuse C. apologise D. regret
21. She has been working so hard she feels quite _______.
A. wasted B. exhausted C. empty D. dull
22. I wish it would _______ raining.
A. stop B. close C. end D. rest
23. George took _______ of the fine weather to do a day’s work in his garden.
A. chance B. advantage C. interest D. charge
24. She cleans her room once a week, and the job _______ her two hours.
A. spends B. passes C. takes D. continues
25. She’s not very _______ going to Spain again so soon for holidays.
A. eager for B. fond of
C. looking forward to D. keen on
26. Her husband won’t eat boiled cabbage; he prefers it _______.
A. rough B. wild C. coarse D. raw
27. The roof was damaged, and water _______ from the ceilings in wet weather.
A. dripped B. spilled C. drained D. dropped
28. I couldn’t have a bath because there was no _______ in the bath.
A. stuffing B. sticker C. plug D. cork
29. I like my tea to be very sweet, so I always take five _______ of sugar.
A. knobs B. squares C. blocks D. lumps
30. At first she was unwilling, but we soon _______ her to come with us.
A. attracted B. persuaded C. decided D. agreed
31. During the races there were two accidents to motor-cyclists, including one _______
A. deadly B. deathly C. fatal D. final
32. That price list is out of date, so it will only _______ you.
A. mislead B. mistake C. misplace D. miscarry
33. The chairman said it gave him great _______ to welcome so many guests.
A. humour B. pleasure C. fun D. comedy
34. Although only of _______ intelligence, he speaks four languages fluently.
A. high B. middle C. minor D. average
35. With its expensive furniture and carefully-chosen colour scheme the room looked quite
A. luxurious B. luxury C. convenient D. luxuriant
36. A blinding _______ of the lightning flashed across the sky.
A. strip B. patch C. streak D. stripe
37. _______ to leave early is rarely granted.
A. Allowance B. Permission C. The privilege D. A permit
38. The enemy was _______ even though they had superior artillery.
A. beaten B. won C. occupied D. surrendered
39. As the clouds drifted away an even higher peak became _______ to the climbers.
A. apparent B. in sight C. obvious D. visible
40. The Alps are one of the best known mountain _______ in Europe.
A. ridges B. ranges C. passes D. peaks
41. The _______ cats that are still found in some remote places are distantly related to our
friendly domestic companions.
A. wild B. savage C. fierce D. untamed
42. As a result of the strike, the Government is urging people to be _______ with electricity.
A. economic B. thrifty C. extravagant D. economical
43. When she _______ her mistake, she apologized.
A. was realizing B. did realize C. realized D. has realized
44. The police have asked for the _______ of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the
escaped convict.
A. partnership B. co-operation C. association D. alliance
45. I enjoy my job as a baker but it’s taken me over five years to _______ to working at nights.
A. get used B. be use C. used D. getting used
46. I meant _____ the car with petrol before we left.
A. filling B. fill C. to fill D. to be filled
47. My sister Jo is _______ person in our family.
A. the shortest B. the shorter C. the most short D. shorter
48. May I have _______ more meat, please?
A. a few B. small C. another D. a little
49. The tenant must be prepared to decorate the property _______ the terms of the agreement.
A. with regard to B. in relation to
C. in accordance with D. provided by
50. If I hadn’t drunk so much coffee, _______ better.
A. I slept B. I’d have slept C. I’ll sleep D. I sleep
1. Although his work is not outstanding, it is _______.
A. adequate B. sufficient C. well D. enough
2. Several _______ of typhoid have been reported.
A. types B. doses C. occurrences D. cases
3. She loves London, _______ in the spring.
A. mostly B. especially C. most D. specially
4. Living in that awful flat is getting her _______.
A. low B. under C. down D. below
5. Where is the book of _______ for using this washing machine?
A. directives B. instructions C. regulations D. orders
6. The truth of the matter is _______ from that newspaper report.
A. not the same B. the opposite C. unlike D. different
7. They stared up into the sky until the noise of the rocket _______.
A. died away B. went out C. gave up D. wore off
8. Tom is looking forward to _______ his new job on Monday.
A. be starting B. starting C. start D. be started
9. I’m not sure she isn’t coming, but I suppose _______.
A. not B. won’t C. no D. isn’t
10. You’d rather watch TV this evening, _______?
A. isn’t it B. hadn’t you C. won’t you D. wouldn’t you
11. General Wynding was placed _______ command of the southern army.
A. at B. to C. in D. with
12. If you look hard enough, you _______ it.
A. found B. will be finding C. are finding D. will find
13. He saw a young woman _______ on the pavement outside the shop.
A. stood B. standing C. has stood D. was stood
14. It was a great pity, but we could do _______ at all to help the man.
A. none B. not C. nothing D. anything
15. The reason for all the changes being made _______ to us.
A. explained B. was explained C. had explained D. were explained
16. “I don’t want a holiday,” she said; “I’d rather _______ the money.”
A. save B. saved C. have saved D. will save
17. Everyone congratulated Judy on her suggestion, but actually I thought of it _______.
A. at the beginning B. at first C. firstly D. first
18. I was pleased to see how _______ she looked after her recent illness.
A. right B. well C. pleasant D. nice
19. He was born during the war, which would _______ him about 50 now.
A. give B. age C. make D. calculate
20. I’m not sure if the new tax is _______ a good idea after all.
A. much B. such C. as D. so
21. We have arranged special insurance to cover medical _______ in the event of an accident.
A. prices B. money C. accounts D. expenses
22. _______ he wasn’t feeling very well, Mr Graham went to visit his aunt as usual.
A. Although B. However C. Therefore D. Still
23. While the builders were repairing the roof, they _______ the bathroom window.
A. break B. have broken C. broke D. was broken
24. This ticket _______ one person to the museum.
A. admits B. permits C. enters D. allows
25. _______ he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home.
A. For B. Thus C. As D. So
26. _______ to an accident in the High Street, traffic is moving every slowly on the London
A. Through B. Because C. Owing D. Since
27. He is a little bit _______ in his left ear, but if you speak clearly he will hear what you say.
A. disabled B. deaf C. diseased D. dead
28. Of course I’m a Christian _______ I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too.
A! and B. then C. since D. but
29. She remembered the correct address only _______ she had posted the letter.
A. since B. after C. following D. afterwards
30. Mr and Mrs Hudson are always _______ with each other about money.
A. shouting B. annoying C. discussing D. arguing
31. The children did not know the _______ by which the game was played.
A. facts B. rules C. orders D. customs
32. I’ll have to _______ to you, otherwise he will hear.
A. whisper B. say C. whistle D. shout
33. It’s an awful _______ your wife couldn’t come. I was looking forward to meeting her.
A. harm B. shame C. sorrow D. shock
34. He enjoyed the dessert so much that he accepted a second _______ when it was offered.
A. load B. pile C. helping D. sharing
35. It was impossible for her to tell the truth so she had to _______ a story.
A. lie B. combine C. managed D. invent
36. If only he _______ told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn’t have gone so wrong.
A. had B. has C. would have D. should have
37. He’s left his book at home; he’s always so _______.
A. forgetting B. forgetful C. forgettable D. forgotten
38. Mr and Mrs Black were delighted when they _______ to sell their house so quickly.
A. succeeded B. couldC. risked D. managed
39. _______ scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply.
A. Late B. Later C. Lately D. Latter
40. Can you tell me the _______ of these shoes ?
A. price B. charge C. amount D. expense
41. _______ the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending more.
A. Nevertheless B. Meanwhile C. Despite D. Although
42. The cat was afraid when it saw its _______ in the mirror.
A. picture B. reflection C. sight D. look
43. I’ve always _______ you as my best friend.
A. supposed B. thought C. meant D. regarded
44. He often _______ about his expensive car.
A. praises B. boasts C. shows D. prides
45. He found learning to drive easy and _______ his driving test the very first time.
A. passed B. succeeded C. sat D. made
46. _______ you have no key, you will have to get back before I go out.
A. Although B. Provided C. Unless D. As
47. They _______ the training sessions as necessary but unpleasant.
A. believed B. noticed C. regarded D. remarked
48. You are _______ your time at school; you might as well join the army.
A. wasting B. missing C. losing D. spending
49. The tree fell on top of him and _______ his leg.
A. smashed B. crashed C. crushed D. cracked
50. The music _______ the composer’s joy of life.
A. appeals B. attracts C. arouses D. expresses
1. He completely _______ with what I said.
A. admitted B. argued C. accepted D. agreed
2. I don’t see any _______ in arriving early at the theatre if the show doesn’t start until 9
A. cause B. aim C. point D. reason
3. He filled in the necessary forms and _______ for the job.
A. applied B. asked C. requested D. appealed
4. Give me a word _______ with S.
A. began B. begins C. beginning D. begin
5. The lake contained _______ thousands of fish.
A. much B. one C. few D. many
6. He missed the lecture, so I lent him my notes _______.
A. afterwards B. after C. at last D. finally
7. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any _______ of it at all.
A. interpretation B. meaning C. intelligibility D. sense
8. In the legal profession, men _______ women by five to one.
A. overcome B. supersede C. outnumber D. outclass
9. By the age of 25 he had _______ his ambition of becoming a pianist.
A. reached B. achieved C. completed D. obtained
10. I’m just as _______ as you are to make this company successful.
A. determined B. serious C. wilful D. dedicated
11. His failure _______ great disappointment to his parents.
A. forced B. caused C. made D. provided
12. As the drug took _______ the patient became quieter.
A. force B. influence C. effect D. action
13. The purpose of the survey was to _______ the inspectors with local conditions.
A. inform B. instruct C. notify D. acquaint
14. The fumes were so thick that she was _______ for breath.
A. suffocating B. inhaling C. gasping D. wheezing
15. Automation in factories has made many _______ workers redundant.
A. fabrication B. manual C. hand D. manufacturing
16. There is no evidence that any member of the Government is _______ in the current
A. implicated B. corrupted C. participated D. connected
17. _______ some countries have ruined their agriculture, squandering money on uneconomic
factories, the Ivory Coast has stuck to what it is good at.
A. After B. During C. While D. When
18. The accused was given a short sentence as he had committed only a _______ offence.
A. subordinate B. minimal C. secondary D. minor
19. Conditions today didn’t suit this jockey, but the course tomorrow should be much more to
his _______.
A. approval B. liking C. talent D. benefit
20. After the theft of his car he put in an insurance _______ for $3,000.
A. account B. invoice C. assessment D. claim
21. The Director’s personality was undoubtedly a _______ in the company’s success.
A. factor B. feature C. characteristic D. cause
22. The train _______ the bay and then turned inland for twenty miles.
A. coasted B. sided C. edged D. skirted
23. I heard the sound of the blind man _______ with his stick.
A. creaking B. tapping C. patting D. ticking
24. This man is so arrogant that he is completely _______ to all criticism.
A. impervious B. unaware C. regardless D. unconscious
25. His roses won first _______ in the local flower competition.
A. cup B. prize C. price D. reward
26. The construction of the new road is _______ winning the support of local presidents.
A. dependent on B. reliant on C. thanks to D. responsible to
27. The dealer wanted £400, I wanted to pay £300, and we finally agreed to _______ the
A. divide B. drop C. split D. decrease
28. It is regretted that there can be no _______ to this rule.
A. exclusion B. alternative C. deviation D. exception
29. We all feel that his jokes about immigrants were in very poor _______.
A. form B. taste C. feeling D. view
30. The life of a spy is _______ with danger.
A. fraught B. intense C. stressful D. heavy
31. The union advised its members to resume _______ working.
A. regular B. ordinary C. usual D. normal
32. He _______ a policeman; he’s much too short.
A. looks like B. must be C. can’t be D. should be
33. For elderly people, one of the problems _______ by rising prices is the continual increase in
heating bills.
A. given B. posed C. pressed D. forced
34. Some people _______ at least four hours a day watching TV.
A. take B. use C. spend D. last
35. Do you _______ to use a computer?
A. know how B. able C. understand D. know
36. He’s very poor, and he has _______ possessions.
A. any B. little C. few D. a little
37. There are now six billion people living on _______.
A. universe B. world C. globe D. earth
38. He went on a long holiday to get _______ his illness.
A. through B. over C. by D. away
39. Get the cards out. I’ve just learnt a new _______.
A. play B. match C. contest D. game
40. I’m very concerned _______ my son’s health.
A. of B. about C. from D. on
41. Her parents never _______ her to go out after eight.
A. allowed B. let C. agreed D. made
42. You must always _______ us the truth.
A. confess B. tell C. speak D. say
43. She _______ the answer in his ear so nobody else could hear.
A. whispered B. shouted C. told D. confessed
44. Whether the sports club survives is a matter of complete _______ to me.
A. disinterest B. importance C. interest D. indifference
45. The police set a _______ to catch the thieves.
A. plan B. device C. trap D. snare
46. Have you taken _______ a single word I’ve been saying to you ?
A. over B. in C. up D. off
47. Petrol in this country is so expensive _______ we use public transport as much as possible.
A. that B. then C. thus D. than
48. He was at the _______ of his career when he was assassinated.
A. pride B. glamour C. height D. power
49. _______ I realised the consequences, I would never have contemplated getting involved.
A. Unless B. If C. When D. Had
50. “But son,” I told him, “you’re my own _______.”
A. flesh and blood B. body and soul
C. heart to heart D. skin and bone
1. At last he had found someone on whom he could vent his _______.
A. love B. anger C. happiness D. trust
2. One wonders whether the current political _______ is right for such a move.
A. climate B. environment C. state D. standpoint
3. The plans for the building were drawn _______ a few months ago.
A. on B. back C. up D. out
4. The President’s action only served to _______ a situation which was already extremely
A. erupt B. exasperate C. irritate D. exacerbate
5. Geoff _______ up the stairs trying not to disturb anyone, but a creaking floorboard woke up
his mother.
A. strutted B. tiptoed C. limped D. trudged
6. I hear that miniskirts are coming back into fashion. I wonder if they’ll really catch _______
A. up B. out C. on D. hold
7. Before you start cooking, you should gather together all the necessary _______
A. ingredients B. constituents C. elements D. components
8. When the _______ starts touching eighty kph, the dial lights up, warning you to drive more
slowly if necessary.
A. arm B. needle C. pointer D. hand
9. I haven’t a _______ what the Professor is talking about most of the time.
A. yen B. guess C. thought D. clue
10. Although the cyclist was unhurt, his bicycle was _______ between the lorry and the wall.
A. crushed B. clapped C. split D. banged
11. The roads _______ before you get to the roundabout.
A. blend B. mingle C. converge D. mix
12. He was last seen in public on the _______ of his daughter’s wedding.
A. occasion B. event C. change D. affair
13. In my mother’s _______, it is essential to eat a big breakfast.
A. principle B. idea C. confidence D. opinion
14. He poured the tea from his cup into his _______ and then drank it.
A. dish B. saucer C. pan D. plate
15. He decided to sell his farm and _______ a fresh start in business.
A. open B. take C. make D. lead
16. She’s not really poor; she just _______ to be poor.
A. invents B. acts C. imagines D. pretends
17. Betty is quite _______ of cooking a meal for twelve people.
A. clever B. capable C. efficient D. expert
18. I’d like to go to Thailand, _______ it’s by no means the only country in the world I want to
A. yet B. how C. while D. as
19. If you’ve got time for a cup of tea, I’ll _______ one for you.
A. give B. mix C. boil D. make
20. When I saw Jane, I stopped and smiled, but she _______ me and walked on.
A. refused B. ignored C. omitted D. denied
21. She loves travelling, and it i her _______ to travel round the world.
A. anxiety B. insistence C. tendency D. opinion
22. The noise was caused by a dog _______ a cat through the garden.
A. chasing B. fighting C. following D. catching
23. It was so cold that the water in the river _______ to ice.
A. formed B. settled C. became D. turned
24. Jean has become _______ to Roger, and the wedding will be in August.
A. proposed B. engaged C. offered D. settled
25. We took _______ of the fine weather and spent the day on the beach.
A. occasion B. chance C. advantage D. effect
26. Before we had the _______ cleaned, the sitting-room used to fill with smoke.
A. passage B. tube C. chimney D. pipe
27. He was _______ with robbery, found guilty and sent to prison.
A. charged B. accused C. convicted D. sentenced
28. The school was closed for a month because of serious _______ of fever.
A. outcome B. outburst C. outset D. outbreak
29. After questioning the man for six hours, the police _______ the information they wanted.
A. seized B. regained C. obtained D. recovered
30. Though it was only a _______ fever, the doctor gave him an injection.
A. faint B. small C. simple D. mild
31. They are leaving the district, so they have put their house up for _______.
A. purchase B. offer C. sale D. trade
32. The children have been well brought up and are certainly not _______.
A. undone B. neglected C. omitted D. prevented
33. The campaign raised far more than the _______ of £20.000.
A. target B. object C. goal D. aim
34. He sends his _______ wishes for your future happiness.
A. honest B. sincere C. deepest D. many
35. We have a _______ future ahead with little comfort, food or hope.
A. cruel B. pessimistic C. fierce D. grim
36. With a _______ of thankfulness he finished the last of his letters
A. sigh B. shudder C. shiver D. groan
37. She is leaving her husband because she cannot put _______ his bad temper any longer.
A. up B. away C. up with D. off
38. Modern _______ perhaps causes more problems than it solves.
A. technique B. technology C. technical D. technician
39. Only thoroughly unpleasant people leave the _______ of their picnics to spoil the
appearance of the countryside.
A. remnants B. remainder C. remains D. rest
40. Spectators are reminded that it is _______ to take photographs during the match.
A. prevented B. restricted C. forbidden D. banned
41. I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable, and _______ in a quiet position.
A. before all B. after all C. first of all D. above all
42. An almost _______ line of traffic was moving at a snail’s pace through the town.
A. constant B. continuous C. continual D. stopping
43. Medieval travellers’ tales of fantastic creatures were often fascinating but not always
A. credible B. creditable C. credulous D. imaginable
44. The very idea of her winning the beauty competition is quite _______.
A. abrupt B. absurd C. abnormal D. futile
45. You really can’t trust Pauline. One day she’s your best friend, and the next day she can
_______ you in the back.
A. hit B. punch C. cut D. stab
46. This film is really sad. I think _______.
A. I’m going to cry B. I’ll cry C. I cry D. I’m crying
47. I _______ almost ten times as much money as my father did when he was my age.
A. win B. gain C. earn D. pay
48. It was _______ hot day that we decided to leave work early and go to the beach.
A. so B. such a C. a so D. such
49. Jim Courier _______ Boris Becker in the men’s singles final by five sets to three.
A. drew B. won C. beat D. lost
50. Harrods, in London, is probably one of the best-known _______ in the world.
A. departmental stores B. departmental shops
C. department shops D. department stores
1. Ken is so _______ that he can run up 12 flights of stairs without getting out of breath.
A. in form B. strong C. energetic D. fit
2. What are you wearing to the _______ party? We’re going as Roman soldiers.
A. costume B. disguises C. wedding D. fancy dress
3. Don’t be late for the interview, _______ people will think you are a disorganized person.
A. unless B. if not C. otherwise D. or so
4. Some useful ideas were suggested while the social committee was _______ the club’s
programme for the coming season.
A. discussing B. quarrelling about
C. arguing about D. disputing about
5. I _______ at her for several moments, desperately trying to remember where I’d seen her
A. watched B. stared C. observed D. glimpsed
6. If we continue to _______ the world’s resources at this rate, there will soon be none left.
A. finish B. throw away C. damage D. use up
7. When the lights _______, we couldn’t see a thing.
A. switched off B. went out C. put out D. extinguished
8. She warned me _______.
A. to not do it B. I should do it C. not to do it D. about to do it
9. Brighton is famous _______ town on the south coast of England.
A. resort B. port C. coast D. seaside
10. Dot and Andy set _______ on the first leg of their journey on March 1st.
A. off B. in C. to D. for
11. You looked terribly tired. You really _______ to get more sleep.
A. should B. ought C. must D. could
12. Over recent years there has been a marked reduction _______ the number of people having
foreign holidays.
A. in B. of C. into D. for
13. Steve Davis, _______ won the trophy last year, is already out of this year’s competition.
A. Ø B. that C. he D. who
14. I hate Mondays. They really get _______.
A. down me B. me down C. over me D. me over
15. Working out how to use an electric cooker is just a matter of _______.
A. common sense B. reason C. knowledge D. trial
16. That lesson was much too difficult _______ understand.
A. me to B. for me to C. for I to D. that I
17. He was convicted of using the firm’s money to pay _______ his gambling debts.
A. in B. back C. off D. towards
18. Since he went to university, Mike has become very interested in _______ issues.
A. conservation B. preservation C. protection D. environment
19. I slept really badly; I _______ and turned all night long.
A. tossed B. twisted C. turned D. revolved
20. Everyone expects me to _______ my exams, but I’m not so optimistic: there were several
very difficult questions.
A. take B. sit C. pass D. succeed
21. My friends have just moved to a new flat in a residential area on the _______ of Paris.
A. outskirts B. outside C. suburbs D. side
22. Angie warned _______ anyone what she had told me.
A. that I didn’t tell B. that I told not
C. me to tell not D. me not to tell
23. You’d better stop spending money, _______ you’ll end up in debt.
A. if B. in case C. otherwise D. unless
24. The doctor has advised him to cut down _______ his drinking.
A. in B. on C. with D. to
25. Everyone _______ Alan was invited to the party.
A. not B. apart C. but D. though
26. Have you taken out _______ on your new flat?
A. safety B. insurance C. assurance D. protection
27. The doctors say he’ll take a long time to get _______ the shock.
A. past B. above C. through D. over
28. I’m afraid your car won’t be _______ until tomorrow — we have had to change the brakes.
A. available B. completed C. ready D. present
29. If we want to _______ up with them we’d better hurry.
A. come B. catch C. approach D. arrive
30. She is interested in working in university _______.
A. managing B. organization C. administration D. registration
31. She has _______ work to do that she gets very tired.
A. so much B. much more C. too much D. so many
32. _______ Betty, I’m not surprised she won the prize.
A. To have known B. To know C. To be knowing D. Knowing
33. She has neither read the book nor _______ the film.
A. sees B. see C. seen D. saw
34. Either Janet _______ Mary could have taken the message.
A. and B. or C. else D. also
35. A. meeting of the society will be _______ on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock
A. placed B. made C. taken D. held
36. We had hardly sat down when she _______ plates of food for us.
A. brought B. has brought
C. had brought D. would have brought
37. The police say they have some important clues _______ the murderer.
A. on B. about C. in D. to
38. He went into the bank _______ out some money.
A. to be taking B. to take C. and take D. and taking
39. She practises playing the piano _______ regularly than I do.
A. more B. most C. quite D. as
40. Because of heavy rain, the game was put _______ for a few days.
A. out B. up C. off D. away
41. The first question must _______ before you attempt the others.
A. to answer B. have answered C. answer D. be answered
42. “I’m not so busy _______ I can’t talk to you,” she said.
A. as B. than C. that D. even
43. I am not sure _______ the green coat is.
A. who’s B. whose C. who D. whom
44. It was _______ a simple question that everyone answered it correctly.
A. such B. so C. much D. too
45. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find _______ at all.
A. no one B. anyone C. someone D. somebody
46. We had _______ reached the church when we saw everyone leaving.
A. almost B. enough C. rather D. quite
47. Without money you will be _______ to do anything about setting up your own business.
A. powerful B. underpowered C. powerless D. overpowered
48. In Britain home ownership has _______ rapidly since 1960. ‘
A. enlarged B. raised C. heightened D. grown
49. Call in and see our _______ of spring fashions today.
A. reputation B. selection C. election D. production
50. At the hospital I was told that _______ I gave up smoking immediately my illness would
get much worse.
A. except B. until C. without D. unless
1. My phone is out of order, which is a _______.
A. hurt B. harm C. nuisance D. trouble
2. I don’t know him but he looks as if he _______ be her brother.
A. could B. can C. would D. shall
3. As soon as the firebell rang everyone walked quickly downstairs and out of the building,
_______ gathered in the car park.
A. while B. to C. before D. then
4. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep _______.
A. gaining B. growing C. rising D. raising
5. When he left school, John decided to _______ a priest instead of studying languages.
A. change to B. become C. train for D. study for
6. It was difficult to _______ a date which was convenient for everyone.
A. arrange B. organise C. elect D. provide
7. “My daughter, Mary, tries to _______ to see me at least once a week,” Mrs Jones told the
social worker.
A. call up B. go up C. come on D. drop in
8. _______ from Bill, all the students said they would go.
A. Apart B. Only C. Except D. Separate
9. Mrs Carter _______ her son for getting dirty.
A. brought up B. told off C. put down D. took on
10. The car had a _______ tyre, so we had to change the wheel.
A. broken B. cracked C. flat D. bent
11. I know him by _______, but I have no idea what his name is.
A. myself B. sight C. heart D. chance
12. Driving a car with faulty brakes is _______ quite a risk.
A. putting B. setting C. being D. taking
13. Just keep _______ on the baby while I cook the supper, will you?
A. an eye B. glance C. a look D. a care
14. The best rooms in that hotel _______ the bay.
A. view B. overlook C. regard D. examine
15. I don’t feel well but I don’t know what’s the matter _______ me.
A. with B. for C. to D. of
16. Their flat is decorated in a _______ combination of colours.
A. delicious B. sweet C. tasteful D. tasty
17. I disapprove _______ people smoking in public places.
A. with B. of C. at D. on
18. The job offer was too good for Jennifer to turn _______.
A. off B. away C. down D. out
19. _______ you hurry, you won’t catch the bus.
A. As B. Although C. Except D. Unless
20. _______ the wet weather, the football match went ahead.
A. Although B. Owing to C. In spite of D. However
21. Would you be _______ to hold the door open?
A. kind enough B. too kind C. as kind D. so kind
22. The question of late payment of bills was _______ again at the board meeting.
A. risen B. taken C. brought D. raised
23. I want you to _______ these instructions exactly.
A. take up B. put out C. carry out D. turn up
24. You need more exercise; you should _______ golf.
A. carry out B. take in C. carry on D. take up
25. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realised that he was a man of considerable
A. possibility B. ability C. future D. opportunity
26. The witch turned the prince _______ a frog.
A. out of B. up C. into D. out
27. I _______ very well with my father now; we never have any arguments.
A. go on B. carry on C. put on D. get on
28. Would you mind _______ these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard?
A. giving B. doing C. getting D. making
29. He says he’s been to _______ restaurant in town.
A. many B. most C. all D. every
30. After the accident, he injured cyclist was in great _______.
A. agony B. pain C. hurt D. suffering
31. Cut the cake into six _______ pieces.
A. same B. like C. equal D. alike
32. If only he _______ accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone!
A. would B. may C. will D. were
33. The main attraction of the job was that it offered the _______ to do research.
A. possibility B. proposal C. prospect D. opportunity
34. At the last concert we had the privilege of _______ the composer’s latest symphony.
A. listening B. hearing C. assisting D. attending
35. There is _______ to be a serious energy crisis in the next century.
A. reputed B. known C. bound D. foreseen
36. I’ve got a very high opinion _______ your brother.
A. of B. to C. for D. on
37. As a result of his father’s death, he came _______ a lot of money.
A. over B. into C. to D. through
38. My wife’s being _______ for migraine headaches at the clinic.
A. cured B. healed C. treated D. operated
39. She was a devoted nurse, always very _______ to the needs of her elderly patients.
A. observant B. attentive C. earnest D. careful
40. Before the group of doctors would give their opinion they wanted to _______ with each
A. confer B, confirm C. confess D. confide
41. When he heard how well the new company was doing, he took a calculated _______ and
invested all his money in it.
A. venture B. opportunity C. risk D. chance
42. Your decision will _______ a great strain on our friendship.
A. propose B. impose C. expose D. suppose
43. Old houses have a _______ to be draughty.
A. characteristic B. habit C. problem D. tendency
44. If he discovers the truth, there’s no telling what _______ happen.
A. might B. shall C. would D. should
45. The government’s new safety pamphlet _______ against smoking in bed.
A. declares B. emphasises C. advises D. maintains
46. He’ll be very upset if you _______ his offer of help.
A. turn down B. turn from C. turn away D. turn against
47. My _______ on life has changed a lot since leaving university.
A. purpose B. view C. approach D. outlook
48. I’m not keen on _______ control of the project to a relative newcomer.
A. understand B. charging C. entrusting D. allotting
49. I can’t write that kind of letter unless I’m in the right _______ of mind.
A. turn B. way C. set D. frame
50. The recent economic crisis has brought about a _______ in world trade.
A. sag B. slump C. droop D. tilt
1. Both her novels can lay some _______ to being classics of modern literature.
A. right B. notion C. foundation D. claim
2. Although he didn’t actually say he wanted a radio for his birthday, he did _______ pretty
A. imply B. hint C. mention D. suggest
3. I was _______ in the book I was reading and didn’t hear the phone.
A. distracted B. submerged C. gripped D. engrossed
4. Complete the form as _______ in the notes below.
A. insisted B. implied C. specified D. devised
5. As the President was absent, I was asked to _______ the meeting.
A. chair B. govern C. officiate D. regulate
6. “I think we ought to see the rest of the exhibition as quickly as we can, _______ that it
closes in half an hour.”
A. granted B. assuming C. given D. knowing
7. “You can _______ me the details: I don’t want to know all about your arguments with your
A. avoid B. save C. deprive D. spare
8. The student worked _______ a barman during his holidays.
A. at B. as . C. like D. as if
9. The country’s annual _______ of coffee beans has increased each year since 1977.
A. produce B. growth C. production D. outcome
10. Lawrence Olivier gave an excellent _______ in the film.
A. play B. performance C. act D. character
11. A boycott of other countries’ sporting events appears a politically more expedient form of
protest than trade _______ against them.
A. sanctions B. actions C. blocks D. treaties
12. If we want to buy a house, we’ll have to _______ our spending.
A. care for B. let down C. cut back D. miss out
13. We are constantly being _______ of the problems of overpopulation.
A. reminded B. reflected C. remembered D. reviewed
14. They bought the children an ice cream to _______ for their disappointment.
A. make B. reconcile C. get over D. compensate
15. You _______ me you were coming!
A. said B. told C. explained D. announced
16. It’s no good _______ me of getting the figures wrong!
A. criticising B. blaming C. accusing D. scolding
17. He fell _______ his best friend over a girl they both liked.
A. over B. out with C. down D. off
18. Wilson had _______ an alibi for the time of the robbery.
A. made up B. made do C. made into D. made over
19. Take the wine downstairs and put it in the _______.
A. attic B. cave C. loft D. cellar
20. Look, Officer. I’m not drunk. I’m as _______ as a judge.
A. sober B. steady C. clear D. calm
21. They were warned never _______ with the members of any extremist group.
A. to assume B. to assimilate C. to assign D. to associate
22. You are being thoroughly _______ in refusing to allow this ceremony to take place.
A. unrequited B. unrepresentative
C. unreasonable D. unreliable
23. Youngsters need all the help and _______ they can get nowadays when applying for jobs.
A. encouragement B. enticement C. incentive D. stimulation
24. _______ difficult problem can only be tackled over a period of years.
A. Such B. Such a C. So D. Such as
25. Unsalted butter is best for this recipe, but _______ that, margarine will do.
A. except B. given C. failing D. for all of
26. For a while I was at a _______ to know what to say.
A. blank B. pain C. crisis D. loss
27. He has been out of work _______ a long time.
A. for B. since C. during D. through
28. The group’s image _______ to young people in general and the less well- off in particular.
A. draws B. attracts C. excites D. appeals
29. Technology is advancing so quickly that machines becomes _______ almost overnight.
A. obsolete B. archaic C. stale D. second-hand
30. If you bathe your finger in cold water, that should _______ the pain.
A. curb B. restrain C. deaden D. blunt
31. As the managing director dictating the letter, his secretary _______ what he was saying in
A. took up B. took down C. took on D. took off
32. This jacket would be ideal in winter: it has a fur _______.
A. coating B. backing C. filling D. lining
33. Robinson’s _______ as Sales Manager is now Export Manager of our main competitors.
A. ancestor B. predecessor C. pioneer D. precedent
34. This new law will take _______ from the beginning of next month.
A. influence B. power C. effect D. force
35. I should like to _______ a toast: “To the bride and groom”.
A. offer B. propound C. suggest D. propose
36. Tom made a living _______ works by famous painters.
A. pretending B. devising C. faking D. shamming
37. I only have to he on the beach _______ it to cloud over.
A. let B. so C. until D. for
38. I want £200 worth of Swiss Francs. What is the _______ rate, please?
A. exchange B. market C. currency D. money
39. Does anyone _______ the plans we have made?
A. quarrel B. oppose C. disturb D. refuse
40. The social services are chiefly _______ with the poor, the old and the sick.
A. concerned B. related C. suffered D. influenced
41. William has cut his smoking _______ to five cigarettes a day.
A. away B. short C. out D. down
42. The girl who found the ring received a generous _______ of $5.
A. prize B. reward C. cash D. allowance
43. I have searched _______ for the book but cannot find it.
A. thoroughly B. hardly C. highly D. deeply
44. I’ll wait ten minutes for you _______ you’re late.
A. in fact B. in order C. in case D. in charge
45. I know you’re annoyed, but you must try to control your _______.
A. blood B. temper C. explosion D. storm
46. It was a hot day, and many people were _______ their way to the beach.
A. taking B. hitting C. making D. setting
47. A chemist always puts a _______ on a bottle of medicine.
A. report B. label C. receipt D. ticket
48. Electricity, like other forms of _______, has greatly increased in price.
A. energy B. force C. pressure D. strength
49. Four people were seriously _______ in an accident on the motorway.
A. spoiled B. damaged C. injured D. wounded
50. This morning traffic was _______ by an accident outside the town hall.
A. held off B. held in C. held out D. held up
1. The electric torch gave only a faint light because the _______ was almost flat.
A. fuel B. current C: power D. battery
2. His job was to _______ out the good apples from the bad ones.
A. sort B. find C. choose D. share
3. She gives each of her children fifty pence a week _______ money.
A. spare B. free C. ready D. pocket
4. Geography is my favourite _______ at school.
A. material B. subject C. substance D. inquiry
5. The car was badly smashed up, but the driver escaped without serious _______
A. injury B. pain C. wound D. damage
6. I just can t _______ the winter so I can go skiing again.
A. expect B. look forward to C. wait for D. await
7. This little stream _______ into the river just outside the town.
A. contributes B. meets C. unites D. flows
8. They cheered the captain and carried him off the field on their _______.
A. breasts B. arms C. shoulders D. elbows
9. The widely-publicised demonstration did not after all _______.
A. go off B. come off C. get on D. break out
10. He had always had a good opinion of himself, but after the publication of his best-selling
novel he became unbearably _______.
A. bigoted B. proud C. conceited D. exaggerated
11. I shall _______ the loss of my reading-glasses in the newspaper, with a reward for the
A. announce B. advertise C. publish D. make known
12. I have had a _______ of misfortunes.
A. success B. continuation C. repetition D. succession
13. The old lady managed to climb the _______ which was narrow but not at all steep.
A. scale B. ladder C. staircase D. escalator
14. I will _______ you this book if you promise to return it next week.
A. lend B. offer C. borrow D. allow
15. The weather was _______ the exceptionally poor harvest.
A. accused of B. condemned for C. blamed for D. criticised for
16. It is doubtful whether newspapers _______ governments to any great degree.
A. attract B. influence C. draw D. catch
17. With an eighty-hour week and little change or enjoyment, life must have been very _______
for the nineteenth-century factory worker.
A. weary B. dark C. pessimistic D. dreary
18. When he was a boy, he felt great _______ for his uncle.
A. admiration B. wonder C. marvel D. pleasure
19. The guide is _______ a line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his
A. conducting B. leading C. taking D. guiding
20. Steven always wanted to be an actor when he _______ up.
A. settled B. brought C. grew D. came
21. He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth _______.
A. came out B. came through C. went out D. turned out
22. It’s very cold in here. Do you mind if I put _______ the heating?
A. off B. on C. up with D. down
23. Jo was shocked when I disagreed with her. She’s so used to getting her own _______.
A. way B. mind C. opinion D. views
24. The fans _______ when their team scored a goal.
A. shouted B. laughed C. called D. cheered
25. My brother can _______ six languages fluently.
A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk
26. She studies many magazines and books about fashion, entertaining and correct social
behaviour as she wants to appear _______.
A. sophisticated B. fashionable C. elegant D. polished.
27. Snooker is a very popular _______ sport in Britain. Most of the major tournaments are
A. spectacle B. viewed C. audience D. spectator
28. We must _______ our pounds for dollars before going to New York.
A. change B. convert C. exchange D. turn
29. Prices continued to rise while wages remained low _______ the Government became
increasingly unpopular.
A. on condition that B. with the result that
C. provided that D. in order that
30. Tin will only melt under _______ heat.
A. high B. severe C. intense D. serious
31. How can I sleep when you _______ so much noise?
A. made B. have made C. were making D. are making
32. We hadn’t quite reached the gate _______ Jane fell.
A. when B. that C. which D. than
33. You promised her a letter; you ought to _______ days ago.
A. write B. be writing C. be written D. have written
34. The bicycle he lent me badly needed _______.
A. to clean B. cleaning C. clean D. to be cleaning
35. I think Sally is quite _______ her sister.
A. as pretty B. as pretty than C. as pretty as D. prettier
36. The reporter _______ to get his story in before the deadline.
A. reached B. managed C. arrived D. controlled
37. He said he would pay back the money _______ the sake of peace in the town.
A. for B. in C. by D. to
38. He looked forward to _______ his first pay packet.
A. receive B. receiving C. be receiving D. have received
39. _______ you at the station if you’d told me you were coming today.
A. I’d meet B. I met C. I’d have met D. I was meeting
40. After a trial lasting three weeks, Jones was _______ not guilty of murder.
A. stated B. found C. given D. decided
41. _______ you’ve asked me why I went there, I’ll tell you.
A. That B. Although C. What D. Since
42. He _______ at me and then went on reading.
A. regarded B. viewed C. glanced D. responded
43. They invited _______ to lunch.
A. my wife and me B. I and my wife
C. my wife and I D. both she and me
44. It tasted so _______ of lemon that the other flavours were lost.
A. hardly B. forcefully C. strongly D. fully
45. The noise got _______ as the car disappeared into the distance.
A. smaller B. slighter C. weaker D. fainter
46. We haven’t _______ thought of going abroad for a holiday because my husband is afraid of
A. ever B. never C. always D. yet
47. The _______ were told to fasten their seat belts as the plane began its descent.
A. customers B. passengers C. flyers D. riders
48. Mrs Townsend was left to make all the _______ for the outing by herself.
A. provisions B. procedures C. organizations D. arrangements
49. The deer _______ for the shelter of the forest when there are people about.
A. make B. get C. go D. take
50. Travelling to Paris _______ air is quicker than driving.
A. through B. on C. over D. by
1. It was _______ and we had to walk quickly to keep warm.
A. cold B. fresh C. frozen D. mild
2. The other day I came _______ a really beautiful old house in the back streets of
A. over B. across C. by D. down
3. We expected him at eight but he finally _______ at midnight.
A. came to B. turned out C. came off D. turned up
4. I keep putting _______ the decision because I can’t make up my mind.
A. up B. down C. off D. on
5. There’s _______ to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite harmless.
A. no need B. no fear C. a fear D. any reason
6. The dentist told him to open his mouth _______.
A. broad B. much C. greatly D. wide
7. I walked away as calmly as I could _______ they thought I was the thief.
A. or else B. to avoid C. in case D. owing to
8. The new factory must be finished _______ as the profitability of the company depends on
A. in times B. on time C. at time D. for a time
9. Driving in London is supposed to be confusing but I didn’t find it at _______ difficult.
A. all B. first C. once D. least
10. If you hear the fire _______, leave the building quickly.
A. caution B. publicity C. alarm D. notice
11. Is there a bank where I can _______ these pounds for dollars?
A. turn B. exchange C. alter D. arrange
12. She applied for training as a pilot, but they turned her _______ because of her poor
A. down B. up C. over D. back
13. No child _______ the age of sixteen will be admitted to this film.
A. before B. except C. lacking D. below
14. If we had known your new address, we _______ to see you.
A. came B. would have come C. would come D. will come
15. He _______ his friend to go camping with him.
A. attracted B. suggested C. appealed D. persuaded
16. There was a sudden loud _______ which made everyone jump.
A. bang B. strike C. split D. stroke
17. It is too early in the _______ to expect many visitors to the town.
A. term B. time C. season D. calendar
18. One more strike could bring _______ the government.
A. down B. out C. in D. up
19. He lost the race because he _______ petrol on the last lap.
A. got out of B. made out of C. ran out of D. put out of
20. What on earth is going _______ in there?
A. round B. on C. up D. down
21. I went to _______ some pictures by a new painter the other day.
A. watch B. see to C. visit D. look at
22. While studying he was financially dependent _______ his wife.
A. to B. on C. of D. from
23. You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to _______ is at the
A. whom B. who C. whoever D. which
24. _______ the mixture into an ovenproof dish.
A. Grind B. Pour C. Mix D. Stir
25. I don’t believe a word he said; I think he just made _______ that story.
A. out B. off C. up D. down
26. I wish you _______ stop interrupting me whenever I speak.
A. will B. would C. did D. might
27. They _______ haven’t replied the letter we sent two months ago.
A. already B. yet C. still D. ever
28. After a terrible argument with her boss, she handed in her _______.
A. resignation B. reputation C. reservation D. responsibility
29. _______ the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished.
A. Until B. In C. On D. By
30. The police are looking for a man of _______ height.
A. extra B. medium C. tall D. special
31. She hasn’t written to me _______.
A. already B. any longer C. never D. yet
32. There was nothing special about his clothes _______ from his flowery tie.
A. but B. except C. apart D. other
33. You can use my bicycle _______ you bring it back tomorrow.
A. although B. as long as C. nevertheless D. in spite of
34. I’ll show you around the city, when you _______ to visit me.
A. come B. are coming C. will come D. will be coming
35. I wish you’d tell me what I _______ do in this difficult situation.
A. shall B. would C. ought D. should
36. I must take this watch to be repaired; it _______ over 20. minutes a day.
A. increases B. progresses C. gains D. accelerates
37. Don’t throw the potato _______ away! It’s very nutritious.
A. peel B. core C. shell D. skin
38. It had been a trying afternoon, _______ at about six o’clock in the television breaking
A. leading B. culminating C. arriving D. finalising
39. He has been given work as a window cleaner even though he has no _______ for heights.
A. head B. skill C. ability D. balance
40. Despite the high divorce rate, the _______ of marriage remains popular.
A. practice B. habit . C. state D. institution
41. They _______ great difficulty saving up enough money for a house.
A. found B. incurred C. had D. achieved
42. He clearly had no _______ of doing any work, although it was only a week till the exam.
A. desire B. intention C. willingness D. ambition
43. Because of road works, traffic is restricted to one _______ in each direction.
A. alley B. row C. lane D. path
44. We could have provided him with a detached house but he _______ asked for a small flat.
A. decidedly B. strongly C. specifically D. solely
45. He lost his job _______ no fault of his own.
A. through B. by C. with D. over
46. There was a loud _______ as the cup fell to the floor.
A. tap B. rattle C. slam D. crash
47. When he had finished, the apple he threw the _______ into the bin.
A. heart B. pith C. core D. kernel
48. Prizes are awarded _______ the number of points scored.
A. resulting from B. according to C. presented to D. adding up
49. Although the coach had not thought her a good tennis player at first, she _______ to be a
A. turned out B. came out C. turned up D. came round
50. Our party chairman is _______ great admirer of the Prime Minister.
A. some B. very C. not D. no
1. The Health Minister was _______ in a private hospital last week.
A. operated B. treated C. cared D. admitted
2. When we went to Egypt he knew _______ no Arabic, but within six months he had become
extremely fluent.
A. entirely B. barely C. virtually D. scarcely
3. Many buildings which are currently in disuse could be _______ to other purposes.
A. put B. employed C. used D. changed
4. Because of cutbacks in council spending, plans for the new swimming pool had to be
A. stockpiled B. overthrown C. disrupted D. shelved
5. One _______ of riding a bicycle is that it’s cheap.
A. credit B. advantage C. advance D. value
6. If only motorists _______ drive more carefully!
A. would B. shall C. might D. should
7. The product was withdrawn from sale because there was no longer any _______ for it.
A. call B. order C. claim D. interest
8. A strike in the mining industry is _______ to bring about a shortage of coal in the near
A. causing B. resulting C. threatening D. proposing
9. People who take on a second job inevitably _______ themselves to greater stress.
A. offer B. place C. field D. subject
10. When it’s very hot, you may _______ the top button of your shirt.
A. undo B. undress C. unwrap D. untie
11. The _______ of Turner’s paintings finishes at the end of the week.
A. show B. spectacle C. demonstration D. exhibition
12. A. washing machine of this type will certainly _______ up to normal domestic use.
A. hold B. stand C. come D. take
13. The initials PS _______ postscript.
A. make up B. fill in C. mean to D. stand for
14. I took the shoes back to the shop, but the manager _______ to change them.
A. denied B. refused C. disliked D. disagreed
15. New legislation makes it possible for the Government to _______ protest marches.
A. deny B. forestall C. inhibit D. ban
16. Two _______ were sacked, because they were always turning up late.
A. applicants B. applications C. employees D. employers
17. Joe promised us he would finish by the _______ day.
A. previous B. before C. tomorrow D. following
18. After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the _______.
A. bill B. prescription C. receipt D. recipe
19. In many ways she _______ me of someone 1 knew at school.
A. remembers B. recalls C. reminds D. resembles
20. It’s time he _______ a wife.
A. found B. find C. seeks D. discovered
21. Oh. no! My wallet has been _______.
A. robbed B. picked C. stolen D. theft
22. We watched the cat _______ the tree.
A. climbed B. was climbing C. had climbed D. climb
23. Well, we did have a terrible row but we’ve _______ it up ne w.
A. made B. cleaned C. sorted D. turned
24. I _______ you that I had no intention of offending you.
A. convince B. assure C. guarantee D. persuade
25. This document requires the _______ of both yourself and your spouse.
A. witness B. identity C. signature D. authority
26. I do not believe that this preposterous scheme is _______ of our serious consideration.
A. worthless B. worthy C. worthwhile D. worth
27. The _______ 9f his first novel appeared in The Times yesterday.
A. survey B. inspection C. appraisal D. review
28. Union leaders feel it is time Cabinet Ministers put their _______ on the table regarding their
long-term plans.
A. cards B. hands C. feet D. papers
29. The easiest way to get this nut off the bolt would be to use a _______.
A. screwdriver B. winch C. spanner D. jack
30. The low, unbroken _______ of the machine next door gradually bored its way into his
A. thud B. din C. blare D. hum
31. In _______, I must acknowledge that we were guilty of errors of judgement.
A. retrospect B. review C. experience D. hindsight
32. At _______ time there is always plenty of work to do on a farm.
A. production B. profit C. harvest D. grain
33. I’m not surprised Margaret’s ill. With all the voluntary work she’s _______, she’s really
been doing too much.
A. taken on B. taken in C. taken off D. take to
34. Veronica broke the school rules so many times that the headmistress finally had no
alternative but to _______ her.
A. export B. deport C. eject D. expel
35. The police have not yet found a possible _______ for the attack on the man.
A. example B. motive C. principle D. understanding
36. As it was Christmas, the _______ at church was much larger than usual.
A. congregation B. convention C. audience D. grouping
37. The _______ last thing I want now is to catch a cold.
A. most B. very C. utterly D. extremely
38. I must run, I’m rather _______ for time at the moment.
A. squeezed B. squashed C. cramped D. pressed
39. If the rain doesn’t _______ soon, we shall have to look for a taxi.
A. set about B. let up C. slow down D. go off
40. The TV’s very dull tonight, let’s try another _______.
A. channel B. wavelength C. band D. post
41. He denied _______ in the hotel at 7 p.m.
A. himself B. to be C. being D. it’s him
42. After a thorough search, the police _______ most of the missing jewels.
A. retreated B. recovered C. recorded D. refreshed
43. The floor was so rotten that it almost _______ under his weight.
A. gave up B. gave away C. gave way D. gave back
44. We need _______ information before we can decide.
A. far B. farther C. furthest D. further
45. Unless my room is warmer tonight, I’m going to _______ to the hotel manager.
A. complain B. regret C. argue D. sympathise
46. The ship’s captain and members of the _______ welcomed us on board.
A. cast B. staff C. team D. crew
47. It’s a long time since London was _______ in one of its infamous peasouper fogs.
A. enclosed B. enveloped C. encircled D. invaded
48. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to _______ new procedures to save
time and money.
A. manufacture B. control C. establish D. restore
49. Peter is very _______ for all the help you have given him.
A. generous B. pleasant C. acceptable D. thankful
50. If we do not take steps to protect the world’s wild life, many species of birds and animals
are likely to _______ completely.
A. die away B. die down C. die out D. die from


1. Tina won’t solve her problems unless she consults a lawyer.
A. It is very difficult for Tina to solve her problems without a lawyer.
B. Tina must talk to a lawyer, or she won’t solve her problems.
C. If Tina talks to a lawyer, her problems will be solved immediately.
D. Tina wishes she could find a good lawyer to help her solve her problems.
2. The school doesn’t let the students chew gum in the classrooms.
A. Chewing gum in the classrooms is difficult for students at this school.
B. The school punishes the students who chew gum in the classrooms.
C. The students aren’t allowed to chew gum in the classrooms.
D. It is almost impossible to chew gum in the classrooms here.
3. I feel sorry for Nehir because she has failed all her exams.
A. I am upset with Nehir because she always fails her exams.
B. Nehir has not passed any of her exams, so I feel bad for her.
C. Nehir is unhappy because she couldn’t pass any of her exams.
D. Nehir has failed all of her exams, and so we are both very sad.
4. During my childhood, our home was in Bristol.
A. We had to leave Bristol in my childhood.
B. I wasn’t a child any more while we were living in Bristol.
C. We have lived in Bristol since I was a child.
D. We used to live in Bristol when I was a child.
5. Help me, or I won’t be able to finish all the work.
A. I can’t finish all the work unless you help me.
B. I sometimes need your help when I have too much work.
C. If I can’t finish all the work, you will have to help me.
D. I wish I could finish all the work without help.
6. I am sure someone will warn you if you wear shorts to work.
A. You aren’t allowed to wear shorts in your job.
B. It is certain that you will be warned if you have shorts on at work.
C. I don’t think you should wear shorts if you are working.
D. If I were you, I would be careful about wearing shorts at work.
7. Are you sorry that you didn’t go to university?
A. Do you regret not going to university?
B. Was the university that you went to a bad one?
C. Did you feel sad when you were at university?
D. Do you ever wish you were at university now?
8. Don has lost weight in the last two years.
A. Don has been on a diet for the last two years.
B. It is two years since Don started his diet.
C. Don is not as heavy as he was two years ago.
D. When I last saw Don two years ago, he was heavier.
9. When I met Ali, he had been in Corum for three years.
A. When I was in Corum three years ago, I met Ali.
B. Ali was living in Corum when I met him there three years ago.
C. I had lived in Corum for three years before I met Ali.
D. Ah had been in Corum for three years before I met him.
10. It is very unusual for Cindy to get up so early.
A. I’m surprised to see Cindy awake at this time.
B. Cindy finds it difficult to get up very early.
C. Cindy rarely gets up as early as this.
D. Cindy is unusual because she always wakes up late.
11. I wish you would change your mind about selling your house.
A. You made a big mistake by selling your house.
B. I want you to give up the idea of selling your house.
C. If I were you, I would sell my house.
D. I’m glad that, in the end, you decided not to sell your house.
12. Sheila started her seashell collection when she was a little child.
A. Collecting seashells has always been one of Sheila’s favourite hobbies.
B. When Sheila was a child, she collected lots of seashells.
C. Sheila liked to collect seashells when she was a child.
D. Sheila has been collecting seashells since her childhood.
13. You aren’t allowed to take these documents out of the office.
A. We have to keep all of the documents here in the office.
B. The boss recently forbade anyone to take documents out of the office.
C. These documents mustn’t be taken out of the office.
D. They usually don’t let us take these documents out of the office.
14. City centres are more dangerous than they were 20 years ago.
A. City centres aren’t as safe as they used to be 20 years ago.
B. 20 years ago, I wasn’t aware that city centres were dangerous places.
C. It has been 20 years since I was last in a city centre as dangerous as this one.
D. In the last 20 years, city centres have become the most dangerous parts of cities.
15. The robbers escaped in a very old car.
A. The robbers have bought an old car in order to be able to escape.
B. Somebody saw the robbers inside a very old automobile.
C. The robbers were very old, but they managed to escape in a car.
D. The car which the robbers escaped in was very old.
16. The house had burnt down before the fire brigade arrived.
A. The fire brigade didn’t arrive until the house was burnt down.
B. The fire brigade arrived, but they failed to put the fire out.
C. The fire brigade were quite late, but they still tried to stop the house from burning down.
D. The house would burn down unless the fire brigade arrived on time.
17. The boys left home too late to catch the school bus.
A. Because the school bus came too early, the boys couldn’t catch it.
B. If the boys aren’t too late, they will be able to catch the school bus.
C. The boys didn’t leave home early enough, and so they missed the school bus.
D. The boys didn’t leave home until the school bus had arrived.
18. The Hotel Erika was the worst one we’d ever stayed at.
A. We left the Hotel Erika because it was worse than the others.
B. We had never before stayed at a hotel that was as bad as the Hotel Erika.
C. We have never felt worse than we did while we were staying at the Hotel Erika.
D. We have not stayed at many hotels that were as bad as the Hotel Erika.
19. Tim was nervous because he hadn’t spoken in public before.
A. After he had made his first speech in public, Tim felt very exhausted.
B. Tim frequently spoke in public, until finally he became exhausted.
C. Tim had never felt as nervous while he was speaking in public as he did on this
D. Tim hadn’t ever made a speech in public before, so he felt nervous.
20. The concert ticket was too expensive for Ryan.
A. Ryan didn’t have enough money to buy the concert ticket.
B. Ryan wishes that the concert ticket was cheaper.
C. Ryan didn’t want to buy the expensive concert ticket.
D. Buying expensive concert tickets is impossible for someone like Ryan.
21. I speak Spanish badly, but I think I speak it better than you.
A. I speak Spanish about as badly as you do.
B. I think you speak Spanish worse than I do.
C. My Spanish is fluent, but yours is quite bad.
D. It will be difficult for you to be able to speak Spanish as well as I do.
22. It started raining at eight o’clock this morning, and it hasn’t stopped yet.
A. It had been raining for eight hours when it stopped this morning.
B. It has been eight hours since the rain started this morning.
C. It has been raining since eight o’clock this morning.
D. The rain stopped in the morning, about eight hours ago.
23. I am sure that Firat isn’t telling the truth.
A. I know that Firat is always telling lies.
B. I feel certain that Firat is lying.
C. Firat doesn’t have to tell the truth.
D. Firat certainly won’t tell the truth.
24. We went to the station to catch the train, but it was no longer there.
A. After we arrived at the station, we saw the train leaving.
B. We almost missed the train that we had to catch to go home.
C. The train had left before we arrived at the station.
D. The train waited at the station until we arrived there.
25. I could never succeed in life without Allan’s support.
A. If Allan didn’t support me, I couldn’t succeed in life.
B. I will be successful in life unless Allan tries to help me.
C. When Allan tells me what to do in life, I am usually successful.
D. I didn’t succeed in life because Allan didn’t help me.
26. The teacher will be angry with you if you postpone doing your homework.
A. Your teacher usually gets angry when you forget to do your homework.
B. Your teacher won’t be angry with you if you do your homework late.
C. You will only make your teacher angry if you do not do your homework.
D. Putting off doing your homework will make your teacher angry.
27. The plane didn’t take off until they cleared the runway of snow.
A. Just as the plane was taking off, they started to clear the snow along the runway.
B. When they had cleared the snow along the runway, the plane took off.
C. The plane was ready to take off, because they had cleared the runway of snow.
D. The runway was covered in snow, so the plane couldn’t take off.
28. The plane had just taken off when the engine failed to work.
A. The engine broke down soon after the plane took off.
B. When the plane took off, the engine had already stopped.
C. The engine hadn’t worked while the plane was taking off.
D. When the plane was about to take off, the engine exploded.
29. He will let you drive his car if you are very careful.
A. If you weren’t so careless, he would let you borrow his car.
B. You should drive his car carefully if you want to borrow it from him.
C. You won’t be allowed to take his car unless you are very careful with it.
D. It is very important for him that you drive his car carefully.
30. I wasn’t in time to say goodbye to Paul.
A. I didn’t want to say goodbye to Paul before he left.
B. I wanted to say goodbye to Paul, but I couldn’t see him.
C. When I said goodbye to Paul, it was already very late.
D. I was too late to say goodbye to Paul.
31. The missing girls were last seen just before the summer holiday.
A. Nobody has seen the missing girls since the summer holiday started.
B. The missing girls have not been seen since they went on holiday last summer.
C. The last time we saw the girls was when we were on holiday in summer.
D. After the summer holiday was over, the girls disappeared.
32. I would like to know who this house belongs to.
A. The owner of this house is not someone who I know.
B. Someone had to tell me who the house belonged to.
C. I wonder if this house belongs to someone I know.
D. I want to learn whose house this is.
33. I don’t think anyone in the world drives as badly as Mike.
A. I believe that Mike is the worst driver in the world.
B. I don’t know anyone who drives as badly as Mike.
C. Mike is known around the world for his bad driving.
D. Everyone in the world knows that Mike is a bad driver.
34. The injury has made it impossible for Jose to play baseball.
A. Jose was a good baseball player before he had the injury.
B. Jose is unable to play baseball because of his injury.
C. If Jose played baseball well, he wouldn’t have an injury.
D. Jose is not allowed to play baseball because he has an injury.
35. You only have money problems because you spend more than you earn.
A. Unless you save most of the money that you earn, you will have money problems.
B. Don’t spend more than your salary, or you’ll always have money problems.
C. If you didn’t spend more than you earn, you wouldn’t have money problems. .
D. Your money problems are occurring because you do not earn enough money to spend.
36. They’ll be here soon if their plane isn’t delayed.
A. We’ll wait here for a while until their plane lands.
B. Unless there is a delay in their flight, they’ll arrive in a short time.
C. They won t arrive early if there is a delay in their flight.
D. I wish their plane weren’t delayed today, so they could get here sooner. .
37. Pelin has lost hope of becoming a film star.
A. Pelin no longer believes that she will be a film star.
B. When Pelin first decided to be a film star, she was very hopeful about it.
C. Pelin doesn’t really want to be a film star anymore.
D. Pehn thinks that film stars are hopeless people.
38. I needn’t go to work tomorrow because it is a holiday.
A. I wouldn’t go to work tomorrow if it were a holiday.
B. Tomorrow will be a good holiday because I won’t have to be at work.
C. I like holidays a lot because I don’t go to work then.
D. Because tomorrow is a holiday, I don’t have to go to work.
39. Interrupting a person when he or she is speaking is impolite.
A. No one wants to be interrupted by rude people while they are speaking.
B. People will think that you are rude if you interrupt them.
C. It is rude to interrupt someone while he or she is speaking.
D. I hate it when you interrupt someone who is speaking.
40. Stuart was annoyed because no one had invited him to the barbecue.
A. Stuart won’t be invited to the barbecue, so he will be annoyed.
B. When he was invited to the barbecue, Stuart got annoyed.
C. If Stuart were invited to the barbecue, he wouldn’t be annoyed.
D. Stuart wasn’t invited to the barbecue, and he found this annoying.
41. Your only chance of getting a ticket is to wait in the queue.
A. You won’t be able to get a ticket unless you wait in line.
B. You have lost your chance of getting in the line for a ticket.
C. Waiting in line for a ticket will take a very long time.
D. If you want to buy a ticket, you should get in line immediately.
42. The walls still need painting.
A. We’ll paint the walls if it is really necessary.
B. It seems we’ll have to paint the walls again.
C. The walls haven’t been painted yet, but they must be.
D. Painting the walls will probably be necessary.
43. Mert told Eda that he was sorry for shouting at her.
A. Eda accused Mert of shouting at her.
B. Mert feels bad because he shouted at Eda.
C. Mert blamed Eda for the quarrel that they had
D. Mert apologized to Eda for shouting at her.
44. It is too risky for you to climb without a rope.
A. I’m glad that you decided to take a rope with you to the climb.
B. It isn’t safe for you to climb unless you’ve got a rope.
C. Climbing with a rope is probably a good idea.
D. If I were you, I would consider taking a rope while climbing.
45. We hardly know Manhattan, so we need a city map.
A. It’s hard for us to get around Manhattan without a city map.
B. City maps will be useful when we are in Manhattan.
C. If only we knew Manhattan better and didn’t need a city map.
D. Because we know very little about Manhattan, we can’t do without a city map.
46. This is the first time our company has ever organized a barbecue.
A. This is the best barbecue that our company has organized for a long time.
B. Our company has not had such a good barbecue in a very long time.
C. Our company has never organized a barbecue before. .
D. The barbecue that is being organized by our company will be the best one.
47. When we lived in Rome, I used to go to a concert every week.
A. During our years in Rome, I went to a concert regularly once a week.
B. As we lived in Rome, I could go to a concert every week.
C. While we were living in Rome, we went to a concert at least once a week.
D. When we lived in Rome, they held concerts there every week.
48. Nobody is helping me, so I can’t finish my science project on time.
A. I needed help with my science project, but everyone just ignored me.
B. I could finish my science project on time if I were being helped by someone.
C. My science project will be difficult to do alone, so I should ask someone for help.
D. No one had time to help me, so I couldn’t finish my science project on time.
49. The teacher didn’t stop talking when Harry came in.
A. The teacher didn’t stop Harry when he started talking
B. We were listening to the teacher talk when Harry came in.
C. Harry entered, but the teacher continued talking.
D. The teacher continued talking about Harry when he entered.
50. Gary is the most confident person I have ever seen.
A. I wish that I could be very confident like Gary.
B. I’ve never seen anyone as confident as Gary.
C. I have met several very confident people like Gary.
D. I don’t think many people have more confidence than Gary.
51. Eric thought it would be a good idea for me to see the dentist.
A. It was Eric’s idea to go to the dentist, not mine.
B. Eric wishes I could take him to see the dentist.
C. I would go to the dentist if I were Eric.
D. Eric advised me to go to the dentist.
52. It’s not fair to put all the blame on him; he is not the only one at fault.
A. He doesn’t deserve to be blamed for everything; there were others involved.
B. It wouldn’t beright to punish those who, like him, weren’t involved.
C. He deserves to be punished, but the others don’t.
D. Only the ones who were involved should be punished.
53. It’s possible that he hurt your feelings unintentionally.
A. As far as I can see, he hurt your feelings deeply, though not on purpose.
B. He might not have meant to hurt you feelings.
C. He should have told you about that without hurting your feelings.
D. He couldn’t have explained this without hurting your feelings.
54. In the end, Iris managed to find a good job.
A. Iris was finally able to get a good job.
B. It was not easy for Iris to find a job.
C. I told you that Iris would find a good job in the end.
D. Iris finally found a good job as a manager.
55. It is two weeks since I started my diet.
A. I’m now on a diet that will last two weeks,
B. I was only on a diet for two weeks.
C. Since last week, I have been on a diet.
D. I have been on a diet for two weeks now.
55. The houseplants will die if no one gives them any water.
A. It is hard for houseplants to live without the water that people give them.
B. When you gave the houseplants too much water, they died.
C. Unless the houseplants are given water, they will die.
D. After the houseplants were watered, they were able to survive.
57. If it hadn’t been for the wind, the fire would never have spread so fast.
A. The force of the wind affected the way the fire spread.
B. It was the wind that caused the fire to spread at such a speed.
C. Even without the wind, the fire would have spread just as fast.
D. Had there been a wind, the fire would have spread even faster.
58. There’s no point in learning several languages if you are not going to have the
opportunity to use them.
A. Unless you are going to be in a position to use them, learning several languages would
just be a waste of time.
B. You shouldn’t try to learn many languages except the ones which are spoken
C. There are several languages that are everywhere in use and these are the ones to learn.
59. However much effort he puts into it, I’m sure he’ll never make a success of the
A. Unless he’s willing to make more of an effort, the business is never likely to be a
B. No matter how hard he tries, it’s clear that he won’t ever turn that business into a going
C. He’s a failure as a businessman even though he is extremely hardworking.
D. The success of the business will obviously depend upon the amount of hard work he
puts into it.
60. We got caught in a traffic jam so we were among the last to arrive.
A. The late arrivers all put the blame on the heavy traffic.
B. The traffic was so heavy that nearly everyone arrived late.
C. Most people got there before us as we were held up by the traffic.
D. There was such a congestion on the roads that I thought we never would get there.
61. Eve was drinking tea when I saw her in the cafe.
A. While Eve was drinking tea in the cafe, I saw her.
B. Eve had already finished her tea when I met her in the cafe.
C. I watched Eve finish her tea and then walked into the cafe.
D. Eve and I drank tea when we saw each other in the cafe.
62. The heavy rains began a few hours ago.
A. A few hours ago, the heavy rains stopped.
B. It rained heavily for a few hours.
C. It has been raining heavily for a few hours.
D. For a few hours, the rain was very heavy.
63. They found only two survivors, but it was a week before they gave up their search for
the others.
A. Rescue-workers found two more victims after the search for them had lasted a week.
B. They were only able to save two people though rescue work continued for a full week.
C. By the end of the first week there was little hope of finding the missing two.
D. Once those two were rescued at the end of the week, they abandoned the search for the
64. I firmly believe that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
A. It seems to me that the advantages and the disadvantages balance each other.
B. There seem to be more advantages than disadvantages on such occasions.
C. I’m convinced that there are more disadvantages than advantages.
D. One needs to weigh the disadvantages against advantages.
65. The last time I saw your brother was when I ran into him at the station when I was on
my way to Glasgow.
A. I haven’t seen your brother since a chance meeting at the station with him when I was
setting off for Glasgow.
B. The last time I went to Glasgow I happened to meet your brother at the station.
C. Your brother and I finally met at the station as it happened that I was going to Glasgow.
D. Your brother and I finally met on the Glasgow train just as it was leaving the station.
66. He really doesn’t mind who he works for, but the pay has to be good.
A. It’s the money that interests him, not the type of work or his employer.
B. With him, it’s the money that matters, not the type of work.
C. He’s the sort who will do anything for money.
D. He’ll work for just about anyone so long as they pay him well.
67. If I’d known what he wanted to discuss with me, I would never have given him an
A. I never did understand why he wanted us to meet and discuss the matter.
B. Had I realised what he wanted to talk to me about I would not have agreed to a meeting.
C. I realised there was something to be discussed but didn’t know exactly what.
D. I agreed to meet in order to discuss the matter thoroughly.
68. They might just as well close the cafe for this year, as the tourists have all left.
A. There’s no point in keeping the cafe open now, since the season is over and there are no
more tourists about,
B. Once the season is over and the tourists have gone, they’ll probably decide to close the
C. I think they plan to close the cafe once the tourists have all gone away.
D. Since the tourists have gone, they find it hardly profitable to keep the cafe open.
69. However carefully they rehearse the programme, there is always someone who gets it
A. Rehearse as much as you like, but you’ll never get it right.
B. They rehearsed the programme until it was quite faultless.
C. The programme was rehearsed with so much care that it seemed that nothing could go
D. No matter how diligently the programme is rehearsed, it is never free of mistakes.
70. All agree that the environment has to be protected, but should it really take priority
over education and public health?
A. Are we all agreed that the needs of environmental protection should take priority over
the claims of education and public health?
B. It is not agreed that the claims of education and public health cannot be ranked below
those of environmental protection?
C. Though the need for environmental protection is not contested, do we really regard the
claims of education, and public health as of less importance?
D. The claims of education and public health will come high on our list of priorities, but
can’t we agree to put those of environmental protection even higher?
71. I would willingly have lent you the money myself if only I’d known you needed it.
A. As I realized just how necessary the loan was to you, I naturally lent you what you
B. Had I realized that you were in need of such a loan, I would gladly have lent it to you
C. I was under, no obligation to offer you a loan, but nevertheless did so gladly.
D. I would lend you the money willingly if I were convinced that you really require it.
72. The aim of advertising is not to inform but to sell products and keep businesses in
A. A business advertises in order to get markets and sell its goods and make itself known.
B. Advertisements should give preference to marketing techniques and help firms sell;
information is secondary.
C. Advertising is about selling goods and keeping firms running; not supplying
D. A business advertises with a view to making a name for itself in the commercial world
and selling its products.
73. You would do well to wait a little before buying a car
A. If you are thinking of buying a car, this is the right time.
B. You must realise that this is not the right time to change old car.
C. Don’t buy now; car prices are expected to fall.
D. It would be better if you didn’t buy a car just yet.
74. He was advised to confirm the booking but failed to do so.
A. He won’t confirm the booking although he is advised to do so.
B. The booking should have been confirmed but he forgot to do so.
C. It is always advisable to confirm a booking but he never does so.
D. They told him it was best to confirm the booking but he didn’t listen to them.
75. James will probably make a good director too, even though he’s not ail like his father.
A. James is quite different from his father, but, nonetheless, he’ll also succeed as a director.
B. James is quite unlike his father, so he’s not likely to be a good director. .
C. Unlike his father, James, seems set on developing into a most efficient director.
D. As James is opposed to his father’s system, one wonders if he will find a better one.
76. The scene Is set in Normandy, but most of the characters in this novel are Londoners.
A. In the novel, the action moves backwards and forwards between Normandy and London.
B. The main characters in the novel are Londoners on a sightseeing holiday in Normandy.
C. In this novel, the story takes place in Normandy but the majority of the characters are
from London.
D. The story is about Normandy, but the leading characters are all Londoners.
77. A good book review lets you know whether it’s the sort of book you want to read or
A. You can understand from a good book review whether or not it’s the kind of book you
B. One ought to be able to understand from a book review which books are worth reading.
C. The prime function of any book review should be to establish whether or not a book is
worth reading.
D. According to book reviews, all books are worth reading.
78. Much to our astonishment, he soon proved himself to be a very talented organiser.
A. The speed with which he developed his administrative potential didn’t surprise us all.
B. The astonishing thing was that such a talented man should take on the organisation.
C. His organising abilities were surprisingly enough not recognised until too late.
D. It wasn’t long before his administrative gifts became apparent, which surprised us
79. You’ll have to tell him in the end; and the longer you put off doing so the harder it’s
going to be.
A. He’ll have to be notified about it, and the sooner the better.
B. You can’t keep him in the dark about it for ever, and telling him will get harder the
longer you wait.
C. Surely it’s better to let him know now than to wait until he finds out for himself.
D. You never can keep things secret for long, so the best is to tell him about it soon.
80. It is no use expecting someone else to find a job for him; he must do something about it
A. You shouldn’t expect anyone else to accept a job you aren’t willing to take on yourself.
B. He shouldn’t expect others to give up their jobs for him.
C. As he doesn’t want the job himself he might as well let someone else have it.
D. He never will get a job unless he sets about getting one himself and not leaving it to


Tattooing has been around for thousands of years. The act of making a permanent design or
mark on the body was originally thought to (1) _______ magical protection against disease and
misfortune. Later, it was used to show a person’s (2) _______ status. The Romans, for example,
(3) _______ to tattoo slaves and criminals.
With the (4) _______ of Christianity in Europe, tattooing was forbidden. It virtually (5)
_______ out for hundreds of years, until European explorers came into (6) _______ with
American Indians and Polynesians in the 17th and 18th centuries. Sailors would return from
long (7) _______ , decorated with large and elaborate designs. Many of these sailors later
joined circuses, and (8) _______ a living by showing their tattoos to the public.
Nowadays, tattooing is (9) _______ as unusual, nor as popular as it once was. Tattoo
parlours do (10) _______ , but most people are unwilling to go (11) _______ the rather painful
procedure. On the other hand, (12) _______ tattoos are becoming increasingly common. The
design, which (13) _______ for three to six weeks, is painted painlessly onto the skin.
Other people still (14) _______ the original, permanent techniques, of course. The world
record for the most-tattooed person is (15) _______ by Tom Leppard from Scotland. His
leopard-skin design covers 99.2% of his body surface!
1. A. prove B. do C. make D. provide
2. A. senior B. society C. social D. communal
3. A. used B. were C. could D. would
4. A. coming B. arrival C. departure D. leaving
5. A. died B. wore C. left D. went
6. A. touch B. contact C. meeting D. communication
7. A. travels B. sails C. explorers D. voyages
8. A. paid B. worked C. earned D. did
9. A. neither B. nor C. nowhere D. no
10. A. be B. exist C. live D. stay
11. A. under B. along C. through D. with
12. A. short B. momentary C. part-time D. temporary
13. A. endures B. takes C. lasts D. is
14. A. rather B. wish C. elect D. prefer
15. A. kept B. held C. made D. reached

Napoleon III of France was responsible for the invention of the butter substitute known as
margarine. He was looking for a cheap (1) _______ to butter for the poorer people of society,
and for his army and navy. So he (2) _______ up a prize competition to sec who would (3)
_______ up with the best solution.
There was only one (4) _______ into this competition, from a man called Meges-Mouries.
He had (5) _______ over two years experimenting, and finally found an acceptable butter
substitute made from milk and various animal fats. It tasted quite pleasant, and spread well on
bread, but it was (6) _______ white. (7) _______ its colour, Meges-Mouries invention was
awarded the prize. Yellow colouring was added to it at a (8) _______ date.
Margarine soon went into mass (9) _______ and was exported all over the world. In Britain
it was called “Butterine”, until protests from farmers (10) _______ to that name being made
illegal. Farmers in America were not happy (11) _______ the new arrival on the market either.
They (12) _______ to the yellow colouring, saying that it made it resemble butter so (13)
_______ that it could deceive consumers.
In effect, Napoleon Ill’s competition is still going on. The ultimate (14) _______ of every
margarine manufacturer is to produce a product that is (15) _______ to distinguish from butter.
And they keep trying.
1. A. alternative B. replacement C. option D. choice
2. A. gave B. took C. set D. put
3. A. make B. come C. go D. bring
4. A. competitor B. player C. attempt D. entry
5. A. used B. tried C. spent D. made
6. A. clear B. pure C. true D. perfect
7. A. However B. Although C. Despite D. Nevertheless
8. A. later B. longer C. further D. farther
9. A. creation B. production C. industry D. construction
10. A. changed B. ended C. brought D. led
11. A. about B. over C. at D. for
12. A. protested B. objected C. disagreed D. argued
13. A. justly B. nearly C. rightly D. closely
14. A. goal B. score C. end D. finish
15. A. impractical B. unable C. impossible D. incapable

The problem of homelessness is an international one. In the capital cities of the world, the
(1) _______ of people begging on the streets is becoming increasingly (2) _______ . But all
over the world, homeless people are taking the future into their own (3) _______ . By selling
“street papers” they no longer need to beg for a (4) _______ .
The concept of the street paper is (5) _______ . It is sold by homeless and ex-homeless
people who buy it at a (6) _______ price of 30p and sell it to the public for 70p, keeping 40p for
themselves. If they have no money, then they can get the first ten copies on (7) _______ and
pay for them later. Every paper seller receives training and is given a special (8) _______
The paper itself (9) _______ articles of general and social interest, film and book (10)
_______ , cartoons and the (11) _______ celebrity interview. Advertising and sales (12) most
of the income, and all profits go (13) _______ into helping homeless people.
The Big Issue is the street paper of the British homeless. It was set up in 1991, and (14)
_______ then it has helped hundreds of people to get (15) _______ the streets and back into
1. A. sight B. vision C. look D. view
2. A. usual B. rare C. common D. routine
3. A. heads B. shoulders C. mouths D. hands
4. A. living B. life C. being D. pay
5. A. easy B. straight C. simple D. plain
6. A. fixed B. steady C. held D. stuck
7. A. cash B. cheque C. credit D. card
8. A. character B. identity C. manner D. personality
9. A. consists B. involves C. keeps D. contains
10. A. stories B. opinions C. reviews D. views
11. A. sometimes B. often C. seldom D. occasional
12. A. give B. show C. provide D. offer
13. A. forward B. out C. through D. back
14. A. from B. since C. for D. of
15. A. off B. away C. out D. up

4 The Mary Celeste

The Mary Celeste had always been considered an unlucky ship, but no one could have
predicted what would happen to it when it (1) _______ sail from New York in November 1872.
It was (2) _______ for Genoa with a cargo of alcohol - a (3) _______ which should have taken
about five weeks. However, Captain Briggs, his wife, his two-year-old daughter, and the crew
of seven sailors were never seen (4) _______ .
The Mary Celeste was (5) _______ off the Azores by a British ship called the Dei Gratia. It
appeared to be in trouble, so Captain Morehouse sailed closer in order to (6) _______ . Nobody
answered his calls, so he sent three sailors in a boat to (7) _______ help. They (8) _______ the
ship totally deserted.
Some of the sails had been slightly (9) _______ by a storm but, (10) _______ from that, the
Mary Celeste was in perfect (11) _______ . One small boat was missing, along with a map, and
some navigation equipment. So it was (12) _______ that the crew had left the ship voluntarily.
But why would they have left a large, safe ship in good (13) _______ order for a much smaller,
weaker boat?
Many (14) _______ have been made to explain this mystery. Could it have been pirates?
Nothing was stolen. An attack by a sea monster? The ship was not damaged. UFOs? Ghosts?
To this day, no one has offered an explanation which is entirely (15) _______ .
1. A. made B. set C. gave D. went
2. A. heading B. travelling C. running D. going
3. A. travel B. sail C. journey D. cruise
4: A. later B. once C. more D. again
5. A. looked B. watched C. spotted D. noted
6. A. detect B. test C. experiment D. investigate
7. A. put B. offer C. hand D. serve
8. A. searched B. saw C. found D. met
9. A. damaged B. injured C. hurt D. broken
10. A. except B. away C. far D. apart
11. A. condition B. state C. way D. health
12. A. clean B. actual C. clear D. transparent
13. A. going B. working C. standing D. operating
14. A. tries B. goes C. turns D. attempts
15. A. satisfactory B. complete C. enough D. efficient

Have you ever been in a situation in which you suddenly thought “I’ve been here before”?
That strange (1) _______ of having had exactly the same experience at some unknown time in
the past is (2) _______ as deja vu. Most people have had this feeling at one time or (3) _______
, but no one has come up with a satisfactory (4) _______ of what deja vu actually is.
There are the usual eccentric theories (5) _______ memories of a previous life, or of some
(6) _______ forgotten “out-of-body experience”. Others (7) _______ that a deja vu is the
memory of a past dream in which the future was revealed. (8) _______ to say, few scientists (9)
_______ these theories very seriously.
Psychologists have made several (10) _______ to explain the phenomenon. Perhaps the
most (11) _______ one involves a simple malfunction of the brain’s electrical circuitry. What
happens is this: the brain accidentally (12) _______ what you see as a memory before it is (13)
_______ in the consciousness. So when, moments later, you actually (14) _______ conscious of
the scene, you find that you (15) _______ have a memory of it deep in your mind.
1. A. reaction B. sentiment C. taste D. sensation
2. A. called B. known C. heard D. termed
3. A. another B. else C. two D. more
4. A. reason B. explanation C. answer D. excuse
5. A. concerning B. relating C. referring D. owing
6. A. far B. long C. gone D. lost
7. A. reply B. regard C. maintain D. express
8. A. Needless B. Only C. Without D. Doubtless
9.. A. accept B. hold C. have D. take
10. A. Cries B. experiments C. attempts D. steps
11. A. reasonable B. true C. right D. normal
12. A. puts B. moves C. makes D. stores
13. A. signed B. written C. registered D. listed
14. A. come B. become C. stay D. be
15. A. momentarily B. still C. already D. just


Medical science has made enormous advances in the twentieth century. Most of the great
“killer” diseases have been (1) _______ , and almost every day a new drug appears on the
market. But the medical profession is (2) _______ a crisis of confidence. Surveys (3) _______
that less than 40% of people really trust their family doctor. People are (4) _______ away from
conventional medicine to look for alternative (5) _______ of treatment.
The main reason for this is that conventional medicine has (6) _______ to satisfy the needs
of the (7) of people. In spite of the apparent progress made by medical science, we are
actually less (8) _______ than our parents or grandparents.
Medical students are taught that diseases are (9) by germs, viruses and toxins. Therefore
treatment must (10) _______ on attacking these things. The mind and the emotions are not
thought to play any (11) _______ in the disease process. But people who practise “natural”
medicine (12) _______ with this principle, and try to treat the whole person. They believe that
personality and lifestyle are important when considering a patient’s (13) _______ health.
Some conventional doctors are beginning to (14) _______ that there is a lot of truth in these
ideas, and believe that natural medicine can be a valuable aid. Others (15) _______ regard it as
a dangerous threat to their profession.
1. A. defeated B. won C. erased D. broken
2. A. bearing B. holding C. experiencing D. living
3. A. lead B. indicate C. describe D. point
4. A. growing B. taking C. coming D. turning
5. A. ways B. makes C. forms D. fashions
6. A. failed B. stopped C. lost D. missed
7. A. lot B. majority C. most D. largest
8. A. healthy B. nutritious C. fine D. wholesome
9. A. brought B. made C. caused D. involved
10. A. aim B. function C. try D. concentrate
11. A. game B. part C. piece D. action
12. A. reject B. dislike C. object D. disagree
13. A. normal B. typical C. general D. common
14. A. know B. observe C. view D. recognise
15. A. still B. yet C. but D. even

The next time you are watching a film and you see one of the characters jumping out of a
plane, falling off a horse, or being blown through a window spare a (1) _______ for the stunt
artist. Lots of people think that stunt artists are just “extras” who (2) _______ small,
unimportant parts in films and television. Nothing could be (3) _______ from the truth.
A stunt artist must (4) _______ the skills of an actor with the physical abilities of a first (5)
_______ athlete. He or she must be extremely fit, and (6) _______ trained in a number of
activities like scuba-diving, horse riding, martial arts or parachuting.
It is not easy to get (7) _______ in a career as a stunt performer. Film and television
producers look for experience and (8) _______ ability, so it is unlikely that they will take on a
complete newcomer. However, because of the (9) _______ of their profession, stunt artists (10)
_______ to retire early. This means that new performers must be employed, or there will be no.
one to take (11) _______ when the present generation quits.
Even when a stunt artist becomes well-(12) _______ , the work is not regular. It may
sometimes be necessary to travel to the other side of the world for a job which involves (13)
_______ hours and great physical danger. It is not a glamorous occupation (14) _______.
Unlike the famous actors for (15) _______ they sometimes risk their lives, few stunt artists are
recognised in the street by adoring fans.
1. A. coin B. sympathy C. minute D. thought
2. A. make B. act C. play D. do
3. A. higher B. further C. nearer D. wider
4. A. combine B. consider C. consist D. mix
5. A. gold B. class C. national D. level
6. A. deeply B. really C. very D. highly
7. A. started B. opened C. begun D. originated
8. A. shown B. definite C. proven D. doubted
9. A. kind B. nature C. way D. type
10. A. lean B. rather C. bend D. tend
11. A. over B. in C. up D. out
12. A. famous B. heard C. known D. spoken
13. A. long B. large C. big D. much
14. A. too B. neither C. also D. either
15. A. who B. whom C. them D. which

Sir Isaac Newton, the English scientist and mathematician, was one of the most important
figures of the 17th century scientific revolution. One of his greatest (1) _______ was the
discovery of the three laws of motion, which are still (2) _______ today. But he also had a very
unusual personality. Some people would (3) _______ he was actually insane.
His father died before he was born, and his mother soon remarried. The young Isaac hated
his stepfather so much that he once (4) _______ to burn his house down - when his stepfather
and mother were (5) _______ inside! Fortunately he did not and he (6) _______ on to graduate
from Cambridge without being thrown into prison.
Isaac’s first (7) _______ work was a theory of light and colour. When another scientist
wrote a paper criticising this theory, Isaac flew into an uncontrollable rage. The scientist (8)
_______ for the criticism was a man called Robert Hooke. He was head of the Royal Society,
and one of the most (9) _______ scientists in the country. (10) _______ , this made no
difference to Isaac, who (11) _______ to speak to him for over a year.
The (12) _______ fact was that Isaac found it impossible to have a calm discussion with
anyone. As soon as someone said something that he (13) _______ with, he would lose his (14)
_______ . For this (15) _______ he lived a large part of his life isolated from other scientists. It
is unlikely that many of them complained.
1. A. prizes B. aims C. goals D. achievements
2. A. forced B. used C. obeyed D. done
3. A. tell B. speak C. ask D. say
4. A. shouted B. frightened C. threatened D. warned
5. A. yet B. still C. even D. now
6. A. went B. came C. carried D. ran
7. A. displayed B. released C. shown D. published
8. A. responsible B. reasonable C. guilty D. attributable
9. A. regarded B. believed C. respected D. observed
10. A. Although B. However C. Despite D. What is more
11. A. supported B. denied C. refused D. ignored
12. A. simple B. easy C. straight D. honest
13. A. argued B. disagreed C. disliked D. annoyed
14. A. anger B. mood C. character D. temper
15. A. reason B. logic C. purpose D. need

The dominant form of transport in the twentieth century is undoubtedly the motor car. But
as the century draws to a close, a large (1) _______ of road users are abandoning these petrol-
driven, four-wheeled boxes for a much cleaner, more efficient (2) _______ : the bicycle.
It is not a new invention, of course. In 1817, Baron von Drais invented what (3) _______
known as the “running machine”. This was a two-wheeled vehicle which looked very (4) to a
bicycle, (5) _______ that it had no chain or pedals. The rider simply sat in the saddle and ran. It
is surprising that these machines were so (6) _______ when you consider how. uncomfortable
they (7) _______ have been, but they were very fashionable (8) _______ the upper classes.
It was not until 1885 that something truly (9) _______ a modern bicycle came onto the
market. The “safety cycle” (10) _______ the beginning of the age of the two-wheeler. This was
not just an expensive (11) _______ for the amusement of the upper classes. It was a cheap and
practical machine, and it was not (12) _______ before everyone had one.
With the (13) _______ in car use in the 1950s and 60s, the bicycle went into decline. The
car was, after all, faster and more (14) _______ . Until there were so many of them, that is!
Nowadays more and more people realise that for city journeys a bicycle can be up to five (15)
_______ faster than a car - and it is much easier to find a parking space!
1. A. deal B. number C. lot D. amount
2. A. motor B. engine C. machine D. mechanic
3. A. grew B. became C. came D. made
4. A. like B. same C. equal D. similar
5. A. except B. yet C. though D. but
6. A. usual B. popular G. general D. charming
7. A. must B. can C. can’t D. could
8. A. around B. between C. among D. inside
9. A. looking B. seeming C. appearing D. resembling
10. A. pointed B. showed C. marked D. started
11. A. joke B. toy C. game D. play
12. A. far B. short C. ages D. long
13. A. height B. lift C. rise D. climb
14. A. comfortable B. soft C. easy D. warmer
15. A. ways B. ages C. hours D. times

A volcanic eruption is possibly the most spectacular example of the incredible power of
nature - and few eruptions in history have been (1) _______ as spectacular as that of Krakatoa.
(2) _______ the summer of 1883 this volcano, (3) _______ on an island between Java and
Sumatra, had been quiet for over two hundred years. In May that year came the first (4)
_______ of renewed activity. Then at 10am on 27 August, the (5) _____ island began to
The explosions were heard 3,500 km (6) _______ in Australia. Clouds of ash were blown
80 km into the sky, blocking (7) _______ the sun and plunging the surrounding areas into
complete darkness for two and a half days. This ash (8) _______ the Earth several times,
causing spectacular red sunsets all over the world (9) _______ the following year.
The eruption (10) _______ tidal waves which were recorded as far away as South America
and Hawaii. The biggest and most (11) _______ of these waves was 37m high; it (12) _______
out 36,000 people who lived in the coastal towns of Java and Sumatra.
For the next forty-five years the region remained quiet. Then in 1927 a (13) _______ of
eruptions under the sea led to the (14) _______ of a tiny island where Krakatoa once was. This
“Child of Krakatoa” now stands over 200m above sea (15) _______ .
1. A. just B. quite C. exactly D. really
2. A. When B. During C. Until D. For
3. A. living B. situated C. placed D. stationed
4. A. clues B. flags C. signs D. notices
5. A. whole B. complete C. total D. full
6. A. distant B. far C. long D. away
7. A. over B. out C. up D. on
8. A. circled B. stretched C. rounded D. surrounded
9. A. without B. beyond C. throughout D. entire
10. A. fired B. shot C. touched D. triggered
11. A. destructive B. wasteful C. aggressive D. constructive
12. A. cleaned B. dished C. poured D. wiped
13. A. series B. line C. bunch D. serial
14. A. picture B. appearance C. discovery D. aspect
15. A. height B. stage C. level D. surface

Acupuncture is a Chinese method of treating illnesses by inserting needles into certain
points of the body. The idea is that this restores the natural (1) _______ of energy, which is
disturbed when a person is ill. The origins of this therapy have been traced (2) _______ over
five thousand years, but it only began to be (3) _______ in the West in the 1970s.
In 1971, James Reston, a well-(4) _______ journalist from the New York Times, was
visiting China when he developed appendicitis. He was operated (5) _______ in a hospital in
Peking, where the doctors used acupuncture to (6) _______ his pain. Reston was surprised at
how (7) _______ it was, and wrote about it in an article for the newspaper.
Soon afterwards, Chairman Mao Tse-tung invited a group of (8) _______ Western doctors
over to China to witness for themselves that acupuncture (9) _______ . They were accompanied
(10) _______ television crews, and soon viewers in the West were watching operations being
(11) _______ out on patients with acupuncture needles sticking out of them. The patients felt
(12) _______ pain.
The Western experts were a (13) _______ embarrassed at what they saw, because they had
(14) _______ ridiculed the idea that patients could be treated with needles. But now they were
(15) _______ to admit that it actually worked, and acupuncture became a popular form of
1. A. balance B. scale C. mirror D. weight
2. A. up B. forward C. back D. towards
3. A. admitted B. held C. taken D. accepted
4. A. famous B. known C. celebrated D. heard
5. A. at B. over C. in D. on
6. A. release B. repair C. relieve D. retain
7. A. practical B. effective C. influential D. used
8. A. impressive B distinguished C. distinct D. related
9. A. did B. won C. worked D. made
10. A. to B. by C. with D. of
11. A. acted B. brought C. performed D. carried
12. A. no B. any C. not D. none
13. A. tiny B. little C. quite D. rather
14. A. previously B. before C. early D. anciently
15. A. had B. strengthened C. pushed D. forced

Spelling presents a major problem to many students - and, indeed, native speakers - of
English. This is (1) _______ surprising when you consider just how illogical the English
spelling (2) _______ is. The spelling of such basic words as right, through, once, and who
seems to (3) _______ no relation to their (4) _______ . And how can the words go, sew, and
though all rhyme with (5) _______ other?
There have been attempts in the (6) _______ to reform English spelling. The playwright
George Berhard Shaw was an enthusiastic (7) _______ for a more phonetic approach. In a
clever illustration of the absurdity of English spelling he suggested that the word fish be (8)
_______ by the letters “ghoti”: the gh from enough, the o from women, and the ti from nation.
When he died in 1950 he (9) _______ a large part of his estate to promote spelling reform.
So why do we (10) _______ in spelling words the way we do, (11) _______ the efforts of
reformers like Shaw? One reason is that we are too (12) _______ with the words a they are
currently spelled. It is, certain that any change in the rules (13) _______ be extremely difficult,
if not impossible, to (14) _______. Another is that there is (15) _______ a variety of regional
accents within the English speaking world that it would be unfair to select just one as the
standard model for spelling.
1. A. hardly B. just C. nearly D. strongly
2. A. method B. procedure C. system D. schedule’
3. A. hold B. bear C. carry D. keep
4. A. voice B. speech C. pronunciation D. vocation
5. A. each B. every C. the D. one
6. A. history B. years C. ages D. past
7. A. demonstrator B. campaigner C. champion D. candidate
8. A. represented B. described C. signed D. written
9. A. willed B. divided C. gave D. left
10. A. insist B. continue C. persist D. keep
11. A. in spite B. despite C. however D. although
12. A. accustomed B. used C. familiar D. friendly
13. A. should B. could C. ought D. would
14. A. require B. enforce C. make D. oblige
15. A. such B. quite C. many D. so


Thirteen-year-olds do not spend as much money as their parents suspect at least not
according to the findings of a (1) _______ survey, Money and Change. The survey (2) _______
three hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old, from (3) _______ Britain.
By the time they (4) _______ their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise
dramatically to an amazing national, average of £5.14. Two thirds think they get (5) _______
money, but most expect to have to do something to get it.
Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (6) _______ among teenagers.
Therefore, the (7) _______ of children (8) _______ an effort to save for the future. .
Greater access to cash (9) _______ teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more
irresponsible (10) _______ a result. The economic recession seems to have encouraged (11)
_______ attitudes to money, even in the case of children at these ages. Instead of wasting what
pocket (12) _______ they have on sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took (13)
_______ in the survey seem to (14) _______ to the situation by saving more than half (15)
_______ their cash.
1. A. recent B. late C. latest D. fresh
2. A. counted B. contained C. included D. enclosed
3. A. entire B. all over C. complete D. the whole
4. A. arrive B. get C. make D. reach
5. A. enough B. adequate C’. satisfactory D. acceptable
6. A. gaining B. heightening C. building D. increasing
7. A. most B. majority C. many D. maximum
8. A. have B. do C. make D. try
9. A. through B. among C. between D. along
10 A. like B. in C. for D. as
11. A. aware B. knowing C. cautious D. helpful
12. A. money B. cash C. change D. savings
13. A. share B. place C. part D. piece
14. A. reply B. respond C. answer D. return
15. A. from B. as C. for D. of


The reality of an interview is never as bad as your fears. For some (1) people imagine the
interviewer is going to jump on every tiny mistake they (2) _______ . In truth, the interviewer
is as (3) _______ for the meeting to go well as you are. It is what (4) _______ his or her job
The secret of a good interview is preparing for it. What you wear is always important as it
creates the first impression. So (5) _______ neatly, but comfortably. Make (6) _______ that
you can deal with anything you are (7) _______ Prepare for questions that are certain to come
up, for example: Why do you want to become a nurse? What is the most important (8) _______
a good nurse should have? Apart from nursing, what other careers have you (9) _______ ?
What are your interests and hobbies?
Answer the questions fully and precisely. (10) _______ , if one of your interests is reading,
be prepared to (11) _______ about the sort of books you like. (12) _______ , do not learn all
your answers off (13) _______ heart. The interviewer wants to meet a human (14) _______ ,
not a robot. Remember, the interviewer is genuinely interested in you, so the more you relax
and are yourself, the more (15) _______ you are to succeed.
1. A. idea B. reason C. explanation D. excuse
2. A. make B. do C. perform D. have
3. A. delighted B. wanting C. interested D. keen
4. A. does B. causes C. makes D. happens
5. A. have on B. wear C. put on D. dress
6. A. evident B. definite C. sure D. clear
7. A. requested B. asked C. enquired D. questioned
8. A. character B. nature C. quality D. point
9. A. considered B. regarded C. thought D. wondered
10 A. Let’s say B. That is C. Such as D. For instance
11. A. talk B. say C. discuss D. chat
12. A. Although B. However C. Despite D. Therefore
13. A. at B. in C. by D. on
14. A. character B. being C. somebody D. nature
15. A. likely B. possible C. easy D. probable


It is the nature of athletic records that they are broken and their place is taken by others. Yet
in many sports (1) _______ , there is a mark which is not (2) _______ in itself, but which
becomes a legend as athletes (3) _______ to break it. The most (4) _______ of these is the
attempt to run the mile in (5) _______ than four minutes.
In 1945, the mile record was (6) _______ to 4 minutes, 1.5 seconds. And there, for nine
years, it stuck. Then, in 1954, a medical student (7) _______ Roger Bannister decided to try and
break the record. He had been (8) _______ for this day since running the mile in 4 minutes, 2
seconds the (9) _______ year.
Two other runners set the pace for him, and (10) _______ 250 yards to go he burst ahead
for the finish. He wrote (11) _______ : “My body had exhausted all its energy, but it (12)
_______ on running just the same ... Those (13) _______ few seconds seemed never-ending. I
could see the line of the finishing tape ... I jumped like a man making a desperate attempt to
save himself from danger ...”
Bannister’s time was 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds. (14) _______ this record has been broken on
many (15) _______ since, Bannister’s achievement will never be forgotten.
1. A. happenings B. games C. events D. matches
2. A. central B. significant C. major D. considerable
3. A. try B. try on C. try out D. try for
4. A. known B. famous C. noticeable D. public
5. A. smaller B. lower C. less D. under
6. A. brought down B. lessened C. decreased D. broken down
7. A. entitled B. known C. nicknamed D. called
8. A. trying B. training C. running D. studying
9. A. early B. former C. past D. previous
10 A. on B. in C. with D. by
11. A. afterwards B. then C. next D. after
12. A. got B. continued C. ran D. went
13. A. last B. late C. latest D. later
14. A. But B. Although C. However D. In spite of
15. A. times B. times C. incidents D. occasions

Human beings have a strong need to put their experiences and problems into Words. That is
why everyone (1) _______ a “friendly ear” - someone who is (2) _______ to listen to their
troubles and joys. But few people (3) _______ what a complex skill listening is. To be a good
listener requires great (4) _______ of concentration, which can only be gained through practice.
There are two reasons why listening is often such hard (5) _______ . The first is simply that
people much (6) _______ to speak. How often have you (7) _______ what someone has said
because you were thinking about what you were going to say in (8) _______ ? The second
reason is that people speak too slowly. The average speed is about 12.5 words per minute, (9)
_______ is not fast enough for the human brain. It (10) _______ too much time for the con-
centration to fail, as the brain tries to (11) _______ itself busy with other, irrelevant thoughts.
Next time you are in a listening (12) _______ , try to predict what the speaker is going to
say. Ask yourself questions about what is being said, and (13) _______ if the speaker answers
them. Finally, make quick summaries in your head of the main (14) _______ that have been
made. All of these things will (15) _______ you to concentrate and make you a better listener.
1. A. approves B. applauds C. appreciates D. attracts
2. A. willing B. wanting C. capable D. agreed
3. A. detect B. believe C. relate D. realise
4. A. forces B. powers C. skills D. strengths
5. A. job B. act C. task D. work
6. A. sooner B. rather C. prefer D. like
7. A. missed B. dropped C. slipped D. lost
8. A. report B. answer C. turn D. reply
9. A. that B. which C. this D. what
10. A. lets B. makes C. allows D. admits
11. A. keep B. stop C. maintain D. hold
12. A. station B. circumstance C. atmosphere D. situation
13. A. look B. see C. watch D. tell
14. A. points B. marks C. topics D. ideas
15. A. aid B. serve C. help D. give


The university campus is like one big village where thousands of students live, work and
relax surrounded by rolling green fields. It is the centre of the student (1) _______ in all its
variety. While it is basically a place for young people, there are a (2) of family flats and
children are never far away. People come to live here from all over the world, so members of
different cultures and speakers of different languages live (3) _______ door to each other. One
house has had special structural (4) _______ to make it suitable for students with disabilities.
Most first year students live on campus. It’s the easiest way to (5) _______ people when you
first arrive and there’s always somebody to (6) _______ . It’s a busy, lively place, but because
the campus is in the middle of parkland, you can (7) _______ off and be alone if you want to.
When you arrive here, you will be introduced to your personal tutor. She or he (8) _______
a special interest in your progress in your course and can also (9) _______ you on any personal
problems. Your personal tutor is somebody you can always (10) _______ on for help and
(11) _______ you are prepared to work hard and take (12) _______ of everything the
university has to offer, you should find your time here both (13) _______ and rewarding. So
(14) _______ the university, I would like to welcome you and (15) _______ you luck in your
1. A. community B. company C. connection D. society
2. A. block B. pile C. number D. quantity
3. A. next B. near C. close D. nearby
4. A. exchanges B. changes C. adjustments D. alterations
5. A. know B. meet C. greet D. recognise
6. A. face up to B. go in for C. drop in on D. get round to
7. A. march B. limp C. crawl D. wander
8. A. gives B. holds C. takes D. makes
9. A. advise B. recommend C. suggest D. help
10. A. trust B. rely C. believe D. confess
11. A. As well as B. As soon as C. As far as D. As long as
12. A. gain B. advantage C. benefit D. profit
13. A. amusing B. distracting C. funny D. enjoyable
14. A. on behalf of B. on account of C. by means of D. in front of
15. A. hope B. wish C. bring D. give

Salt is essential to life. At one time it was considered so valuable that it was (1) _______
worshipped as a god. Roman soldiers (2) _______ to be paid “salt money”, which is where the
word “salary” originated (3) _______ . Nowadays, however, salt is so common that few people
even (4) _______ to think about it. But perhaps they (5) _______ .
The human body needs so little salt to (6) _______ that it is very easy to consume too much
of it. An excess of salt in the diet can (7) _______ to high blood pressure, which in turn can (8)
_______ the risk of heart disease. Cooking with salt also reduces the nutritional quality of the
food. For example, spinach boiled in salted water (9) _______ 50% of its iron, compared to
only 19% when boiled in salt-(10) _______ water.
Many people have the habit of (11) _______ salt to their food when they are at the table.
Some even do this (12) _______ they have tasted the food. This is one of the reasons why the
(13) person in Britain eats two and a half to three teaspoons of salt every day. The (14)
_______ recommended dose is one and a half, and the (15) _______ dose is just half a tea-
1. A. factually B. really C. currently D. actually
2. A. were B. would C. used D. once
3. A. out B. from C. off D. to
4. A. bother B. worry C. mind D. dare
5. A. ought B. had C. would D. should
6. A. keep B. last C. survive D. maintain
7. A. bring B. lead C. end D. reach
8. A. increase B. lift C. rise D. grow
9. A. drops B. loses C. kills D. throws
10. A. clear B. clean C. empty D. free
11. A. adding B. mixing C. including D. putting
12. A. without B. instead C. before D. prior
13. A. medium B. average C. common D. usual
14. A. top B. extreme C. maximum D. most
15. A. excellent B. superior C. good D. ideal


Mexico is a country of contrasts: the stunning beauty of its beaches and jungle against the
endlessly fascinating capital. Mexico City is polluted and overcrowded on the one (1) _______
but also alive with art and music on the other. The buses play (2) _______ music continuously
and the local bands play in the (3) _______ square at night. In the market during the day, you
will (4) _______ across beautiful local crafts at remarkably low (5) _______ . A trip to the
cinema or on the underground during the rush (6) _______ are both unforgettable experiences.
Most entertainment centres in the city are built for the masses, so sitting in the cinema is like
being in a huge football (7) _______ . Away from the capital, many year-round resorts have (8)
_______ up along the coasts. Hotels line the beach, most with (9) _______ swimming pools,
and there are facilities for (10) _______ part in most water sports. Inland, the scenery is (11)
_______ and the wildlife is amazing. The butterflies are the (12) _______ of your hand and the
(13) _______ colours of the birds will remain in your (14) _______ long after you have
returned home. (15) _______, if you have the opportunity to spend time in Mexico, take it!
1. A. side B. part C. hand D. view
2. A. traditional B. customary C. historical D. habitual
3. A. primary B. important C. major D. main
4. A. bring B. come C. take D. go
5. A. costs B. fees C. fares D. prices
6. A. hour B. time C. period D. stage
7. A. park B. court C. ground D. pitch
8. A. mounted B. jumped C. risen D. sprung
9. A. peculiar B. private C. particular D. personal
10 A. playing B. making C. doing D. taking
11. A. breathless B. breathtaking C. out of breath D. breathable
12. A. size B. measure C. volume D. depth
13. A. polished B. brilliant C. shiny D. reflective
14. A. souvenir B. remembrance C. memory D. reminder
15. A. To sum up B. By the way C. In contrast D. In addition


It is now extremely popular to take a gap year between school and university or university
and work and to spend it travelling. There are plenty of reasons to recommend it — travel (1)
_______ the mind, you’re (2) _______ young once, life isn’t a rehearsal and so on. And if you
don’t do it, you may always regret that you didn’t take the (3) _______ . In the end, there’s only
one response: well, why not?
The idea may have its (4) _______ in the 18th-century Grand Tour once (5) _______ by the
young, rich and noble, but it is the middle classes who have turned it (6) _______ something
that 200,000 British youngsters do every year. (7) _______ has never been so easy and cheap,
with more places open (8) _______ tourists than ever. Also, the gap year is now (9) _______ by
many employers and universities.
The States, the Far East and Australia were among the original (10) _______ and although
these remain in the (11) _______ five, young explorers are now going (12) _______ further.
The most far-flung corners of the world are (13) in popularity year by year. About £700 will
buy a student ticket (14) _______ for six months that will take you from London to Calcutta,
Singapore, Bangkok, Perth, Sydney, Auckland, Fiji, Tahiti, Los Angeles and (15) _______
1. A. thickens B. widens C. stiffens D. broadens
2. A. merely B. only C. slightly D. simply
3. A. chance B. occasion C. moment D. luck
4. A. branches B. stem C. trunk D. roots
5. A. given B. travelled C. undertaken D. gone
6. A. out B. up C. over D. into
7. A. Excursion B. Travel C. Tour D. Voyage
8. A. to B. with C. by D. at
9. A. admitted B. received C. accepted D. stood
10 A. endings B. destinations C. landings D. terminals
11. A. top B. over C. above D. high
12. A. extra B. more C. even D. again
13. A. growing B. spreading C. expanding D. enlarging
14. A. legal B. effective C. genuine D. valid
15. A. return B. here C. back D. arrive

21 THE QE2
Samuel Cunard’s first ship, the Britannia, made its first voyage from Liverpool in England
to the US in 1850. In those days there was little choice about (1) _______ of travel. Anyone
who (2) _______ to go to the US from Britain had to sail across the Atlantic. (3) _______ that,
there was no way of getting there. The Britannia was (4) _______ a mail ship, but it also (5)
_______ passengers. On that first (6) _______ , as records show, there was a (7) _______ of 63
of them, including Samuel Cunard and his daughter and, (8) _______ for that time, the ship had
private bathrooms.
But Samuel Cunard would find it hard to (9) _______ much similarity between his beloved
Britannia and the Cunard company’s most famous liner today, the QE2, named after Queen
Elizabeth II of England. The Britannia is (10) _______ to have had two members of staff (11)
_______ every passenger.
The passengers probably didn’t sleep in cabins as comfortable and with as much (12) _______
as rooms in a good (13) _______ of hotel, as they do on the QE2 today.
The QE2 (14) _______ on her first voyage across the Atlantic from Southampton on the
south coast of England on May 2 1969. Five days later, she arrived in New York to an
enthusiastic (15) _______ . Since that day she has carried over one and a half million
passengers around the world.
1. A. procedures B. processes C. means D. courses
2. A. wished B. thought C. dreamed D. fancied
3. A. Otherwise B. Else C. Instead of D. Apart from
4. A. at most B. above all C. overall D. vastly
5. A. fetched B. brought C. took D. sent
6. A. incident B. occasion C. event D. circumstance
7. A. quantity B. sum C. number D. total
8. A. remarkably B. differently C. extremely D. distinctly
9. A. tell B. know C. see D. catch
10 A. unlikely B. improbable C. uncertain D. doubtful
11. A. of B. with C. by D. to
12. A. breadth B. space C. extent D. expansion
13. A. class B. status C. level D. rank
14. A. got out B. went away C. set off D. came along
15. A. meeting B. applause C. acceptance D. welcome

School exams are, generally speaking, the first kind of tests we take. They find out how
much knowledge we have (1) _______ . But do they really show how intelligent we are? After
all, isn’t it a (2) _______ that some people who are very successful academically don’t have
any (3) _______ sense?
Intelligence is the speed (4) _______ which we can understand and (5) _______ to new
situations and it is usually tested by logic puzzles. Although scientists are now preparing (6)
computer technology that will be able to “read” our brains, (7) _______ tests are still the
most popular ways of measuring intelligence.
A person’s IQ is their intelligence (8) _______ it is measured by a special test. The most
common IQ tests are (9) _______ by Mensa, an organization that was founded in England in
1946. By 1976 it (10) _______ 1.300 members in Britain. Today there are 44.000 in Britain
and 100.000 worldwide, (11) in the US.
People taking the tests are judged in (12) _______ to an average score of 100, and those
who score over 14.8 are entitled to join Mensa. This (13) _______ at 2% of the population.
Anyone from the age of six can take the tests. All the questions are straightforward and most
people can answer them if (14) _______ enough time. But that’s the problem - the whole (15)
_______ of the tests is that they’re against the clock.
1. A. gained B. fetched C. attached D. caught
2. A. case B. circumstance C. fact D. truth
3. A. natural B. bright C. sharp D. common
4. A. on B. to C. at D. in
5. A. accord B. react C. answer D. alter
6. A. upper B. forward C. ahead D. advanced
7. A. at this age B. for the present C. at the time D. now and then
8. A. as B. that C. how D. so
9. A. appointed B. commanded C. run D. steered
10 A. held B. belonged C. kept D. had
11. A. highly B. enormously C. largely D. considerably
12. A. concern B. relation C. regard D. association
13. A. works out B. turns to C. comes up D. adds up
14. A. spared B. allowed C. let D. provided
15. A. reason B. question C. matter D. point


Modern cinema audiences expect to see plenty of thrilling scenes in action films. These
scenes, which are (1) _______ as stunts, are usually (2) _______ by stuntmen who are specially
trained to do dangerous things safely. (3) _______ can crash a car, but if you’re shooting a film,
you have to be extremely (4) _______ , sometimes stopping (5) _______ in front of the camera
and film crew. At an early (6) _______ in the production, an expert stuntman is (7) _______ in
to work out the action scenes and form a team. He is the only person who can go (8) _______
the wishes of the director. (9) _______ he will usually only do this in the (10) _______ of
Many famous actors like to do the dangerous parts themselves, which produces better shots,
since stuntmen don’t, have to (11) _______ in for the actors. Actors like to become (12)
_______ in all the important aspects of the character they are playing, but without the recent
progress in safety equipment, insurance companies would never (13) _______ them take the
risk. To do their own stunts, actors need to be good athletes, but they must also be sensible and
know their (14) _______ . If they were to be hurt, the film would (15) _______ to a sudden halt.
1. A. remarked B. known C. referred D. named
2. A. performed B. given C. fulfilled D. displayed
3. A. Everyone B. Someone C. Anyone D. No-one
4. A. detailed B. precise C. straight D. plain
5. A. strict B. exact C. direct D. right
6. A. stage B. minute C. part D. period
7. A. led B. taken C. called D. drawn
8. A. over B. across C. through D. against
9. A. despite B. so C. although D. otherwise
10 A. interests B. needs C. purposes D. regards
11. A. work B. get C. put D. stand
12. A. connected B. involved C. arranged D. affected
13. A. allow B. permit C. let D. admit
14. A. borders. B. ends C. frontiers D. limits
15. A. come B. fall C. pull D. go


On 10lh October 1913 a long-held dream became reality when American President Wilson
set (1) _______ explosives which opened the final (2) _______ of the Panama Canal. Within a
very (3) _______ time ocean-going ships were able to pass between the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans without the (4) _______ to sail the long and dangerous (5) _______ around Cape Horn
with its violent storms and dangerous currents.
(6) _______ . an attempt by the French builders of the Suez Canal to construct a Panama
Canal had come to a (7) _______ in the 1870s (8) _______ technical difficulties, but in 1903
the United States signed an agreement with Panama which (9) _______ the United States to
build and operate the Canal (10) _______ control an area of land 16 kilometres wide on (11)
_______ side of the canal in (12) _______ for a payment of $10 million and an annual rent of
$250,000. US Army Engineer George Goethals (13) _______ the construction problems while
Dr Gorgas produced an effective treatment for both malaria and yellow fever, diseases which
had (14) _______ the work gangs. In 1982 administration of the Canal was handed (15)
_______ to Panama.
1. A. down B. out C. up D. off
2. A. division B. section C. particle D. piece
3. A. short B. decreased C. small D. reduced
4. A. problem B. difficulty C. need D. request
5. A. tour B. travel C. road D. route
6. A. First B. Earlier C. Firstly D. Sooner
7. A. halt B. finish C. breakdown D. terminus
8. A. so as to B. in case of C. due to D. by means of
9. A. allowed B. left C. stated D. declared
10 A. in addition to B. as well as C. apart from D. instead of
11. A. both B. all C. either D. any
12. A. return B. receipt C. response D. reward
13. A. answered B. managed C. succeeded D. solved
14. A. hurt B. threatened C. damaged D. injured
15. A. out B. up C. over D. by


Pottery is artistic and practical at the same time. Pottery may have started out as (1)
_______ useful, but it was not long before early potters began to (2) _______ their
imaginations. Simple pots became beautiful. The (3) _______ of pottery is a long one. We
know that as early as 7,000 years ago pottery was being (4) _______ in the Near East. By 5500
BC at the (5) _______ potters were working in Iran. In the Far East ancient Chinese potters had
(6) _______ their characteristic (7) _______ by about 5000 BC. In the Americas, early
civilisations had highly artistic and (8) _______ pottery traditions. Certain traditions in pottery
are (9) _______ more than others. The pottery of Classical Greece, for example, or the Chinese
tradition, which (10) _______ so many centuries, has been admired and (11) _______ a great
deal. The Chinese were responsible for the majority of the (12) _______ advances in making
pots, especially decoration and the making of porcelain. For (13) _______ of the 16th and 17th
centuries the efforts of potters in Europe were (14) _______ to trying to find out how the
Chinese made porcelain. In Europe the method was finally (15) _______ in Meissen in
1. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything
2. A. employ B. work C. utilise D. use
3. A. record B. story C. tale D. account
4. A. done B. fashioned C. made D. formed
5. A. latest B. last C. least D. lowest
6. A. grown B. discovered C. developed D. found
7. , A. means B. ways C. routes D. techniques
8. A. lone B. sole C. unique D. single
9. A. admired B. noted C. approved D. noticed
10 A. took B. lasted C. needed D. continued
11. A. imitated B. mimicked C. echoed D. duplicated
12. A. skilled B. technical C. specialised D. systematic
13. A. much B. more C. loads D. lots
14. A. given up B. given out C. given off D. given over
15. A. revealed B. discovered C. defined D. invented

You have probably never heard of Charles Burgess Fry but in the early years of this
century, he was the most famous man in England. He became lamous while (1) _______ at
university, mainly on (2) _______ of his achievements in sport. He was, at the same time,
captain of the university football, cricket and athletics teams and (3) _______ the world record
for the long jump. He was also a (4) _______ sports journalist. He was so famous that letters
addressed to “Mr Fry, Oxford” were (5) _______ to him without any difficulty. His college, (6)
_______ it had quite a different name, was (7) _______ as “Fry’s College.”
Some people have (8) _______ Fry’s sporting achievements. They (9) _______ out that he
lived at a time when standards were quite (10) _______ and it was much easier to (11) _______
well in several sports. It is certainly true that athletes of that time did not have the totally
dedicated (12) _______ of modern athletes. However, it is only (13) _______ to judge him (14)
_______ the standards of his own time. There is no doubt that he had extraordinary skill (15)
_______ with an ability to write about sport with style and intelligence.
1. A. still B. yet C. then D. already
2. A. case B. view C. account D. regard
3. A. did B. held C. made D. reached
4. A. common B. usual C. normal D. popular
5. A. delivered B. diverted C. posted D. carried
6. A. despite B. although C. however D. otherwise
7. A. referred B. named C. known D. called
8. A. complained B. criticised C. contradicted D. contrasted
9. A. speak B. give C. put D. point
10 A. bad B. small C. low D. weak
11. A. do B. be C. go D. make
12. A. style B. approach C. method D. skill
13. A. balanced B. rational C. precise D. fair
14. A. for B. as C. by D. with
15. A. attached B. related C. connected D. combined

Money is something we all take for granted in our lives. Some of us may (1) _______ we
had more of it but we all recognise it when we see it, whether in the (2) of coins, notes or
cheques. It is difficult to imagine how people (3) _______ without money. In the earliest
periods of human history, people used to exchange goods directly. They would exchange things
they had (4) _______ of for things that they were in (5) _______ of. For example, they might
offer food for tools. This (6) _______ of exchange, which is known as “barter”, has many
disadvantages. Certain goods may be difficult, to carry, they may not (7) _______ long, or may
be impossible to (8) _______ into smaller units. It can also be very difficult to know the (9)
_______ of something compared with other goods.
(10) _______ historians, the first money, in the sense we (11) _______ it today, (12)
_______ of gold coins produced about 2,500 years ago. Gold, being a very precious metal, was
a (13) _______ material. The introduction of gold coins was (14) _______ to everyone and they
were still being used at the beginning of this century, although they have now been (15)
_______ by paper money and coins made of ordinary metals.
1. A. wish B. hope C. expect D. desire
2. A. image B. form C. design D. figure
3. A. arranged B. spent C. dealt D. managed
4. A. sufficient B. plenty C. supply D. amount
5. A. demand B. want C. lack D. need
6. A. method B. procedure C. operation D. business
7. A. continue B. stay C. last D. remain
8. A. divide B. reduce C. decrease D. share
9. A. rate B. level C. worth D. charge
10 A. Agreeing with B. Judging from C. Depending on D. According to
11. A. suppose B. understand C. estimate D. realise
12. A. created B. composed C. developed D. consisted
13. A. suitable B. right C. just D. correct
14. A. positive B. good C. acceptable D. fine
15. A. taken over B. replaced C. put away D. reformed
In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before, many people are being (1)
_______ to the idea of looking back into the past. One way they can do this is by investigating
their own family history. They can try to (2) _______ out more about where their families came
from and what they did. This is now a fast-growing hobby, especially in countries with a (3)
_______ short history, like Australia and the United States.
It is (4) _______ thing to spend some time (5) _______ through a book on family history
and to take the (6) _______ to investigate your own family’s past. It is (7) _______ another to
carry out the research work successfully. It is easy to set about it in a disorganised way and (8)
_______ yourself many problems which could have been (9) _______ with a little forward
If your own family stories tell you that you are (10) _______
with a famous character, whether hero or criminal, do not let
this idea take over your research. Just (11) _______ it as an
interesting possibility. A simple system (12) _______ collecting
and storing your information will be adequate to start with; a
more complex one may only get in your (13) _______ . The most
important thing, though, is to (14) _______ started. Who knows
what you (15) _______ find?
1. A. pushed B. attracted C. fetched D. brought
2. A. lay B. make C. find D. put
3. A. fairly B. greatly C. mostly D. widely
4. A. a B. one C. no D. some
5. A. seeing B. moving C. living D. going
6. A. idea B. plan C. decision D. purpose
7. A. quite B. just C. more D. even
8. A. produce B. create C. build D. cause
9. A. missed B. avoided C. lost D. escaped
10 A. attached B. joined C. connected D. related
11. A. direct B. control C. contact D. treat
12. A. for B. by C. with D. through
13. A. track B. path C. road D. way
14. A. get B. appear C. be D. feel
15. A. should B. ought C. might D. must

Interest in undiscovered human-like creatures continues to be wide spread. Everyone has (1)
_______ of the Yeti, and its North American “cousin” Bigfoot, but since the last century there
have been (2) _______ of the existence in Australia of another, less famous creature — the
Yahoo. In 1912, a Sydney newspaper (3) _______ an account by Charles Harper of a strange,
large animal he observed (4) _______ the light of his campfire: “Its body, legs, and arms were
covered with long, brownish-red hair, but what (5) _______ me as most extraordinary was its
shape, which was human in some ways, (6) _______ at the same time very different. The body
was enormous, (7) _______ great strength. The arms were extremely long and very muscular.”
Harper continued: “All this observation (8) _______ a few minutes while the creature stood
there, as if frightened by the firelight. After a few growls, and beating his breast, he (9)
_______ , the first few metres upright, then on all four limbs through the low bushes. Nothing
(10) _______ persuade my companions (11) _______ the trip, a fact at which I must admit I
was rather pleased.
What could Harper and his companions (12) _______ have seen? Such a creature was (13)
_______ in south-eastern Australia in the 1800s, but no specimen was ever obtained for
scientific (14) _______ , and all we are (15) _______ with today is an historical puzzle.
1. A. understood B. known C. heard D. noticed
2. A. statements B. reports C. arguments D. proofs
3. A. printed B. typed C. declared D. delivered
4. A. at B. under C. with D. by
5. A. marked B. struck C. touched D. knocked
6. A. even B. just C. still D. yet
7. A. announcing B. pointing C. indicating D. describing
8. A. engaged B. covered C. involved D. lasted
9. A. set back B. set off C. set in D. set up
10 A. should B. must C. might D. would
11. A. to continue B. having continued C. continuing D. continue
12. A. probably B. likely C. possibly D. doubtless
13. A. referred B. mentioned C. related D. remarked
14. A. purposes B. designs C. plans D. arrangements
15. A. seen B. found C. left D. met


Do you ever wish you were more optimistic, someone who always (1) ________ to be
successful? Having someone around who always (2) _______ the worst isn’t really a lot of (3)
_______ we all know someone who sees a single cloud on a sunny day and says, “It looks (4)
_______ rain.” But if you catch yourself thinking such things, it’s important to do something
(5) _______ it.
You can change your view of life, (6) _______ to psychologists. It only takes a little effort,
and you’ll find life more rewarding as a (7) _______ . Optimism, they say, is partly about self-
respect and confidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it has to (8)
_______ . Optimists are more (9) _______ to start new projects and are generally more
prepared to take risks.
Upbringing is obviously very important in forming your (10) _______ to the world. Some
people are brought up to (11) _______ too much on others and grow up forever blaming other
people when anything (12) _______ wrong. Most optimists, on the (13) _______ hand, have
been brought up not to (14) _____ failure as the end of the world — they just (15) _______
with their lives.
1. A. counted B. felt C. expected D. waited
2. A. fears B. cares C. worries D. doubts
3. A. amusement B. play C. fun D. enjoyment
4. A. so B. like C. for D. to
5. A. with B. against C. over D. about
6. A. judging B. according C. concerning D. following
7. A. product B. reason C. purpose D. result
8. A. offer B. suggest C. supply D. propose
9. A. possible B. welcome C. hopeful D. likely
10 A. opinion B. attitude C. view D. position
11. A. trust B. believe C. depend D. hope
12. A. goes B. falls C. comes D. turns
13. A. opposite B. next C. other D. far
14. A. respect B. regard C. suppose D. think
15. A. get up B. get over C. get out D. get on
Everyone can dream. Indeed, everyone does dream. Those who (1) _______ that they never
dream at all actually dream (2) _______ as frequently as the rest of us, (3) _______ they may
not remember anything about it. Even those of us who are perfectly (4) _______ of dreaming
night (5) _______ night very seldom remember those dreams in (6) _______ detail but merely
retain an untidy mixture of seemingly unrelated impressions. Dreams are not simply visual —
we dream with all our (7) _______ , so that we appear to experience sound, touch, smell, and
One of the world’s oldest (8) _______ written documents is the Egyptian Book of Dreams.
This volume is about five thousand years old, so you can (9) _______ that dreams were
believed to have a special significance even then. Many ancient civilisations believed that you
(10) _______ never wake a sleeping person as, during sleep, the soul had left the body and
might not be able to return (11) _______ time if the sleeper were suddenly (12) _______ .
From ancient times to the present (13) _______ , people have been (14) _______ attempts
to interpret dreams and to explain their significance. There are many books available on the
subject of dream interpretation, although unfortunately there are almost as many meanings-for a
particular dream (15) _______ there are books.
1. A. demand B. claim C. agree D. promise
2. A. also B. only C. just D. quite
3. A. though B. besides C. however D. despite
4. A. familiar B. accustomed C. used D. aware
5. A. on B. after C. through D. over
6. A. deep B. high C. strong D. great
7. A. feelings B. senses C. impressions D. emotions
8. A. known B. considered C. regarded D. estimated
9. A. think B. feel C. ensure D. see
10 A. would B. ought C. should D. need
11. A. by B. m C. with D. for
12. A. awoken B. awoke C. awake D. awaken
13. A. minute B. hour C. day D. moment
14. A. doing B. putting C. taking D. making
15. A. as B. like C. so D. such
In 1967, a research team from an American university (1) _______ out to explore the Well
of Sacrifice at Chichen Itza. Unfortunately, however, the water in this well was so dark that it
was impossible for divers to see, so the team had to use filters to clean it.
Just as this work was about to begin, some (2) _______ Indians told the team that the well was
(3) _______ by the spirit of a rain god. The god was (4) _______ as Chac, and they warned the
team that Chac would (5) _______ revenge if his home was disturbed. The team listened
politely but (6) _______ these warnings and went on with their research.
(7) _______ the summer, pumps and filters were used, but it wasn’t until (8) _______
months later that the water was clear enough for divers to go down into the well.
When they got (9) _______ to work they began to discover various objects at the (10)
_______ of the well. (11) _______ the things they brought back to the surface were human
bones, and by the time they had (12) _______ , they had recovered more than 50 skeletons. This
was (13) _______ that the well had indeed been used for human sacrifice.
Perhaps it would have been better if the team had (14) _______ to the warnings of the
Indians, because within a year, several members of the team had been (15) _______ in
mysterious accidents.
1. A. put B. broke C. looked D. set
2. A. natural B. local C. near D. close
3. A. inhabited B. housed C. resided D. lived
4. A. named B. called C. known D. told
5. A. have B. take C. do D. make
6. A. rejected B. refused C. denied D. ignored
7. A. Throughout B. Within C. Along D. Inside
8. A. few B. any C. various D. several
9. A. through B. down C. about D. at
10 A. end B. ground C. bottom D. depth
11. A. Among A. Around C. Within D. Between
12. A. ended B. concluded C. finished D. achieved
13. A. clear B. obvious C. evident D. proof
14. A. listened B. heard C. noticed D. watched
15. A. died B. killed C. wounded D. missed
Good press photographers must have an “eye” for news. Just as journalists must have a
“nose” for a good story. They must be able to interpret a story and decide rapidly how they can
take (1) _______ of the best opportunities to take pictures. The most difficult part of a press
photographer’s job is that he or she has to be able to (2) _______ a complicated situation with
just one photograph. They rarely have second (3) _______ and must be able to take the required
(4) _______ very quickly. Indeed, speed is essential - if the photographs are not ready for the
printing deadline, they are very unlikely to be of any (5) _______ .
Most press photographers begin work with a local newspaper. There, the (6) _______ is
mostly for material of regional interest. Photographers may be expected to photograph a lot of
unexciting events but to (7) _______ the enthusiasm to put “something special” into every
There is (8) _______ competition among those who want to move from local to national
newspapers. Here, the work is much more centred on news. The photographer must work (9)
_______ greater pressure and (10) _______ more responsibility. Only (11) _______ reliable,
talented and resourceful photographers (12) _______ this difficult move. The work is tough and
can be dangerous. On an overseas assignment, photographers may have to (13) _______
unfamiliar food and accommodation, physical and mental stress, and (14) _______ difficulty in
transporting the pictures from an isolated area to get them to the newspaper (15) _______ .
They also have to beat the competition from other publications.
1. A. advantage B. benefit C. gain D. profit
2. A. draw up B. sum up C. put out D. turn out
3. A. chances B. occasions C. possibilities D. moments
4. A. image B. illustration C. scene D. shot
5. A. role B. gain C. use D. employment
6. A. duty B. task C. obligation D. demand
7. A. hold on B. keep up G. carry on D. stay up
8. A. firm B. forceful C. strict D. strong
9. A. under B. by C. through D. from
10 A. perform B. support C. take D. fetch
11. A. sharply B. highly C. largely D. fully
12. A. make B. pass C. turn D. proceed
13. A. struggle for B. get by C. stand up D. cope with
14. A. plentiful B. extreme C. far D. grand
15. A. for a time B. by the time C. on time D. with time


To the passer-by, number 7 Blyth Grove, in Worksop, looks just like any other fairly old
house in Britain. But (1) _______ inside and you go back into a vanished world. (2) _______
William Straw’s house is exactly as his parents left it when they died in the 1930s.
William Straw, who died in 1990, lived in the house with his brother Walter after their
parents’ deaths. They lived (3) _______ a strict routine, never married and had no (4) _______
friends. They had no social life and callers were never (5) _______ into the house.
Their parents had a successful grocery shop and the family moved into the house in 1923.
immediately spending £70 - a huge (6) _______ in those days - on (7). _______ redecoration.
Their father died in 1932 and their mother in 1939. when William, then a history lecturer at
London University, returned to Worksop. He (8) _______ his job and set up house with Wal ter,
who had been (9) _______ the shop since their father’s death. (10) _______ , the two cut
themselves off from the rest of the world.
Nothing that their parents had owned was ever moved or (11) _______ away. Towards the
end of their lives, it seems that, they became (12) _______ of the value of what they had done,
because they began to put (13) _______ on various pictures and items of furniture, explaining
where they (14) _______ came from. Today, the house is open to the public, and visitors
quickly (15) _______ that it is the closest they are ever likely to come to time travel.
1. A. trip B. stamp C. tread D. step
2. A. then B. for C. from D. so
3. A. based on B. as from C. along with D. according to
4. A. deep B. close C. familiar D. warm
5. A. greeted B. requested C. invited D. offered
6. A. sum B. wealth C. fund D. quantity
7. A. absolute B. whole C. throughout D. total
8. A. gave up B. finished off C. ended with D. got out
9. A. leading B. commanding C. running D. conducting
10 A. From then on B. At the moment C. Ever since D. That time
11. A. removed B. thrown C. done D. dismissed
12. A. clear B. wise C. thoughtful D. aware
13. A. labels B. posters C. messages D. certificates
14. A. at the earliest B. originally C. from the start D. sooner
15. A. catch B. regard C. realize D. distinguish

If you’re an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl. It has
become a symbol of our wasteful, throw-away society. But there seems little (1) _______ it is
here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastic has brought enormous (2) _______ , even
environmental ones. It’s not really the plastics themselves that are the environmental (3)
_______ it’s the way society chooses to use and (4) _______ them.
Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal -
non-renewable natural (5) _______ . We (6) _______ well over three million tonnes of the stuff
in Britain each year and, sooner or later, most of it is thrown away. A high (7) _______ of our
annual consumption is in the (8) _______ of packaging, and this (9) _______ about seven per
cent by weight, of our domestic (10) _______ . Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little
of it is, though the plastic recycling (11) _______ is growing fast.
The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich — they have a higher calorific (12)
_______ than coal and one (13) _______ of “recovery” strongly (14) _______ by the plastic
manufacturers is the (15) _______ of waste plastic into a fuel.
1. A. evidence B. doubt C. concern D. likelihood
2. A. benefits B. pleasures C. savings D. profits
3. A. poison B. disaster C. evil D. disadvantage
4. A. dispose B. abuse C. endanger D. store
5. A. fuels B. processes C. products D. resources
6. A. remove B. consign C. import D. consume
7. A. proportion B. amount C. portion D. rate
8. A. way B. kind C. type D. form
9. A. takes B. makes C. constitutes D. carries
10 A. refuse B. goods C. requirements D. rubble
11. A. manufacture B. industry C. factory D. plant
12. A. degree B. effect C. demand D. value
13. A. measure B. mechanism C. method D. medium
14. A. desired B. argued C. presented D. favoured
15. A. conversion B. melting C. change D. replacement

From the moment they leave the security of their accustomed environment, travellers are at
risk. (1) _______ arise not just from strange diseases they meet on their travels but from other
factors too: seemingly uninspiring home (2) _______ such as safe water (3) _______ ,
sanitation and public hygiene controls, legal safety standards for motoring vehicles and road (4)
_______, are easily taken for granted, but simply do not exist in many countries. Environmental
factors such as arduous conditions, (5) _______ climate, and high altitude may constitute a
danger; and so may travellers’ own behaviour, free from the (6) _______ of the daily routine,
and determined to have a good time with scant (7) _______ for the consequences.
When illness or injuries occur abroad, travellers are again at a disadvantage - from (8)
_______ to communicate with a doctor on account of language or cultural difficulties, or being
unable to find a doctor owing to (9) _______ of the (10) _______ medical system. There may
be a complete (11) _______ of skilled medical care, or of medical facilities of a (12) _______
acceptable to travellers from technological sophisticated countries.
When symptoms of an illness (13) _______ abroad do not appear until after return home, a
final hazard becomes apparent: the symptoms may be (14) _______ , may pass (15) _______
and the correct diagnosis may not be considered until it is too late.
1. A. Hazards B. Changes C. Questions D. Complications
2. A. cares B. helps C. comforts D. aids
3. A. supplies B. collection C. levels D. stores
4. A. correction B. quality C. improvement D. maintenance
5. A. worsening B. adverse C. sudden D. unusual
6. A. certainties B. assurances C. restraints D. regulations
7. A. regard B. awareness C. knowledge D. need
8. A. timidity B. difficulty • C. inflexibility D. inability
9. A. misuse B. ignorance C. doubt D. disbelief
10 A. local B. district C. neighbourhooc D. area
11. A. breakdown B. failure C. absence D. disruption
12. A. type B. design C. degree D. standard
13. A. received B. acquired C. gained D. formed
14. A. unpleasant B. unlikely C. unfamiliar D. uncovered
15. A. unknown B. unrecognised C. unforeseen D. unearth

I don’t want to alarm you. There is still enough sand left in the world to satisfy.most
holidaymakers but in many parts of the world beaches are literally being (1) _______ away and
have to be regularly (2) _______ .
First much of the sand for beaches (3) _______ from cliffs which crumble away as they are
pounded by the waves. To (4) _______ them, sea walls are often erected. With cliffs no (5)
_______ crumbling, the beaches are robbed of the material which would (6) _______ feed
Beaches are also (7) _______ with sand and gravel by rivers which bring it down from the
mountains and hills. In some places rivers are being dammed and (8) _______ built to retain
water. They trap more of the sediment so the rivers (9) _______ less sand and gravel to the sea.
This is happening in California, for example, and in Scotland. In Egypt the (10) _______ of the
Aswan Dam has (11) _______ the Nile silt, so much less silt is being fed towards coastal (12)
_______ . That has meant the delta is now eroding instead of (13) _______ as before.
Thirdly, to improve access to the beach many holiday resorts build a promenade along the
sea front. Like some of the fortifications of cliff (14) _______, this usually has a flat vertical
surface off which the waves (15) _______. This helps wash the sand away down the beach and
most of it is lost.
1. A. thrown B. rubbed C. cleaned D. washed
2. A. replaced B. removed C. rebuilt D. redrawn
3. A. collects B. forms C. falls D. comes
4. A. prepare B. protect C. surround D. cover
5. A. sooner B. later C. further D. longer
6. A. often B. normally C. sometimes D. occasionally
7. A. presented B. given C. supplies D. filled
8. A. reservoirs B. canals C. wells D. locks
9. A. fetch B. pull C. take D. push
10 A. building B. engineering C. designing D. forming
11. A. kept B. trapped C. sealed D. solidified
12. A. areas B. resorts C. beaches D. parts
13. A. swelling B. shrinking C. growing D. reducing
14. A. tops B. faces C. features D. hangings
15. A. splash B. jump C. bounce D. ripple


Hollywood holds out the promise of fame, fortune and glamour. Every year, thousands of
young hopefuls (1) _______ there, hoping that a producer will spot them and think they have
that special something that (2) _______ want to see. Unfortunately, most of them are (3)
_______ on a journey that leads to disappointment. Take a (4) _______ round Los Angeles and
ask any waiter or waitress and they will tell you that they are only working there for the time
(5) _______ , until they get their break in films. A combination of failure and (6) _______
problems usually means that they eventually (7) _______ up their minds to leave and return to
the small town they came from, without having made their (8) _______ .
Before you come to the (9) _______ that a life in film is for you, ask yourself carefully if
you are ready for that change of (10) _______ . You’ll have to travel and live for a long time at
your own (11) _______ , working in jobs that provide you with a low (12) _______ , with only
the occasional (13) _______ of a Star to remind you where you want to be. If you do decide to
make your (14) _______ to America with stars in your eyes, don’t expect it all to be luxury (15)
_______ and Oscar nights.
1. A. send up B. come up C. turn up D. play up
2, A. crowds B. mobs C. groups D. audiences
3. A. setting off B. making out C. looking up D. moving out
4. A. voyage B. parade C. tour D. circuit
5. A. staying B. being C. coming D. waiting
6. A. wealthy B. commercial C. industrial D. economic
7. A. do B. make C. reach D. come
8. A. profit B. cash G. fee D. fortune
9. A. conclusion B. reason C. solution D. feeling
10. A. way B. direction C. route D. journey
11. A. money B. finance C. payment D. expense
12. A. income B. earning C. charge D. wealth
13. A. glance B. outlook C. glimpse D. view
14. A. route B. way C. progress D. direction
15. A. expeditions B. travels C. cruises D. strolls

When Alaska became one of the United States in 1959. it increased the size of the USA by a
fifth. (1) _______ this huge state, with the largest mountain in North America, has the second
smallest population. This (2) _______ that there are still large numbers of wild animals (3)
_______ as polar bears, moose and seals, and trapping and hunting are major (4) _______ . The
largest group of (5) _______ people living in Alaska is the Inuit, who used to be (6) _______ as
Eskimos. Most of them hunt or fish, but some of those living in cities are (7) _______ in
government work.
Anchorage is the largest city in the state, with a (8) _______ of around 230,000. In 1964,
large areas of the city centre were (9) _______ in an earthquake but the people soon rebuilt the
offices and apartment buildings. Although it is only 571 kilometres (10) _______ of the Arctic
Circle, Anchorage has a surprisingly mild (11) _______ Because of its remote location.
Anchorage (12) _______ many tourists who want to (13) _______ life in the wild. A (14)
_______ number of them fly into Anchorage International Airport before hiring a pilot and (15)
_______ into the remote areas of Alaska.
1 A. Otherwise B. Despite C. Yet . D. Though
2 A. shows B. proves. C. demands D. means
3 A. same B. .such C. similar D. like
4 A. bodies B. companies C. firms D. industries
5 A. starting B. first C. native D. original
6 A. known B. claimed C. called D. recognised
7 A. occupied B. involved C. focused D. included
8 A. population B. popularly C. people D. residence
9 A. collapsed B. destroyed C. dropped D. broken
10 A. down B. below C. south D. under
11 A. temperature B. warmth C. weather D. climate
12 A. attracts B. appeals C. brings D. fetches
13 A. contact B. experience C. realise D. look
14 A. major 13. plentiful C. broad D. considerable
15 A. setting off B. taking up C. putting out D. letting down
Tourism is big business. Millions of people around Europe (1) _______ their winters
planning their destination for the following, summer, and their summers (2) _______ to foreign
climes for two weeks in the sun. They are the modern-day descendants of the aristocrats and the
wealthy who would (3) _______ months to complete the “Grand Tour” of Europe. But unlike
their forefathers, tourists these days get a bad press. They’re not (4) _______ in the local
culture, were (5) _______ ; they’re just after the chance to behave a bit more wildly than they
do at home. What’s more, they damage the local environment and don’t respect the locals and
their (6) _______ of life.
But are tourists really to (7) _______ ? Or is it the (8) _______ of the tourist industry,
which has (9) _______ to provide reasonably-priced alternatives? And if the local resort only
offers a succession of bars for the tourists to visit, can we really (10) _______ them for not
doing more cultural activities?
One holiday company, Far and Away, (11) _______ that tourists are crying out for more
cultural holidays and believes that it has (12) _______ to come up with a range of package
holidays which are affordable, culturally interesting, and environmentally friendly. Their
brochure, which is to be (13) _______ later this month, offers 200 holidays based on cultural
themes, (14) _______ history and architecture, learning the language, meeting the locals and
war and politics.
Will Far and Away (15) _______ where other companies have failed? Next summer’s
tourists will be the ones who decide.
1 A. spend B. take C. pass D. make
2 A. taking away B. moving away C. taking off D. jetting off
3 A. take B. make C. spend D. pass
4 A. devoted B. interested C. keen D. eager
5 A. convinced B. informed C. told D. said
6 A. means B. manner C. standard D. way
7 A. criticise B. blame C. fault D. accuse
8 A. criticism B. accusation C. blame D. fault
9 A. avoided B. lost C. failed D. missed
10 A. accuse B. criticise C. charge D. arrest
11 A. claims B. mentions C. informs D. persuades
12 A. succeeded B. resulted C. achieved D. managed
13 A. brought up B. brought off C. brought out D. brought round
14 A. including B. holding C. containing D. comprising
15 A. manage B. succeed C. win D. accomplish


Read the texts and think of the word which best fits each space.
Jack Pask and his (1) ________ Dora were worried about their son Danny. The boy stayed out
too long, not coming home (2) ________ very late at night. This bad habit (3) ________ the
parents anxious. So one day Jack said to Mrs. (4) ________, “I’m going to teach our son a (5)
________ . He’s got (6) ________ business being out till after midnight.” The next evening
Danny left the house (7) ________ usual. “I’m going to a disco,” he (8) ________ to his
mother. “There’s no need to wait up (9) ________ me.” Then the front door shut with a bang
(10) ________ big Danny.
One morning last summer Jessie (1) ________ some sandwiches for her husband’s lunch. They
were sausage sandwiches. There was one small sausage (2) ________ over, so Jessie gave (3)
________ to Henry, her little dog Henry ate it up. Half an hour (4) ________ , the dog got ill.
He kept (5) ________ shaking his head, and rubbing it (6) ________ his foot. Jessie thought,
“He’s ill. He must have eaten (7) ________ that didn’t agree with him. Maybe that (8)
________ was bad.” Then she remembered her husband’s (9) ________ . She ran to the
telephone and (10) ________ Jim at his office in town.
Edgar Lewis was a coal miner (1) ________ thirty years he had worked underground in a coal
mine. -It was hard and dangerous (2) ________ . One day Edgar had an (3) ________ in the
mine; a lot of stone fell on him. A sharp stone cut through his left leg like a (4) ________
through butter. Edgar lost consciousness. When he (5) ________ , he was in bed in the mine
doctor’s room. He felt around with his (6) ________ . There was no left leg (7) ________ his
left leg ought to be. “Nurse!” he called loudly. A nurse came. “What have you (8) ________
with my left leg?” Edgar demanded. She pointed to a brown cardboard box (9) ________ the
floor. “(10) ________ it is, Mr Lewis, in that box,” she said.
We moved into our new house (1) ________ a warm September day. It was not really a new
house; it was a hundred and four years (2) ________ , but it was new to us. The house had
running (3) ________, gas and electricity, but for (4) ________ reason there was no electric
light in the kitchen. We had not noticed this shortage (5) ________ we had first looked over the
house. It was something quite unexpected: a house with electricity but (6) ________ a kitchen
light. It was especially puzzling because our (7) ________ was a large room, perhaps (8)
________ largest in the house. I telephoned for an (9) ________ . He came and fixed it for us.
And he charged £85 for (10) ________ the job.
The big tree at my gate was old and beautiful. I was saddened when it blew (1) ________ in a
winter storm. After the storm I sawed (2) ________ the remains of the tree, level (3) ________
the ground. Some of the wood was rotten. Pieces came away in my (4) ________ . But a good
part of the wood was alive and strong. I did not dig (5) ________ the roots of the tree. I (6)
________ them in the ground. Three months (7) ________ , in spring, the old tree began to
grow again. It grew strong and beautiful, straight up (8) ________ the side of the sawn-off part.
The colour and smell of its heart-shaped (9) ________ were exactly the same as (10) ________
of the old tree. I felt very happy.
Brian’s father was a coward and not an honest man. He did not himself (1) ________ a lie to a
judge in a law case, but he wanted Brian to (2) ________ so, and that was worse. The facts
were that Brian and Tim (3) ________ seen a man attack a boy, knock him down and kick him.
The (4) ________ arrested the man and brought him before a judge. Brian and Tim had to go
too, to describe (5) ________ had happened. Before Brian left home, his (6) ________ said to
him: “Be careful, son. You didn’t see that man kick the boy, (7) ________ you? Tell the judge
you didn’t see the kick. Remember, we have(8) ________ live in this village with that man.”
But Brian was (9) ________ coward. He told the (10) ________ the truth about the attack.
A story is a work of imagination. The people (1) ________ write stories write them in order to
give pleasure to (2) ________ who read stories. Story-readers are, generally (3) ________ ,
women of all ages and younger men. Readers love the start of a story, where there are new and
sometimes strange people to be (4) ________ for the first time. They enjoy the story itself, the
gentleness and the violence, the loves and the (5) ________ , with which a good writer in terests
his (6) ________ . They enjoy the end of the story, whether it is happy or (7) ________ .The
reader’s chief purpose in all this is to (8) ________ from ordinary life for a short (9) ________ .
Older men, as a rule, find their ordinary lives (10) ________ pleasant to run away from.
We have seen photographs of the whole earth taken from great distances in outer space. This is
the first time, the (1) ________ first time, in man’s long history that such pictures have been
possible. (2) ________ many years most people have believed that the earth was ball-shaped. A
few thought it was round and (3) ________ , like a coin. Now we know, beyond doubt, that
those few were (4) ________ . The photographs show a ball-shaped (5) ________ , bright and
beautiful. In colour photographs of the earth, the sky is as (6) ________ as coal. The (7)
________ looks much bluer than it usually does to us. All our grey (8) ________ are a perfect
white in colour; because, of course, the (9) ________ is for ever shining on them. We are (10)
________ to live on the beautiful earth.
The big ship began to move slowly out of the port. (1) ________ board were nine thousand
soldiers, on their way home from the battlefield. They (2) ________ already spent five
uncomfortable weeks on the ship. Now, as the ship (3) ________ some fishing boats at the port
entrance, the soldiers on deck waved to the fishermen. The fishermen waved (4) ________ ,
calling out “(5) ________ luck!”. Suddenly there was a cry, followed (6) ________ a splash.
“Man overboard!” someone on the ship shouted. A bell began to (7) ________ . A white
lifebelt was thrown into the (8) ________ . The ship sailed on, faster now. No doubt the man
was picked (9) ________ by the fishermen. In wartime, a big ship cannot stop just (10)
________ the sake of one man overboard.
Early each morning Jack Dobbins left the house (1) ________ he lived and walked to a
newsagent’s. He bought the morning paper and then (2) ________ home again. One day in
1954 Jack did that as usual, except (3) ________ one thing: he did not return to the (4)
________ . Mrs Dobbins missed (5) ________ husband, but she was a brave woman. She took
a (6) ________ in a shop, working there full-time and earning enough money to live (7)
________ . She (8) ________ a lot of new friends and found new interests. Many years (9)
________, five, ten, twenty. Mrs Dobbins grew old. One morning in 1979 Jack came home. He
held up the morning (10) ________ . “Not much news today,” he said to his wife.
The Kemp family lived (1) ________ door to me. They were interesting and intelligent people,
but they (2) ________ always getting into some sort of trouble. It was usually either illness (3)
________ accident, but there were other things too. Their house (4) ________ fire twice, and
twice the whole family had to stay (5) ________ me while repairs were made. The Kemps were
always losing things, important things (6) ________ money or keys. Pictures often fell off the
(7) ________ in their house; the children often fell out of their (8) ________ : at night. I used to
wake (9) ________ in the mornings and think: “What strange thing will happen (10) ________
that family today?”
While travelling abroad, Ed Jackson ran short of money. So he wrote to his brother, asking (1)
________ £500. “Send the money (2) ________ telegram to the bank here,” he wrote. After a
week Ed began calling at the bank. He showed his passport (3) ________ the bank clerk.
“Nothing has come for you, Mr Jackson,” he (4) ________ told. This went (5) ________ for
three weeks, and Mr Jackson got very worried. He then phoned his brother, asking (6)
________ the money was. The brother said it (7) ________ been sent three weeks before. That
evening Ed Jackson was arrested for failing to (8) ________ his hotel bill. He tried to explain
his problem, but no one (9) ________ believe him. He was (10) ________ to prison for sixty
Iceland has been called the “land of frost and fire.” This is a very satisfactory (1)
________ , for the mountains on this island in the North Atlantic are capped with snow the year
round, and (2) ________ are scores of fiery volcanoes. Contrary (3) ________ what most
people think, however, Iceland’s (4) ________ is not extremely cold. Most days are quite
agreeable because (5) ________ the warm current of the Gulf Stream. (6) ________ the
Vikings began to settle in Iceland in 874 AD, they found books and crosses that showed the
Irish had (7) ________ been there. It is likely that the Irish and Scotch had come to Iceland
about seventy years (8) ________ the Vikings arrived. These explorers, however, had made (9)
________ lasting settlements. The first real colonists were Scandinavians who came directly
(10) ________ Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
The people of Iceland have very high educational standards. It is said that (11) ________
books are sold in Iceland in relation to its population than in any other country in the world.
Since Iceland is adjacent to one of the (12) ________ important shipping routes (13)
________ the United States and England, (14) ________ became very important during (15)
________ Second World War.
The body of the average adult has in storage (1) ________ food to last for several weeks. It
has enough water to last for several (2) ________ . At any one time, however, the body has
only enough oxygen stored in the (3) ________ to last for three or four minutes! Fortunately, it
is (4) ________ difficult for us to acquire the oxygen we need. (5) ________ a rule, we need
only to breathe in the (6) ________ around us for an adequate supply.
The amount of oxygen needed (7) ________ a person at any one time depends upon his
activities. As the activities of the body increase, the use of oxygen (8) ________ increases. He
begins to breathe deeper and faster to bring (9) ________ oxygen into the lungs. More red cells
are thrown into the bloodstream to aid (10) ________ carrying the added supply of oxygen.
Blood (11) ________ the stomach and the intestines is transferred into the blood vessels of the
muscles (12) ________ are at work. This blood helps to transfer the added oxygen to the (13)
________ of the body .that need it.
If blood is taken from the stomach right after a (14) ________ , digestion of food will be
hampered. It is best, therefore, (15) ________ to exercise strenuously right after eating.
15 100,000,000 MILES OF TAIL
A comet is a heavenly body (1) _____ a long tail. Comets orbit about the sun. At rare
intervals a comet may be (2) ________ from earth, appearing as a streak of light (3) ________
travels swiftly across the heavens.
The head of a comet contains a more or less solid portion (4) ________ the nucleus. The
comet’s tail, however, contains so (5) ________ solid matter that the earth or another planet
could pass through it without any harmful effects. Even (6) ________ one of the largest comets
were to strike the earth head on, we (7) ________ notice only a shower of meteors. These
meteors are hot celestial bodies entering the (8) ________ of the earth at great speeds.
It is hard, therefore, for us to imagine that the head of a comet may be over a million miles
wide (9) ________ that a comet’s tail may extend over one hundred million miles in (10)
________ !
In ancient times, the (11) ________ of a comet aroused great alarm among people. It was
(12) ________ that a comet would be followed by some great misfortune. Such fear is not
surprising. (13) ________ the benefit of scientific knowledge, our ancestors had no (14)
________ of knowing the natural causes of (15) ________ an object.
Glittering gems called diamonds are among the most (1) ________ of human possessions.
Through the ages (2) ________ have been a lasting evidence of wealth. Lands may lose-their
soil, buildings may be destroyed, stocks and bonds may become worthless, (3) ________ the
value of diamonds remains relatively unchanged.
Diamonds are not of value only (4) ________ signs of wealth. In addition, the diamond is
one of (5) ________ hardest, longest-wearing substances known to man. Because of (6)
________ , it is very valuable for practical use. In fact, about three-fourths of the total annual
supply of diamonds (7) ________ used in factories and machine shops.
A diamond on the (8) ________ of a cutting tool can cut through the hardest steel but (9)
________ a diamond can cut (10) ________ diamond. Because of their unusual (11) ________
, diamonds are used to sharpen grinding wheels. They are placed on the tips of the grinding
drills used to cut through tons of bed rocks. In scores of (12) ________ ways, diamonds are
essential to turning the wheels (13) ________ modern machines.
About 4 1/2 tons of diamonds are mined annually. The vast diamond (14) ________ of
South Africa produce most of these diamonds, but in recent years many diamonds (15)
________ also come from Brazil.
According to an old (1) ________ , in the early seventeenth century a Peruvian Indian was
cured of a terrible fever (2) ________ eating the bark of the cinchona tree. Quinine, the drug (3)
________ can be extracted from cinchona bark, was (4) ________ widely used as medicine
until 1816.
Quinine has proved invaluable to modern medicine. It is used in (5) ________ treatment of
malaria, a (6) ________ transmitted by the anopheles mosquito and common in the tropical (7)
________ of the world. Quinine preparations are also used to help cure typhoid fever,
rheumatic fever, and (8) ________ sicknesses.
The cinchona tree belongs to the evergreen family and, unlike most evergreens, (9)
________ very fragrant flowers. Cinchonas are native to South America, but are now (10)
________ in such other places as India, Sri Lanka, and Java.
(11) ________ cinchona trees do not reach full size for about eight years, the bark can be
taken (12) ________ three-year-old trees. First the young trees are cut down. (13) ________
the bark is carefully stripped off, dried, and packed. It is sent to a factory (14) ________ it is
ground into a brown powder. (15) ________ this powder, the quinine is extracted.
Linguists believe that early men used many gestures to communicate (1) ________ one
another. This, it is thought, was man’s first form of (2) ________ , and the only one he had (3)
________ a long period of time. Even today we use some sign language: for example, we shake
our (4) ________ to indicate yes or no, we point and we wave.
The first spoken words may have been early man’s attempt to (5) ________ the sounds
made by animals. Then he may have developed sounds of his (6) ________. Gradually, man
may have repeated certain sounds so (7) ________ that they became familiar and
understandable to others. Once spoken language had begun, perhaps man invented new (8)
________ as he needed them to express himself verbally (9) ________ to name new objects. In
this way we can imagine language growing.
(10) ________ using words, parents were able to teach them to their children. The children
in turn probably made up new (11) ________ . Each generation, therefore, in the development
of language, knew more words than the generation (12) ________ it. Language is still growing
and changing. Can you think (13) ________ some words that you use today (14) ________
were not used by your parents or grandparents (15) ________ they were children ?
Last autumn I (1) ________ a week at a big hotel in London. It was one of those modern hotels
where (2) ________ room is the same size and (3) ________ the same furniture, and looks just
(4) ________ every other room. My room was 311 on the third (5) ________ . One night, quite
late, I got back to the hotel (6) ________ a very good dinner with some friends. I walked into
the lift and (7) ________ the button. When the lift (8) ________ , I got out and walked to my
room-or what I (9) ________ was my room. (10) ________ I opened the door I saw an
astonishing scene. A man was pointing a revolver (11) ________ a woman sitting in an
armchair, and the woman was saying in a frightened (12) ________ : “Please (13) ________
shoot me!” I turned round, ran along the corridor and (14) ________ the stairs - I daren’t wait
for the lift - and found the night porter in the hall. “Quick,” I cried, “someone is (15) ________
murdered in my room.” [....]
When you see a firefly flitting through the air on a dark summer (1) ________, you may
wonder (2) ________ the source of its light. This light (3) ________ from a mineral called
phosphorus, which is found in small amounts in the (4) ________ of the firefly. Phosphorus is
also found in the bodies of many (5) ________ of deep-sea fish. Sometimes (6) ________ a
large number of these fish congregate near the surface of the ocean, their bodies illuminate an
area that can be (7) ________ for long distances.
Phosphorus is also found in many parts of our bodies (8) ________ is essential to human
life. In modern times, many vital uses have been found (9) ________ this mineral. Large
amounts of phosphorus are utilized in medicines, in agriculture, and in manufacturing.
Perhaps (10) ________ most generally familiar (11) ________ to find phosphorus is in the
heads of matches. Because phosphorus burns violently (12) ________ low temperatures, the
small amount of heat produced by the friction of rubbing the head of a match (13) ________ a
rough surface is sufficient to (14) ________ the phosphorus in the match head to burn. As the
head of the match ignites, it lights the wood or paper that forms the (15) ________ of the
The normal body temperature of a full-grown person measures 98.6 degrees on a Fahrenheit
(1) ________ . (2) ________ the body’s temperature may vary above and (3) ________ this
point, the variations are usually quite small. A change in the body’s temperature of more than
ten (4) ________ either way would probably cause death.
The regulation of body temperature is a delicate and continuous process. In man and other
warm-blooded (5) ________ , temperature is automatically kept uniform (6) ________ normal
conditions. In the body, heat is produced at all times, (7) ________ at varying rates of speed.
The heat is carried by the blood to the skin surfaces. (8) ________ there, it passes off into the
If the body becomes (9) ________ warm, the surface blood vessels become larger and carry
more (10) ________ . In this way, more heat can be (11) ________ to the surface of the skin
and sent out of the body. In addition, as the body becomes warmer, the sweat glands pour out
perspiration which evaporates and helps (12) ________ the body.
These processes are reversed when the body becomes (13) ________ . (14) ________ keep
the body temperature from dropping far below the normal, the surface blood vessels grow (15)
________ and perspiration is checked.
What will the aeroplane of the future look like? An increasing number of journeys are being
made (1) ________ air, and the airlines are therefore demanding a new kind of plane (2)
________ help them cope with increasing passenger numbers. (3) ________ of the
revolutionary new designs (4) ________ developed is a “flying wing”, which is short but very
wide, in contrast (5) ________ most planes, which are long and narrow. It will be capable (6)
________ carrying 600-800 passengers. It will be built of an extremely light material, and
together (7) ________ the unusual design, this will improve performance. The new aeroplane
will be quieter and more comfortable (8) ________ existing planes. It will also cost less to
operate, and will therefore help to keep fares (9) ________ affordable levels.
Computers will play (10) ________ important role in this plane. They would be used (11)
________ the flight as (12) ________ as on ground: ground crews will simply plug their laptop
computers into the flight computers to check all functions.
An additional advantage of this plane is (13) ________ no new runways or terminal
buildings will have to be built for it, (14) ________ it is being designed in such a way that it
can (15) ________ existing ones.
A coincidence is an occasion when two or more things happen at the same time in an
unusual or surprising way. Most people (1) ________ experienced coincidences. For example, a
friend may telephone you (2) ________ the exact moment you were thinking about him.
Coincidences happen all the (3) ________, but few have been as remarkable (4) ________ the
one experienced by King Umberto I of Italy.
On 28 July 1900, King Umberto went into a restaurant in Monza. He (5) ________ very
surprised to find that the restaurant owner, (6) ________ was also called Umberto, looked and
spoke exactly (7) ________ him. It was soon discovered that they were (8) ________ born in
Turin on the same day. The restaurant owner had married a woman called Margherita, (9)
________ was also the name of the Queen whom King Umberto had married on the same day.
What is more, the owner had opened his restaurant on the day (10) ________ the King’s
The King was (11) ________ impressed that he invited the owner to an athletics meeting
(12) ________ following day. Unfortunately, Umberto the restaurant owner died (13) ________
a mysterious shooting accident (14) ________ morning. Later that same day, King Umberto I
was shot dead (15) ________ an anarchist.
The building of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt obviously required a vast labour force, but
the popular image (1) ________ gangs of Egyptians being forced to work is probably incorrect.
In fact (2) ________ seems that though prisoners of war did some of the heavy work (3)
________ the maintenance jobs, most of the ordinary labourers were farmers (4) ________
worked during the flood periods (5) ________ farming was impossible anyway. The labourers
((5) ________ probably paid in food - because money did not (7) ________ exist and organised
in groups with encouraging names such (8) ________ . “Hardworking Gang” or “Strong Gang”.
Although the traditional picture of thousands of slaves (9) ________ struck with whips is
unlikely to be true, paintings do show supervisors carrying metre-long sticks (10) ________
were not simply symbols of office. One architect, Nekhebu, boasted that he never hit a
workman hard (11) ________ to knock him down. The Greek historian Herodotus gave
traditional figures for the work force of one of the pyramids as 100,000 men replaced (12)
________ three months for a period of 20 years. It is impossible to prove (13) ________
disprove these figures, but they (14) ________ doubtless been wildly overestimated. Housing
that was found in the desert (15) ________ the west of one of the pyramids would have
accommodated a permanent work force of no more than 4000.
Today, there are libraries in almost every town in the world. Even in areas (1) ________ there
are no libraries, there are often mobile libraries which take books from one village to (2)
________ . But in the days when books were copied by hand (3) ________ than printed,
libraries were very rare. The reason is simple: books took a very (4) ________ time to produce,
and there were far (5) ________ copies of any given work around. The greatest library (6)
________ all, that in Alexandria, had 54.000 books. In the ancient world, this number (7)
________ considered huge. It was the first time that anyone (8) ________ ever collected so
many books from all around the world (9) ________ one roof. There are many theories about
(10) ________ these books were lost. (11) ________ is that the library accidentally burned
down. Another is that one of the rulers of the city ordered the books to (12) ________ burned.
They were taken to various places and it took six months to burn them. (13) ________
happened, the collection there was priceless. Many of the library’s treasures were lost forever
— some books were (14) ________ recovered. We cannot even know (15) ________ exactly
the library contained.
Many people believe that watching television has resulted in lower reading standards in
schools. (1) ________ , the link between television and printed books is not as simple as that.
In many (2) ________ , television actually encourages people to read: for example, when a
book is turned into a TV series, (3) ________ sales often go up.
One study of this link examined six-year-old children who (4) ________ viewing a special
series of 15-minute programmes at school. The series was designed to encourage love of books,
as (5) ________ as to develop the basic mechanical skills of reading. Each programme is an
animated film of a children’s book. The story is read aloud (6) ________ certain key phrases
from the book appear on the screen, beneath the picture. Whenever a word is read, it is also
highlighted on the TV screen.
One finding was (7) ________ watching these programmes was very important to the
children. If anything prevented them (8) ________ seeing a programme, they were very
disappointed. What’s more, they wanted to read the books (9) ________ the different parts of
the series were based on.
The programmes also gave the children (10) ________ confidence when looking at these
books. As a result of (11) ________ familiarity with the stories, they would sit in pairs and read
the stories aloud to (12) other. On (13) ________ occasion, the children showed great sympathy
when discussing a character in a book because they themselves (14) ________ been moved
when watching the character (15) ________ television.
Harry Ramsden’s is a remarkable establishment in Yorkshire, in the North of England. It
looks more like a cinema or fire station than a world- famous restaurant, and it (1) ________ a
symbol of a certain attitude (2) ________ food in the North of England.
The car park beside (3) ________ unique place has up to sixteen coaches in (4) ________ at
any time. Numerous cars, too, (5) ________ every type, size and age, are also parked there.
Outside the building, a queue stretches around the side. Those waiting to be seated appear
rather anxious, (6) ________ if they are children waiting to go into a theme park. (7) ________
is a sense of excitement. Harry Ramsden’s is (8) ________ merely a restaurant: it is an event.
Inside the vast carpeted dining room, elegant glass lights illuminate tables (9) ________ are
laid with simple blue-checked table cloths, ordinary plates, cups and saucers (10) ________
bottles of sauce. Everyone is there (11) ________ enjoy the favourite food of the area - fish and
chips, cooked to perfection (12) ________ a unique environment. This simple meal has been
served to film stars, politicians and miners alike.
Harry Ramsden’s is an English celebration of simple, value-for-money food, served
stylishly and enjoyed (13) ________ all. More Harry Ramsden’s restaurants (14) ________
opened since the original one, (15) ________ in Britain and abroad.
Vegetarians don’t eat any meat, fish or poultry, and they avoid foods with animal products
in them. Some people avoid red meat but they include chicken and fish (1) ________ their diet.
These are often people who recognize (2) ________ health benefits of a vegetarian diet, but
who find they can’t (3) ________ up meat completely. This half-way position is sometimes
taken by people who are making the change (4) ________ a completely vegetarian diet. Vegans
go one step further (5) ________ other vegetarians, avoiding all foods of animal origin, such as
dairy produce, eggs and honey.
Vegetarians are growing in number. (6) ________ estimated seven per cent of British
people are now vegetarian, and there are a (7) ________ many others who only eat meat
occasionally. In the (8) ________ few years, food manufacturers have expanded their
vegetarian ranges, and it has (9) ________ a lot easier to choose an animal-free diet. Many
restaurants also now offer a wide variety (10) ________ vegetarian dishes.
People might choose a vegetarian diet (11) ________ moral or health reasons, (12)
________ both. Some vegetarians simply don’t like the idea of eating other creatures, and they
may dislike the conditions in (13) ________ many animals are kept before (14) _____ killed for
food. Others may have become vegetarians (15) ________ of the health benefits.
Festivals in the Caribbean can be huge, colourful events that stretch the imagination. One of
the biggest of these, the Trinidad Carnival, consists of five days of non-stop parties and music
competitions that end (1) ________ a costumed parade through the streets of the capital, Port of
The music at the carnival is calypso. Calypso is (2) ________ than just music for singing
and dancing. An evening in a “calypso tent” will give you a course in Trinidadian politics and
(3) ________ you know all about the island gossip. But (4) ________ the topic of the songs,
calypso’s main function is (5) ________ entertain.
One of the most important parts of the carnival is the calypso competition. This is divided
(6) ________ two sections. First of all, on the Sunday, the best song is judged. Ten finalists
each sing two songs in front of (7) ________ crowd of 30.000. The singers all do (8) ________
best to give performances that will have the crowd shouting and screaming (9) ________ more,
and the winner receives the highly-prized title of Calypso Monarch.
Then, on the Monday, there is the Roadmarch competition, (10) the best dance tune is
decided. Dancers in fantastic costumes spill out onto the streets (11) ________ their thousands
at 4 a.m. and dance in a parade with the calypso bands. This goes on (12) ________ the carnival
ends the following night. The winner is the person (13) ________ tune is being played most
often as the bands pass the place where the judges (14) ________ situated.
And the music has to be good, to keep as (15) ________ as half a million people dancing
non-stop for five days.
At 7.17 in the morning, on the 30th of June 1908, there was an enormous explosion in the
Tungusaka region (1) ________ Siberia. It destroyed abound 40,000 trees in a circular area of
about 15,400 sq km. The force of the explosion (2) ________ felt all over the world. (3)
________ night in Siberia was known as the “White Night”. It did not get dark because the sky
was filled (4) ________ bright silvery clouds. Even in London it was possible to read at
midnight because the sky was (5) ________ light. At the (6) ________ time in other parts of
Europe photographs could be (7) ________ without the use of a flash. How did it happen? Even
today, nobody knows (8) ________ sure. Some suggested that it was a UFO crash.
Others thought that it was a meteorite. But when things fall to Earth (9) ________ space
they leave huge holes in the ground, called craters — and (10) ________ was no crater in
Tungusaka. The (11) ________ widely accepted explanation today (12) _____ that it was a
comet. A comet is a huge ball of dirty ice (13) ________ flies through space, trailing a tail of
dust behind it. If a piece of a comet broke off and entered the Earth’s atmosphere, it would heat
(14) ________ and explode before it actually landed.
The explosion would be huge, but it would (15) ________ very little evidence of itself
behind. Possibly just a cloud of silvery dust.
Cans made of steel are very easy to remove from domestic rubbish because steel is the only
common metal that is attracted to magnets. Many waste removal authorities have (1) ________
advantage of this fact and have installed large magnets, which, (2) ________ put it simply, pull
all steel containers out of the general household rubbish. The system is known (3) ________
“magnetic extraction” and it has two great advantages.
Firstly, unlike most recycling schemes, the recycling (4) ________ steel cans through
“magnetic extraction” requires almost (5) ________ effort from the public. As long as you
throw your used steel can into the rubbish bin, it will be collected (6) ________ then the waste
removal authority will (7) ________ the rest. Other packaging cannot be recycled (8) ________
the public collect the material and take (9) ________ , usually bar car, to a central collection
point. This often uses up more energy in petrol than (10) ________ eventually saved by
recycling the material.
Secondly, local authorities actually save public money (11) ________ recovering used steel
cans. Magnetic extraction equipment is simple and cheap, and the steel that has (12) ________
saved it sold to companies who re-use it (13) ________ making new steel products. (14)
________ the value of the metal is greater than the cost of magnetic extraction, the process has
financial benefits.
So, magnetic recycling of steel cans from waste saves you time, effort and money, as (15)
________ as saving energy for us all.
For anyone who wants either to film or study great white sharks, Australian expert, Rodney
Fox, is the first contact. Fox knows exactly (1) the sharks will be at different times of the year;
and can even predict (2) ________ they will behave around blood, divers and other sharks. He
understands them as well as (3) ________ else alive. In fact, he’s lucky to be alive; a “great
white” once (4) ________ to bite him in half.
Three decades (5) ________ this near-fatal attack, Fox still carries the physical scars, but
feels (6) ________ hate for his attacker. Instead he organises three or four trips (7) ________
year to bring scientists and photographers to the kingdom of the great white shark, (8)
________ main aim of these trips is to improve people’s understanding of an animal (9)
________ evil reputation has become an excuse for killing it.
Great white sharks are not as amusing as dolphins and seals, (10) ________ their role in the
ocean is critical. They kill off sick animals, helping to prevent the spread (11) ________ disease
and to maintain the balance in the ocean’s food chains. Fox feels a responsibility to act (12)
________ a guardian of great white sharks. (13) ________ the scientists, film makers and pho-
tographers can communicate their sense of wonder (14) ________ other people, he is confident
that understanding (15) ________ replace hatred.
You can imagine how upset Mr Bennet was when his pet Alsatian dog walked through the
back door (1) ________ a dead rabbit in its mouth. You can also imagine how7 anxious he
became when he realised (2) ________ the rabbit was, in fact, his next-door neighbours” pet,
Fluffy. “What (3) ________ we going to do?” he said. “They’ll be furious when they (4)
________ out,”
Fortunately the rabbit had not (5) ________ badly damaged. The dog had just made it very
dirty by playing (6) ________ it. Poor Fluffy must (7) ________ died of fright. So Mr Bennet
took it upstairs and (8) ________ it a good wash and shampoo. He even blow-dried it. Then he
took it outside and put it (9) ________ into its cage in the neighbours’ garden, hoping they (10)
________ think that it had died of natural causes. The following day, Mr Bennet (11) ________
sitting in his garden, reading the paper, when the woman (12) ________ next door appeared at
the garden fence. She began to (13) ________ him how upset her little girl was. “What
happened?” asked Mr Bennet, trying (14) ________ look innocent.
“Poor Fluffy died (15) ________ Wednesday, and we buried it,” she explained. “But this
morning it was back in its cage!”
Ludwig van Beethoven, one of the most popular classical composers of all time, (1)
________ sometimes known as “the Shakespeare of music”. He was born in Bonn in 1770, (2)
________ published his first work (3) ________ the age of thirteen. Mozart was his teacher (4)
________ a short time, although they did not (5) ________ on very well together; Beethoven
was a difficult student.
As a composer, -Beethoven was a genius - but as a person, he was not very easy (6)
________ like. He was a passionate man (7) ________ lost his temper very easily. He was also
arrogant. The upper classes of Vienna used to (8) ________ him to parties, where he was often
quite rude. He was once heard to say to a prince: “There (9) ________ always be many princes,
but there is only (10) ________ Beethoven”.
Nevertheless, Beethoven composed some of the most beautiful symphonies the world (11)
________ ever heard. How was (12) ________ an arrogant, bad-tempered man inspired to
write such romantic music? Perhaps the answer lies in the three letters (13) ________ were
found after his death. They were addressed to his “Immortal Beloved”. (14) ________ knows
who this woman was, but it appears that Beethoven was deeply in love (15) ________ her for
most of his adult life.
Bodies are made to move! They are not designed for sitting around in front of the television
or reading magazines. Keeping fit doesn’t (1) ________ you have to be a super-athlete, and
even a (2) ________ exercise can give you a lot of fun. When you’re fit and healthy, you’ll find
you look better and feel better. You’ll (3) ________ more energy and self-confidence.
Every time you move you (4) ________exercising. The human body is designed to bend,
stretch, run, jump and climb. The (5) ________ it does, the stronger and fitter it will become.
Best of (6) ________ , exercise is fun. It’s (7) ________ your body likes doing most - keeping
on the move.
Physical exercise is not only good (8) ________ your body. People who take regular
exercise are usually happier, more relaxed and more alert (9) ________ people who sit around
all day. Try an experiment — next time you’re (10) ________ a bad mood, go for a walk or
play a ball game in the park. See how (11) ________ better yon feel after an hour.
A sense of achievement is yet (12) ________ benefit of exercise. People feel good (13)
________ themselves when they know they have improved (14) ________ fitness. People who
exercise regularly will (15) ________ you that they find they have more energy to enjoy life. So
have a go — you’ll soon see and feel the benefits!
Science fiction films and books are full of robots that look, and even think, exactly like
humans. Some people believe it will not be long (1) ________ such machines become a reality.
However, most advanced, electronic machines still look (2) ________ like people. These
machines cannot yet think in the same way (3) ________ a person; some say they never (4)
________ . But they are able to make decisions and solve problems. An airliner’s automatic
pilot, for example, can control (5) ________ plane, even during take-off and landing.
Computers issue detailed instructions in order (6) ________ control the way robots act. The
simplest robots just follow a set (7) ________ instructions and repeat the same movements
again and again. Many factories rely (8) ________ such robots to carry out the sort of tasks that
a human worker (9) ________ certainly find very boring and they can do many jobs more
rapidly and with great accuracy. Very advanced robots have sensors with (10) ________ they
can collect information (11) _____ their surroundings. These robots can move (12) ________
place to place, using tiny television cameras to find (13) ________ way.
Many scientists are convinced that robots will soon be intelligent (14) ________ to explore
other planets more effectively (15) ________ humans.
Where do you start if you want to write a successful story? Clearly, what you need first of
(1) ________ is an idea which you can develop into a strong plot. But (2) ________ do ideas
like this come from? The (3) ________ is “anywhere and everywhere”. They may come from
something that has (4) ________ to you or to (5) ________ else, from a newspaper, an
interesting picture, or even a song. It is a good idea to keep a notebook nearby (6) ________
that you can write down the details or any odd incidents (7) ________ catch your imagination.
Make a note of ideas (8) ________ titles too, and any special phrases or descriptions that you
think of. A small tape recorder can (9) ________ useful for this purpose. Some writers even
keep (10) ________ by their bed in (11) ________ they wake up with the “idea of the century”.
Another method of developing the story is to make use (12) ________ the characters
themselves. Why not (13) ________ putting three people you know well into a situation such as
a wedding, where feelings may be very strong, and see (14) ________ happens. But don’t make
the final characters too much like your Aunt Jane or Uncle Jim or you may find (15) ________
in real trouble.
A family portrait is a valuable picture - it is fun to look at now, it’s great for relatives far (1)
________ , and it will bring back memories in the years to come. Families change quickly as
children grow, (2) ________ don’t wait, whatever your position in the family - photograph
your family group now, and plan to make this (3) ________ regular event. Your family album
isn’t really complete (4) ________ this record of all of you together.
Getting the (5) ________ of the family together isn’t always easy, and so you will need to
plan ahead to be sure (6) ________ has time to pose. A relaxed, friendly feeling is (7)
________ makes the picture, and you can’t expect people to relax (8) ________ they’re in a
hurry to do (9) ________ else. Make your plans when you’re all together and (10) ________ a
cheerful, friendly mood - say, during a meal, and set a time convenient (11) ________
A family portrait takes some technical planning, too. Make (12) ________ your mind in
advance (13) ________ room you want to use; choose your camera position and check the
lighting. If you want to be in the picture, make sure you know exactly (14) ________ the self-
timer on your camera operates. With most cameras,, you’ll have from eight (15) ________
twelve seconds to get into the picture after you press the shutter button.
Mauritius has been called paradise on earth and visitors to it often fall in love with it
straight away. Millions of years (1) ________, huge volcanic forces pushed the island’s
mountains up through the waters of the Indian Ocean. (2) ________ curious shapes (3)
________ been the inspiration of poets, writers and travellers through the centuries. Glorious
white sand beaches ring the coast and Mauritius (4) ________ almost entirely surrounded by
coral reefs, (5) ________ a wide variety of colourful fish can be found. Diving and sailing are
favourite pastimes.
The first settlers were the Dutch, (6) ________ arrived with their slaves. Sugar cane was
planted everywhere and it quickly became established (7) the island’s main crop. Tea and
tobacco followed. The French were next (8) ________ take possession and great progress was
(9) ________ in developing the island’s prosperity. In 1810 the British took it (10) ________ .
They abolished slavery, introduced workers from India (11) ________ gave the islanders the
vote. In 1968, Mauritius gained independence.
The people are unique in their variety; they are (12) ________ Indian, Chinese, French and
British origin. The official language is English (13) ________ the real language is French
Creole, a type of French that is understood or spoken by all. Local newspapers print articles in
English and French side (14) _____ side. Many people say that the mixture of people that make
up the population of Mauritius is (15) ________ of the island’s finest characteristics.
A surprising number of popular spectator sports, for example football or baseball, started in
Europe or the USA in (1) ________ nineteenth century. This did (2) ________ happen by
chance. It was the result of changes (3) ________ the way people lived in those places at that
time. Until then (4) ________ people lived in the country than in towns. They worked in small
groups and had (5) ________ regular time off. All this changed (6) ________ the growth of
factories and industry in the nineteenth century, first in Europe and then in the USA. (7)
________ the first time most people began to live in towns, and they found themselves with
regular free time. They had more leisure time (8) ________ ever before. (9) ________ resulted
in the need for organised entertainment. Suitable games developed or (10) ________ invented,
typically team games, in (11) ________ the crowed could take sides and become involved. This
gave people some of the entertainment they need in (12) ________ free time. The recent
explosion in TV, with the introduction of satellite and cable channels, (13) ________ caused an
increase in demand for sports as entertainment. The money TV has brought to games (14)
________ as football, tennis and baseball means that spectator sports (15) ________ certainly
go on playing an important part in our lives.
The Americans are keen to win the race to send human beings to Mars. In 1992, the new
boss of NASA *, Dan Goldin, called on the American people to be the first to send explorers to
(1) ________ planet in the solar system. He reminded them (2) ________ the symbolic gift
carried to the moon and back by the Apollo 11 mission. It bears (3) ________ message intended
for the crew of the first spaceship to visit Mars. Goldin thinks (4) ________ is time to begin the
preparations (5) ________ this historic journey. His speech echoed the words of the President,
(6) ________ promised that in 2019, 50 years after Neil Armstrong (7) ________ the first man
to set foot on the Moon, the first astronaut (8) ________ stand on Mars.
(9) ________ the end of the twentieth century, various unmanned spaceships will (10)
________ thoroughly, investigated the surface of the planet. But, however clever a robot (11)
________ be, it cannot match the type of information (12) ________ can be gained from direct
human experience. The first geologist on the moon, Harrison Schmitt, was (13) ________ of
interpreting the story of the landscape on the spot. (14) ________ humans walk on the red de -
serts of Mars, we will not be able to determine the history of this frozen world (15) ________
any detail.
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration
One Christmas eve, the Stopes family were invited to stay at their friends’ new- house in
Scotland. As it was very (1) ________ away, and the Stopes would not be (2) ________ to
arrive before midnight, their friends agreed (3) ________ leave the gate open and put the key
under a rock outside the front door. In (4) ________ way, the Stopes could let themselves in
(5) ________ waking their friends up.
The map that their friends (6) ________ drawn for them was not very good, so they did not
find the house (7) ________ about 1 o’clock in the morning. The gate (8) ________ locked so
Gary, the eldest of the three brothers, climbed over and unlocked (9) ________ from the inside.
The family marched towards the house and began to look (10) ________ the front door key.
Before they found it, however, the father whispered that the back door had (11) ________ left
open anyway, so they all got in through that.
It had been a long tiring journey, so the Stopes (12) ________ themselves some tea and
sandwiches. All the time they kept very quiet so (13) ________ not to wake up their friends. At
one thirty in the morning they crept upstairs and found three empty rooms (14) ________ which
to sleep. The (15) ________ morning, Christmas day, they came downstairs and found two
complete strangers sitting at the table. The whole family had accidentally broken into the house
next door!
Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, is regarded by many people (1) ________ the most
beautiful city in Europe. Whether or (2) ________ that is true, no visitor can fail to (3)
________ impressed by its dramatic surroundings, its magnificent buildings, or its dark stone
churches. Edinburgh Castle dominates (4) ________ city centre. Built in the eleventh century,
(5) ________ sits high on a rock. The Old Town developed from this point, stretching down the
slope to form what is (6) ________ as the Royal Mile. This street remains (7) ________ of the
city’s main tourist attractions, with Holyroodhouse (a royal palace) at the lower end, and the
castle at the top. The New Town (8) ________ built in the eighteenth century in order to cope
(9) ________ the increasing population of the city. It is located in the flat land to the north (10)
________ the castle. Before it was developed, (11) ________ competition was arranged for the
best design. The Scottish architect, James Craig, won with a simple grid pattern of streets and
But perhaps Edinburgh is most famous (12) ________ its annual International Festival of
Music and Drama. This massive three-week event has been held every August (13) ________
1947. It attracts thousands of theatre and music lovers, and hundreds of artists, from (14)
________ over the world. Not surprisingly, many Edinburgh locals take their holidays at this
time - and go in (15) ________ of some peace and quiet!
To be stuck in a lift for any length of time is a nightmare (1) ________ true tor many
people. So pity poor Graham Coates (2) ________ was trapped inside one for three whole days!
One Saturday morning in 1986, he decided to go to work at his office, which was (3) ________
the second floor of a large office block. Somewhere (4) ________ the first and second floor,
the lift stopped. He pushed the alarm bell but, as (5) ________ was the weekend, the office
block was empty. The noise (6) ________ not be heard from outside the building.
He tried shouting, but no one was able to hear that (7) ________ . Eventually, he decided
(8) ________ he would just have to wait. Nobody reported him missing because he was living
with (9) ________ parents at the time and he often spent weekends away (10) ________ home.
He began to get thirsty, and then hungry. By Sunday he was dreaming of long cool drinks, and
the lovely meal that people (11) ________ be enjoying in the pub (12) ________ he worked at
Monday was a national holiday, so it was not (13) ________ Tuesday morning that he was
rescued by his boss. By that time he was very weak and ill. He had to have several days (14)
________ work, and still gets headaches even today. Now he refuses to enter any lift which
does not (15) ________ a telephone installed!
Even if you have never touched a cigarette in your life you are still (1) ________ risk from
smoking-related diseases if you live, work or travel with smokers. When smokers and non-
smokers share the (2) ________ room, the non-smokers cannot avoid breathing in some (3)
________ the smokers’ tobacco smoke. This is called “passive smoking”.
People’s awareness of the dangers of smoking (4) ________ increased a lot in recent years.
More people (5) ________ giving up than ever before. Smoking has (6) ________ banned from
most forms of public transport, and nearly all public buildings have (7) ________ “smoke-free
zones”. However, in the workplace many people are still exposed (8) _______ the danger and
discomfort of passive smoking.
(9) ________ are many benefits to an employer taking action to create a smoke-free
environment. For a (10) ________ , the company has a better, cleaner image. Secondly, the
workforce are healthier and happier, less likely to take time (11) ________ due .to illness, and
more likely to stay with the company. Thirdly, cleaning costs are greatly reduced for (12)
________ the employer and the employee, neither of (13) ________ have to go home in
clothes that stink of smoke.
When a non-smoking policy is first introduced, there is usually some protest (14) ________
the smokers. But eventually even the smokers come to appreciate (15) ________ benefits of
working in a smoke-free environment, and many are encouraged to give up smoking altogether.
The most successful British pop group of all time began life as a rock ‘n’ roll band called
“The Quarrymen” in 1958. They then changed their name (1) ________ “Long John and the
Silver Beatles”, (2) ________ was later, shortened to “The Beatles”. In 1960 and 61 they
developed an individual musical style which (3) ________ them very popular.
Their first single, Love Me Do, reached number seventeen (4) ________ the pop charts, and
in 1963 they had their first number one hit - From Me to You. A combination (5) ________
charm, humour and excellent pop music contributed (6) ________ their incredible popularity,
the likes of which had never (7) ________ seen before. The nation (8) ________ hit by
Beatlemania. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were (9) ________ main creative forces behind
the group. They composed nearly all of the Beatles” songs, with a few notable exceptions (10)
________ as The Yellow Submarine, (11) ________ Ringo Starr, and George Harrison’s
Something. But by the end of the 60s it was apparent that (12) ________ were major artistic
differences (13) ________ the two, and in 1970 the band broke (14) ________ . John Lennon
was assassinated in New York in 1980. Fifteen years (15) ________ that, the three surviving
members reformed and released a single called Free as a Bird, which nobody liked.
One of the simplest cases Inspector Harper (1) ________ to solve was a bank robbery
which took (2) ________ in Leeds in 1968. When he arrived (3) ________ the scene of the
crime, the cashier explained to him (4) ________ had happened. A tall man in a blue anorak
and a motorcycle helmet had walked (5) ________ the bank that morning and passed the
cashier an envelope (6) ________ these words written on the back: “I HAVE A GUN. HAND
OVER ALL THE MONEY AND NO ONE (7) ________ GET HURT.” The cashier saw that
the man really (8) ________ have a gun, and dutifully gave him all the money he had behind
the counter. Then the robber put the cash in his hag and ran (9) ________ of the door, to the
sound of alarm bells. An hour (10) ________ the robber was in his house, counting his money,
(11) ________ Inspector Harper burst through the front door, accompanied (12) ________ four
large policemen. The poor criminal (13) ________ astonished at the speed and efficiency of the
West Yorkshire Police. “How did you know (14) ________ was me?” he asked (15) ________
amazement. “Simple, Mr Briggs,” smiled the Inspector. “Your name and address were written
on the front of the envelope!’
I don’t usually play tricks on people, but when our boss, Mr Budd, bought himself a new
hat, my friend (1) ________ an idea that was impossible to resist. Every day Mr Budd (2)
________ hang up his hat in the hallway and disappear into his office. So one lunch time we
went into town and bought two hats identical (3) ________ Mr Budd’s, except that one was
much larger, and the other much smaller, (4) ________ his. When we got (5) ________ to the
office, we took Mr Budd’s hat off the hook and replaced it (6) ________ the large one. That
evening he (7) ________ the hat on and went home, saying nothing to anyone in spite of the (8)
________ that his hat was resting on his ears. The next day we substituted the small hat (9)
________ the large one, and Mr Budd went home with it sitting high (10) ________ top of his
head. He looked a bit worried, but he (11) ________ didn’t say a word to anyone.
This continued for (12) ________ few weeks. Sometimes we would put Mr Budd’s original
hat on the hook, sometimes one (13) ________ the others. Everyone in the office knew about
the joke, (14) ________ Mr Budd. Eventually, he got (15) ________ worried that he went to the
doctor, convinced that his head was growing and shrinking day by day.
My friend Colin is a very keen golfer. We play together every Sunday, but I seldom win
because he is much better than me. I suspect that (1) ________ of the reasons why he came to
be (2) ________ a good player is that, (3) ________ many top sportsmen, he hates losing. Let
me give you an example.
One Sunday, we were playing (4) ________ other in the club championship. There were
quite a (5) ________ people watching. Colin started badly, and 1 won the first two holes, but I
expected (6) ________ he would soon catch up and beat me. He didn’t. Every shot he made
went off to one side, into the woods or into a bunker. I (7) ________ see that Colin was getting
increasingly angry.
On the eighteenth hole, Colin’s first shot landed (8) ________ the pond. With a cry (9)
________ despair he picked up his golf bag, swung it around (10) ________ head and threw it
(11) ________ the middle of the pond. Then he stormed off past the clubhouse to his car. A few
seconds (12) ________ , we heard another cry, and saw Colin walk (13) ________ in our
direction. As he passed me he said “This is not a good day for me”, and carried (14) ________
walking into the water. When he reached the middle of the pond, he felt around under the
surface and lifted out his golf bag. Then he put his hand into the bag, and pulled (15) ________
his soaking wet car keys.
Honey, the sweetest of natural foods, was the main source of sugar in ancient times. It was
highly prized both as a foodstuff (1) ________ a medicine. In those days, the art of bee keeping
was known only (2) ________ a select few members of secret societies, who were treated (3)
________ great respect.
Nowadays, of course, bee-keeping is not surrounded by such mystique, it is a popular
pastime (4) ________ can be taken up by anyone with a (5) ________ money to spend and
some space in their garden.
It (6) ________ be wrong to say that bees are domestic creatures, farmed (7) ________ the
same way as cows or sheep. The beekeeper provides a home for the bees, and (8) ________
care of them, but the bees remain wild. In a sense, the relationship (9) ________ bee and
beekeeper is one of mutual exploitation. Both benefit (10) ________ the relationship, and
neither one is a slave to the other.
Many people (11) ________ an irrational fear of bees. Their anxiety is usually based (12)
________ an ignorance of (13) _____ true nature of these adorable insects. They are not
naturally aggressive creattires. True, their sting is rather painful, but it is seldom (14) ________
serious for the victim as it is for the bee, who dies soon (15) ________ .

Read these passages and then answer the questions below.
People often believe that the reflection or light from the ocean is what causes glaciers to appear
blue. Actually, what causes glaciers to exhibit a bluish hue is the light that has managed to
penetrate all the way through the ice.
Regular ice, such as the ice that we use at home, appears white because light is able to enter and
exit without the ice producing any discernible change. This is due in part to the thinness of the
ice, but its clean composition plays a major role as well. Glaciers are considerably denser than
the ice we get from our freezers. The ice crystals that make up a glacier are tightly compressed
from decades of freezing and refreezing as more ice forms around older ice.
As glaciers travel, they also accumulate other components. If you melted a glacier, you would
find dirt, rock, and even organic matter. As a result of its unusual structure, the solid ice crystals
cause the light to scatter when light pierces the surface of a glacier. As the glacier continues to
travel, it grows larger. This larger surface area of the glacier allows it to absorb more and more
Although light appears to be white as it approaches the glacier, it is actually made up of yellow,
red, and blue light particles. [1] The glacier acts as a prism and separates the light particles. [2]
The multicolored particles that make up light have different energy levels, and in particular the
yellow and red particles have less energy than the blue ones. [3] So, as light goes deeper into a
glacier, the amount of red and yellow light begins to dwindle and in the end, blue light is almost
all that remains. [4] It is this leftover light that gives the glacier the appearance of being a deep
shade of blue.
1. What is the main point of the passage?
A. Glaciers get their blue color from the light that reflects off of them.
B. Glaciers look white before light hits them.
C. Glaciers look blue because they absorb red and yellow light and only emit blue light.
D. Glaciers are much denser and composed of more kinds of matter than normal ice.
2. What color do you think a glacier would be if all light could pass through it freely?
A. White B. Blue C. Red D. Yellow
3. Which substance might be found in a glacier that would not be found in regular ice?
A. Organic matter B. Ice crystals
C. Light particles D. Water
4. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence into the passage? These three colors
comprise the three primary colors of a prism.
A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
5. Why does the author mention that glaciers accumulate various matter as they travel?
A. To explain how glaciers are able to reflect light in a way that regular ice cannot
B. To help demonstrate how glaciers get their complex structure
C. To explain how glaciers can get very large and at times join with other glaciers
D. To show how a glacier treats light particles in a way that scientists did not think possible
Withdrawal is a common syndrome. It can be defined as a physiological or psychological
reaction related to the absence of a particular substance. This substance is very commonly a
drug or medication that a person has been taking for an extended period or time.
Withdrawal can occur when a person suddenly stops taking the drug. It may also occur it a
person begins to take reduced amounts. As an example, withdrawal can occur when a patient
has undergone surgery and is given a prescription to ease the pain. The patient initially may
have to take large amounts of a particular medication to ease the pain caused from the surgery.
After an extended period of time, the patient may become physically dependent on the
medication. That is, the patients body will demand more medication. The person may then feel
physically or psychologically ill without the medication. When the patient’s prescription runs
out, the patient will suddenly not have any more medication. This sudden removal of the
substance may cause strong psychological or behavioral effects in the patient. These effects
may include mood swings such as feelings of anger. It may also cause depression, sadness, or
There are a number of ways to avoid the experience of withdrawal. [1] One common method is
for a patient to try to reduce the doses of medication toward the end of the treatment period. [2]
For example, if the pain from an operation has mostly subsided after one week, the patient
should take less and less medication each day. In this way, the patient’s body will get used to
the lower amounts of medicine in his or her system. [3] Patients should avoid stopping their
medicine “cold turkey,” that is, very suddenly. [4] With proper caution, the uncomfortable
symptoms resulting from withdrawal can be minimized if not eliminated entirely.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Withdrawal is a common syndrome.
B. Patients take large amounts of medicine after difficult surgery.
C. Stopping the intake of medication “cold turkey” is especially likely to cause withdrawal.
D. Withdrawal is caused by rapidly decreasing the intake of medicine but can be avoided.
2. Why should a patient not stop taking medicine “cold turkey”?
A. Because it creates a sudden shock to a patient’s system
B. Because it is better to stop taking medicine slowly
C. Because it is a very slow and inefficient way to cut down on medicine intake
D. Because doctors have advised that it is not a good idea
3. Why are surgery patients particularly likely to experience withdrawal?
A. Because they have weak immune systems
B. Because they usually require large doses of medicine to help control the pain from
C. Because surgeons recommend that their patients take as much medication as possible
D. Because withdrawal syndrome is commonly encountered in hospital settings
4. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence, into the passage? This gradual
reduction of the intake of medicine will help the body safely transition into a state in
which it no longer requires the medicine.
A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
5. Why does the author mention that a person may feel angry or depressed after he or she stops
taking medicine?
A. To identify the general condition of patients after they stop taking medicine
B. To give examples of how a person feels if he or she ‘experiences withdrawal syndrome
C. To explain that these are the most common symptoms of post- surgical treatment
D. To show that anger and depression are opposite types of feelings
Beneath the water in many tropical oceans one can encounter a beautiful living object called
coral. Sometimes, coral may be mistaken for either a plant or a rock. This is because, at first,
coral may look like a rock because indeed it can feel hard to the touch. It also breaks very
easily. Coral may also look like a plant as it has many spectacular colors and shapes. However,
coral is actually an animal. [1J Coral is formed through both asexual and sexual reproduction.
[2] Asexually, coral polyps reproduce to create other polyps which attach themselves nearby.
Sexually, coral reproduces by releasing gametes in a spawning activity. [3] The sexual
reproduction process typically occurs over the course of two or three nights when a full moon is
present. In either pattern or reproduction, polyps attach to the same or nearby coral. [4] As a
result, the coral begins to grow larger. This process continues until the coral reaches a large
size, or until it is disturbed by objects in the water which can easily kill this marine animal.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Coral can be found in tropical waters, in particular around the Caribbean Sea.
B. Coral is very delicate and can be broken easily, especially by scuba divers.
C. Coral is formed by sexual and asexual reproduction by the adhesion of polyps onto
nearby coral
D. Coral can get very large if it is not disturbed during its reproductive phase.
2. What can be inferred by the fact that coral reproduces sexually in the presence of a full
A. Full moons do not occur often during a calendar year.
B. Full moons are responsible for sexual reproduction in many species.
C. The danger to coral increases by the light of the moon.
D. Coral cannot reproduce sexually in a continuous manner.
3. What is the part of a coral’s anatomy that is involved in reproduction?
A. A marine animal B. A nearby plant or rock
C. A coral reef D. A polyp
4. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence into the paragraph? Asexual
reproduction refers to the process of reproducing without coming in contact with another
A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
5. Why does the author mention that coral may be mistaken for either a plant or a rock?
A. To point out that coral appears different from what it actually is
B. To explain that coral can take any of three different forms
C. To show that most people are unfamiliar with coral
D. To contrast coral with other things found in the ocean
Fossilization can be seen as a slow process which can preserve the skeleton of an animal
forever. [1] Take for example a dinosaur from many thousands of years ago. When dinosaurs
died, their bodies and bones decayed in the ground and nothing remained. Most dinosaurs did
not become fossils when they died. Some dead dinosaurs, however, became fossils. [2] To be-
come fossilized, a dinosaur first must have sunken into the ground quickly after death, perhaps
being covered by mud or sand. With the passing of time, sediment blown from nearby sands
and rocks continued to cover the dinosaur. After many years, the chemicals in the body of the
dinosaur became replaced by minerals and sediment from the earth. As this happened, the
dinosaur’s bones became less bone-like and more rock-like. [3] At the end of the process, the
dinosaur basically turned to rock, but with the exact same shape as it had before. [4] Once the
process of fossilization is complete, the dinosaurs skeleton can be preserved forever.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Most dinosaurs did not become fossils due to unfavorable conditions.
B. The fossilization of a dinosaur is a process which occurs over a very long time.
C. Dinosaur fossils are basically bones that have been filled with sediment.
D. Dinosaur fossilization was more common than the fossilization of other prehistoric
2. Why do you suppose that most dinosaurs did not become fossils when they died?
A. Because conditions were not appropriate for the process to occur
B. Because most dinosaurs did not have the right kinds of bones to become fossils
C. Because fossilization takes too long to occur
D. Because there were too many dinosaurs living in the same areas
3. What replaces the chemicals in dinosaur bones that make them more like rocks?
A. Mud and sand B. Wind and rain
C. Sediment and minerals D. Minerals and bone
4. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence into the paragraph? This formation
is convenient for paleontologists as it provides a replica of the dinosaur for investigation.
A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
5. The author mentions that most dinosaurs did not become fossils when they died in order to
A. suggest that good fortune is involved in finding a dinosaur fossil.
B. compare fossilized dinosaurs with non-fossilized dinosaurs.-
C. illustrate the danger of searching for fossils.
D. point out that dinosaur fossils have been found only in certain parts of the world.
A cicada is a large, dark colored insect which lives in warm and tropical climates. Cicadas are
very easy to identify because of their large size and wings with many large veins. But perhaps a
more unique characteristic of the cicada is related to the sound it makes. The sound which
comes from a cicada is often called its song. [1] The cicada’s song is extremely loud. It
sometimes reaches a level of 100 decibels. [2] This is incredible because the loudness of a
persons voice during regular conversation is only about 65 to 70 decibels. [3] The cicada makes
this song not by rubbing its wings together, as other insects do. [4] Instead, a cicada’s
exoskeleton expands as it breathes in air. The expansion of the skeleton makes the “creaky”
sound of the song.
Cicadas primarily sing for mating purposes, but there are other reasons and meanings behind
their songs. It is the male cicada which makes the most distinctive song. He does this to attract a
female during mating season. Both male and female cicadas also have songs which signal
danger. Because it is so distinctive, there are stories about the cicadas song from many different
countries. One myth related to cicadas’ songs is that the ancient Greeks and Chinese kept
cicadas in cages to hear their songs. This may seem hard to believe. The cicadas song is not
beautiful but instead sounds quite harsh. Furthermore, the cicada’s song also symbolized a chief
being exempt from war according to ancient Greek mythology. When a war chief heard the
cicadas song, it meant that the chief would not have to go to war. And if the chief did go to war,
he would not be killed.
1. What is in the main idea of the passage?
A. The song of a cicada is often louder than the voices of humans having a conversation.
B. Only male cicadas make noise, and the noise is very loud and harsh.
C. The myths related to the cicada’s song are very old but still explain why cicadas sing
D. Cicadas make a sound which has many distinctive characteristics.
2. According to the passage, how do most insects make sounds?
A. By inhaling air into the abdomen and expanding the exoskeleton .
B. By rubbing their wings against each other
C. By being as loud as 100 decibels
D. By entering into a mating routine in which the male will sing for the female
3. What is the main purpose of the cicada’s song?
A. To keep warriors safe before going to battle
B. To attract a mate
C. To attract the attention of people who are in nearby areas
D. To confuse predators when cicadas are in danger
4. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence into the passage? Even when a
person shouts, his or her voice only reaches about 85 decibels,
A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
5. In paragraph two, why does the author mention several myths about the cicada’s song?
A. To explain why the cicada’s song is so different from other insects’ songs
B. To show that cicadas have many different kinds of songs
C. To contrast myths about the cicada’s song with reality
D. To support the point that the cicada’s song is very distinctive
The populations of many countries include not only the people who are native inhabitants, but
also immigrants from other countries. For example, the United States is often called a “Nation
of Immigrants” since so many people have left their home countries and settled there. The
United Slates is not unique, however, as immigration continues in many countries around the
world. The immigration process has several steps, the final one being official citizenship. That
is, the immigrant becomes a full member of his or her new country, with the same rights as
native-born citizens. Though gaining citizenship is often a lengthy process, it is not usually a
complicated one.
[1] Take for example a person who marries a U.S. citizen and wishes to become a citizen as
well. [2] The person must first live in the United States for three consecutive years. Once the
three years have passed, the person may apply for citizenship. [3] To complete the application,
the person must give the government personal information such as where he or she is from and
how long he or she has been in the United States, as well as how many times he or she has
traveled outside the country. [4] Then the person pays a fee and sends all of the materials to the
government. When the government receives the documents, it checks to make sure the
information is accurate and complete. Next, the government sends a notice to the applicant that
it has received the application. The applicant then must go to a government office to have his
fingerprints taken. Months later, the government will contact the person to come for a personal
interview. The applicant will be asked questions about the history of the United States, and will
also take an English exam. When the person has completed the interview he or she may become
a citizen. Finally, an official ceremony is given to celebrate this achievement.
1. What is mainly discussed in the passage?
A. The process of obtaining citizenship in the United States
B. The benefits of obtaining citizenship in another country
C. The reasons it is difficult to obtain United States citizenship
D. The time it takes for an immigrant to become a citizen
2. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A. Becoming a citizen of another country is usually easy.
B. Immigrants can never have the same rights as native-born citizens.
C. Spending time is the most important factor in obtaining citizenship.
D. Most countries do not encourage immigrants to apply for citizenship.
3. For an immigrant married to a U.S. citizen, what is the first requirement for obtaining
citizenship in the United States?
A. Paying a fee to the government
B. Staying in the United States for three years
C. Filing an application at least three years in advance
D. Traveling to the United States
4. The author mentions the United States in paragraph 1 in order to
A. criticize U.S. immigration policy.
B. show that immigration is an international phenomenon.
C. introduce the subject of immigration.
D. identify a major reason why people choose to immigrate.
5. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence into the paragraph? This is a very
common path to citizenship.
A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
Everything in the world is composed of matter. Matter is anything made of atoms and
molecules and having mass. It exists in three chief states: solid, liquid, and gas. All matter has
unique characteristics that distinguish it from all other kinds of matter. These are called its
intensive properties. Chemists classify matter as either a pure substance or a mixture. There are
two major sub-classifications of pure substances, and two major sub classifications of mixtures.
A pure substance is a kind of matter that has a constant composition. Its intensive properties are
uniform in every purified sample of the substance. Salt, for instance, has the same intensive
properties whether it comes from the sea or a mine. Since the intensive properties do not
change, chemists ‘can rely on them to group substances in a variety of ways. Substances could
be grouped by categories such as color, shape, hardness, or chemical state: solid, liquid or gas.
Substances can be sub-classified as elements or compounds. An element is a substance with a
single type of atom that cannot be broken down further into separate elements. Chemists term
elements the “building blocks” of matter. There are 116 known elements, including oxygen,
lead, gold, and iron. A compound is a substance with two or more elements and more than one
type of atom, such as water (H20), sugar, or salt. Chemists can breakdown compounds into
separate elements by methods such as electricity, filtration, and heat. A molecule is the smallest
unit that still has all the properties of a compound.
[1] A mixture is a combination of at least two types of substances whose intensive properties
remain unchanged when they are joined together. Therefore, the different kinds of matter can be
separated from the mixture according to their properties. Some mixtures are easy to separate.
Such as stones and candy. Other mixtures, such as sugar, flavoring, and coloring are much more
difficult to subdivide. Mixtures that have uniform properties and composition are called
homogenous mixtures. [2] They have one region, or phase, in which the intensive properties are
the same. Homoge nous mixtures include combinations of two types of gases, as well as gases
and solids that are fully dissolved in a liquid — for example, air and salt dis solved in water.
Most mixtures in the natural world, however, are heterogeneous. [3] These are composed of
non-uniform properties and composition. In other words, they have two or more phases. Some
common examples of heterogeneous mixtures are concrete, milk, and wood. [4]
It is useful for chemists to classify matter. This helps them understand how substances behave
chemically, and how to compare and contrast different types of elements. As they learn more,
they will make more classifications. There are already sub-classifications for compound
elements. It is not easy to sort matter into groups, but it is only by doing so that scientists can
learn more about the natural world. Most people do not think much about the composition of
the things they use every day. But to scientists, matter matters.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The three chief states of matter
B. the classification of matter
C. Heterogeneous mixtures
D. Pure substances
2. What does the author imply in paragraph 3 about heterogeneous mixtures?
A. They are easier to separate into different kinds of matter than homogenous mixtures.
B. They are more difficult to separate into different kinds of matter than homogenous
C. They are usually created by chemists in laboratories.
D. They consist of uniform properties and composition.
3. According to the passage, which of the following is true of elements?
A. They can be broken down into smaller components.
B. They contain many types of atoms.
C. They are a type of substance.
D. They exist in three chief states.
4. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence into the passage? Generally,
chemists don’t like heterogeneous mixtures and materials, because they are interested in the
composition of specific pieces of matter and how they behave chemically.
A. [1] B. [2] C. [3] D. [4]
5. Why does the author mention “There are two major sub-classifications of pure substances,
and two major sub-classifications of mixtures” in paragraph 1?
A. To introduce the subject of classifications of matter
B. To point out that there are classifications according to a standard
C. To explain that there are pure substances and mixtures which can be classified into two
D. To give examples of the kinds of sub-classifications of pure substances and mixtures
around us
If you were to stop people in the street and ask them to name a ship that had been sunk, it is
likely that nearly all of them would say the Titanic. For the sinking of the Titanic was, if not the
most tragic, certainly the most famous sea disaster in the history of ocean travel.
The Titanic was built as a luxury liner, intended to be the fastest in the world, and a great deal
of publicity had surrounded it. The last point probably explains why so many important people
from all walks of life were on the boat when it went down.
The Titanic was on its maiden voyage to America in 1912 when it struck an iceberg and sank.
Of its 2.300 passengers, more than two-thirds were drowned. Because the Titanic was thought
to be virtually unsinkable, no one was prepared for the tragedy. There was total panic as very
few of the passengers had bothered to learn the necessary drill in the event of trouble. There
was severe shortage of lifeboats and those that were launched were still half-empty. The one
point of calm was to be found in the ballroom where the band carried on playing right to the
very end.
What makes the sinking of the Titanic even more tragic is the fact that warnings of icebergs had
been sent, yet the liner was still continuing at full speed. In addition one ship was only ten miles
away but did not receive the distress signal.
One good thing did however, result from the disaster. The whole question of safety at sea was
looked into, resulting in much better safety measures, including stricter lifeboat regulations and
the establishment of an iceberg patrol. .
1. The sinking of the Titanic was
A. the most tragic sea disaster.
B. the most historic sea disaster.
C. the most famous sea disaster.
D. the first great sea disaster.
2. Why were so many important people on board?
A. The Titanic had received a lot of publicity.
B. The Titanic was a luxury liner.
C. It was the fastest liner in the world.
D. They wanted to go to America.
3. The lifeboats were
A. too short. B. launched too soon.
C. half finished. D. poorly equipped
4. The chances of disaster were increased because
A. no warnings had been sent..
B. the dance band was playing too loud.
C. the Titanic was travelling too fast.
D. there were no distress calls.
5. The positive result of the disaster was that
A. a full inquiry was made,
B. a programme of iceberg destruction was started.
C. lifeboats were made larger.
D. sea travel was made safer.
Kip, nap, doze, forty winks, shut-eye and snooze are all expressions we use to describe
that mysterious state, sleep. We all do it, we can’t get by without it and by the time we
reach old age most of us have spent 20 years sleeping. Yet nobody knows why we do it.
Most scientists reckon that by resting our bodies, we allow time for essential maintenance work
to be done. Any damage that there is can be put right more quickly if energy isn’t being used up
doing other things. Injured animals certainly spend more time asleep than usual while their
wounds are healing. And quite a few illnesses make us feel drowsy so our body can get on with
curing us.
Sleep is controlled by certain chemicals. These build up during the day, eventually reaching
levels that make us tired. We can control the effect of these chemicals to some extent. Caffeine
helps to keep us awake while alcohol and some medicines make us sleepy.
By using electrodes, scientists are able to study what goes on in people’s heads while they
sleep. They have discovered that when we first drop off everything slows down. The heart beats
more slowly and our breathing becomes shallow. After about 90 minutes our eyes start to twitch
and we go into what is called REM sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement, and it’s a sign
that we’ve started to dream.
You have dreams every night, even if you don’t remember them. There are all sorts of theories
about why we dream. One is that it gives the brain a chance to sort out the day’s activities,
filing everything away in the right place. Another is that the brain gets bored while we’re asleep
and organizes its own entertainment - a sort of late-night cinema!
A lot of people say that they have to have eight hours’ sleep every night while others seem to
manage on a lot less. One thing’s for sure, we all need some sleep and going without it can have
some very strange effects. An American disc-jockey, who stayed awake for 200 hours to raise
money for charity, thought things were bursting into flames all around him after 120 hours
without sleep. He survived the ordeal but was depressed for three months afterwards.
Humans are unusual in the way they sleep. Most animals have a sleep during the day and tests
have shown that a siesta can be beneficial for us too. It’s even been recommended that airline
pilots should have a nap during long flights so that they are more alert for the tricky business of
So next time you nod off after Sunday lunch in front of the felly, don’t feel embarrassed about
it. Science after all is on your side.
1. Most scientists think we sleep because
A. all our energy has been used up.
B. our brains are tired and need to rest.
C. our bodies need to carry out repair work.
D. our bodies contain too many chemicals.
2. What have scientists discovered about dreaming?
A. Some people never dream.
B. Most people dream for ninety minutes every night.
C. People’s eyes move when they’re dreaming.
D. People dream for different reasons.
3. What does the writer say about the amount of sleep we need?
A. Most people need eight hours’ sleep a night.
B. Not everyone needs the same amount of sleep.
C. People who don’t get enough sleep get depressed.
D. People who sleep too little start imagining things.
4. What does the writer say about people’s and animals’ sleeping habits.
A. People and animals have similar sleeping habits.
B. People would benefit from copying animals’ sleeping habits.
C. People need more sleep than animals.
D. Animals need more sleep than people.
According to the best evidence gathered by space probes and astronomers, Mars is an
inhospitable planet; more similar to Earth’s moon than to Earth itself. It is frozen solid,
blanketed by the mere wisp of an atmosphere - a dry, stark, seemingly lifeless world. However,
certain scientists believe that these conditions could be changed. They have begun to seriously
investigate the possibility of transforming Mars into a more Earth-like planet: enriching the
atmosphere with oxygen, obtaining water from the polar ice caps, seeding the planet with plant
and animal life from Earth, and eventually establishing permanent human colonies. “It was
once thought to be so far in the future as to be irrelevant,” said Christopher McKay, a research
scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. “But now it is starting to look
practical. We could do it in four of five decades.”
The idea of “terra-forming” Mars, as enthusiasts call it, has its roots in science fiction. But as
researchers develop a more profound understanding of how Earth’s ecology supports life, they
have begun to see that it may be possible to create similar conditions on Mars.
1. With which of the following is the passage primarily concerned?
A. The possibility of changing the Martian environment.
B. The challenge of interplanetary travel.
C. The advantage of establishing colonies on Mars.
D. The need to study the Martian ecology.
2. Which of the following does the author NOT give as a characteristic of the planet Mars?
A. It is cold and dry.
B. It is quite similar to Earth’s moon.
C. It apparently has no life.
D. It has a rich atmosphere.
3. According to Christopher McKay, the possibility of transforming Mars
A. could only occur in science fiction stories.
B. will take places in the next few years.
C. is completely impractical.
D. could be accomplished in 40 to 50 years.
4. As used in the passage, the term “terra-forming” refers to
A. a process for adapting plants to live on Mars.
B. a means of transporting materials through space
C. a method of building housing for colonists on Mars
D. a system of creating Earth-like conditions on other planets.
5. According to the article, the basic knowledge needed to transform Mars comes from
A. the science of astronomy.
B. a knowledge of Earth’s ecology.
C. data from space probes.
D. science fiction stories.
Malnutrition is a disorder resulting from too little food, too much food, food lacking in the
proper nutrients, or food that cannot be digested by the body.
There are a number of types of malnutrition. Protein-calorie malnutrition occurs when the diet
is low in both protein and calories. If the body is particularly low in calories, a condition called
marasmus results. It is called kwashiorkor if the diet is low in protein.
Malnutrition can be caused by a low intake of specific nutrients. For example, a lack of vitamin
C can cause scurvy; a deficiency of vitamin B12, copper, or iron can cause anemia.
The most common nutritional excess, over-consumption of high-calorie food, can lead to
obesity, which afflicts approximately 15% of all adults and 10% of all children. A high intake
of specific nutrients can result in disorders as well. For example, high intake of iron can cause
siderosis; too much vitamin A and D can lead to a variety of problems.
Social and economic conditions as well as disasters such as floods, droughts, and wars may
produce malnutrition. Ignorance concerning a balanced diet also causes countless cases of
1 All of the following are mentioned in the passage as causes of malnutrition EXCEPT
A. too much food.
B. the inability to digest food.
C. a lack of food.
D. too much vitamin C.
2 According to the passage, what is marasmus?
A. A deficiency of protein.
B. A shortage of vitamin C.
C. A deficiency u calories.
D. An excess of minerals.
3 According to the, passage, a lack of iron can cause
A. scurvy. B. siderosis. C. obesity. D. anemia
4 According to the passage, what percent of adults suffer from obesity?
A. 5% B. 10% C. 15% D. 25%
The sun today is a yellow dwarf star. It is powered by thermonuclear reactions near its center
that change hydrogen into helium. The sun has existed in its present state for about 4 billion,
600 million years and is thousands of times larger than the earth.
By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what the rest of the sun’s life will be like.
About 5 billion years from now, the core of the sun will shrink and become hotter. The surface
temperature will fall. The higher temperature of the center will increase the rate of
thermonuclear reactions. The outer regions of the sun will expand approximately 35 million
miles, about the distance to Mercury, which is the closest planet to the sun. The sun will then be
a red giant star. Temperatures on the earth will become too hot for life to exist.
Once the sun has used up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it will begin to shrink. After it
shrinks to the size of the earth, it will become a white dwarf star. The sun may throw off huge
amounts of gases in violent eruptions called nova explosions as it changes from a red giant to a
white dwarf.
After billions of years as a white dwarf, the sun will have used up all its fuel and will have lost
its heat. Such a star is called a black dwarf. After the sun has become a black dwarf, the earth
will be dark and cold. If any atmosphere remains there, it will have frozen onto the earth’s
1. What is the primary purpose of this passage?
A. To alert people to the dangers posed by the sun.
B. To discuss conditions on earth in the far future.
C. To present a theory about red giant stars.
D. To describe changes that the sun will go through.
2. It can be inferred from the passage that the sun
A. is approximately halfway through its life as a yellow dwarf.
B. has been in existence for ten billion years.
C. is rapidly changing in size and brightness.
D. will continue as a yellow dwarf for another ten billion years.
3. What will probably be the first stage of change as the sun becomes a red giant?
A. Its core will cool off and use less fuel.
B. Its surface will become hotter and shrink.
C. Its sun will throw off huge amounts of gases.
D. Its center will grow smaller and hotter.
4. When the sun becomes a red giant, what will conditions be like on earth?
A. Its atmosphere will freeze and become solid.
B. It will be enveloped in the expanding surface of the sun.
C. It will become too hot for life to exist.
D. It will be destroyed in nova explosions.
5. As a white dwarf, the sun will be
A. the same size as the planet Mercury.
B. thousands of times smaller than it is today.
C. around 35 million miles in diameter.
D. cold and dark.
6. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the sequence of stages that
the sun will probably pass through?
A. Yellow dwarf, white dwarf, red giant, black giant.
B. Red giant, white dwarf, red dwarf, nova explosion.
C. Yellow dwarf, red giant, white dwarf, black dwarf.
D. White dwarf, red giant, black dwarf, yellow dwarf.
7. The word “there” in the last line refers to
A. our own planet.
B. the outer surface of the sun.
C. the core of a black dwarf.
D. the planet Mercury’
8. Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
A. Alarmed
B. Comic
C. Objective
D. Pessimistic
Probably the most famous film commenting on twentieth-century technology is Modern Times,
made in 1936. Charlie Chaplin was motivated to make the film by a reporter who, while
interviewing him, happened to describe working conditions in industrial Detroit. Chaplin was
told that healthy young farm boys were lured to the city to work on automotive assembly lines.
Within four or five years, these young men’s health was destroyed by the stress of work in the
Scenes of factory interiors account for less than one-third of the footage of Modern Times, but
they contain some of the film’s most pointed social commentary as well as its funniest comic
situations. No one who has seen the film can ever forget Chaplin vainly trying to keep pace
with the fast- moving conveyor belt, almost losing his mind in the process.
Clearly, Modern Times has its faults, but it remains the best film treating technology within a
social context. It does not offer a radical social message, but it accurately reflects the sentiments
of many who felt they were helpless victims of an over-mechanized world.
1. The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to
A. criticize the factory system of the 1930s.
B. describe an important film.
C. explain Chaplin’s style of acting.
D. discuss how the film reveals the benefits of technology.
2. According to the passage, Chaplin got the idea for the film Modern Times from
A. a newspaper article.
B. a scene in a movie.
C. a job he had once held.
D. a conversation with a reporter.
3. The author would probably use all of the following words to describe the film Modern
A. revolutionary.
B. humorous.
C. memorable.
D. satirical.
4. The author of the passage is probably an expert in the field of
A. film criticism.
B. journalism.
C. labor relations.
D. industrial design.
Banford now has a population approaching 100,000. In 1950 it was only a village, but under the
Planning Act of 1955 it was scheduled as the site for a new town with a population of 300,000
by 1990. It was planned as a growth area for light industry, which the Government attracted by
providing interest-free loans to companies willing to move there. The town has several new
housing estates, good schools and plenty of built-in green spaces. As with many new towns,
however, it lacks leisure facilities. There was so much basic building required that the building
of entertainment facilities had to be neglected.
Because the housing, schools and parks are good, Banford is popular with younger married
couples with children. The older residents, however, are not so impressed with what the town
has become; they-remember when Banford was a village with calm and rural charm and they do
not see what they have gained by its expansion to offset the noise and other urban problems.
For them, the new Banford lacks character, warmth, and any real focal point. They say that it is
more difficult to meet people now and that they are even afraid of going out at night because of
gangs of teenagers. The young people, for their part, express their boredom - complaining that
there is nothing for them to do in Banford. They feel that the town has a population of a big city
but none of its attractions; a town with more night life, amusement centres, and sports facilities
would better suit their needs.
The opposite view is expressed by the various local conservation societies, who all protest at
the amount of building that is going on. The Wildlife Conservation Society objects strongly to
the way that the town is spreading into the countryside, destroying the natural habitat of birds
and animals. The Society for the Protection of Old Banford is very bitter about the number of
buildings that were demolished to make way for the new building schemes of the 1960s. They
object also to the fact that even where old buildings were left standing, they were surrounded by
new ones whose design did not fit in. The action of groups such as this all over the country has
resulted in government protection for certain listed buildings, and stricter regulations covering
new buildings in traditional surroundings.
1. The population of Banford is
A. exactly 100.000.
B. roughly 100.000.
C. just under 100.000.
D. just over 100.000.
2. The government attracted industry by providing
A. financial incentives.
B. a large labour force.
C. good housing.
D. green spaces.
3. When the new town was built
A. parks were included in the design.
B. existing parks were left.
C. the green spaces were built on.
D. green spaces were attached to the schools.
4. Entertainment facilities were not provided because
A. industry didn’t need them.
B. the old people didn’t want them.
C. the town couldn’t afford them.
D. there was too much other building to be done.
5. Young couples like Banford because
A. there are plenty of jobs.
B. it has many housing estates.
C. it satisfies their needs.
D. it has rural charm.
6. The old people think that
A. Banford has no real centre.
B. the town is badly heated.
C. the townspeople don’t want them.
D. the young people are bored.
7. Teenagers would like Banford to be
A. more like the village it was.
B. more like a big city.
C. less populated.
D. more friend1”.
8. The Society for the Protection of Old Banford complains that the new buildings
A. are too big for their surroundings.
B. do not suit their surroundings.
C. are badly designed for their purposes.
D. are destroying the foundations of the old buildings.
In some .countries as many as nine out of ten adults read at least one newspaper a day. Seen in
purely business terms, few products can ever have been so successful in reaching as much of
their potential market. Why do so many people read newspapers?
There are five basic functions of a newspaper: to inform, to comment, to persuade, to instruct
and to entertain. You may well think that this list of functions is in order of importance but, if
so, you would not be in agreement with the majority of the reading public. Of the two broad
categories of newspaper, the popular and the quality, the former have a readership of millions,
while the latter, only hundreds of thousands. Yet the popular papers seem largely designed for
entertainment, with quizzes, competitions, cartoons and light-hearted human interest stories.
Their news coverage contains a lot of comment and persuasive language; the information
content is rather low, and instruction is very minor. The quality newspapers put a much higher
value on information and a much lower one on entertainment.
It is not only in content that the two types of paper differ. There is a difference, too, in the style
in which the articles are written. The popular papers generally use more dramatic language with
a lot of word-play. Their journalists tend to use shorter sentences and avoid less well-known
vocabulary. This means that popular newspapers are easier for a native speaker to understand,
though probably not for a non-native speaker.
In order to decide whether a newspaper is a quality or a popular one it is not even necessary to
read it, since you can tell simply by the way it looks. Popular papers are generally smaller with
fewer columns per page. They have bigger headlines and more photographs. There is a greater
variety of typeface and printed symbols. The articles are shorter and there are fewer per page.
Such devices are not only used to make the paper more attractive; they may also influence what
the reader reads. Large headlines, pictures and position on the page all serve to draw the
reader’s attention to one article rather than another.
Since popular newspapers have a much larger readership than the apparently more neutral
quality papers, it may be fair to conclude that the average reader not only wants to be
entertained by a newspaper, but prefers his reading to be guided and opinions given to him.
1. The text implies that most newspaper readers
A. prefer entertainment to information.
B. read more than one newspaper per day.
C. read newspapers mainly for information.
D. find quality papers easier to read.
2. Quality newspapers
A. put great emphasis on entertainment.
B. are more concerned with giving information.
C. use a lot of persuasive language.
D. are read by 90% of adults.
3. Quality newspapers have
A. less dramatic language and shorter sentences.
B. more word-play and fewer pictures.
C. smaller headlines but only well-known vocabulary.
D. longer articles and more columns per page.
4. Popular newspapers
A. contain little comment on the news.
B. put a high value on instruction.
C. are easy for foreigners to read.
D. are usually smaller than quality newspapers.
The black robin is one of the world’s rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and it lives only on the
island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were about fifty black
robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten. These are the only black robins left in the
world. The island has many other birds, of course, of different kinds, large and small; these
seem to multiply very happily.
Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin - to guard those remaining and to
increase their number. Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been
made. The idea is to buy another island nearby as a special home, a “reserve”, for threatened
wild life, including black robins. The organizers say that Little Mangere should then be
restocked with the robin’s food - it eats only one kind of seed — and so renewed for it.
Thousands of required plants are at present being cultivated in New Zealand. The public appeal
is aimed at the conscience of mankind, so that the wild black robin will not die out and
disappear from the earth in our time at least.
Is all this concern a waste of human effort? Is it any business of ours whether the black robin
survives or dies out? Are we losing our sense of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable?
In the earth’s long, long past hundreds of kinds of creatures have evolved, risen to a degree of
success - and died out. In the long, long future there will be many new and different forms of
life. Those creatures that adapt themselves successfully to what the earth offers will survive for
a long time. Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early. That is Nature’s proven
method of operation.
The rule of selection - “the survival of the fittest” - is the one by which man has himself arrived
on the scene. He, being one of the most adaptable creatures the earth has yet produced, may last
longer than most. Some creatures, certain small animals, insects and birds, will almost certainly
outlast man, for they seem even more adaptable. You may take it as another rule that when, at
last, man shows signs of dying out, no other creature will extend a paw to postpone his
departure. On the contrary, he will be hurried out; for Nature, though fair, is a hard-hearted
mistress. She has no favourites.
Life seems to have grown too tough for black robins. I leave you to judge whether we should
try to do anything about it.
1. The black robin is dying out mainly because
A. people have been very careless about its survival.
B. its only food is becoming exhausted on Little Mangere.
C. the other bird on the island have destroyed it.
D. the appeal for money has come at the wrong time.
2. The success of other small birds on Little Mangere shows that
A. the island cannot have very much food left.
B. something has to die out, they can’t all be winners.
C. the big birds have all been attacking the black robin.
D. the black robin has failed to meet the challenges of life.
3. As regard selection and survival, the decisive factor seems to be
A. the ability to adapt to changed or changing conditions.
B. the number of wild life reserves that are available.
C. the concern and generosity of the public.
D. the size of the home, or the amount of space one has to live in.
4. The evidence seems to suggest that
A. it is a disaster for everyone when one kind of bird dies out.
B. all creatures are concerned about the survival of others.
C. Nature expects and accepts the dying out of weaker breeds.
D. man is to blame when such a thing happens.
Computer programmer David Jones earns £35,000 a year designing new computer games, yet
he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a cheque card. Instead he has been told to wait
another two years, until he is 18.
The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people
of his age is finding a job. David’s firm releases two new games for the expanding home
computer market each month.
But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Despite his salary, earned by
inventing new programs within tight schedules, with bonus payments and profit-sharing, he
cannot drive a car, take out a mortgage, or obtain credit cards.
He lives with his parents in their council house in Liverpool, where his father is a bus-driver.
His company has to pay £150 a month in taxi fares to get him the five miles to work and back
every day because David cannot drive.
David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago, a year after leaving
school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the
people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs,” he said.
“I suppose £35,000 sounds a lot but actually that’s, being pessimistic. I hope it will come to
more than that this year.” He spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his
mother £20 a week. But most of his spare time is spent working.
“Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school, ‘ he said. “But I had been
studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time. I knew what I wanted to do
and never considered staying on at school. Most people in this business are fairly young,
David added: “I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement is a possibility. You
never know when the market might disappear.”
1. Why is David different from other young people of his age?
A. He earns an extremely high salary.
B. He is not unemployed.
C. He does not go out much.
D. He lives at home with his parents
2. David’s greatest problem is
A. making the banks treat him as an adult.
B. inventing computer games.
C. spending his salary.
D. learning to drive.
3. He was employed by the company because
A. he had worked in a computer shop.
B. he had written some computer programs.
C. he works very hard.
D. he had learnt to use computers at school.
4. He left school after taking O-levels because
A. he did not enjoy school.
B. he wanted to work with computers and staying at school did not help him.
C. he was afraid of getting too old to start computing.
D. he wanted to earn a lot of money.
5. Why does David think he might retire early?
A. You have to be young to write computer programs.
B. He wants to stop working when he is a millionaire.
C. He thinks computer games might not always sell well.
D. He thinks his firm might go bankrupt.
Police Officer Tidwell left the station just after 8 a.m. on Sunday, June
4. He had spent an uneventful night on duty and was looking forward to his day of rest. By
habit he took a short cut down the path behind Digby Hall Road and after a minute or two he
saw a man climbing down a drain-pipe from an open bedroom window of number 29. In silence
Tidwell crept into the garden. The man reached the ground and was dusting himself down when
he felt his arm gripped.
“It’s 8.15 on a Sunday morning,” said the officer, “and this sort of thing seems an unlikely
adventure at such a time. Would you mind explaining?”.
The man was obviously startled but kept calm. He said, “I know what you’re thinking, officer,
but it isn’t true. This is a very funny mistake.”
“It’s part of my job to take an interest in unusual events. I think you’ve just left this house in a
manner other than the customary one. That may be quite innocent, but I’d like to make sure.”
Tidwell took out his notebook and a pen. “Name, address and occupation and then, please, tell
me your story.” “Charlie Crane, lorry driver, from Nottingham, 51 Brecon Street. My story ...”
“Yes.. What were you doing like a fly on that wall, Mr Crane?”
“Well, I had a breakdown yesterday and had to stay the night here. Bed and breakfast. The
landlady’s name is Mrs Fern. She gave me breakfast at seven, and I was out of here in the right
way and down at the lorry park by half past. It was only when I felt around for a cigarette I
realised I’d left £80 in my pay envelope under the pillow here at number 29. I always put it
under my pillow at night. It’s a habit I’ve got into. I even do it at home...”
“I see. Why didn’t you miss it when you went to pay Mrs What’s-her- name?”
“I’d paid her last night. You’ve got to pay when you take the room, see? So I came rushing
back, but it’s Sunday, and she’d gone back to bed, and could I wake her? I rang the bell and
banged on the front door for ten minutes before I came round here to the back and spotted my
bedroom window still open. Up I went, then, up this pipe. It’s the trick I learnt in the army. She
hadn’t made the bed, and the money was still there. You know the rest, and I hope you believe
it because...”
“Mr Crane, whatever are you doing here? I thought you’d gone an hour ago.” It was Mrs Fern,
speaking from the kitchen window at the corner of the house.
1. Why was Tidwell walking along that path?
A. He usually discovered something suspicious along that way.
B. He had an appointment with a man at number 29, Digby Hall Road.
C. He chose to go that way by chance.
D. He knew he would get home quicker that way.
2. According to the passage, the officer saw a man
A. causing damage to a house.
B. bringing a pipe out through a window.
C. leaving a house.
D. trying to break into a house.
3. The police officer questioned the man because
A. he had seen him doing a strange thing.
B. he thought he recognised him.
C. the man had fallen and needed attention.
D. the man had tried to escape
4. It is customary to leave a house
A. through the kitchen window.
B. through a bedroom.
C. by the door.
D. down a drain-pipe.
5. Why had Crane stayed the night at number 29?
A. He had lost his way in the dark.
B. His lorry had something wrong with it.
C. Nottingham was too far for him to drive that night.
D. He had suddenly felt ill.
6. When Mr Crane was at home, he
A. kept his cigarettes under his pillow at night.
B. always carried his money about in an envelope.
C. tried to give up the smoking habit.
D. hid his money under his pillow at night.
7. When Crane arrived back at the house,
A. he refused to wake Mrs Fern.
B. he felt ashamed to wake Mrs Fern, but he did so.
C. he woke Mrs Fern, but she refused to get up.
D. he tried to wake Mrs Fern but failed.
8. What trick had Crane learnt in the army?
A. Opening windows from the outside.
B. Climbing pipes.
C. Getting money from people.
D. Making beds.
My lawyer, Mr Turner, is the only man I know who has seen a ghost. He is a quiet even-
tempered man whose life is spent in dealing with facts. He is the last person in the world to give
way to fantasy. He has a wife and two children of whom he is proud, takes a modest holiday
abroad every year and spends his Sundays gardening. He is knowledgeable about art and ar-
chitecture, though he doesn’t pretend to be an expert by any means. It is, therefore, all the more
surprising that he should be so insistent about the ghost. It happened, so he says, like this:
He was travelling from London to the North of England by train. It was a misty November
evening and the train was half empty. In fact for the first part of the journey Mr Turner had the
carriage to himself and sat dozing over a newspaper. However at the first stop a passenger
jumped in, slamming the door behind him. He seemed out of breath as if he had been running.
He was a striking looking young man with dark, bushy hair and bright intelligent eyes. He was
dressed rather oddly in a long wasted coat with silver buttons, tight trousers and an embroidered
waistcoat. Mr Turner did not pay much attention to this because people wear all sorts of
extravagant clothes these days and he had long grown accustomed to them.
Presently, the two men got into conversation, as people do on long journeys. Mr Turner was
interested t o discover that the young man was very knowledgeable about Art - in particular
portraits. His name, he said, was Joseph Hart, and he was on his way to visit an exhibition. It
seemed that he worked in a famous London Art Gallery—a picture restorer, perhaps, thought
Mr Turner, for he seemed to know a great deal about varnishes and paints, and even more about
the subjects of certain portraits. When Mr Turner asked his opinion of the portrait of a famous
judge by an artist he admired, his companion laughed and said. “He’s only a reproduction — a
good one I agree but you can’t talk to a reproduction.” He spoke as though the person in the
portrait were still living.
After a while the carriage got hot and steamy and Mr Turner dropped off. He woke up just as
the train was drawing up at a junction with a grinding of brakes. His companion had
A. few days later, having returned to London, Mr Turner found himself near the Art Gallery.
Moved by some impulse, he went in and enquired for Joseph Hart. The attendant directed him
to a room devoted to early nineteenth century portraits of well-known men. There was no-one
in the room and Mr Turner looked about him. Without knowing quite how he had got there, he
found himself standing in front of a full-length portrait of a dark young man in tight trousers
and an embroidered waistcoat. The eyes smiled at him with a hint of amusement. The name-
plate at the foot of the picture read: Joseph Hart, Gentleman, 1800-1835.
1. What kind of person was Mr Turner?
A. imaginative.
B. fantastic.
C. sensible.
D. insensitive.
2. Although he was a lawyer, Mr Turner
A. pretended to know a lot about Art.
B. knew something about Art.
C. pretended to take an interest in Art.
D. intended to learn more about Art.
3. When the passenger entered Mr Turner’s compartment
A. he was panting.
B. he was running.
C. the train was just leaving.
D. the carriage was half-empty.
4. The passenger’s clothes didn’t seem strange to Mr Turner because
A. he was used to wearing strange clothes.
B. he liked people who wore strange clothes.
C. everyone he knew wore strange clothes.
D. he had seen a lot of people in strange clothes.
5. Mr Turner thought the young man might
A. be an Art Dealer.
B. be an Art Expert.
C. renew old pictures.
D. paint reproductions of old pictures.
6. Why wouldn’t the passenger give an opinion on the portrait of the judge?
A. the judge wasn’t alive.
B. the judge was still alive.
C. the picture was a copy.
D. he hadn’t seen it.
7. When did Mr Turner first realise that the passenger had gone?
A. when the train started.
B. after the train had stopped.
C. just before the train stopped.
D. when the train was leaving the station.
8. Why did Mr Turner go into the Art Gallery?
A. he was walking past there.
B. he had never been there before.
C. he had planned to do so.
D. he suddenly decided to.
9. In the part of the gallery that Mr Turner was directed to
A. there were a lot of pictures by unknown people.
B. there were a lot of nineteenth century people.
C. no-one else was looking at the pictures.
D. he only saw one portrait.
10. When Mr Turner looked at the portrait of Joseph Hart
A. he smiled, at it.
B. he thought it smiled at him.
C. he didn’t recognise it.
D. he was amused.
Film star, Ewan McGregor, recently rode round the world on a motorbike. He talks about
how he first took up riding motorbikes.
My biking beginnings can be summed up in two words: teenage love. My first girlfriend was
small with short mousy blonde hair and 1 was mad about her. Our romance came to an abrupt
end, however, when she started going out with another guy in my hometown, Crieff. He rode a
50 cc road bike first and then a 125. And whereas I had always walked my girlfriend home,
suddenly she was going back with this guy.
I was nearly sixteen by then and already heartbroken. Then on day, on the way back from a
shopping trip to Perth with my mum we passed Bu chan’s, the local bike shop. I urged my
mother to stop the car. I got Out, walked up the short hill to the shop and pressed my nose to the
window. There was a light blue 50 cc bike on display right at the front of the shop. I didn’t
know what make it was, or if it was any good. Such trivialities were irrelevant to me. All I
knew was that 1 could get it in three or four months’ time when I was sixteen and allowed to
ride it. Maybe I could even get my girlfriend back.
I’d ridden my first bike when I was about six. My father organised a tiny red Honda 50 cc and
we headed off to a field that belonged to a family friend. I clambered on and shot off. I went all
over the field. I thought it was just the best thing. 1 loved the smell of it, the sound of it, the
look of it, the rush of it, the high-pitched screaming of the engine. Best of all, there was a Land
Rover parked next to two large piles of straw with about a metre and half between them. I knew
that from where the adults were standing it looked as if there was no distance between them.
Just one large heap of straw. I thought I would have a go. I came racing towards the adults, shot
right through the gap in the straw. I was thrilled to hear the adults scream and elated that it had
frightened them. It was my first time on a motorbike. It was exciting and I wanted more.
So when 1 looked through Buchan’s window in Perth that day. it suddenly all made sense to
me. It was what had to happen. I can’t remember whether it was to win back my ex-girlfriend’s
heart or not, but more than anything else it meant that, instead of having to walk everywhere, I
could ride my motorbike to school and the games fields at the bottom of Crieff and when went
out at weekends.
I started to fantasise about it. I spent all my waking hours thinking about getting on and starting
up the bike, putting on the helmet and riding around Crieff. I couldn’t sleep. Driven to
desperation by my desire for a bike, I made a series of promises to my mum: I won’t leave
town. I’ll be very safe. I won’t take any risks. 1 won’t do anything stupid. But. in fact I was
making the promises up - I never thought about keeping them.
Crieff is built on a hill. It’s a small town and my whole childhood was spent walking around the
town, from my parents’ house to school to friends’ houses. It was great, but I was getting to that
age when children become aware of the possibilities of venturing further afield. Crieff is smack
in the middle of Scotland, no more than a day’s drive from anywhere in the country. Unless,
like us, you went everywhere by bicycle. With so many beautiful places nearby, the idea of
getting a motorbike was too much to resist.
Adapted from Long Way Round by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman
1. Why did Ewan’s relationship with his first girlfriend finish’?
A. She didn’t enjoy walking.
B. She met someone with a motorbike.
C. He was upset by her behaviour.
D. He made her angry.
2. What does “such trivialities” refer to in paragraph 2?
A. his mother’s attitude to the bike
B. the bike’s size and colour
C. the bike’s price
D. the bike’s quality and its manufacturer
3. Why didn’t Ewan buy the bike immediately?
A. He couldn’t afford it.
B. He wasn’t old enough to ride it.
C. He hadn’t learnt how to ride it.
D. He didn’t know if his girlfriend would like it.
4. The adults were frightened the first time Ewan rode a motorbike because they thought
A. the bike was too noisy.
B. the bike was too fast.
C. he was going to have an accident.
D. the bike was too big for him.
5. What was Ewan’s main reason for buying the motorbike?
A. It was less expensive than a car.
B. It would help his relationship with his girlfriend.
C. It was good for his image.
D. It was a useful means of transport.
6. How did Ewan’s desire for the bike affect his behaviour?
A. He couldn’t think about anything else.
B. He spent more time talking to his mother.
C. He invented reasons for buying the bike.
D. He spent a lot of time riding a friend’s bike.
7. What does Ewan mean by “venturing further afield” in the last paragraph?
A. taking greater risks
B. becoming more independent
C. travelling to more distant places
D. living somewhere different
8. Who, according to the whole passage, was most against Ewan getting a motorbike?
A. his first girlfriend
B. his father
C. his mother
D. his friends

Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of the word in block capitals.
1. ANXIOUS Her _______ was so great that she broke a glass.
2. APPLAUD The audience burst into _______ at the end of the play.
3. COURAGE He felt very _______ when he saw he had failed the exam again.
4. EXPERIMENT The work is still at a very _______ level.
5. FRIGHT It’s the most _______ film I’ve ever seen.
6. HEALTH It’s very _______ to live in a damp room.
7. JEWEL They have a big _______ shop in London.
8. MEMBER How much does _______ of this club cost?
9. RELY He promised to come but he’s very _______.
10. WEIGHT How much do you _______?
1. ATTEND Since _______ has been so poor the class is being closed.
2. ATTRACTIVE Magnets will _______ most metals.
3. BEHAVE His _______ has not improved much.
4. KNOW She is extremely _______ about the history of art.
5. LAND The plane had to make a crash _______ in a field.
6. IMITATE Are they _______ pearls or are they real?
7. POPULAR He owes his _______ largely to his sense of humour.
8. IMPRESS She has an _______ command of the language.
9. SATISFACTION As she is so _______ with her present job she has decided to leave.
10. LEARN . What a very _______ old man he is.
1. TROUBLE Travelling in big cities is becoming more _______ everyday.
2. SHORT Less public transport is now available because of the _______ of staff.
3. JAM Therefore the roads become _______ with private cars as people drive
to work.
4. PERMIT Because of the volume of traffic local councils are forced to give
_______ for more roads to be constructed.
5. FORTLTNE _______ many houses have to be demolished to make ways for the
6. HOLTSE So people are being _______ in the suburbs and have to commute to
7. ADEQUATE This leads to more pressure being put on the _______ public transport
8. ATTRACT But travelling by public transport is very _______ as there are long
9. FREQLTENT The _______ of the trains and the buses causes frustration and
10. CHAOS The situation is so _______ in some cities now that it is difficult to see
any solution.
1. EMBARRASS His behaviour always _______ me at parties.
2. EXCEPTION The new film is _______ good.
3. LOSE She felt a sense of _______ when her friend went to live abroad.
4. PATIENT You need a lot of _______ to be a teacher. •
5. QUALIFICATION I’m afraid you aren’t suitably _______ for the job.
6. OCCASION The weather will be bright with _______ showers.
7. MIGRATORY Most birds _______ in the winter.
8. H I’MO UR He draws cartoons for a _______ magazine.
9. NATION Do you have a _______ costume in your country?
10. LONG What is the _______ of the runway at this airport?
1. SHAME He was too _______ to tell his teacher about the stupid mistake.
2. APPEAR The police are interested in the sudden _______ of the valuable
3. TRI ‘TH I believe you because I know you are _______.
4. SLEEP I feel so _______ I’m going to bed.
5. CARRY The cost of _______ must be paid by the buyer.
6. ARRIVE They’re going to announce the _______ of the Prince.
7. RESIST They caught him by the wrist and led him away; he went without
8. SLEEP His health was seriously affected and he suffered from constant
9. REFER She made no _______ to our conversation of the night before.
10. ADMISSION She was the only visitor _______ into the sick room.
1. PERFORM She is one of the greatest _______ to appear in this theatre.
2. PERFORM The _______ she gave last night was marvellous.
3. ENCOURAGE She received a lot of _______ from her mother.
4. ARRANGE Does this _______ suit you?
5. ENTERTAIN Conversation is one of the most enjoyable forms of _______
6. ADVERTISE _______ is such a competitive profession.
7. ADVERTISE Have you seen the latest _______ for Pepsi?
8. COMPETE There’s a lot of _______ in the show business.
9. COMPETE There were 50. _______ in the talent contest.
10. PHOTOGRAPH _______ is an extremely popular hobby.
1. COLLECT She is a _______ of theatre programmes.
2. COLLECT She has one of the biggest _______ in Britain.
3. RESPONSIBLE The judge told him it was _______ to drink and drive, and banned him
for a year.
4. SENSITIVE This poem shows the wonderful _______ of the poet.
5. KIND She divorced him because of his _______ to the children.
6. ENJOY The evening was _______ spent playing cards and talking.
7. LUCK The keys were locked inside the car. _______, a side window was
8. STUBBORN Due to the clerk’s _______, we missed the train.
9. MISERABLE Thousands of people are living in _______ after the earthquake.
10. RELIABLE The thing I hate about John is his _______.
1. FAIL It was a complete _______ due to poor planning.
2. FRIEND Their _______ has lasted a lifetime.
3. QUALIFY He was turned down for the job because he wasn’t _______
4. EMPLOY In parts of the country the _______ situation is terrible. As many as
20.% of the working population is without a job.
5. COMPETE The world of computers is extremely _______.
6. EMPLOY In many countries the _______ get the dole.
7. QUALIFY She left school with good _______.
8. COMPETE The factory was _______ so the management tried to cut costs by
making some workers redundant.
9. EMPLOY He is completely _______! Not only is he lazy but he is dishonest too.
10. COMPETE Their best designer went to work for a _______.
1. EMPLOY More than a thousand workers are _______ here.
2. COMPETE Three firms are in _______ for the same contract.
3. RELY My car isn’t very _______. It’s always letting me down.
4. END I wrote _______ letters of application, but got no reply.
5. UNDERSTAND I apologise for the mistake made by my office. There appears to have
been a slight _______.
6. ECONOMY Burning coal is an _______ way of heating a house. Gas is much
7. ASTONISH I’ve just been told some _______ news.
8. COMPARE In _______ with most other countries, Britain has a very high rate of
heart attacks.
9. COMPETE We have to keep our costs as small as possible. We have so many
_______ trying to take our customers away.
10. EXPLORE There are very few _______ places left on earth. Man has been nearly
1. HISTORY It is usually forbidden to destroy _______ buildings.
2. RETIRE The old couple have saved a lot of money for their _______
3. PICTURE The old fishing village is very _______.
4. EMPLOY _______ is a very serious problem in many countries.
5. INDUSTRY The _______ area of the city is not very attractive.
6. LAND The alpine _______ is very dramatic.
7. HOME Many _______ families have to live in hotels.
8. SUGGEST Have you got any _______?
9. ADD I had to check the wages in _______ to my normal work.
10. CHILD During his _______ the family lived in Cornwall.
1. CONFIDENCE This matter is very _______. Don’t discuss it outside the office.
2. POISON Those berries are _______. Don’t eat them!
3. PRIDE He was very _______ of the work he had done.
4. POPULAR Recently health foods have increased in _______.
5. SAVE The old lady hid all her _______ under the floor.
6. HARM The gas from the chemical factory was extremely _______
7. MANAGE The restaurant is now under new _______.
8. SATISFY Your money will be refunded if the goods are not to your complete
9. INDUSTRY Ants and bees are described as _______ insects.
10. EMPLOY The government has promised to deal with the problem of _______
among young people.
1. LOOSE Oscar had eaten so much he had to _______ his belt.
2. REFER The dictionaries are with the other _______ books.
3. CONTAIN You can find out what a book is about by looking at the table of
4. TIGHT Use a bigger screwdriver to _______ this screw.
5. HYPOCRITE I think it’s sheer _______ to get married in church if you don’t believe
in God.
6. SENSE At the peace talks to discuss the war in South America, the British
Foreign Minister told the press that everything was being done to put
an end to the _______ killing that was going on.
7. NATURE I don’t care what you say. I still think it’s very _______ not to want to
get married and have children.
8. POLITICS In my opinion, all _______ are equally bad, irrespective of which party
they belong to.
9. ENTHUSIASM Although he was not _______ about helping with the washing up, he
did so all the time.
10. CREATE Artists are _______ people
1. PURE In some areas water has to be boiled to _______ it
2. EXPECT Although her visit was _______, we made her welcome just the same.
3. NEIGHBOUR I know all the boys who live in my _______.
4. BELIEVE He doesn’t agree with the _______ that there is life on other planets.
5. SLISPECT He examined the parcel _______, as he had no idea what it could be.
6. BEGIN All the courses _______ in January will finish in June.
7. SIGN A letter should always end with the _______ of the writer.
8. ORDINARY It is really quite _______ that we should have been at the same college
without having met before.
9. SIMILAR There is a great _______ between Hari and his twin brother.
10. DESCRIBE With a good _______ of the criminal from witnesses, the police were
able to find him easily.
1. DELIVER The cash and carry price is only £50 but they charge extra for _______.
2. COMFORT These shoes look quite smart but they’re terribly _______.
3. INFORM Always read a label on a product, it can give you some useful _______.
4. HELP It’s a nice shop and the assistants are all polite and very _______.
5. PATIENT When I have to wait a long time to be served I start to feel _______.
6. REPLACE I don’t want my money back. I want a _______.
7. PATIENT She got very angry but later she apologised for her _______
8. RESPONSIBLE His boss told him off because he had behaved _______.
9. EMPLOY I read an article about _______ among school-leavers.
10. COURAGE Her parents _______ her to apply for the job.
1. SHARP This knife is very blunt. It needs _______.
2. FLY I would like to book a _______ to Hong Kong.
3. FAULT I’m afraid this iron you sold me is _______.
4. COMPLAIN We have had a lot of _______ from customers today.
5. PAY Please make your _______ at the counter over there.
6. LOOK Unless something is done about unemployment, the _______ for the
future is not good.
7. CONCLUDE The _______ is that the plan will fail.
8. COMPARE There is no _______ between the two.
9. THREAT I have never been _______ like that before.
10. ACT There is a saying in English: “_______ speak louder than words.”
1. APPLY That rule is not _______ in this case.
2. BLOOD I don’t think Toni’s getting too much sleep lately. His eyes are terribly
3. COMPARE English is a _______ easy language for Swedes to learn.
4. CONFIDE Now, don’t tell anyone else what I’ve just told you. Remember, it’s
5. WIDE The recent hurricane caused _______ damage.
6. PRECISE Industrial robots work with far greater _______ than most men.
7. THROW The Army tried unsuccessfully to _______ the Government.
8. POUR There was a heavy _______ yesterday afternoon which completely
ruined the church Garden Party.
9. BREAK Although the splitting of the atom was one of the greatest scientific
_______ of this century, there are many people who wish it had never
10. PASS The new _______ has certainly made things a lot easier in the town
centre since it has taken away all the through-traffic.
1. DEPEND You can always rely on Barbara. She is very _______.
2. ABLE He was born blind; but despite this _______ he still managed to
become one of the top Pop singers of his generation.
3. REASON I think it’s very _______ of him to expect us to work overtime every
night this week.
4. STAR The lovers stood, hand in hand, gazing at the _______ sky.
5. QUALIFY He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later _______
when a medical check proved that he had been taking drugs.
6. HOLD During a recent _______ at a bank in the West End of London, the
raiders got away with £250.,0.0.0..
7. SET He was very _______ when his cat was run over.
8. BREAK There’s been yet another _______ of cholera in Dehli.
9. TELL Some people claim to be able to _______ the future.
10. DIFFICLTLT I hope there won’t be too much _______ in getting a work permit.
1. WEIGH Every woman nowadays seems to want to lose _______.
2. DAY It has become almost a _______ topic of conversation.
3. END Otherwise sensible women spend hours in _______ argument about
what to eat.
4. DISCUSS Newspaper articles are eagerly read and radio and TV _______
carefully listened to.
5. AVAIL There is so much information _______ it is no wonder people get
6. ORGANISE Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid
of _______ their diet.
7. HAPPY And when they have lost a few pounds are they really any _______? .
8. ATTRACT Is it really a fact of life that slim woman are the only really _______
ones ?
9. SHAME No, in some parts of the world a husband would be _______ to be seen
with a thin wife.
10. DECIDE Nevertheless, if a woman really has a slimming problem, there is only
one _______ to make: Eat Less.
1. DEPEND The American War of _______ was won in 1776.
2. ABLE I was not really surprised that he became a successful writer because
even as a child he showed remarkable _______ in that direction,
writing short stories, almost as soon as he had learnt to read and write.
3. POST The price of the book is £10, including _______ and packing.
4. SPEAK In Sweden, it is customary at a dinner party for the person sitting on the
left of the hostess to make a _______.
5. FIT In my opinion, a large number of parents are quite _______ to bring up
6. PERSON He was not a particularly good teacher, but his students loved him
because he had such a lively _______.
7. COURAGE Parents who smoke _______ their children to do likewise, whether they
realize it or not.
8. LONG John’s beginning to grow out of his jeans. I’d better _______ them for
him this weekend.
9. CARE It was extremely _______ of you to leave your library books on the
10. EXTEND Although pubs usually close between 10.30 and 11 pm, they are usually
granted an _______ until midnight on New Year’s Eve.
1. PUT The factory’s _______ has increased considerably in the past few
2. BREAK I was late for work this morning because my car had a _______ on the
3. RESPOND I’m afraid you’ll have to see Mr Pound. All matters concerning finance
are his _______.
4. SHAME But how could you do it ? Really, Ophelia. I feel quite _______ of
you !
5. ACTIVE There was a lot of _______ this morning as work began on the new
6. MORAL It is _______ to take credit for other people’s ideas.
7. POWER As the child’s head went under the water for the third time, I stood and
watched — _______ to help. I couldn’t swTim.
8. FORTUNE I’d love to come to your party but, _______, I have to go somewhere
9. ATTRACT Thousands of people turned up for the Pop Festival where the big
_______ was Bob Dylan.
10. BURST There was a sudden _______ of clapping and cheering as he rose to
receive the Nobel Peace Prize.
1. PROVE Although the police suspected him of the crime, since they had no
definite _______ that he was involved, they could not arrest him.
2. CHILD I spent my _______ in the, country.
3. EVENT After hours of going from one hotel to another, we _______ found one
which was not fully booked.
4. CONSIST The trouble with Mr Brown is that he’s so _______. One minute he
goes mad when you come late; the next he says nothing. You never
know where you are!
5. RIDICULE You can’t wear those trousers, Sally. They’re far too tight. You look
_______ in them.
6. USE What time do you _______ start work ?
7. USE While walking in the mountains in North Wales, we came across a
_______ quarry.
8. CORRESPOND How are you getting on with your _______ course in Russian ?
9. SLIP There are ice on the pavement which made it very difficult to walk as it
was so _______.
10. EDIT The _______ staff consists of ten experienced journalists.
1. CRIME John Jameson is a famous _______ who stole five million pounds from
a bank.
2. ENERGY I’m quite an _______ person. I play a lot of sport and go running every
3. MANAGE _______ your own business can cause a lot of financial worries.
4. POLITICS/HISTORY Churchill was not only a famous _______ but also a respected
5. SUCCESS The surgeons tried their best to save his life, but unfortunately the
operation was _______.
6. DANGER It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird. It has been listed as one of
the _______ species.
7. EXPECT He has very high _______ of his only son.
8. REDUCE There has been a _______ of 10.% in the amount of money available
for buying new books.
9. PRESERVE He is interested in the _______ of old buildings.
10. RESIGN The manager handed in his _______ after being accused of dishonesty.
1. PLEASE The weather was terrible, so we had a very _______ holiday.
2. EMPLOY Roy was dismissed after being told by his _______ that he must leave
in a month’s time.
3. BORE Why was his lecture so _______? Perhaps he consulted his papers so
4. ATTENTION She always listens _______ to what she is told.
5. POET He regularly writes _______ for our newspaper.
6. INFORMATION He was _______ of the consequences in advance.
7. ARRIVE The _______ of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt.
8. DIRECTION We asked a policeman to _______ us to the right house.
9. RELY Don t depend on him; he’s a very _______ person.
10. PATIENT Don’t be so _______. we’ve only been waiting a few minutes.
1. CONVENIENT 7:30 a.m. on a Saturday is a rather _______ time for an appointment.
2. REASON Please don’t be so _______. I can’t do all the work by myself.
3. UNDERSTAND Sorry about the mistakes, I _______ the instructions you gave me.
4. HARM Many people still refuse to believe that smoking is _______
4. SUCCESS He is probably the most _______ tennis player of all time.
5. WAKE I was kept _______ last night by the noise from a party in the flat
6. PERFORM Elizabeth Taylor won an Oscar for her _______ in “Who’s Afraid of
Virginia Woolf.”
7. DOUBT Many people think it is very _______ whether a cure will be found for
cancer before the year 2000.
8. TERROR My wife is _______ of spiders.
9. RESIST An aeroplane has to overcome the _______ of air.
10. SLEEP He suffered from constant _______.
1. DEVOTE He has been constant in his _______ to scientific studies.
2. ADMIT _______ to the school is by examination only.
3. QUALIFY He was turned down for the job because he is _______.
4. JUSTICE It was _______ of Tom to accuse Bill of having told him a lie.
5. PERFECT I understand _______ what you are saying.
6. APPOINT Jane’s _______ as director came as no surprise.
7. SURPRISE A holiday in America can be _______ cheap.
8. DIE The _______ of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was announced
last night.
9. FRIEND My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager is a little _______.
10. COMFORT These shoes look quite smart but they’re terribly _______.
1. SOLVE There’s no _______ to the problem of the beginning of the universe.
2. SLTT The chairman expressed doubts about the _______ of showing the film
on children’s television.
3. FAITH O’Hara wanted a divorce because his wife had been _______
4. ORIGIN To be successful, an artist must show great _______.
5. INSPIRE _______ is not enough by itself; you must work hard too.
6. RECOGNISE I didn’t know who it was — with a mask on she was completely
7. MORAL Telling lies is _______.
8. EXPLAIN I have no excuses. My actions were _______.
9. PASSION The heroine had a _______ love affair with the butcher.
10. REGARD I’ll resign if you continue to _______ everything I say.
Read the texts below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word
that fits in the space in the same line. The first one (0) has been done as an example.
We all know stories about people with (0) exceptional EXCEPTION
memories who have the (1) _______ to remember hundreds ABLE
of numbers after hearing them only once. Now experts are saying that
such feats can be taught.
For example, most people can (2) _______ about nine REPETITION
numbers if they are read out one a second. In one
experiment, ten hours’ training (3) _______ only a small PRODUCT
(4) _______, but the results after practising for a thousand IMPROVE
hours were (5) _______: some people remembered 80 or even AMAZE
100 numbers. Similarly, most adults can (6) _______ only IDENTITY
about five out of a set of 21 colours that are only (7) _______ SLIGHT
different. But after 80 training hours one person could
recognise 18 of them. Studies of 76 major (8) _______ show COMPOSE
that it took at least ten years of (9) _______ training before MUSIC
any of them wrote a major work. Psychologists are therefore
raising the (10) _______ that genius is the product of teaching. POSSIBLE
In the past, any mother would be (0) proud if her children PRIDE
were round and slightly fat. Those days are gone. (1) _______ RESEARCH
have now reached the (2) _______ that too much fat and CONCLUDE
sugar in children’s diets are a major factor in the (3) _______ DEVELOP
of heart diseases and other (4) _______ when they are older. ILL
However, (5) _______ children need to, eat a wide range of GROW
foods, and their general health could be (6) _______ by cutting DANGER
out particular ones. Psychologists say that the (7) _______ is SOLVE
not to change eating habits too fast, but to do it (8) _______, CARE
so that children do not lose muscle in addition to fat.
Parents should present food a little (9) _______, spread DIFFERENCE
butter thinly and avoid putting sugar on the table. Children
should also be (10) _______ to take part in sports: this way COURAGE
they will be using the calories that they have eaten.
Nursing is a job which demands great (0) strength STRONG
of character. Most (1) _______ nurses work long PROFESSION
hours and are underpaid. They make the (2) _______ DECIDE
to become nurses in the (3) _______ that the job KNOW
will never make them (4) _______; all they can hope WEALTH
for is the (5) _______ that comes from helping SATISFY
people who need them. (6) _______, nurses’ UNFORTUNATE
(7) _______ often seem to take advantage of this EMPLOY
(8) _______ attitude, and make them work as many IDEAL
hours as possible for very little money. So it is not
(9) _______ that nurses sometimes become SURPRISE
(10) _______ with their bosses, and decide to take PATIENT
action to improve their working conditions.
These days it is (0) impossible to open a newspaper POSSIBLE
without reading about the damage we are doing to the
environment. The earth is being (1) _______ and the THREAT
future looks bad. What can each of us do?
We cannot clean up our (2) _______ rivers and seas POLLUTION
overnight. Nor can we stop the (3) _______ of plants APPEAR
and animals. But we can stop adding to the problem
while (4) _______ search for answers, and laws are SCIENCE
passed in nature’s (5) _______. DEFEND
It may not be easy to change your lifestyle (6) _______, COMPLETE
but some steps are easy to take: cut down the amount
of (7) _______ you do, or use as little plastic as possible. DRIVE
It is also easy to save energy, which also reduces
(8) _______ bills. We must all make a personal HOUSE
(9) _______ to work for the future of our planet if we DECIDE
want to (10) _______ a better world for our grandchildren. SURE
(0) commercial fishing has been carried out since the COMMERCE
middle ages. Before that it was (1) _______ to keep fish for POSSIBLE
long periods, but the development of (2) _______ methods STORE
such as drying and salting made it possible for (3) _______ FISH
to go on fishing trips further away. In fact, although
Europeans were completely (4) _______ of America’s AWARE
(5) _______, they were already fishing near its coasts then. EXIST
They were, however, still (6) _______ to keep fish fresh for ABILITY
any (7) _______ of time. LONG
All this changed as a result of the new (8) _______ TECHNOLOGY
advances in refrigeration in the 19th century. Soon the
(9) _______ waters of Africa and the Mediterranean were COAST
full of Northern European fishing boats. In the 20th century,
scientific (10) _______ made during the Second World War DISCOVER
were used for discovering large groups of fish.
Exercise is one of the best ways of keeping (0) depression DEPRESSED
away. It improves your body and your mind and (1) _______ ABLE
you to perform better in the work place and at home.
Proper (2) _______ is essential if you want to get the most BREATH
from exercise and you should also take into (3) _______ CONSIDER
your heart rate. It can be (4) _______ to do too much, HARM
which is why all good fitness instructors emphasise the IMPORTANT
(5) _______ of “listening to your body.”
When you first start you should use good (6) _______, JUDGE
because it’s easy to make the mistake of using the
equipment (7) _______ or doing too much at one time. CORRECT
Start slowly and build up gradually.
Exercise should not be seen as a (8) _______ task; it can be DEMAND
as easy as a quick walk. To increase your fitness (9) _______, STEADY
exercise for 20 minutes a day, 4 to 6 times a week and you
will notice a (10) _______ in your body and mind in a few DIFFERENT
According to government research, more people are working
from home than ever before. (0) Consequently, there has been CONSEQUENCE
an increase in (1) _______ among those people who no longer LONELY
have to travel to their place of (2) _______. Office workers EMPLOY
spend their day (3) _______ by friends and colleagues, while SURROUND
home-workers (4) _______ meet anyone face to face. The most RARE
direct means of (5) _______ a home-worker has with the COMMUNICATE
world (6) _______ is the telephone. The fax and the internet are OUT
two more (7) _______ links that can be used, although they TECHNOLOGY
still rely on the written, rather than the (8) _______, word. SPEAK
What a home-worker really wants is the (9) _______ of WARM
a human voice, not the (10) _______ bleeps of a computer. DIGIT
Public (0) reaction to the Disney film Snow White and the REACT
Seven Dwarfs when it was first shown in 1937 was (1) _______. ORDINARY
It was received with great (2) _______ and it immediately EXCITE
became enormously popular (3) _______ the world. Good THROUGH
advertising was not the only reason for this (4) _______ WORLD
popularity; the film and its characters captured the
(5) _______ of people all over the world like no film before it. IMAGINE
In Britain, there were (6) _______ newspaper articles about DAY
the film and how it was made. Snow White toys and books
were on (7) _______ everywhere. Some people thought that SELL
it might be (8) _______ for children but most people saw it as UPSET
(9) _______ entertainment. HARM
Since 1937, it has been re-issued every few years, giving
(10) _______ to many generations of children. ENJOY
Throughout history, women have had (0) responsibility RESPONSIBLE
for healing the sick. However, it is only in (1) _______ recent COMPARE
times that they have been allowed to train as doctors at
(2) _______ schools in Britain. Yet in that short time, they MEDICINE
have made an enormous (3) _______ to modern medicine. CONTRIBUTE
The first female doctors were priestesses who gave (4) _______ ADVISE
about diseases and (5) _______ and prepared medicines. In INJURE
ancient Rome, women healers were considered (6) _______ SKILL
and respected.
In Britain, for centuries male doctors were (7) _______ of SUSPECT
women who practised medicine (8) _______ and in 1512 a PROFESSION
law was passed making it (9) _______ for them to do so. LEGAL
Women couldn’t study medicine at universities until the
19th century and they only began to gain (10) _______ with EQUAL
male doctors in the 20th century.
The microwave oven has (0) revolutionised the way REVOLUTION
food is cooked both at home and within the food (1) _______ PREPARE
industry. Although it met with the (2) _______ of many DISAPPROVE
top chefs when it was invented, it is becoming an (3) _______ INCREASE
common sight in many restaurant kitchens. So what are its
advantages? Firstly, there is a huge (4) _______ in the REDUCE
amount of time needed to prepare each dish. Secondly, it is
a very (5) _______ way to cook, because microwaves are HYGIENE
easy to clean, and the high temperatures involved (6) _______ MINIMUM
the risk of (7) _______ infection. Finally, microwave ovens BACTERIA
are very (8) _______ to the busy professional person who ATTRACT
lives alone. The (9) _______ of a ‘microwave dinner’ is CONVENIENT
(10) _______ to someone who does not wish to waste their RESIST
time sweating over a hot cooker!
We are always being told about the (0) beneficial effects of BENEFIT
regular and (1) _______ physical exercise. But how often do VIGOUR
you hear people talking about the (2) _______ aspects of this HARM
modern (3) _______ with health and fitness? OBSESS
It is time people realised that exercise is an (4) _______. The ADDICT
act of exercising releases a chemical in the brain which has
the (5) _______ effect of making you feel both relaxed PLEASURE
and (6) _______. It is, in fact, a drug. That is why real ENERGY
fitness-freaks feel the need to work out (7) _______ often, INCREASE
and become (8) _______ and depressed if they are kept NERVE
away from the gym for too long.
So before you sign up for a year’s (9) _______ at your local MEMBER
health club, ask yourself if you are really (10) _______ to WILL
sacrifice your freedom and self-respect for the sake of ‘fitness’.
Every car driver knows how (0) frustrating it can be to be stuck FRUSTRATE
in a traffic jam. The (1) _______ becomes unbearable at times, and BORE
can (2) _______ lead to aggression, or even violence against other OCCASION
drivers. Such (3) _______ is becoming more and more common these BEHAVE
days. So common, in fact, that (4) _______ have come up with a PSYCHOLOGY
name for it: “road rage”.
It is not just traffic jams which can cause an otherwise (5) _______ and PEACE
law-abiding citizen to change into a dangerous and (6) _______ monster. ABUSE
Many things can (7) _______ him: another driver stealing a parking RAGE
space, for example, or someone (8) _______ in the wrong lane TAKE
of a motorway. Anything, in fact, which could be seen as an (9) _______ INVADE
of (10) _______ territory. It seems that man’s primitive instincts are PERSON
awakened when he gets behind a steering-wheel.
The National Lottery has come in for a lot of (0) criticism CRITIC
since its (1) _______ in 1995. A proportion of the profits INTRODUCE
was supposed to go towards (2) _______ charities and VARY
(3) _______ institutions; but charities seem to be worse off CULTURE
than before. The reason for this is that lottery (4) _______ PLAY
are less (5) _______ to give money to charity, because they WILL
believe that by buying a ticket they are (6) _______ EFFECT
making a donation (7) _______. ANY
(8) _______, the charities and institutions which benefit FURTHER
from lottery money are often thought to be (9) _______ DESERVE
by the general public. The most (10) _______ example of this FAME
is the Royal Opera House. Is its need greater than, for example,
that of the Cancer Research Fund?
Mountaineering is an almost unique sport, as the (0) climber CLIMB
is in (1) _______ with nature itself rather than with other - COMPETE
humans. For this reason it is an extremely (2) _______ DANGER
activity. Nature does not follow any rules or (3) _______, REGULATE
and can often play very (4) _______. FAIR
(5) _______ mountaineers are quite aware of the risks PROFESSION
involved in their sport. Although they are (6) _______vital ADVENTURE
spirits at heart, they have a full (7) _______ of the UNDERSTAND
(8) _______ measures necessary to keep them alive,, and SAFE
never (9) _______ put themselves in needless danger. On KNOW
the other hand, they say that the sense of (10) _______ at ACHIEVE
the end of a climb is directly proportional to the risks involved.
According to some (0) scientists, high-risk sports can be SCIENCE
particularly (1) _______ for certain types of people. Such VALUE
activities help them to learn that being (2) _______ doesn’t FRIGHT
mean that they have to lose control. The recent fashion for
jumping from bridges attached to a (3) _______ of elastic rope, LONG
known as “bungee jumping”, has now been tried by over one
million people (4) _______ and interest in it is continuing to grow. WORLD
Before the special elastic rope (5) _______ around them, jumpers TIGHT
reach speeds of nearly 160 kph. First-timers are usually too
(6) _______ to open their mouths, and when they are finally TERROR
(7) _______ safely to the ground, they walk around with broad LOW
smiles on their faces, saying (8) _______ how amazing it was. REPEAT
However, for some people, it is only the (9) _______ of EMBARRASS
refusing to jump at the last minute that finally persuades
them to conquer their fear of (10) _______ and push themselves HIGH
off into space.
Humans have long been fascinated by (0) outer space, and OUT
have wondered if there are intelligent life-forms (1) _______, ELSE
which we might be able to contact. (2) _______, we’ve all seen NATURE
space creatures, on our TV and cinema screens, but “aliens”
like these owe more to the (3) _______ of using human CONVENIENT
(4) _______ to play the parts than to any real form of ACT
(5) _______ investigation. SCIENCE
However, many serious space (6) _______ are now RESEARCH
beginning to turn their attention to the question of what
alien life might (7) _______ look like. One early result is ACTUAL
Arnold the Alien, (8) _______ by biologist, Dougal Dixon. DESIGN
This strange being, (9) _______ humans, has its eyes, ears and LIKE
limbs in groups of three instead of pairs but, despite its odd
(10) _______ , its behaviour is not very different from our own, APPEAR
Interviews are an (0) imperfect method of choosing the best PERFECT
people for jobs, yet human (1) _______ like to examine each BE
other in this way. One of the many problems of (2) _______ as SELECT
it is commonly practised is that the forms filled in by
(3) _______ often fail to show people as they really are. This APPLY
means that you can follow all the best (4) _______ when ADVISE
completing your form and still find that you are (5) _______ SUCCESS
at the next stage - the interview. (6) _______ in the rare SIMILAR
cases where interviews are automatic, a candidate with an
(7) _______ form may do surprisingly well. ADEQUATE
Of course, your form needs to show that you have (8) _______ CONFIDENT
in your (9) _______ to do the job, but don’t try to turn yourself ABLE
into someone else — a person you have to pretend to be at
the interview. Realism and (10) _______ are definitely the HONEST
best approach.
When did the first toys come into (0) existence and EXIST
what led to their (1) _______ Did they represent an DEVELOP
attempt by adults to make children happy, or did they
arise from the various playful (2) _______ of children ACTIVE
themselves? As everyone knows, the young (3) _______ FREQUENT
copy the (4) _______ of their elders, and, in their play, BEHAVE
they often adopt objects used by adults for entirely
different purposes. These objects (5) _______ the child’s COURAGE
(6) _______ and lead to games in which everyday articles IMAGINE
often play unusual and (7) _______ roles. EXPECT
It is rather surprising that for an (8) _______ of the origin EXPLAIN
of toys, we cannot turn to folk stories. However, no
traditional tale (9) _______ to the origin of toys exists, and RELATE
so our (10) _______ is restricted to archaeological study and KNOW
limited evidence from documents.
Wildlife (0) painting had always been a hobby for Mark Chester, PAINT
but when he lost his job, he took the (1) _______ to turn it into DECIDE
a full-time career. Mark had obtained his (2) _______ PROFESSION
qualifications in the fields of (3) _______ and advertising PHOTOGRAPH
and felt that these skills would be useful in his new life. He
had sold his work before, and was (4) _______ confident that REASON
he could earn enough to live on.
Mark discovered that he would be able to receive an (5) _______ ALLOW
from a government (6) _______ to help him set up his AGENT
business. They also provided him with (7) _______ information USE
on how to run his affairs. As (8) _______ of his work increased, SELL
Mark realised that he could not paint enough (9) _______ ORIGIN
pictures to keep up with demand, so he is now trying to
interest a (10) _______ in producing prints of his work. PUBLISH
Me bile, Mark has started making prints of his own.
In the (0) beginning humans tanked because they had to. BEGIN
Until the (1) _______ of farming methods, animals had to be INTRODUCE
tracked down and killed in the wild. A (2) _______ hunting SUCCESS
trip would (3) _______ that the hunters’ families did not die of SURE
(4) _______ for another few weeks. STARVE
Nowadays, however hunting has nothing to do with (5) _______ . SURVIVE
Fresh meat is easily (6) _______ from shops’ What is more, OBTAIN
people (7) _______ hunt animals which they cannot even eat. FREQUENT
So why do they do it? For some, hunting is a (8) _______ PROFIT
business. But for others, the only (9) _______ seems to be EXPLAIN
that they take some kind of pleasure in (10) _______. CRUEL
It’s a (0) marvellous idea for children to do some cooking at MARVEL
an early age. Generally (1) _______ most children can’t wait to SPEAK
help in the kitchen and love getting involved m the (2) _______ PREPARE
of their meals. They should be (3) _______ to do so, and care COURAGE
should be taken to (4) _______ they enjoy the experience. It SURE
is important to show them how to do things (5) _______ but CORRECT
they shouldn’t be criticised too much. Although the finished
result may not be quite to your (6) _______, the young cook LIKE
will undoubtedly find it quite the (7) _______ food he or she TASTY
has ever eaten.
Kitchens can, of course, be (8) _______ places and so the DANGER
absolute (9) _______ of keeping an eye on children at all IMPORTANT
times cannot be emphasised too (10) _______. Sharp knives, HEAVY
for example, should be avoided until children are old enough to hf.ndle them safely.
The Real Walkers Company offers a (0) selection of small group SELECT
walking holidays which explore some delightful hidden corners of Europe
the Americas and Australasia. There is something for
everyone to enjoy on these holidays, (1) _______ of age or level REGARD
of (2) _______ . The brochure includes various destinations and FlT
a range of itineraries. These range from sightseeing tours
of (3) _______ cities to undemanding walking trips in unspoilt HISTORY
coastal and country regions and, for the more (4) _______ ADVENTURE
traveller, challenging mountain or hill-walking expeditions.
But it would be (5) _______ to give the impression that these holidays FAIR
are just about walking. According to the brochure, an (6) _______ of ENJOY
walking is often the thing that brings together a group of like-minded
people, who share the (7) _______ of good companionship in PLEASE
(8) _______ surroundings. ATTRACT
The company believes that its tour leaders are the key to its success.
These people are (9) _______ trained and are particularly keen to FULL
(10) _______ that each individual traveller makes the most of their trip. SURE
Hospitals dealt with, over 750 (0) injuries on November INJURE
5th last year. This year (1) _______ experts hope the SAFE
number will be cut but this seems (2) _______ with 10 million LIKE
people letting off 100 million fireworks. Fireworks are
usually safe unless they are handled (3) _______. Most CORRECT
accidents could be avoided if people paid more (4) _______ ATTEND
to the (5) _______ which are written on the box. INSTRUCT
However, some of the most (6) _______ fireworks look the DANGER
most (7) _______. The pretty coloured Roman Candle and HARM
the younger children’s (8) _______ the Sparkler can cause FAVOUR
serious burns. Remember that no firework is (9) _______ safe. COMPLETE
But as long as you are (10) _______. Bonfire Night will be CARE
an occasion to remember, not to forget.
Pioneer 10 left Earth in 1972 and began to cross the
(0) unexplored asteroid belt four months later. Some people EXPLORE
said it would be (1) _______ to find a way through the dust POSSIBLE
and (2) _______ millions of rocks that lie beyond the inner COUNT
planets; but despite its very (3) _______ technology, Pioneer BASE
made a (4) _______ crossing and went on to carry out its first SUCCESS
mission: to study Jupiter. It continued past the (5) _______ OUT
planets until 1983, crossing the paths of Saturn, Uranus and
Pluto before finally entering the vast (6) _______ area outside KNOW
our solar system. There it will maintain course on its
(7) _______ journey, passing close to Proxima Centauri in END
70,000 years’ time. Eventually, (8) _______ believe, in the SCIENCE
safe vacuum of deep space, it may even (9) _______ the Earth, LIVE
which in five billion years will (10) _______ as the Sun grows APPEAR
ever bigger and swallows up our tiny planet.


Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. There is
an example at the beginning (0).
0. ….take…..
• We will do all the work, but they will take all the credit, as usual!
• She will take offence if you tell her that hairstyle doesn’t suit her.
• They threatened to take David to court unless he stopped playing his drums at night.
1 _________________
• Most holidaymakers come to this part of the world to _______ in the scenery and soothing
sounds of the jungle.
• I know it’s Dave’s fourth whisky, but I can assure you he can hold his
• May I have a soft _______, please? I’m driving today.
2 _________________
• To ensure that you don’t lose your file, I recommend making a back-up _______ of your
documents just in case.
• Small children are extremely malleable and quickly _______ behavior they see on TV.
• During the exam he couldn’t _______ from other students’ papers as each had a separate
3 _________________
• A special unit was to be brought in as the man was armed to the _______.
• You must be joking saying you believe Elizabeth. She was lying to us through her _______.
• Decay has set in because she hasn’t taken enough care of her _______ over the years.
4 _________________
• Soon after Lucy felt a _______ pain in her chest, she got scared and called in on her GP.
• Entering this part of the town one instantly sees the _______ contrast that exists between
the poor and rich.
• His face covered in small cuts was a sign that his razor was not _______ enough.
5 _________________
• Before we _______ on to the next item on the agenda, is there anything you need me to
explain in further detail?
• It’s a hold-up. Don’t _______ a muscle and stay where you are.
• Would you be so kind as to _______ your heavy suitcase? It’s standing in my way.
6 _________________
• The movie is _______ in a small fishing port on the west coast.
• They are almost sure it was arson. It seems somebody _______ the warehouse on fire.
• If we really want to avoid being sued on the grounds of sexual harassment, we need to
_______ some strict guidelines in the workplace.
7 _________________
• The mayor has been reelected as he is held in _______ esteem among the city dwellers for
his zero-tolerance policy on crime.
• It’s _______ time you stopped moaning and got down to work.
• Is it wrong that I have _______ hopes for my child? I just want her to succeed.
8 _________________
• Travelling and meetings are _______ and parcel of being a businessman.
• Mike decided to _______ company with Jeff and set up his own firm when the differences
between the two became too big.
• Family get-togethers have been an integral _______ of this small community’s life for
9 _________________
• All right. Now, can you all stand up and _______ a line so that I can see you?
• I would bet my money on Chris. He’s in top _______ and very likely to win the contest.
• Once you’ve completed your entry _______, send it to us with an addressed envelope.
10 _________________
• I’m knackered. I didn’t _______ a wink. My neighbour must have had a party or
• The dog has been with the family for 15 years, but now old and crippled with diseases it had
to be put to _______.
• Listen. It’s a fair deal, but I don’t want to be hasty. I’ll _______ on it and let you know in
the morning.
11 _________________
• With such weak evidence and no witnesses, it’s clear they are going to lose the _______.
• I’ll remind them about the meeting, just in _______ they forget.
• To convince the voters that sacrifices are inevitable, we’ll have to make a strong _______
for war.
12 _________________
• These magnificent gothic buildings _______ from the 14th century.
• The expiry _______ on the milk carton says it should be drunk within 6 days.
• Mary couldn’t believe she was going out on a _______ with the most handsome boy in the
street. He suggested the cinema and she agreed.
13 _________________
• As society became more liberal and forward thinking, _______ punishment was abolished.
• The _______ city has always attracted people from smaller towns and villages with its
seemingly countless prospects.
• It’s a spelling mistake. Don’t you know that all nationalities should be written with
_______ letters?
14 _________________
• I can’t _______ his nagging me all the time. I’m truly fed up with it.
• Don’t delude yourself. _______ in mind that you need to be slim and tall to become a
• What you’re saying rings true, but is there anybody to _______ out your version of the
15 _________________
• The street _______ of the cocaine the police found under the deck of the ship is estimated at
3 million dollars.
• It’s not reasonable to take his excuses at face _______. He can hardly be trusted.
• To buyers’ delight, house prices have fallen in _______ by about 10 percent.
16 _________________
• We’re terribly sorry. There are no rooms left. The last one was _______ two minutes ago.
• Yes, he doesn’t talk much and is a bit _______ but if you get to know you will see he’s a
nice bloke.
• Don’t be so stiff. The language you speak is normally _______ for formal meetings, and
this is a party.
17 _________________
• Did you really write his name with a small _______? What an awful mistake!
• Another anonymous _______ came on Friday containing slander and threats. It was high
time to ask the FBI for help.
• The prosecutor was accused of mercilessly applying the _______ of the law to the poor.
18 _________________
• The comment was meant to be light-hearted, but Lora _______ it so seriously that she
stopped talking to him.
• It _______ her some time to explain the problem and made him change his mind.
• The beginning was difficult, but later the business _______ off and has gone from strength
to strength ever since.
19 _________________
• I’ll not give you that money. You see, I’m keeping it for a rainy _______.
• Thanks for the present. I’m really happy. Jack, you do know how to make my _______.
• At the end of the _______, it’s his life, not yours and if he wants to work in the circus, let it
20 _________________
• All military personnel are requested to _______ for duty on Monday.
• If your passport or any other important documents are stolen, it is advisable to immediately
_______ it to the police.
• The annual sales _______ gave the shareholders much needed hope for better times.
21 _________________
• It’s going to be a small operation and only a _______ anaesthetic is needed to perform it.
• She was quite successful at the _______ level. But that was it. In national competitions she
usually came last.
• Because we were still strangers in the town, we asked a _______ to give us directions.
22 _________________
• I don’t feel comfortable when he’s around. He tends to cramp my _______.
• The cottage, as expected, had a country _______ and the Simpsons fell in love with it.
• Pauline may be a bit eccentric, but she certainly has _______ unlike other pop stars.
23 _________________
• Your glass is almost empty. Do you want me to _______ you up?
• The car may move at a _______ speed of 240 kph which makes it one of the fastest in its
• He shouted to her at the _______ of his voice, but the traffic was too loud for her to catch
his words.
24 _________________
• Never sign a contract unless you’ve read the small _______ at the bottom.
• The newspaper agreed to _______ a correction after the travel agency threatened to lodge a
legal case against the editor.
• A book in large _______ is usually bigger and more expensive, but it’s easy on your eyes.
25 _________________
• When the mating _______ begins, the male puts his shiny plumage on display to attract
females. .
• In winter the place is a mecca for skiers, but out of _______ most hotels stay half empty.
• Once the dish is drained, put it in a deep plate and _______ to taste.
26 _________________
• Diana considers the local day _______ centre a godsend. Working long hours you don’t
always have time to look after your children, do you?
• Good luck and take _______! And do drop in when you’re back from your trip.
• Unlike his predecessors, the painter created his works of art with great _______ and
attention to detail.
27 _________________
• We’re forced to find a substitute teacher as Mrs Johannes is going on maternity _______
• Never _______ your baggage unattended at the airport. Somebody might take it for a bomb.
• Board games _______ my children cold. All they are interested in are computer games.
28 _________________
• I prefer jeans and T-shirts. I wear suits only on _______ occasions.
• At first Helen just mentioned how unhappy she was. But now she is about to make a
_______ complaint to the respective department.
• For Jeremy, _______ education proved insufficient as they needed somebody with practical
skills in the field.
29 _________________
• I can’t tell you more now. You’ll get more information in _______ time, so be patient.
• The president is _______ to begin to visit a host of Asian countries in 3 days.
• To his dismay, Morris was turned down _______ to his lack of experience.
30 _________________
• There’s something _______ with the TV in my room. All I get is a blizzard. Can you send
someone to have a look at it?
• “Have you got any idea why he’s so sullen today?” “No, he must have got out of bed on the
_______ side.”
• Don’t get me _______ Janet is intelligent, but a bit dull. Her stories will send you to sleep.
31 _________________
• I’m sure Dad will _______ you off if he ever finds out you’re skipping classes.
• You could _______ by the way she spoke that she was a bit apprehensive.
• Little Mark has been very proud since he learnt how to _______ the time.
32 _________________
• The car is packed with lots of additional features and comes _______ with a stereo system
and GPS.
• The exercise may take you up to one hour to _______ so don’t get impatient too quickly.
• I can see you’re a _______ novice here. Let me then break you in and show you around.
33 _________________
• The top secret military lab was located in the desert in the _______ of nowhere.
• My mother is in her _______ 50s, but she looks much younger due to a good diet.
• A lot of atrocities in the _______ Ages were committed in the name of God. The Great
Inquisition reigned supreme.
34 _________________
• The place is really convenient. There’s a supermarket and an underground station round the
• Jack Finnan scored a header after a _______ 3 minutes before the end of the match.
• A good waiter knows that a pair in love usually takes a _______ table to get some sort of
35 _________________
• Some choose to _______ in silence and keep their problems to themselves. Still, the best
thing to do is to confide in your best friend.
• The platoon didn’t _______ heavy losses due to the major’s order to pull out.
• It’s heartrending seeing your beloved ones _______ from incurable diseases.
36 _________________
• In clinical tests the drug did _______ for the elderly. Their blood pressure was down and
90% said they felt more relaxed and energetic.
• The monument was listed as one of the Seven _______ of the ancient world.
• “Miriam _______ whether it is acceptable for a girl to propose to a man.” “Well, it depends
where you live.”
37 _________________
• It is _______ knowledge that poverty breeds crime.
• Mugging has become such a _______ occurrence here that most people accept it as part of
their lives.
• It’s true Jack is my twin brother, but apart from looks we have nothing in _______.
38 _________________
• Your children may start taking drugs because of peer _______. That’s why knowing what
friends they have is crucial.
• It’s a highly competitive environment where employees have to work under enormous
_______ to generate profits.
• He applied more _______ on the rusty old door and it opened reluctantly.
39 _________________
• Now with radical changes being introduced, it was easy to persuade the party to _______
the amended proposal.
• It’s reasonable to get a _______ opinion when considering serious medical issues.
• The dish was absolutely delicious. Can I have a _______ helping?
40 _________________
• The villagers were advised to keep a close _______ on the water level in the river during
the rainy season.
• If you don’t want to gain additional weight, it’s good to _______ what you eat.
• As the working day was drawing to a close, bored employees used to _______ the clock.
41 _________________
• Sandra capitulated when it came to her she would never root out these widely _______
views among the indigenous population.
• The conference is going to be _______ in the press room in the left wing.
• The terrorist group _______ the reporter hostage for 3 months before letting him go.
42 _________________
• Let’s wait for the end of the Christmas season. The shops always _______ prices to make
some profits in January.
• What a lovely _______ you’ve got, Jenny! Now, your hair looks much more attractive.
• Then I realized I wasn’t _______ out to be an accountant and my true vocation was acting.
43 _________________
• I would never _______ my flat with anyone as I hold my private life too dear.
• If you ask your grandparents for advice, they’ll be willing to _______ some of their
experience with you.
• Mum, can I go out? I’ve already done my _______ of the household chores.
44 _________________
• Our cosmetics are not _______ on animals as we take pride in taking care of animal rights.
• Candidates will be _______ for their resistance to stress and their ability to react fast in all
kinds of emergency situations.
• If you can’t see the letters from here, we suggest you should have your eyes _______.
45 _________________
• Men are believed to _______ into two main categories: those who care and those who don’t.
• I’ll never let this land _______ into the hands of big developers bent on erecting
• What a real beauty she is! I’m sure Mike will _______ for Lisa the moment he lays eyes on
46 _________________
• We’re quite flexible. You can tailor your tutorial to your _______ needs.
• “She’s a bit extravagant when it comes to clothes.” “I’d rather say she’s got her _______
style of dressing.”
• The actress was stabbed three times in the arm by some deranged _______.
47 _________________
• Amanda didn’t mention her first marriage to _______ the fact that she had been once
greatly disappointed.
• Wait till I get you. I’ll tan your _______ for stealing apples from my garden.
• The place he chose to _______ seemed safe. Nobody was able to reach these parts of the
48 _________________
• Do you _______ like going to the pub with me? I’ll stand you a round.
• To be honest, I don’t _______ my age. I’m still young at heart.
• The upstairs room was plunged into darkness and Mary had to make lots of efforts to
_______ her way to the door.
49 _________________
• You’re fighting a losing battle if you think you can _______ all the wrongs of the judicial
• Sir, you have the _______ to talk to your lawyer before answering any questions.
• Let me put you _______ on this. My name is not Mike, but Luke.
50 _________________
• The society organized an _______ day to familiarize the public with its international
• I won’t turn a deaf ear to your ideas. I’m always _______ to your suggestions.
• The intermediaries’ conciliatory gestures helped to _______ the way for further peace talks
and negotiations.
51 _________________
• You’re facing a $20 _______ if you don’t return the books on time. I mean it.
• In the interview the famous artist admitted that she had gone to university to study _______
arts, sculpture in particular.
• The party turned out _______ in the end, although the food was a bit disappointing.
52 _________________
• The initial report showed a senior _______ in the administration had been involved in the
scandal and had to be dismissed.
• The company prided itself on becoming an _______ sponsor of the Winter Olympics.
• Welcome to our _______ website, the only authorized place on the Net.
53 _________________
• _______ up a bit before you do any strenuous exercise. Otherwise, you risk serious injury.
• Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to give a _______ welcome to our next guest, Mr Ford.
• You needn’t worry. My children will _______ to you immediately. They long for a new
54 _________________
• It’s really depressing, but we can’t provide our father with the adequate medical care he
needs. It’s high time he went to a _______ home.
• Karen wasn’t going to _______ on her laurels. She considered the promotion as one more
step in her career.
• For the next exercise, adopt the lotus position and _______ your hands on your knees.
55 _________________
• It turned out the team from Eastern Europe included a Hungarian, a _______ and a
• During the storm a telephone _______ snapped and fell on a parked car crushing a man in
the back seat.
• The expedition didn’t reach the North _______ because they hadn’t expected such severe
weather at that time of the year.
56 _________________
• Computer technology allows us to _______ a lot of information on a single CD.
• I can tell you that a telling-off is in _______ for Harry, if he doesn’t start behaving himself.
• Keep drugs out of reach of children and _______ them in a safe place. You can’t be too
careful, can you?
57 _________________
• The company is currently planning to _______ a new set of safety rules to conform to
international standards.
• Boy, you don’t know what you’re missing as a monk. Let me _______ you to the pleasures
of life.
• The MC went on to _______ his first guest on the show - Mrs Larios.
58 _________________
• He got up very early at 5 o’clock to do a paper _______ before going to school. That’s how
he saved money to get himself a new bike.
• At the end of the performance the audience sprang to their feet giving the artist a loud
_______ of applause.
• Carl could spend hours watching the horse going _______ in the enclosure. It moved so
59 _________________
• When Joanne heard a strange noise upstairs she suddenly _______ and listened attentively.
• In the winter the river _______ and the children enjoyed skating under the watchful eye of
their elder brother.
• The evidence clearly pointed to the militant group and the court _______ its bank accounts.
60 _________________
• The bodyguard pushed the people waiting outside the hotel out of the _______ to make
room for the star.
• When the loggers arrived, the forest was forced to give _______ to the vast open spaces.
• A massive reconstruction process is well under _______. Its results will soon be visible.
61 _________________
• Put on your _______ best if you want to create a good impression during the interview.
• New studies suggest that _______ drivers contribute to road rage by driving too slowly.
• His autobiography says that he received his religious education at a small _______ school
somewhere in the south.
62 _________________
• Going on a vacation and forgetting about work for some time will do you _______
• It’s no _______ talking to Jerry. He always dismisses our opinions and makes fun of our
• Leave her alone. She needs to have a _______ cry and she’ll be fine soon.
63 _________________
• I thought I would have enough nails to finish the job, but half way through the work I
_______ them up.
• It has been widely criticized that interrogators _______ force to extract the evidence.
• Gary _______ to drink a lot, but since he settled down he’s been living a straight life.
64 _________________
• Look at these volunteers on the other side of the road. They must be _______ money going
round with these contribution boxes.
• _______ kids in a run-down neighbourhood may be a great challenge even for the best
• The feminist movement is doing what it can to keep _______ awareness of domestic
65 _________________
• Lora is the person to talk to if you want to pick somebody’s brains. She’ll tell you
everything about the and _______ bolts of the company.
• His forgetting my phone number is driving me _______. Does he really love me?
• After reading in an encyclopedia that betel _______ have a mildly intoxicating effect on the
user, she decided to top eating them.
66 _________________
• It is clear that the _______ isn’t popular with people. Only a few stalls are occupied during
each performance.
• The documentary features some techniques negotiators use when they have to _______ for
• His fans fell out laughing when the actor paid a mime to _______ a prank on paparazzi.
67 _________________
• The fake was so good that experts had difficulty distinguishing it from the genuine
• The defence referred to _______ of the constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech.
• He found the _______ in the newspaper biased and blatantly unfair and felt obligated to
write a letter asking for an apology.
68 _________________
• I wonder what it is _______ to be a movie star. I guess it must be pretty exciting.
• At university, Ann naturally gravitated to people of _______ mind who shared her socialist
• We’d better go back home. It looks _______ rain.
69 _________________
• Boss, could you _______ me a few minutes? I need to talk to you about a pay rise.
• When trekking, it’s advisable to take some _______ clothes in the event of heavy rain.
• We can assure you that we will _______ no effort and expense to find those responsible for
this barbaric act.
70 _________________
• Don’t touch the paper! The ink might be _______.
• Even in his adolescent years the trauma caused by his stepfather made him _______ in bed.
• I’m afraid your clothes are still sopping _______. I can give you some spare clothes of mine
if you don’t mind.
71 _________________
• I think it’s _______ a bet that Michael will get what he wants. He’s so strongwilled.
• Rowan sounded so _______ of himself that no one in the office was willing to question his
• Our tyres give you unsurpassed comfort of driving and a _______ footing on slippery roads.
72 _________________
• You’re a fool if you think the trade union will _______ its support to the plan of cutting the
• Robert, can you _______ me a hand? I want this jar on the top shelf and I can’t reach it.
• She might be selfish at times, but I’m sure she’ll _______ you her bike if you ask her.
73 _________________
• The milk’s sour. It must have gone _______ a long time ago. Throw it out.
• Unfortunately, the shooting of the film got off to a _______ start with the main actor being
seriously ill.
• He should never have become a teacher in the first place. Look, he’s been giving this
profession a _______ name since he got this job in our school.
74 _________________
• The chocolate looked so tempting that she couldn’t _______ eating it.
• I’m so glad, Ricky, you’ve come to see my new house. Sit down and _______ yourself to
some biscuits.
• The loss Ron felt was overwhelming and it didn’t _______ to know that many other people
had gone through a similar ordeal.
75 _________________
• Jesus’ life still remains a _______ source of inspiration for philosophers, poets, film makers
and writers.
• The decor which was accentuated by a _______ dark orange reminded him of his own
• Of course, the _______ have a moral obligation to help the have-nots.
76 _________________
• I like these shoes very much, but they don’t _______ me. They’re a bit too small.
• You must be kidding you want to join the police with your beer gut. You’ve got to be
_______ to pass your physical tests.
• At university, Michele*didn’t _______ in with the rest of the students. As a disabled person
she was shamefully shunned by others.
77 _________________
• To tackle the problem of unemployment, the lawmakers _______ a set of policies intended
to boost the economy.
• It wasn’t until he was 18 that Tom learnt he had been _______. Since then he has been
looking for his biological parents.
• Soon after their arrival, the asylum seekers eagerly _______ all the customs of their new
78 _________________
• It’s madness going through the city centre when the traffic is _______.
• The rescue services had to use _______ equipment to get the injured people out of the car.
• _______ drinking will invariably damage your liver and relationships with other people.
79 _________________
• A huge bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates managed to _______ a smile to her so far
sad face.
• Drugs, alcohol, bad company and the like will always _______ out the worst in people.
• It’s ridiculous to think that black cats _______ bad luck. Don’t be superstitious.
80 _________________
• From a very early age our parents try to _______ us to become law-abiding citizens.
• Your demands will be met only on one _______ you have to release the hostages.
• I can’t give you much for your computer, son. It’s in a very bad _______, I’m afraid.
81 _________________
• After inheriting a small fortune, Forbes is _______ a relatively carefree life.
• There is no denying he’ll be the next president. The polls show he’s _______ by almost 85
• Professor Rantos is a _______ medical expert, so you can entrust your health to him.
82 _________________
• With madness in his eyes, Robert put a _______ to his uncle’s barn and it burst into flames.
• In this exercise students have to _______ the words with the correct definitions.
• I’m afraid these shoes of yours don’t _______ your skirt. They are too bright.’
83 _________________
• Many immigrants see the USA as the promised _______ with endless opportunities and
cash flowing everywhere. .
• Jenny’s so smart that she’s managed to _______ herself a job in the public sector while
thousands are still out of work.
• The plane is due to _______ in Italy to refuel on its way to Egypt.
84 _________________
• It’s obvious that ties within the _______ family are much stronger than those in the
extended one.
• The scientists feared that the chain reaction would lead to the meltdown of the _______
• During the Cold War the two blocks had enough _______ missiles to destroy.our planet
many times over.
85 _________________
• A new hobby might keep you fully _______ and take your mind off worries. .
• The empire grew stronger and with the passage of time it _______ the majority of countries
in the Mediterranean.
• The position of manager is already _______. There are no posts available for highly skilled
staff any more, I’m afraid.
86 _________________
• Adolescents usually think they _______ better and don’t have to follow their parents’
• If you have any problems with your computer, turn to Jake and Mike. They _______ them
• How do you _______ he’s a liar? You haven’t even spoken to him.
87 _________________
• My heart’s bleeding watching my son _______ for his father so much. He hasn’t seen him
for three months.
• Caroline has made fantastic progress, but she still has a _______ way to go before she
becomes proficient.
• He began painting at the age of 15 and it wasn’t _______ before he sold his first work of
88 _________________
• The couple have been working day and night to _______ up with the Joneses.
• Have a minute? I won’t _______ you long. There’s something urgent I need to tell you.
• The new teacher bent over backwards to _______ their students satisfied. Unfortunately,
they didn’t appreciate it.
89 _________________
• The cocaine addiction that finally led to his death should _______ as a warning to
• The royal family reasoned it would be good for the young heir to _______ in the army
and learn some discipline.
• In her final statement, the judge said the accused would have to _______ a ten-year
sentence for his involvement in the assassination plot.
90 _________________
• Even her own parents started to dislike her as she always wanted to have the word _______
in any argument.
• I have some bad news. The rain is expected to _______ for two more days.
• Frank stood her up again and it was the _______ straw. The next day she broke off the
91 _________________
• Jake will _______ Lucy with all kinds of presents just to make her believe he really loves
• “I’m not going anywhere. It’s raining.” “Come on. It’s only a light _______
• A cold _______ in the morning followed by a full breakfast may set you up for the day.
92 _________________
• In her new environment Lora was feeling like a _______ out of-water. She soon realized
they had almost nothing in common with her.
• Lewis, you don’t really have to _______ for compliments. I do respect you for who you are.
• The explorers looked in awe at the shoals of tropical _______ surrounding the beautiful
93 _________________
• Don’t you think Mary is _______ somebody behind our backs? Isn’t she too young to go
out with boys?
• “I tell you, there was a ghost sitting here on the table a few seconds ago.” “Don’t make me
laugh. You must be _______ things.”
• Today’s difficult. I’m _______ my dentist in the afternoon. Can we make it tomorrow?
94 _________________
• Michael looks much younger that he really is and that’s why he decided to _______ a
• The children might be a bit suspicious of each other, but hey, give them some time and
they’ll _______ to like each other.
• As a single mother Jane used to _______ their own produce and sell it on the market to
sustain her family of four.
95 _________________
• When dealing with explosives a bomb disposal expert must _______ caution and common
• Even very old people are advised to take light _______ to improve their general health and
• The _______ on page 60 is to test students’ knowledge of prepositional collocations.
96 _________________
• In the end the jury _______ him guilty of all the crimes and he was sentenced to life
• I _______ it hard to believe that Carl really loved her. He treated her with scorn on a daily
• She finally _______ comfort in her turbulent life in the shape of her psychiatrist.
97 _________________
• Stop playing a game of cat and mouse with me. I need a _______ answer and not your
misleading comments.
• You’re wrong about him. Ask Loraine and she’ll put you _______ about the incident.
• Go _______ on for about 200 yards. The shop is on the left. You can’t miss it.
98 _________________
• The death of your rabbit is a _______ excuse for not turning up at the ceremony. Tell me
• Don’t put anything heavy on top. The structure is too _______ to support it.
• World leaders are worrying that the _______ economy may further destabilize the volatile
situation in the country.
99 _________________
• I don’t think this hat will _______ well with your outfit. It’s a bit too extravagant.
• If you _______ on nagging Phil like this, don’t be surprised to find your house empty one
• My oral exam didn’t _______ well at all. In fact, I got the worst grade ever from the
100 _________________
• He desperately wanted to get her attention, but he didn’t know how to _______ up a
• An air _______ was launched soon after dawn. Several civilian deaths were reported.
• It was getting dark and the clock on the tower began to _______ eleven.


Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence printed before it.
1. “Why hasn’t Peter phoned? she wondered.
She wondered_____________________________________________________________
2. I’m only interested in why he did it.
The only thing_____________________________________________________________
3. He tried to escape but the police stopped him.
The police prevented him____________________________________________________
4. She has ordered a new outfit from her dressmaker.
She is having______________________________________________________________
5. Couldn’t you find a better hotel?
Is this____________________________________________________________________
6. John began playing the piano ten years ago.
John has__________________________________________________________________
7. They won’t be able to come on Sunday.
It will be_________________________________________________________________
8. She needs to study harder.
She doesn’t_______________________________________________________________
9. I only paid a few hundred pounds for the car.____________________________________
The car__________________________________________________________________
10. My mother made these curtains.
These curtains_____________________________________________________________
1. He started investigating the case a week ago.
He has___________________________________________________________________
2. I’m quite sure that she didn’t steal the necklace.
She can’t_________________________________________________________________
3. The flat’s very noisy but we enjoy living there.
4. “If I were you I wouldn’t trust Peter,” she told John.
She advised_______________________________________________________________
5. Her grief was so great that she almost fainted.
6. You can leave only when I tell you.
7. She prefers Italian food to French food.
8. Sarah is better at chemistry than Susan.
Susan isn’t________________________________________________________________
9. When is John and Mary’s wedding?
When are_________________________________________________________________
10. Most people can understand him when he speaks English.
He can make______________________________________________________________
1. We arrived too late to see the first film.
We didn’t________________________________________________________________
2. “I’m sorry that I broke the glass,” said Peter.
Peter apologised___________________________________________________________
3. I was drowning, but he saved me.
If he_____________________________________________________________________
4. Sally is the cleverest student in the class.
Nobody __________________________________________________________________
5. I have never read such a romantic story.
This is___________________________________________________________________
6. We can’t afford to buy the car.
The car__________________________________________________________________
7. His parents made him study for his exams.
He was___________________________________________________________________
8. We started cooking for the party four hours ago.
We have_________________________________________________________________
9. He has never behaved so violently before.
He is behaving_____________________________________________________________
10. We couldn’t get nearer because of the police.
The police________________________________________________________________
1. I’ll only help you if you promise to try harder.
2. “You were treating,” said Carol to June:
Carol accused_____________________________________________________________
3. She bought that house in 1973.
She has__________________________________________________________________
4. They believe he is armed.
He ______________________________________________________________________
5. Our house is going to be painted by a local firm.
We are___________________________________________________________________
6. “I think you should go by train,” he told us.
He advised________________________________________________________________
7. She can’t have any more children because of her age.
She is too_________________________________________________________________
8. It isn’t necessary to shout.
9. It was such a dull play that he fell asleep.
The play_________________________________________________________________
10. “Where is the nearest tube?” she asked.
She enquired______________________________________________________________
1. “Don’t forget to phone the office,” she told him.
She reminded_____________________________________________________________
2. I’m afraid I haven’t got time to listen to you.
I wish____________________________________________________________________
3. The police has just released John.
4. I couldn’t hear them because they were speaking too softly.
They were speaking________________________________________________________
5. We spent five hours getting to London.
It took___________________________________________________________________
6. She doesn’t usually stay up so late.
She’s not used_____________________________________________________________
7. If I were you I’d look for another job.
I suggest_________________________________________________________________
8. He lost his money simply because he wasn’t careful.
9. They last visited me five years ago.
They haven’t______________________________________________________________
10. All his suits were made in Paris.
1. This is his first visit to England.
He is____________________________________________________________________
2. I think it may rain.
It looks as________________________________________________________________
3. He will come because he wants to be sure of meeting you.
He will come so___________________________________________________________
4. Walking in the rain gives him pleasure.
He enjoys ________________________________________________________________
5. Most of a child’s life is spent in playing.
A child spends_____________________________________________________________
6. The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes.
The fox tried in____________________________________________________________
7. His briefcase was too full for the zip fastener to close properly.
His briefcase was so full_____________________________________________________
8. People say that he beats his wife.
It is_____________________________________________________________________
9. He appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
It looks__________________________________________________________________
10. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.
No sooner________________________________________________________________
1. She just had time to put up her umbrella before the rain came down in torrents.
No sooner________________________________________________________________
2. “Why didn’t you report the incident to the police last week?” the officer asked the
frightened witness.
The officer wanted to know__________________________________________________
3. The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
So many_________________________________________________________________
4. A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1600s.
The destruction____________________________________________________________
5. He hasn’t been back to his home town for over 20 years now.
It is_____________________________________________________________________
6. Travelling by plane is much more expensive than traveling by train.
Travelling by train__________________________________________________________
7. I would love to be rich and famous.
If only___________________________________________________________________
8. It took a long time for them to decide to get married.
9. “Is it, or is it not true that you have been misappropriating company funds?” the managing
director asked the accountant.
The managing director wanted________________________________________________
10. If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately.
Only by__________________________________________________________________
1. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was late for work every morning.
2. Attendances at the exhibition has been down this year.
The exhibition_____________________________________________________________
3. I’m more interested in the people than the job.
It’s not the________________________________________________________________
4. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
The excuse_______________________________________________________________
5. Although Johnny Brax drives carefully on public roads, he is a terror on the racetrack.
Johnny Brax is a___________________________________________________________
6. Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems.
According to______________________________________________________________
7. Christmas won’t be the same if we don’t have any snow.
I’ll be____________________________________________________________________
8. We have a six o’clock deadline for this work.
This work________________________________________________________________
9. I don’t see the point of re-decorating this room.
10. Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity.
1. “If you don’t take it easy, you’ll have another heart attack,” the doctor said to the patient.
The doctor warned the patient_________________________________________________
2. I know this reporter’s background well and he’s 100% honest.
This reporter,______________________________________________________________
3. They stretched a rope from one side of the crevasse to the other in order to haul their
equipment across.
By ______________________________________________________________________
4. People no longer smoke so many cigarettes as they used to.
5. We’ve been thinking the matter over and have finally come to a decision.
We’ve given______________________________________________________________
6. Why isn’t this TV working?
7. I’ve never tasted pheasant before.
8. If there’s an emergency, ring this number.
9. I never miss out on a cup of coffee when I visit her flat.
10. The engine failed because a part had been badly fitted.
The engine failure__________________________________________________________
1. I’m having a lot of trouble now because I lost my passport last week.
If I______________________________________________________________________
2. She had hardly begun to speak before people started interrupting her.
3. “You should have waited for us,” the team leader said to John.
The team leader criticised____________________________________________________
4. I only made that terrible mistake because I wasn’t thinking.
If I ______________________________________________________________________
5. When the police caught him, he was climbing over the garden wall.
The police caught__________________________________________________________
6. It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning.
7. It’s possible that he didn’t get my letter.
He might_________________________________________________________________
8. We had planned to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning.
We were_________________________________________________________________
9. It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.
10. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
Much to__________________________________________________________________
1. The last time it snowed here was six years ago.
2. Someone rang the alarm as soon as the burglars left the building.
No sooner________________________________________________________________
3. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man is________________________________________________________________
4. He knows nearly everything there is to know about whales.
5. I only realised what I had missed when they told me about it later.
Only when________________________________________________________________
6. As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse.
The more_________________________________________________________________
7. Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.
8. If we can solve the problem soon, it will be better for all concerned.
The sooner________________________________________________________________
9. There weren’t nearly as many people there as I had expected.
There were far_____________________________________________________________
10. “I think the whole idea’s ridiculous,” he said.
He dismissed______________________________________________________________
1. “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house,” she said.
She flatly_________________________________________________________________
2. The demand was so great that they had to reprint the book immediately.
3. When the minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment.
4. The authorities will prosecute anyone they find trespassing on this land.
Anyone found_____________________________________________________________
5. It wasn’t necessary for them to call for help after all.
6. I’m absolutely sure that they weren’t playing in this weather.
They can’t________________________________________________________________
7. There was no need for you to have gone to all that trouble.
8. I prefer going out for a meal to staying at home.
I’d rather_________________________________________________________________
9. You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones.
10. “I did not steal the car.” he said. “I just borrowed it.”
He denied but admitted______________________________________________________
1. I’m always inviting him for a weekend with us but he’s always too busy.
No matter________________________________________________________________
2. There isn’t much likelihood of it snowing today.
3. She was not only bad-tempered but very lazy.
As well__________________________________________________________________
4. As no one has disapproved of the scheme, I suggest we go ahead.
As no one has raised________________________________________________________
5. Driving fast is dangerous, whether you are an experienced driver or not.
6. I’d really hate to live in a big city.
7. Our French exam was much easier than our German one.
Our French exam was not____________________________________________________
8. The last time I played football was in 1971.
I haven’t _________________________________________________________________
9. Why didn’t I think of that before.
I should__________________________________________________________________
10. I invited my friend to have a cup of tea.
I asked my friend if_________________________________________________________
1. She was just as good as they had thought.
She quite definitely came____________________________________________________
2. The boy’s work can surely be improved.
The boy’s work must_______________________________________________________
3. The outcome of the election was never in doubt.
At no time________________________________________________________________
4. Doris thought the woman in front of her was her sister-in-law.
Doris mistook_____________________________________________________________
5. There was such a frightening atmosphere in that house that we had to leave immediately.
6. I tried as hard as I could, but I just couldn’t get the money.
No matter________________________________________________________________
7. Someone is going to tune my piano tomorrow.
8. During the oil refinery strike, there were enormous petrol queues.
9. We’d better buy a new cooker.
10. The stereo was so powerful, I nearly went deaf.
It was____________________________________________________________________
1. Tear gas was released as soon as the thieves touched the safe.
No sooner________________________________________________________________
2. She most certainly wasn’t in London on the 26th.
She couldn’t possibly_______________________________________________________
3. I can’t remember the time of our appointment.
I can’t remember when______________________________________________________
4. Unfortunately my stay here will be too short for me to visit many of the tourist attractions.
Unfortunately I shan’t_______________________________________________________
5. It is not a habit of mine to sleep in the afternoon.
I am_____________________________________________________________________
6. We’d never stayed in such an expensive hotel before.
The hotel was more expensive________________________________________________
7. The cost of living has gone up considerably in the last few years.
8. “Shall we go to Paris for the weekend, John?” Mary asked.
Mary suggested____________________________________________________________
9. We will stop off in France on our way to Germany.
We will break_____________________________________________________________
10. The managing director refuses to resign.
The managing director has no_________________________________________________
1. How could I help, except to offer to lend her some money?
2. We had to wait two hours for Donald.
Donald kept_______________________________________________________________
3. It would not have been possible to solve that puzzle, even for a genius.
That puzzle_______________________________________________________________
4. “Have you been out at all this evening, Mr Johnston?” the detective asked.
The detective wanted to find out_______________________________________________
5. Having nowhere else to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room.
6. I’d love to be in a secluded beach in Mexico.
I wish____________________________________________________________________
7. I only bought the dog because my children wanted a pet.
8. I would love to live in Paris for a year.
If only___________________________________________________________________
9. Does he know enough French to work as a translator?
Is his____________________________________________________________________
10. I can’t go to the cinema tonight because I do not have my car.
The reason I_______________________________________________________________
1. I can remember an equally mysterious incident.
I can remember an incident just_______________________________________________
2. He was a fool to say that.
3. I haven’t been to a cricket match for years.
4. It wasn’t necessary for you to go to so much trouble on my behalf.
You needn’t_______________________________________________________________
5. Because there was a late frost, much of the fruit crop was spoiled.
A frost___________________________________________________________________
6. I lent my car to that man.
7. He plays the guitar better than I do.
I don’t___________________________________________________________________
8. I don’t understand one word of this wretched report.
I can’t make head__________________________________________________________
9. The weather is much warmer than it was a few days ago.
A few days ago____________________________________________________________
10. Our car really needs servicing, doesn’t it?
Our car really must_________________________________________________________
1. No one has lived in that house for years.
2. In spite of all our warnings, he left camp without taking his rifle.
3. It’s a pity that you wrote that letter.
4. We must continue our efforts, whether there are problems or not.
5. The reason I came here was solely to try and improve conditions.
My sole purpose___________________________________________________________
6. “Less noise!” the teacher told the boys.
The teacher shouted________________________________________________________
7. In the event of nuclear weapons being used, we are all doomed.
If it should________________________________________________________________
8. You should take two tablets every four hours.
Two tablets should_________________________________________________________
9. It’s extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days.
We find__________________________________________________________________
10. They’ve been living here for six years now.
They moved______________________________________________________________
1. You can take any of the routes; it will still take you about three hours to get there.
2. His passport was nowhere to be found.
3. On receipt of your cheque, we shall send the goods to you.
As soon__________________________________________________________________
4. He didn’t bother to knock before he walked into the boss’s office.
He walked into the boss’s office_______________________________________________
5. We hope to hear another lecture by Professor Brown in the near future.
We look__________________________________________________________________
6. She wants to go to Las Vegas more than anywhere in the world.
7. I can’t understand how this new computer works.
This new computer works____________________________________________________
8. Their attitude caused us great disappointment.
We were_________________________________________________________________
9. But for your unsuspected talents as a mechanic, we would have been stranded there for
10. I really think you ought to acquire a few manners.
It’s high time______________________________________________________________
1. She admitted that she had taken the necklace.
She admitted to____________________________________________________________
2. The headmaster said some very reassuring things.
3. Do you have a good relationship with your boss?
4. Most students can work very hard when they feel like it.
Most students are capable____________________________________________________
5. I’m really sorry I didn’t invite her to the party.
I really wish I _____________________________________________________________
6. She didn’t inherit anything under her uncle’s will.
Her uncle didn’t___________________________________________________________
7. The only thing they didn’t steal was the television.
They stole________________________________________________________________
8. It seems that no-one predicted the correct result.
9. They had been lost in the mountains for three days, but they looked strong and healthy.
10. I’ll find that man, no matter how long it takes.
1. Is there a possibility that you left the key in the door?
Could you________________________________________________________________
2. Let’s invite the Browns to the party on Sunday.___________________________________
He suggested______________________________________________________________
3. Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.
Betty is devoted____________________________________________________________
4. It seems as if there is a slight deterioration in his physical condition.
His physical condition_______________________________________________________
5. He can shout even louder but I still won’t take any notice.
6. “Who’s been sitting in my chair?” said the chairman.
The chairman wondered_____________________________________________________
7. I’ve forgotten that commentator’s name but he’s very well-known.
That commentator,_________________________________________________________
8. It’s such a marvellous opportunity that we mustn’t miss it.
It’s too___________________________________________________________________
9. It was overeating that caused his heart attack.
10. The decorators have finished the whole of the first floor.
We have_________________________________________________________________
1. ‘You stole the jewels!” the inspector said to him.
The inspector accused_______________________________________________________
2. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a new house.
If I______________________________________________________________________
3. Although the play received good notices, not many people went to see it.
4. Their dog was so fierce that nobody would visit them.
They had_________________________________________________________________
5. Would you mind not smoking in here?
I’d rather_________________________________________________________________
6. “Let’s go for a walk in the park,” said Andrew.
Andrew suggested that______________________________________________________
7. I applied for the job but was turned down.
8. “Please don’t drive so fast!” Ann begged her boyfriend.
Ann pleaded______________________________________________________________
9. Without his help we would all have died.
If it______________________________________________________________________
10. It is said that he escaped to a neutral country.
1. It’s such a pity your sister can’t come as well.
If only___________________________________________________________________
2. Many people were severely critical of the proposals for the new motorway.
There was________________________________________________________________
3. The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition.
Only by__________________________________________________________________
4. Thanks to his aunt’s legacy of £10.000 he was able to buy the house he wanted.
Had his__________________________________________________________________
5. The students regretted that they had missed the lecture.
The students regretted not____________________________________________________.
6. We couldn’t have managed without my father’s money.
If it______________________________________________________________________
7. I only recognised him when he came into the light.
Not until_________________________________________________________________
8. The workers only called off the strike after a new pay offer.
Only after________________________________________________________________
9. Our hotel booking hasn’t been confirmed.
We haven’t received________________________________________________________
10. Keeping calm is the secret of passing your driving test.
As long as________________________________________________________________
1. The rail workers do not intend to call off their strike.
The rail workers have no_____________________________________________________
2. House prices have risen dramatically this year.
There has_________________________________________________________________
3. Alice and Charles did not decide to move to a bigger house until after the birth of their
second son.
Only when________________________________________________________________
4. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would recognise him.
The film star avoided_______________________________________________________
5. No-one has challenged his authority before.
This is the first time________________________________________________________
6. If it doesn’t rain soon, millions of pounds’ worth of crops will be lost.
7. “I don’t love you any more,” said Eric to his girlfriend.
Eric told his girlfriend that___________________________________________________
8. My father speaks very little English.
My father speaks hardly_____________________________________________________
9. That dress has only the slightest mark on it.
I can barely_______________________________________________________________
10. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open the door.
1. His second attempt on the world record was successful.
He broke_________________________________________________________________
2. The Prime Minister was determined to remain in office
The Prime Minister had no___________________________________________________
3. Despite his ungainly air he is remarkably agile.
4. He forgot about the gun until he got home.
Not until_________________________________________________________________
5. The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
Only when________________________________________________________________
6. The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several months.
It looked_________________________________________________________________
7. For a teacher of her experience and ability, discipline was not a problem.
For such__________________________________________________________________
8. If she hadn’t insisted on kissing everyone goodbye she would have caught the train.
If it hadn’t________________________________________________________________
9. They were unable to finish their game of tennis because of a heavy shower.
A heavy shower____________________________________________________________
10. If you missed the programme you can’t really judge.
Unless you________________________________________________________________
1. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.
Hardly __________________________________________________________________
2. That rumour about the politician and the construction contract is absolutely false.
There is__________________________________________________________________
3. He was sentenced to six months in prison for his part in the robbery.
He received a______________________________________________________________
4. The salesman told me that my new car would be delivered next Wednesday.
According ________________________________________________________________
5. Immediately after his appointment to the post, the new editor fell ill.
No sooner________________________________________________________________
6. Mrs Scott is proud of her cooking.
Mrs Scott prides___________________________________________________________
7. This affair does not concern you.
This affair is no____________________________________________________________
8. You are under no obligation to accept their offer. ,
You can please____________________________________________________________
9. I am amazed by the mistakes he makes.
10. “If Brian doesn’t train harder, I won’t select him for the team,” said the manager.
The manager threatened_____________________________________________________
1. “Don’t move or I’ll shoot!” the bank robber said to the clerk.
The bank robber threatened__________________________________________________
2. “I must see the manager!” he cried.
He insisted________________________________________________________________
3. He said he was not guilty of stealing the car.
He denied________________________________________________________________
4. He insisted on a full apology.
Nothing but_______________________________________________________________
5. The critics were very impressed by her performance.
Her performance made______________________________________________________
6. Helen can play the piano better than Elizabeth.
7. He said, “I wish I knew the answer.”
He said that_______________________________________________________________
8. She is proud of being such a good cook.
She prides________________________________________________________________
9. May I borrow your pen?
Would you mind___________________________________________________________
10. Oil was slowly coating the edge of the shore.
The edge of the shore_______________________________________________________
1. These new machines have put an end to queuing.
Before these______________________________________________________________
2. There was no precedent for the King’s resignation.
3. The fisherman’s life was one of great poverty.
4. I didn’t realise he was your brother until I saw the photograph.
It was only________________________________________________________________
5. John and Mary moved to Edinburgh twenty years ago.
It is_____________________________________________________________________
6. It was Walter Raleigh who introduced potatoes and tobacco into England.
The English owe___________________________________________________________
7. One runner was too exhausted to complete the last lap of the race.
One runner was so__________________________________________________________
8. You can eat as much as you like for £5 at the new lunch-bar.
There is no________________________________________________________________
9. The protest has been so vociferous that the committee has had to reconsider.
There has been____________________________________________________________
10. It was the goalkeeper who saved the match for us.
If it hadn’t________________________________________________________________
1. You must submit articles for the magazine by June 18th.
The final date_____________________________________________________________
2. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
Martin’s poor_____________________________________________________________
3. We weren’t surprised by his success.
It came___________________________________________________________________
4. The hurricane blew the roof off the house.
The house________________________________________________________________
5. It is not certain that Jones will get the job.
It is open_________________________________________________________________
6. The drama critic of the ‘Daily News’ regards the new play as a major breakthrough.
According to______________________________________________________________
7. Arthur said he was sorry he had hurt her feelings.
Arthur apologised__________________________________________________________
8. I’m sorry now that I asked her to stay.
Now I wish_______________________________________________________________
9. He remembered, and so did she.
He didn’t_________________________________________________________________
10. When are the council going to do something about the city’s traffic problems?
It’s high time something_____________________________________________________
1. I’m sure he didn’t know that his brother was seriously ill.
He couldn’t possibly________________________________________________________
2. The refugees continued to feel unsafe until they had crossed the border.
Not until_________________________________________________________________
3. My protests were ignored.
Nobody __________________________________________________________________
4. “I’d take a taxi if I were you,” said Peter.
Peter suggested____________________________________________________________
5. In spite of the forecast it stayed fine.
Although rain_____________________________________________________________
6. He was so tired he fell asleep before the end of the film.
He was too________________________________________________________________
7. The police were informed of the identity of the murdered man.
The identity_______________________________________________________________
8. Someone has suggested abolishing income tax.
9. I haven’t been to see them for over a year.
10. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.
1. “If my members agree to that I’ll be very surprised,” said the union delegate.
The union delegate observed that______________________________________________
2. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known.
3. She wore a hearing-aid, even though she could hear the phone ring perfectly well.
She wasn’t so_____________________________________________________________
4. You think that fat people are always jolly, but you are wrong.
5. I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job.
It came___________________________________________________________________
6. Although Christopher was the stronger of the two, his attacker soon overpowered him.
Despite his________________________________________________________________
7. The company presents a gold watch to each of its retiring employees.
8. “That’s a lovely new dress, Jean,” said her mother.
Jean’s mother complimented_________________________________________________
9. You’ll certainly meet lots of people in your new job.
You are__________________________________________________________________
10. Everyone started complaining the moment the announcement was made.
No sooner________________________________________________________________
1. Although the team played well, they lost.
2. I had better get back to work.
3. They couldn’t trace who had supplied the information in the first place.
The source________________________________________________________________
4. My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band’s decision to stop playing.
The moment______________________________________________________________
5. I didn’t realise who he was until later.
Only later________________________________________________________________
6. What particularly impressed me was her excellent command of English.
7. I don’t know the first thing about aeronautics.
I am_____________________________________________________________________
8. I’m sure he took your briefcase by mistake.
I’m sure he didn’t__________________________________________________________
9. My boyfriend is very short-tempered.
My boyfriend loses_________________________________________________________
10. We’d prefer you not to smoke.
We’d rather_______________________________________________________________
1. Though my house was cheaper than Norman’s, it is bigger and more attractive.
Norman’s house may_______________________________________________________
2. The fate of the two climbers is unknown.
It is a mystery_____________________________________________________________
3. I do not enjoy cooking for five hungry children.
4. Don’t you wish you could get out more in the evenings?
Don’t you get fed__________________________________________________________
5. The President is the statesman I admire most of all.
There is__________________________________________________________________
6. It was more of an argument than a discussion.
It was not so______________________________________________________________
7. While I strongly disapprove of your behaviour, I will help you this time.
Despite my_______________________________________________________________
8. They never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.
9. You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs Jones.
Mrs Jones is_______________________________________________________________
10. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
The less__________________________________________________________________
1. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed.
There’s no point___________________________________________________________
2. What a surprise to see you here!
Fancy ___________________________________________________________________
3. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
But for his command________________________________________________________
4. We couldn’t relax until all the guests had gone home.
5. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the meeting.
6. Galileo is considered to be the father of modern astronomy.
Galileo is regarded_________________________________________________________
7. The last time it rained was a fortnight ago.
8. There is always trouble when he comes to visit us.
9. The doctor advised me to rest.________________________________________________
The doctor suggested_______________________________________________________
10. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week.
There has_________________________________________________________________
1. She didn’t say a word as she left the room.
She left the room___________________________________________________________
2. The students’ riotous behaviour should have been severely punished.
The students deserved_______________________________________________________
3. We only dispatch goods after receiving the money.
Only after the money_______________________________________________________
4. You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out.
No matter________________________________________________________________
5. You really should be able to dress yourself by now!
It’s high__________________________________________________________________
6. Everyone heard about the accident before I did.
I was the_________________________________________________________________
7. He was suspended for two matches for sweating at the referee.
Swearing at the referee earned________________________________________________
8. My parents find fault with everything I do.
No matter________________________________________________________________
9. I write to him almost every day.
10. I’m sorry I missed Professor Baker’s lecture.
I’m sorry not______________________________________________________________
1. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister.
Had it not_________________________________________________________________
2. My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time last year.
I was____________________________________________________________________
3. As I get older, I want to travel less.
The older_________________________________________________________________
4. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.
The patient made __________________________________________________________
5. John didn’t celebrate until he received the offer of promotion in writing.
Not until_________________________________________________________________
6. I don’t intend to apologise to either of them.
I have____________________________________________________________________
7. The Pacific Ocean is on average deeper than the Atlantic.
The average_______________________________________________________________
8. We couldn’t find George anywhere.
George was_______________________________________________________________
9. There aren’t many other books which explained this problem so well.
In few other books_________________________________________________________
10. The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard every day.
Only by__________________________________________________________________
1. The noise next door did not stop until after midnight.
It was not_________________________________________________________________
2. Is this the only way to reach the city centre?
Isn’t there________________________________________________________________?
3. They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left.
Only after a_______________________________________________________________
4. It won’t make any difference if it rains because we’ll still go.
We’ll still go______________________________________________________________
5. The result of the match was never in doubt.
At no time________________________________________________________________
6. There are more people out of work in this country than ever before.
7. You pay £20 a month for a period of one year.
You pay in twelve successive_________________________________________________
8. If the work is finished by lunchtime, you can go home.
9. Provided your handwriting is legible, the examiner will accept your answer.
So long as the examiner_____________________________________________________
10. “If you must go out tonight, at least finish your homework first!” said Sarah’s father.
Sarah’s father said that if____________________________________________________
1. Although he was not guilty, they executed him.
In spite of________________________________________________________________
2. I certainly don’t intend to reply to that rude letter from Edward.
I have____________________________________________________________________
3. “It certainly wasn’t me who took your car!” said Bob.
Bob denied_______________________________________________________________
4. Mary told the police about the burglary.
Mary reported_____________________________________________________________
5. We may not be able to give the concert.
The concert_______________________________________________________________
6. It is quite pointless to complain.
There’s no________________________________________________________________
7. It was his incompetence which led to their capture.
8. A house in that district will cost you at least £100,000.
You won’t be able__________________________________________________________
9. There isn’t a pair of thermal socks left in the shop, madam!
We are completely_________________________________________________________
10. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievements.
1. It was only when I left home that I realised how much my father meant to me.
Not until_________________________________________________________________
2. My father find maps hard to follow.
My father has_____________________________________________________________
3. Customs officials are stopping more travellers than usual this week.
An increased______________________________________________________________
4. I dislike it when people criticise me unfairly.
I object__________________________________________________________________
5. He speaks more persuasively than his brother.
He is a___________________________________________________________________
6. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
At no time________________________________________________________________
7. Their teacher is making them study hard.
They are_________________________________________________________________
8. We left quietly, so that we wouldn’t disturb the children.
So as____________________________________________________________________
9. This will be the orchestra’s first performance outside London.
This will be the first time____________________________________________________
10. The chances are that the whole thing will have been forgotten by next term.
In all____________________________________________________________________
1. He’ll settle down. Then his performance will improve.
2. Although Judy was severely disabled she participated in many sports.
Despite her_______________________________________________________________
3. The instructions say you just add boiling water to the soup powder.
The soup powder___________________________________________________________
4. People who haven’t been abroad shouldn’t criticise foreign customs.
Nobody who______________________________________________________________
5. Simon hadn’t expected that he would feel so weak after the operation.
The operation left__________________________________________________________
6. It’s nobody’s fault that the meeting was cancelled.
Nobody __________________________________________________________________
7. I never intended to go to the meeting.
I never had________________________________________________________________
8. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
It came___________________________________________________________________
9. The car was so rusty that it couldn’t be repaired.
The car was too____________________________________________________________
10. Alan worked too hard at the office, and this led to his illness.
Alan’s illness______________________________________________________________
1. I’m certainly not going to give you any more money.
I have no_________________________________________________________________
2. Their chances of success are small.
it is not___________________________________________________________________
3. It’s thought that he accident was caused by human error.
The accident is____________________________________________________________
4. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film, star attended.
Had it not_________________________________________________________________
5. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.
The last__________________________________________________________________
6. She listens more sympathetically than anyone else I know.
She is a__________________________________________________________________
7. Robert is sorry now that he didn’t accept the job.
Robert now wishes_________________________________________________________
8. He never has enough money.
He’s always_______________________________________________________________
9. I have never seen such a mess in my life!
Never in__________________________________________________________________
10. They were just as good as we had expected.
They certainly lived________________________________________________________
1. I would do anything for you.
2. Yogurt is supposed to be good for you.
Yogurt is supposed to do_____________________________________________________
3. Is it essential to meet your aunt at the station?
Does your aunt____________________________________________________________
4. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
5. Given fair warning, I could have avoided that date.
If you had told me__________________________________________________________
6. Please don’t say things like that.
I wish____________________________________________________________________
7. It would have been a superb weekend if it hadn’t been for the weather.
8. Dogs can swim better than cats can.
Cats cannot_______________________________________________________________
9. She hasn’t been to the hairdresser for three months.
10. There’s a spare bed in David’s room.
David’s room_____________________________________________________________
1. It was so late that nothing could be done.
It was too_________________________________________________________________
2. “I don’t think John will come,” said Bill.
Bill doubted_______________________________________________________________
3. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework last night.
I wish____________________________________________________________________
4. There was never any answer when we rang.
5. “Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Barry?” said John.
John suggested____________________________________________________________
6. You can’t visit the United States unless you get a visa.
If you____________________________________________________________________
7. I’m always nervous when I travel by air.
8. John only understood very little of what the teacher said.
John could hardly__________________________________________________________
9. Unless he phones immediately he won’t get any information.
10. “Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office manager.
The office manager wondered________________________________________________
1. “You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Margaret.
Margaret accused__________________________________________________________
2. He is said to have been in the French Foreign Legion.
People ___________________________________________________________________
3. The keepers feed the lions at 3. pm every day.
The lions_________________________________________________________________
4. Philippa asked Olive if she could remember where she’d put the camera.
Philippa said, “Olive,_______________________________________________________
5. “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William,” his mother said.
William’s mother told_______________________________________________________
6. Henry regretted buying the second-hand car.
Henry wished_____________________________________________________________
7. That meal was excellent!
8. Whose documents are these?
9. If you don’t want Sally to be angry with you, I suggest you apologise.
10. I asked the hotel porter to wake me at 8. o’clock the following morning.
1. The trains couldn’t run because of the snow.
The snow_________________________________________________________________:
2. The postman was bitten by our dog.
Our dog__________________________________________________________________
3. She asked John how he liked her new dress.
4. That’s an insulting name to use for him.
Don’t call________________________________________________________________
5. Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it
Despite his _______________________________________________________________
6. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter.
Peter asked if______________________________________________________________
7. He could not afford to buy the car.
The car__________________________________________________________________
8. Unless someone has a key, we can’t get into the house.
We can only get___________________________________________________________
9. How long is it since they bought the house?
10. “You’d better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth”, said John.
John advised Elizabeth______________________________________________________
1. It is one hundred years since the birth of D.H. Lawrence, the famous novelist.
D.H. Lawrence____________________________________________________________
2. “How old is your little boy?” said the nurse to Mrs Bingley.
The nurse asked Mrs Bingley_________________________________________________
3. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.
If we____________________________________________________________________
4. It is a six hour drive from London to Edinburgh.
It takes___________________________________________________________________
5. I’d rather not see him tomorrow.
I don’t___________________________________________________________________
6. Amanda finally managed to get a good job.
Amanda finally succeeded___________________________________________________
7. “I’ve seen the film three times, Mary,” said George.
George told_______________________________________________________________
8. “Have you had enough for lunch?” the landlady asked me.
The landlady asked_________________________________________________________
9. You might fall if you’re not careful.
Be careful________________________________________________________________
10. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again.
The date__________________________________________________________________
1. I didn’t arrive in time to see her.
I wasn’t early______________________________________________________________
2. We couldn’t drive because of the fog.
The fog prevented__________________________________________________________
3. A train leaves at eight o’clock every morning.
There is__________________________________________________________________
4. John asked if it was the blue one or the green she wanted.
5. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.
This is the first____________________________________________________________
6. She started working as a secretary five years ago.
She has__________________________________________________________________
7. “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” he asked.
He suggested______________________________________________________________
8. I’m sure you didn’t lock the front door. Here’s the key.
You can’t_________________________________________________________________
9. He couldn’t repair the broken vase.
10. I started work for the company a year ago.
I’ve been_________________________________________________________________
1. John Speke failed to find the source of the River Nile.
John Speke didn’t succeed___________________________________________________
2. I’m sure it wasn’t Mrs Elton you saw because she’s in Bristol.
It can’t___________________________________________________________________
3. “Where is the station car-park?” Mrs Smith asked.
Mrs Smith asked___________________________________________________________
4. Turn off all switches before leaving the workshop
All the___________________________________________________________________
5. Alice’s strange ideas astonished everybody.
6. They have sold that old house at the end of the road.
That old house_____________________________________________________________
7. I don’t really want to visit the museum.
I’d rather_________________________________________________________________
8. We ought to leave the party now if we are to catch the last train.
If we don’t________________________________________________________________
9. Mrs Edwards is the owner of that car.
That car__________________________________________________________________
10. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.
We are going______________________________________________________________
1. I’m sorry I was rude to you yesterday.
I apologise________________________________________________________________
2. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
In spite___________________________________________________________________
3. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice.
4. She liked Paris very little, and Rome less.
She thought Rome__________________________________________________________
5. After fighting the fire for 12 hours the firemen succeeded in putting it out.
The firemen managed_______________________________________________________
6. She knows a lot more about it than I do.
I don’t know______________________________________________________________
7. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.
In spite___________________________________________________________________
8. He prefers golf to tennis.
He’d rather_______________________________________________________________
9. The garden still needs digging.
The garden hasn’t__________________________________________________________
10. Susan felt sick, because she ate four cream cakes.
If Susan__________________________________________________________________
1. You should make an effort to get out and about more.
It’s high time______________________________________________________________
2. I’ve forgotten that commentator’s name but he’s very well-known.
That commentator,_________________________________________________________
3. Let’s invite the Marshalls to a barbecue on Sunday.
He suggested______________________________________________________________
4. It was overeating that caused his heart attack.
5. A new flu vaccine has been on trial since the beginning of the year.
6. If anyone succeeds in solving the problem, it will probably be him.
He is the most_____________________________________________________________
7. He met Jane, whom he later married, when he was at Cambridge.
He met Jane, who was_______________________________________________________
8. His behaviour is beginning to annoy me more and more.
I am beginning to__________________________________________________________
9. Most of the students ignored what the teacher was saying.
10. She discovered eight new comets in the course of her work.
Her work resulted__________________________________________________________

Complete the sentences using the word in bold. Use two to five words.
1. “You’ve broken my radio, Frank!” said Jane. ACCUSED
Jane____________________________________________________________her radio.
2. My car really needs to be repaired soon- MUST
I really______________________________________________________repaired soon.
3. Susan regrets not buying that house. WISHES
Susan__________________________________________________________that house.
4. I could never have succeeded without your help. YOU
I could never have succeeded_____________________________________________me.
5. I thought I might run out of cash, so I took my cheque-book with me. CASE
I took my cheque-book with me____________________________________out of cash.
6. Linda’s plans for a picnic have been spoilt by the weather. FALLEN
Linda’s plans for a picnic________________________________because of the weather.
7. The bread was too stale to eat. FRESH
The bread__________________________________________________________to eat.
8. Perhaps Brian went home early. MAY
Brian_________________________________________________________home early.
9. I can’t possibly work in all this noise! IMPOSSIBLE
It____________________________________________________work in all this noise!
10. The thief suddenly realised that the police were watching him. WATCHED
The thief suddenly realised that he_________________________________by the police.
1. Do you know who this coat belongs to? COAT
Do you know__________________________________________________________is?
2. Jo’s training accident meant she couldn’t take part in the race. PREVENTED
Jo’s training accident__________________________________________part in the race.
3. Cyclists are not allowed to ride on the station platform. MUST
Bicycles______________________________________________on the station platform.
4. To Alan’s amazement, the passport office was closed when he arrived. FIND
Alan_________________________________the passport office closed when he arrived.
5. It isn’t necessary to book tickets for the show in advance. NEED
You__________________________________________tickets for the show in advance.
6. The top shelf was so high that the children couldn’t reach it. HIGH
The top shelf was________________________________________the children to reach.
7. I’d prefer you to start work next week. RATHER
I _________________________________________________________work next week.
8. “Do you remember what you have to do?” the teacher asked her class. WHAT
The teacher asked her class if___________________________________________to do.
9. It’s unusual for Carol to get angry with her staff. HARDLY
Carol_________________________________________________temper with her staff.
10. There is no ice-cream left. RUN
1. There’s no point in asking George to help. WORTH
I __________________________________________________________George to help.
2. Harry couldn’t get his parents’ permission to buy a motorbike. LET
Harry’s parents_________________________________________________a motorbike.
3. “Where have I left my sunglasses, David?” asked Susan. WHERE
Susan asked David_______________________________________________sunglasses.
4. John’s behaviour at the party annoyed me. JOHN
I was annoyed by the_____________________________________________at the party.
5. It’s a good thing you lent me the money or I would have had to go to the bank. YOU
I would have had to go to the bank________________________________me to money.
6. Matthew didn’t listen to what his doctor told him. NOTICE
Matthew took______________________________________________________advice.
7. Sheila had to finish the accounts and write several letters as well. ADDITION
Sheila had to finish the accounts__________________________________several letters.
8. When he was a child in Australia, Mark went swimming almost every day. HIS
Mark went swimming almost every day_____________________________in Australia.
9. Let’s visit the museum this afternoon. GO
Why_____________________________________________the museum this afternoon?
10. Valerie found it hard to concentrate on her book because of the noise. DIFFICULTY
Valerie_________________________________________her book because of the noise.
1. “Why don’t you wait by the phone box, Brenda?” said Leslie. BRENDA
Leslie suggested___________________________________________by the phone box.
2. Although he overslept, Clive wasn’t late for work. UP
Despite____________________________________on time, Clive wasn’t late for work.
3. I haven’t eaten food like this before. TIME
This is the__________________________________________________this sort of food.
4. After a long chase, the police finally succeeded in arresting the thief. TO
After a long chase, the police finally___________________________________the thief.
5. Diane was supposed to write to her parents last week. OUGHT
Diane_______________________________________________to her parents last week.
6. His handwriting is so small 1 can hardly read it. SUCH
He_____________________________________________________I can hardly read it.
7. Somebody has to pick the visitors up from the airport. UP
The visitors________________________________________________from the airport.
8. I wish I hadn’t told him what we were planning to do this evening. REGRET
for this evening.
9. Everyone was surprised to see Geoff leave the party early. SURPRISE
the party early.
10. All the witnesses said the accident was my fault. BLAME
All the witnesses said that________________________________________the accident.
1. No one has explained why our flight is delayed. REASON
No one has____________________________________________the delay to our flight.
2. I’d rather you didn’t phone me at work. PREFER
me at work.
3. When Mary wanted a new car, she had to save up for a year. MARY
It__________________________________________________save up to buy a new car.
4. They are letting David out of hospital next week. RELEASED
David___________________________________________________hospital next week.
5. “Did you leave a tip for the water. Dad?” I asked. HE
I asked my father__________________________________________a tip for the waiter.
6. Jane didn’t expect to win the competition, but she entered it anyway. WENT
Jane didn’t expect to win the competition, but she_______________________it anyway.
7. I do not intend to tell you my plans. INTENTION
I ___________________________________________________________you my plans.
8. Don’t sign for the parcel until you have checked that everything is there. YOU
Make sure that nothing is____________________________________sign for the parcel.
9. Sasha only moved to a new class because her teacher recommended it. SASHA
If her teacher hadn’t recommended it,_____________________________to a new class.
10. The motor in this machine needs cleaning once a week. HAS
The motor in this machine________________________________________once a week.
1. It would be difficult for me to finish the work by the weekend. DIFFICULTY
I__________________________________________________the work by the weekend.
2. Harry’s home is still in Spain, is it? LIVES
3. When Sandra walked out of the meeting, she didn’t say goodbye to anyone. WITHOUT
Sandra left_______________________________________________goodbye to anyone.
4. You can borrow my bike if you are in a hurry. MIND
I___________________________________________you my bike if you are in a hurry.
5. Angus rarely takes a holiday. RARE
It__________________________________________________________take a holiday.
6. We lost the game because of my mistake. FAULT
It was_______________________________________________________win the game.
7. Are you planning to do anything on Saturday? PLANS
8. Tim looks nothing like his father. TAKE
Tim_______________________________________________________his father at all.
9. The film I saw last week was better than this one. GOOD
This film_____________________________________________the one I saw last week.
10. I regret giving Dennis my phone number. DENNIS
I wish___________________________________________________my phone number.
1. I’d rather not spend another day at the beach. FEEL
I__________________________________________________another day at the beach.
2. I’ve never seen a match as good as this before. MATCH
This is______________________________________________________________seen.
3. The staff in that office all have great respect for their boss. LOOK
The staff in that office_____________________________________________their boss.
4. “Is there anything you want from the shops?” Alison asked her mother. THERE
Alison asked her mother if_____________________________________from the shops.
5. Sally might not bring her camera to the party, so I’ll take mine. IN
I’ll take my camera to the party_____________________________________bring hers.
6. We missed the turning because we forgot to take a map with us. REMEMBERED
If___________________________a map with us, we wouldn’t have missed the turning.
7. June was sure there was no mistakes in her homework. NOTHING
Jane was sure____________________________________________with her homework.
8. Although the weather changed, the picnic went ahead as planned. CHANGE
The picnic went ahead as planned________________________________in the weather.
9. I advise you to think carefully before accepting William’s offer. BETTER
You_________________________________carefully before accepting William’s offer.
10. Jackie hasn’t been swimming for five years. SWIMMING
The last_________________________________________________was five years ago.
1. Martin hasn’t mentioned the party to me at all. WORD
Martin hasn’t________________________________________________about the party.
2. Apparently, Sheila wasn’t listening to me. APPEAR
Sheila______________________________________________________listening to me.
3. Margaret was offered a place on the course but couldn’t accept because she was ill. TURN
Margaret was offered a place on the course but__________________because she was ill.
4. “I wouldn’t trust Frank with your money if I were you, Carl,” I said. ADVISED
I____________________________________________________Frank with his money.
5. I don’t know Leslie’s reasons for his resigning. IDEA
I__________________________________________________________Leslie resigned.
6. Have you any desks in stock which are cheaper than this? DESK
Is this___________________________________________________________in stock?
7. Teams of experts are examining the damage to the building. EXAMINED
The damage to the building___________________________________teams of experts.
8. Joe’s father used to insist that he washed the car at the weekend. MAKE
Joe’s father used to_____________________________________the car at the weekend.
9. I wish John still wrote to me. MISS
I______________________________________________________________from John.
10. Everyone think Alan will accept the job within the next few days. EXPECTED
Alan_________________________________________the job within the next few days.
1. I was never allowed to walk barefoot when I was a child. LET
My parents_______________________________________barefoot when I was a child.
2. I’m sure that her success made her parents feel wonderful. MUST
Her success_________________________________________________feel wonderful.
3. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” John said. APOLOGISED
John________________________________________________________leave so early.
4. This is the worst production of this play I have ever seen. BAD
I have_______________________________________________production of this play.
5. Mary moved here in 1987. LIVING
Mary______________________________________________________________ 1987.
6. I haven’t decided yet whether to move or not. MIND
I haven’t_____________________________________________whether to move or not.
7. It is increasingly difficult for me to read without my glasses. FINDING
I am______________________________________________to read without my glasses.
8. I will continue speaking only if you don’t interrupt me any more. STOP
I will continue speaking only_____________________________________________me.
9. Can you tell me what she looks like? DESCRIBE
10. They have been telling him that he should apply for this job. ENCOURAGING
They have been_________________________________________________for this job.
1. The person who encouraged me the most at school was my French teacher.
The person who________________________________at school was my French teacher.
2. I found this film quite disappointing. LET
I felt quite___________________________________________________________film.
3. The play was so boring that we left in the interval. SO
We were___________________________________________that we left in the interval.
4. “Mark, could you write up the report immediately?” Peter said. WANTED
Peter told Mark_________________________________write up the report immediately.
5. Please don’t go there now. RATHER
I ___________________________________________________________go there now.
6. I probably forgot to mention that the deadline is Tuesday. MAY
I _______________________________________________that the deadline is Tuesday.
7. I last heard this song ten years ago. BEEN
It ____________________________________________________ I last heard this song.
8. Please don’t stop your work. CARRY
Please_________________________________________________________your work.
9. This office is too small for two people. ENOUGH
This office__________________________________________________for two people.
10. “Could you wait a second while I get my books?” George asked Bridget. ASKED
George_______________________________________a second while he got his books.
1. Don’t you regret not learning to swim? WISH
Don’t you__________________________________________________________swim?
2. Working outdoors is much nicer than working in an office. NICE
Working in an office is not__________________________________________outdoors.
3. Maria will be ready any minute, and then we must leave. SOON
We must leave______________________________________________________ready.
4. The last time I saw him was when I lived in London. SINCE
I________________________________________________________I lived in London.
5. Why don’t you telephone me later to discuss this? GIVE
Why don’t you___________________________________________later to discuss this?
6. I was on the point of leaving the office. ABOUT
I was just__________________________________________________________office.
7. I am fed up with his behaviour. ENOUGH
I___________________________________________________________his behaviour.
8. Our senior manager is dealing with this matter, sir. BEING
The matter___________________________________________our senior manager, sir.
9. I don’t mind whether we have the meeting today or tomorrow. MAKES
It___________________________me whether we have the meeting today or tomorrow.
10. I’ve got to get a new computer. NEED
What I really_________________________________________________new computer.
1. People claim that he is the best tennis player of our times. SAID
He____________________________________________best tennis player of our times.
2. They left early because they didn’t want to get caught in the traffic. AVOID
They left early in order__________________________________________in the traffic.
3. Why didn’t they tell me about these changes earlier? SHOULD
I________________________________________________about these changes earlier.
4. Nobody plays this piece as beautifully as he does. MORE
He plays this piece________________________________________________________
5. If I don’t leave now, I’ll miss my train. UNLESS
I’ll____________________________________________________________leave now.
6. Would you like to go for a coffee in 10. minutes or so? ABOUT
How____________________________________________a coffee in 10. minutes or so?
7. It seems to me that her playing has developed amazingly in the past year. SEEMS
Her playing_________________________________________________in the past year.
8. Thanks for reminding me about this meeting — otherwise I would I have missed it. NOT
If you________________________________about this meeting, I would have missed it.
9. I don’t normally go into town by car. USED
I_________________________________________________________into town by car.
10. I would like to express my thanks for everything you have done for me. THANKFUL
I’d like to say___________________________am for everything you have done for me.
1. They decided to build a new school immediately. SHOULD
They decided that a_____________________________________________immediately.
2. He had a very traditional upbringing, didn’t he? TRADITIONALLY
He___________________________________________________________, wasn’t he?
3. I go out very little these days. HARDLY
4. My parents were always telling me what to do when I was small. BEING
I___________________________________________________to do when I was small.
5. She seemed quite unhappy when I saw her last week. LOOK
When I saw her last week,______________________________________________at all.
6. “Could I borrow five pounds from you, Rose?” asked Nick. LEND
Nick asked Rose if______________________________________________five pounds.
7. There’s no way we can agree to this solution. QUESTION
This solution_______________________________________as far as we are concerned.
8. I didn’t have enough time to visit the town properly. TOO
The time I had_____________________________________________the town properly.
9. Although I warned them not to climb that tree, they did. WARNING
In spite of___________________________________________________________tree.
10. There aren’t many people who have read this novel to the end, but John is one of _them.
John is_____________________________________who have read this novel to the end.
1. We won’t get to the airport in less than 30 minutes. LEAST
It will_________________________________________30 minutes to get to the airport.
2. Despite knowing the area well, I got lost. EVEN
I got lost_____________________________________________________the area well.
3. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy. WORD
I tried to_________________________________about the problem but he was too busy.
4. “I don’t mind which film we see, “I said. MATTER
I said that_____________________________________________me which film we saw.
5. If you don’t take care of those shoes, they won’t last for long. LOOK
Unless________________________________________, those shoes won’t last for long.
6. You’ve already lied to me once today. LIE
This is not the first________________________________________________me today.
7. Did you enjoy the party? GOOD
Did you_________________________________________________________the party?
8. Whenever I hear this song, I remember the time when I was in Paris. REMINDS
Whenever I hear this song,__________________________the time when I was in Paris.
9. I can’t describe people as well as you can. BETTER
You’re_____________________________________________________________I am.
10. You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided. OUGHT
You _______________________________________more carefully before you decided.
1. The authorities have improved the public transport system here recently.
The authorities__________________________the public transport system here recently.
2. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought. COURAGE
I ____________________________________________to tell him what 1 really thought.
3. It was easy for us to get tickets for the concert. NO
We__________________________________________________tickets for the concert.
4. He pretended to be enjoying himself, but he wasn’t really. AS
He acted_________________________________________himself, but he wasn’t really.
5. They probably don’t live at the same address any more. DOUBT
I ______________________________________________at the same address any more.
6. I didn’t agree with the idea. FAVOUR
I _______________________________________________________________the idea.
7. Sandra said that she was willing to work late. MIND
Sandra said that______________________________________________________late.
8. You’re tired because you stayed up very late last night. IF
You wouldn’t be tired__________________________________to bed earlier last night.
9. The number of tourists visiting this area rose last year. RISE
Last year________________________________the number of tourists visiting this area.
10. I hadn’t made a speech before, so I was very nervous. USED
Because I_______________________________________speeches, I was very nervous.
1. I suppose it’s possible that she didn’t understand my message. MAY
I suppose_______________________________________________________________
my message.
2. A local mechanic repaired our car. REPAIRED
We____________________________________________________by a local mechanic.
3. “Why don’t your relax for a while?” she said the me. TAKE
She suggested______________________________________________easy for a while.
4. The information I got from the assistant was so confusing that I didn’t know what to do.
The assistant_____________________________________that I didn’t know what to do.
5. It’s not worth worrying about the past,” I told him. POINT
I told him that their was________________________________________about the past.
6. If you don’t mind, I’d prefer not to sit next to the door. RATHER
If you don’t mind____________________________________________next to the door.
7. When I left she said that she hoped I had a pleasant journey. WISHED
She___________________________________________________________when I left.
8. I offered to help her but she said “No, thanks.” TURNED
She______________________________________________________________of help.
9. I usually walk to work but today I drove. INSTEAD
I drove to work today__________________________________________________foot.
10. He referred to his notes before answering the question. LOOK
He_____________________________________his notes before answering the question.
1. While I was driving, I realized that the car wasn’t working properly. WRONG
While I was driving, I realized that_____________________________________the car.
2. I couldn’t go to work because of the transport strike. PREVENTED
I _____________________________________________to work by the transport strike.
3. I was the only person who wanted to watch the programme. ELSE
There was______________________________me who wanted to watch the programme.
4. He watched videos all day. ENTIRE
He spent__________________________________________________________videos.
5. It will be necessary to pay the full amount when you book. HAVE
The full amount_____________________________________________when you book.
6. I didn’t see her again for five years. BEFORE
Five years had____________________________________________________her again.
7. I don’t think she likes doing other people’s work for them. OBJECTS
I think__________________________________________other people’s work for them.
8. Jeremy frequently invents ridiculous stories like that! MAKE
It is typical_________________________________________a ridiculous story like that!
9. The police think that he was one of the robbers. TAKING
The police suspect_______________________________________________the robbery.
10. Because he was so proud, he couldn’t admit that he was wrong. TOO
He had__________________________________________________that he was wrong.
1. I strongly advise you to tell her you’re sorry. APOLOGIZE
I think you’d__________________________________________________________her.
2. It is likely that my friends haven’t received my letter yet. UNLIKELY
My friends____________________________________________________my letter yet.
3. He seemed to be worried about something. IMPRESSION
I_______________________________________________________was worrying him.
4. I’ve never seen anyone play so skillfully before. MUCH
I’ve never seen anyone play___________________________________________before.
5. What caused him to change his mind? REASON
What was________________________________________________________of mind?
6. When should we collect the books we ordered last week? SUPPOSED
When______________________________________up the books we ordered last week?
7. ‘‘It’s important that you don’t tell anyone else what I’ve told you,” she said to him.
She urged__________________________________. anyone else what she had told him.
8. I was surprised to discover that the hotel was a long way from the city centre. TURNED
To_____________________________that the hotel was a long way from the city centre.
9. She would like a job that will allow her to travel abroad a lot. GIVE
She would like a job that will_________________________________travel abroad a lot.
10. ‘You took it without paying for it, didn’t you?’ the shopkeeper said to her. ACCUSED
The shopkeeper_________________________________________without paying for it.
1. The two boys were sitting by themselves in the classroom. OWN
The two boys were sitting_____________________________________in the classroom.
2. “I have an interview tomorrow, so I ought to leave soon,” Yannis said. BETTER
“I have an interview tomorrow, so I___________________________soon,” Yannis said.
3. The film will have started, so it’s not worth going to the cinema now. POINT
The film will have started, so_________________________in going to the cinema now.
4. Roberto arrived late this morning because his train was delayed. TIME
If the train_______________________Roberto would not have arrived late this morning.
5. I had never met Pia’s husband before. FIRST
It______________________________________________I had ever met Pia’s husband.
6. Abdul’s mother didn’t let him play on the computer until he had done his homework.
Abdul’s mother___________________his homework before he played on the computer.
7. Although the police chased them, the thieves didn’t get caught. EVEN
The thieves managed to get______________________________the police chased them.
8. Considering that Luke is so young, you must admit he’s making excellent progress as a
musician. ACCOUNT
If you_______________________young Luke is, you must admit he’s making excellent
progress as a musician.
9. I think Robert is too young to look after his brother. CARE
I think Robert isn’t_____________________________________________of his brother.
10. Tomas put up a fence so that people didn’t walk on his garden. PREVENT
Tomas put up a fence___________________________________________on his garden.
1. The twins are eager to see their cousins again in the summer. LOOKING
The twins____________________________________their cousins again in the summer.
2. The last time Enrico saw Gloria was the day they left school. SEEN
Enrico has____________________________________________the day they left school
3. Luckily, we had enough glasses at the party. RUN
Luckily, we______________________________________________glasses at the party.
4. Nicholas finally managed to get his new video recorder to work. SUCCEEDED
Nicholas finally_________________________________his new video recorder to work.
5. You did not take enough care over your homework last week. OUGHT
You__________________________________more care over your homework last week.
6. Reuben is the only person to have won the championship three times running. NOBODY
Apart________________________________________ever won the championship three
times running.
7. Despite winning the race, he wasn’t very pleased. EVEN
He wasn’t very pleased,_____________________________________________the race.
8. It’s a fairly long time since I last watched this programme. QUITE
I haven’t watched this programme________________________________________time.
9. Were you able to complete all your work yesterday? GET
Did you manage :_____________________________________all your work yesterday?
10. His first novel was better than this one. GOOD
This novel is not_______________________________________________one he wrote.


Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce from the following sets of words
and phrases, sentences that together make a complete letter or paragraph. Example: I /
use / live / this / house / when / young
Answer: I used to live in this house when I was young.
Dear Peter,
1. I / be / very surprised / get / letter.
2. I / not know / you arrive back / England.
3. You have good time / New York?
4. I look forward / hear / all about it.
5. Thank you / invite / me / dinner next weekend.
6. I be afraid / not able / come / Saturday.
7. But I be / free / following weekend.
8. Why / you call me / next few days?
Yours, Mary
Dear Mr Smith,
1. Thank you letter / offer me / job.
2. I be / very glad / you choose / me.
3. But I be afraid / be unable accept / offer.
4. I take up / similar position / another company soon.
5. As pay conditions / better there /I / turn down offer.
6. Other company / also situated / nearer / home.
7. Thank you / time / you give / my application.
8. I be sure you find / suitable applicant / fill / vacancy.
Yours sincerely, Charles Brown
Dear Peter,
1. I feel / very happy / get / letter / after /-such / long time.
2. It be / absolutely ages / since /I hear you.
3. You like / come / stay / me / countryside.
4. You all be / very welcome / you want / visit.
5. What about / come / end / next month?
6. My wife / miss you both / often speak / you.
7. Don’t think / children / love / visit / countryside?
8. Write soon / let / know / when / you / come.
Fondly, Alan
Dear Paul,
1. At last / arrive / Paris / but / terrible trip.
2. Train / crowded / ferry / delay / two hours.
3. When / finally set off / weather / awful.
4. I / sick all / time / arrive / feel / very weak.
5. I decide / this / last time /I / travel / ferry.
6. Next time /I / book / seat / plane.
7. Although / journey / so bad / must say /I / enjoy / stay / you / London.
8. Remember / you / stay / me / any time / you / come / Paris.
9. I / mean it / when say / hope / that be / soon.
Fondest wishes, Angela
Dear Hamish,
1. I / sorry / not / write / so / long.
2. I / work / very hard / school.
3. My course / finish / two weeks’ time. /I / go / Scotland.
4. If / enough / money, / go / Ireland / as well.
5. I think / best / way / practise / English.
6. Be / possible / stay / you / couple / nights?
7. I / promise / not / be / nuisance.
8. I / even / some cooking.
Love, Franz
Dear Bill.
1. It / ages /I / hear / you.
2. Hope / everything / go / well.
3. I / write / ask / you / know / family / need / au pair.
4. My sister / 18 years old / want / spend / year / England.
5. She / not mind / look / children / and / good / housework.
6. She / go / university / next year / study English.
7. Look / forward / hear / you.
Yours,. Stefano
Dear Sally.
1. I / be / delighted / get / your letter this morning.
2. I / have / very clear / memory / Richard. He seem / such / nice / boy.
3. Congratulations. I hope / you / be / happy together.
4. Unfortunately /I / not be able / come / wedding.
5. At my age /I not think /I find / journey / easy.
6. All / same /I love give you / wedding present.
7. You / write / tell me / what / you / like / present?
8. My thoughts / be / with you both / the big day.
9. not forget / send / me / photographs / piece / wedding cake.
All my love and very best wishes for the future.
Aunt Mary
Dear Robert,
1. Thank you / letter /I receive / when / get home / last night.
2. I be pleased / hear you / after such / long time.
3. I love / go ballet / with you / but I / not be free / until 630 p.m.
4. How about come / my flat / and have / something / eat / before / go?
5. I/not want/take my car/because it be / difficult / find somewhere / park.
6. Why / we not go / taxi ?
7. Let hope / dancing be / good as / reviews say.
8. I look forward / see you / tomorrow night.
Love, Jackie
Dear Jerry
1. I write / say / how sorry /I be / hear / death / your grandfather.
2. He / be / such / wonderful man. I / miss him / lot.
3. His sudden death / must be / shock / you / your family.
4. I remember have / long conversation / him / only / few days ago.
5. He used / be / active / garden / interested / everything around him.
6. I / really like / attend / funeral / pay / last respects.
7. If it be / just / family affair /I / quite understand.
8. Please / not hesitate / contact me / if / be / anything /1 can do / help you.
Yours sincerely, Miranda
Dear Julia
1. I be sorry / it take / so long / reply / your letter.
2. You be pleased / know /I come / London next weekend.
3. It seem / long time / we meet.
4. I wonder / you like / go / see a film / a play.
5. There be / new Harrison Ford film / at / Odeon.
6. Perhaps / can go / meal / drink afterwards.
7. Give / ring later / week / arrange / more definite.
See you soon,
Love, Martyn
Dear Mr Briggs,
1. Thank you / letter /I receive this morning.
2. Thank you also / invite me / come / interview / Tuesday next week.
3. Unfortunately I not able / attend / time / suggest.
4. Be possible / rearrange / interview / Wednesday morning?
5. I can be / office / 830 / morning.
6. I be most grateful / you can contact / to confirm / time.
7. I look forward / hear from you and / meet you / week.
Yours sincerely, Samuel Dawkins
1. Last / summer / friend / Charles / invite / me / stay / him.
2. Since / wife / die / 1978 / Charles / live / alone.
3. He / live / country / large / house / big / garden.
4. When III arrive /I / expect / find / beautiful / garden.
5. But / that / be / not / case.
6. Garden / look / wild / and / it / be / overgrow / weeds.
7. I / tell / Charles / how / surprise /I / be.
8. He / say / wife / be / gardener / because / he / always / hate / job.
1. Winter / before / last / be / long / hard / cold
2. We / feel / glad / at / last / spring / arrive
3. Family /I / spend / two / months / plan / summer / holiday
4. I / tell / them /I take / them / south / France / August
5. It / be / hot / there / August / and / sea / be / warm
6. We / all / look / forward / make / that / trip
7. We / go / as / plan / and / stay / month
8. It / be / wettest / summer / France / fifteen / years
1. When / Robert / be / boy / he / be / fond / chocolate
2. Price / small bar / chocolate / those days / be / two pence
3. That price / stay / same / throughout / Robert / childhood
4. Three months ago / price / chocolate bar / be / twenty pence
5. By last week / price / increase / twenty-six pence
6. This week /I / see / bar / cost / twenty-eight pence
7. How much / it / cost / 1999?
Dear Sir,
1. My wife /I / now / plan / holiday / next summer
2. We / like / go / Italy / two weeks
3. Holiday / begin / July 15th / we / return / July 29th
4. My wife / dislike / travel / coach / we / wish / go / air
5. We / expect / stay / hotel / east coast
6. We / grateful / you / send / information / details / charges
7. I / trust / you / able / help / arrangements .
Yours sincerely, E. Smith
16 Mr Burrows is telephoning his secretary, Miss Brown, explaining his absence.
1. Be / that you / Miss Brown / this / be / Burrows
2. I / be’/ unable / come / office / this morning
3. I / feel / unwell / yesterday / call / doctor
4. He / come / evening / examine me
5. He / say /I / have / mild attack / fever
6. And he / advise / me / stay / bed / few days
7. I / hope / I / be / better / by Thursday
8. Please / not / worry / anything / till then
17 A letter from David Walker to a hotel manager.
Dear Sir,
1. I / like / stay / your hotel / two nights / at / end / this month
2. You / kind / reserve / single room / me?
3. I / arrive / evening / July 28 / leave / early / July 30
4. If possible /I / prefer / room / first floor / private bath
5. I / expect / breakfast / evening meal / not lunch.
6. I / be / glad / know / you / manage / this reservation
7. When / reply / please / send / list / hotel charges
Yours truly, David Walker
1. Three-quarters / surface / earth / cover / with water.
2. Rest / be / dry land / because / it / rise / above / water.
3. Seas / lands / not be / always / their / present positions.
4. Some lands / be / once / under / sea / but now / be / above it.
5. Long ago / perhaps / sea / cover / your country / or part / it.
6. Movements / changes / earth / take place / continuous / but / slow.
7. Today / world / not look / the same / in / distant future.
19 A letter from Charles to his friend David.
Dear David,
1. When / we / meet / last / we / talk about / our gardens.
2. You / tell / me / you / often grow / roses / your garden.
3. Well /I / buy / half / dozen / rose plants / last November.
4. Four / these / grow / well / at present.
5. But /I / very / worry / about / other two.
6. These / be / first / roses /I / ever grow.
7. I / very / much / like / have / your advice / them.
8. You / come / see / them / this weekend / next?
Yours ever, Charles
20 A letter from Mrs D. Smith to the trader from whom she bought her washing machine.
Dear Sir,
1. Three months ago /I / buy / new / washing machine I your shop.
2. Machine / give me / good service / since /I / buy / until yesterday.
3. I / sorry / tell you / something / now / go wrong / it.
4. There / be / strange noise / come / machine I and it / not work.
5. You / please / send / engineer / look / it?
6. I / be / home / mornings / all / week / until one p.m.
7. I / glad / you / come / before / end / week.
Yours sincerely, (Mrs) D. Smith
11 A letter from a student, Paul, to his English landlady.
Dear Mrs Batley,
1. I / arrive / home / last night / after / pleasant flight / London / Rome.
2. I / always / remember / month /I / just / spend / England.
3. It / help / my study / English / lot / and /I /enjoy / it.
4. I / also / enjoy / my stay / your house / very much.
5. It / be / like home / me / and you / be / very kind.
6. I / be / sure / you / be / finest cook / England.
7. I / look / forward / stay / you / again next summer.
Yours sincerely, Paul
22 A letter from Sally inviting her friend Barbara to stay with her.
Dear Barbara,
1. It / be / month / since /I / write you.
2. And we / not meet / or see / each other / three months.
3. Now here / be / suggestions /I / be / very happy / make.
4. You / come / stay here / me / weekend / after next?
5. I / love / have you / Friday evening / Monday morning.
6. I / have / lot of / news / give you / many questions / ask.
7. Please write back / me / soon / possible.
Yours ever, Sally
23 A conversation between a policeman and a motorist.
1. Be / you / owner / this car / sir?
2. Yes / officer / there / be / nothing wrong / be / there?
3. It / park / here / last two hours / and that / be / wrong
4. When /I / arrive / there / be / several cars / park / here
5. Well / they / all go / now. You / be / unlucky one
6. It / be / kind / you / overlook / it / officer
7. All right. I / not take / action / this time. But / be / warn / sir
8. Thank you. I / certainly not / commit / offence / again
24 A call to a doctor’s office from a patient who wants to see the doctor.
1. Hullo. This / be / Dr Smith / office. Who / speak / please?
2. George Baker. I / like / make / appointment / see / doctor/ soon / possible.
3. Doctor / see / you / Wednesday / Thursday / morning / Mr Baker. Which / you / prefer?
4. If / he / be / free / tomorrow /I / be / glad / see / him / then.
5. I / be / afraid / he / be / fully / book / up / until Wednesday.
6. That / be / pity. What time /I / come / Wednesday?
7. Come / ten o’clock / Mr Baker. Then / you / not have / wait / very long.
25 A letter in answer to an advertisement in a newspaper.
Dear Sir / Madam,
1. I / see / your advertisement / yesterday / “Daily Message”
2. And I / be / interest / piano / you / have / sale
3. Before /I/ arrange /see / instrument / you / please / send me / more information?
4. I / wish / know / if / piano / be / upright / or / grand / type
5. I / also / be / glad / if / you / tell / me / age / instrument
6. And / lowest / price / you / accept / it
7. I / be / free / visit / you / Thursday / October 12
8. Kindly / indicate / time / that / be / most convenient / you
Yours sincerely,
1. Remains / ancient cities / be / popular / modern tourists
2. They / enjoy / see / places / which / ancient people / live / and / work
3. Ruins / Pompeii / Italy / tell / us / life / first century AD
4. Inhabitants / this city / all / kill / one week / volcanic disaster
5. They / die / their homes / or / their work / or / try / escape
6. Over / past / hundred years / volcanic dust / ash / Pompeii / dig / away
7. And we / see / people / Pompeii / as they / be / day / they / die
1. When Judy / be / young / she / want / be / nurse
2. She / tell / everyone / she / be / nurse / when she / grow / up
3. School / she / do / everything possible / help / achieve / ambition
4. When she / be / eighteen / she / accept / for / train
5. During her / train / she / suspect / she / make / mistake
6. But she / pass / all / examinations / and / qualify / nurse
7. Year / later / she / leave / profession. Poor Judy! She / hate /sight / blood
28 A letter from a man to his boss, asking for an increase of salary.
Dear Sir,
1. I / beg / you / consider / pay / me / increase / my salary
2. I / be / member / your staff / past / two years
3. My salary / when /I / appoint / be / £150 / month
4. Since then / there / be / rise / 20% / cost / living
5. Throughout / period /I / trust / you / satisfy / my work
6. I / be / glad / have / opportunity / greater / responsibility
7. And I / be / willing / move / any other office / your company
8. I / be / confident / you / give / favourable /reply / this application.
Yours faithfully,
29 A letter of thanks from Nicola to her Aunt Margaret.
Dear Aunt Margaret,
1. Weekend /I / just / spend / you / be / very pleasant indeed.
2. I / not / enjoy / myself / so much / many months.
3. Your cooking / be / even better /I / remember / it.
4. I / be / very grateful / sandwiches / you / make / my journey home.
5. Trip / be / comfortable / and take / only two hours.
6. Thank you / give / me / such / agreeable / time.
7. I / hope / you / not / forget / your promise / return / visit / June.
With love, Nicola
30 A letter to a person recovering from an illness.
1. I / hear / yesterday / you / just / leave / hospital.
2. This / be / very good news / and /I / relieve / hear / it.
3. You / have / difficult / time / past / month.
4. Hospital / one / feel / too helpless / do / anything.
5. I / hope / you / continue / rest / next few weeks.
6. I / send / you / today / small / parcel / books and magazines.
7. I / like / visit / you / next / Friday / half past two.
8. Please / not / make / special preparations / this visit.
Yours sincerely,

1. I (never see) anyone more punctual than your brother.
2. I (meet) your brother this afternoon at Green Street.
3. I understand you (have) an unpleasant experience at the weekend. What (happen) exactly?
4. He (light) a cigarette and (walk) to the window.
5. My clothes are not in the room. They (take) them away.
6. “Good night. It (be) nice to meet you,” he. (say) and (go) off to his car.
7. A lot of modern medicines (make) from plants.
8. The music for “The Marriage of Figaro’’ (write) by Mozart.
9. The results (announce) tomorrow morning at nine o’clock.
10. All the beautiful buildings in our cities (destroy) by exhaust gases from cars - we must (do)
something to stop this.
1. The statue (break) while it (move) to another room in the museum.
2. She (sleep) for 10 hours! You must wake her.
3. David (repair) the TV set at the moment. He (work) at it for one hour or so.
4. David (wash) his hands. He just (repair) the TV set.
5. Why you all (laugh)? Jim (tell) you his anecdotes?
6. I (work) at my report since Monday. Now I (write) the conclusion.
7. Tell them to stop and take a rest. We (work) long enough.
8. Ms Abbott (walk) home from work when she (see) the child fall off the bridge.
9. After (shout) for help, she (take) off her shoes and (jump) in (save)’him.
10. I can’t go with you as I (not finish) my work.
1. The performance (begin) at 7 o’clock and (last) for three hours. We all (enjoy) it.
2. “You (be) here before?” “Yes, I (spend) my holidays here last year.”
3. He (leave) for London two years ago and I (not see) him since.
4. You (be) to the laboratory this week?
5. “You (find) the key which you (lose) yesterday?” “Yes. I (find) it in the pocket of my other
6. I (see) him in the library today. We (be) there together.
7. We never (meet) him. We don’t know what he looks like.
8. I suppose when I (come) back in two years’ time, they (pull) down all these old buildings.
9. We (finish) all our housework by tomorrow evening.
10. “Your face (be) dirty, Tom.” - “All right, I (wash) it.
1. “You have just missed the last train.” “Never mind, I (walk).”
2. When we (take) our exams, we (have) a holiday.
3. “You (know) the way to the Globe Theatre?” “No.” “Then I (show) you.”
4. Thousands of people (see) this exhibition by the end of the month.
5. By the time you (finish) cooking they (do) their homework.
6. I don’t think he (change) in the thirty years I (know) him.
7. Then about a year ago he (disappear) and I (never hear) from him since.
8. My father (fight) for four years in the last war.
9. I’m taking my daughter out tonight. She (not have) fun for a long time.
10. You’re just in time to hear a nice bit of news. Our neighbour is engaged to get married. He
(bring) me the news himself this morning.
1. Coming into the room he (see) Mary where he (leave) her.
2. What you (do) if you (be) in my situation?
3. He greeted her. She really (look) better than when he (see) her last. Yes, she (change).
4. After the guests (leave) she (go) back into the living-room and (switch) off the light.
5. I sat down at the desk and (wonder) why my father’s letter (not arrive) yet. I (write) to ask
him to send me some money at once.
6. He never fails (arrive) in time to help me.
7. On arrival at home I (find) that she just (leave) just a few minutes before.
8. Come to see me at 5 this afternoon. I (not arrive) home until 4:30.
9. Behave yourself, Lucy. If you (do) that again, you (have) to go to bed.
10. When Alice (get) here, you (show) her to her room?
1. We couldn’t risk (leave) him alone.
2. Their marriage only lasted three months. If he (be) less mean, she (not leave) him.
3. Good, everybody’s ready. If we (leave) now, we (miss) the rush hour traffic.
4. The dinner (leave) on the table untouched.
5. I don’t know what’s the matter with him. He (act) funny since you (be) away.
6. I (sit) there for about ten minutes, pretending to read, when someone (sit) down at my table.
7. He was sure that there’ (be) a serious row when Hugh (hear) of it.
8. I’m sure you (forget) me by the time I (be) back in five years.
9. Don’t worry. He (promise) to come if he (have) time.
10. Stay here till the lights (turn) green.
1. Avoid (use) the infinitive after the expression “It’s no use”.
2. If you (smoke) less, you (have) much more money. But I don’t think you ever will.
3. She shan’t have any pudding until she (eat) her potatoes.
4. No one’ (know) when he (come) tomorrow, or whether he (come) at all.
5. As Hugh and I (come) down the steps we nearly (run) into my father.
6. No sooner I (arrive) than I (send) her a letter to say that I had a present for her.
7. I’ll get back as soon as I (get) through with my business.
8. He (not go) forty yards in the direction of Piccadilly when he (meet) Mary.
9. We’ve lost the camera. If we (lock) the car window, we (not give) them the opportunity to
break in.
10. He threatens (resign) if we (not agree) to his proposal.
1. I know it’s a delicate situation, Inspector, but what you (say) if I (give) you a little present?
2. The police hope (solve) the mystery soon.
3. This room will look very cheerful once you’ve finished (decorate).
4. She stopped walking. On the other side of the road (be) the bus stop where she first (meet)
5. If you (want) to see us, come to Tom’s on Sunday. We (wait) for you there at midday.
6. Come in, please. I (wait) for you long.
7. Who you (go) to the cinema with last night?
8. Some sound in the night (wake) me up. I (roll) over in the blanket his aunt (loan) me and
(go) out.
9. For a moment after their son (leave) the room, Mr and Mrs Smith merely (stand) and (look)
at each other.
10. The small room (fill) with boxes of different sizes which (deliver) the day before.
1. If you (press) that button, a receptionist (come) to help you.
2. The defeated champion swore (have) his revenge.
3. When we (arrive) in London tonight, it probably (rain).
4. Detective: I’m afraid I must ask you both what you (do) yesterday at 10:20 p.m.
Mr X: I (play) chess with my wife.
Mr Y: I (listen) to a play on the radio.
5. The film was marvellous. If you (come) with us, you (enjoy) it too.
6. You must practise (speak) English whenever you can.
7. It was a fine day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people (rush) to the seaside.
8. You (not see) my sister for a long time. You (visit) us tonight?
9. These were the highest words of praise they ever (hear) from the old man.
10. If I (be) the Prime Minister, I (bring back) the capital punishment.
1. He would never miss (go) to such a good party.
2. At this time next week they (sit) in the train on their way to Paris.
3. He (step) down from the bench on which he (stand) and (walk) out of the room.
4. By 2015 this area (be) turned into an industrial centre.
5. The game (play) well by both teams last Sunday.
6. Don’t leave until you (talk) to the headmaster about the problem.
7. If we don’t hurry the sun (rise) before we (reach) the top.
8. He says he detests (read) science fiction.
9. The radio (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone (turn) it off.
10. I came late to class. When I (enter) the teacher (finish) going over the previous lesson and
(write) something on the blackboard.
1. I couldn’t resist (laugh) at the way he (answer) my question.
2. He says he is considering (go) to Scotland this summer.
3. They (have) English from nine to ten in this room. Don’t let anyone disturb them then.
4. The aeroplane in which the football team (travel) crashed soon after taking off.
5. I (make) cakes. That’s why my hands are all covered with flour.
6. He (work) as a cashier for twenty-five years. Then he (retire) and (go) to live in the country.
7. Without further delay Mark (din1) the number he (want) from the beginning.
8. She (draw) the children to her, and (say) the words she (say) to the others.
9. There was nobody around. John (stand) where she (leave) him.
10. He refused (join) us on the trip to the mountains.
1. Within a week she (know) the fearful mistake she (make).
2. How long shall I have to bear (listen) to it all?
3. I suggest (go) there on foot.
4. It is nearly autumn, soon the leaves (change) colour.
5. The children were frightened because the lights suddenly (go) out and they (sit) in the dark.
6. There (be) something vaguely familiar about her face but I couldn’t remember where I (see)
her before.
7. It (rain) hard. We can’t do anything until it (stop).
8. She (get) to her feet, (slip) into her coat, and (go) to the door. When she (open) it, she (look)
back at her mother.
9. What tune (play) when we (come) in ?
10. She told me that her family (live) in that town long.
1. I (sit) down for a rest while the shoes (repair).
2. Can you imagine what I (come) across when I (roll up) the carpet?
3. We suggested (sleep) in hotels but the children were anxious (camp out).
4. Paul: Would you like (come) to a lecture on Wagner tonight?
Ann: No, thanks. I like (listen) to music but I don’t like (listen) to people (talk) about it.
5. Would you children mind (keep) quiet for a moment ? I’m trying (fill) in a form.
6. It’s no use (ask) children (keep) quiet. They can’t help (make) a noise.
7. On the way to Oxford I stopped (have) a cup of coffee at a roadside restaurant and when I
(come) out of the restaurant it (stop) (rain).
8. It was two o’clock. Eliza (be) suddenly thoroughly awake. She (sit) up in bed and (circle)
her knees with her arms. It (rain), the way it (rain) for days.
9. That evening we (stay) up to talk about the town, where he (live) for some years.
10. I (be) in this town for 15 years. My family (move) here when I (be) 10 years old.
1. A moment, please. I (be) not ready yet but I (be) in a couple of minutes.
2. Listen! Unless you (work) very hard, you (not get) anywhere in your studies.
3. I (be) not able to join them in the bicycle ride into the country. I (lend) John my bike the
day before.
4. “I (come) to see you tomorrow unless I (keep) late at the office.”
“Okay. I (wait) for you around noon.”
5. Coming up to the desk he (take) the key that (leave) there by the doorman and (start) up the
stairs to his room. Inside he (find) that the letters (be) not where he (leave) them. His room
(break) in while he was out.
6. The man who (answer) the phone (say) he (read) all about the scandal in the newspapers a
year or two before.
7. “Anyone (live) in this flat ?” I (shake) my head and (say): “It (be) years since the last tenant
(move) out.”
8. I (think) about you a lot lately and I (come) to the conclusion that I (be not) able to live
without you.
9. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.
10. It always rains when the windows just (clean).
1. I (not see) her since we (leave) school.
2. The car (be) ready for him by the time he (come) tomorrow.
3. It won’t be safe to use these stairs until they (repair).
4. Make sure the door (lock) before you go to bed.
5. You (stop) by a policeman if you try to cross the road now.
6. They wouldn’t have got ill if the water (boil).
7. The grass looks as if it (not cut) for years. .
8. His book fell into the river and (lose) forever.
9. We (walk) for three hours and are very tired.
10. Evening (fall) when he (wake) up.
1. The last time he (see) in public he (wear) a grey suit.
2. I’m sure the letter won’t arrive in time unless it (send) by air.
3. We (sit) around silently for a moment, each trying to remember the names of the people we
(meet) at the party the night before.
4. England (win) the championship if they had played better.
5. The city now (crowd) with people who (seek) employment.
6. It’s high time that you (get) down to more serious work.
7. I’m going to retire soon. By the first of July I (work) here for 25 years.
8. “Your guest already (come) “I know.”
9. This was the talking between brothers who just (meet) up with each other.
10. He refused to admit that he (make) some corrections in the document.
1. He looked frightened as if he (see) a ghost.
2. Tom suggested (climb) to the top of the building for a better view of the fireworks display.
3. Last night we (watch) television when the power (fail).
4. The meat (taste) better if it (not cook) so long.
5. She was sure that she (slip) out of the house unnoticed while the others (dance)
6. Hardly he (take) up the book when the phone (ring).
7. We (be) in this class for 6 years next September.
8. I’d rather (be) unemployed than (work) for him.
9. He (wait) until the guest (leave) the room and then (sit) down at the desk.
10. When we came in a meal (already prepare) for us.
1. There (be) great changes in our village in the past few years.
2. Think carefully. I’m sure you (remember) his name.
3. Mr Wilson (make) some interesting statements yesterday.
4. The noise from the trains (annoy) me terribly last night.
5. I (search) everywhere for the pen I (lose) yesterday.
6. You can trust me. I remember (send) the documents right after you (sign) it.
7. I don’t mind (wait). I’d rather (be) too early than too late.
8. I think your garden needs (weed). And you’d better (have) it done tomorrow.
9. They (build) that bridge when I (be) there last year, they haven’t finished it yet.
10. The only thing I haven’t got is a garden. If I (have) one, I (grow) a lot of flowers.
1. Come in, Clive. Arnold and I (have) such an interesting talk.
2. “You (do) anything at the moment, Ann?”
“Yes, I (pack); I (catch) a plane to London in three hours’ time.”
“Lucky girl. How long you (stay) there?” — “Two weeks.”
3. If he (not start) at once he (be) late for the train.
4. Will you give me this book if I (need) it?
5. I (not have) much time for entertainment these days.
6. I (think) your father’s health (improve) so much since I (see) him last.
7. When I first (come) to this village, it was a quiet place. But since then the population
(double) and a lot of leisure facilities (build).
8. Don’t worry. We (finish) the report by 11.
9. Listen to this! I think this news (surprise) you.
10. The Ajax Shoe Company (employ) 25 new men next month.
1. Those students who (fail) the exam are going to take another one held in August.
2. All the tickets (sell) out by the time we arrived at the theatre.
3. “I just (go) out to get an evening paper.”
“But it (rain). Why you (not wait) till the rain (stop) ?
4. I (remember) this summer all my life.
5. We (ask) them to stay with us if they (come) again for the next meeting.
6. For the last three years I (spend) every minute of my life on this problem.
7. Hurry up or you (be) late for class.
8. Turn the TV off. By the time the lights (be) on again the TV station (stop) broadcasting.
9. Hurry up or our favourite TV programme (be) over long before we (reach) home
10. We came to sit on a park bench for a rest. We (shop) around all morning and (buy) a lot of
1. Only 25 new students (admit) into the department in 1994
2. We asked the librarian for the book the professor (recommend) while he (give) his lectures
on the history of World War II.
3. I’m going out for a walk. I (read) too long, in fact since early morning.
4. Just as I (leave) home for school the telephone (ring).
5. Stay in the house and wait till you (get) a phone call from him. He (tell) you where to look
for her.
6. I (do) my homework when my mother (send) me to the chemist’s with the prescription she
(give) by the doctor.
7. By the end of this month, I hope, I (write) 200 pages of my new novel.
8. It (take) a moment before Nick (realise) he (offer) a cigarette by the stranger.
9. It’s no use getting impatient. The plane (not arrive) until the weather (clear) up.
10. The experiment (make) when the lights (go) out.
1. He (be) to the theatre three times this month.
2. John and I (study) at the same school and we (be) great friends ever since.
3. Don’t wait up for me. I can’t tell when I (be) back.
4. Do you feel like (go) to the theatre or would you rather (watch) TV at home?
5. Here you are! What you (do) here at this time of night?
6. They (part) four days later at a hotel in Colombo where they.(meet).
7. Good-bye, Ned. I never (forget) you. I (miss) you more than anyone I ever (know) in my
8. The secretary (type) all the documents long before the manager comes.
9. Well, where you (be) all evening, James?
10. I’ll walk along the beach while you (bathe).
1. You see, I (do) this kind of thing for the last 30 years.
2. Go on to the next test as soon as you (finish) this one.
3. If you (go) away you (write) to me, won’t you ?
4. There are mice in your kitchen. If you (have) a cat, the mice (disappear).
5. She was badly hurt when her car hit another car. If she (wear) her seat belt, she (not hurt) so
6. Did the doctor recommend that you (stop) smoking ?
7. Is it important that we (be) on time for the meeting tonight ?
8. I feel as if my head (be) on fire now, doctor.
9. He talked as though he (know) where she was.
10. When he (start) talking, I (realise) that we (meet) before.
1. When I (look) at my suitcase, I could see that somebody (try) to open it.
2. When we (get) to the restaurant, we (find) that nobody (remember) to reserve a table.
3. The doctor (examine) him, and (find) that he (break) his arm.
4. I could tell at a glance that the pile of letters on my desk (disturb) while I (be) out.
5. We (be) a few minutes late, so the film (already start) when we (get) to the cinema.
6. As soon as she arrived England, she (find) that the language (be) quite different from the
English that she (learn) at school.
7. “Good afternoon. Can I help you?” - “Yes. I (bring) my watch to you for repair three weeks
ago. Is it ready yet?”
8. I wanted to be the first to tell her the news, but I was too late. Someone (already tell) her.
9. The children are filthy. Where they (be) ?
10. I’m going to bed. I (work) for hours and I’m tired.
1. I think she’s the nicest person I (ever meet).
2. The man at the corner table (glance) my way to see if I (listen).
3. There (be) a curious expression on his face I never (see) before.
4. Before the war he (be) a teacher at the University, as his father (be) before him.
5. We (catch) the last bus if we (leave) the theatre five minutes earlier.
6. It (be) one of the happiest afternoons he ever (spend).
7. And then, turning the corner of the path, he (see) Mary exactly where he (see) her the first
8. And, paying for what he (not eat), he (go) out, passing two acquaintances without sign of
9. She just (open) the letter a few moments before my call (come) through.
10. I wish I (see) more of him before the war.
1. Mr Brown just (finish) reading the letter when the telephone on his desk (ring).
2. He (come) into the room a moment after I (get) there.
3. She was breathing fast and deep, as if she (run).
4. I hardly (be) there 5. minutes when Mrs Brown (come) in with the coffee.
5. Scarcely they (move) into the new house when their friends (come) in.
6. I (meet) John before I (be) a fortnight in Paris.
7. After the telephone (buzz) for a long while, the doctor (answer) it.
8. As soon as the boys (enter) the hall they (begin) to speak about books and writers.
9. Roy (wait) until the door (close) behind him.
10. I wish I (know) you needed the book. I (can buy) it for you in London.
1. He no sooner (reach) the door than he (come) back.
2. I (be) very careful not to hint or remind her in any way of what she (tell) me.
3. While he (learn) to drive he (have) twenty-five accidents.
4. He (have) a bad fall while he (repair) his roof.
5. He was a little mad. He always (try) to prove that the earth was flat.
6. While we (fish) someone (come) to the house and (leave) this note.
7. The exam (just begin) and the candidates (write) their names at the top of their papers.
8. Just as I (wonder) what to do next, the phone (ring).
9. Tom (sit) in a corner with a book. I (tell) him that he (read) in very bad light.
10. I (go) into the garden to see what the boys (do). James (weed) and Alexander (cut) the
I (1. arrive) in New York on Thanksgiving Day ten years ago. It (2. be) a rainy, misty day, and
as the boat (3. approach) the harbour, I (4. be) able (5. see) only the vague outlines of the
famous skyline. When I (6. can) hear or feel the motions of the engine no longer, I (7. know)
that I (8. reach) America, my new home. I (9. greet) by an uncle of mine whom I (10. meet,
never) before. After the customs officials (11. clear) my baggage, I (12. go) to a magnificent
turkey dinner. I remember that I (13. be) a very unappreciative guest because I (14. feel) lonely.
I (15. can) understand neither the language of my hosts nor their attitude toward the food. Worst
of all, all the members of the family (16. scrutinise) me like a strange phenomenon which (17.
drop) in from an old and obsolete world. Strangely enough, no one (18. explain) the meaning of
Thanksgiving and the reason for the feast to me on the day of my arrival.
It (1. be) a long day, but by 9 o’clock the children (2. go) to bed. They (3. clear) away the
supper things and now they (4. look) forward to a couple of hours in front of the television.
Unfortunately the film (5. be) rather boring. Jim soon (6. fall) asleep and Sue (7. start) to think
about all her work. She (8. be) sure she (9. hear) a noise outside the window, so she (10. look)
up. A shadow (11. move) slowly through the garden. Her heart (12. race). She (13. turn) out the
light so that she (14. can) see better. There (15. be) nobody there. But she (16. see) that it (17.
snow) earlier that evening, and across the grass there (18. be) a line of footprints. A fox (19.
walk) across right in front of their window, and now it (20. look) at her from the far corner of
the garden.
One day a few years ago, I (1. enter) a small room and (2. sit) quietly, (3. look) through the
window, (4. wait). Time (5. run) by fast, but my excitement (6. let, not) me (7. be) aware of it.
After five, ten, fifteen minutes (8. pass) and no one (9. come) in, my impatience (10. reach) a
peak. However, nothing (11. go) wrong: it was only that I (12. arrive) earlier than I (13. be)
supposed to. At last, I (14. hear) steps; the door (15. open); a gentleman (16. come) in. (17.
Look) at me and (18. smile), he (19. greet) me affably.
I (20. respond, not) to his greeting: I simply (21. stare) at him and (22. smile) foolishly. (23.
Gesticulate) expressively, the man (24. continue) (25. speak). I (26. understand) not one word
that he (27. say). Nevertheless, he (28. go) on for forty-five minutes. Finally (29. stop), he (30.
bow) and (31. leave) the room.
The next day I (32. be) in the small room again, but that time I (33. be) able (34. answer) the
man’s greeting when he (35. appear). The day before, you (36. see), (37. be) my first English


1. About thirty million people are watching this programme.
2. We expect students not to talk during the examination.
3. You mustn’t touch this button while the experiment is in progress.
4. Someone will blow a whistle if there is an emergency.
5. Someone was carrying a bomb to a safe place when it exploded.
6. Don’t leave those boys alone or they’ll tear down the place.
7. They are building a new block of houses down the street.
8. No one has ever known him to be dishonest.
9. They have moved nothing in your room since they sent you to the hospital.
10. Are you interested in the job they have offered you?
1. No matter what we spend the money on, we must account for every penny.
2. They announced over the radio that the weather was changing for the better.
3. They pointed out the woman to him, and he went over to her.
4. I doubt whether they can explain anything now.
5. They explained to her who we all were.
6. They pointed out his mistakes to him.
7. People used oil-lamps years ago.
8. When they talked about the incident, they didn’t mention any names.
9. When did they open that hospital?
10. The atmosphere protects the earth from harmful radiation from the sun.
1. They haven’t sent us the book they published last year.
2. No one has made any comments on the event.
3. What do they call the new hotel?
4. They made us stay indoors while they were testing the new weapon.
5. They expect you to arrive at work 5. minutes earlier than the others.
6. Everybody thought that Jack was the laziest of all the pupils.
7. They have closed the motorway because they are repairing it.
8. Someone left the back door open and turned off the light in the yard.
9. We must wash this kind of cloth in warm water only.
10. We had to wait for 15 minutes before they put us through to him
1. People consume gas faster than they produce it.
2. No one has seen him anywhere this week.
3. They rumour that he has gone to Canada on some important business.
4. Evidently someone had informed him of the news before they announced it.
5. They explained to him how they should operate the machine.
6. No matter what we spend the money on, we must keep a record of the expenses.
7. Did anyone see you come in?
8. They should have told us how many books they wanted.
9. It was not until someone fired a shot that I realised that someone was chasing me.
10. He hates people staring at him while he is out in the street.
1. Nobody told me that they had discharged John from the hospital.
2. I want you to leave me alone.
3. I remember that my father took me to town to see that film.
4. Someone told him he could not take the examination.
5. He objects to people laughing at his mistakes.
6. The hosts gave us a very warm welcome.
7. Has anyone ever taught you how to behave?
8. Someone will tell her which bus to catch.
9. Thieves broke into the house.
10. Some teachers teach a lot of nonsense.
1. According to our history teacher, the Normans invaded England in 1066
2. They saw him walking with his friend before he got lost.
3. They have chosen me to play for the school football team.
4. Bad weather has delayed the plane for one hour.
5. Someone saw him pick up a stone and throw it at the riot police.
6. People often take him for his brother.
7. They didn’t take proper care of the children.
8. They have never satisfactorily explained the mysterious disappearance of the document.
9. In the physics lesson, we placed the test-tube in a centrifuge.
10. They have awarded the best pupil a scholarship.
1. They gave him a last chance before expelling him from the school.
2. The school is admitting a large number of new pupils this year.
3. We should see children and not hear them.
4. They have told us that Galileo invented the telescope.
5. I don’t enjoy people beating me at sport in school.
6. They made him stay behind after class.
7. “They will inform you of the result of your exam by letter.
8. The Chinese invented gunpowder several centuries ago.
9. They have never elected any woman President of the United States.
10. Ruth is disappointed; they have given the job she applied for to someone with more
1. Before the Princess arrived at the shipyard, they had used police dogs to make sure no one
had hidden any bombs there.
2. When will they open the shop - this year or next?
3. Local people own most of the business in our town now.
4. Aren’t you afraid they will sack you if you don’t start coming to work on time?
5. She felt that they were concealing something from her.
6. Everyone believe that terrorists kidnapped him.
7. They didn’t admit him into the reception hall because he was wearing jeans.
8. Someone heard him singing to himself well after midnight.
9. They speak well of his boy friend.
10. It will be so dark that no one will see me.
1. They built that old red house in the year 1822
2. A committee of experts haven’t examined the report yet.
3. They will serve cocktails to the guests about ten minutes from now.
4. His sharp remarks embarrassed everyone last night.
5. Mr Brown introduced Fred to the fellow yesterday.
6. They have already announced the results of the exam.
7. They have sold thousands of CD machines since 1983
8. A famous composer is conducting the concert tonight.
9. Someone should have discovered that a long time ago.
10. They were demonstrating the new video system when I went there yesterday.
1. I think they should spread a second coat of paint over that surface.
2. Someone might find a solution to the problem soon.
3. They broadcast the victory news over powerful loudspeakers so that the whole town could
hear it.
4. Our hosts treated us very kindly last Saturday.
5. As soon as they sign the contract, that company will publish a new textbook next year.
6. They informed me that they had seen you in Oxford Street.
7. We ought to deal with the problem before people talk about it.
8. Eric sat silent in the car, wondering where they were taking him.
9. They looked on Bell as a sweet-tempered young man.
10. The trouble started when they told me to change the way we were running this department.


1. “Don’t repeat this mistake!” the instructor warned the sportsman.
2. “Leave your address with the secretary,” the assistant said to me.
3. “Phone to me for an answer tomorrow,” the manager said to the client.
4. “Don’t be so silly,” the father said to the kid.
5. “Give a smile,” the photographer said to me.
6. “Please, help me to make a decision,” Ann asked her friend.
7. “Don’t leave these books on the table, put them back on the shelf,” the librarian said to the
8. “Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minutes,” the nurse said to the child.
9. “Leave your things here,” my companion advised me.
10. “Don’t discuss this question now,” said the chairman to the participants.
1. “Will it be safe to stay in the mountains for the night if the weather doesn’t change for the
better?” we asked the guide.
2. The porter said to me, “I’ll wake you up, when the train arrives in Leeds.”
3. My wife said to me, “While you are away, I’ll do the packing.”
4. “Don’t leave until I phone you,” he asked me.
5. “After he leaves hospital, they’ll take him to the South,” the doctor said.
6. “They’ll wait for the fisherman to return until it gets dark,” the local man explained to me.
7. “As soon as I hear from him, I’ll let you know,” my neighbour said to me.
8. “I’ll live in town till my husband returns from the expedition and when he returns, we’ll go
to the seaside together,” she said.
9. The mother said to her son, “Sit still, please.”
10. John said to his friend, “Come and spend a week with us.”
1. “Have you travelled abroad much?” he asked me.
2. “Who has written this note?” the boss asked the secretary.
3. “I’ve just received a postcard from my sister,” my friend said to me.
4. “The students also took part in arranging the conference,” the chairman said.
5. “Have you been here long?” the stranger asked me.
6. “Did you really see this happen with your own eyes?” the policeman asked the boy.
7. “I hope they will have taken a decision by the end of the meeting,” she remarked.
8. “Did you watch the detective film on TV yesterday?” he asked her.
9. “This story happened long ago,” he said, “and few people remember anything about it.”
10. “I haven’t read so interesting a book since I don’t remember when,” she said.
1. Tom said to the girl, “When did you have this picture taken?”
2. “Shall we go somewhere for a cup of coffee after class?” Tom said.
3. John said to Mary, “Why don’t you wear your hair a little longer.”
4. “Would you like another cup of tea?” the landlady said to the guest.
5. My sister said to me, “What about going to see Aunt Mary on Sunday?”
6. She asked me, “Have you ever seen a flying saucer?”
7. James said, “Do you want me to type this letter for you?”
8. Alfred said to John, “I didn’t use your cassette player! Someone else did, not me.”
9. Father said, “I was the superintendent while this school was being built.”
10. The woman said, “If I had a gas stove, it would save me a lot of time.”
1. Jane said to Bill, “When do you expect to finish your assignment?”
2. The man said to the boy, “Can you show me the way to the bank?”
3. Fred asked the postman, “Are there any letters for me today?”
4. Henry said to the librarian, “How many books can I borrow at a time?”
5. John asked his friend, “How did you manage to know my phone number?”
6. “These old buildings might have already disappeared by the time I am back next year?” he
7. The boys said to the old woman, “What can we do to help you?”
8. The guests said to the doorman, “Where should we leave our coats.”
9. Tom asked his brother, “Why did you advise them to go sight-seeing on foot?”
10. I asked the children, “Who took away the magazines from my desk?”
1. Rose said, “I was just leaving the office when I came face to face with a stranger.”
2. Ann asked her brother, “Do you expect to be admitted to the university?”
3. Richard asked Jane, “What are you planning to do tomorrow?”
4. She asked her boyfriend. “Is it true that your father fought in the last war?”
5. Jane said to me, “Where have you been all this time?”
6. Mary said to her husband, “Did you see my handbag anywhere?”
7. The inspector said to the woman, “What were you doing at 7. o’clock yesterday evening?”
8. The passenger said to the taxi-driver, “Hurry up!” and he added “I must be at the station on
9. Tom said to himself, “Why I haven’t thought of this before?”
10. Father said, “The taxi is coming now. Is everyone ready?”
1. Helen said, “I think I’ll have to find a better job. I can’t make both ends meet.”
2. He said to her, “Why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for half an hour already.”
3. She said to him, “Don’t let them down. I’ll be very embarrassed if you go back on your
4. She said to her husband, “You’d better not drink too much. You may lose control of the car
and have a bad accident.”
5. The boy said to his mother, “When shall we have lunch? I’m very hungry-”
6. He said, “I don’t understand why she has refused to join us on the trip.”
7. She said to him, “I’m glad you’ve come. Sit down, please.”
8. Mr Brown said to his wife, “I don’t feel like going out this evening. Let’s ask the Browns to
come over for a chat.”
9. “It’s raining too hard to go out. We’d better stay home tonight and watch TV instead.” John
10. “Could you ring up the station and find out when the train comes in?” said Tom to me.
1. “Be careful. Don’t go too near the edge of the cliff,” she said to the boys.
2. “Please, please come to help me with the assignment,” my asked said to me.
3. “I wouldn’t buy that sort of raincoat if I were you,” my friend said to me.
4. “Would you mind moving your bicycle?” said the janitor. “It’s in the way.”
5. “Could I take out another book, please,” I said to the librarian.
6. “Remember to leave the window open when you’re using the gas stove,” my mother said to
7. “Wear your school badge or they won’t let you into the classroom.” my teacher said to me.
8. “Would you like to come over to my house for a slide show?” my friend said to me.
9. “Show me your driver’s licence, will you?” the policeman said to the drunken driver.
10. “Do come again next weekend,” the hosts said to the visitor.


1. After watching the new secretary working non-stop _______ several hours the manager
decided that she was well fit the job. He found she was particularly good _______
attending _______ the correspondence.
2. Am I expected to know all the telephones _______ heart?
3. Now he is no longer as indifferent _______ criticism as he used to be.
4. We were surprised _______ the certainty _______ which he spoke. Where had he picked
_______ all that information and why was he so sure _______ his facts?
5. Will you ring _______ the station and find _______ when the train is coming in; I’m not
certain _______ the time.
6. He’ll be paying you back as soon as he gets money _______ home, I know it _______
7. Don’t rush _______ the book, you can pick _______ a lot of useful information if you read
it _______ attention.
8. “The injured man was picked _______ the ambulance and rushed _______ hospital, but he
died _______ his way. He hasn’t been identified so far,” the police officer said.
9. She tried _______ several coats before she found one entirely _______ her taste.
10. I’d rather have a suit made _______ measure even if it’s more than I can afford just now.
1. The coat has been sent the dry cleaner’s _______ the other things.
2. _______ the other sights the tourists visited a glass factory where they watched _______
admiration sweating men making wonders _______ molten glass.
3. _______ their way to the station they were caught _______ the rain and before long were
wet _______
4. During restoration work every effort was made to save the picture _______ complete ruin.
5. Make _______ the quarrel _______ him, please, _______ my sake, if not _______ your
6. He searched his mind _______ a possible course of action.
7. It was all your idea, I just went _______ it.
8. Where do you suggest we should go this week-end? Do you have any particular place
_______ mind?
9. The driver stretched _______ his hand, pulled the hand brake and the car stopped half-way
_______ the hill.
10. I see no point _______ your wasting time _______ rewriting your report; have it typed.
1. If you want to have an evening out, the child is sure to be quite safe _______ the care of a
2. Being afraid to disturb the other sleeping patients, the nurse’s voice sank _______ a
whisper: “The doctor insists _______ your taking this pill, it’ll ease the pain.”
3. I ran _______ an old school-mate of yours the other day and he promised to drop _______
our place one of these days.
4. Say something to cheer her _______, she is _______ low spirits today.
5. I called the wrong number _______ accident.
6. You needn’t worry _______ little things, it’s the big things that are important.
7. “You can use my telephone,” the secretary said _______ a nod _______ the telephone
_______ her desk.
8. Something went wrong _______ my car the other day, I couldn’t get it started.
9. They cleared the road _______ the remains of the broken car so that traffic could move.
10. Pointing _______ a comfortable chair, he said: “Make yourself at home.”
1. He stuck _______ his story which did not change after many repetitions.
2. The baby calmed as soon as he was back _______ his mother’s lap.
3. He took the blind man _______ the arm and led him _______ the street.
4. If you are _______ doubt _______ the route, have another look _______ the map.
5. He no longer seems to care _______ football as he once did.
6. She was _______ the point _______ saying something, but, changing her mind, remained
7. The car was going _______ full speed.
8. Standing there, facing the big hall packed _______ people, he felt _______ a loss and for a
moment did not know how to start his speech.
9. _______ only a couple _______ months in the country she got _______ the language
10. His main interest lies _______ research, not _______ managerial work.
1. _______ the two sisters the younger was a much better actress, always leaving the elder
sister _______ the shade.
2. The medicine ought to be taken _______ definite hours _______ a glass _______ warm
3. Sitting _______ the draught? You’ll be catching a cold again.
4. _______ spite _______ the early hour we found a restaurant already open and went
_______ a quick meal.
5. His report would have been more _______ the point if he hadn’t gone _______ details
departing _______ the subject.
6. Thought he was doing his best to hide his feelings, he was obviously very much _______
love _______ the girl.
7. The last time we met was _______ the occasion _______ some family meeting.
8. It’s all so sudden. I can’t join the party, I’m not dressed _______ the occasion.
9. She got _______ the shock _______ a speed I never expected _______ her.
10. The factory smoke looked white _______ the gray winter sky.
1. The little boy was left _______ the charge _______ his sister only _______ one occasion,
and they both enjoyed themselves a lot. The day started and ended _______ ice-cream, and
there was no dinner.
2. She took the new life _______ its difficulties very hard, as she had always lived _______
3. This problem can’t be dealt _______ separately _______ the rest.
4. I must have my TV set repaired. Do you happen to know how much they charge _______
repairing this particular model?
5. “Is it possible to get _______ touch _______ him before I leave?” “Certainly. I can get him
_______ the telephone _______ you _______ no time.”
6. We did our best to talk him _______ taking _______ this job. It’s the only one he’s really
fit _______
7. Will you help me _______ the introductions? I always forget who should be introduced
_______ whom.
8. Everybody was looking _______ him _______ silence, and it suddenly struck him that he
was expected to apologize _______ something he hadn’t done.
9. The telephone exchange warned them that their telephone would be disconnected if they
didn’t pay _______ it _______ three days.
10. He was prepared to get rid _______ the old things _______ any price.
1. I like solving crossword puzzles. I don’t do it _______ prizes. I enjoy puzzling them
_______, just for the fun of it.
2. It’s too early yet to say anything definite _______ connection _______ the recent events.
Time will show.
3. True, there were a few interesting pictures _______ the exhibition, but I wasn’t impressed
_______ anything _______ particular.
4. You would have found your name _______ the list if you had looked carefully.
5. You should have seen the car when it pulled _______ the gate. It had mud all _______ it.
6. Do read the article _______ the bottom _______ the page. It may be _______ some interest
_______ you.
7. Before you go _______ details tell me what it is all _______
8. She read the form once more and put her signature _______ it.
9. The students are still _______ the impression of the graduation ceremony they attended last
10. He insisted _______ going _______ the details of the accident.
1. I’d like to have a word _______ you _______ connection _______ their offer.
2. He would have never borrowed money _______ you without good reason.
3. She told herself that she probably was making a fuss _______ nothing.
4. There isn’t much sense _______ warning him _______ the dangers of the trip, he knows it
all himself.
5. Her taste _______ clothes is admirable, she’s very particular _______ what she wears.
6. As was to be expected, all those present piled him _______ questions _______ his
7. I wish we could find a more sensible solution _______ the problem.
8. He had an unpleasant feeling as if he were suspected _______ telling a lie.
9. Her friends visited her daily to liven _______ her stay _______ hospital.
10. He couldn’t fit the key _______ the lock.
1. After supper Father settled _______ his favourite armchair _______ the evening paper, as
was his habit.
2. There is hardly another student _______ our group who could equal your friend _______
3. Though she has a driver’s license, she seldom drives _______ fear _______ meeting
_______ an accident.
4. “What if I drop _______ Monday?” “_______ all means.”
5. I’d like to ask you _______ our country place _______ the weekend. Why stay _______
town _______ such fine weather? We’ve got room enough _______ half a dozen people
_______ least.
6. She always turns _______ when she is least _______ all expected.
7. _______ all the goodwill _______ the world I can’t help you, I’m no good _______ solving
such problems.
8. I don’t think you are fair _______ your attitude _______ the new typist. She hasn’t had time
yet to get used _______ your awful handwriting, and she is as much to blame _______ the
mistakes she made _______ your report as you are.
9. What cure would you suggest _______ a bad cold?
10. She’s _______ high spirits today and seems to be _______ good terms _______ the whole
1. They inquired _______ the terms _______ express delivery.
2. We felt, not without reason, that someone who had failed to do a simple exercise was
unlikely to succeed _______ a more difficult task.
3. The man who rescued the child chose to remain unknown, he didn’t want his name, to get
_______ the papers.
4. There is a page missing _______ the book, it looks as if somebody has torn it _______
5. After graduation he returned _______ his native village _______ the purpose _______
setting _______ a school there.
6. I couldn’t help feeling that the letter had been left lying _______ the middle _______ the
desk _______ purpose.
7. The only person who could throw light _______ the incident wouldn’t talk. We just could
not get a word _______ him,
8. He did not see the coming car, and I was just time to seize him _______ the arm and pull
him away.
9. The doctor hesitated to practise the new treatment _______ the patient, he wasn’t sure
_______ the effect it might have _______ the man’s heart.
10. The weather was quickly changing _______ the worse, and the climbers turned _______
and headed _______ the camp.
1. He was far _______ satisfied _______ the way things had turned out. He sat lost _______
2. You’ll get the best start _______ business as a medical man if you go _______ some out-of-
the-way place where you will be dentist, eye specialist, surgeon and physician, all _______
one, but not if you stick around here as assistant _______ some famous doctor.
3. Judging _______ the results, you have done a good job.
4. I hear you’ve been complaining lately _______ pains _______ the heart; you should see a
5. _______ the doctor’s most insistent demand the patient was taken _______ hospital.
6. See what the sign reads: “Entrance _______ request”.
7. To be fair _______ her, she handled the situation expertly.
8. Hasn’t it ever occurred _______ you that you might have been the one responsible
_______ the accident?
9. Though I’ve been following you _______ the greatest attention, I must admit that I don’t
quite see what your suggestions are aimed _______
10. It was a painful minute before the colour came _______ to his face and he took himself
_______ hand.
1. Having filled _______ the form, he put his name _______ it and handed it _______ the
Customs Officer.
2. Nobody was admitted _______ the laboratory while the experiment was _______ and
pictures _______ what was going _______ inside were taken _______ a remote-control
3. The train is due _______ five, that leaves us twenty minutes _______ a quick meal.
4. Before writing an account _______ the incident, I thought I had better get a clear picture
_______ my mind _______ what exactly had happened.
5. May I have a word _______ you _______ a business matter?
6. Don’t bother _______ the tea, I’ve just had mine.
7. I have an appointment _______ the head engineer which I can’t break even _______
account _______ your arrival.
8. Your story doesn’t sound true enough, you won’t be getting _______ it.
9. The sooner he gets _______ work, the better.
10. The matter ought to be dealt _______ delay.
1. _______ judging of the results _______ the experiment we must take _______ account the
fact that he has been working under great difficulties _______ several months.
2. Trains _______ Rockwell may be up to twenty minutes late _______ account _______
repairs to the track.
3. I’ve always found his attitude _______ me rather puzzling.
4. His chances _______ recovery after the operation were a hundred _______ one, but he did
get well.
5. He clearly felt he couldn’t put _______ such unfair treatment any longer and decided to
have it _______ the manager that same afternoon.
6. There is no better way _______ learning than _______ experience.
7. If he gets something fixed _______ his head, there’s no power _______ earth that can stop
8. Good health depends _______ good food, regular hours and fresh air.
9. Though gentle _______ manner and speech, she was a woman _______ firm and
independent character.
10. I’d been right _______ my suspicions _______ the sad role he had played _______ the
incident, but only _______ a point, as I was later to find _______
1. The child had to be taken _______ hospital and the mother was beside herself _______
2. Anxious _______ the success _______ our team we cheered them as loudly as we could.
3. She was strict but fair _______ the children, so when she happened to punish them _______
disobedience they didn’t seem to mind it much.
4. We all knew that when the old man was _______ temper, we’d better keep _______ him.
5. His luck was _______, there was no doubt _______ it. He never seemed to succeed
_______ anything he did any more.
6. The boy was pale and weak _______ lack _______ fresh air and exercise.
7. The stranger spoke _______ such a heavy accent that _______ times I caught myself
wondering if I’d ever be able to make _______ what he wanted.
8. He was still uncertain _______ the line he should take _______ defending his point of view.
9. He would have never cleared himself _______ the suspicion if a witness hadn’t turned
_______ the last moment to prove his alibi.
10. He could not have acted differently _______ the circumstances.
1. She was proud that she was independent _______ her parents.
2. I asked him to repeat his request. I couldn’t make _______ what it was.
3. There were several cases _______ scarlet fever _______ our neighbourhood and we lived
_______ fear _______ our children catching it, too.
4. You could have heard a pin drop _______ court when the counsel _______ the defence
said: “I firmly believe the accused to be innocent _______ the crime. I’ll do everything
_______ my power to see that he is acquitted.”
5. I wonder what everybody finds _______ him. What is there so remarkable _______ him
that people will hang _______ his every word?
6 _______ an attempt to clear himself _______ suspicion he said he had an alibi the
time _______ the accident.
7. It was called a “Hit and Run” case _______ the headlines. The article was _______ a
drunken driver who ran _______ a cyclist and drove _______ the place _______ the
accident never stopping to give the man help or report _______ the police.
8. It’s quite unbelievable that she shouldn’t have said anything _______ her defence.
9. What he said was, _______ fact, an admission _______ guilt.
10. The management had another clerk to help the receptionist check _______ the new arrivals
and check _______ the old guests.
1. He was last _______ a long line, and _______ the look _______ it he was unlikely to get a
good seat _______ the show.
2. The sign _______ the doctor’s reception room read: “Admission _______ request only.”
3. His recent paper _______ the new developments _______ dentistry was a sensation.
4. Selecting a book _______ a pile _______ front _______ him the librarian held it _______
the boy: “Here, that’s what you want.”
5. I see no cause _______ his displeasure, the matter was settled _______ his own terms.
6. The assistant manager has no authority _______ matters that have to do _______
accommodation, you’d better speak _______ the manager.
7. As far as I know him. he’d rather put _______ a hotel.
8. People might offer you half a stamp collection _______ exchange _______ this one stamp.
9. If they are really concerned _______ his future and want him to be prepared _______ the
hardships of life, they shouldn’t make things too smooth _______ him.
10. He spoke _______ such assurance that we couldn’t but believe him.
1. The young actress was nervously waiting _______ the wings _______ her turn to go
_______ the stage.
2. He held _______ a thin hand that I shook, then gestured _______ a chair: “Please, sit
3. She leaned far _______ the window _______ an effort to see the leaving car.
4. They were late _______ the show as their taxi was held _______ the heavy traffic _______
the afternoon rush.
5. Everybody must have noticed how embarrassed she was _______ the unexpected question.
6. You’d better not approach him, he’s concerned _______ a difficult problem that needs all
his attention.
7. She only seems stiff _______ manner but she is the dearest person, when you come to know
her closer.
8. The nights _______ the mountains may be very cold, so you’d better take something
suitable _______ cold weather, too.
9. _______ view _______ the approaching conference the organisation committee is busy
_______ all kinds of arrangements.
10. He found it difficult to concentrate _______ the work with so many people around.
1. Are you brave and honest enough to say right _______ his face what you are saying
_______ his back?
2. It was much easier to deal _______ the problem _______ letter than face the angry
customer and account _______ all the things that ought to have been done but never had.
3. The actress’s indifference gave way _______ pleasure as soon as the man introduced
himself as a reporter and said that he had come to interview her _______ her latest
successful film.
4. There was hardly anything to say _______ support _______ his plan.
5. Let him do the work alone, it will give him confidence _______ himself.
6 first they couldn’t make who was _______ the plan.
7. How could she have let them _______! They put all their trust _______ her.
8. His betrayal was brought _______ our knowledge only recently.
9. Having got lost _______ a strange city once, I never leave the hotel now without a city-
10. The younger worker can be trusted _______ the work, he won’t spoil it.
1. With so much work _______ hand I can hardly think _______ going _______ a holiday
2. He is sure to stand _______ his friends _______ any circumstances.
3. She did not answer the question _______ once. She was evidently playing _______ time.
4. I regret to say his help did not amount _______ much.
5. When the old woman got _______ the bus, a young man sitting next _______ the door
jumped _______ his feet and offered her his seat.
6. The boys continued playing football unaware _______ the rain.
7. If he promises something, he’ll never go back _______ his word.
8. He was proud to have been taken _______ their confidence.
9. Robert resembles his grandfather _______ many respects.
10. I think the conference was very successful _______ the whole.
Reginald Andrews, 29, was standing (1) _______ the subway platform (2) _______ 14th Street,
waiting (3) _______ the train to take him back (4) _______ his flat (5) _______ Harlem. He
was worried (6) _______ being (7) _______ of work. He had been unemployed (8) _______ a
year, and he owed a lot of money (9) _______ the bank. But he had had an interview that
morning (10) _______ Jamac Frozen Foods (11) _______ Manhattan, and he was hoping they
would offer him a job.
His train pulled (12) _______ the station, and suddenly Andrew’s thoughts were interrupted
(13) _______ a crisis. David Schnair, 75, a blind war veteran, had fallen (14) _______ two
carriages and was lying (15) _______ the rails. (16) _______ less than no time, Andrews
climbed down (17) _______ the platform, and he pulled Schnair (18) _______ of danger just as
the train was about to move. Neither suffered more than a few cuts and bruises.
President Reagan saw the rescue story (19) _______ a newspaper and rang Andrews to
congratulate him (20) _______ his courageous action. He also made a call (21) _______ Jamac
Foods’ Vice President, and as a result, Andrews now has a job. What’s more, all Andrews’
debts have been paid (22) _______ an anonymous well-wisher. Said Andrews, “I’m no hero,
but I couldn’t stand there and do nothing. I’m just grateful (23) _______ everybody who’s
helped me get back to work again.”
PHRASAL VERBS Fill the gaps with the appropriate verbs in the correct form.
1. Eddie’s a lazybones. He will _______ about all day doing nothing.
2. I wasn’t in the office when it happened. I didn’t see how it all _______ about.
3. At first, he said he supported our cause, but now it seems he has _______ about. I wonder
what’s made him change his mind.
4. Soon, the news of the president’s illness _______ about despite the officials” efforts to keep
it secret.
5. “How do you _______ about writing a thesis?” “I have no idea. I have never done it
1. The professor wasn’t sure whether his explanations of the theory _______ across to his
students, and so he decided to repeat them.
2. While I was tidying up the attic, I _______ across an old diary which later turned out to
have been written by my great-grandmother.
3. A number of police officers has been delegated to _______ the youngest schoolchildren
across the busiest roads in the town.
4. By the way he behaved at the meeting, David _______ across as a well-groomed young
5. We will have to lay off at least one hundred workers next month, but I don’t know how to
_______ such bad news across to the people.
1. “Don’t you think Susan _______ after her mother?” - “Indeed. They both have blond hair,
blue eye, and are very conceited.”
2. Why do you always _______ after me? Whenever something wrong happens you find fault
with me. It’s unfair.
3. The scientific aspect of the research doesn’t interest Harry at all. He _______ only after the
money he can get from taking part in it.
4. The police _______ after the bank robbers but were unable to catch them as their car wasn’t
so fast as the burglars” Ferrari.
5. Joe’s devotion to his studies is unmatched. He’s always the first to _______ after the latest
developments in cybernetics.
1. If the prices were lowered by a few percent, many farmers would _______ at the
Opportunity of buying cheaper farming machinery, for sure.
2. The local companies must _______ at higher quality and modem methods of production if
they hope to keep pace with the international competitors.
3. My girlfriend has been _______ at me to set the date of our wedding, but I’m still not sure if
I really want to get married.
4. Suddenly, the suspect turned violent and _______ at the judges calling them names and
threatening to take his revenge on them.
5. No matter how hard it was to _______ at the truth, the detective would provide tangible
evidence that helped solve even the most puzzling cases.
1. It’s been reported that the famous actor _______ away last night. His funeral will be on
2. Over the night before my sister’s wedding, I was trying to _______ her anxieties away. I did
my best to make her understand there was nothing to worry about.
3. “Could I please say something? I’d like to add a few remarks of my own.” - “_______
away, Jim. We’re all ears!”
4. That man tried hard to lead the customs officers to belive that he was a Polish citizen, but it
was his foreign accent that _______ him away.
5. I’ve lost every hope that I will get a job. So far, all my applications have been _______
away by the employers.
1. I don’t like it when people _______ back on their promises. It’s so irresponsible.
2. These old photographs _______ back the memories of my childhood.
3. I couldn’t _______ back seeing how cruel he was to the animals. I knew I had to do
4. Unless Nigel _______ back his rude remarks about me, I will never talk to him again.
5. The malfunctioning of one of the engines has _______ back the launching of the space
shuttle by several weeks.
1. “What wonderful old chinaware. How did you _______ by it?” “I bought it in an antique
shop in Vienna.”
2. The chairman’s remarks were rather impertinent, but I _______ them by. I didn’t want them
to spoil my fun.
3. I’ve got my principles and I will _______ by them. I’m a man of honour.
4. We won’t _______ by if my husband loses his job. We’ll be destitute, then.
5. The crowd were _______ by watching the two groups of youngsters fighting. Nobody did
anything to stop the fight.
1. The Trade Unions have been inciting the coalminers to _______ down their tools and
initiate an industrial action.
2. It’s sales time, se most shop owners have _______ down their goods considerably. It’s the
best time to go hunting for bargains,
3. When they found out their son had been playing truant, the parents _______ down on the
4. The guerrillas fighting spirit _______ down after two week’s of the siege when their
supplies of ammunition, food and drinking water had run out.
5. I have been looking for the documents the whole morning and finally I have _______ them
1. _______ for mercy and you may be sentenced to prison. Otherwise, you’ll be executed for
the treason.
2. A great number of candidates have _______ in for the position of a key accountant, but only
one of them will get the job.
3. I have to leave for an hour. Will you please _______ for me if the boss asks where I am?
Tell him that I’m in the restroom.
4. The jury _______ for the accused. All the charges against him were dismissed and he was
set free.
5. Most of the deputies _______ for lowering the income tax for businesses, but they were
against maintaining tax allowances.
1. According to the Big Bang theory, the beginning of the universe is _______ from a gigantic
2. It’s clear that your depression and all your anxieties _______ from your loneliness and
seclusion. You should go out more and try to make friends.
3. Mr Harris has _______ from presiding over the Association. The new President will be
elected next week.
4. I think we have _______ too much from the main subject of our conversation. Let’s get
back to the point.
5. Gary is very persistent and determined. There are no drawbacks that might _______ him
from pursuing his goals.
1. I’m so tired and sleepy. I think I’ll _______ in now. Goodnight, everyone.
2. When the spell of cold and rainy weather _______ in, we’ll have to wear warmer clothes
and carry umbrellas everyday.
3. Learning a foreign language _______ in doing a great number of grammatical exercises and
memorising the vocabulary.
4. You can see that autumn is approaching by the way that the days are _______ in. They’re
getting shorter and shorter.
5. The elderly lady was _______ in by the merciless con man. She gave him all her savings in
return for the medicine that he had promised to deliver.
1. The attacker grabbed my hand and wouldn’t _______ go of it. So, I started screaming and
calling for help.
2. His openness and willingness to compromise _______ of the politician’s clean intentions
and readiness to co-operate.
3. “How did you _______ of the management’s plan to close down our branch?”
“Embarrassing though it may be, but I read their e-mails secretly.”
4. I’m very worried about Sam. I wonder what will _______ of him if he keeps being so
5. It was really hard to _______ anything of the speech. The lecturer was speaking too fast and
in a rather incomprehensible way.
13. Fill the gaps with the appropriate verbs in the correct form.
1. The lecture was so boring that some of the students _______ off. Fortunately, the professor
didn’t hear them snoring.
2. Nothing _______ off the company owners” plans to build another factory as the bank
refused to give them a loan.
3. Have some sleep. It will help off the feeling of weariness. I was _______ off by my
superiors for having failed to write the annual report on time.
5. After several years of marriage, the passion and desire began to _______ off and was being
replaced by a boring routine and monotony.
1. Don’t be so naive. Don’t believe everything Michael is telling you. He’s just _______ you
2. Whenever he wants us to do him a favour he _______ on his best behaviour and tries to
make an impression of being very friendly.
3. Alex is not as good at computers as he _______ on. He wants everyone to believe he’s an
expert but, in fact, he still lacks a lot of knowledge.
4. It’s the scorching sun that _______ on the increased occurrence of serious skin afflictions in
the coastal region.
5. Being a master of the martial arts of karate and aikido, Ralph can easily _______on a bigger
and sponger opponent.
1. The harsh conditions of the war and the permanent exposure to cruelty and violence were
responsible for _______ out the young soldiers’ worst qualities and patterns of behaviour.
2. Mr Turner likes to _______ out that he’s somebody important, but in fact, he’s a mere
junior clerk in the bank.
3. It’s estimated, that once the hydroelectric power station is in operation, it will _______ out
enough energy for the town and the neighbouring villages.
4. The mountaineers were afraid their oxygen supplies would not _______ out before they
reached the peak, so they decided to give up the attempt.
5. We were going to have a cruise around the coast but our plans were _______ out by the
stormy weather.
1. “Have you _______ over my advice, Pete?” - “Yes, I have take it into consideration and I
think it’s worth following.”
2. Before her death, the elderly millionaire _______ over all her savings and possessions to the
animal shelter. Her children were so upset to hear that.
3. I’m afraid your explanations didn’t quite _______ over to your students Most of them didn’t
understand that difficult theory.
4. The news of Barbara and Alan’s divorce _______ us over. They had only just got married
and appeared to be so happy together.
5. At first, I was determined to maintain my standpoint, but when the chairman presented the
financial data, I was _______ over to his point of view.
1. The new scheme turned out to be very difficult to _______ through, till somehow we
succeeded in completing it.
2. The wounds were very deep and the loss of blood was considerable, but luckily the
experienced doctors managed to _______ the young victim through.
3. During the check-up, the young volunteer’s short-sightedness _______ through. That
disqualified him from becoming a pilot.
4. If the bank refuses to give us a loan, our investment plans will _______ through.
5. Simon is very extravagant with his money. He _______ through everything that he earns
within a few days.
1. We need to go shopping. We don’t have enough food to _______ us to the end of the week.
2. The children will be disappointed to hear we cannot _______ to holidays at the seaside this
summer. The car that we’ve bought has consumed all our savings.
3. Why does it always _______ to me to report to the boss on bad news? It’s not fair.
4. Linda had been in a very bad mood since she got up and she only _______ to when her
boyfriend phoned to tell her he was coming back from abroad.
5. It pleases me to hear that more and more young people _______ to reading books.
1. If you choose to drop out now, you will _______ up all the knowledge you have gained at
this school. If I were you, I wouldn’t waste it like that.
2. After several months of stagnation, the economy seems to be _______ up now.
3. I’ve been working hard for the last few days. I’m _______ up. I need a good rest now.
4. The opening of the local youth centre has been postponed till next month due to some
unexpected problems that have _______ up.
3. We’re fed up with Adam’s proud manner. He _______ himself up to be someone more
important than the rest of us.
1. I couldn’t _______ with the smoke, so I locked the windows and turned on the ventilation.
2. Since I have voiced my criticism so openly, I’m afraid I don’t _______ well with the
management. They consider me their enemy.
3. “Did anyone _______ with you when the argument broke out?” - “No. They were all
against me.”
4. This silver pendant is my good luck charm. I never _______ with it. I always carry it on me.
5. I don’t really _______ with your idea to show the film to the children. They are too small to
watch horrors.
21. Complete the sentences using the appropriate phrasal verbs.
1. We must _______ the Trade Unions” attempt at organizing a general strike. We don’t want
any riots, do we?
2. At first, Harry refused to accept our propositions of changes in the schedule, but then we
managed to _______ him _______ to our viewpoint.
3. I don’t think we need to buy extra food for the parry. We’ve got enough. It should _______
4. The witness provided credence to the suspect’s alibi by _______ his testimony in court.
5. For the sake of your health you should _______ your smoking habit _______ as soon as
6. By taking such controversial decisions, the mayor is _______ criticism and the discontent
on the part of the inhabitants of the city.
7. The practical part of the lecture was very interesting, but when the professor started
explaining the theory most of the students just _______.
8. The generosity of the queen helped _______ the folk’s hatred toward the royal family.
Later, she was named Catherine the Gracious.
9. He would always _______ every foul idea and would be the first to play rough. No wonder
he ended up in prison
10. I’m sorry sir, but the bank will not give you another loan until you _______ your previous
11. No wonder your plan _______ seeing that it was so badly prepared.
12. Now that you have promised to help the boys to build the model of the boat, you must
_______ it _______. You can’t let them down.
13. I’ve agreed to take part in the school quiz, so I’m going to _______ some general
knowledge. Can you recommend some good books to me?
14. The police say they are very close to _______ the criminals responsible for the armed
robbery in Leeds.
15. The judge admitted that the mafia lords attempted to _______ him, but he refused to accept
any money or favours from them.
16. It would be silly to _______ rumours. You have to acquire hard evidence to prove your
husband’s infidelity if you are to win the divorce case.
17. I don’t understand why the critics should have _______ the new play by Ian McGrath. I’ve
seen it in the theatre and I think it was really good.
18. The young vandals _______ when they saw the police car approaching.
19. People in this country are very traditional and that’s why no new trends and fashions
_______ easily here.
20. It’s great to see that things are beginning to _______. I thought this crisis would never end.
21. You’re being unfair, Jim. Why do you _______ my role in devising the project? I think I
haven’t done less than the rest of the team.
22. None of the boys would _______ to breaking into the school laboratory, so the headmaster
decided to punish them alt.
23 The diver may be in a serious danger if his supplies of oxygen _______ under wafer.
24. I didn’t have the nerve to _______ this devastating news _______ Helen. I had no idea how
to tell her that her husband was cheating on her.
25. It was a great concert. I have to _______ it _______ the young pianist for her excellent
26. I was terrified when I heard footsteps in my kitchen at night. But I _______ enough courage
to come downstairs and check whether it was a burglar or not.
27. Paul doesn’t seem to be keen on getting married. Unless Tina _______ him _______ he will
keep being so indecisive for another five years.
28. Our partner’s sudden decision to withdraw from the co-operation _______ us _______. We
just couldn’t believe they really meant it.
29. From the very moment they met, Sue and Alex _______ each other. They got married after
only a month and a year later their first son was born.
30. I hate it when problems _______ at the least expected moment and my boss tells me to stay
at work longer.
31. Despite numerous hindrances, we managed to _______ the project and completed just
before the deadline.
32. Youngsters are quite prone to _______ a bad company if their parents let them loose.
33. The prime minister _______ a lot of criticism when it turned out that his government’s
decisions resulted in a considerable slowdown in the reforms.
34. Unfortunately, the new accountant we employed last month _______ the job, so we have
had to replace him with someone more experienced.
35. Mark tends to _______ all his failures _______ bad luck, but in my view he simply doesn’t
put enough effort in everything he does.
36. As there was a shortage of skilled staff, many companies had to _______ foreign experts.
37. When I heard her soft voice, i _______ me that I had met that woman before. I just couldn’t
remember who she really was.
38. It’s still uncertain when the sides of the conflict will _______ negotiations No definite date
has been agreed on as yet.
39. Hundreds of dissatisfied shipyard workers have _______ their overdue salaries threatening
to stop production unless their demands are fulfilled.
40. Rather than waste our time theorizing about such trivial problems, we had better _______
the most serious questions that need to be solved immediately.
41. Axel says he’s going to do everything to _______ the time he spent in prison. He warts to
live a better life from now on.
42. Tom and Sean are new here. Someone will have to _______ them _______ the rules of
working in the department.
43. Isn’t it about time you _______ your silly principles? They only make your life more
44. On their way through the jungle, the explorers _______ ruins of an ancient Aztec temple
that nobody had ever explored before.
45. I’m sorry Jack, but your report cannot be accepted is it contains too many mistakes. You
_______ some of your calculations.
46. Everybody hates to be _______. Nobody likes to be made to feel inferior.
47. It’s been an open secret that Daniel has been _______ his wife. No wonder their marriage
seems to be falling apart.
48. If you make promises, don’t ever _______ them or else people will consider you
49. Both the regular army and the civilians had been fighting tooth and nail for several days, but
as more and more of them got killed, it was slowly _______ them that they stood no chance
of defeating the invaders.
50. The boys say they are preparing a surprise, but they refuse to _______ anyone _______ it.
They say it’s top secret.
Fill in the blanks with a(n), the. Put an Ø where none is required.
1. I still keep wondering if I was doing _______ right thing when I asked my father for
_______ permission to leave school.
2. We needed _______ house to live in when we were in London.
3. There are some things _______ gentleman can’t do, Tom.
4. You are _______ only person whose opinion is of any value to me in _______ present
regrettable circumstances.
5. He told me he hated _______ doctors.
6. She had _______ laughing eyes and _______ most charming mouth.
7. We talked about _______ books. Charles had just finished _______ last volume of Proust.
8. I went into _______ room quietly and sat down opposite him without _______ word.
9. Mr March spent most of the night talking to Francis about buying _______ house _______
two of them were happy discussing _______ plans and _______ prices.
10. I told myself that in wartime _______ letters are lost.
1. He is _______ man to deal with _______ customers’ complaints.
2. She went to _______ writing-desk and brought out _______ sealed envelope.
3. I’ll book _______ sleeper on _______ Geneva-Paris train for tomorrow night.
4. _______ second bell sounded, and _______ pupils began to walk into _______ auditorium.
5. They never read anything but _______ local paper, and _______ local papers report
_______ London affairs in one line.
6. When he got back to _______ hotel he took newspaper and considered at his leisure
_______ story on _______ page two.
7. He didn’t like _______ idea of staying with them for _______ other day.
8. She wrote to her mother that _______ things were going well and that she was not to be
9. I had brought all my possessions in _______ two old suitcases.
10. For _______ first term we shared _______ same desk at the school because our names came
next to each other in _______ list.
1. I haven’t _______ chance of getting this job anyhow.
2. Bill came out to meet them, wiping his hands on _______ oily rag.
3. He took _______ crumpled telegram out of his pocket and flattened it out on his knee with
_______ great care and studied it.
4. Mike waited in _______ main hall while Henry escorted _______ visitors to
_______ lift.
5. I don’t believe _______ word of his story.
6. He was on his feet as soon as _______ curtain came down at _______ end of _______
second act.
7. He asked where I had picked up such _______ word.
8. She gave _______ same answer as before.
9. Of all _______ papers I read this morning none interested me as much as this one.
10. It was _______ only birthday he had celebrated since he was _______ child.
1. He began to hum _______ song. It was _______ old popular song.
2. Then I heard _______ voice asking if I was in.
3. I ate _______ three cakes; he pressed me to have _______ fourth but I didn’t.
4. _______ young man listened to _______ conversation with _______ amused smile.
5. He heard _______ popular song played by _______ dance band on _______ radio.
6. He began to climb _______ stairs, which were dark and smelt of cats.
7. I read until breakfast time _______ novel I had borrowed from Marion.
8. What he said reminded me of _______ film I had seen.
9. The man offered me _______ cigarette which I refused.
10. _______ questions Ann asked always seemed to be _______ questions to which Paul knew
the answers.
1. Stanley knows _______ woman in Milford who might be persuade to come out once a week
to clean _______ house.
2. She was not _______ little girl he had known, but she was not yet _______ woman either.
3. Her eyes were really like searchlights, picking out _______ things that no one else saw.
4. _______ fact that he would have independent means made her feel relieved.
5. Her father made her presents of _______ books she did not read.
6. And then he put forward _______ amazing suggestion that she should turn down the offer
and settle in London.
7. I liked reading in garden, which was several steps below the level of the yard.
8. I have _______ impression that you don’t trust me.
9. He went up to the third floor where _______ assistants’ office was located.
10. She lives in _______ doll’s house at the back of the garden.
1. They were promised _______ four days’ rest.
2. With one hand on _______ young man’s shoulder, he went up the stairs.
3. She is out visiting _______ neighbour’s daughter.
4. He sat on the floor stroking _______ cat’s fur.
5. After _______ two months’ leave I was sent to _______ Officers’ Training Camp in Dorset.
6. In that mood I was unsuitable for attending _______ parents’ meeting at the school.
7. The scheme of studying in _______ Teachers’ Training College is based upon compulsory
and optional subjects.
8. Very early in my life I was taught not to believe in _______ girl’s tears.
9. “Is that Mr Blair?” _______ woman’s voice asked in the telephone.
10. Then she leaped to one side as _______ car’s brakes screamed behind her.
1. She was drinking _______ glass of orange juice.
2. My friend is _______ man of culture and wide reading.
3. Tom sat down on _______ edge of a log and looked at _______ glassy surface of the lake.
4. _______ deposit of £5 is payable by anyone who wishes to become _______ reader of the
5. The college ordinary course was planned to run for _______ full academic year of forty-
seven weeks.
6. _______ faint purring of a motor woke Julia the next morning.
7. “Come back in half an hour. I’ll give you _______ bottle of medicine,” said the doctor.
8. He was disturbed by _______ sound of a shot.
9. Willy leaned on _______ back of the chair.
10. I should like _______ glass of water.
1. My grandfather was _______ man of force and intellect.
2. From the kitchen came _______ singing of a kettle on the stove.
3. “I’ll have _______ cup of tea with you”, said my mother.
4. Heat up the water to _______ temperature of 60°C.
5. The wallpaper was dark blue with _______ design of conventional flowers.
6. This machinery drills holes to _______ depth of two miles, or even more.
7. The woman moved her chair slightly toward _______ right side of the path.
8. He sent me _______ box of cigars.
9. In the crate there were _______ boxes of cigars.
10. There were _______ party of twelve people arriving at the hotel.
1 head of the department was a man named Coles.
2. They had started from Amman early in the morning with _______ temperature of 98o in the
3. _______ girl from _______ farm came once _______ week to help clean _______ house.
4. To them I must have appeared _______ most undesirable visitor.
5. He sat down at _______ piano and played _______ piece that he had played in the morning.
6. “What does _______ penniless person do in _______ case like this?” Marion said.
7. It’s not _______ story I could tell anyone else.
8. _______ car drove up to _______ front of _______ movie theatre. They got out. Jack
looked up at _______ poster in front of _______ theatre _______ poster advertised _______
picture called “The Stolen Midnight”.
9. For _______ past hundred years _______ parties at their house had been held according to
_______ same pattern.
10. They walked without speaking across _______ lawn.
1. I know _______ man who will lend me _______ car.
2. His daughter is married to _______ man who lives by his pen.
3. He merely said: “Ah, that’s _______ question nobody can answer, lad.”
4. Her people were too poor to provide her with _______ books and _______ proper clothes.
5. _______ letter is supposed to make you see _______ things in a different light.
6. He gave _______ suspicious look to _______ box I carried.
7. _______ breeze blew some dead leaves onto _______ terrace.
8. Keeping in _______ shadow of _______ house, he crept to _______ back door.
9. He was writing _______ note for his wife when _______ outer door swung open, and
_______ short man of thirty came in.
10. Harvest was over _______ leaves were red and golden on _______ trees.
1. He took _______ cigar from his mouth and blew away _______ long trail of smoke.
2. _______ gates of _______ sports ground stood open, and we walked along _______ road,
under _______ chestnut trees.
3. He went to _______ corner of _______ room and gazed at _______ bookshelf.
4. I thought that English was _______ language he had learnt from _______ books.
5. There’s hardly _______ man among us who knows _______ mountain as you do.
6. Williams stood in _______ middle of _______ room, with _______ expression of _______
child from whom _______ sweet has been taken.
7. Finally she stopped him in front of _______ small picture. In silence and for a long time
they stood looking at _______ picture. It was _______ very good picture.
8. One winter afternoon she had been buying something in _______ little antique shop in
Curson Street. It was _______ shop she liked. And _______ man who kept _______ shop
was fond of serving her.
9. It is _______ portrait of _______ friend I told you about the other day.
10. She wished to speak to him about _______ important message she had received from
1. All _______ presents that he had given her were in their usual places.
2. They turned off _______ road into _______ drive that wound between _______ tall trees.
3. He looked at _______ figure that was standing on _______ upper step.
4. I don’t know any of _______ people living in _______ house next door.
5. We sat _______ side by _______ side smoking and thinking.
6. It was _______ sort of occasion when one wants to help but doesn’t know how.
7. He didn’t want to walk home with any of _______ other fellows.
8. Marion, like most of _______ girls in _______ group, came from _______ lower-middle-
class family.
9. They cleaned _______ house from _______ top to _______ bottom.
10. What _______ kind of _______ place are your friends living in?
1. She would know _______ names of nearly all of _______ people who lived there.
2. While they went from _______ room to _______ room, Blair explained _______ purpose of
his visit.
3. Javinen was _______ Finn, with _______ extraordinary blue eyes.
4. She was married to _______ man called Bronson. He was _______ planter. He was
_______ manager of _______ estate up _______ river.
5. Outside in street, he called for _______ taxi at _______ top of his voice, and set off in
chase of it like _______ young man.
6. You can’t treat Charles like _______ child. He is _______ grown man.
7. _______ pleasantest man in _______ office was _______ big ex-paratrooper named John
Duncan. He was six feet tall, had _______ face of _______ farmer, and seemed to like
everybody and everything.
8. He felt _______ gentle touch of _______ Betty’s hand on his shoulder.
9. Her father had started life as _______ errand boy, then became _______ draper’s assistant
and was now _______ owner of _______ prosperous little business.
10. Opposite _______ window stood _______ full-length painting of Charles as _______ small
1. Several of boys at the new school came from _______ same part of _______ town.
2. Bert Smith was _______ art lover, or at least he bought _______ pictures.
3. He often told _______ people that he was _______ Irishman but he couldn’t fool _______
Irish, they saw through him.
4. _______ driver was _______ strong athletic young man.
5. On the following Monday I left West Hatch _______ village where we lived.
6. He left his wife in _______ car as _______ guard while he went back to _______ house.
7. He went back home with _______ bitterness he had never known before.
8. He rose from _______ chair and stood by _______ window in _______ agitated silence.
9. For _______ next two days he was in _______ state of _______ greatest excitement.
10. Everyone hates to have to get out in _______ rainy weather.
1. _______ weather was so warm that we decided to go swimming.
2. What _______ fine weather were having today!
3. At first 1 found it difficult to understand _______ English money.
4. I turned the radio on and listened to _______ nine o’clock news.
5. In _______ warm weather I spent most of the afternoon reading out in _______ garden.
6. I did not enjoy my holiday because _______ weather was very cold.
7. We have been having _______ frosty weather for _______ week.
8. I lent him five pounds last week. Do you think he will pay _______ money back?
9. “James is not coming tonight.” “Oh, that is _______ bad news.”
10. You ought to stay at home in _______ cold weather.
1. I’m not the man to give you _______ advice.
2. I’m going to cut grass in _______ garden. It’s _______ hard work, but it has to be done.
3. I just want to ask you for _______ advice.
4. _______ advice he had got from most of his friends was to turn down _______ offer.
5. _______ equipment from _______ wrecked plane has to be saved.
6. She had _______ brown shining hair which hung down on either side of her face.
7. It was nearly _______ midnight, and Margaret rose to go.
8. It was _______ early morning when _______ train pulled into _______ station.
9. We got back to _______ inn as _______ night was falling.
10. I paid my first visit to them on _______ clear cold February night.
1. Martha’s talent for sleeping was extraordinary. If nobody went in to awaken her in _______
morning she would sleep till _______ noon, till two o’clock in _______ afternoon, even if
she had gone to bed early _______ evening before.
2. Charles was in a hurry to get back home by _______ midnight.
3. It was _______ late afternoon and their shadows lay long across _______ road.
4. It was _______ night, but _______ street was brightly lit.
5. I was surprised at _______ readiness with which she agreed to my suggestion.
6. My father’s hours became more irregular; sometimes he stayed in _______ house in
_______ morning and sometimes both he and my mother were out all _______ day.
7. I have _______ great admiration for him.
8. I’ll tell you all about it _______ tomorrow night.
9. We spent _______ next three hours talking and drinking _______ coffee; then I had to
hurry off to catch _______ last bus. I missed it by _______ few minutes, and had _______
five-mile walk back home. I didn’t mind this; it was _______ cold, starry night, and
_______ air sometimes had _______ sweet smell - as if, I thought, it blew from _______
ice-cream factory.
10. I paid my first visit to his house on _______ clear February night.
1. In winter this region is deep with _______ snow.
2. He was _______ bachelor with small income.
3. They had better finish _______ work before _______ winter.
4. Tom was trembling from _______ head to _______ foot with _______ excitement.
5. _______ invitations to _______ dinner for sixteen people were sent out.
6. “Nevil is coming to _______ dinner,” she added.
7. He was afraid he would be late for _______ lunch.
8. She made _______ long telephone call from _______ lobby and ate _______ quick lunch.
9. I found her in _______ kitchen, peeling _______ potatoes for _______ lunch.
10. I parked in front of _______ restaurant near _______ road and went in for _______ cold
1. “_______ dinner will be ready in _______ few minutes,” she said.
2. My daughter’s children went down with _______ chicken-pox.
3. “Were you sick?” “I had _______ fever.”
4. I am suffering from _______ malaria and I am sure you don’t know what it feels like when
_______ fever comes on.
5. He was laid up with _______ ‘flu and did not let us know about it.
6. They were discussing it after _______ supper, when _______ children were in _______
7. _______ room was in _______ darkness. I dimly perceived _______ bed in _______
8. When he finished at _______ midnight, too exhausted to read any further, he went to
_______ bed.
9. He worked hard and often got out of _______ bed at _______ night to make sure that he
had written _______ point down.
10. I pushed off _______ bedclothes and sat on _______ side of _______ bed.
1. We sat at _______ kitchen table talking about _______ things.
2. Tom, who was reading at _______ small table near him, looked up.
3. There used to be _______ table near the window.
4. Mr Peck came in. He taught us algebra and _______ geometry; he was _______ man
about fifty-five who had spent his whole life at school.
5. In _______ morning I went as usual to _______ school.
6. He went to _______ school to speak to _______ head-master about his son.
7. She told me that for _______ while she had worked in _______ hospital.
8. They had _______ hospital in _______ town during _______ war.
9. He is in _______ hospital and his condition is reported as being serious.
10. He was in _______ hospital for _______ few weeks, and came back more moodily than
1. They stood for _______ moment, then all together slowly moved towards _______ church.
2. “Do you go to _______ church?” - “Occasionally.”
3. She was dressed for _______ church.
4. I’ll drive you to _______ town this morning.
5. We decided to spend _______ summer in _______ sea-side town.
6. They lived in _______ same part of _______ town.
7. When will you drive back to _______ town?
8. Blairhill was _______ ancient town with _______ winding alleys and _______ old market-
9. I’m afraid you can’t see Father today; he’s out of _______ town.
10. My Aunt Milly was well known all over _______ town.
1. Let’s go by _______ underground.
2. He took one of _______ books at _______ random.
3. I came across _______ book by _______ chance.
4. After she had _______ leisurely dinner downstairs Julia played _______ piano for _______
5. There was nothing to be said in _______ answer to such _______ bitter accusations.
6. His name was mentioned in _______ connection with _______ ping-pong championship.
7. He spent part of _______ afternoon telling them _______ news he could not tell them by
_______ telephone.
8. He knew Marion Sharpe by _______ sight as he knew everyone in Milford.
9. He asked _______ man what was his idea with _______ regard to be; means for
accomplishing his plan.
10. I broke my spectacles by _______ accident and then found I didn’t really need them.
1. They are at _______ sea now. They write that they are having _______ marvellous time.
2. Anna and her husband went out after _______ tea to play _______ cards, and took their
baby, though Eugene said it would get _______ pneumonia.
3. He tore open _______ parcel that came for him by _______ post.
4. _______ school was _______ pride of _______ town. It was made of _______ brick.
5. When he was in _______ hospital she could not get _______ permission to visit him.
6. It was with _______ greatest difficulty that Brian had persuaded him to join _______
7. I have to go up to _______ town on Tuesday to see _______ man.
8. I did not mean to say it. It came out by _______ accident.
9. Then he came to Oxford to do _______ research for _______ year.
10. Outside _______ church we met several neighbours.
1. He found himself _______ face to _______ face with _______ Lieutenant Evans.
2. They went out and saw that _______ dawn was breaking.
3. He took him for _______ ride at _______ twilight.
4. Marcel, _______ fat man who runs _______ place we were at _______ last night,
introduced me to _______ two men there.
5. Joe and I took _______ lunch together once _______ week, every Friday; unless he was out
of _______ town.
6. As _______ boy Herbert wanted to study _______ music.
7. Though _______ rain ceased at _______ noon _______ air still felt moist.
8. One day he was taken by _______ friend to _______ party given by _______ certain Mrs
Lambeth, _______ rich banker’s widow. ,
9. Next day I saw _______ Smiths off at _______ airport.
10 Bradleys are one of _______ oldest families in Illinois.
1. Mr Roberts sipped _______ cup of _______ coffee and looked out over _______ Lake of
2. He told me how he had discovered _______ statue, five hundred feet tali’, buried in
_______ sand of _______ Sahara.
3. She showed me _______ pictures taken in _______ Swiss Alps.
4. He said it is _______ story of _______ writer who goes on _______ voyage to _______
South Seas.
5. This was not _______ Paris that he had accepted thirty years ago as his second home.
6. They stayed in _______ Venice for _______ fortnight.
7. He had applied for this assistantship in _______ answer to _______ advertisement in
_______ “Lancet”.
8. Schiller, _______ most popular dramatist in _______ Germany, was forced to make
_______ translations from _______ French in order to earn _______ money enough to live
9. There’s _______ good film at _______ Regal Cinema this week.
10. Although it was _______ early afternoon all _______ lights in _______ restaurant were on.
1. I’m going to stand for _______ Parliament at _______ next election.
2. When I left _______ station, I had to. stand in _______ queue for _______ taxi for _______
long time.
3. We took _______ trip around London and saw _______ Tower Bridge.
4. _______ happiness of the majority depends on _______ hard work from everyone.
5. _______ most main roads in this part of _______ country follow _______ line of _______
roads built by _______ Romans.
6. Have you got _______ latest record by _______ Gypsy Kings?
7. If I had _______ time, I would like to take up _______ archery.
8. We spent _______ pleasant evening having _______ drink at _______ Robin Hood.
9. Nile flows right through _______ city.
10. _______ summer I spent in _______ USA was one of _______ best in my life.
1. Go down _______ King Street and turn right into _______ Mill Road.
2. Please let me carry _______ shopping. It’s _______ least I can do.
3. I don’t like _______ milk in _______ coffee.
4. She was _______ first woman to cross _______ Atlantic in _______ canoe.
5. Jim became _______ furniture salesman after leaving _______ school.
6. At _______ end of _______ busy day, _______ sleep is _______ best tonic.
7 Janies Joyce I knew wasn’t _______ novelist and wasn’t _______ Irish either.
8. We’ll go for _______ walk if _______ sun comes out.
9. This is _______ last time I do you _______ favour for _______ while.
10. I’m staying in _______ Hilton so you can leave me _______ message.
1. Please watch _______ cabin attendant as she demonstrates _______ use of _______ oxygen
2. Paul spent _______ half of his life in _______ Far East.
3. You have to use at _______ least _______ pint and _______ half of milk.
4. Dick has _______ sore throat and is taking _______ medicine.
5. We arranged _______ accommodation on _______ outskirts of _______ city.
6. There is _______ very difficult crossword in _______ Times.
7. Could you give me _______ information I asked for in _______ letter I sent you?
8. I bought _______ jewellery for my sister but it wasn’t _______ kind she likes.
9. I always wanted to be _______ astronaut but _______ ambition wore off.
10. Ami _______ last of all, don’t forget to put _______ cat out for _______ night.
I did not feel too good. I had (1) _______ headache and (2) _______ sore throat, and I went to
(3) _______ bed at eight o’clock with some lemon and honey. When I woke up in (4) _______
morning I was so full of (5) _______ cold that I could hardly breathe. I got up and took my
temperature, and upon finding it was (6) _______ hundred point four I went straight to (7)
_______ bed again. (8) _______ Father wanted to send for (9) _______ doctor, and I said I did
not want (10) _______ doctor.
I came home from (1) _______ school one day with (2) _______ slight headache, and took (3)
_______ two aspirins from (4) _______ bottle in (5) _______ medicine cupboard. They left (6)
_______ curious after-taste in my mouth, and when my mother came home half (7) _______
hour later I told her what I had done. She shrieked and ran to (8) _______ telephone; I had
taken some tablets that (9) _______ doctor had prescribed for her stomach cramps, and she had
been warned that it was dangerous to exceed (10) _______ stated doze - one tablet (11)
_______ day. She had broken (12) _______ bottle that morning, and transferred (13) _______
tablets to (14) _______ empty aspirin bottle.

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