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1 Warm up

What do you do in your free time? Which would you choose: play a sport or go to the cinema? Why?

2 Vocabulary

Label the pictures below and answer the following questions.

cook do sports do water sports go hiking go rollerblading

paint / sketch participate in theatre play an instrument play chess take photos

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

1. Which activities do you do in your free time? When did you start this activity?
2. Which activities are creative / active? Is it possible for an activity to be both? How?
3. Is it best to spend your free time doing activities alone or with friends? Why/Why not?

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3 Listening

Listen to the people talking about their leisure activities and match the following columns.

1. Speaker 1 a. active and creative i. taking photographs,

participate in theatre
2. Speaker 2 b. creative ii. watersports, surfing, kayaking

3. Speaker 3 c. active iii. cook, go rollerblading

4 Focus on grammar 1

Part 1: Read the information about abstract nouns and answer the following questions.

1. What are the three types of abstract nouns?

2. How do we form these nouns?
3. Why should you use them in the PET exam?

Read what Speaker 1 says. Find and circle five abstract nouns. Check with your partner.

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Part 2: Read and complete the abstract nouns from Speakers 2 and 3. Listen to check.

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

5 Talking point
Choose a leisure activity from page one. Make notes to describe a picture as in the example.


• Activity: Play chess.

• What can I see? A park, outdoors, some people, two chess games.
• My understanding: Concentration, knowledge, patience.

Now describe your picture to your partner. As you listen count how many abstract nouns your partner

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6 Focus on exam

Read the exam information and underline the important words. Then match the statements.

Match the sentence halves to create the correct statements.

1. There are four

2. Only one examiner will ask you

3. Part 1 is a short because

4. First he / she asks

5. Age, surname and home are

6. Finally, they ask questions from a list

7. You should answer with

a. questions or show the materials.

b. the topics for the next two questions.

c. of common personal topics.

d. your name.

e. parts in the Speaking exam.

f. a sentence and include a reason and example.

g. it has a maximum of three minutes.

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7 Let’s watch

Part 1: Watch a short video (00:00 - 02:05) of two candidates doing Speaking Part 1 and order the
topics of the questions asked.


1 Name

Favourite part of the day


School transport


Mobile phone

Part 2: Watch the video again and complete the questions.

1. What your name?

2. How old ?

3. Where ?

4. do you live ?

5. Roberto, tell us about a teacher .

6. How often a mobile phone?

7. Simone, how every day?

8. Which , the morning or the afternoon?

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Part 3: Read Simone and Roberto’s statements and answer the questions.

1) Simone: I live in Buccinasco, near Milan.

What extra information does Simone add to his first question?

2) Roberto: I use it every day, and I use it just to chat with my friends and maybe
sometimes watch some videos.

Identify the two examples in Roberto’s answer.

3) Simone: I like the afternoon because you can chill, you can have time for yourself
because the morning is too busy. You have to go to school you have to go
to work. So, in the afternoon, you can relax and enjoy yourself.

How does Simone explain his choice of the afternoon? Find the reason and Simone’s examples.

8 Focus on grammar 2

Part 1: Read and complete the missing question words in pairs.

how how many how often what what kinds

when where which who why

1. is your favourite day of the week?

2. are you from?

3. do you have dinner?

4. do you spend your Saturdays?

5. is your best friend?

6. brothers and sisters do you have?

7. water sports do you prefer: surfing or kayaking? Why?

8. are you studying English?

9. do you go to the cinema?

10. of music do you like listening to?

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Part 2: Write the correct question word next to the item it refers to. Check your answers in pairs.

1. → thing

2. → place

3. → time or day

4. → manner

5. → person

6. → quantity

7. → choice

8. → reason

9. → frequency

10. → description

9 Optional extension

Play the question game in pairs. Follow the instructions below.

1. Write the question words from the task above on pieces of paper.
2. Place in a small bag and shake.
3. Student A takes a piece of paper from the bag, reads, and creates a question.
4. Student B answers the question. Remember to expand your answer.
5. Now Student B takes from the bag.

Use these topics for your questions: leisure activities, hobbies, homes and rooms, clothes, descriptions,
and daily life.

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3. Listening

Sara: The truth is that I’m not a creative person and I don’t have a lot of imagination. I paint and
sketch at school, but I like being active in my leisure time. I’m a big fan of water sports.
Although kayaking is my regular hobby, I go surfing in the summer. I go kayaking almost
every weekend and I take part in competitions. I love it because I can show my strength
when I win a race. Mum says you can see the happiness on my face but also the sadness
if I lose.

Josh: My dad says I’ve never been without a camera in my hand. I love taking photographs every
day. When I’ve taken the perfect photo, I show my joy by smiling. You can capture people’s
best and worst moments, for example, kindness when a grandson helps his grandparent.
As well as photography I like participating in theatre. We practise different expressions
on our face like anger. Creativity is an important part of my life and part of my chosen

Kevin: To my knowledge, I’m neither an active nor creative person because I love doing different
activities in my free time. Some weekends I cook with friends. It’s creative and improves
my understanding of food. I’ve learnt patience because you must wait for the dish to cook.
Other weekends I’m more active person because I love rollerblading with my family. We
do a route in the park. There is excitement when we go down a hill, but I feel pain if I fall.

7. Let’s watch

Examiner: Good afternoon.

Both candidates: Good afternoon.

Examiner: Can I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. I’m Claire, and this is Sandra.
What’s your name?

Roberto: I’m Roberto.

Examiner: How old are you?

Roberto: I’m 13 years old.

Examiner: Thank you. And what’s your name?

Simone: I’m Simone.

Examiner: How old are you?

Simone: I’m 14.

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Examiner: Simone, where do you live?

Simone: I live in Buccinasco, near Milan.

Examiner: Who do you live with?

Simone: I live with my mum, with my father, with my brother and my sister.

Examiner: Thank you. And Roberto, where do you live?

Roberto: I also live in Buccinasco.

Examiner: Who do you live with?

Roberto: I live with my mum, my dad and my sister.

Examiner: Thank you. Roberto, tell us about a teacher you like.

Roberto: So, I really like my Italian teacher because she really makes us feel part of the
lesson, showing us things on the chalkboard and to make us understand really
hard concepts. And so, with her lessons, you really learn understand very well
some concepts.

Examiner: How often do you use a mobile phone, Roberto?

Roberto: I use it every day, and I use it just to chat with my friends and maybe sometimes
watch some videos.

Examiner: Simone, how do you get to school every day?

Simone: I take the bus near my house and then, I had to take the subway.

Examiner: Which do you like best, the morning or the afternoon?

Simone: I like the afternoon ...

Examiner: Why?

Simone: ... because you can chill yourself, you can have time for yourself, because the
morning is too busy. You have to go to school, you have to go to work. So, the
afternoon, you can relax and enjoy yourself.

Examiner: Thank you.

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
Students answer the questions. Ask the questions together as a class or in pairs. Monitor to check their understanding
of the questions.

2. Vocabulary

5 mins.
Students label the pictures. Students then ask and answer the questions. Monitor to see how they are expanding
their answers.

1. play chess 2. paint / sketch 3. do sports 4. take photos

5. play an instrument 6. go hiking 7. participate in theatre 8. go rollerblading
9. cook 10. do water sports

3. Listening

5 mins.
Students listen and match the columns. Play twice to allow them to check their accuracy.

1. → c. → ii. 2. → b. → i. 3. → a. → iii.

4. Focus on grammar 1

10 mins.
Part 1
First, tell the students to read the exam tip about an abstract noun. Students individually read the first text and
circle five nouns: truth, imagination, strength, happiness, sadness.
Allow them to check together as some may find this difficult.
Part 2
Students complete the abstract nouns from Speakers 2 and 3. Play the recording to check their answers. Play the
audio twice so they have time to write the words. If they are struggling, write the nouns on the board as a guide
for completion.
Alternatively, you can do a jigsaw listening: half the class completes Speaker 2 and the other Speaker 3. Then the
students share answers by explaining the missing words.
Speaker 2
1. joy
2. kindness
3. anger
4. creativity
Speaker 3
1. knowledge

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2. understanding
3. patience
4. excitement
5. paint

5. Talking point

5 mins.
Students choose a leisure activity from page one. Give them about 3 minutes to prepare their notes. Then each
student should try and describe for about a minute. If they seem unsure write some sentence stems on the board
to guide them: I can see...There is/are...This person is ... I (always) ...
Extension: Write a short paragraph describing your favourite leisure activity.

6. Focus on exam

10 mins.
Tell the students to read the exam information about PET Speaking Part 1. Then, to consolidate their information
about this part of the exam, the students match the sentence halves to create the statements.

1. → e. 2. → a. 3. → g. 4. → d.
5. → b. 6. → c. 7. → f.

7. Let’s watch

Part 1
5 mins.
Students watch a short video of two candidates doing Speaking Part 1. Tell the students to order the topics of the
questions asked.

Mobile phone
School transport
Favourite part of the day
Part 2
5 mins.
Students watch the video again and complete the questions. You can pause the video after each question, ask
what the words are and complete them together as a class.

1. ’s 2. are you
3. do you live 4. Who ≀ with
5. you like 6. do you use
7. do you get to school 8. do you like the best
Part 3
5 mins.

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Students read the fragments of Simone and Roberto’s statements and answer the questions. You can display the
statements on your board, ask the questions and tell the students to identify the words or phrases. To consolidate,
they can underline the information on their worksheets.

What extra information does Simone add to his first question? Near Milan.

Identify the two examples in Roberto’s answer. To chat with friends and watch videos.

How does Simone explain his choice of the afternoon? Find the reason and Simone’s examples. Reason: Because
you can chill, time for your yourself, morning is too busy. Examples: have to go to school, have to go to work.
Extension: Tell the students to play a game. Use an 8-sided digital dice. Students roll and answer the chosen
question on page five (eg. Where do you live?). Remember to remind the students to expand their answers.

8. Focus on grammar 2

10 mins.
Part 1
Students work together to write the missing words. You may remind them to refer back to questions on page five
as a guide.

1. what 2. where
3. when 4. how
5. who 6. how many
7. which 8. why
9. how often 10. what kinds
Part 2
Students write the correct question word next to the item it refers to. Check their answers in pairs.

1. what 2. where
3. when 4. how
5. who 6. how many
7. which 8. why
9. how often 10. what kinds

9. Optional extension

10 mins.
Students play the question game in pairs. You can create the question word cards in advance to save time. Students
play in pairs to practise question and answer. Monitor to check how they are adding information to their answers.

Maximizing Polska

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