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The company Seafield requires contractors to record the number of hours they work
each week. A random sample of 38 weeks is taken and the number of hours worked per
week by contractor Kiana is summarised in the stem and leaf diagram below.

Stem Leaf Key : 3 2 means 32

1 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 9 9 9 (11)
2 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 w 9 (10)
3 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 9 (10)
4 1 1 2 3 (4)
5 1 9 (2)
6 4 (1)

The quartiles for this distribution are summarised in the table below.

Q1 Q2 Q3

x 26 y

(a) Find the values of w, x and y

Kiana is looking for outliers in the data. She decides to classify as outliers any
observations greater than

Q3 + 1.0 × (Q3 – Q1 )

(b) Showing your working clearly, identify any outliers that Kiana finds.
(c) Draw a box plot for these data in the space provided on the grid opposite.
(d) Use the formula

(Q3 − Q2 ) − (Q2 − Q1 )
skewness =
(Q3 − Q1 )

to find the skewness of these data. Give your answer to 2 significant figures.

Kiana’s new employer, Landacre, wishes to know the average number of
hours per week she worked during her employment at Seafield to help calculate the cost
of employing her.
(e) Explain why Landacre might prefer to know Kiana’s mean, rather than median,
number of hours worked per week.

*P71200A0224* 
1. The histogram shows the times taken, t minutes, by each of 100 people to
swim 500 metres.


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time taken (t minutes)

(a) Use the histogram to complete the frequency table for the times taken by the
100 people to swim 500 metres.

Time taken (t minutes) 5 – 10 10 – 14 14 – 18 18 – 25 25 – 40

Frequency ( f ) 10 16 24

(b) Estimate the number of people who took less than 16 minutes to swim 500 metres.
(c) Find an estimate for the mean time taken to swim 500 metres.
Given that ∑ ft 2
= 41 033
(d) find an estimate for the standard deviation of the times taken to swim 500 metres.
Given that Q3 = 23
(e) use linear interpolation to estimate the interquartile range of the times taken to
swim 500 metres.

*P72072A0224* 
1. The stem lengths of a sample of 120 tulips are recorded in the grouped frequency
table below.

Stem length (cm) Frequency

40  x < 42 12

42  x < 45 18

45  x < 50 23

50  x < 55 35

55  x < 58 24

58  x < 60 8

A histogram is drawn to represent these data.

The area of the bar representing the 40  x < 42 class is 16.5 cm2
(a) Calculate the exact area of the bar representing the 42  x < 45 class.
The height of the tallest bar in the histogram is 10 cm.
(b) Find the exact height of the second tallest bar.
Q1 for these data is 45 cm.
(c) Use linear interpolation to find an estimate for
(i) Q2

(ii) the interquartile range.

One measure of skewness is given by

Q3 − 2Q2 + Q1
Q3 − Q1

(d) By calculating this measure, describe the skewness of these data.


*P72154A0228* 

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