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Grade 11 Topic: Instruction:

KD 3.3 Invitation letter/ Formal invitation Before you read some invitation letters have that
information about school activities, let’s watch a
Aim: video and discuss with your teacher!
In this unit you will learn some
invitation letters that have
information about school

Let’s discuss the video!

1. From the video, you have seen some
invitation letters. Have you read some
invitation letters like this before?

 Have you ever received them?

 Did you familiar with the activities in
the invitation letter?
 Did you interest to joint the activites
that inform on the invitation letter?
 Did anyone come to the events?
 Did you know other activities that
has the kind of invitation letter like
Grade 11, KD 3.3 ( teaching …)
Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dsan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khush dalam
bengtuk undangan resmi dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan
sekolah/tempat kerja sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Note: Pilihan teks adalah invitation letter yang dikeluarkan oleh sekolah atau kantor.
Invitation letter/ formal invitation

You will read some Invitation letter texts about Parents-Teacher Conference, Parent-Teacher
Meeting, and Family Fun Day. Imagine that you are the students or person that receive the
invitation letter to attend the activities. As you read the text, try to see in your mind how
people invite others to attend the events or activities.
Text 1: Parent Teacher Conferences

Text 2: Parent Teacher Meeting

Now, your teacher will give the draft texts on which an 'editor' has written sugmeschanges in
the wording and then gets them to write out a final version of their own.

The language concept

The social function of invitation letter is:

Used to formally invite someone to an event, gathering, or occasion.

Text structure Example

Salutation The letter begin with (dear, Respected following
salutation by Mr., Ms., Parents, etc)
Opening Introduce the sender, briefly Dear [Recipient's Name],
state the purpose of the
letter, and express You are invited to our
enthusiasm for the event or "School Arts and Science
activity. Include relevant Day" at Prestige School. It
details like the title, date, and will be on November 5th,
time. 2023. We will show the
good work of our students
Body pharagraph Provide further information The event will be at
about the activity, including prestige school from 10;00
specific details about the AM to 3:00 PM here is what
venue, duration, agenda, and you can see:
any requirements or
instructions for participants. - Students will show their
science projects.
- There will be drawings,
paintings, and other art to
look at.
- Some students will talk
about their work and answer

Also, Dr. Lydia Warren will

come. She went to our
school before and is now a
famous scientist. She will
talk to us and see the
students' work.
Closing Paragraph Continue the invitation, for Please come and see what
considering include or5 and our students have done. It
End letter closing such as or will make them happy. Tell
kind regards." Include the us by October 25th, 2023, if
sender's name, position, and you can come. We hope to
contact information. see you.

Thank you,

[Your Name]
Head of Prestige School

Langauge Features Example

Formal Salutation "Dear Dr. [Surname]," "Honorable [Title],"
or "Respected [Name]."
Formal Tone "We would be honored..."
Third Person Reference "Mr. and Mrs. Smith request the pleasure of
your company at the wedding of their
Clear Statement of Purpose "You are cordially invited to..."
-Date (often written formally, e.g., "the
Specific Event Details fifteenth of November")
-Time (e.g., "at six o'clock in the evening")
-Venue (with a complete address)
RSVP Request "Kindly respond by the tenth of October."
Formal Closure "Yours sincerely," "With all due respect," or
"Warm regards."
Signature This could be the name of the individual,
family, or organization extending the
invitation. “Camp”
Use of Formal Vocabulary "cordially," "request the pleasure,"
"honored," "esteemed guest," and
"graciously invite"
Consistent Formatting The formatting is consistent in terms of font,
alignment, and spacing. The design is often
minimalistic and elegant.
This might include dress code (e.g., "Black
Additional Information Tie Affair").
Indirect Requests or Statements "We request the pleasure of your

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