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Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613

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A compost heating solution for a greenhouse in north-eastern Poland

in fall
Maciej Neugebauer *, Joanna Hałacz , Tomasz Olkowski
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biological waste generated by households, including the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and
Received 12 February 2020 garden green waste, is collected by municipal services and processed. These operations require addi-
Received in revised form tional energy carriers, such as fuel for waste transport. This study proposes a method for on-site
21 July 2020
composing of household waste in line with the zero waste strategy. The largest amount of heat is
Accepted 3 August 2020
generated in the thermophilic phase of the composting process, and in the proposed method, excess heat
Available online 8 August 2020
was used to heat a greenhouse. The proposed solution relies on passive heating without additional
^ as de
Handling Editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bo equipment. The greenhouse was supplied with the heat generated by 136 kg of composted biological
Almeida waste between 19 October and 2 December. An identical, but unheated greenhouse was set up to
determine the efficiency of the proposed heating system. Air temperature, pressure and humidity were
Keywords: measured in both greenhouses. On average, the temperature inside the heated greenhouse was 2.3  C
Compost higher than in the unheated greenhouse and 3.1  C higher than ambient temperature throughout the
Greenhouse heating experiment. The net heat gain from the composted waste was determined with the use of the laws of
Zero waste
thermodynamics at 32.5 MJ. The proposed solution decreased the quantity of biological waste collected
Biological waste
from the household by 136 kg, thus reducing primary energy consumption. The designed solution was
ANN modeling
used to heat the greenhouse in fall. During the thermophilic phase, the temperature inside the heated
greenhouse did not drop below 0  C, whereas below zero temperatures were noted on three occasions in
the unheated greenhouse. Artificial neural networks were used as a tool to predict the temperature
inside a heated greenhouse to predict if temperature would fall below the permissible value.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2017; Ripa et al., 2017). However, the existing solutions for man-
aging MSW in an environmentally-friendly manner in Poland and
Technological advancement leads to an improvement in living in other European countries appear to be relatively ineffective
standards, in particular in developed countries. The improvement (Tanguy et al., 2017; Hoornweg et al., 2012).
in the quality of life is accompanied by higher waste production The composition of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
(Purba et al., 2018), especially municipal solid waste (MSW) (OFMSW) varies subject to the country of origin, its economic sta-
generated by households. According to statistical data, in the EU tus, waste management regulations, industrial development, life-
alone, households generated 300 million tons of MSW in 2015, and style and social awareness (Abdel-Shafy and Mansour, 2018).
this figure is expected to increase to 330 million tons by 2020 (U.S. Municipal solid waste contains approximately 25e30% of paper and
Environmental Protection Agency, 2013). There is a general scarcity cardboard, 26e35% of organic waste (including food), 5e12% of
of cohesive, effective and environmentally-friendly solutions for metal and glass, 7e18% of plastics, and 2e4% of wood, textiles and
collecting and recycling MSW (Moriguchi and Hasimoto, 2015; rubber (Anthraper et al., 2018; Edjabou et al., 2017). In Poland, the
Malinauskaite et al., 2017). Highly developed countries implement total volume of organic waste exceeds 100 kg,year1 per inhabitant
technologies for processing waste into renewable energy (Cheng, (Kuznia et al., 2015).
According to Eurostat data, 45.7% of waste was landfilled in the
EU in 2016 (Eurostat, 2019). Decomposed landfill waste contami-
* Corresponding author. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Ocza-
nates soil and water, and it is a source of greenhouse gases
powskiego 2, 10-719, Olsztyn, Poland. (Weigand et al., 2003; Teixeira et al., 2014). Various measures are
E-mail address: (M. Neugebauer).
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613

undertaken to combat the growing stream of MSW in line with the of biological and chemical contaminants (Chew et al., 2019).
sustainable development guidelines of the United Nations Com- Organic waste can be composted in households in small com-
mittee on Environment and Development. Sustainable develop- posting bins. This solution can decrease the waste stream and
ment is defined as development that meets the needs of the reduce the costs associated waste collection, transport and pro-
present generation without compromising the ability of future cessing. Household composting also contributes to environmental
generations to meet their own needs (WCEDO, 1987). Economic, protection by decreasing the emissions of greenhouse gases that
environmental and social factors have to be balanced in equal are released during fertilizer production. Composted organic waste
harmony to achieve true sustainability (UN Prototype, 2009; can be used as natural fertilizer, which minimizes pesticide
Glushkov et al., 2018). contamination in soil (Faaji, 2006). On-site composting also has
The effectiveness of MSW management is largely determined by important social implications. Residents learn to manage waste
the waste collection strategy. Additional energy is required to responsibly, and they become more aware of the environmental
maintain waste collection systems (Neugebauer, 2017), and com- impact of waste, which contributes to community participation in
munity members have to be convinced that waste sorting delivers waste management. The end products of composting are mature
tangible results. Waste management poses a less critical problem in compost which constitutes excellent natural fertilizer, gases - car-
highly developed countries (such as Sweden) (So € rme et al., 2019) bon dioxide and, in some cases, ammonia. Heat generated during
which are characterized by higher levels of environmental aware- composting, especially in the thermophilic phase, can be used for
ness. However, waste is managed less effectively (or not at all) in various purposes. Presently, the generated heat is usually lost
many countries of the world, which exerts a negative impact on the (Neugebauer, 2018). The development of an effective and low-cost
natural environment (Moghadam et al., 2009; Czekała, 2018). In method for recovering heat from composted waste would
many countries, MSW and OFMSW are collected together and contribute to the popularity of composting in households. At pre-
transported to landfills (Awasthi et al., 2014; Sukholthman and sent, heat produced by waste that is composted both in households
Sharp, 2016). and in municipal composting plants is regarded as a waste product
The zero waste strategy delivers numerous benefits for local and is not recovered (Thanopoulos et al., 2018; Zabi _  ski et al.,
authorities who are responsible for waste management, and it has 2015).
important environmental implications. However, this strategy re- Various compost heating systems have been proposed, but all of
quires considerable community participation, which is why its them rely on composting mixtures where manure (from horses,
implementation is fraught with numerous problems, even in cows and other animals) is the main component. In these systems,
countries with high levels of environmental awareness (Arantes heat is transferred by a hydraulic medium in closed system of pipes
et al., 2018; Zaman and Ahsan, 2019). (usually water) and pumps (Brown, 2014). This study proposes an
Landfilling is the most popular solution for managing waste, and innovative solution for convective transfer of heat from compost to
the remaining waste is processed with the use of various methods, a greenhouse. Municipal waste (OFMSW) is used as a substrate in
including incineration or waste burning directly in landfills (Hottle the composting bin, which is also a novel concept. An effective
et al., 2015). Up to 80% of the energy contained in waste can be composing system and a robust methodology for calculating the
recovered in modern incineration plants. However, complex and amount of generated heat would be highly useful for practitioners.
expensive gas scrubbing systems are required to minimize the A simple and low-cost solution for composting organic waste
emissions of harmful volatile substances (Smith and Aber, 2018; without the need for additional equipment would contribute to the
Awasthi et al., 2019). Municipal solid waste has low energy value attractiveness and popularity of household composting, thus
(Song et al., 2013; Yaliwal et al., 2016), and its management poses reducing the volume of municipal and green waste that is collected
numerous environmental, economic and technological challenges. from households.
For this reason, MSW is not and will never be a competitive source The described solution addresses yet another important prob-
of energy relative to hydrocarbon fuels (Tan et al., 2017; Tabakaev lem, namely greenhouse heating. The demand for energy in a
et al., 2017). greenhouse is determined by various factors, including the optimal
Waste can also be processed in biological treatment plants. temperature for growing different crops, local climate and the
Organic compounds in MSW are decomposed by aerobic and structural design of a greenhouse. Various methods have been
anaerobic bacteria, and the entire process is expensive and time- proposed for modeling the energy balance in greenhouse produc-
consuming. Biological treatment plants have considerable space tion (Shen et al., 2018; Hedau et al., 2014; Esen and Yuksel et al.,
requirements, and some types of waste require preliminary pro- 2013). This is an important consideration because the energy
cessing before biological decomposition (Eckenfelder and required to heat a greenhouse accounts for up to 70% of production
O’Connor, 2013). Wet oxidation is a promising alternative which costs (Hołownicki et al., 2013). Environmental factors should be
is characterized by higher processing speed, lower greenhouse gas taken into consideration in the process of developing effective so-
emissions and a smaller impact on the environment (Hii et al., lutions for decreasing energy-related costs. These requirements
2014; Bertanza et al., 2015). Wet oxidation requires less energy, have increased the popularity of renewable energy sources for
and the treated waste has to be separated and initially processed. greenhouse heating. Most large-scale solutions rely on geothermal
This method is generally used to reduce the quantity of waste and energy (Lund and Falls, 2012). These systems are characterized by
recover resources (Lu et al., 2011; Baroutian et al., 2013). Anthraper low cost and a minimal environmental impact (Ahamed et al., 2019;
et al. (2018) demonstrated that solid waste that cannot be recycled Anifantis et al., 2016). Solar energy has also been proposed as a
can be effectively degraded by wet oxidation (Udugama et al., source of heat for greenhouses. The unpredictable nature of solar
2017). energy was a serious drawback, but advanced solutions for storing
Composting is a highly effective and undervalued waste man- solar energy have significantly increased the popularity of these
agement technique. Waste can be composted on a small scale in solutions. However, batteries for solar energy storage have limited
households as well as on a larger scale in municipal composting capacity and lifespan (Hassanien et al., 2016). The most effective
plants. During this natural process, organic matter is decomposed systems developed in recent years convert solar energy to
by microorganisms in the presence of oxygen. Small quantities of hydrogen gas, which implies that energy can be generated with the
organic waste are much easier to compost. Composted organic use of fuel cells (Pascuzzi et al., 2016). Hydrogen gas can also be
waste is stable and can be used as fertilizer, provided that it is free produced in other processes, including biomass pyrolysis and
M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613 3

biological methane fermentation (Go mez et al., 2011). Hydrogen 5. A neural network was developed to predict the temperature
gas systems for greenhouse heating and hybrid systems that rely on inside the greenhouse.
a combination of renewable energy sources are presently being
researched and tested (Xu et al., 2020; Anifantis et al., 2018; The proposed heating solution was passive, and the amount of
Yildirim et al., 2018). generated heat could not be controlled. External sources of energy
Regardless of the proposed innovative solutions, most green- were not used.
houses rely on local sources of energy, not only commercially
available energy, but also manure and compost of varied origin. 3. Materials and methods
System development costs and the availability and efficiency of
energy sources are the key considerations, in particular in small Two identical polytunnel greenhouses supported by 5 PVC pipes
greenhouses in individual farms and home gardens. For this reason, (separated by a distance of 0.55 m) were built. The location, di-
non-commercial sources of energy should be investigated to pro- mensions and orientation of the greenhouses are presented in
vide investors and greenhouse owners with extensive information Fig. 1a. Both greenhouses were covered with transparent foil with a
about alternative solutions that are best suited to local conditions density of 150 g$m2. The greenhouses had identical dimensions.
and limitations, generate the highest profits, and best meet local They were built in an open area with identical insolation conditions
needs. and the absence of overhead structures or objects that could cast a
A review of the literature has revealed a general scarcity of shadow. Identical conditions were maintained in both greenhouses
published studies into the energy efficiency of OFMSW and GGW before the experiment. Both greenhouses were aired over the same
composting for greenhouse heating without additional equipment period of time to guarantee identical initial conditions. Due to
such as heat exchangers, water tanks or piping (Smith et al., 2017). identical greenhouse dimensions, location and structure as well as
This study aims to fill in this knowledge gap by evaluating the ef- identical initial conditions, it was assumed that heat loss (caused by
ficiency of biowaste composting (OFMSW and GGW) for green- wind, structural gaps, etc.) and heat gain (such as solar gain)
house heating without the involvement of additional equipment. resulting from the transfer of heat between the greenhouse and the
Composting is a passive process where the parameters of the environment was identical for both greenhouses. The greenhouses
generated heat cannot be controlled. As a result, the temperature were not equipped with a ventilation system, and air could be
inside a greenhouse heated with compost can fall below the desired exchanged only by opening the doors. The greenhouses remained
minimum, which is most probable during the transition from the closed during the experiment, and only the heated greenhouse was
thermophilic to the mesophilic stage of composting. This study opened to add biological waste to the compost bin. The dates on
proposes a model for predicting the temperature inside a green- which the compost bin was filled are given in Table 1. The differ-
house to minimize the above risk. The model was developed based ences between the indoor temperature of the monitored green-
on artificial neural networks (ANNs) which are used to model houses resulted from the generation of heat by composted waste.
complex nonlinear processes and to predict changes in physical and A composting bin with external dimensions of 0.6  0.6  0.8 m,
economic variables over time (San and Maulik, 2018; Chai et al., wall thickness of 3 cm, and volume of 250 dm3 was placed in the
2019). center of greenhouse A. The size of the composing bin was selected
The aim of this case study was to provide empirical evidence to accommodate the prepared quantities of biowaste. Greenhouse B
that greenhouses in north-eastern Poland can be effectively heated was not heated. In each greenhouse, temperature was measured at
in fall with heat generated by compost, and to determine the heat three points 40 cm above ground level which corresponds to
generation capacity of compost based on heat transfer between the average plant height. Temperature was measured with Dallas
composted waste and air in the heated greenhouse. The present DB18b20 sensors (with an accuracy of±0.5  C) and a measurement
findings will also have practical applications in other locations with system compatible with the Arudino platform. Relative humidity
a similar climate. was measured with the HTU21D sensor (with an accuracy of±2%),
and pressure was measured with the BMP280 sensor (with an ac-
curacy of±0.12 hPa). The location of each sensor inside the green-
2. Research objectives house is presented in Fig. 1b. Measurements were performed every
hour. The recorded value was the arithmetic mean of five mea-
The aim of this study was to determine whether: surements conducted every 15 s. Data were stored on an SD card.
The experiment was conducted between 19 October and December
 a greenhouse can be effectively heated by composing biological 3, 2018.
waste inside the greenhouse, On October 19, 2018, green garden waste (GGW) and kitchen
 OFMSW and GGW can be effectively composted to generate waste as OFMSW were placed in the compost bin in greenhouse A.
heat, thus reducing the quantity of landfilled waste, Dried flowers from the garden (Phlox paniculata) were placed at the
 the temperature inside the greenhouse can be predicted with bottom of the composting bin to improve aeration, and mature
the use of a prognostic model. compost was placed in layers between organic waste as the inoc-
ulating agent. The composted organic waste comprised kitchen
The present experiment involved the following tasks: waste (as a component of OFMSW) and fallen leaves. The experi-
ment began on a rainless day, and the leaves were dry. All leaves
1. Two identical greenhouses were built and operated in the same originated from the trees growing in the same garden. To create
environmental conditions. supportive conditions for composting, 20 dm3 of water was added
2. A compost pile composed solely of OFMSW and GGW was to the bioreactor. The composting bin was completely filled. On
placed inside one greenhouse. October 27, 2018, the height of the compost pile decreased by 28 cm
3. Temperature and humidity were measured inside both green- (its volume was reduced by 90.9 dm3), and organic waste was
houses and outdoor temperature was monitored during the added to the bin. Organic waste was also added on November 4,
experiment. 2018 when the height of the pile decreased by 23 cm (75 dm3) and
4. The quantity of the generated heat was calculated to validate the on November 11, 2018 when the height of the pile decreased by
research hypothesis. 18 cm (58.5 dm3). Water was also added in the amount of 3 dm3 on
4 M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613

Fig. 1. a) Polytunnel greenhouses e dimensions in [m]. b) Location of measurement sensors inside the greenhouses.

Table 1
Composted biological waste.

Date Weight Volume

[kg] [dm3]

October 19, 2018 Dried flowers (Phlox paniculata) 2.40 25.00

Mature compost 28.80 40.00
Dried leaves from apple (Malus), plum (Prunus), pear (Pyrus) and magnolia (Magnolia) trees 18.40 160.00
KW 14.20 20.00
Total 63.80 245.00
October 27, 2018 KW 10.80 15.00
Decrease in volume by 90.9 dm3 Wet leaves (Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Magnolia) 18.60 70.00
Total 29.40 85.00
November 4, 2018 KW 9.80 13.00
Decrease in volume by 75 dm3 Wet leaves (Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Magnolia) 16.20 60.00
Total 26.00 73.00
November 11, 2018 KW 6.70 10.00
Decrease in volume by 58.5 dm3 Wet leaves (Malus, Prunus, Pyrus, Magnolia) 10.20 40.00
Total 16.90 50.00
Sum total 136.10 453.00

November 11, 2018. The composted biological waste was weighed greenhouse, thus confirming the preliminary assumption that the
with the use of the TP60/1 scale (with an accuracy of±20 g). The described solution can be used to heat a greenhouse.
weight and volume of the composted waste on different days of the Changes in relative humidity in both greenhouses are presented
experiment are presented in Table 1. in Fig. 3. Relative humidity was higher in the heated than in the
unheated greenhouse. An increase in humidity could be undesir-
4. Determination of the heat generation capacity of the able because higher humidity could increase the risk of pathogen
compost heater proliferation and plant infection. Further research is needed to
verify this observation.
The average temperature measured inside greenhouse A The amount of heat generated by compost during the experi-
(heated) and greenhouse B (unheated) as well as ambient tem- ment was determined based on the laws of thermodynamics for
perature are presented in Fig. 2. Humidity in the heated and the moist air. The humidity ratio was calculated in terms of kilograms
unheated greenhouse is presented in Fig. 3. The dates on which of H2O per kilogram of dry air according to formula (1):
organic waste was added to the compost bin are marked with red
Changes in greenhouse temperature are presented in Fig. 2. In f,PAS kgH2 O
X ¼ 0:622, (1)
the first three days of the experiment, temperature inside both P  f,PAS kg PS
greenhouses was similar and only somewhat higher than outdoor
temperature (in particular during the day). After 22 October, the where:
temperature inside the heated greenhouse increased by several
degrees relative to the unheated greenhouse. The temperature X e humidity ratio [kgH2O$kgPS1],
difference was maintained until 24 November, and it was particu- f e relative air humidity [-],
larly pronounced on days with lower ambient temperature (and P e barometric pressure [Pa],
lower solar irradiation) and at night. The above observation initi- PAS e partial pressure of water vapor [Pa].
ates that despite its small size and the absence of additional
equipment for transporting heat, the heat generated by the The enthalpy of moist air was calculated with the use of formula
compost pile increased the temperature inside the heated (2):
M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613 5

Fig. 2. Temperature inside the heated and unheated greenhouse during the experiment. The dates on which organic waste was added to the compost bin are marked with red
arrows. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. Humidity inside the heated and unheated greenhouse during the experiment. The dates on which organic waste was added to the compost bin are marked with blue arrows.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

loss and solar heat gain would be identical in both polytunnels. The
h i greenhouses had identical external dimensions and were posi-
i ¼ cB , t þ ðcA , t þ r0 Þ,X kJ , kg1 (2)
tioned in the same location (with identical weather conditions and
soil thermal properties); therefore, the heat generated during
where: composting would account for the entire difference in temperature
between the compared greenhouses. The generated heat was
t e temperature inside the polytunnel [ C], determined with the use of formula (3):
cB e specific heat capacity of dry air [kJ$kg1$K1],
cA e specific heat capacity of water vapor [kJ$kg1$K1],
DQ ¼ V,r,Di ¼ V,r1 ,i1  V,r2 ,i2 ¼
r0 e heat of vaporization of water, which is determined by air
temperature [kJ$kg1].
¼ V , r1 , f cB , t1 þ ðcA , t1 þ r01 Þ , X1 g  V , r1 ,f cB , t2
The calculations were performed for constant values of air vol- ptþ ðcA , t2 þ r02 Þ , X2 g½kJ (3)
ume and pressure in both greenhouses. It was assumed that heat where:
6 M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613

DQ e difference in the specific heat capacity of air between the The calculations were performed based on the measured dif-
heated and unheated greenhouse, which is equal to the amount ferences in temperature inside both greenhouses; therefore, the
of heat transferred from the compost to air inside the results illustrate the real rate of changes in energy inside the
greenhouse, greenhouse.
Di e difference in air enthalpy between the heated and un-
heated greenhouse [kJ$kg1], 5. Modeling the heating process using ANN
i1; i2 e air enthalpy in the heated and the unheated greenhouse,
respectively, calculated according to formula (2 k) [kJ$kg1], In the next step of the study, artificial neural networks (ANN)
V e polytunnel volume [m3], were used to develop a model of the heating process. The model
r1; r2 e air density in the heated and unheated greenhouse, predicted the temperature inside the heated greenhouse over a
respectively [m3$kg1], period of 10 h. The optimal temperature inside a greenhouse was
t1; t2 e temperature in the heated and unheated greenhouse, determined based on consultations with potential users. Green-
respectively [K], house users should be aware that the modeled temperature can
X1; X2 e humidity in the heated and unheated greenhouse, decrease below the threshold value, in which case, they should
respectively, calculated according to formula (1 k) [kgH2O$ switch to alternative sources of heat.
kgPS1], Data were modeled with the use of an ANN in the Statistica 13
package. The input variables were: composting time in hours,
Temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity were outdoor temperature, temperature and humidity inside the heated
measured instrumentally. Air density, heat of vaporization of water, and unheated greenhouse. The output variable was the tempera-
and partial pressure of water vapor are influenced by air temper- ture inside the heated greenhouse after 10 h of heating. Data were
ature; therefore, they were determined based on thermodynamic divided into two sets: a training set and a test set which was not
tables for the temperatures measured inside polytunnels. The used for ANN training. The test set was composed of the data
specific heat capacity of dry air cB was set at 1.006 [kJ$kg1$K1], collected on 27 November (24 measurements). Test set data were
and the specific heat capacity of water vapor cA was set at 1.862 removed from the training set and were used to verify the accuracy
[kJ$kg1$K1]. of ANN predictions.
The change in the amount of generated heat, expressed by the Multi Layer Perceptron (MPL) networks with different numbers
ratio of thermal energy to time, was calculated with the use of of neurons in hidden layers were used to create ANN models. Five
formula (4), and instantaneous heat generation was calculated with hundred ANN were tested, and five networks with the smallest
the use of formula (5): learning errors were retained for further analysis. The relationship
between temperature in the heated greenhouse and composing
DQn’ time (input variables) vs. the predicted temperature after 10 h of
DPn ¼ ½W (4)
DTn heating (output variable) is presented graphically in Fig. 6.
The temperature inside the heated greenhouse was predicted
Pn ¼ Pn1 þ DPn ½W (5) for 27 November with the use of the five retained AANs. The results
where: are shown in Fig. 7.
The root mean square error (RMSE) of the modeled data was
DPn e change in the amount of heat generated in the nth time calculated for all analytical dates with the use of equation (7):
interval, sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pn e heat generated in the nth time interval,
Pn 2
i¼1 ðti real  ti mod Þ
Pn-1 e heat generated in the previous time interval, RMSE ¼ (7)
DQ’n e change in thermal energy in the nth time interval,
equivalent to Qn - Qn-1, where:
DTn e time elapsed between interval nth and the previous (n-1)
time interval [s]. ti real e temperature measured inside the greenhouse,
ti mod e modeled temperature inside the greenhouse (by
The net heat gain from the bioreactor is presented in Fig. 4. different ANNs),
The heat transferred from compost to air inside the greenhouse n e number of measurements (sample size).
was calculated with the use of formula (6):
The RMSE values calculated for all ANNs are presented in
Table 2.
Qn ¼ DQn’ ½J (6)
6. Results and discussion
The results of measurements and calculations were analyzed to
Qn e heat transferred to air inside the greenhouse from the formulate the following observations. The thermophilic phase of
beginning of the experiment to the nth time interval. the composting process, during which excess heat is transferred to
ambient air, began on 21 October at 3 p.m. The first measurable
The proposed model and the performed calculations are based difference in temperature between the heated greenhouse and the
on the laws of thermodynamics. Therefore, the results reflect unheated greenhouse was determined at 1.28  C, and it continued
changes in the energy of air inside the heated greenhouse, and they to increase during successive measurements. The moment when
can be used to calculate the amount of heat recovered (heat gain) the temperature difference between the compared greenhouses
from compost for indoor heating. The amount of heat transferred to decreased below 0.5  C was regarded as the end of the thermophilic
air inside the greenhouse during the experiment is presented in phase. The above took place on 25 November at midnight. The
Fig. 5. thermophilic phase lasted 37 days, and its duration was similar to
M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613 7

Fig. 4. Net heat gain from the bioreactor during the experiment.

Fig. 5. Heat energy transferred to air inside the greenhouse during the experiment.

that reported by Neugebauer (2018) where the thermophilic phase on 27 October and by approximately 250% on 4 November. The
lasted 41 days. amount of generated heat did not increase after the addition of
During the thermophilic phase, the temperature inside the organic waste on 11 November (Fig. 3).
heated greenhouse did not drop below 2  C, whereas the lowest In the analyzed period, the average net heat gain (i.e. thermal
temperature inside the unheated greenhouse in the analyzed energy that was used to heat air inside the greenhouse) was
period was determined at 2.15  C on 17 November. determined at 8.36 W, whereas the amount of heat that was
The addition of organic waste to the bioreactor on 27 October, 4 captured by air in the heated greenhouse was estimated at 32.5 MJ
November and 11 November did not influence the temperature with the use of formula (6).
difference between the compared greenhouses. The results pre- The thermal efficiency of a compost heater in a greenhouse was
sented in Fig. 3 clearly indicate that the amount of generated heat calculated based on the amount of heat generated by 1 kg of
increased after each addition of organic waste e by more than 220% compost in other studies. This parameter was determined at
8 M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613

Fig. 6. Predicted temperature in the heated greenhouse.

Fig. 7. Temperature predicted by different ANNs for the heated greenhouse on 27 November.

Table 2
RMSE values.

Type of ANN MLP 4-16-1 MLP 4-15-1 MLP 4-19-1 MLP 4-21-1 MLP 4-13-1

RMSE 9.962529 5.612239 5.442140 25.796687 24.284362

0.62 MJ,kg1 by Chambers (2009) and at around 2 MJ,kg1 by the calculated thermal efficiency is a net value that does not ac-
Smith et al. (2018). The above values were averaged to produce count for the loss of heat from the heated greenhouse to ambient
1.3 MJ,kg1, which indicates that the thermal efficiency of the air. This parameter has important practical implications because it
analyzed bioreactor was only 18%. However, it should be noted that can be used to predict the amount of heat that can be supplied by
M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613 9

the proposed solution and the corresponding increase in air tem- 3) An algorithm or a formula for calculating the optimal volume
perature inside the greenhouse. Net heat gain is a much more and composition of composted waste should be developed to
important parameter for greenhouse users because it indicates that raise the temperature inside differently sized greenhouses (and
around 239 kJ of net heat can be obtained from 1 kg of compost to different seasons) to the required level.
heat the greenhouse. Heat loss will be analyzed in the second part
of the paper. As regards points 2 and 3, the aim of the study was to reduce the
At the end of the experiment, the produced compost was left to quantity of landfilled waste and to fully manage biological waste
mature for six months (until spring 2019). Due to low winter (OFMSW and GGW) on-site. The composting rate can be controlled
temperatures in Poland, around ¼ (specific volume) of the compost by modifying the C:N ratio of the substrate. As a result, selected
pile (external layer) required further maturing. The remaining waste fractions could be in short supply, whereas other types of
(mature) compost was used as fertilizer in the greenhouse in waste will not be managed on-site, which prevents the achieve-
spring. ment of zero-waste goals.
The selected ANNs effectively modeled the process of green- The results of the present experiment provide “qualitative” ev-
house heating with compost. The data presented in Fig. 6 indicate idence that biowaste can be effectively composted to heat a
that the relationship between indoor temperature and composting greenhouse in fall. The proposed model can be used to calculate the
time vs. the predicted temperature after 10 h of heating was amount of generated heat. Therefore, new algorithms should be
modeled correctly. The predicted temperature decreased in suc- developed to provide “quantitative” evidence that the proposed
cessive hours of the composting process. At the same time, the solution can be effectively deployed in other climates.
value of the 10-h prediction increased with a rise in current
greenhouse temperature. In practice, the ability of an ANN to pre- 7. Conclusions
dict instantaneous values based on input data plays a more
important role than the general model. The data presented in Fig. 7 The thermal efficiency of a compost heater in a greenhouse was
indicate that all five ANNs predicted that the temperature inside evaluated, and net heat gain, i.e. heat transferred to air in the
the heated greenhouse would decrease below 4  C on 27 November heated greenhouse, was calculated. The composted organic waste
(data for 27 November were not used to teach ANNs). The tem- comprised 136 kg of OFMSW and GGW. The research goals were
perature decrease predicted by two ANNs, MLP 4-16-1 and MLP 4- achieved:
13-1, was too rapid (5 h before the instrumentally determined
decrease), whereas the temperature predicted by MLP 4-21-1 and 1. The proposed solution decreased the quantity of organic waste
MLP 4-13-1 exceeded the measured temperatures in the evening collected from the household by 136 kg during the 6-week
and at night. However, networks MLP 4-15-1 and MLP 4-19-1 were experiment.
characterized by the smallest RMSE errors and produced suffi- 2. Organic waste was composted on-site in a greenhouse in
ciently reliable predictions based on which greenhouse users can accordance with the zero waste strategy.
effectively control greenhouse temperature and switch to alterna- 3. Heat generated during the thermophilic phase of the com-
tive heating systems if required. posting process was used to heat the greenhouse. During the
The proposed solution has the following advantages: experiment (OctobereNovember 2018, north-eastern Poland),
the temperature inside the heated greenhouse did not drop
1. The composting system does not require external energy below 2  C, whereas below-zero temperatures were noted
sources. several times in the control (unheated) greenhouse.
2. The system is easy to build and operate. 4. The described heating solution is simple, and it does not require
3. Biological waste can be managed on-site. additional equipment (such as a pump or coiled pipes) that
would require servicing and energy.
The described solution has the following weaknesses: 5. The thermal efficiency of the proposed solution was determined
at 18% relative to the values given in the literature (amount of
1. The compost bin occupies 10% of greenhouse area. heat generated by 1 kg of compost).
2. The amount of generated heat cannot be controlled. 6. The produced compost (¾ of the specific volume of compost was
3. The composition of composted biowaste cannot be modified to mature in spring) was used as fertilizer in the greenhouse.
increase heating efficiency. 7. The amount of heat transferred to air inside the greenhouse was
calculated with the use of the laws of thermodynamics at
Further research is needed in different types of greenhouses to 32.5 MJ (heat generated by 136 kg of compost in the course of 37
maximize the above advantages, reduce the identified limitations days).
and maximize heating efficiency in various locations. The following 8. A carefully selected ANN with a low modeling error calculated
problems should be addressed in the future: based on real data is a robust tool for predicting the temperature
inside a greenhouse. In this study, temperature was modeled
1) The location, type and size of the composting bin should be over a period of 10 h, but a longer modeling period can be used.
optimized to ensure the deployed solution does not compro- The predictions were reliable, and based on these results,
mise normal gardening operations inside the greenhouse. greenhouse users can switch to other sources of heat to prevent
2) The composition of the composted substrate should be carefully the temperature inside the greenhouse from decreasing below
selected to obtain a C:N ratio of 25e35. Substrates with the the optimum for growing specific crops.
optimal C:N ratio are characterized by the highest composting 9. The results of the case study conducted in north-eastern Poland
rate and the shortest composting time, which maximizes heat indicate that biological waste can be effectively composted to
recovery within a shorter period of time. The amount of heat a greenhouse in other locations with similar environmental
generated heat and the duration of heating can be controlled by conditions (climate and season).
modifying the C:N ratio of composted matter within permissible
limits. The study proposed a method for calculating net heat gain from
compost (without accounting for the heat lost to ambient air) based
10 M. Neugebauer et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 279 (2021) 123613

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