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When it comes to an unforgettable event of my life, the day I got into

university springs to mind. To this day, i still remember vividly that it was
taken place on Thursday evening. At that time I was hanging out with my
friends to wind down after a long time studying really hard for the university
entrance exam. Suddenly my mom called me and told me that the result was
announced. My heart started beating fast, I even couldn’t hold my mobile
phone to check the result so my friends helped me do that. After 5-minute
silence they screamed “you got it”. Omg I was on cloud nine. All of my hard
work had finally paid off. My parents was so proud of me. It’s the first
successful achievement in my life so i will never forget that moment

Actually I’ve been learning English for just 3 years but it’s long enough for me to have some
experience. And if i was asked i would say that there are 3 essential tips for a beginner. First of
all exercise, learning a foreign language is like going to the gym. Your muscles are
strengthened only if you practise every day. It's the same with language: practice makes
perfect. Second, there is nothing better than involving your family and friends in your
learning process. You need moral support in this new challenge: the more, the merrier.
When you show people what you have learnt, they will be impressed. And the last one,
set goals, give yourself a reason for studying like do you want to study abroad, or spend your
next holiday in an English-speaking country ? Set short-term as well as long-term goals, and
keep track of your progress.

Give travel advice to a visitor who arrives in Vietnam for the first time
For foreigners who arrive in Vietnam for the first time here are 3 helpful
advice for them to follow. First, choosing a suitable time for the trip In
Vietnam, there are 3 main parts of the country: the North, the Center, and the South. The weather
in these 3 areas is totally different. Therefore, the best time to have a Vietnam trip that could
fully enjoy throughout is from December to April. Second, when they buy s.t such as clothes,
they should bargain with the seller for better price because the seller often think that the
foreigners have lots of money so they will be charged high prices . And the last thing, they
should learn some basic vietnamese phrases in case of getting lost or having some problems

Daily routine
In the morning, I usually wake up early maybe at 5.30am because my class usually starts early at
6.30 and my house is pretty far from my university so I don’t want to be late for class . After
finishing cleaning in the morning, i have breakfast and go to my university. My class often
finishes at 10.30am. After class I go home and cook lunch, i really love cooking so i barely eat
out. Then i take a nap for a while. In the afternoon, i revise my lesson, do exercises as well as
prepare for next lesson. At 5p.m i go for walk to clear my head after studying. After that i take a
bath and have my dinner. In the evening indulge myself in social media and movies, I almost
spend my evening surfing the internet and watching movies. At the end of the day i often make a
plan for the next day and go to bed at 11p.m
How to improve your lifestyle
I think my lifestyle is a little sedentary, so in order to improve my lifestyle have to change some
habits. First, i have to wake up early and do exercises. Doing exercises in the morning is good
for my health, it not only boost my enegy, make me feel more energized throughout the day
but also help me keep fit and stay healthy. Second, to wake up early in the morning i
have to go to bed early. I usually pull an all-nighter watch movies or just surf the
internet, i know it’s harmful to my health therefore i want to get rid of this bad habit and
try to create a good one
Talk about your interests
If my friends like to listen to music or watch movies, then my interest is cooking. Most of
my family’s meals are cooked by me. Every day, I buy ingredients after I get home from
class and start going to the kitchen. During the meal I often cook many different dishes.
I like to decorate my food beautifully. In addition to the dishes in my meal, I also like to
make snacks such as cakes, candies, jam, … Whenever I do those things, I often share
them with relatives and friends to enjoy. Everyone compliments me of my good cooking
and I am very happy for that.

Talk about favorite sport

I would like to talk about my favorite sport, which is swimming.

I first knew about it when I was 10 years old. My mom thought that I should learn to
swim at an early age so that I wouldn’t drown in the water. Frankly speaking, I kinda
enjoyed the swimming class as I guess I was born with the Water element.
I love this sport for several reasons: First, it helps to keep my body in perfect shape.
Second, swimming is a great sport for me to improve my height. Last but not least,
since I started this sport, I barely feel stressed or overworked. All in all, I suggest this
sport is a must-have pastime for everyone.

Favorit means of transportation

My favorite means of transportation is motorcycle. Nowadays, traffic is

very disorderly. The roads are narrow. So I think that motorcycle is a
good choice in the current situation. This kind of vehicle is more flexible
than cars. The motorcycle is very useful for my life because it helps me
save a lot of time when I go to university and I can control the time easily
when riding a motorbike. Although there is dangerous when I attend in
traffic, I still love riding a motorcycle.

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