Mid Term Special - Online Exam

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BRAC University

BRAC Business School

Mid Term Exam, Fall -2023
Program: BBA
Course Title: Leadership Theory & Practice Course No: MGT421 (1)
Duration: 90 Minutes Full Marks: 20
Please answer any 4 questions: (4×5) = 20
1. There are 6 bases of power. Is legitimate power and coercive power
somehow relevant? Explain your judgment with logical explanation and real
life example.
2. Distinguish the transformations between 9,9 leaders and 1,9 leaders (in
Bangladeshi perspective). Representation with the grid is essential.

3. “Leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of

subordinates” – Describe this statement with your personal opinion about
this leadership style.
Hints: You need to identify the type of this leadership first. Then you need to
either support it or not. Demonstrate your personal judgment for supporting
or not supporting this leadership style.

4. “Overly directive leadership can result in people being dependent on their

leaders” – Explain the statement as per your own judgment and knowledge
about leadership behavior. Assume any industry of your choice as example;
such as FMCG or TELCO to justify your argument. In your discussion,
focus on the current situation of the country.
Hints: Write at least 6-8 logical points (unnecessary/illogical explanation is

5. Leadership is either assigned through formal processes within an

organization, or emerges informally through interactions with other group
members–particularly in novel contexts. COVID-19 has accelerated the
adoption of virtual meetings and more flexible team structures. However our
understanding of how assigned leadership influences subsequent leadership
emergence in virtual settings is limited. In the current political situation,
which leadership style you prefer to control your employees? Justify your
answer with logical arguments and examples.
Instructions: Please read it carefully

1. Duration of the exam is 105 minutes (90 minutes exam + 15 minutes for scanning and
2. Please keep alternative internet / sufficient mobile data. If you face disruption or if you
are disconnected during the exam, your score may affect negatively.
3. You are not allowed to make any phone call during the exam.
4. During the exam, there will be no explanation of the question paper. The question paper
will be fully conceptual and you have to understand it. Please do not ask any question as
it will not be answered.
5. If you submit after the mentioned time, your score will be significantly reduced or the
submission may not be accepted.
6. Please submit a single PDF file (not images)
7. Make a top sheet / Cover page and include your full name and ID number
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation

Best of Luck!

Question 3
"Leaders match their style to the competence and commitment of
subordinates" is an example of a situational leadership strategy. This method
recognizes that there isn't a leadership style that works for everyone.
Different leadership philosophies are needed for various circumstances and
people.I think the statement's explanation of situational leadership is a useful
and practical strategy. It makes natural sense to modify one's leadership style
in response to the disparities in team members' skill and dedication levels.

This strategy promotes flexibility and adaptability in leaders, acknowledging

that various people could need different kinds of leadership.Leaders can
maximize effectiveness by adjusting their style of leadership based on how
prepared their subordinates are. A team with high levels of competence and
commitment, for instance, might benefit from a more delegative style,
whereas a team with less expertise might require more direction and
supervision.By progressively giving subordinates more responsibility as
their skill and dedication increase, it fosters their development. yet,
Although situational leadership is useful, it necessitates a deep
comprehension of every team member and the capacity to precisely gauge
their level of preparation.It could take time to change a leader's approach all
the time, therefore they should find a balance between being adaptable and
being stable.

To sum up, I typically agree with the notion that leaders should adapt their
management style to the skill and dedication of their staff. However,
successful execution necessitates a careful consideration of each person's
specific strengths, the dynamics of the team, and the appropriate ratio of
stability to flexibility.

Question 4:

A possible disadvantage of an overly controlling and prescriptive leadership

style is highlighted by the remark, "Overly directive leadership can result in
people being dependent on their leaders." Let's examine this within the
framework of the FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) sector while
keeping in mind the national circumstances.
 Lack of initiative: Leaders who are overly directive run the risk of
fostering a culture where staff members grow accustomed to getting
clear orders. Team members may become less proactive as a result,
reluctant to take the initiative to make choices in the absence of clear
 Diminished Problem-Solving Ability: Workers may not acquire
critical thinking and problem-solving abilities if managers are overly
directive. In the fast-paced FMCG sector, where prompt decision-
making is frequently necessary, an excessive dependence on leaders to
provide solutions might impede organizational agility.
 Restricted Flexibility: Leadership that is overly prescriptive may
inhibit creativity and flexibility. It's critical for the FMCG industry to
react quickly to developments in the market. If dependent employees
are not used to taking the initiative, they may find it difficult to adjust
to new challenges.
 Reduced Worker Involvement: If workers believe their ideas and
contributions are not respected, they may become disengaged. Staying
competitive in the FMCG business requires employees to be engaged
and creative, as consumer preferences and trends change quickly.
 High Rates of Turnover: A directive style of leadership may be a
factor in workers' discontent. The FMCG sector may witness greater
turnover rates in the current climate, where the labor market may be
competitive, if workers are dissatisfied and want for more
empowering work settings.
 Opposition to Change: When making adjustments, leaders who are too
directive may encounter pushback. The FMCG industry faces
challenges in keeping up with evolving trends due to aversion to
change, particularly in light of technical improvements and changed
customer habits in the present corporate landscape.
In summary, while directive leadership has its uses, an over-reliance on it in the
FMCG sector, particularly given the fast-paced business climate of today, can have
unfavorable effects like stunted creativity, low staff engagement, and restricted
flexibility. An approach to leadership that is more empowered and balanced might
better meet the needs of the sector in terms of flexibility and ongoing development.

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