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Alike→ parecido
Appropiate→ apropiado
Awkward → complicado, poco pràctico, incómodo
Culture gap→ brecha cultural
Get in→ encajar, adaptarse
Foreign→ extraño, extranjero
Language barrier→ barrera lingüística
Manners→ modales, educación (bad- de mala educación)
Narrow-winded→ cerrado de mente, intolerante
Open-winded→ abierto de mente
Outlook→ punto de vista, perspectiva; actitud
Roots→ raíces, origen
Sensitive→ sensible
Straight forward→ sincero; sencillo, simple
Subtle→ sutil
Tend to→ tender a
Unheard of→ inaudito
Value→ valor
Overwhelming→ abrumador
Untouched→ desconocido
Long for→ desear, anhelar
Resentful→ resentido
Heritage→ patrimonio
Fetch→ ir a buscar
Stay behind→ quedarse (atrás)
Call on→ pasar a ver
Dress up→ vestirse de forma elegante
Show off→ presumir (de)
Standing up for→ defender
Make of→ pensar de/sobre, parecer
Stick to→ aferrarse a; seguir
Catch (my) eye→ llamar la atención
Catch by surprise→ pillar por sorpresa
Catch sight of→ avistar, divisar, ver
Catch a cold→ coger un resfriado, resfriarse
Catch (someone) red-handed→ pillar a alguien con las manos en la masa
Fall ill→ ponerse enfermo
Fall in love→ enamorarse
Fall asleep→ quedarse dormido
Fall out of flavour→ perder la aceptación
Fall into place→ encajar
Fall to pieces→ desmoronarse
Lose patience→ perder la paciencia
Lose count→ perder la cuenta
Lose sight of→ perder de vista
Lose nerve→ perder el valor, acobardarse
Lose sleep over→ perder el sueño
Lose track of time→ perder la noción del tiempo
Go over→ repasar
Go ahead→ seguir Adelante, continuar
Call of→ suspender, cancelar
Show up→ presentarse ( en un lugar), aparecer
Pick out→ elegir, escoger
Pick on→ meterse con
Set off→ provocar, desencadenar
Make for→ ir, dirigirse hacia
Dress down→ vestirse informalmente
Handed over→ transferir
Handed down→ pasar, transmitir

➢ Use→ Actions that began in the Past and continues in the Present
➢ Form→ 1. have/ has + been + 2. Have/ has been +
➢ Time Expressions→ for/ since/ all day/ how long…?
➢ You have been studying English for years. (still happening)
➢ Use→ Actions which continued up to another past action
➢ Form→ had + been +
➢ Time Expressions→ when/ until/ before/ although/ because/ since ( ja que).
➢ She had been studying English for hours (action in progress) when he called (another
past action).

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