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misterpepsipare FIPSI ENDRAWAN, S.S.,M.Pd.I

How to build your speaking skill with basic grammar to make a fluent
conversation in English
~ Perpaduan belajar speaking level dasar dan memperhatikan penataan kalimat sederhana (4 tenses dasar
dalam speaking) dengan melakukan evaluasi pada konsep berbicara bahasa inggris baik ditingkat grammar
maupun kosa katanya

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I. SPEAKING FOCUS: Greeting, Introduction and Invitation

Greeting Response
Hello/Hi Hello/Hi
Good Morning Good Morning
Good Afternoon Good Afternoon
Good Evening Good Evening
Good Night Good Night
Good Day Good Day

Asking Condition Response

How are you? Fine. Thank You
How are you doing? Not so bad. Thanks
What’s the matter? Very well. Thank you
How’s life? Never better today. Thanks

Formal Situation Response
• I would like to introduce myself. My name is ..... It’s a pleasure to meet you
• May I introduce my self? I’m ....... (It’s) nice to meet you
• Excuse me, My name is ..... (I’m) glad to meet you
• Let me introduce myself. My name’s.... Nice to see you
• Allow me to introduce myself. I’m..... Glad to see you
• How do you do? How do you do?

Speaking Tip
"How do you do?" is quite formal for British English speakers and the reply to
this question is to repeat the phrase, "How do you do?" (as strange as that may

Informal Situation Response

• Have we met before? My name is ..... (I’m) glad to meet you
• I don’t think we’ve met. My name’s... Happy to meet you
• I don’t think you know me. I’m .... Hi, I’m ......

Formal Situation Response
• I would like to introduce Mr.Richard. It’s a pleasure to meet you
• May I introduce Mr.Richard. (It’s) nice to meet you
• Excuse me, My friend is Mr.Richard. (I’m) glad to meet you
• Let me introduce Mr.Richard. Nice to see you
• Allow me to introduce Mr.Richard. Glad to see you
• This is Mr.Richard. How do you do?

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Informal Situation Response

• Have you met before? My friend is Mr.Richard. (I’m) glad to meet you
• I don’t think you’ve met. My friend’s Mr.Richard. Happy to meet you
• I don’t think you know him. He’s Mr.Richard. Hi, I’m ......

Cultural considerations
At work, one person may have higher status – your boss, or a client, for
example. It's polite to address them as Mr / Ms until the situation becomes
more informal.
If someone says, "Please call me (Henry)", you know you can use first names. If
someone uses your first name, you can use their first name too.
People in European and English-speaking cultures often shake hands when they
meet someone for the first time.
* Don't forget to smile! :-)

Formal Situation Response
• Would you be interested in coming to Allright, Thank you
the cinema with me tonight?
• Would you like to come to my birthday party? With pleasure, Thank you
• Would you like to join our vacation? I’d like to very much, Thanks
• Would you like to go to my boarding house? I’d like to, but I’m not feeling
well today
• Would you like to visit us sometimes? It sounds great
• Would you like to go with me? I’m sorry I can’t go. My mother’s

Informal Situation Response

• Are you free next Thursday? Allright, Thank you
• Are you doing anything next weekend? Sure, That sounds like
• Do you fancy coming to the cinema with us on Tuesday? Great. I can’t wait
• Let’s go to the shoping mall? What a great idea, thanks
• How about joining us hang out this weekend? Okay
• Why don’t you go tho the course with me? Sure! What's on?
• What about having dinner with our classmate? Fine, see you tonight
• Shall we begin the discuss now? Sorry, we wait

Speaking Tip
It's important to be polite when you decline an invitation. We normally give a
reason why we can't do something and say we're sorry that we can't accept the

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II. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Simple Present & Present Continuous


( I DO ) ( I AM DOING)

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Tell me your routines, please!
A. Make sentences
Get up Bag Happy Easily
Wake up Book Sad Fluently
Take a bath Shoes Beautiful In the class
Pray Uniform Angry On this evening
Have a breakfast Pencil box Hungry Lovely
Study TV Ugly Deeply
Sweep House Handsome Softly
Wash face Spoon Good Freely
Have brunch Broom Bad Peacefully
Watch Carpet Lucky At noon
Play with friends Frame Awful Happily
Take a nap Glass Sorrow This morning
Take a rest Plate Kind Rudely
Stay up late Pillow Disappointed Fastly

B. Reading Passage: My Daily Activities

In this occasion, I want to tell you about my daily activities. Every day, I get
up early morning. It’s about 4.30 o’clock. I go to bathroom, wash my face and take
wudhu. Then, I do subuh prayer. I recite holy Quran after prayer for about 5
minutes. After that, I go to bathroom again to take a bath. After taking a bath, I get
dressed and prepare to Mr. Pepsi course. I study at Mr. Pepsi from 07.00 am until
10.00 am. I often have a breakfast in Food stall in front of Mr. Pepsi camp & course.
I seldom take a nap and at 01.00 pm I have a lunch with my friends. I always want
to fulfil my day by doing useful activities. I have dinner at 07.00 pm. After that, I
review the lesson from my teachers. I watch television rarely. I usually go to bed at
10.00 pm. That’s all my explanation about my daily activities and I say thank you
very much for your attention.

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II. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Simple Present Vs Present Continuous

Simple Present Present Continuous

USE: Repeated Action or Action on progress in Speaking
Repeated Action (Regularly, Often, Never, right now (Action on Progress)
Look! Colin is playing football
Colin plays football every Tuesday.
Near Future: On schedule ornow.
action set by a timetable or schedule arrangement for the near future

The film starts at 8 pm. I am going to the cinema

Duration: Permanent or Temporary Action
daily routine (Permanent) only for a limited period of time
(does not have to happen directly at
Bob works in a restaurant. (Meaning: the moment of speaking)
FOREVER) Jenny is working in a restaurant
this week. (Meaning: JUST THIS
aily routine or just for a limited period of time?
Time Signal (Penunjuk Waktu)
• Always • at the moment
• every ... • at this moment
• often • today
• usually • now
• sometimes • right now
• seldom • Listen!
• never • Look!

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UNIT 3: PAST FORM (Where were you yesterday?)


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UNIT 4: FUTURE FORM (What will you do?)


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A. PASSAGE 1: “Past Simple Tense - Disneyland Reading”
Intruction: Below is a small text about a 10 year old girls experience on a trip to
Disneyland. However, some of the text is missing. All the verbs below fit into the
text but they must be changed to past simple.

Warming up Question: Have you ever been to a theme park like Disneyland, how
was it?

Missing Words: Remember to change these words to past simple.

Show Realize Refuse Manage Want Like
Hug Dance Jump Jump

Visiting Disneyland
Lesson by Caroline

When mum .....1..... me the invitation to Disneyland on Thursday night

I ….2..... up and down and .....3..... on the spot, thinking so many thinking
different thoughts – when and where and how? We were going to Disneyland in
When I woke up the next morning I almost fell out of bed with excitement –
I was going on the Eurostar to Paris for a weekend of rides and magic. When we
got there I ......4..... I was standing outside a kid’s dream come true - the place
where everything you do is magic and fantasy is all around.
I couldn't wait to get on the rides and we .....5..... straight onto Big Thunder
Mountain which was the best of all. Indiana Jones? Not for me as it looked too
scary, but mum .....6..... to persuade me to go on the Aerosmith ride. I heard
mum screaming all the way round and she .....7.... to go on it again although I
really .....8..... another go. We ....9.... the Toy Story area, with the green soldiers
running around and the parachute ride.
I met most of the Disney characters and they all ...10.... me and gave me
their autographs so I could show my friends at school. Minnie and Micky Mouse
and Donald and Daisy Duck were so fun and kept hugging me. I had an amazing
time and met some lovely people. It was one of the best weekends I have ever
had. I hope my brother and sister can come next time!

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B. PASSAGE 2: “Present Perfect Tense – The Old Colonel Reading”

Intruction: Read this text about the old colonel. Look for the sentences using
present perfect.


I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and I don't work
anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired when I was 69. I have been to so
many countries that I can't remember all of them. I've been to Australia six or
seven times and to South Africa three times. I have also been once to Russia but I
didn't like it at all: much too cold for me!
They say that love is the greatest thing and I agree. I've been married four
times but never for more than five years. I don't think women really understand
I've never been on television, but I've been on the radio once. It was a
program about life in the military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime Minister
on the same day. Actually, I've met a lot of famous people: members of the royal
family, famous politicians and also famous cinema and television personalities. I've
never met the American President though which is a pity.
Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and have also
eaten and drunk some strange foods and drinks. I ate cat and rat in India and drank
something called Mirto on a little island in Italy many years ago.


Simple Past Present Perfect Simple
Use : Certain time in the past or just / already / yet?
certain time in the past just / already / not yet
Example: Example:
I phoned Mary 2 minutes ago. I have just phoned Mary.
Certain event in the past or how often so far?
whether / how often till now
certain event in the past Example:
Example: Have you ever been to Canada?
He went to Canada last summer. I have been to Canada twice.
Emphasis: action or result?
Emphasis on result
Emphasis on action Example:
I have bought a new bike.
I bought a new bike.
(With this sentence I actually want to
(just telling what I did in the past.)
express that I have a new bike now.)

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Time Signal
• just
• Yesterday • already
• ... ago • up to now
• in 1990 • until now / till now
• the other day • ever
• last ... • (not) yet
• so far
• lately / recently

Important Note:

Remember that British and American English have different rules for the use of
the present perfect.
Typical time expressions used with the present perfect in British English but
often used with the past simple in American English are 'already', 'just', 'yet'.
• I haven't done it yet. (UK)
• I didn't do it yet. (US)
• I've just done it. (UK)
• I just did it. (US)
• I've already done it. (UK)
• I already did it. (US)

We can use the time phrase 'for' with both forms, but with different meanings.
• I lived in Paris for a couple of years before I moved here.
• I've lived in Paris for a couple of years and still love it.

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I. SPEAKING FOCUS: “Eating Habit”

A. Statements to discuss:
NO Statements Your Opinion
Very Good .... Very Bad
1 2 3 4 5
1. It’s hard to resist temptation food around when it’s
staring you in the face
2. Skipping breakfast—a whole meal!—would help you
cut calories
Portion Sizes: In today's supersized world, it can be hard
to know what a healthy portion looks like. Plate sizes in
restaurants get bigger and bigger, as do the servings
4. You’re eating alone, so you reach for your
smartphone and text, scan social-networking sites or
play games. Or you read the paper, watch TV or use
your computer. All of these distractions take your
attention away from eating
5. For men to drink is 2.6 liters per day and women should
have 2.1 liters (or 8 to 10 cups per day).
6. • Eat fruit for dessert instead of cookies (or skip dessert
all together most days).
7. • If you are in the habit of eating candy at the end of
the day for energy, try having a cup (240 milliliters) of
herbal tea and a small handful of almonds.
8. • Eat fruit and yogurt in the mid-afternoon about 3 or 4
hours after lunch.
9. You’re eating chips, crackers, cookies or ice cream—
it’s easy to eat several servings without realizing it.
10. Eating in the car, snacking at your desk, drinking a
high-calorie smoothie or latte while walking around—
it’s all too easy to take in excessive calories if you’re
eating on the go.
11.• Eat slowly, Wait until you have swallowed your
mouthful of food before taking the next bite.

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B. What do you think about this food?

C. Culture: Table Manner “10 Basic Table Manners Rules You Should Always

1. Watch yourself

2. Napkins go in your lap as soon as possible

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3. Wait to begin

4. Line up your bread and drinks

5. Get your utensils in order

6. Work your way in

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7. Follow the leader

8. Time your chats

9. Ditch the phone

10. Rest when done

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“Common Grammatical Mistakes in English – And How to Avoid Them”

NO How not to do it: How to do it properly:

1 Your/you’re
• Your beautiful • You’re beautiful
• Do you know when your coming • Do you know when you’re coming
over? over?
• Can I have one of you’re biscuits? • Can I have one of your biscuits?
2 Its/it’s
• Its snowing outside • It’s snowing outside
• The sofa looks great with it’s new • The sofa looks great with its new
cover cover
3 “Could/would/should of”
• We could of gone there today • We could’ve gone there today
• I would of done it sooner • I would have done it sooner
• You should of said • You should’ve said
4 There/their/they’re
• Their going to be here soon • They’re going to be here soon
• We should contact they’re agent • We should contact their agent
• Can we use there boat? • Can we use their boat?
• Their is an argument that says • There is an argument that says

5 Me/myself/I
• Me and John are off to the circus • John and I are off to the circus
• Myself and John are going into • John and I are going into town
town • Give it to John and me to look
• Give it to John and I to look after after

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I. SPEAKING FOCUS: Tenses in the text

Read the following short story and identify the tenses used. Each tense is used at
least once.

simple present present progressive simple past

past progressive present perfect present perfect progressive
past perfect past perfect progressive future aspect
future progressive future perfect future perfect progressive

John has always traveled a lot. In fact, when he was only two years old
when he first flew to the US. His mother is Italian and his father is American. John
was born in France, but his parents had met in Cologne, Germany after they had
been living there for five years. They met one day while John's father was reading
a book in the library and his mother sat down beside him.
John travels a lot because his parents also travel a lot.
As a matter of fact, John is visiting his parents in France at the moment. He
lives in New York now, but has been visiting his parents for the past few weeks. He
really enjoys living in New York, but he also loves coming to visit his parents at
least once a year.
This year he has flown over 50,000 miles for his job. He has been working
for Jackson & Co. for almost two years now. He’s pretty sure that he'll be working
for them next year as well. His job requires a lot of travel. In fact, by the end of this
year, he'll have traveled over 120,000 miles! His next journey will be to Australia.
He really doesn't like going to Australia because it is so far. This time he is going to
fly from Paris after a meeting with the company's French partner. He'll have been
sitting for over 18 hours by the time he arrives!
John was talking with his parents earlier this evening when his girlfriend
from New York telephoned to let him know that Jackson & Co. had decided to
merge with a company in Australia. The two companies had been negotiating for
the past month, so it really wasn’t much of a surprise. Of course, this means that
John will have to catch the next plane back to New York. He'll be meeting with his
boss at this time tomorrow.

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II. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Review Tenses

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UNIT 9: LISTENING MUSIC (Grammatical Check)

A. Heal The World by Michael Jackson

Heal the World is a song by Michael Jackson from his hit album, Dangerous, released
in 1991. This page provides information about the song and links to the lyrics and the
official video.
Level: Beginner and intermediate students.
Facts about the song
• Song: Heal The World Album: Dangerous
• Date of release: November 23, 1992 Genre: Soft rock, gospel
• Lenght of the song: 6 minutes and 25 seconds. Writer: Michael Jackson
• Produced by: Michael Jackson

B. Interesting information about the song

The song was played at the funeral of James Bulger, a two-year-old child abducted,
tortured and murdered by two ten-year-old boys. Jackson also donated the song to be
used as the anthem for the charity "the James Bulger Red Balloon Center", a school
for children to go to if they are being bullied or have learning difficulties.

C. The lyrics
Spoken intro:
Think about the generations,
and say we wanna make it a better place for our children and our children's children,
so that they know it's a better world for them; And think if they can make it a better

There's a place in your heart, And I know that it is love

And this place could be, Brighter than tomorrow.
And if you really try, You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel, There's no hurt or sorrow.
There are ways to get there, If you care enough for the living
Make a little space, make a better place.
Heal the world, Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
If you want to know why, There's a love that cannot lie
Love is strong, It only cares for joyful giving.
If we try we shall see, In this bliss we cannot feel
Fear or dread, We stop existing and start living
Then it feels that always, Love's enough for us growing
Make a better world, make a better world.
And the dream we would conceived in
Will reveal a joyful face
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And the world we once believed in, Will shine again in grace
Then why do we keep strangling life
Wound this earth, crucify it's soul
Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly
Be God's glow. We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die, In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers, Create a world with no fear
Together we'll cry happy tears
See the nations turn, Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there, If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.
Chorus (2x)
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
You and for me / Make a better place (3x ) You and for me / Heal the world we live in
(3x) You and for me / Save it for our children (3x)
You and for me / Heal the world we live in
You and for me / Save it for our children

D. Language points
The song includes many interesting language points:
• Dummy subject
• The simple future
• Comparatives
• Conditionals

E. Expressions that may be useful to students:

• There's a place in your heart

And I know that it is love
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow .
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow.

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