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Blanca Sisniega


I want to volunteer in Cooperating Volunteers, going to help those most in need in

Africa, because I found it a very necessary cause because there’s people in this
world that don’t have nothing and there’s others (I include myself) that live with
comforts. And even if it’s not too much what we can give them, at least we
contribute our grain of sand. This is important to me because I see how
disbalanced is the society; as some people have so much and others so little, and I
want to help those in need

I will contribute with them going during a month to Africa where we’ll take care of
the children, play with them, teach them… I don’t fulfill the requirements because
I’ m not 18 years old, but if I had them, I would fulfill them by being altruistic,
generous, sympathetic, comprehensive, hard-working…

I will take out my responsibilities by planning them before and even if the
experience I would live is so hard and sometimes I feel like it’s too much never give
up because there’s so many people that need my little contribution.

1. How do you plan to carry out your responsibilities?

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