Comparing Ideas

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Blanca Sisniega


1. Differences between economy: Obama (2016) and Trump (2019).

OBAMA: He wants to make colleges affordable to every American. He says that it was
recklessness on Wall Street what did cause the financial crisis.
TRUMP: NAFTA will be replaced by USMCA, and that will increase U.S economy.

2. Differences between foreign policy: Obama (2016) and Trump (2019).

OBAMA: Obama says that leadership has to be a wise application of military power
and world has to be leaded by causes that are right. They are trying to destroy ISIL.
TRUMP: He says that if it was not for him, U.S will be in war with North Korea. When
he started as president ISIS dominated Iraq and Syria, and in 2019 U.S had liberated
them from ISIS, and they work with allies to destroy the remnants.

3. Summarize the Innovation from Obama 2016

When Obama talks about the innovation, he says that America has to be the country
that cures cancer and that has the least carbon pollution in the world.
They want to cut the 60 percent of imports of foreign oil.
He also says that they don’t have to subsidize in the past, they have to invest in the
future and especially on the communities that rely on fossil fuels.
He puts an example to prove that they are able to do it; when Russians where in the
space, Americans didn’t deny it, they just worked hard and then Americans where
walking in the moon.
4. Presidents often use the State of the Union address to send message of unity
between the political parties and among the American people. Which address do
you think had a stronger message of unity? Explain your opinion in 3-5 sentences
and use specific examples to support your ideas
I think that Obama’s address had the strongest message of unity, because he doesn’t
talk about what he has done since he is on the government like Trump does. Obama
talks about what they’re going to do as a country. For example, he says that they were
walking in the moon and there were only few people but he speaks of we as a nation.
That’s why I think he has the strongest address.

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