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Navigation and Guidance

Dr. Shashi Ranjan Kumar

Assistant Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai, 400076 India

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Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: Miss Distance

In the case of VT > VM , the interception does not take place and results in a
miss distance.
At the point where miss-distance occurs, Vr = 0.

Vr = VT cos(γTmiss − θmiss ) − VM = 0 ⇒ γTmiss − θmiss = cos−1 ν

Miss distance
  −1 ν
cos ν
{sin cos−1 ν }ν−1

2 {1 − ν 2 }(ν−1)/2
rmiss =K = K ν = K ν
sin (cos−1 ν) (1 + ν) (1 + ν)

Time of interception with miss distance

2VM rmiss − b
2VM rmiss = (VT2 − VM
)tmiss + b ⇒ tmiss =
VT2 − VM2

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Philosophy of Deviated Pursuit

At all instants in time, VM should be directed towards a point that deviates

from the current target position by a constant angle δ.
Target is assumed to be a non-maneuvering.
Equations of relative motion
ṙ = Vr = VT cos(γT − θ) − VM cos δ
rθ̇ = Vθ = VT sin(γT − θ) − VM sin δ
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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Relative Velocity Space

Trajectories in (Vθ , Vr ) space

Vr + VM cos δ = VT cos(γT − θ)
Vθ + VM sin δ = VT sin(γT − θ)

Locus of Vθ , Vr as

(Vθ + VM sin δ)2 + (Vr + VM cos δ)2 = VT2

Equation of a circle with radius VT

and centered at
(−VM sin δ, −VM cos δ).

What about the direction of movement of the point on (Vθ , Vr )-space?

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Direction of Movement

On differentiating Vr , Vθ
V̇r = − VT sin(γT − θ) γ̇T − θ̇ = θ̇(Vθ + VM sin δ)
V̇θ = VT cos(γT − θ) γ̇T − θ̇ = −θ̇(Vr + VM cos δ)

On multiplying r on both sides,

rV̇r = rθ̇(Vθ + VM sin δ) = Vθ (Vθ + VM sin δ)
rV̇θ = − rθ̇(Vr + VM cos δ) = −Vθ (Vr + VM cos δ)

Observations: As r > 0
Positive if Vθ (Vθ + VM sin δ) > 0
V̇r =
Negative if Vθ (Vθ + VM sin δ) < 0

V̇r > 0 ⇒ Vθ > 0 & Vθ > −VM sin δ or Vθ < 0 & Vθ < −VM sin δ
V̇r < 0 ⇒ Vθ > 0 & Vθ < −VM sin δ or Vθ < 0 & Vθ > −VM sin δ
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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Direction of Movement

We have

rV̇θ = − rθ̇(Vr + VM cos δ) = −Vθ (Vr + VM cos δ)

Observations: As r > 0
Positive if Vθ (Vr + VM cos δ) < 0
V̇θ =
Negative if Vθ (Vr + VM cos δ) > 0

V̇θ > 0 ⇒ Vθ > 0 & Vr < −VM cos δ or Vθ < 0 & Vr > −VM cos δ
V̇θ < 0 ⇒ Vθ > 0 & Vr > −VM cos δ or Vθ < 0 & Vr < −VM cos δ

Points where the circle cuts the Vr -axis are stationary points.
At these points Vθ = 0 and V̇θ = 0 and V̇r = 0.
Points on the negative Vr axis correspond to the collision triangle and those
on the positive Vr axis correspond to the inverse collision triangle.
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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: Collision Course

How to find collision triangle for deviated pursuit guidance?

Missile has to always point at an angle deviated by δ from the current LOS.
For missile and target to be on a collision course
VT sin(γT − θ) = VM sin δ, Vr < 0

For δ = 0, there are two possibilities:

γT − θ = 0, π
Head-on and tail-chase scenarios

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: Capture Regions

Consider δ < .
Capture regions
⇒ VT > V M
⇒ VM cos δ < VT < VM
⇒ VM sin δ < VT < VM cos δ
⇒ VT < VM sin δ
Largest circle corresponds to
VT > VM .
Except for those initial
conditions which are on
negative Vr axis, all other points
end up on positive Vr axis.
No interception.

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: Capture Regions

Points corresponding to Circle 2 lead to interception because they end up on

the negative Vr axis.
However, initial conditions in 3rd quadrant first move into positive Vr region
and then come back to negative Vr region before hitting negative Vr axis.
Point A1 on the trajectory is the point of closest approach before the missile
overshoots the target, turns at point A2 , and then intercepts the target.

Points corresponding to Circle 3 also lead to an interception, but the

trajectory remains in the negative Vr region.
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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: Capture Regions

Points corresponding to Circle 4 also lead to interception, but in this case the
interception is somewhat different from the previous cases.

Vr ≤ −VM cos δ + VT , tf ≤
VM cos δ − VT
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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance for δ > π/4

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Capture Region

Even in this case, if the initial geometry does not satisfy the collision triangle
condition the capture is possible if and only if VT < VM .
Capture region for the deviated pursuit guidance law for a fixed δ.

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Capture Regions

For a fixed δ, the capture region for the deviated pursuit guidance law is of
the same size as the pure pursuit guidance law.
Capture circle is now rotated by an angle δ clockwise.
Capture region includes a portion of the positive Vr region.
Deviated pursuit guidance performs better than pure pursuit guidance.
Deviation angle δ: A guidance parameter
With δ ∈ (−π/2, π/2), total capture region will be union of all individual
capture regions for each δ.
For δ < 0, capture region is obtained by rotating capture region for pure
pursuit guidance law (δ = 0◦ ) anti-clockwise.
If we consider δ to be a freely selected guidance parameter then the capture
region expands considerably.
Can you guess why we do not consider δ > π/2 or δ < −π/2 to expand the
capture region even further?

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Time of Interception

How to compute time of interception in deviated pursuit guidance?

Trajectories of Vθ , Vr

(Vr + VM cos δ)2 + (Vθ + VM sin δ)2 = VT2

Vr2 + VM
cos2 δ + 2Vr VM cos δ + Vθ2 + VM
sin2 δ + 2Vθ VM sin δ = VT2

On rearranging we get

Vr2 + 2Vr VM cos δ + Vθ2 + 2Vθ VM sin δ = VT2 − VM


Vr2 + 2Vr VM cos δ + Vθ (Vθ + VM sin δ) + Vθ VM sin δ = VT2 − VM


ṙ2 + (rV̇r ) + 2ṙVM cos δ +Vθ VM sin δ = VT2 − VM

| {z } | {z }
d(rṙ) dr
2VM cos δ
dt dt

How to express third term in terms of derivatives?

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Time of Interception

We know that

rV̇θ + Vθ Vr
rV̇θ = − Vθ Vr − Vθ VM cos δ ⇒ Vθ VM = −
cos δ
We can rewrite
d(rVθ )
Vθ VM sin δ = − (rV̇θ + Vθ Vr ) tan δ = − tan δ
Using this result,

d(rVr ) dr d(rVθ )
+ 2VM cos δ − tan δ = VT2 − VM
dt dt dt
On integration,

r(Vr + 2VM cos δ − Vθ tan δ) = (VT2 − VM

)t + c
c = r0 Vr0 + 2VM cos δr0 − r0 Vθ0 tan δ

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Time of Interception and Lateral Acceleration

Time of interception or time-to-go for deviated pursuit guided missile

c r0 [Vr0 + 2VM cos δ − Vθ0 tan δ]

tgo = − 2 =−
VT2 − VM VT2 − VM2

If interception occurs, then the terminal value of aM is given by

 2
Finite 1 < ν ≤ p

1 + 3 sin2 δ

aM →

 2
∞ ν>p

1 + 3 sin2 δ

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Missile Lateral Acceleration

Engagement dynamics
−VT sin θT + VM sin δ
ṙ =VT cos θT − VM cos δ, θ̇T = −θ̇ =
dr r(cos θT − ν cos δ)
=⇒ =
dθT − sin θT + ν sin δ

For ν > 1 and |ν sin δ| < 1, we may obtain

sinµ−1 θT2−β cos δ ν cos δ
r(θT ) = C   , β = sin−1 [ν sin δ] , µ = ν =p
cos µ+1 θT +β cos β 1 − ν 2 sin2 δ

where β is the value of θT corresponding to the collision course.

Missile acceleration for deviated pursuit: aM = VM θ̇.
Analyze the expression for aM when it remains finite.

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Deviated Pursuit Guidance: Missile Lateral Acceleration

For ν > 1 and |ν sin δ| < 1, missile lateral acceleration

θT +β
cosµ+1 2
aM =CVM (VT sin θT − VM sin δ)  
sinµ−1 θT2−β
cosµ+1 θT2+β
=CVM VT (sin θT − ν sin δ)  
sinµ−1 θT2−β
cosµ+1 θT2+β
=CVM VT (sin θT − sin β)  
sinµ−1 θT2−β
θT + β θT − β
=2CVM VT cosµ+2 sin2−µ
2 2

Effect of µ on aM as θT → β

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Deviated Pursuit Guidance: Missile Lateral Acceleration

For finite acceleration requirement,

ν cos δ ν 2 cos2 δ
µ= √ ≤ 2 =⇒ ≤4
2 2
1 − ν cos δ 1 − ν 2 sin2 δ
On simplifications,

ν 2 cos2 δ ≤ 4(1 − ν 2 sin2 δ) =⇒ ν 2 cos2 δ ≤ 4 − 4ν 2 sin2 δ

ν 2 cos2 δ + 4ν 2 sin2 δ ≤ 4 =⇒ ν 2 + 3ν 2 sin2 δ ≤ 4

For bounded lateral acceleration

ν 2 (1 + 3 sin2 δ) ≤ 4 =⇒ ν ≤ p
1 + 3 sin2 δ

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Pursuit Guidance
Implementations: Different Deviation Angles


2 -100

1.5 -200


-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400

Figure: Target interception using deviated pursuit guidance

Deviation angles of 0◦ , 10◦ , 20◦ , 30◦

Different Vr at interception, different time of interception, different centre of
relative trajectories

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Pursuit Guidance
Implementations: different deviation angles

4 10000

2 8000

0 6000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

30 4000


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure: Target interception using deviated pursuit guidance

Acceleration demand and LOS rate converge to zero at interception

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: Implementations

For pursuit guidance, the missile is assumed to be initially on a pursuit course.

What happens if missile points in a direction different from pursuit geometry
(pure or deviated) initially?
⇒ Missile applies maximum lateral acceleration till it is on a pursuit course and
then applies pursuit lateral acceleration.
⇒ If there is no bound on missile lateral acceleration, then the missile can turn
instantaneously and then apply pursuit acceleration.
What are the problems with such an approach?
⇒ Open-loop in nature.
⇒ Errors in measurements, and mismatch between missile flight angle and LOS
angle, will lead to large miss-distances.

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Engagement Scenarios

θT θT
γT γT
θ θ
Reference Reference
Target Target
γM γM
r r
aM aM
θ θ
Reference Reference
Missile Missile

Figure: General engagement geometries for pure and deviated pursuit guidance

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: Implementations

A practical implementation: Use of a feedback law.

aM = −K(γM − θ), K > 0

This may not be enough, and we need to also ensure γ̇M = θ̇.
Missile lateral acceleration required to maintain turn rate
γ̇M = ⇒ aM = VM θ̇
An implementable pure pursuit guidance law would have a form

aM = VM θ̇ − K(γM − θ)

Implementable deviated pursuit guidance law

aM = VM θ̇ − K(γM − θ − δ)

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Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: pure and deviated pursuit


1.5 -200



0 -600
-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 -200 0 200 400

Figure: Target interception using pure and deviated pursuit guidance

γT = 90◦ ,γM = 30◦ ,θ = 0◦ , VM = 500 m/s, VT = 400 m/s

Gain K=300

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Pursuit Guidance
Pursuit Guidance: pure and deviated pursuit

4 10000

2 5000

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

-100 10

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure: Target interception using pure and deviated pursuit guidance

Initial deviation angle of 30◦ and Desired deviation angles of 0◦ , 10◦

Acceleration demand and LOS rate converge to zero at interception

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Deviated Pursuit Guidance

1 D. Ghose, Lecture notes on Navigation, Guidance and Control, Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore.
2 N. A. Shneydor, Missile Guidance and Pursuit: Kinematics, Dynamics, and
Control, Woodhead Publishing, 1998.

Thank you for your attention !!!

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