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Navigation and Guidance

Dr. Shashi Ranjan Kumar

Assistant Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai, 400076 India

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

PPN: Guidance command ensuring the angular rate of VM ∝ LOS rate

Guidance command ⊥ missile velocity vector

Complex nonlinear kinematic equations to allow a simple closed-form

solution, except for very simple cases.
Qualitative analysis technique to derive several useful results without actually
solving the kinematic equations.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

Target is non-maneuvering, that is, moving with constant flight path angle.
Reference direction is taken to be same as target heading direction.
Target-centered framework to describe missile’s position w.r.t target.
Engagement kinematics

Vr = ṙ =VT cos(−θ) − VM cos(γM − θ)

Vθ = rθ̇ =VT sin(−θ) − VM sin(γM − θ)

Kinematics can be rewritten as

Vr = ṙ =VT cos θ − VM cos(γM − θ)

Vθ = rθ̇ = − VT sin θ − VM sin(γM − θ)

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

As the PPN guidance command is given by

γ̇M = N θ̇ =⇒ γM − γM0 = N θ − N θ0

Using this result, we can write

γM − θ = N θ − N θ 0 + γM 0 − θ
= (N − 1)θ − N θ0 + γM0
= kθ + ϕ0

where k = N − 1, ϕ0 = −N θ0 + γM0 .
Now engagement kinematic becomes

Vr =ṙ = VT cos θ − VM cos(kθ + ϕ0 )

Vθ =rθ̇ = −VT sin θ − VM sin(kθ + ϕ0 )

Relative velocity equations can be expressed in terms of a single variable, that

is, LOS angle θ.
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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

Using these equations, we get

ṙ Vr (θ) 1 dr Vr (θ)
= ⇒ =
rθ̇ Vθ (θ) r dθ Vθ (θ)

On integration, we get
(Z )
Z Z θ
dr Vr (θ) Vr (θ)
= dθ ⇒ r = r0 exp dθ
r Vθ (θ) θ0 Vθ (θ)

Completely solvable in the closed-form with for values of N = 1 and partially

solvable for N = 2.
Solvable for all values of N by using Mittag-Leffler’s theorem in complex
Expression within the integral sign on RHS can be expanded into a uniformly
convergent series of rational functions and integrated.
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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

Kinematics can be rewritten as

Vr = ṙ =VT cos θ − VM cos(γM − θ)

Vθ = rθ̇ = − VT sin θ − VM sin(γM − θ)

For qualitative analysis, normalized engagement kinematic becomes

vr (θ) = = cos θ − ν cos(kθ + ϕ0 )

vθ (θ) = = − sin θ − ν sin(kθ + ϕ0 )
where vr (θ) and vθ (θ) are the normalized relative velocities, and ν = VM /VT
is the ratio of speeds of missile and target.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

If the speed ratio ν > 1 and kν > 1, then the roots of the equations
vr (θ) = = cos θ − ν cos(kθ + ϕ0 ) = 0

vθ (θ) = = − sin θ − ν sin(kθ + ϕ0 ) = 0
alternate along the θ- axis.

If vr (θ) and vθ (θ) are plotted against θ then these curves intersect the θ axis
at alternate points.
Suppose the roots of vθ = 0 and vr = 0 are denoted by θθ1 , θθ2 . . . and
θr1 , θr2 . . .,
θθ1 < θr1 < θθ2 < θr2 < θθ3 . . . < θθi < θri . . .

θr1 < θθ1 < θr2 < θθ2 < θr3 . . . < θri < θθi . . .

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

If ν > 1 and kν > 1, and θθ is a root of the equation vθ (θ) = 0 then

dvθ (θθ )
vr (θθ ) > 0.

If the slope of the vθ curve is negative at one of its roots, then the value of
vr at that point is also negative.
Similarly, if the slope of vθ is positive then the value of vr is also positive.
Shapes of the vr and vθ curves and their relative positions in a qualitative
Curves are bounded above and below by ±(1 + ν).
Capture is possible from almost every initial condition.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

Case 1: Let the missile be initially at point A.

At point A, vθ0 = 0 and vr0 < 0. Conditions for a collision course
Missile is on a collision course with the target from the start of the
As the target is a non-maneuvering, it continues to travel in a straight line.
Since vθ0 = 0, we have θ̇0 = 0, and so no missile lateral acceleration is
Missile also continues to travel in a straight line.
Since both the vehicles were initially in a collision course, they continue to be
so, and the engagement ends with the missile capturing the target.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

Case 2: Let the missile be initially at point B.

At point B, vθ0 < 0 and vr0 < 0
Both r and θ are decreasing initially and continue to do so.
It is impossible for the point to cross the line denoting θθ2 .
This is because vθ is positive on the other side of θθ2 , and this would force
the point back to the side on which B lies.
Missile approaches the target asymptotically along the line θθ2 from the side
on which B lies and the engagement terminates with the missile capturing
the target.
Similarly, if the missile is initially at B ′ , the missile will again capture the
Initial values for B ′ are such that θ increases and r decreases with time.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

Case 3: Consider that the missile is at point C.

vr0 > 0 and vθ0 < 0 at C and hence initially r is increasing and θ is
decreasing till the point crosses θr3 line.
At the exact point of crossing vr = 0 and immediately after crossing vr < 0.
Before crossing θr3 line, r was increasing with time while it decreases after
crossing this line.
Actually, after crossing the θr3 line the point behaves in the same fashion as
B in Case 2.
Missile follows a trajectory that approaches the target asymptotically along
the θr3 line and ultimately captures the target.
Similarly, if the missile is initially at C ′ , the missile will again capture the
Initial values are such that θ increases continuously while r first increases and
then decreases.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law

Case 4: Consider that the missile is at point D.

At this point vr0 > 0 and vθ0 = 0
Initially r is increasing while θ remains constant.
This process continues indefinitely since the missile does not apply any lateral
acceleration to change its direction of flight.
Analogous to Case 1, except that here r increases instead of decreasing.
As a result, the missile goes farther and farther away from the target and
cannot capture it.
Note that even here, the point D remains stationary.

A missile pursuing a non-maneuvering target and following a PPN law with ν > 1
and kν > 1 will be able to capture the target from all initial conditions except
those for which vθ = 0 and vr > 0.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Capture Region

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Observations

Always possible to locate the position of the missile and sign of θ̇ from initial
To compute final LOS angle, compute θ, nearest to θ0 on either side, for
which vθ (θ) = 0.
Two values of θ: one larger and the other smaller than θ0 .
Select larger one if Vθ0 > 0 and smaller one if Vθ0 < 0.
With a known final LOS angle, the final closing velocity and the directions of
the missile and target velocities relative to the final LOS can be computed.
Miss distance due to lateral acceleration limit in BR and CLOS
Avoids problem of missile lateral acceleration saturation.
Qualitative analysis: unable to obtain time for interception or the trajectory
equations analytically.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Example

Speed ratio ν = = 2.2 > 1, kν = (3 − 1)2.2 = 4.4 > 1.
γM0 = 60◦ , θ0 = 30◦ ⇒ ϕ0 = γM0 − N θ0 = 60◦ − 3 × 30◦ = −30◦ .

vr (θ) = cos θ − 2.2 cos(2θ − 30◦ )

vθ (θ) = − sin θ − 2.2 sin(2θ − 30◦ )

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Example

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Example

At initial time,

vr0 = vr (30◦ ) = −1.039

vθ0 = vθ (30◦ ) = −1.6

As vθ0 < 0, θ decreases till

vθ0 = 12.2◦ where capture
At point of interception,

vrf = vr (12.2◦ ) = −1.212

vθf = vθ (12.2◦ ) = 0

Final LOS angle θf = 12.2◦ ,

Vcf = −vrf VT = 303 m/s.
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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Example

To find the angle η we have vθf = 0, vrf < 0

VT sin 12.2◦ − VM sin η = 0 ⇒ η = 5.512◦ , 174.488◦

Which one is correct answer? η = 5.512◦ .

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

Target is maneuvering, that is, flight path angle changes according to the
target maneuver.
Reference direction is taken to be same as initial target heading direction.
Engagement kinematics

Vr =ṙ = VT cos(γT − θ) − VM cos(γM − θ)

Vθ =rθ̇ = VT sin(γT − θ) − VM sin(γM − θ)
γ̇M =
γ̇T =

Assume that the engagement starts at time t = t0 = 0.

Flight path angle of target, with constant maneuver aT , at time t = t
aT aT
γT = t = avT t, avT =
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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

Engagement dynamics can also be written as

Vr = ṙ =VT cos(θ − avT t) − VM cos(γM − θ)

Vθ = rθ̇ = − VT sin(θ − avT t) − VM sin(γM − θ)

As the PPN guidance command is given by

γ̇M = N θ̇ =⇒ γM − γM0 = N θ − N θ0

Using this result, we can write

γM − θ =N θ − N θ0 + γM0 − θ
=(N − 1)θ − N θ0 + γM0
=kθ + ϕ0

where k = N − 1, ϕ0 = −N θ0 + γM0 .
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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

Now engagement kinematic becomes

Vr =ṙ = VT cos(θ − avT t) − VM cos(kθ + ϕ0 )

Vθ =rθ̇ = −VT sin(θ − avT t) − VM sin(kθ + ϕ0 )

Relative velocity equations can be expressed in terms of both LOS angle θ

and time t.
For qualitative analysis, the normalized engagement kinematic becomes
vr (θ) = = cos(θ − avT t) − ν cos(kθ + ϕ0 )

vθ (θ) = = − sin(θ − avT t) − ν sin(kθ + ϕ0 )
where vr (θ) and vθ (θ) are the normalized relative velocities and ν = VM /VT
is the ratio of speeds of missile and target.
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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

For a given time t = t1 , if ν > 1 and kν > 1, then the roots of the equations
vr (θ, t1 ) = = cos(θ − avT t1 ) − ν cos(kθ + ϕ0 ) = 0

vθ (θ, t1 ) = = − sin(θ − avT t1 ) − ν sin(kθ + ϕ0 ) = 0
alternate along the θ- axis.

Results is similar to the non-maneuvering target case.

Only difference is that here value of t is kept constant when roots of vr and
vθ along θ axis are being computed.
Time t does not play any role in the non-maneuvering target case since the
position of the roots did not change with time.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

For a given time t = t1 , if ν > 1 and kν > 1, and θθ is a root of the equation
vθ (θ, t1 ) = 0 then

dvθ (θθ , t1 )
vr (θθ , t1 ) > 0.

Note that the time t is a constant here.

Curves are similar to non-maneuvering target case but for a given constant t.
As time t changes, the roots of these equations will also shift.
How these roots behave with change in time t?

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

Assume that θθ is a root of vθ (θ) = 0 for a given time t.

− sin(θθ − avT t) − ν sin(kθθ + ϕ0 ) = 0

From the above equation, we have

θθ − sin−1 [−ν sin(kθθ + ϕ0 )]

Suppose θθ = 30◦ , k = 2, ν = 3, ϕ0 = 115, avT = 0.1 then

θθ − sin−1 [−ν sin(kθθ + ϕ0 )]
t= = 7.88

If θθ = 15◦ with other parameters same then

ν sin(kθθ + ϕ0 ) = 1.72 ⇒ t has no Solution

Roots of vθ (θ) = 0 occur only at certain points or region on the θ axis.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

Can we identify the regions where the roots lie?Yes

1 1 1
| sin(kθθ + ϕ0 )| ≤ ⇒ − ≤ sin(kθθ + ϕ0 ) ≤
ν ν ν

We know that sin−1 (−x) = − sin−1 (x) and

−a ≤ sin x ≤ a ⇒ −a ≤ − sin x ≤ a
⇒ −a ≤ sin(nπ + x) ≤ a, ∀ n = 0, ±1, ±2, . . .
With this relation,
1 1
− ≤ sin(nπ + kθθ + ϕ0 ) ≤ ∀ n = 0, ±1, ±2, . . .
ν   ν  
−1 1 1
⇒ − sin ≤ nπ + kθθ + ϕ0 ≤ sin−1
ν ν
1 1 nπ + ϕ0 1 1
⇒ − sin−1 ≤ θθ + ≤ sin−1
k ν k k ν
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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

nπ + ϕ0
On defining θn0 = − , we have
1 1 1 1
− sin−1 ≤ θθ − θn0 ≤ sin−1
k ν k ν
1 1 1 1
⇒ θ n0 − sin−1 ≤ θθ ≤ θn0 + sin−1
k ν k ν

For different values of n, this inequality produces different intervals in the θ

axis inside which the roots of vθ lie.
Root of vθ as t changes, remains within its appropriate interval.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

Assume that θr is a root of vr (θ) = 0 for a given time t.

cos(θr − avT t) − ν cos(kθr + ϕ0 ) = 0

From the above equation,

θr − cos−1 [−ν cos(kθr + ϕ0 )]
We know that solution can be obtained only if
1 1 1
| cos(kθr + ϕ0 )| ≤ ⇒ − ≤ cos(kθr + ϕ0 ) ≤
ν ν ν
Using relation sin + x = cos x, we get
1 1
− ≤ sin(π/2 + kθr + ϕ0 ) ≤
ν ν
−1 −1
We know that sin (−x) = − sin (x) and
−a ≤ sin x ≤ a ⇒ −a ≤ sin(mπ + x) ≤ a, ∀ m = 0, ±1, ±2, . . .
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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

With these relations,

1  π  1
− ≤ sin mπ + + kθr + ϕ0 ≤ ∀ m = 0, ±1, ±2, . . .
ν 2  ν  
−1 1 π −1 1
⇒ − sin ≤ mπ + + kθr + ϕ0 ≤ sin
ν 2 ν
π 1 π 1
⇒ − sin−1 ≤ (m + 1)π + kθr + ϕ0 ≤ + sin−1
2 ν 2 ν

Define n = m + 1 then
π −1 1 π −1 1
− sin ≤ nπ + kθr + ϕ0 ≤ + sin
2 ν 2 ν
1 π 1 1 π 1
⇒− − sin−1 ≤ θ r − θ n0 ≤ − sin−1
k 2 ν k 2 ν
π 1 1 π 1 1
⇒ θ n0 + − sin−1 ≤ θ r ≤ θ n0 + + sin−1
2k k ν 2k k ν

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

For different values of n, this inequality produces different intervals in the θ

axis inside which the roots of vr lie.
These intervals have the same span as the intervals in which the roots of vθ
occur and are shifted from them by an angle of .
Location of these sectors depend only on the initial conditions and the
navigation constant and not on target acceleration.
Sectors Sθ and Sr are centered around θn0 and θn0 + , respectively.
Angular spread of each sector depends
 on the velocity
 ratio and the
2 −1 1
navigation constant and is given by sin .
k ν
Angular separation between the centerline of two adjacent sectors: .
√ 2k
These sectors do not overlap if ν > 2. How?

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

Define sectors as

Sθ+ = {θ : for some real t, vθ = 0, vr (θ, t) > 0}

Sθ− = {θ : for some real t, vθ = 0, vr (θ, t) < 0}
Sr+ = {θ : for some real t, vr = 0, vθ (θ, t) > 0}
Sr− = {θ : for some real t, vr = 0, vθ (θ, t) < 0}


A missile pursuing a maneuvering target, and following a PPN law with ν > 2
and kν > 1 will be able to capture the target from all initial conditions lying
outside the Sθ+ sector.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Maneuvering Targets

Sθ+ sector essentially has properties similar to the line vθ = 0 and vr > 0 in
the non-maneuvering case.
Sector reduces to a line when the missile does not maneuver.
Unlike non-maneuvering cases, it is possible for a missile to capture a target,
even from inside the Sθ+ sector.

If the initial missile position is inside Sθ+ sector and

ν> 2
N >2+ p 2 >1+
VM − VT 2 VM
|a |
|θ̇0 | > p T
(N − 2) VM 2 − V 2 − 2V

the missile will leave the Sθ+ sector and intercept the target.

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Navigation and Guidance
PPN Guidance Law: Capture Regions

√ √
N > 1 + 1/ 2, γ = 2 N > 2, γ = 1
√ √
1 ≤ N ≤ 1 + 1/ 2, γ = 1/(N − 1) 1 ≤ N ≤ 1 + 1/ 2, γ = 1/(N − 1)
Note aT is nowhere used in finding Why capture region is different from that
capture region for maneuvering targets. of maneuvering targets?
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Navigation and Guidance
LOS Guidance

Philosophy: If the missile remains on the line joining the launch platform
and the target, then it eventually must hit the target.
⇒ By its very nature, LOS guidance is a three-point guidance.

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Navigation and Guidance
LOS Guidance

Assumptions: VT , γT , and VM are constants.

Distance from the launch platform to the missile is LM = r, and that from
missile to target is M T = R.
In the ideal case, missile M should always be on the LOS between the launch
platform and the target.
In LOS guidance, LOS refers to LOS between points L and T , unlike in
pursuit guidance analysis where LOS was between missile and target.
Engagement dynamics

ṙ = Vr = VM cos(γM − θ)
rθ̇ = Vθr = VM sin(γM − θ)
Ṙ = VR = VT cos(γT − θ) − VM cos(γM − θ)
Rθ̇ = VθR = VT sin(γT − θ) − VM sin(γM − θ)

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Navigation and Guidance
LOS Guidance

We can rewrite the LOS rate as below

VM sin(γM − θ) VT sin(γT − θ) − VM sin(γM − θ)
θ̇ = =
r R
By using some mathematical manipulations,

VT sin(γT − θ)
θ̇ =
On equating expressions for LOS rate, we obtain

VT sin(γT − θ) VM sin(γM − θ)
r+R r
⇒ (R + r)VM sin(γM − θ) = rVT sin(γT − θ)

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Navigation and Guidance
LOS Guidance

Using differentiation, we get

(Ṙ + ṙ)VM sin(γM − θ) + (R + r)VM cos(γM − θ) γ̇M − θ̇ =
ṙVT sin(γT − θ) + rVT cos(γT − θ)(−θ̇)
(Ṙ + ṙ)VM sin(γM − θ) + (R + r)VM cos(γM − θ) − θ̇ =
ṙVT sin(γT − θ) + rVT cos(γT − θ)(−θ̇)

Ṙ + ṙ = VT cos(γT − θ).
On substituting for Ṙ + ṙ and ṙ, we get

VM VT cos(γT − θ) sin(γM − θ) + (R + r)aM cos(γM − θ)

−VM VT sin(γT − θ) cos(γM − θ) =
VT VM cos(γM − θ) sin(γT − θ) − VM sin(γM − θ)VT cos(γT − θ)

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Navigation and Guidance
LOS Guidance

On simplifying, we get

(R + r)aM cos(γM − θ) = 2VT VM [cos(γM − θ) sin(γT − θ)

− sin(γM − θ)VT cos(γT − θ)]
= 2VT VM sin(γT − γM )

For ideal implementation of LOS guidance, missile lateral acceleration

2VT VM sin(γT − γM )
aM =
(R + r) cos(γM − θ)

1 D. Ghose, Lecture notes on Navigation, Guidance and Control, Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore.

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