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Navigation and Guidance

Dr. Shashi Ranjan Kumar

Assistant Professor
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Powai, Mumbai, 400076 India

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

TPN law: Guidance command as a function of the initial closing velocity.

Closing velocity during the missile-target engagement actually varies with
TPN guidance command should be of the form

aM = N Vc θ̇ = −N Vr θ̇, N > 0

where N is the navigation constant.

Current closing velocity is used for guidance command computation.
This guidance law is called Realistic True Proportional Navigation (RTPN)
guidance law.

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

On differentiating Vr

V̇r = − VT sin(γT − θ)(−θ̇) + VM sin(γM − θ)(γ̇M − θ̇) − V̇M cos(γM − θ)

=θ̇Vθ + aM sin(γM − θ) cos(γM − θ) − aM sin(γM − θ) cos(γM − θ)

On differentiating Vθ

V̇θ =VT cos(γT − θ)(−θ̇) − VM cos(γM − θ)(γ̇M − θ̇) − V̇M sin(γM − θ)

= − θ̇Vr − aM cos2 (γM − θ) − aM sin2 (γM − θ)
= − θ̇Vr − aM
= − θ̇Vr + N Vr θ̇
= − (1 − N )θ̇Vr

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

We have the derivative of Vr and Vθ as

V̇r = θ̇Vθ
V̇θ = − θ̇Vr (1 − N )

Using previous equations, we get

V̇r V̇θ
θ̇ = =− ⇒ Vθ V̇θ + (1 − N )Vr V̇r = 0
Vθ (1 − N )Vr

On integration, we get

Vθ2 + (1 − N )Vr2 = k = Vθ20 + (1 − N )Vr20

What does this equation represent in (Vθ , Vr ) space?

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

Case 1: 0 < N < 1

k = Vθ20 + (1 − N )Vr20 > 0

For Vr = 0, Vθ2 = k.
For Vθ = 0, Vr2 = .
Equation of an ellipse.
Direction of movement:
rV̇r = Vθ2 > 0.
Condition of capturability
for case 0 < N < 1?

No capture except negative Vr axis

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

Case 2: N = 1

Vθ2 = k = Vθ20

What does it represent in (Vθ , Vr )

Condition of capturability for case
N = 1?

For N = 1, capture is not possible except for negative Vr axis.

Case 3: N > 1

Vθ2 − (N − 1)Vr2 = k = Vθ20 − (N − 1)Vr20

What does it represent in (Vθ , Vr ) space?

Condition of capturability for case N > 1?
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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

Case 3a: N > 1

Vθ2 − (N − 1)Vr2 = k


k = Vθ20 − (N − 1)Vr20 .

For k > 0,
Vr = 0 ⇒ Vθ2 = k.
There are no value of Vr for
which Vθ = 0.
What about interception of
No interception of target.

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

Case 3b: N > 1

Vθ2 − (N − 1)Vr2 = k

k = Vθ20 − (N − 1)Vr20

For k < 0, r
Vθ = 0 ⇒ Vr = ± .
N −1
There are no value of Vθ for
which Vr = 0.
What about interception of
Interception occurs for Vr0 < 0.

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

Case 3c: N > 1

Vθ2 − (N − 1)Vr2 = k


k = Vθ20 − (N − 1)Vr20

k = 0, Vθ2 = (N − 1)Vr2
What about interception of

Interception does not occur for positive Vr region

Nothing can be said about negative Vr region

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance

Capture region
Vθ20 + (1 − N )Vr20 < 0, Vr0 < 0


|Vθ0 | < N − 1|Vr0 |, Vr0 < 0

For N < 1, it shrinks to

negative Vr axis.

Capture region is smaller than that of original TPN.

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Realistic TPN Guidance: Capturability Regions

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Comparison of TPN Class of Guidance

How to compare capture regions of the TPN class of guidance laws?

Guidance command for


aM = −N Vr θ̇

Modifications to
guidance command
aM = − Vr θ̇

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Comparison of TPN Class of Guidance

Capture regions of RTPN guidance law

Vθ20 < (N − 1)Vr20 , N > 1, Vr0 < 0

For N = − , we have
V r0
Vθ20 <− + 1 Vr20 ⇒ Vθ20 + Vr20 + cVr0 < 0
V r0

On rearranging, we get
 c 2  c 2 c
Vθ20 + Vr0 + < Circle of radius , centered
2 2 2
at (0, −c/2).

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
TPN Guidance Capture Regions

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law

Can we say something more about PN guidance?

Consider a planar engagement geometry as below.

Assume φM is small and φT is close to zero or π.

Both aM and aT are almost perpendicular to the initial LOS.
LOS angle is assumed to be small and its initial value is zero.

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law

Consider yT and yM are the perpendicular displacements of the missile and

target, respectively, ⊥ to initial LOS.
By defining displacement y as below and using small angle assumptions,

y = yT − yM
ÿ ' aT − aM

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law against Heading Error

Suppose the target does not maneuver then

ÿ = − aM = −N Vc θ̇,
where Vc is the closing speed of missile-target engagement.
With small angle approximation, closing speed
Vc ' VM + VT , VM − VT

On integration ÿ, we get

ẏ = − N Vc θ + C1

r y
Also, Vc = , θ' ,
tf − t r
r y y
ẏ = − N + C1 = −N + C1
tf − t r tf − t
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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law against Heading Error

Suppose there is a heading error ∆φi , then

y(0) = 0, ẏ(0) = −VM sin ∆φi ' −VM ∆φi ⇒ C1 = −VM ∆φi

Substituting these values, we get

dy y
+N = −VM ∆φi
dt tf − t

Differential equation for a PN guided missile subject to the heading error but
with a non-maneuvering target.
On solving this equation,
VM ∆φi t2f

y =− 1− + K1 t + K2
N −1 tf
 N −2
VM ∆φi N t
aM = 1−
tf tf

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law against Heading Error

From these equations,

VM ∆φi N
aM (0) =

aM ∝ ∆φi
aM ∝ VM
aM ∝
Similar behavior with
nonlinear simulations

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law against Target Maneuver

Suppose there is zero heading error ∆φi = 0 but target maneuvers with aT .
Engagement equation

ÿ = aT − aM = aT − N Vc θ̇

with initial conditions given by

y(0) = 0, ẏ(0) = 0

On solving this equation,

"  N −2 #
N t
aM = 1− 1− aT
N −2 tf

When N → 2, using L’Hospital rule

lim aM = − 2aT log 1 −
N →2 tf

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law against Target Maneuver

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law: Zero Effort Miss

Consider linearized engagement geometry

r d y
aM = N Vc θ̇ = N ,
tgo dt r
where tgo = tf − t = is time-to-go.
On evaluating,

N r2 ẏ − yrṙ
r rẏ − y ṙ
aM =N =
tgo r2 tgo r2
= ẏ + = 2 (y + ẏtgo ) =
tgo tgo tgo | {z } t2go

Zero-Effort-Miss (ZEM): Vertical separation between missile and target at

tf if the missile does not use any control effort for the rest of the time and
the target does not maneuver.
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Variants of Proportional Navigation
PN Guidance Law: Zero Effort Miss

Suppose target maneuvers then what should be the guidance command?

Can we use similar concept of zero-effort-miss, ZEM?
Zero-effort-miss, with constant maneuver target, can be defined as
ZEM = y + ẏtgo + aT t2go
Guidance command for such case called as Augmented PN (APN) guidance,
aM = 2 = 2 y + ẏtgo + aT t2go = N Vc θ̇ + aT
tgo tgo 2 2

Missile lateral acceleration as a function of time

" N −2 #
1 t
aM = N aT 1−
2 tf

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
APN Guidance Law

Which is better, PN or APN, for maneuvering target?

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Comparison of PN and APN Guidance Laws

APN is considered better from the acceleration profiles perspective

⇒ Total acceleration needed is less
⇒ Saturation effect towards the beginning can be compensated later but not the
other way.
However, PN has its own advantage in terms of input information
requirement and implementation.
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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Comparison of PN and APN Guidance Laws

How to quantify the acceleration demand for each guidance law?

Area under acceleration curve
Maneuver induced cost (MIC)
Z tf
M IC = aM dt

For PN and APN,

" N −2 #
Z tf 
N aT t N aT tf
M ICP N = 1− 1− dt =
0 N −2 tf N −1
" N −2 #
Z tf  
N aT t 1 N aT tf 1
M ICAP N = 1− dt = = M ICP N
0 2 tf 2 N −1 2

This relation is true for all N > 2.

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

To get a better understanding, consider the linearized model with zero lag

We look for a guidance command as function of system states.

How to choose a suitable guidance law?
How to define which one is a suitable?
Need to impose constraints and performance criteria to find unique law.
What if we look for guidance which can ensure zero miss distance?
There may be several such guidance laws, which satisfy this constraint.
How to select one among them?

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Lionearized Guidance Laws

Need to define some measure to select the best among these laws

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

Consider minimization of total control effort.

Total control effort: Integral of square of commanded acceleration of
Why do we take the square and not the actual or the absolute values?

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

If we consider values of a2M , then

Z tf
a2M dt > 0

Better representation of control effort.

Is there any other justification for this selection?
Analytically tractable for the optimization problem due to quadratic form.
Maneuver-induced drag
1 2
D = ρVM SCD ,
CD =CD0 + CDi ,
m2 a2M
CDi =KCL2 = K 2 S]2

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

Guidance design as an optimal control problem.

Z tf
min a2M dt, y(tf ) = 0

subjected to the state equations given by

ẏ = ẏ, ÿ = aT − aM , ȧT = 0

Linear quadratic problem in optimal control theory

System equation in state-space form
      
ẏ 0 1 0 y 0
 ÿ  =  0 0 1   ẏ  +  −1  aM (t)
ȧT 0 0 0 aT 0
| {z }
| {z } | {z } | {z } u

Ẋ = F X + Gu

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

If tf is known then
Z tf
X(tf ) = φ(tf − t)X(tf ) + φ(tf − τ )G(τ )u(τ )dτ

where φ(t) is state transition matrix given by

φ(t) = L−1 [sI − F ]−1 = expF t .

F 2 t2 F 3 t3
expF t =I + F t + + + ···
2!  3!
   
1 0 0 0 t 0 0 0
= 0 1 0 + 0 0 t +  0 0 0 
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 2 
1 t 2
= 0 1 t 
0 0 1

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

Using STM, we get

(tf −t)2
    
y(tf ) 1 tf − t 2
 ẏ(tf )  =  0 1 tf − t   ẏ(t) 
aT (tf ) 0 0 1 aT (t)
2 
Z tf 1 tf − τ (tf −τ )
 
+  0 1 tf − τ   −1  aM (τ )dτ
t 0
0 0 1

On solving, we get
Z tf
y(tf ) = y(t) + (tf − t)ẏ(t) + (tf − t)2 aT − [(tf − τ ) aM (τ )dτ
| {z 2 } t | {z }
h1 (tf −t)
f1 (tf −t)
Z tf
=f1 (tf − t) − h1 (tf − τ )aM (τ )dτ

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

To achieve zero miss distance,

Z tf
f1 (tf − t) = h1 (tf − τ )aM (τ )dτ

There could be several aM functions defined over [t, tf ] which satisfy this
We use the minimum control effort criteria to find a unique one.
Let f and g be measurable functions, with range in [0, ∞].
According to Schwarz’ inequality
Z Z 1/2 Z 1/2
f gdt ≤ f 2 dt g 2 dt

and equality holds when f = kg with k is a real number.

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

To achieve zero miss distance,

Z tf Z tf
f12 (tf − t) ≤ h21 (tf − τ )dτ a2M (τ )dτ
t t
f12 (tf − t)
⇒ a2M (τ )dτ ≥ R tf
t t
h21 (tf − τ )dτ

Minimimum value of LHS is the value of RHS and this occurs at equality.
Equality hold only if
aM (τ ) = kh1 (tf − τ )

On substituting this, we get

Z tf
f 2 (tf − t) f1 (tf − t)
k 2
h21 (tf − τ )dτ = R tf 1 =⇒ k = R tf
h1 (tf − τ )dτ h21 (tf − τ )dτ
t t t

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Variants of Proportional Navigation
Linearized Guidance Laws

Guidance command
" #
f1 (tf − t)
aM (τ ) = kh1 (tf − τ ) = R tf h1 (tf − τ )
h21 (tf − τ )dτ
 
y(t) + (tf − t)ẏ(t) + (tf − t)2 aT
= 

R tf 2 2  (tf − τ )

h1 (tf − τ )dτ

3 1
= [y(t) + tgo ẏ(t) + t2go aT ](tf − τ )
t3go 2

At current time τ = t, the guidance command (APN) is given by

3 1 3ZEM
aM (t) = [y(t) + tgo ẏ(t) + t2go aT ] = 2
t2go 2 tgo

Equivalent to PN for aT = 0.
Optimal with N = 3 for linearized dynamics
aM ∝ ZEM and inversely proportional to t2go .
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Variants of Proportional Navigation

1 D. Ghose, Lecture notes on Navigation, Guidance and Control, Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore.
2 N. A. Shneydor, Missile Guidance and Pursuit: Kinematics, Dynamics, and
Control, Horwood Publishing Limited. 1998.

Thank you for your attention !!!

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