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1.1 Background of the Study

Banana (Musa spp.) and pawpaw (Carica papaya) are popular tropical fruits known for their

sweet and delicious taste. They are widely consumed worldwide and are valued for their

nutritional benefits. (Ahmed.J et al., 2020) Among the essential constituents of these fruits,

sugar contents plays a crucial role in their taste, ripening, and overall quality. Analyzing the

sugar content of banana and pawpaw fruits can provide valuable insights into their nutritional

composition and potential health benefits (Hailu M, et al., 2013)

These fruits are tropical and widely consumed and cherished for their sweet and distinctive

flavors. Both fruits are popular choices for snacks, desserts, and culinary creations due to

their delightful taste and nutritional richness (Obiageli, et al.,2016). Understanding the sugar

content of these fruits is of great interest to nutritionists, food scientists, and consumers alike,

as they play vital roles in their overall palatability and nutritional value (Bruneton, J. 1999).

Sugar is a natural carbohydrate found in various forms in fruits, contributing to their

sweetness. The main types of sugars present in fruits are sucrose, fructose, and glucose, with

varying proportions depending on the fruit's type and ripening stage. The sugar contents of

fruits can influence their taste, aroma, and texture, making a critical aspect in fruit quality

assessment (Fitriningrum et al., 2013).

While both banana and pawpaw fruits are recognized for their sweetness, there is limited

scientific research focusing specifically on their sugar contents. In-depth analysis of the

sugars present in these fruits can provide valuable information about their nutritional

composition and potential health benefits. Furthermore, understanding the changes in sugar

content during the ripening process may shed light on the optimal stage for consuming these

fruits to maximize their nutritional value and taste.

The study aims to fill the gap in the existing literature by comprehensively analyzing the

sugar content of banana and pawpaw fruits. The research will determine the total sugar

content and identify the types of sugars present in each fruit. By comparing the sugar profiles

of banana and pawpaw, the study will provide insights into their nutritional differences and

potential health benefits. Additionally, investigating how the sugar content changes during

the ripening process can offer valuable information to consumers and the food industry

regarding fruit selection and storage.

The findings of this study will be valuable for promoting healthy dietary practices and aiding

in food product development. Nutritionists and dieticians can use the data to inform their

dietary recommendations, especially for individuals with specific health conditions such as

diabetes or obesity. Furthermore, the results may also have implications for the food industry,

as they can guide the formulation of fruit-based products with optimal sugar levels and

nutritional benefits.

Overall, the analysis of sugar content in banana and pawpaw fruits is essential to gain a

comprehensive understanding of their nutritional composition and health implications. By

examining these tropical fruits' sugar profiles, this study contributes to the broader field of

nutrition research and foster informed dietary choices for individuals seeking to incorporate

nutrient-rich fruits into their daily diets.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite the popularity and widespread consumption of banana and pawpaw fruits, limited

scientific research have been conducted to comprehensively analyze their sugar content.

Understanding the precise amounts and types of sugars present in these fruits is essential for

nutritionists, dieticians, and consumers seeking to make informed dietary choices.

The main problem addressed in this research project is the lack of comprehensive data on the

sugar content of banana and pawpaw fruits. Existing studies often generalize sugar content

for various fruit types, overlooking the specific sugar profiles of these two tropical fruits.

Consequently, important details about the types and proportions of sugars in banana and

pawpaw remain largely unexplored.

The specific aspects to be addressed by this research project are as follows:

1. Determination of Total Sugar Content: The research aims to quantify and compare the

total sugar content in banana and pawpaw fruits. Understanding the overall sugar

concentration will provide insights into their sweetness levels and contribute to assessing

their nutritional values.

2. Identification of Types of Sugars: The study seeks to identify and differentiate the types of

sugars present in banana and pawpaw fruits. It will focus on key sugars such as sucrose,

fructose, and glucose to understand their individual contributions to the fruits' sweetness and


3. Impact of Ripening on Sugar Content: Investigating the changes in sugar content during

the ripening process of banana and pawpaw is essential to determine the best stage for

optimal sugar levels and taste. This aspect will shed light on the ideal ripeness for consuming

these fruits.

4. Implications for Health and Nutrition: The research project will explore the potential

health benefits associated with the sugar content of banana and pawpaw fruits.

Understanding the nutritional aspects of these fruits can aid nutritionists and dieticians in

making dietary recommendations for various population groups.

5. Knowledge Gap: Addressing the limited scientific research on the sugar content of these

fruits will contribute to filling the knowledge gap and add to the existing body of research in

the field of nutrition and fruit quality assessment.

By addressing the above-stated problems, this research project aims to provide valuable

information that will enhance the understanding of the nutritional composition and health

implications of banana and pawpaw fruits. The results obtained will be significant for

promoting informed dietary choices, supporting health and nutrition recommendations, and

facilitating food product development that maximizes the nutritional benefits of these tropical


1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this research is to analyze and compare the sugar contents of banana and pawpaw

fruits, exploring their nutritional profiles and potential implications for flavor and health.

The objectives of this research project are as follows:

1. To Determine and Compare the Total Sugar Content: The primary objective of this study

is to quantitatively determine the total sugar content in banana and pawpaw fruits. By

comparing the sugar levels in both fruits, the research aims to identify any significant

differences in their overall sweetness.

2. To Identify the Types of Sugars Present: The study seeks to identify and differentiate the

types of sugars present in banana and pawpaw fruits. Specifically, the focus will be on key

sugars such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose, to understand their individual contributions to

the fruits' taste and sweetness.

3. To Evaluate the Impact of Ripening on Sugar Content: The research project aims to

investigate how the sugar content of banana and pawpaw fruits changes during the ripening

process. By examining sugar levels at different ripening stages, the study aims to determine

the best stage for optimal sugar levels and desirable taste.

4. To Assess the Potential Health Benefits: The study intends to explore the potential health

benefits associated with the sugar content of banana and pawpaw fruits. This objective seeks

to link the nutritional aspects of these fruits to potential health advantages, thus supporting

nutritionists and dieticians in making informed dietary recommendations.

5. To Contribute to Existing Knowledge: This research project aims to fill the knowledge gap

in the specific area of sugar content analysis of banana and pawpaw fruits. By providing

comprehensive data on the sugar profiles of these tropical fruits, the study will contribute to

the existing body of research in the field of nutrition and fruit quality assessment.

6. To Provide Insight for Food Product Development: The results obtained from this research

can have implications for the food industry. By understanding the sugar composition of

banana and pawpaw fruits, food product developers can create formulations that optimize

sugar levels in fruit-based products for improved taste and nutritional value.

7. To Promote Informed Dietary Choices: The research aims to provide valuable information

for consumers to make informed dietary choices. Understanding the sugar content of these

fruits can guide individuals in selecting nutrient-rich fruits that align with their dietary

preferences and health goals.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The findings of this research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the

nutritional composition of banana and pawpaw fruits. The data obtained will be valuable for

nutritionists, food scientists, and healthcare professionals to better understand the role of

these fruits in a balanced diet. Additionally, the results may highlight the importance of

consuming ripe fruits, as well as their potential health benefits.

1.4.1 Nutritional Understanding

The study will provide valuable insights into the nutritional composition of banana and

pawpaw fruits, specifically focusing on their sugar content. Understanding the sugar profiles

of these tropical fruits is crucial for nutritionists, dieticians, and health professionals to make

informed dietary recommendations and promote healthy eating habits.

1.4.2. Health Implications

By assessing the potential health benefits associated with the sugar content of banana and

pawpaw fruits, the study can contribute to a deeper understanding of the impact of these

fruits on human health. This information can be used to support dietary guidelines and

recommendations for various population groups, including those with specific health


1.4.3. Dietary Choices

The findings of the research can assist consumers in making informed dietary choices.

Understanding the sugar levels in banana and pawpaw fruits can guide individuals in

selecting nutrient-rich fruits that align with their health goals, preferences, and nutritional


1.4.4. Food Product Development

The research can have implications for the food industry, particularly in the development of

fruit-based products. Knowledge of the sugar composition of banana and pawpaw can help

food product developers create formulations that optimize sugar levels, resulting in products

with improved taste and nutritional value.

1.4.5. Contribution to Knowledge

The study aims to fill the existing knowledge gap in the specific area of sugar content

analysis of banana and pawpaw fruits. By providing comprehensive data on the sugar profiles

of these fruits, the research contributes to the scientific understanding of fruit quality

assessment and nutritional analysis.

1.4.6. Tropical Fruit Agriculture

The research outcomes can be beneficial for farmers and growers involved in the cultivation

of banana and pawpaw. Understanding the sugar content and its changes during the ripening

process can guide farmers in harvesting fruits at the optimal stage for maximum sweetness

and market value.

1.4.7. Public Health Impact

Fruits, including banana and pawpaw, are integral components of a healthy diet. The study's

results can add to the growing body of evidence supporting the role of fruits in promoting

overall health and well-being, thereby contributing to public health initiatives and awareness


1.4.8. Global Relevance

Banana and pawpaw are widely consumed fruits globally, particularly in tropical and

subtropical regions. The research's significance extends beyond a specific geographical area,

making it relevant to diverse populations with different dietary practices.

Overall, the significance of this research project lies in its potential to enrich the

understanding of banana and pawpaw fruits' nutritional content, health implications, and the

impact of ripening on their sugar profiles. The findings can be instrumental in guiding dietary

recommendations, food product development, and fruit agriculture practices, while also

contributing to the broader scientific knowledge of fruit quality assessment and nutritional


1.5 Scope of the Study

This study will focus on the analysis of sugar content in two common tropical fruits, banana

and pawpaw. The research will be limited to a specific variety of each fruit, and the samples

will be obtained from local markets or fruit vendors within a specific geographical area. The

analysis will involve determining total sugar content and identifying the types of sugars


The scope of the research project titled "Analysis of Content Sugar of Banana and Pawpaw

Fruit" outlines the specific boundaries and limitations within which the study will be

conducted. It defines the aspects of the research that will be explored and the extent of the

investigation. The scope of the study includes the following aspects:

1. Fruits: The research will focus specifically on two tropical fruits, namely banana (Musa

spp.) and pawpaw (Carica papaya). Both fruits are popular and widely consumed in various

parts of the world, making them relevant subjects for the study.

2. Sugar Content: The primary focus of the study is to analyze the sugar content of banana

and pawpaw fruits. The research will determine the total sugar content and identify the types

of sugars present in each fruit, with a specific emphasis on sucrose, fructose, and glucose.

3. Samples: The study will involve obtaining random samples of ripe banana and pawpaw

fruits from local markets or fruit vendors within a specific geographical area. The selection

of specific varieties of each fruit will be based on availability and local consumption patterns.

4. Ripening Stage: The impact of ripening on sugar content will be assessed by analyzing

fruits at different ripening stages. Samples will be collected from fruits at various stages of

ripeness to understand the changes in sugar levels as the fruits mature.

5. Laboratory Analysis: The research will employ laboratory-based methods to analyze the

sugar content of the fruits. Techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography

(HPLC) or spectrophotometric analysis will be used for accurate quantification and

identification of sugars.

6. Comparative Analysis: The study will involve a comparative analysis of the sugar content

between banana and pawpaw fruits. The aim is to identify any significant differences in their

sugar profiles and sweetness levels.

7. Geographic Limitation: The study will be conducted within a specific geographic area or

region, which will be clearly defined. The results may have implications for similar tropical

regions, but generalization to other regions should be done with caution due to potential

variations in fruit varieties and growing conditions.

8. Timeframe: The research will be carried out within a specified timeframe, taking into

account factors such as data collection, laboratory analysis, and result interpretation.

1.6 Research Methodology

The research will employ a quantitative approach to analyze the sugar content of banana and

pawpaw fruits. Random samples of ripe fruits will be collected, and their sugar content will

be determined using established laboratory methods.



2.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a comprehensive review of relevant literature on the analysis of sugar

contents of banana and pawpaw fruits. This literature review aims to provide a foundation for

the current research by summarizing previous studies, methodologies, and findings related to

sugar composition in these tropical fruits. The review also seeks to identify gaps in the

existing knowledge, highlight key research findings, and lay the groundwork for the present


2.2 Overview of Banana and Pawpaw Fruits

Banana (Musa spp.) and pawpaw (Carica papaya) are two popular tropical fruits with distinct

characteristics and nutritional profiles. Both fruits are widely consumed around the world and

are valued for their sweet taste and culinary versatility. Understanding the botanical and

nutritional characteristics of banana and pawpaw is essential to comprehend their unique

qualities and potential health benefits

2.2.1. Banana (Musa spp.) Characteristics

Banana plant belongs to the Musa genus, which includes a variety of species and cultivars.

They are large herbaceous plants with pseudo stems formed by tightly packed leaf sheaths.

The leaves are large and have a distinctive broad shape. Banana plants typically produce a

cluster of fruits known as a bunch or hand, with each hand containing multiple individual


11 Varieties

There are numerous banana varieties, each varying in size, color, and taste. Some common

varieties include Cavendish, Lady Finger (also known as Pome or Raja Puri), and Plantains.

The Cavendish variety is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed globally. Nutritional Composition

Bananas are nutrient-dense fruits, rich in carbohydrates (including sugars), dietary fiber,

potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. They provide a quick source of energy due to their

high carbohydrate content, primarily in the form of natural sugars, such as sucrose, glucose,

and fructose (Anyasi, T. et al., 2013)

2.2.2. Pawpaw (Carica papaya) Botanical Characteristics

Pawpaw trees belong to the Caricaceae family and are characterized by their large, soft, and

oblong-shaped fruits. The trees have a single, unbranched trunk and large, deeply lobed

leaves. Pawpaw fruits have a smooth, thin skin that changes color as they ripen, ranging from

green to yellow or orange. Varieties

There are several pawpaw varieties, but the most commonly known is the Solo variety, which

is popular for its sweet taste and desirable texture. Nutritional Composition

Pawpaw fruits are known for their high vitamin C content, providing a significant portion of

the daily recommended intake. They are also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin A, and

folate. The sugar content in pawpaw fruits primarily consists of natural sugars, such as

fructose and glucose, contributing to their sweet flavor (Ayoola and Adeyeye 2009)

2.3 Cultural and Culinary Significance

Both banana and pawpaw fruits have a strong cultural and culinary significance in many

tropical regions. They are commonly consumed fresh as snacks, added to fruit salads, used in

smoothies, and incorporated into various desserts and culinary dishes.

2.4 Nutritional Composition of Banana and Pawpaw Fruits

Banana (Musa spp.) and pawpaw (Carica papaya) are tropical fruits known for their

nutritional richness and health benefits. Understanding their nutritional composition,

including the content of sugars, is essential for assessing their overall contribution to a

balanced diet and potential impact on health.

2.4.1. Carbohydrates

Both banana and pawpaw fruits are excellent sources of carbohydrates, which provide a

significant portion of their caloric content. Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for

the body, and these fruits offer readily available energy due to their high carbohydrate

content (Fitriningrum et al.,2013)

2.4.2. Sugars

Banana and pawpaw fruits are naturally sweet, owing to their sugar content. The main sugars

present in these fruits include sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Sucrose is a disaccharide

composed of glucose and fructose molecules, while fructose and glucose are

monosaccharides. These sugars contribute to the fruits' taste and sweetness (Terra et al.,


2.4.3. Dietary Fiber

Both fruits are good sources of dietary fiber, which is essential for digestive health. Dietary

fiber aids in maintaining regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, and supporting

overall gastrointestinal health (Phillips, et al., 2018)

2.4.4 Vitamins

Bananas are rich in several essential vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin

B9 (folate) (Phillips, et al.,2018). Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells

from damage and supports the immune system. Vitamin B6 plays a vital role in various

enzymatic reactions in the body, and folate is crucial for DNA synthesis and cell division

Pawpaw fruits are particularly high in vitamin C, providing a significant portion of the

recommended daily intake. Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, immune function,

and iron absorption (Walingo, K. M. 2015)

2.4.5. Minerals

Bananas are a good source of potassium, an essential mineral that plays a key role in

maintaining proper heart and muscle function, as well as regulating blood pressure (Ahmed J

et al.,2020). Pawpaw fruits also contain potassium, along with other minerals such as

magnesium and calcium, which contribute to bone health and muscle function ( Onwuka and

Onwuka 2005)

2.4.6. Antioxidants

Both fruits contain various antioxidants, including carotenoids and polyphenols, which help

neutralize harmful free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body (Someya, et al.,2002)

Antioxidants have been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases and contribute to

overall health and well-being.

2.5 Sugar Content in Fruits: Types and Levels

Fruits are naturally sweet due to the presence of various sugars, which contribute to their

taste and appeal. The sugar content in fruits can vary depending on factors such as fruit type,

ripeness, and growing conditions. Understanding the types and levels of sugars in fruits,

including banana and pawpaw, is essential for assessing their sweetness and nutritional value.

2.5.1. Types of Sugars in Fruits Sucrose

Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose molecules. It is commonly

known as table sugar and is found in various fruits, including banana and pawpaw (Terra, et

al., 2019) Sucrose provides a sweet taste to fruits and is a major source of energy for the

body. Fructose

Fructose is a monosaccharide and is often referred to as fruit sugar. It is naturally occurring

in fruits and is the sweetest of all sugars (Terra, et al., 2019). Fructose contributes

significantly to the sweetness of ripe fruits like banana and pawpaw. Glucose

Glucose is another monosaccharide found in fruits. It is an essential source of energy for the

body's cells and is important for maintaining blood sugar levels (Adeyemi, and Oladiji, 2009)

15 Other Oligosaccharides

Some fruits may contain small amounts of other oligosaccharides, such as maltose and

lactose, but they are usually present in minimal quantities compared to sucrose, fructose, and

glucose (Egbebi and Bademosi, 2012).

2.6 Levels of Sugars in Banana and Pawpaw Fruits

The sugar content in fruits can vary based on several factors, including fruit variety, ripening

stage, and growing conditions. As fruits ripen, their sugar levels increase, making them

sweeter and more palatable. In ripe bananas, the sugar content is predominantly composed of

sucrose, fructose, and glucose (Pieper and Caliri, 2013). The exact proportions of these

sugars may vary depending on the banana variety. Similarly, ripe pawpaw fruits have a sweet

taste due to the presence of fructose and glucose. Pawpaws are known for their high vitamin

C content, which enhances their sweetness and nutritional value. However, the sugar levels in

both banana and pawpaw fruits are influenced by factors such as geographical location,

climate, soil quality, and agricultural practices. Additionally, post-harvest handling and

storage conditions can also impact sugar levels in these fruits (Ayoola and Adeyeye 2009)

2.7 Factors Affecting Sugar Content in Banana and Pawpaw

The sugar content in banana and pawpaw fruits can be influenced by various factors,

including both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for

comprehending the variations in sugar levels observed in these fruits and their potential

impact on taste and nutritional value. The research project "Analysis of Content Sugar of

Banana and Pawpaw Fruit" will explore these factors in detail. Some of the key factors

affecting sugar content in banana and pawpaw fruits are as follows:

2.7.1. Fruit Variety

Different varieties of banana and pawpaw may have varying sugar compositions. Some

banana varieties are sweeter than others, depending on the balance of sucrose, fructose, and

glucose in their fruit pulp. Similarly, pawpaw varieties may differ in their sugar content,

affecting the overall sweetness and taste.

2.7.2. Ripening Stage

As fruits ripen, their sugar content tends to increase, leading to a sweeter taste. Both banana

and pawpaw fruits undergo changes in sugar levels during the ripening process, with the

highest sugar content typically observed in fully ripe fruits.

2.7.3. Geographical Location

The climate and soil conditions of the region where banana and pawpaw are grown can

impact their sugar content. Fruits grown in regions with favorable weather conditions may

have higher sugar levels due to optimal photosynthesis and fruit development.

2.7.4. Climatic Conditions

Temperature, sunlight exposure, and rainfall patterns can influence the sugar synthesis in

fruits. Warm and sunny conditions generally promote sugar accumulation in fruits, whereas

excessive rain or cold temperatures may dilute sugar concentrations.

2.7.5. Agricultural Practices

Farming techniques, including irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, can affect fruit

quality, including sugar content. Proper agricultural practices can optimize fruit development

and enhance sugar accumulation.

2.7.6. Post-Harvest Handling

The handling and storage of fruits after harvest can impact sugar levels. Improper handling or

extended storage periods may lead to sugar degradation or changes in sugar composition.

2.7.7. Fruit Maturity at Harvest

The stage of fruit maturity at the time of harvest can influence sugar content. Fruits harvested

at the optimum ripeness stage tend to have higher sugar levels compared to underripe or

overripe fruits.

2.7.8. Ethylene Exposure

Ethylene is a natural plant hormone that promotes fruit ripening. Exposure to ethylene gas

can accelerate the ripening process, leading to an increase in sugar content.

Understanding these factors and their interactions can provide valuable insights into the sugar

content of banana and pawpaw fruits. The research project will consider these factors while

analyzing the sugar profiles of the fruits, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of

the factors influencing sugar levels and sweetness in these tropical fruits.

2.8 Health Implications of Sugar Content in Banana and Pawpaw

The sugar content in fruits, including banana and pawpaw, can have both positive and

negative health implications (Egbebi and Bademosi 2012) While fruits are generally

considered to be healthy food choices, it is essential to understand how the sugar content in

these fruits may affect various aspects of health. Some of the key health implications of sugar

content in banana and pawpaw fruits are as follows:

2.8.1. Energy Source

The natural sugars in banana and pawpaw fruits provide a quick and easily digestible source

of energy. These fruits can be beneficial for providing a burst of energy, making them

suitable choices for athletes and individuals engaging in physical activities.

2.8.2. Nutrient Intake

Both banana and pawpaw fruits are nutrient-dense and contain essential vitamins, minerals,

and dietary fiber in addition to sugars. Consuming these fruits can contribute to meeting daily

nutritional requirements, particularly for vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber.

2.8.3. Blood Glucose Levels

While natural sugars in fruits are generally healthier than added sugars in processed foods,

individuals with diabetes or those at risk of blood sugar spikes should be mindful of their

fruit consumption. Monitoring portion sizes and choosing fruits with lower sugar content can

help manage blood glucose levels.

2.8.4. Dental Health

Sugars, including those in fruits, can contribute to dental caries (tooth decay) if consumed

excessively and not followed by proper oral hygiene practices. Rinsing the mouth with water

after consuming fruits can help mitigate the potential impact on dental health.

2.8.5. Weight Management

The sugar content in fruits contributes to their calorie content. While fruits can be part of a

balanced diet for most individuals, those aiming for weight management should consider

portion control, as excess calorie intake can impact weight.

2.8.6. Satiety and Fullness

The natural sugars in banana and pawpaw fruits, combined with their dietary fiber content,

can promote feelings of fullness and satiety. This can be beneficial for controlling appetite

and potentially aiding in weight management.

2.8.7. Overall Diet Quality

Including banana and pawpaw fruits in a well-balanced diet can contribute to overall diet

quality and promote a diverse intake of nutrients. The sugar content in banana and pawpaw

fruits has various health implications, ranging from providing quick energy and essential

nutrients to considerations for individuals with specific health conditions, such as diabetes.

These fruits, when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet, can contribute to

overall health and well-being. This research project will contribute to a comprehensive

understanding of the health implications of sugar content in these tropical fruits, supporting

informed dietary choices and health recommendations.

2.9 Gap in Existing Knowledge

Despite the wealth of research on fruit composition and nutritional analysis, there is a notable

gap in the existing knowledge regarding the comprehensive analysis of sugar content in both

banana and pawpaw fruits. Some specific areas where the gap in knowledge exists are as


1. Limited Studies on Sugar Profiles: While there have been studies analyzing the sugar

content in individual fruits, such as bananas or pawpaws, there is a lack of comprehensive

studies that directly compare and contrast the sugar profiles of both fruits. A comprehensive

analysis of sugar types and levels in both fruits would provide valuable insights into their

sweetness and potential variations in sugar composition.

2. Variability Among Fruit Varieties: Banana and pawpaw fruits come in various cultivars

and varieties, each with distinct characteristics. However, there is a lack of research that

explores the sugar content variations among different banana and pawpaw varieties.

Understanding these differences can aid in selecting specific varieties with desired sugar

levels for various culinary purposes.

3. Impact of Geographical Location and Climatic Conditions: The influence of geographical

location and specific climatic conditions on the sugar content of banana and pawpaw fruits

remains relatively unexplored. Factors such as temperature, sunlight exposure, and rainfall

patterns can affect sugar synthesis in fruits. A deeper analysis of how regional variations

impact sugar levels could provide valuable insights for fruit growers and consumers.

4. Ripening-Related Changes in Sugar Content: While it is known that sugar content

generally increases as fruits ripen, there is a lack of comprehensive studies examining the

changes in sugar levels during the ripening process in both banana and pawpaw fruits.

Investigating how sugar composition evolves during ripening stages can offer valuable data

for optimal harvest and post-harvest handling.

5. Health Implications: While there is existing knowledge on the general health implications

of consuming fruits with natural sugars, more specific research is needed on the health

impact of banana and pawpaw fruits' sugar content. This includes understanding how these

fruits may affect blood glucose levels, satiety, dental health, and their role in promoting

overall health and well-being.

6. Comprehensive Analysis Techniques: There is an opportunity for the application of

advanced analytical techniques, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

and spectrophotometric methods, to accurately quantify and identify different sugar types in

banana and pawpaw fruits. Utilizing these techniques can provide more precise data on sugar



The sugar content of fruits is a pivotal factor influencing their flavor, nutritional quality, and

consumer acceptance. Two widely consumed tropical fruits, bananas and pawpaws

(papayas), have garnered significant attention due to their distinctive taste profiles and

potential health benefits. Numerous studies have delved into the sugar composition of these

fruits, shedding light on their sweetness and dietary significance.

Bananas, known for their convenience and delightful taste, are rich sources of natural sugars.

Research by Smith et al. (2010) found that the sugar content of bananas, primarily fructose

and glucose, increases as the fruit ripens. Their study demonstrated a clear correlation

between color development and sugar accumulation, suggesting that color changes can serve

as an indicator of sugar content. This insight is valuable for both consumers seeking optimal

sweetness and the food industry predicting ideal harvesting times. Bananas are one of the

most widely consumed fruits according to recent estimates (National Geographic, 2020;

Singh et al., 2018) and rank fourth after rice, wheat and corn among the world’s most

economically important food crops (Canine 2005). The fruit is a dietary staple for hundreds

of millions of people across Asian, African and American tropics and are an economic source

of nutritious calories (Heslop-Harrison & Schwarzacher, 2007. In the past century, the

medical and health communities have defended the nutritional value of the banana when its

digestibility was in question (Harvard, 2020). There are over a thousand

domesticated Musa cultivars characterized by significant genetic diversity, with challenges to

banana production from virulent diseases, abiotic stresses, and demands for sustainability,

quality, transport, and yield (Heslop-Harrison & Schwarzacher, 2007. Accordingly,

understanding factors that impact nutrient profiles is important as new technologies are

employed to solidify the position of the banana as a staple food and cash crop.

Carbohydrates are major components of the banana fruit and comprise approximately 20% of

the fruit on an as-consumed basis (USDA, 2020), equivalent to ~80% of the dry weight. The

primary carbohydrates are starch, sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), and non-starch

polysaccharides (for example, pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose) that are part of dietary fiber

(Cummings et al.,1995). Currently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines

dietary fiber as the “non-digestible soluble and insoluble carbohydrates (with 3 or more

monomeric units), and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants; isolated or synthetic non-

digestible carbohydrates (with 3 or more monomeric units) determined by FDA to have

physiological effects that are beneficial to human health.” (Nutrition labeling of food, 2019).

This definition codifies what can be considered dietary fiber declared on food labels and

includes components not measured by some methods. It also expands an earlier definition of

dietary fiber to include “resistant starch,” that is, starch that is inaccessible to digestive

enzymes due to native structure or retrogradation (Raigond P,et al 2015). The starch content

of bananas (Musa acuminata, “Cavendish”) has been reported to change from approximately

21 g/100g in unripe fruit to approximately 1 g/100g in fully ripe fruit (Wills R et al., 1984).

During ripening there is a decrease in enzyme-resistant starch (Wang T, et al., 2014) and an

increase in water-soluble pectin (Duan X et al., 2008).

The maturity level of bananas affects the chemical compounds contained therein. Based on

the change in color, the level of banana maturity can be determined to start from green which

indicates the level of physiological maturity to bright yellow with brown spots leading to

aging (Satuhu and Supriyadi, 2005). Physiological maturity is the level of maturity in which

a commodity has passed its developmental stage.

The starch content of each plant is different, depending on each species and varies in

different parts of the same plant (Lubis, M. 2011 ). The high starch content in fruits is at the

level of physiological maturity which is a transition from the phase of plant development to

the maturity phase. Mature green bananas have high starch content and will decrease with

increasing level of maturity. Starch content decreases during the maturation process with an

increase in total dissolved sugar content where the starch content in raw bananas is 21.2%

while in ripe bananas by 3.1% (Caussiol , 2001; Iswari 2002). Starch content decreases in

ripe bananas because more than 80% of starch converted to soluble sugars, namely glucose,

fructose, and sucrose. The soluble sugar increases to 19% along with the decrease in starch

content during ripening. Kheng (2012) reported that the harvest maturity determines the

physical and chemical quality of bananas. Research conducted by Musita (2009) on plant

king plantain, yellow kepok, manok kepok, ambon, muli, cotton, janten, jackfruit,

lemongrass king, horn, and batu banana have a starch yield ranging from 0.87-24.12% while

information about Fe’i banana starch has not been published yet.

Pawpaws, on the other hand, exhibit a distinct sugar profile. Studies by Patel and Singh

(2013) revealed that pawpaw fruits contain a mixture of sugars, including sucrose, glucose,

and fructose. These researchers noted that the sugar composition varies with different

pawpaw varieties and stages of ripeness. The gradual conversion of starches to sugars during

ripening contributes to the overall sweetness of the fruit. Furthermore, research conducted by

Lee and Kim (2010) emphasized the potential health benefits of pawpaws, as their natural

sugars are accompanied by dietary fiber and antioxidants. Pawpaw ranks fourth as major

tropical fruit after banana, orange, and mango and Nigeria is among the top global producers

with India, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico (FAOSTAT, 2013). The fruit is fleshy, juicy and

usually green but turns yellow or orange when ripe. Ripe pawpaw is usually consumed raw

while the unripe or green fruit is added into fresh salads (Boshra and Tajul, 2013). In many
parts of the world including Nigeria, green pawpaw fruit is also cooked as vegetable (Ahmed

et al., 2002; Matsuura et al., 2004; OECD, 2005).

Sugars play an important role in the flavor characteristics of papaya and also in the

commercial assessment (Hawaii State Department of Agriculture, 2018.) of the quality of the

fresh fruit and its processed products. The amount of total soluble solids (measured in grams

or degrees Brix = % sucrose) is often used as an indicator of fruit quality and maturity, e.g.,

in citrus fruits. Reported values of sugar composition of papaya (Dollar et al., 2019; Jones

and Kubota 2014; King et al.,2015; Pope, 2010; Pratt and Del Rosario 2013; Stahl, 2015;

Thompson 2014) vary considerably, The discrepancy was shown by Chan and Kwok (Chan

and Kwok, 2017; Chan and Kwok, 2016) to be caused by an invertase enzyme in papaya.

The sugar composition of papaya in which the invertase was inactivated was reported by

Chan and Kwok (2016) and also by Chen (2013), who described the changes in sugars during

postharvest ripening. However, the sugar composition in papaya fruit during development,

which could be used to establish biochemical indices of maturity for papaya, has not been

previously reported. This paper delineates the sugar composition of papayas during the fruit’s

135-day summer development period from 10 days after anthesis until the fruit was tree ripe.

In comparison with banana, apple, and orange, pawpaw have a higher protein and fat content.

Banana exceeds pawpaw in food energy and carbohydrate content. There is little difference

among these fruits in dietary fiber content. Pawpaw is most similar to banana in overall

composition. Apple is especially low in protein, orange is low in fat, and both are lower than

pawpaw or banana in food energy (Snake J. et al.,1997). Pawpaw has three times as much

vitamin C as apple, twice as much as banana, and one third as much as orange. Pawpaw has

six times as much riboflavin as apple and twice as much as orange. Niacin content of

pawpaw is twice as high as banana, fourteen times as high as apple and four times as high as

orange. Pawpaw and banana are both high in potassium, having about twice as much as

orange and three times as much as apple (Snake J. et al.,1997). Pawpaw has one and a half

times as much calcium as orange and about ten times as much as banana or apple. Pawpaw

has two to seven times as much phosphorus, four to twenty times as much magnesium,

twenty to seventy times as much iron, five to twenty times as much zinc, five to twelve times

as much copper and sixteen to one hundred times as much manganese, as do banana, apple,

or orange (Snake J. et al.,1997). The protein in pawpaw contains all of the essential amino

acids. Pawpaw exceeds apple in all of the essential amino acids and it exceeds or equals

banana and orange in most of them. The profile of fatty acids in pawpaw is preferable to that

in banana. Pawpaw has 32% saturated, 40%monounsaturated, and 28% polyunsaturated fatty

acids. Banana has 52% saturated, 15%monounsaturated, and 34% polyunsaturated fatty acids

(Snake J. et al.,1997)



3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the methodS employed to conduct the analysis of sugar contents of banana

and pawpaw samples is described. The research design, sampling procedure, data collection

process, experimental protocol, and data analysis are all presented.

3.2 Research Design

An experimental research design was chosen to facilitate the comparison of sugar content

between banana and pawpaw samples. This design allowed for controlled conditions and

accurate measurements of sugar levels.

3.3 Sampling and Sample Selection

A total of 10 bananas and 10 pawpaw samples were selected for analysis. The samples were

chosen based on their similar taste and ripeness to ensure comparability. The selection aimed

to provide a representative snapshot of the overall population of these fruits.

3.4 Data Collection

The banana and pawpaw samples were procured from local vendors within Dutsin-ma Town.

Each sample was carefully cleaned to remove any external contaminants that could affect the

sugar content readings. The fruits were then peeled, and the edible portions were used for


3.5 Measurement of Sugar Content

The sugar contents of the fruit samples were measured using a refractometer. This instrument

was chosen for its accuracy in quantifying the sugar concentration in aqueous solutions. A

small portion of each fruit sample was juiced and the juice was placed on the refractometer to

obtain the Brix value, which correlates to sugar contents.

3.6 Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the collected data, including calculating mean

sugar contents for both banana and pawpaw samples.

3.7 Validity and Reliability

To ensure the validity of the findings, appropriate calibration of the refractometer was carried

out before each set of measurements. Reliability was upheld by conducting measurements in

a consistent environment and following a standardized procedure.

3.8 Limitation

One limitation of this study was the reliance on a single measurement technique

(refractometry) to assess sugar content. Additionally, the study did not account for potential

variations in sugar content due to factors like soil conditions and farming practices.

3.9 Experimental Procedure

The materials used in conducting the experiment includes, Ripe bananas and paw-paws,

Knife and cutting board, Blender, Filter paper, Refractometer, Distilled water, Beakers,


3.9.1 Sample Preparation

Ripe bananas and paw-paws were selected for analysis. Ripe fruits were chosen for their

anticipated higher sugar content. The fruits were thoroughly washed to eliminate surface

contaminants. A knife and cutting board were utilized to peel and chop the fruits into small


3.9.2 Extraction of Fruit Juice

The chopped fruits were placed in a blender. The fruits were blended until a smooth fruit

puree was obtained.

3.9.3 Fruit Juice Extraction

To extract the juice, the fruit puree was poured through filter paper into a clean container.

Gentle squeezing and pressing were performed to extract as much juice as possible, and the

solid remnants were discarded.

3.9.4 Refractometer Preparation

The refractometer was ensured to be clean. The manufacturer's calibration guidelines were

followed. Calibration was performed using a refractometer calibration solution, typically

distilled water to align the instrument.

3.9.5 Addition of Fruit Juice to the Refractometer

A pipette was employed to place a few drops of the extracted fruit juice onto the prism

surface of the refractometer.

3.9.6 Reading of Brix Value

The eyepiece of the refractometer was looked through, and the focus was adjusted until the

boundary line between the blue and white areas became sharp. The Brix value (sugar

content) was read directly from the scale on the refractometer.

3.9.7 Data Recording

The Brix value for each fruit (banana and paw-paw) was recorded separately.

4.1 Introduction

Ten samples of ripe bananas and ten samples of ripe pawpaw fruits were analyzed for sugar

contents using a refractometer. The sugar content was measured in Brix degrees, and the

results are presented below:

Table 4.1: Sugar Content in Banana and Pawpaw Fruits

Sample No. Banana (Brix Degrees) Pawpaw (Brix Degrees)

1 15.3 10.5
15.2 10.8
15.5 10.6
2 16.0 11.2
15.7 11.0
15.5 11.3
3 14.8 11.8
16.1 11.5
11.7 10.9
4 15.7 11.9
14.9 11.3
10.6 11.7
5 15.2 10.8
16.2 10.6
10.5 11.2
6 16.1 11.5
15.4 10.9
11.8 11.1
7 14.9 10.9
15.5 11.2
10.8 11.6
8 15.5 11.3
15.3 10.7
10.7 11.0
9 16.2 11.7
14.8 11.1
11.1 10.5

10 15.4 10.6
15.6 11.4
10.9 11.4

4.2 Discussion

The sugar content analysis of ripe bananas and pawpaw fruits was conducted using a

refractometer, with each sample measured in triplicate to ensure the reliability of the data.

The results revealed interesting insights into the sugar content of these two fruits.

Banana Sugar Content

The sugar content in bananas, expressed in Brix degrees, ranged from approximately 14.8 to

16.2, with an average Brix value of approximately 15.6. These findings indicate that ripe

bananas have a moderately high sugar content. The variation observed in the Brix degrees

among banana samples is expected due to natural differences in fruit ripeness and inherent

biological variability.

Pawpaw Sugar Content

In contrast, the sugar content in pawpaw fruits exhibited a narrower range, with values

ranging from approximately 10.5 to 11.8 and an average Brix value of approximately 11.0.

These results suggest that ripe pawpaw fruits have a lower sugar content compared to

bananas. Like with bananas, some variation in Brix degrees can be attributed to factors such

as fruit maturity and inherent fruit-to-fruit differences.

4.3 Comparison of Sugar Contents between Bananas and Pawpaw Fruits

The sugar contents analysis conducted on ripe bananas and pawpaw fruits yielded notable

distinctions in their sugar compositions. On average, ripe bananas exhibited notably higher

sugar content, with an average Brix degree of approximately 15.6. This range of Brix degrees

extended from around 14.8 to 16.2, underscoring the sweet disposition of bananas. This

finding aligns with the common perception of bananas as sweet fruits, making them a

popular choice for sweetening various culinary delights, including desserts, smoothies, and

Conversely, pawpaw fruits displayed comparatively lower average sugar content, with an

average Brix degree of approximately 11.0. The Brix degrees of pawpaw fruits spanned from

roughly 10.5 to 11.8, indicating a relatively less sweet profile. Nevertheless, what

distinguishes pawpaw fruits is their unique flavor balance, encompassing a mild sweetness

complemented by subtle hints of bitterness. This flavor profile has made pawpaw fruits a

favored ingredient in salads and jams.

These discernible distinctions in sugar contents stem from various factors, including the

inherent varieties of these fruits, the stage of ripeness at harvest, and environmental

conditions such as climate and soil. Such factors collectively contribute to the flavorful

diversity within the realm of fruit offerings.

Beyond their taste, these findings have culinary and nutritional implications. Bananas, with

their higher sugar content, are well-suited for applications requiring a sweet touch, while

pawpaw fruits, despite their lower sugar content, are valued for their well-rounded flavor and

nutritional richness. The latter offers a wealth of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals,

complementing their milder sweetness.


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1.7 Definition of Terms

1. Sugar Content: The total amount of sugars present in a fruit, including sucrose, fructose,

and glucose, measured in grams per 100 grams (g/100g) or other appropriate units.

2. Banana (Musa spp.): A tropical fruit belonging to the Musa genus, typically elongated and

curved with a soft, starchy flesh and a sweet taste when ripe.

3. Pawpaw (Carica papaya): A tropical fruit from the Caricaceae family, characterized by its

oblong shape, smooth skin, and sweet, orange to pink flesh.

4. Sucrose: A disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose molecules, commonly known

as table sugar, providing sweetness to fruits and various foods.

5. Fructose: A monosaccharide, also known as fruit sugar, naturally occurring in fruits and

honey, contributing to their sweet taste.

6. Glucose: A monosaccharide, commonly referred to as dextrose, an essential source of

energy for the human body and a component of various sugars.

7. Ripening: The natural process by which fruits undergo changes in color, texture, and

flavor as they mature, resulting in increased sweetness and softness.

8. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): A laboratory analytical technique

used to separate, identify, and quantify compounds in a sample, including sugars in fruits.

9. Spectrophotometric Analysis: A laboratory method that measures the absorbance of light

by a sample to determine the concentration of specific substances, such as sugars in fruits.

10. Nutritionists: Professionals specializing in the study of nutrients and their impact on

human health, providing advice on balanced diets and nutritional requirements.

11. Dieticians: Experts in the field of dietetics, responsible for planning and managing

dietary plans for individuals based on their health needs and conditions.

12. Nutritional Value: The content of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other

beneficial compounds in a food item, contributing to its health benefits.

13. Total Soluble Solids (TSS): A measure of the dissolved solids in a fruit, including sugars,

acids, and other compounds, often expressed as Brix degrees in fruits.

14. Geographical Area: A defined region or specific location where the data collection and

study will be conducted, shaping the context and applicability of the research findings.

15. Laboratory-Based Methods: Techniques and procedures conducted in a controlled

laboratory environment to analyze samples and obtain precise data for scientific



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