Prep Exam 2.1

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Arise when a company can take advantage of conditions in its environment to implement strategies for profit
are called: Opportunities

2. One of the factors that contribute to company failure: The Icarux Paradox

3. Changing, Franchising, Horizontal merger are some of the components of Embryonic and growth industries

4. Patent expiration and generic competition in the pharmaceutical industry, it is called: Threat

5. Internal analysis is concerned with identifying: The strengths and weakness of the company

6. The process of strategy implementation include Collaborating with customer organizations

7. Exploiting Economies of Scale and learning effects & adopting flexible manufacturing technologies are
Increase efficiency

8. Superior quality can help a company: Lower its costs, differentiate its products, and charge a premium price.

9. Strategy is determined partly by market demand in: Embryonic and growth industries.

10. Dell, Southwest, Sony, Nucor Steel have been successful business operations during a period where many
of its once larger competitors struggle, as: The increase in Europe’s consumption of goods and services.

11. To create as successful business model, strategic managers must do one of the following: Formulate
business-level strategies that will allow a company to attract customers away from its competitors.

12. Industry analysis is vital in formulating a successful business model because it determines one of the
following: Whether entrepreneurs can devise a business model that will allow them to buy existing
companies in the industry.

13. The process of effectively managing a company’s strategy-making process to create competitive advantage
is called: Strategic Leadership

14. To achieve superior responsiveness to customers requires that the company: Achieves superior efficiency

15. Wal-Mart’s sores produced superior performance from 1994 to 2003, as a result of: It has enjoyed a
competitive advantage over its rivals.

16. Its one of the management principals that is not suggested by the Game Theory: Know thy the rival.

17. The process which goal is to understand the opportunities and threats conforming the firm is: Strategy

18. It is not one of the main approaches toward market segmentation: A company can choose to recognize the
differences between customers groups.

19. In strategic group analysis managers do one of the following: Identify and chart the business models and the
business-level their industry rivals are pursuing

20. Which of the following is not part of the three-step process of internal analysis? Managers needs to
understand how important superior efficiency, innovation, quality, and responsiveness to customers are
creating value & generating profits.

21. The four main strategies a company can pursue when demand is failing: Leadership, shrink, harvest and
divestment strategies

22. Metrics to measure quality goals and incentives that emphasize quality are needed for a company to:
Achieve superior quality

23. The four main building blocks of competitive advantages are: Company’s ownership, customer
responsiveness, innovation and the quality the product and service offering.

24. The process by which managers select & implement a set of strategies with aim to reach competitive
advantage is called: Strategy-making process

25. One of the factors of durability of a company’s competitive advantage is The capability of the shareholders

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