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Cluster University


Paper Title: Medicinal plants and Herbal resource management

Paper Code: PGTOT18L706

Teacher Incharge: Dr. MAHAPARA MA’AM

Course: Integrated botany

Semester: IG-7th sem

Batch: 2019

Session: Nov. 2022 - Sept. 2023

ROLL NO. 191703

Table of contents

S.No Plant Name Page

1 Artemisia absinthium 5
2 Lavendula 7

3 Ajuga bracteosa 9

4 Valeriana jatamansi 11
5 Ocimum bascilicum 13

This is to certify that this work has been done by Isma Mushtaq of IG 7th semester (bearing
class roll no 191703) of Bortany on virtual herbarium/photographic herbarium under my
guidance and has been completed successfully.

Dr. Mahapara HOD

AP Botany deptt. Botany

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Dr. Mahapara mam for
her guidance and assistance in completing my work on virtual herbarium.

Date: Isma Mushtaq

IG-7th semester
Department of Botany

(A) Full plant
(B) Branch
(C) Adaxial side of leaf
(D) Abaxial side of leaf
Place of collection: Nagdandi Nursery, Anantnag
GPS coordinates: 33°41´27.62´´N
Date: 07-09-2023
Scientific name: Artemisia absinthium
Local name: Tethwan
Family: Asteraceae

Botanical description of Artemisia absinthium

Scientific name: Artemisia absinthium

Local name: Tethwan

Habit: Annual/Perennial herb

Root: Fibrous

Stem: Straight, tall branched and green

Leaf: Usually divided, alternate, green/greyish-green/silvery-white

Flower: Small yellow or greenish yellow, clustered

Fruit: Cypsela without seed

Medicinal uses: It is used for various digestion problems such as loss of appetite, upset
stomach, gall bladder disease and intestinal spasms. It is also used to treat fever, liver disease
and worm infections.

(A) Full plant
(B) Stem
(C) Inflorescence

Place of collection: Nagdandi Nursery, Anantnag

GPS coordinates: 33°41´27.62´´N
Date: 07-09-2023
Scientific name: Lavendula
Local name: Lavender
Family: Lamiaceae
Botanical description of Lavendula

Scientific name: Lavendula

Local name: Tethwan

Habit: Small evergreen shrubs

Root: Taproot system

Stem: Woody, with leaf stalks more malleable square

Leaves: Opposite simple, narrow and elongated in most cultivated species. Some have broader,
toothed or serrated leaves. Trichrome present

Flower: Purple arranged on spikes

Medicinal uses: Aromatherapists use lavender in inhalation therapy to treat headaches, nervous
disorders and exhaustion. Herbalists treat skin ailments such as fungal infections (like
candiasis), wounds, eczema and acne with lavender oil. It is also used in a healing bath for joint
and muscle pain.

(A) Full plant
(B) Habit
(C) Adaxial side of leaf
(D) Abaxial side of leaf

Place of collection: Nagdandi Nursery, Anantnag

GPS coordinates: 33°41´27.62´´N
Date: 07-09-2023
Scientific name: Ajuga bracteosa
Local name: Jaan e aadam
Family: Lamiaceae
Botanical description of Ajuga bracteosa

Scientific name: Ajuga bracteosa

Local name: Jaan e aadam

Habit: Evergreen perennial herb

Root: Fibrous roots

Stem: Branched, hairy, 3-12 inches long

Leaves: Usually in many pairs, the upper obovate-oblong, obtuse, sessile, entire crenate,
slightly hairy, the lower oblong with a cuneate based and obscure petiole

Flower: Inflorescence an axillary and verticillaster. Flower bisexual

Fruit: Achene

Medicinal uses: The herb is recommended in Ayurveda for the treatment of rheumatism, gout,
palsy and amenorrhea. The herb has also been credited for its astringent, febrifugal, stimulant,
tonic and diuretic properties.

(A) Whole plant
(B) Adaxial side of leaf
(C) Abaxial side of leaf
(D) Stem

Place of collection: Nagdandi Nursery, Anantnag

GPS coordinates: 33°41´27.62´´N
Date: 07-09-2023
Scientific name: Valeriana jatamansi
Local name: Mushkibala
Family: Valerianaceae

Botanical description of Valeriana jatamansi

Scientific name: Valeriana jatamansi

Local name: Mushkibala

Habit: Perennial (0.5m) herb

Root: Fibrous (10 cm thick)

Stem: Several stems (15-45 cm long)

Leaf: Opposite simple, radical or cauline

Flower: White or tinged with pink, arranged in a terminal corymb (3-8 cm) ,unisexual

Fruit: Small and smooth, sometimes hairy

Medicinal uses: It is very important for its insect repelling and anthelminthic properties.
Similarly, sedative, neurotoxic, cytotoxic, antidepressant, antioxidant and antimicrobial
activities of the species in various ailments in the indigenous system of medicine, particularly
in Asia, are reported.

(A) Whole plant
(B) Stem
(C) Inflorescence
(D) Adaxial side of leaf
(E) Abaxial side of leaf

Place of collection: Nagdandi Nursery, Anantnag

GPS coordinates: 33°41´27.62´´N
Date: 07-09-2023
Scientific name: Ocimum bascilicum
Local name: Babr
Family: Lamiaceae

Botanical description of Ocimum bascilicum

Scientific name: Ocimum bascilicum

Local name: Babr

Habit: Erect annual herb

Root: Thick central taproot

Stem: Branching stems 4-sided and hairless.

Leaf: Opposite, ovate acute gland dotted

Inflorescence: Verticillaster

Fruit: Nutlets 4 with persistent calyx

Medicinal uses: The parts of plant that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. Basil
is used for stomach spasms, loss of appetite, intestinal gas, kidney conditions, fluid retention,
head colds, warts and worm infections. It is also used to treat snake and insect bites.


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