Renaissance Quiz

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Discuss in own words 5 Italian Renaissance movers of society that influenced

its outcome in the 15th century (you may focus on artists/architects but there

were others), what were their main contributions?( You may focus on the

works/structures again there were others)

Italian Renaissance Architecture was heavily influenced by the dominion of the

economy during the 15th century. Powerful dynasties such as the Medici family were

engaged in art and architecture. They hired architects like Brunelleschi, Michelozzo,

Lippi, and others to whom we know today as the greatest architects in the

renaissance period. Starting with the father of renaissance architecture, a Florentine

who studied roman architecture and incorporated its influence to some of his works

named Filippo Brunelleschi. He was known for his design of The Dome of Florence

Cathedral, the largest brick dome ever constructed. He also designs the Pazzi

Chapel, Florence consists of a dome and a square compartment, and Pallazo Pitti,

an example of a rusticated building. His design features denoted Florentine style to

all of his works. Leon Battista Alberti was also an Italian renaissance architect who

believes that there is a relationship between structures and citizens. He is more

decorative in terms of his design. His works include Rucellai Palace, Florence known

as the first renaissance building that has superimposed pilasters. Also, S. Francesco,

S. Maria Novella, and S. Andrea Mantua were some of his notable works. Donate

Bramante is the first roman architect although he is a Florentine by birth, who is

known for his work in St. Peter's Basilica, S. Maria Della Grazie in Milan, and

Tempietto in S. Pietro in Montorio. Tempietto is one of his famous works which

resembles small roman circular temples. An architect named Barozzi da Vignola was

known for his writing entitled " The Five Orders of Architecture" which influenced the

development of Renaissance architecture. One of his great works was the Villa of

Pope Julius that was turned into a museum, S. Andrea, Rome, and Gesu Church,

the first church that incorporated a baroque facade. Last would be Michaelangelo

Buonarotti, a Florentine painter and sculptor. He is known for his works such as The

Capitol, Rome, and St. Peter's Basilica, the most important structure in this period.

Its plan was a greek cross, and the order of Corinthian pilasters was incorporated.

The features of the early to high renaissance were developed through the designs of

these influential architects.

Explain at least three architectural features of Italian Renaissance and how

these features had come about?

Its rusticated and astylar walls were one of the distinctive features of the Italian

Renaissance. This gives an architectural character of firmness and ruggedness to

the structures. It is influenced by roman practice. The Columnar arcade is mostly

decorative and supported by columns and capitals. This supports the structure's

weight load. Architects such as Brunelleschi used this feature in some of his works.

The use of orders such as Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan, and Composite was also

utilized to support the arcade. The distinguishing features of Roman Architecture

were used by Italian Renaissance architects and included their style over time.
The search for Italian Renaissance point of view was an aspiration of certain

members of society, discuss the three elements that identify it.

Renaissance is one of the most important period in Europe. At this time, the

economy is flourishing and the appreciation of art is prevalent. The principle called

"humanism" promoted human achievements and advancements as it is prevalent in

this period. In relation to that, the medici dynasty and other wealthy families

supported artists to create art and focus on their work. Through this, the art is still

known up until this time. And last would be the tradition/culture that instilled the

citizens. It was characterized as sophisticated and complex as they developed the

greek and roman orders. Renaissance Architecture created an impact across Italy

and was carried to Europe.

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