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ik E E e Differential t cae In integration tha roll of Dipperentiat is vary important. the differential of a function f is clenoted by df” Formulas of differentials are the sare. as thot of olerivatives Raa: » : ms gv fot ay = 37-y bigs gay = Cosy oy dSiny = Cosyoy yet ft Ing 4 ol Iny oy Jmegral ee Let FW = fix olx Then integrol of fees” is denoted by fede © and is defined as fpmde = Fo) : jee the integral of a given function ts to find » 2 function whose disgerential + tb given puriction The process of finding the integral i3 collet integration: baer ee Basic_ Formulas di) foods =k 1 di) fox = x id fudx = &* tiv) fexde = kfxde w fergie © fy ford Sale . 3 From ) tt is cleor that @ canstont [9 bor be tronsposeatfrom one side of the sgn “of integration te the other side Mis marred not ye fake a vorioble foctor outside the $197 of integas, ‘ fon Power Formula 7m an ffax =x RoE net ~ Exponential Formula: | [ean € Fractional Formula : ae ote / TFigonometric Formula. _ “ @ [sinxde =~ Com WW Cosedg = Six | | j iti f tenxdx = In Secx = - In Cosx i Wi f Cotnda = -InCosecs = In Sinx w Jsecxdx = In( Secn+ tons) wi Jcoseceds = — bn (Cosecx + Cots) MHD {Secxdx = tanx Wii {Cosecrds = - Colx tin | Seex torxds = Secx w fCosecxCots de - ~ Casecx Hyperbolic Formulas * SE erertmseensieens, ® Sinhxce » Cosnn dip [Coiba » Sing Inverse Trig. Functions a Suction O [phe ~ Sidly a Cosy ea 2 Eoin es f di [oe - a tank = -% coix : : ' ‘sa ax tte osec % (inf ye = gy SeeX = 4 Cosecx hnwerse. Hyp. Functions’ —— bf ea saiix 2 [0% x2) fe Sinhe& I (X x it) [ 2e . hee In (xefee) fee Coshx. = In (x4 fee a ai [oe = & tanhx s ok ww [2 rs ay? VI feof --e SechX a -z In (21a x) wb Coli'h $5 In (1 vb fpf 7 & Cosech x = od ON alee )} Some other Formulas SUR cbs = I PERE 08 Sie'¥6 SBR he pe BBR + el In (ere) SOR cx = yx BA ~ fol (ws fa) derivatives wrt one or 7 independent var igie> is colled o differentiol equation or exomples By. sod gyi Pa Sink . Gi) dy mt (a uy 20 y as Wl 3 ® ' “Aly, (14(d]? = any iy x dbty son | ordinary Diff. Eo © Partin piss: #a- A diff eq. tev which ordinary A diff eqe involving partic! foriable wel @ single indep: varcable wet morax thon 9% ionkabe occur, ts collect an indep. varioble, is called @ arainary diff eq partial aiff egy. ; Ecamples ave (d, (tir «tir Cxaumpies are ivi Mb, \ . } Idrivalives of the clepandent denvalives of dependent f ti Ri oe eg sh the! sail eq is the! peers a relation fl xy 1 Oyen responding dif eq of order n- done: by differentiating Oo nie eg Of Ye HHO Git Rees uh eq @ cantoins one acbilrory conatent a tiff ® ene beme ie. BL 21 which is the ctiff- eq of © ox ut . of Ys ASIN) BOost =) yell ‘ -e eg. @) cantains two arbitrary conslani A,B 4 refore, we will diff @ lwo times , i 4 Be 2 \ 1 BY 2 Acoax — BSIAX Br from @ 9 » Example Sol sirce. they e.® gbritotns three. arbi Lory ¢ co Beis wherefore , we nit a eRe ce rs ©, three times “dy = 2ortb —-O dn 20 i 4 2 ane a, =o ts the diff eq of @ dMenee, Linear, Diff. Eq. A iff eq of the hope _ a0 84,4 ain Bp 4 ACD 5 4 Cs is Bren Nimeor “diff eq: of order nm where fc, from e9-@, it ts clear thot, its derivolive Must exist while R-il-s Of Y oF its, deri votive, ’ ay j = [. 2) Degree™ef Yond its derivotive must be one 3) Tiere (3 me product of y and its derivative fe A Hilf which is not timed? ir exornple + ‘ % ie 2x dy, Yo (linear) ly \? _ (Brey =o Woneuineeny Arleol iff eqs 4 state. the or ter ON delerrmine whether the aes = con = order = Non-linear. order = S ey Me ud ye, oy Ok au “ = (dv Lg ist | + Non Linear + orders 2» Deqree «3 \ 4 tiol €q: of order one “and degre rb x (1r2y?) AY y Cost = (iv) Gls ey) ax + ROY , gs hy { ia She Ba a We will discuss the following types of tha aitferer titel) |: % order one ond degree one: it )I jomoge neous ejuctions 4 Reducille be neperes = NExect Equotions + ite grating pat : ag \ et 4 9) Lineor £q- of order one end degree one ; i Ne a Equotions Gav ae yal is the es ath ey Decouse | the voKables “x ond Y" con’ be Sep Xf appears ost each other \in such @ way thot of dx and Yy” oppears ons the coeff, of 1 i Example 2 yoy « 4.x 1% Metiiod of sol. Ar fq of the type ©, com he sowad cunt we have We general solution — ffi ax » fais F wierg € 4 an orbilrory constnet off She 6) SAY = Ince ber) Seay © Joh. 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