Green Cleric Class

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Green Cleric

Green Clerics are adventurers sworn to keep the balance of nature. They are not
druids, but may
strive to become one.

Requirements: Minimum WIS 9 Languages: Neutral, Common

Prime requisite: WIS Saves: as Cleric
Hit Dice: 1d6 THAC0: as Cleric
Armour: Any, wooden shields Alignment: Neutral
Weapons: Any non-metal Progression: 1500 XP/level

As they are clerics, and not yet druids, Green Clerics can use all types of armour
and wooden
shields. They may use the following weapons: club, sling, staff, short bow, long
bow and ivory

Primal Magic:
Green Cleric's spell advancement is the same as Cleric but use the druid spell

Control Animals:
Green Clerics can invoke the power of nature to control animals encountered. To
control an animal,
the player rolls 2d6. Animals with a special ability and magical animals (unicorns,
dire wolves) are treated as 1 HD higher.

Roll succeeds: the animal is pacified and will not attack.

2+ above target: the animal becomes friendly and may obey simple commands.
3+ above target: the animal becomes charmed for 24 hours.

| Hit Dice Animals

Level | <1 1 2 3 4 5
1 | P 7 9 11 - -
2 | F P 7 9 11 -
3 | F F P 7 9 11
4 | D F F P 7 9
5 | D D F F P 7

P: pacified
F: friendly
D: dominate

If an effect automatically succeeds, the player may still roll for a greater effect
by treating
automatic successes for pacified as 7 and friendly as 9.

Druidic Advancement:
At level 10, a Green Cleric can opt to become a druid by joining a druidic circle.
If the player
does so, the player may cast spells as if they were 1 level higher but they may not
use armor.
The Control Animals ability can then also be used on plant-like monsters and they
learn the secret
druidic language.

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