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Installation Of Active Directory

1) Open CMD with Admin Credentials

2) Put ID: .\csgadm# Password: Laps Generated Password
3) Put Command: Net Stop wuauserv (Stop the wuauserv Service)
4) Open Registry editor with Admin Credentials
5) Open the path: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\
6) Replace the Value As (0)
7) Open the powershell using Admin Credentials
8) Put the command: Get-WindowsCapability -Name "RSAT*" -Online | Add-
WindowsCapability –Online
9) After Installation done. Open CMD with Admin Credentials.
10)Put Command : Net Stop wuauserv (Srart the wuauserv sevice)
11)In registry editor put the path : “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\
12)Replace the Value (1)
13)Restart the laptop.

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