English 3 3rd Term

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Name: Class: Three Subject: English

3rd Semester
Total Time: T. Marks:50 Ob. Marks:

Q.1 Answer the following questions. /10

i. Why was the duckling called ugly?

ii. What did the goose lay every day?

iii. Why did the school building fall down?

iv. What lesson did the villagers learn?

v. When do roses bloom?

Q.2 Tick the correct and cross the wrong one. /5

i. Mother duck was waiting for eggs to hatch.
ii. The visitors refused to build a new school building.
iii. Aslam was satisfied with his way of life.
iv. Aslam’s wife wanted to get all the golden egg in one day.
v. Aslam and his wife did not chop off the goose.
Q.3 Fill in the blanks. /6
i. The primary school building was very _______________.
ii. The chairman of the village donated _______________and ____________for
iii. The school building was completed in ____________months.
iv. A _________________ was brought in front of the king and the queen.
v. Aslam and his wife become __________________ day by day.
vi. The King was so _______________ by the intelligence of the fisherman.
Q.4 Match the column “A” with column “B”. /5

Column “A” Column “B”

The fisherman had been given 8000
The King decide to buy a fish
The queen was too much upset that Damaged and fell down

The villagers collected money Not to be caught out.

The fisherman was clever enough For other building material

And gave the fisherman 4000 dirhams
The school building was
for a fish.
Q.5 Use “ui” and “ew” and complete the word. /4

cr____se s____t j_____el Br____s

Q.6: write suitable question words (What, which, who, whose, where) to complete the
sentences. /5

i. _____________ do Aqsa live?

ii. _____________ was driving the car?
iii. _____________ book is this?
iv. _____________ do you want for lunch?
v. _____________ ice cream do you like?
Q.7 Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the underlined words. Use the given
words for help. /5

(grateful sad ill gift glad)

i. Rida was happy to see me.

ii. We should be thankful to Allah.
iii. She was unhappy.
iv. My friend gave me a present.
v. Bilal went home early because he felt sick.
vi. ____________________________________________
Q.7 Read the following sentences, identify subject, verb and object. And write them in
separate column. (10)
Sentence Subject Verb Object
i. We read storybooks. ___________ ___________ ___________
ii. I drive a car. ___________ ___________ ___________
iii. Saba visits the zoo ___________ ___________ ___________
iv. Ali writes a letter. ___________ ___________ ___________
v. Asma makes cake. ___________ ___________ ___________

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