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Mictobiology first hour exam Third year medical students Dr. Dina 2008-2009 1. Acid fast bacteria such as Mycobacterium are not gram stained because: Answer: its high content of lipid in its cell wall (Mycotic acid) 2. The only bacteria that don’t contain cell walls: Answer: Mycoplasma 3 Capsule composed of: Answer: polysaccharides or proteins 4- Glycocalyx composed of Answer: polysaccharides only. 5 The most resistant to heat. Answer: endospores 6- All of the following caused by prions except: a. Jakob disease. b. Scrapies. Spongiform encephalitis. d. Poliomyelitis. Answer: d because it is caused by viruses. Chemolithotrophs use: Answer: oxidation/reduction in inorganic compound to obtain ATP. & The growth of few microbes on plate: ‘Muath M. Abusamreh : selective growth, 9. Bacteria that grows in low O2 called: Answer: Microaerophilic 10- Mesophils: Answer: grows at 20-40°C 11- Most cells grows and divide at: Answer: log phase. 12- Prions are inactivated by: Answer: hypechloride + NaOH + autoclaving 13- Used to prevent gonococcal neonatrum: Answer: silver nitrates drops. 14- To prevent burns: Answer: silver sulfadiazine. 15- Used to disinfected contact lenses: Answer: HO; 16- Dry Heat: Answer: 180°C for 2 hours. 17- Pasteurization: Answer: 62°C for 30 minutes + killing pathogens (two choices) ‘Muath M. Abusamreh 18- UV light causes: Answer: formation of thymine dimmers. 19- Transposons differs from plasmid: Answer: it can't divide independently. 20- Plasmid stays itracelluraly through: Answer: conjugation. 21- Insertion sequences: ‘Answer: can’t code for their own integration enzymes. 22- Carrier state: Answer: May presence of disease or not and can infect and transmit from one to another. 23- Inimmunocomprised patient normal flora are called: Answer: opportunistic. 24- The causative of pseudomemberanus colitis is: Answer: clostridium difficle. 25- The causative of subacute endocarditis is: Answer: S.viridans. 26- The causative of UTI is: Answer: E.coli 27- The causes of dental caries: Answer: S. mutans. ‘Muath M. Abusamreh 28- Transmission of infection to respiratory system by: Answer: air-borne 29- Capsule function is: Answer: antiphagocytosis. 30- The difference between gram negative and gram positive bacteria: Answer: LPS or endotoxin not exist in gram positive. 31- Gram stain: Answer: useful in determining the differences in bacterial cell walls. 32- Pill have all of the following functions except: a. Mediate attachment between two bacteria. b. Protection against phagocytosis. c. Adsorption of virus. d. Adhesion to the mucus membrane. Answer: b 33- Transformation: Answer: uptake of free DNA by a bacterial cell 34- Bacteria that are not competent: Answer: can’t be transformed. 35- The transfer of DNA between two bacterial cells in which it remains intracellular happen through: Answer: conjugation, 36- Plasmid that is able to cade for its own transfer called: Answer: F. factor. ‘Muath M. Abusamreh 37- When there are sensitivity to antibiotics but after period of time it becomes resistant to this means that they: Answer: acquired R plasmid. 38. Opportunistic infection: Answer: members of normal flora that are found in disease. 39+ Which of the following disease don't be transmitted by direct contact: a Genital herpes b+ Syphilis Gonorrhea d- Malaria, Answer: d 40- When number of people becomes sick after eating meat together this means: a. Common source of epidemic. b. Food poising c. zo0nses. d. Aorb. Answer: d AL Age gly EIA AMS $iie a Sipe Answer: transmit — susceptible 42. Tissue culture permit propagation of all of the following except: a Virus b+ Recketsia, Chlamydia, d+ Mycoplasma. ‘Answer: d 43- Chromosome of bacteria cell differs from its plasmid that itis: ‘Muath M. Abusamreh : replicate autonomously 44. Trat gene: Answer: moderate transfer of plasmid between bacteria. 45- Oral thrush caused by: Answer: candida albicans 46- The least common: Answer: transformation 47- The numbers of organisms needed to caused TB: Answer: 1-10 48. Fastidious bacteria: Answer: grows in complex media. 49- Curli Answer: surface protein in pilli for adhesion. 50- Which bacteria is very important in periodontal disease: Answer: S. mutans. 51- Where there is no net growth: Answer: stationary phase. 52- Most effective physical agent: Answer: UV ‘Muath M. Abusamreh 53: Differences between virus and prions: Answer: UV light affect viruses, '54- What is the considers size of pores. with filtration: Answer 55- The growth of only few types of microorganisms may be achieved by addition of dyes or antibiotics to a complex media which makes the medium: Answer: selective. '56- The solution contains protein from virus A and RNA from virus , when we grow bacteria on it, this bacteria became pathogenic, this is due to. a. The protein of virus A uptake only. b. The RNA of virus B uptake only. The protein of virus A the RNA of virus B & uptake only. Answer: b 57. Bacteria culture (1000 bacteria) put on bactericidal plate and in first 20 minutes it killed 10% of all bacteria, what is the number of bacteria in the next 20 minutes: Answer: 10 In first 20 minutes: 1000 x 10% = 100 bacteria In next 20 minutes: the remaining bacteria (100) x 10% = 10 5B Dada ye gh MR 20S al YS Se Soy WIS Sp lag phase Anjo abs gins Log phase SORA eae ae 58 a jsSil ae gS Ca 215 Mids 200) Goan Le 3a lag phase IWIYHAAR. a 5 4 A 535 Sl a pane Ly ‘Muath M. Abusamreh

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