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Ecology, 59(3), 1978. pp.

1978 by the Ecological Society of America


Department of Geography, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 USA

Abstract. In order to develop a general model of litter decomposition rates suitable for the
prediction of regional variations in decay rates, and to determine the relative control by macroclimate
and litter quality on decomposition rates, data were selected from 5 locations ranging in climate from
subpolar to warm temperate. Actual evapotranspiration (AET) was selected as an index of the climatic
(energy and moisture) forcing function of the specialized decomposers which is superior to temper-
ature and precipitation. Lignin concentration was selected as an index of litter quality and may be
treated as a mediator of climatically (AET) regulated decay rates. In a stepwise, multiple linear
correlation—regression, using AET, lignin concentration (%) and AET/lignin concentration (interac-
tion), AET alone accounted for 51% of the variance in observed decay rates, AET/lignin concentration
(interaction) added 19% and lignin concentration added 2% of the total (72%) variance accounted.
Simple correlation of the five locations between lignin concentration and decomposition rate ranged
from r = .32 to r = .95, however, the regression lines for each of the 5 locations indicated that these
slopes progressively declined with AET. Moreover, the slope decline was not parallel, indicating a
climatically variable control by lignin concentration on decay rates. In low-AET (not arid) climates,
litter with high and low lignin, will decay at more nearly similar rates, but as the AET environment
increases, the difference in decay rates becomes progressively greater than the increase in AET alone
would seem to warrant. A general model of the interaction control by AET and lignin concentration
on decomposition rates was formulated which overcomes the restraints of the multiple regression
model. At the scale of subpolar to warm-temperate climates, the climate as indicated by AET is
several orders of magnitude more important as a predictor of decay rate than is litter quality. This
importance is evident in spite of the fact that the data on lignin concentration used in this analysis
had a 12-fold range while the AET values had a 2.3-fold range.
Key words: actual evapotranspiration; climatic control; curve-fitting; decomposition rates; ge-
ography of decomposition; lignin; litter; macroclimate; North Carolina; Norway; Oregon; regional
analysis, substrate quality; Tennessee; United Kingdom.

INTRODUCTION sition rates. He suggests that the dominant influence

Decomposition of litter is regulated by a host of which lignin apparently exerts over decomposition
variables including the litter's physical properties, cli- rates may result from its ability to serve as a surrogate
for the many physical and chemical properties which
mate and macro- and microfaunal responses. In spite
,d Ns regulate litter decomposition rate. Minderman (1968)
d Na of the complexity of the decay process, the 2 most
important controls of litter decomposition rates are states that slowly decomposing litter components,
AN°. probably the prevailing climatic environment and sus- such as lignin, tend to dominate the shape of the long-
n RA ceptibility of the substrate to attack by the specialized term decomposition curve once the more labile com-
felons ponents have been removed.
decomposers, i.e., substrate quality. Waksman (1929)
ANA. Results of studies of the mobility and cycling of in-
proposed general relationships of litter substrate qual-
on in dividual nutrients are numerous and the results reveal
ity to litter decomposition. Cromack (1973), Cromack
seen a great deal of variability among the rates for nutrients
and Monk (1975), and Fogel and Cromack (1977) have
as well as variability from region to region. However,
shown that lignin concentration of the substrate is an
es of as a single, general predictor of the loss in litter dry
terms excellent index to use for prediction of the rate of
weight with time, lignin concentration is indeed useful.
ypes. disappearance and weight loss by forest litter samples.
Since Lignin concentration gave the best correlation with D. M. Sharpe (personal communication) has used the
n the decomposition when data of Lockett (1937) were ana-
lignin percentages of leaf litters to assist in the predic-
fre- tion of litter dynamics including standing litter biomass
is are lyzed statistically (K. Cromack, Jr., personal com-
in Southern Applachian forests where macroclimate
O(E) munication). Similarly, litter which decomposers
0(e) break down slowly may have large C:N ratios (Hill is fairly uniform.
f mate 1926, Jensen 1929, Witkamp 1966). Van Cleve (1974), Investigations of the role of the abiotic environment
in a review of decomposition studies from circumpolar in decomposition rates are, however, few in number
and quantitative studies of regional, continental or
tundra and taiga sites, reports that P + Ca concentra-
tion, lignin + tannin, and carbohydrates including cel- global variation in the abiotic control of decay rates
are even fewer in number. Witkamp (1966) determined
lulose all have significant correlations with decompo-
the seasonal change in CO 2 evolution from the forest
' Manuscript received I 1 May 1977; accepted 17 October floor at a site near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Reiners
1977. (1968) monitored seasonal change in CO, evolution
466 VERNON MEENTEMEYER Ecology, Vol. 59, No \ 3

from 3 forested communities in Minnesota. Edwards duration of the study too short to determine the true
(1975) presented a temperature model for litter CO, effects of AET and lignin on decay rates. It is recog-
evolution utilizing an entire year's data from a hard- nized that litterbags were utilized at all sites used in
wood forest. Bunnell et al. (1977a, 1977b) presented this study and that their use may have excluded some
combined models for effects of temperature, moisture of the large macrofauna or caused some alteration of
and substrate quality upon litter decomposition from forest floor microclimate. However, it is assumed that
arctic ecosystems. Van der Drift (1963) attempted to these effects will not be such as to mask major climatic
monitor the yearly variation in litter decomposition differences between geographic regions. At all sites
rates for a forest near Zutphen, the Netherlands and examined, litter substrates were treated in a similar
to relate these differences to the weather. Differences manner. At both the North Carolina and Oregon lo-
in decomposition rates between temperate and tropical cations, considerable numbers of microarthropods
sites were studied by Jenny et al. (1949). Meentemeyer such as mites and springtails entered the litterbags.
(1977), working at a continental and global scale, No doubt the limited availability of lignin data is in
found that litter decay rates in a vegetated system are large part due to the relatively uncommon analyses of
predicted. fairly well by a single meteorological vari- forest litter substrates for lignin content. However, the
able—the actual evapotranspiration (AET). He dem- work of Van Cleve (1974) and Fogel and Cromack
onstrated that AET has a correlation of r = .98 with (1977) makes the point that such data are needed if we
average annual decomposition rate. Data from sites are to compare substrate quality effects upon decom-
around the globe were used in this correlation-regres- position in a wide variety of ecosystems. The restrict-
sion analysis, although data from arid and semiarid ed availability of lignin measures can be overcome to
sites'. were unavailable. It is likely then that AET is a degree because lignin concentration of leaf litter for
also an index variable but representative of microen- a particular species is fairly consistent from region to
vironmental variables responsible for control of the region (Ausmus 1973). This means that when a spe-
decomposers. Because AET is a measure of the con- cies' senescent leaf litter has had its lignin concentra-
current availability of energy and moisture to an eco- tion measured, this measured value can usually be
system, it is not surprising that AET correlates well used as representative for studies in which the species
with decay rates. Furthermore, AET responds to the are the same but the sites are different. K. Cromack,
availability of moisture from soil and litter storage, a Jr. (personal communication) has examined this prob-
provision not possible using precipitation alone as a lem. He states that initial comparisons between the
predictor. Actual evapotranspiration may be viewed same species in different locations indicate that they
as the climatic forcing function and lignin concentra- are similar in lignin concentration, but individual spe-
tion as the substrate modifier of the efficiency of de- cies' lignin concentrations may vary to some degree
composition. from year to year, depending on climatic effects upon
Both AET and lignin concentration have been in- timing of leaf senescence and degree of translocation
dependently shown to be good index predictor vari- of soluble compounds prior to leaf abscission. Con-
ables of decomposition rate. It is the purpose of this centration of lignin in fast- and slow-decomposing lit-
study to develop general statements of the dual control ter species within systems tends to remain the same.
of climate and substrate quality on litter decomposi- The salient point of this work is that substrate quality
tion rates. Specific objectives include: (a) an assess- information must be available if climatic effects are to
ment of the relative contribution of AET and lignin as be differentiated from differences due to substrate
predictors of decay rate; and (b) the variable control quality.
by lignin of decay rates in different climatic environ- Five locations could be selected as having data of
ments. the correct specifications. These sites are: (1) Hardan-
gervidda, Norway; (2) Moorhouse, U.K.; (3) H. J.
Data Andrews Forest, Oregon; (4) Coweeta, North Caroli--
In spite of the new wealth of information on decay na; and (5) Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The number of
rates from terrestrial ecosystems around the world, cases at the 5 sites totals 49. Data from (1) and (2) are
few of these data were found to be suitable for this reported and described by Van Cleve (1974), (3) by c
study, the primary restriction being the lack of mea- Cromack (1973) and (4) by K. Cromack, Jr. (personal
sured lignin concentration for the litter under investi- communication). Site number 5 is a composite of the
gation. Secondly, it is often impossible to reconstruct work reported by several authors (Shanks and Olson: a
the AET or other specific measures of climate which 1961; Witkamp and Olson 1963; Crossley and Wit- h
occurred during the time that a litter-decay study was kamp 1964; Witkamp 1966; Thomas 1968, 1969, 1970; v
conducted either because the study site is so remote Witkamp and Frank 1969), all working in the Oak si
or its exact location and elevation so poorly described Ridge_area. ci
that even average annual values of AET cannot be To further simplify this analysis and to make the hi
calculated for the study site. Sometimes the site itself data as comparable as possible prior to analysis, the tE
was found to be unrepresentative of the region, or the arctic and subarctic data presented by Van Cleve

true TABLE 1. Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficients 2.0

recog- (r) between initial lignin concentration in percent and 3
Y -002966 X r
1 39499 - 815
measures of decomposition rate 1 25130 -002704 X r
ied in 16 — --
Y0 76558 -0 0146IX -
some Log,
— • — Y= 0 44717 -0006675
— — Y 0 35609 -000666X r = -
!on of of 1.2
that Annual annual
decay decay
matic per- per-
sites Locality centage centage k N
lo- North Carolina —.971 —.966 —.947 6
pods H. J. Andrews
bags. Forest, Oregon —.887 —.962 —.853 13
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
is in United Kingdom —.771 —.598 —.770 13
es of Hardangervidda, F IG. 1. Simple correlation-regression between initial lig-
r, the Norway —.334* —.320* —.333* 7 nin concentration (%) and annual decomposition rate (k)
nack Oak Ridge, for 5 locations ranging in climate from subpolar to warm tem-
Tennessee —.801 —.763 —.815 10 perate. AET = actual evapotranspiration.
if we
'rict- * Not significant at .05 level.
le to Of the 3 expressions of annual decay rate presented
r for (1974) had to be adjusted. Studies from these sites in Table 1, no single measure consistently had the
at to reported the weight loss occurring over 2 yr. Olson highest r value for every location. The Coweeta and
spe- (1963) recognized that there is a tendency for litter to Oregon locations probably had the highest r values
ttra- decrease with time the rapidity with which it decays. because uniform site and experimental methods were
I be He devised an exponential decay function (k) to define used, thereby reducing variance. The r value for Oak
ties this change in rate which may be written as: c, Ridge is remarkably high even though the data were
ack, derived from several independent studies which have
d X/X = —kdt,
ob- been conducted at different sites during years of slight-
the In (X,) = In (X0) —kt, ly differing AET at Oak Ridge. Furthermore, the lignin
hey where X, is the amount of litter remaining after time values for individual species of leaf litter in the Oak
Ipe- t, X„ is the initial quantity of litter, and t is time. To Ridge computation are the same as lignin values mea-
a-ee adjust the 2-yr data to equivalent 1-yr data, the k func- sured by Cromack (1973) for the same species.
'on tion above was graphed for the subpolar data. This Figure 1 presents the simple linear regression equa-
ion graph indicated that the 1-yr rates were approximately tion for the relationship between decay rate (k) and
on- equal to 60% of the 2-yr rates reported and could be lignin (%) for each of the 5 locations. The Oregon,
lit- so adjusted. Hardangervidda, and Moorhouse curves are based on
ne. data which includes decay rates and lignin percentages
for fine, nonfoliage litter. It is clear that the intercepts
to As a first step, the correlations between initial lignin and slopes vary with climate. Each line in Fig. 1 pre-
ate concentration and measured decay rates were calcu- sents the AET estimated for each location (797 milli-
lated for the 5 locations used in this study. Table 1 metres at Oak Ridge, 713 millimetres at Coweeta,
of presents these correlation coefficients, which were etc.). The k value was chosen here because of its wide
in- calculated or recalculated from the original data. Be- acceptance and use in the decomposition literature.
J. cause of small errors in rounding, and in some cases There is a progressive decrease in the slopes of the
11- interpretation from graphs, the r values may differ lignin relationship with a decrease in AET except for
of slightly from any previously reported. Correlations the Moorhouse and Norway curves which are invert-
re with 3 alternative and widely used expressions for de- ed, with Norway (343 millimetres AET) being above
ty composition rate are presented here: (1) the exponen- the Moorhouse (449 millimetres AET) line.
tial decay rate, k; (2) the annual decay percentage; and In all cases, the AET value has been estimated using
(3) the log, transformation of annual decay percent- the method of Thornthwaite and Mather (1955). Since
age. All decomposition rates presented in Table 1 are it is an estimate, some error variance must be contrib-
t- highly significant statistically except for the Norway uted. The AET values for Moorhouse and Norway are
); values. The Norway decay rates were derived from average annual values based upon interpolations from
k sites of differing elevation, exposure and moisture surrounding stations and data taken from a high-qual-
characteristics. One measured decay rate appeared ity climatic atlas (WMO and UNESCO 1970). The
e highly spurious but was included in the analysis. Had Oregon value is the average AET for 5 yr, 1970 to
this variance not been introduced, the r values would 1974, using weather data from McKenzie Bridge, Or-
;.• have been near .79, which is barely insignificant at .05. egon. The Coweeta value is the average for the period
468 VERNON MEENTEMEYER Ecology, Vol. 59, No. 3

TABLE 2. Averages for decomposition rates (k), lignin concentration, and estimated actual evapotranspiration for 5 locations

Annual decay Logo of annual Lignin (%)

percentage decay percentage
Locality A A B A B A B (mm)
Coweeta, North Carolina 51.0 51.0 1.708 1.708 -.75 -.75 ' 18.6 18.6 713
H. J. Andrews Forest, Oregon 31.2 41.7 1.494 1.620 -.41 -.53 24.1 13.6 559
*Moorhouse, United Kingdom 17.4 23.3 1.241 1.367 -.19 -.26 25.2 17.4 449
*Hardangervidda, Norway 21.4 21.4 1.330 1.330 -.25 -.25 29.1 29.1 343
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 52.6 52.6 1.721 1.721 -.81 -.81 19.7 19.7 797
A = Averages of all litter reported.
B = Average of foliage litter only.
* = 2-yr decay rates adjusted to equivalent annual rates by assuming 60% of the 2-yr rates.

1969, 1970, and 1971. The original experiment by Cro- presented ranges from a low of 13.6% for Oregon to
mack (1973) was conducted from November 1969 to 29.1% in Norway. The last column presents the esti-
November 1971. Thus, the Coweeta example has the mated AET in millimetres.
most exact reconstruction of the AET climate which As a first step to formulating a general model of
occurred during the time litter samples were exposed. climate and lignin control on decomposition rates a
The Oak Ridge example uses the long-term, average stepwise, multiple linear regression was calculated.
annual value for AET because the litter decay data Predictor variables selected were lignin (percentage),
were taken over a period of years. In all cases, AET AET (millimetres), and because of expected interac-
was estimated using the same water budgeting method tion between lignin and AET the third variable was
and using an assumed moisture storage capacity of 300 stated as a ratio, AET:lignin percentage. The depen-
millimetres for the rootzone soil including the sub- dent variable is, in this case, the measured annual de-
strate. Litter moisture is often different from that of composition percentage (based on weight lost) for fo-
mineral soil but has little actual bearing on total AET. liage litter. Table 3 presents the resulting correlation
Meentemeyer (1974a) has devised a special water bud- matrix and the multiple R values. With the use of AET
get for substrates which perhaps warrants experimen- alone, 51% of the variance (R = .715) in measured
tation in decomposition studies although this budget decay rates is accounted for. By adding AET/lignin,
could not be applied in this study. the multiple R is raised to .836 (R 2 = .70) and the stan-
Table 2 presents the average measured decomposi- dard error of estimate is 10.41. Thus, the actual de-
tion rates for the 5 locations used in this study. Also composition percentage should be within 10.41 per-
included are the averages of all the measured litter centage points of the predicted value two thirds of the
decay rates, including in some cases bark, roots and time. The addition of a third variable, lignin percent-
twigs, and the measured rates for only the foliage lit- age, adds little to the explained variance because the
ter. It is recognized that the ease of entry of moisture effects of lignin are present in the AET/lignin ratio.
into and out of these litter parts- must have-a bearing The multiple linear equation predicting annual decom-
on their decomposition rate, however, no provision position percentage is stated below:
for this effect was devised for this study. The average
Y, = -1.31369 + 0.05350 X, + 0.18472)(2;
lignin concentrations for all litter and for foliage litter
where Y, = annual weight loss (%),
X, = annual AET (millimetres),
TABLE 3. Correlation matrix and summary table of step-wise X2 = AET millimetres/Lignin (%). - -
multiple correlation. AET = actual evapotranspiration
In this equation the failure of lignin concentration
1 as a significant contributor to the explained variance
Annual 2 3 4 should not be interpreted to mean that lignin is not an
Vari- weight Lignin AET AET/ important regulator. At any location and given AET,
able loss (%) (%) (mm) Lignin
the litter apparently may have an ---12-fold range in
1 1.000 -.535 .715 .703 values and thereby lead to good correlations of lignin -
2 1.000 -.205 -.701
3 1.000 .440 concentration with decomposition rates at that loca- -
4 1.000 tion. However, even small changes in climate, as in-
dicated by AET, can produce large changes in decom-
Step - Variable Increase position rates. The data inputs of AET for this study
number entered R R2 in R2 had a 2.3-fold range in the span from subpolar to warm
1 3 .715 .511 .511 temperate climates. Had global data inputs been avail-
2 4 .836 .698 .187 able, the contribution by AET to explained variance
3 2 .846 .716 .018 would have been markedly higher. In fact, Meente
, No: 3 Late Spring 1978 CLIMATE, LIGNIN, AND LITER DECAY RATES • 469
•7ationsv: meyer (1978) found that the AET to decay rate rela- 20 f , I I T
tionship at the global scale, using only leaf litters, is 0,Y = (-0 5365 . 000241 X 1 1- (-0 01586 +0 000056 X ,) (XL
exponent ial. This, in part, explains the high r value of 16
A ET nearly +.98 calculated in that study. X 2 = LIGNIN CONCENTRATION (%) -
mm) A further complication in the prediction of decom- 12
713 position rates using AET and lignin concentration is
559 t he fact that in every different climatic regime, the 60o(,,,,To
449 8
343 lignin concentration has a different control on decay 5 00 t m m) k•
797 • rate. From Fig. 1, we see that the slopes of the linear 400f m rn)
curves are not parallel but become steeper with in- 4
creasin g AET. The slopes converge at a lignin con-
_I_ _I__
centration slightly in excess of 43% where (at least 5
10 15 20 25
30 35 40
accordin g to linear curves) the climate has little actual LIGNIN CONCENTRATION (%)
control on decay rates. For the Coweeta and Oak
F IG. 2. Generalized model of the changes in the slope and
cm to Ridge curves,"no data for high-lignin, nonfoliage litter intercept of the relationship between initial lignin concentra-
e g ti- were available, so these extrapolations must be used tion (%) and annual decomposition rate (—k) with changes in
with caution. Had more data on high-lignin litters been climatic actual evapotranspiration (AET in millimetres).
el of available, the variance accounted for by lignin con-
tes a centration would have been somewhat higher.
atecr. Generally, litters with low lignin concentration might then view AET as the predictor of the slope and
age), should display the greatest variability in decay rate intercept and lignin as the regulator of the point on
erac- from region to region, as influenced by climate. Thus, each individual climate's slope.
was dogwood litter with a lignin concentration of 3.9% Figure 2 presents the composite equation which can
:pen - (Cromack 1973) should have a k of at Oak be formulated after the second stage of curve fitting.
I de:- Ridge, 1.15 at Coweeta, 0.71 at the Oregon site, 0.33 The first term in parenthesis permits AET to select the
r .fo- at Moorhouse and 0.42 at the Norway site. intercept, the second term permits AET to select
on The greatest discrepancy between predicted and ac- the slope, and the third term, lignin concentration, se-
ART tual values in this study occurs for the subpolar sites lects the point on the slope of each AET. Represen-
ured because of the high variability and the conversion from tative slopes are presented in Fig. 2 for AET at 100-
2-yr data to an annual rate of weight loss. Clearly, the mm intervals. It might be cautioned, however, that
;tan- regional analysis of decomposition using AET as a this formulation should be used only for climates and
de-' measure of macroclimate ignores microsite variations. lignin concentrations within the ranges of those used
per- In view of the suggested pervasive effects of climate as data inputs. It seems unreasonable for the woody
7The on decay, these seemingly insignificant microclimatic litter with high lignin concentrations shawn on the
ent- variations may rival substrate quality as a control right of Fig. 2 to be entirely unregulated by climate.
the mechanism at the local scale. This suggests that, when more data become available,
itio. It might be possible to use the multiple linear equa- additional, nonlinear curves may be desirable.
ona- tion as a predictor of weight loss or the individual Figure 3 is similar to Fig. 2 but uses annual decay
curves for the 5 locations used here. However, an ul- percentage, rather than k. The total variance account-
timate objective is to produce a general model of de- ed for using the composite equation presented in Fig.
- composition rate, so an added advantage for visual 3 is somewhat less than the formula using k. This fur-
evaluation would be the graphing of the relative con- ther suggests the need for new curves among decay
tribution of AET and initial lignin percentage. The in- rate, climate and lignin concentration. For example,
tercepts and slopes of the decomposition to lignin re- using the equation in Fig. 3, the convergence of the
tion lationships are climatically determined. Therefore, in slopes occurs at a higher lignin value than do the
nce order to achieve further smoothing, a simple linear slopes in the k formula used in Fig. 2.
I an regression was performed using: (1) the k slopes; and We can determine some of the effects of the second
ET, (2) the k intercepts, presented in Fig. 1 as dependent stage smoothing by comparing the predicted k for dog-
in variables and AET as the independent variable, with wood litter using the first stage lines (Fig. 1) with the
nin N = 5, the number of locations in this study. In all second stage lines (Fig. 2). At Oak Ridge, the pre-
ca- cases, the correlations between AET and slope and dicted k becomes 1.37 vs. 1.28; 0.96 vs. 1.15 at Cow-
in- intercept were high (AET on intercept, r 2 = . 922 and eeta; 0.72 vs. 0.71 at Oregon; 0.51 vs. 0.33 at Moor-
om- AET on slope r 2 = . 948), suggesting that it would be house; and 0.28 vs. 0.42 in Norway. Again, most of
idy reasonable to depict the AET-regulated decay with lig- the discrepancy is found at the subpolar locations
rm nin relationship as a smooth progression of slopes. where data inputs, though probably representative of
Figure 2 is a graphical representation of this additional the subpolar region, are quite variable.
ice smoothing. This figure also permits the 3 primary vari- The results in all figures suggest that the relative
te- ables in this study to be plotted in 2 dimensions. One control by lignin concentration is not the same in dif-
470 VERNON MEENTEMEYER Ecology, Vol. 59, No. 3

I T I I I f I sensing reasonably uniform terrain and macroclimate,

Y-,(-344618+010015X1)-(001341*000147X1)(X2) lignin concentration is an excellent predictor of decay
80 Y = ANNUAL DECOMPOSITION RATE (%) rates of different litters as Cromack (1973) and Fogel
X, : ANNUAL AET (mm)
70 and Cromack (1977) have verified.
cr The relative control by lignin over decomposition
Z 60 rate is not uniform over different climatic regions.
Generally, the greater the abundance of energy and
(r) 50 moisture, as indicated by AET, the faster the decay
a- rate for a given lignin content but the higher the lignin
2 40 content, the more energy and moisture are required to
I-1-J 30
cause breakdown to be accomplished in a unit time,
say a year. If this trend also applies at the global scale,
<1 20 then litter quality and physical properties must have
zz 10
their most pervasive control in tropical environments,
least in polar environments. Unfortunately, the rela-
tive contribution by climate and litter properties for
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 arid environments could not be determined in this
LIGNIN CONCENTRATION (%) study. There is some fragmentary evidence, however,
F IG. 3. Generalized model of the changes in the slope and that a different relationship of AET and lignin with
intercept of the relationship between initial lignin concentra- decomposition rates may exist for the dry environ-
tion (%) and annual weight loss (%) with climatic actual eva- ments. Mack (1971) reports a litter decay rate of al-
potranspiration (AET in millimetres). most 50% per year in an area with <250 millimetre
AET per year. C. L. Strojan (personal communica-
ferent climates. Thus, at low AET, litter with low and tion), who is conducting leaf litter decomposition stud-
high lignin concentration will decay at more nearly ies in southern Nevada, reports that Lycium ander-
similar rates. At high-AET locations, the differences sonii litter lost 40.9% of its dry weight in only 18 wk
in observed rates among litter types should be large. in this arid environment. A speculative explanation of
For example, at 400-millimetre AET, the expected dif- the climatically varying role of lignin in decomposition
ference ink between the intercept point (0%) and 30% can be based upon the work of Edwards and Heath
lignin is only 0.196 but at 900-millimetre AET, the dif- (1963) concerning the role of fragmentation by inver-
ference is 1.036. When using annual decay percentage tebrate animals on decomposition rates. Apparently,
as in Fig. 3, the effect is not apparently as large, prob- when litter and soil animals are excluded from a de-
ably because k is an exponential derivation, a trans- composing litter, there is insufficient fragmentation
formation which permits better linear curve fitting. leading to much-reduced consumption by microorgan-
As more information on the relationships between isms. Kevan (1%2) suggests that the increase in sur-
substrate quality and decomposition rates becomes face area by fragmentation caused by microarthropods
available, there will, no doubt, be attempts to employ will lead to increased decomposition rates. However,
these models on a regional basis. For example, one Howard and Howard (1974) state that the overall ef-
might wish to predict the litter nutrient pool, or energy fect on decomposition by small animals needs clarifi-
content or standing litter biomass. The results pre- cation and I would add that the effect of climate on
sented here suggest that these relationships vary with soil animals, and their subsequent effect on decom-
climate. Thus, it may be unwise to trust these rela- position also needs clarification. Perhaps the reduced
tionships outside the regions of development or even control by lignin in cool climates is the result of re-
in the same region in years of exceptional weather. duced fragmentation ability by litter animals.
Seasonal decay rates have been predicted by Meen-
DISCUSSION temeyer (1974b) using AET alone but the relative role
For terrestrial ecosystems, the basic regulator of the of AET and lignin in various seasons can now be in-
pace of decomposition rates is the combined climatic ferred from Figs. 2 and 3. If the generalizations de-
energy and capillary soil and litter moisture availabil- veloped in this study are correct, then one might find
ity, for which AET is an excellent index. Indeed, litters of greatly varying lignin concentrations decay-
AET, which has been estimated in this study using ing at nearly similar rates in the winter but diverging
water budgeting methods, has a higher correlation greatly in the early summer or high AET season.
with measured decay rates than does lignin concen- Decomposition is a tremendously complex process
tration, when, as in this study, climate ranged from and AET and lignin are surrogates for only some of
subpolar to warm temperate. The consistent pattern _ the actual regulators of decay rate. In this study, AET
leads one to expect that, on a global scale, the relative has been estimated using water-budgeting techniques.
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