Auerbach (2020) Covid19 and Mental Health System

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COVID-19 Exposes the Cracks in Our appropriate care (

39iadQ3). The mental health
workforce, particularly for highly
Already Fragile Mental Health System trained providers such as psy-
chologists, is less diverse than is
the general population (https://
See also Morabia, p. 923, Tarantola et al., p. 925, and the AJPH COVID-19 section, pp. 939–977. In past emer-
gencies, these inadequacies
The coronavirus pandemic city hotline. Similar needs arose Recently, the Substance Use meant unequal access to care,
has caused enormous concern with the H1N1 outbreak and the and Mental Health Services made even more complicated
among many people. Every Haitian earthquake. Administration issued guidance by lower rates of insurance cov-
morning, we are met with an The current state of affairs for opioid treatment programs erage among the same pop-
increasing deluge of dire news could exacerbate the conditions regarding COVID-19.7 The ulations (
about the most recent number of of those seeking or receiving guidance refers providers to their There are even greater compli-
people to contract COVID-19 mental health care, and current state opioid treatment authority cations for immigrants who fear
and to die from it, decreases in regulations may further impede to develop and implement a that seeking care might risk
the stock market, and countries access to care. Right now, 112 disaster plan to address various their immigration status (https://
implementing broad travel re- million Americans live in mental contingencies, including con-
strictions and stay-at-home or- health professional shortage areas, tinuing medication-assisted For many, the fear of getting ill
ders.1,2 The current state of affairs and roughly 50% of those who do treatment.7 Although it is com- is not new but has been aggra-
is having a negative effect on the receive care have to travel more mendable of federal leadership vated by the novel coronavirus.
mental well-being of our coun- than one hour round trip.4.5 In- to issue such guidelines quickly, According to the Bureau of La-
try’s residents. It also highlights creasing the number of mental pushing the decision down to bor Statistics, 71% of private in-
the policy gaps in our current health workers, putting them in states could create a patchwork dustry workers have paid sick
system that inhibit the vital the right places, and training of policies that could enable the leave benefits, but on average
conditions for well-being and them to work in these settings easy continuation of treatment in receive seven paid sick days
resiliency.3 Although the pri- will remain a challenge for the one state while creating compli- ( For
mary focus has rightfully been foreseeable future. To augment cations in others. Complicating those exposed to COVID-19,
on stopping the spread of onsite services, mental health this, the guidance came shortly self-quarantine and social dis-
COVID-19, we should also telecare services are being used in before an inspector general re- tancing can be recommended
quickly prepare to address the primary care settings, nursing port finding that the Substance for 14 days, creating a possible
mental toll the pandemic is taking homes, and correctional facili- Abuse and Mental Health Ser- shortfall. Anyone who cannot
on individuals and communities ties, where it may be difficult to
vices Administration’s oversight afford to take time off sick is faced
across the country. find a local clinician. Sadly, these
of opioid treatment programs did with a Faustian choice that can
Those involved in past efforts have been stymied by a
not comply with some federal create tremendous stress: should
emergency responses have cited lack of access to technology, fi-
requirements ( they continue to work while sick
the elevation of anxiety among nancial mechanisms to support
33Ib2k3). to make ends meet, or should
the general public as well as the delivery, and underenforcement
The elevated need for mental they take the necessary time to
heightening of symptoms among of mental health parity laws,
health services also exacerbates recover—even if that means they
those who have a preexisting which affect all access to mental
the already problematic gaps might be unable to pay rent or
mental health or substance use health services. Should an indi-
in culturally and linguistically buy enough food for their family.
disorder diagnosis. The former vidual need to self-quarantine, or
health commissioner of Boston if a clinician restricts the hours of
(J. A.), who led the city’s health access to medications, as with ABOUT THE AUTHORS
John Auerbach is the president and CEO of Trust for America’s Health, Washington, DC.
response during the months after treatment of an opioid use dis- Benjamin F. Miller is the chief strategy officer of Well Being Trust, Oakland, CA.
9/11, reported the city’s need for order, this could add yet another Correspondence should be sent to John Auerbach, Trust for America’s Health,
mental health professionals who problem, making access and 1730 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20036 (e-mail: Reprints can be
ordered at by clicking the “Reprints” link.
could offer counseling and make consultation to clinicians even This editorial was accepted March 28, 2020.
referrals to those who called the more burdensome.6 doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305699

July 2020, Vol 110, No. 7 AJPH Auerbach and Miller Editorial 969

Furthermore, many older closures (, Lifeline. In an evolving situation 7. Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration. Medication-
adults, caregivers, and individuals Al- with many unknown factors, we assisted treatment (MAT). 2020. Avail-
with chronic medical conditions though these decisions have been should focus on proven policies able at:
who are at higher risk of serious made to ensure the safety of that, if implemented right now, medication-assisted-treatment. Accessed
March 25, 2020.
complications from COVID-19 students, policymakers should will address present and future
are facing the double uncertainty also prepare to address any mental fears. We don’t have time to
of a new disease with many health ailments that may result waste.
unknown variables and the ( Men-
unknown duration of this dan- tal health resources for both John Auerbach, MBA
ger. Nursing homes and long- children and adults have been Benjamin F. Miller, PsyD
term care facilities, which have developed by the Centers for
emerged as the highest risk areas, Disease Control and Prevention CONTRIBUTORS
are taking prudent measures to and should be reviewed by all The authors contributed equally to the
content and preparation of the editorial.
address these dangers by limiting parties (,
visitors and increasing screenings ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
( Older We have reached the tipping The authors thank the Well Being Trust
adults who already suffer from point at which the phenomena for its support.
social isolation may have even surrounding COVID-19 have
greater isolation as they are affected most people in some way. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
The authors have no conflicts of interest to
discouraged from traveling or The time has arrived to bolster declare.
attending events with large supports for our fellow Ameri-
numbers of people. cans. On March 6, the president REFERENCES
Issues of loneliness and isola- signed into law a bill to fund re- 1. New York Times. Coronavirus turmoil in
5 charts, 10 quotes, 5 photos and 1 map.
tion are serious concerns across sponse efforts to mitigate the 2020. Available at: https://www.nytimes.
the entire population, but espe- spread of COVID-19 (https:// com/2020/03/10/business/dealbook/
cially for older adults. Rates of Following this, coronavirus-markets-oil.html. Accessed
March 25, 2020.
loneliness are at an all-time high, the Congress passed the Families
2. USA Today. Coronavirus: all of Italy
and the impact of loneliness on First Coronavirus Response Act, placed on lockdown; state department to
our health is profound (https:// which includes provisions for free limits services there. 2020. Available at: We must not coronavirus testing, paid emer-
overlook ways to address loneli- gency sick leave, enhanced un- imposes-nationwide-restrictions-
ness and isolation in the time of employment insurance, and contain-coronavirus/5004545002.
a pandemic. Alongside loneli- increased funding for Medicaid Accessed March 25, 2020.
ness, underlying mental health ( 3. Well Being Trust. Healing the nation:
a policy guide. Available at: https://
and substance misuse needs re- Conversations about future
quire thoughtful attention to legislative efforts to address the Accessed March 25, 2020.
evidence-based solutions as well effects of COVID-19 continue. 4. Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
as technological advances that Any future legislation to address Mental health care health professional
shortage areas (HPSAs). 2019. Available
connect even the most isolated COVID-19 should include social
people to care and caregivers policies that alleviate many of indicator/mental-health-care-health-
( Americans’ current concerns. professional-shortage-areas-hpsas/?
Disruptions to everyday life These include establishing clear
have been widespread. Many contingencies for those in need Accessed March 25, 2020.
college students returned from of or currently receiving mental 5. National Council for Behavioral
spring break only to be notified health care, including expand- Health. New study reveals lack of access
that they must leave their ing mental health teleservices, as root cause for mental health crisis in
America. Available at: https://www.
dorms and that any summer strengthening the integration of
plans they had, like studying mental and physical health ser- new-study-reveals-lack-of-access-as-
aboard or work–study programs, vices, and incorporating mental root-cause-for-mental-health-crisis-in-
america. Accessed March 25, 2020.
are up in the air ( health first aid and supports into
6. Wicklund E; mHealthIntelligence.
2QJPAWi). K–12 students are broader recovery strategies. They ATA releases 2019 update of state-by-state
also experiencing cancellations or also include expanding immedi- telehealth report cards. 2019. Available at:
postponements of school plays ate crisis supports such as the
and fieldtrips, and, in some areas, Disaster Distress Helpline and state-telehealth-report-cards. Accessed
they are experiencing school National Suicide Prevention March 25, 2020.

970 Editorial Auerbach and Miller AJPH July 2020, Vol 110, No. 7

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