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MEDT 7490 Final Reflection

Stanecia Roy Nelson

University of West Georgia

Dr. Bertha D’Alba

November 19, 2023


This semester I feel that I have learned new concepts of how to incorporate visual media

in my lessons, as well as strategies that I can use to have my students incorporate visual media in

their projects and assignments. The strategies and concepts learned through or two textbooks will

also continue to be refresher to not be complacent in my presentations and media shared with my


The issue I have discovered about visual and media literacy is that most people do not

realize the importance of it. Most people assume it's something we automatically learn while it's

something that we must nurture to understand its full necessity and capabilities when it comes to


I hope to apply what I have learned this semester in my everyday teaching and share the

knowledge with our future educators since I teach the Early Childhood Education pathway at

Marietta High School. We already know that early childhood is where the foundation of learning

subsides, so the more our teachers are aware, the better they are to teach and nurture visual and

media literacy to our younger students.

The important difference in myself would be the sense of accomplishment for completing

the needs assessment and professional plan. I looked at that assignment at the beginning of the

semester, thinking there was no way I could successfully pull it off, but I feel as if I did, and I

learned a lot more about the role of the media center and media specialist.

The most challenging issue about this course was myself. I overanalyzed every

assignment and stressed but always overcame and received full points on each assignment. After

completing each assignment, I did possess a sense of accomplishment, which I greatly enjoyed

because that meant I learned something new. I enjoyed that this course focused on strategies

rather than theory research. I hoped that this specialist program would build my knowledge on

application more than research, and this course was a great balance.

I have no suggestions for this course. It was well organized, and it was maintainable with

my busy schedule as a teacher, coach, and football wife.

Contact Information
Stanecia Roy Nelson
November 19, 2023

Self-Assessment Survey Completion

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