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listen and practice

well on weekdays i get up at 6 45

i have breakfast at 7 o'clock and i go

to school at 7 30

i have lunch at school with my friends

that's at 12 15

it's early in our school

i leave school at 2 30 in the afternoon

and i walk home with my friends i get

home at 3 30 have soda maybe pizza and

watch television

i go to bed at 11 o'clock on weekdays

but later on the weekend of course

listen and practice

my name is mike

i'm from the u.s

but i moved to hungary two years ago

i left home because i got a job in


i teach science at a university

six months ago

i met a beautiful woman

named maria

maria grew up in budapest

but she went to college

in the states

it was very surprising to meet someone

who spoke my language so well

we began to go out

and we fell in love

two weeks ago

on a saturday night

i asked maria to marry me

she was surprised

but she said yes


we are engaged

two years ago

i came to hungary for a job


i'm staying

because i met maria isn't life


listen and practice

perry and lily

are brother and sister

they are from the same family

but they are very different

perry likes reading books

but he doesn't like watching tv

lily watches tv every night

but she doesn't like reading books

she reads the newspaper

perry likes chinese food

and he drinks a lot of coffee

lily drinks tea

and she doesn't like chinese food

she eats a lot of mexican food

perry likes listening to classical music

lily listens to jazz

she likes playing jazz piano

perry and lily are very different

but they feel the same about one thing

they're happy to be brother and sister

listen and practice

phil johnson is 23 years old

he's a bus driver

and a student he's very busy

on weekdays

he gets up at six o'clock in the morning

and goes to work at 6 30.

he usually has breakfast in the car

he works all day

he always has lunch from 12 to 12 30 in

the afternoon

he usually buys a sandwich in the center

of town

he leaves work at four in the afternoon

and goes to school

he has school from five

to eight pm

he gets home at 8 30 in the evening

and then he has dinner and does homework

he goes to bed at 11.

listen and practice

people have very different ideas for

their dream home their perfect house or


some people dream of a simple house in a

special place

others want a large house with every


henry david thoreau an american writer

lived from

1817 to 1862

at the age of 28 he built his perfect


it was a very small house

just 10 feet by 15 feet

3 meters by 4.5 meters

inside there were just three chairs a

bed a table and a small desk

the location of his house was very

important to thoreau

he built his house in the woods close to

a beautiful lake


and practice

dikembe mutombo a professional

basketball player built a very different

type of dream home

mutumbo grew up in the democratic

republic of the congo

but he moved to the united states to


he wanted to be a doctor

but instead he became a famous

basketball player
mutumbo's dream home is in the congo

and it has beds for 150 people

it also has an emergency room

many exam rooms and some beautiful

gardens mutombo didn't build his dream

home for himself


he built it for the people in his native


mutumbo's dream home is a hospital

listen and practice

i used to live in a nice apartment

downtown in a pretty interesting

neighborhood but the thing was they

wouldn't let you keep a pet

i really wanted to get a cat so i moved

to a place where you could keep pets

now i live in a building near the park

and there's two of us me and my cat

felix we play all the time

listen and practice

we used to have a nice apartment

downtown it had great views of the city

but then these new people moved in

upstairs they played loud music all the

time and the sound came straight through

the ceiling and into our apartment

it was terrible so we moved

now we're living in a nice small house

in the suburbs and our neighbors are

very quiet

listen and practice

my new apartment is on a high floor and

it's great

there's no noise at all

i only hear the birds in the park

before that i lived in the first floor


it had a little yard which was nice

but i heard people coming and going all

the time

and it was close to the street so i

heard all the traffic too

listen and practice

we didn't really want to move because we

loved our apartment we had a wonderful

landlady too

she didn't raise the rent for years and

if anything was broken she would get it

fixed really fast

but with the children getting older we

needed to be closer to a good school

so that's why we moved

now we live in an apartment in the


listen and practice

my new apartment has a huge kitchen and

a great stove i'm really happy about it

i love to cook and have parties but the

kitchen in my old place was so tiny

and the dining room was small too

the location was good but i could never

have people over for dinner so i needed

to find something different

listen and practice

it's a great place to stay the

atmosphere is so glamorous and exciting

there are bright lights at the front

door and people always arrive in really

expensive cars

the rooms are really beautiful too

of course it's not the cheapest hotel in

miami but it's definitely the best

listen and practice

i'm reading a story about a parrot that

saved two people's lives

a man and his son fell asleep on the

couch watching a movie

while they were sleeping their house

caught on fire

they woke up suddenly when they heard

their parrot imitating a smoke alarm

apparently their smoke alarm did go off

but it wasn't loud enough to wake them


listen and practice

wow did you hear about the twin sisters

that were separated at birth

they were adopted by different families

when they were babies and grew up in

different cities

but after high school they both attended

the same college

they figured out they were twins they

were even in the same class

listen and practice

earth's crust

earth is round

like an orange

oranges have a skin

and earth has a skin too

we call this skin

earth's crust

under the crust there is very hot rock

earth's crust has different pieces

these pieces move very

very slowly

millions of years ago

the pieces moved and made mountains

under mountains

the crust is thick

but under the ocean

it's thinner

when two pieces of the crust move and


there can be earthquakes

listen and practice

a volcano is a hole in earth's crust

when a volcano erupts

hot rock flies out from under the ground

and melted rock pours out over the


volcanoes under the ocean sometimes make

new islands

in 1963

a volcano in the atlantic ocean made a

new island called


there are many different rocks in

earth's crust

they are millions of years old

the rocks are often different colors

in the painted desert in arizona in the


you can see the different rocks

listen and practice

you can't please everyone

one day nazrudin wanted to take his

young son into town

you can ride the donkey he told his son

and i'll walk next to you

so nazruddin's son got on the donkey and

they started down the road into town

a little while later

nazridin and his son came across some

people on the road

the people looked at the boy on the

donkey with disapproval

one person said

look at that healthy young boy

can you believe today's young people

they have no respect for their parents

that boy rides on the donkey and his

poor father has to walk

when the boy heard this he was very


he asked his father to ride the donkey

instead of him


nasrodin got on the donkey and the boy

walked next to him

soon they met another group of people on

the road

one person said

well look at that

that poor boy has to walk while his

father rides the donkey

after the people walked away

nazrudin told his son to get on the

donkey with him

no one can criticize us now he said

but soon they met two old men on the


the men looked at nazrudin and his son

with disapproval

that poor donkey looks very tired one of

the men said

nazrudin stopped the donkey and got off

then he said to his son

the best thing is for both of us to walk

then no one can criticize us

so nazradin and his son walked down the

road and the donkey walked behind them

soon they met some more people on the


one person said

just look at those fools

both of them are walking in this hot

weather and no one is riding the donkey

how stupid they are

nazrudin looked at his son and said you

can't please everyone

listen and practice

i have a great job

i study crocodiles

it's an important job

let me explain why

here in australia we have a lot of


but sometimes the crocodiles are sick

i want to know why

i study the food the crocodiles eat

i also learn how fast they grow and

where they live

how do i do this

well in the morning i take my camera and

i watch the crocodiles in the river

i take photos

sometimes the crocodiles eat toads

some toads make them sick and they die

i want to help the crocodiles

listen and practice

ice cream flavor expert

believe it or not i taste ice cream for

my job

yes it's a dream job

but it's also difficult

i work at a big ice cream company

every day i taste lots of different

flavors three times each

why is that

well i taste a little of the ice cream

we make in the morning afternoon and at


that way i know that all the ice cream

is good i use my eyes first

does the ice cream look nice

then i taste the ice cream with a spoon

does it taste fresh and sweet

then i spit it out

yes i really spit it out

listen and practice

a young man in illinois was having

trouble paying his college tuition so he

came up with quite a creative solution

he wrote to a newspaper columnist and

asked him to print a request in his


he wanted the columnist to ask readers

to send in one penny to help him pay for

his college education

readers of the newspaper thought it was

a funny idea so they sent in their

pennies and in the end the young man

collected 28 thousand dollars

last summer i flew from london to

casablanca in morocco to do some

research on the traditional music there

unfortunately my bags didn't arrive with

the flight

i thought they would probably arrive on

the next flight but they didn't

i had nothing to wear except the clothes

i had on

luckily the airline gave me some money

to buy some extra clothes and things

the bags didn't turn up till four days


i was really glad to get my bags back

because i had a lot of important stuff

inside them

but i had to wait around until they

turned up

so i didn't get a chance to listen to

any of the traditional music

that's why i want to get back there

again sometime

listen and practice

a city without oil

the united arab emirates uae is a

country with a lot of oil

oil brings the country billions of

dollars each year

so why is the uae building a city that

uses very little or no oil

the answer is simple

oil will not last forever

but there is another resource people can

use instead of oil

the sun

in fact

engineers are now building a new city

that uses mostly solar energy for its


the city is called mazdar

and it is about 20 miles

32 kilometers from abu dhabi

one of the largest cities in the uae

if it is a success

mastar will be the first city in the

world that uses little or no oil

listen and practice

emergency in the air

on april 28 1988

at 1 25 pm
flight 243 left hilo hawaii

it was a 40-minute flight to honolulu

and the weather was good

the 89 passengers were in their seats

with their seat belts on

at 1 40 the plane reached 24 000 feet

and the three flight attendants started

serving drinks

suddenly at 1 45

there was a loud noise mr dennan a

businessman was in a window seat in the

back of the airplane

he looked at the front of the airplane

and saw a big hole

a third of the roof was gone mr dennan

said i saw blue sky

david cupahea was in a seat in the front

of the airplane

his suitcase was under the seat in front

of him suddenly the suitcase flew out of

the airplane

then a piece of metal hit his arm and

cut it

the passenger next to him had a large

cut on his head everything was flying



paper money

said passenger stanford samson

when the pilot heard the noise he looked


the cockpit door wasn't there

and he saw blue sky above the passengers

the first 18 feet

5.5 meters of the airplane behind the

cockpit were completely open

only the floor and the passenger seats

were still there

the pilot decided to put the airplane

into a fast descent

they were close to the airport on the

island of maui and maybe he could land

the airplane there

at 1 58 pm

the pilot made an emergency landing at

kahului airport in maui

the passengers couldn't believe it

they were safe on the ground

what caused the emergency

it was an old plane

it made many short flights during its


it took off and landed many times

and this weakened the plane

listen and practice

everyday life


i'm pretty busy

i get up early and check my email

i listen to the radio i don't watch tv

on weekdays

then i study

it's crazy

we get up late so i eat breakfast in the


my husband doesn't have breakfast


my wife and i read the newspaper

i have breakfast and my wife has coffee

we're pretty quiet

we don't talk a lot

i try to study but my brother and sister

make a lot of noise

they don't care

my sister watches tv

and my brother plays games on the


listen and practice

party planning

hi adam

grandpa's birthday is in two weeks i'd

like to plan a big birthday party

i'd like to make it special because he

is turning 80 years old

i will be very busy planning

do you want to help me

we can have the party in the park we can

bring tables and chairs

we can also bring balloons to decorate

the party

i'd like to invite 28 guests

i have made a list of their names

five people can sit at one table

so we need six tables

i will order pizza

one pizza has ten pieces

each person can have two pieces

that means we need 56 pieces

i will order six pizzas

i will buy juice

one bottle is one liter

each person probably drinks 250


that means one bottle for four people

so i need to buy seven bottles

david will get our favorite bakery to

bake a special birthday cake

we can cut one cake into eight pieces

how many cakes do you think we need four

or five cakes

check out the attachments

these are some of my ideas

email me back


listen and practice

every day

people throw away millions of products

like toys

and bottles

most waste goes to landfills

and sometimes people throw waste in

other places

like rivers

this is bad for our world

it's good to recycle old products

we can use materials from old products

to make new things

we can recycle old products like plastic


metal cans

and clothes

at recycling centers

people sort the old products

then machines use the old products to

make recycled materials

we can use these materials to make new


listen and practice


the stonehenge stone circles are in


people transported the first stones to

this place about five thousand years ago

we don't know a lot about stonehenge

who built it

how did they build it

why did they build it

it's a mystery

people built stonehenge with blue stones

and sarson stones

there were about 80 blue stones

they came from mountains

250 kilometers away

they are very heavy

some weigh about four metric tons

the biggest sarson stone weighs about 45

metric tons

that's like 10


the sarson stones are even bigger and


about four thousand years ago

people transported them from thirty

kilometers away

how did people use stonehenge

maybe they used it as a cemetery

or a place for studying the sun and the


maybe it was also a temple

it's still a special place for some

people today

every year on june 21st

lots of people go to stonehenge to

celebrate the longest day of the year

listen and practice

welcome to south america

south america is one of the seven

continents on our planet

it is the fourth largest continent

the atlantic ocean is to the east of

south america

and the pacific ocean is to the west

most of south america is in the southern


spring and summer are from september to


fall and winter are from march to august

the landscape of south america is

diverse most people know about the

amazon rainforest

but there are also flat grasslands and

soft wetlands

there are also many mountains and


the amazon river is the world's second

longest river

it runs through brazil venezuela

colombia peru bolivia and ecuador

it is

6840 kilometers long

the andes is the longest mountain range

in the world it is located on the west

of south america

it stretches from north to south

the highest point is mount akankagua in

it is

6962 meters high

the atacama desert is the second driest

place on the planet

it only gets one millimeter of rain each


it is located in northern chile

listen and practice

what are the smallest living things on


the answer is cells

some of the biggest living things like

whales people or trees are made of

millions of tiny cells

microbes are living things that usually

have just one cell

most cells are too small to see

so how do people know that living things

are made of cells

no one knew about cells until

microscopes were invented

microscopes magnify tiny things like

cells to make them look bigger so that

people can see them

listen and practice

in 1665 a british scientist called

robert hook made one of the first


he used it to look at a thin piece of

tree bark called cork

he saw that the cork was made of lots of

tiny pieces

these were the cork cells today

microscopes can magnify things a million


when robert hook saw the pieces inside

the cork he called themselves because

they looked like little rooms called


listen and practice

i have to wear a suit and tie to work

after work i just want to go home and

put on jeans and an old sweater you know

something comfortable

listen and practice

well my boss likes to wear designer


so i need to look good too

i usually wear a nice skirt or dressy

pants with a silk blouse and a jacket


and high heels

listen and practice


we don't have to wear uniforms at our


so i like to wear pants a t-shirt and


so yeah i'm lucky

my friend has to wear a uniform and she

hates it

listen and practice

our solar system

space is everything that's around planet

earth and it's bigger than we can


when you look at the sky at night you

can see thousands of stars

did you know that the sun is a star too

there are also billions of other stars

in space

and billions of planets

stars are huge balls of hot gas

a star with planets around it is called

a solar system

our sun has eight planets

this is our solar system

groups of stars are called galaxies

each galaxy has billions of stars

our solar system is in a galaxy called

the milky way that has 200 billion stars

there are billions of other galaxies in

the universe

listen and practice

our amazing son

the sun and all other stars are made of

two gases called hydrogen and helium

the hydrogen changes into helium in a

process called nuclear fusion

this process produces heat and light

our sun is about

150 million kilometers away from earth

but it's hot enough to burn you at the


plants on earth

use energy from the sun to grow

animals and people also get their energy

from the sun because they eat plants

listen and practice


and the sun

a planet goes around or orbits a

star it takes our planet earth one year

to orbit the sun

a planet also turns on its axis

it takes earth 24 hours to do a complete

turn on its axis

when a place on earth is opposite the


it's daytime in that place

listen and practice

university admissions around the world

what do you need to do to get into a


actually it depends on where you live

let's look at university admissions in

four countries

turkey the united kingdom and the united


in austria

in austria getting into a university is

very simple

getting into a university in austria

depends completely on a student's score

on a national achievement exam

subjects on this exam include


mathematics and a foreign language

students who pass this exam can go to a

university in austria

in turkey

in turkey

high school students take a national

achievement exam in march

if they pass that exam

they take another exam in june

getting into a turkish university

depends mostly on these exam scores

but universities also consider high

school grades

in turkey

students usually study very hard for the

national exam if they don't pass the


they can't go to university

in the united kingdom

students in the united kingdom take

achievement exams when they are 16

17 and 18 years old

universities consider a student's scores

on all of these exams

students also provide a very short

personal statement

a reference letter from one teacher

and information about their

extracurricular activities

in the united states

the university admissions system in the

united states is quite different from

those in austria turkey and the uk

most universities in the united states

consider a student's score on a special

aptitude test called the sat

unlike an achievement exam

an aptitude test measures a student's

ability to learn

it does not measure a student's

knowledge of school subjects

most universities also look at a

student's high school grades

an admissions essay and several

reference letters

extracurricular activities such as

sports clubs and volunteer work are also

very important

students often do many activities in

high school so they can get into a good


listen and practice

when i went to hawaii i spent the first

few days in honolulu

everything was really expensive there

especially in the restaurants

four dollars for a soda

but the beaches were wonderful the sand

was so soft and the water was so clean

listen and practice

sydney is one of my favorite cities in


there are some great buildings there

like the famous opera house

the only problem is the weather

spring and fall are okay but the summer

is too hot for me

listen and practice

one of my favorite cities is new york

there's so much culture there

i spent two weeks there last summer and

every day i went to a different museum

play musical performance or poetry


the only thing i don't like about new

york is the traffic noise

you can hear cars driving and honking

all night long

listen and practice

vancouver is a nice city to visit but

don't go in the winter it's much too


the rest of the year is great though and

there are plenty of clubs restaurants

and other places to go at night


and practice

i used to eat out a lot but i don't eat

out much anymore all the good

inexpensive places near my apartment

have moved or gone out of business

now there are only really expensive

restaurants in my neighborhood it's

really too bad

listen and practice

in los angeles you have to drive

everywhere and sometimes the traffic is

terrible but that's the only bad part

there are a lot of fun things to see

like hollywood disneyland museums and

movie studios

listen and practice

i think rio de janeiro is one of the

most interesting cities in south america

the nightlife is great

they have great musicians so there's

always good music in the cafes

crime is a problem though so you have to

be careful

listen and practice

my trip to cancun this summer was great

the thing i liked most was going

snorkeling at the beach

the water was crystal clear and full of

the most beautiful tropical fish i've

ever seen

i'll never forget it

unfortunately though i spent too much

time in the sun and i got the worst

sunburn of my life

i had to go to the doctor to get a cream

for it

next time i go i'll use sunscreen every


listen and practice

one day a rich dad took his son on a

trip to a village

he wanted to show him

how poor someone can be

they spent time in a farm of a poor


on their return from the trip

the father asked his son

how was the trip

it was great dad

did you see how poor people live

the father asked

oh yes

said the sun

so tell me

what did you learn from the trip

asked the father

the son answered

we have one dog they have four

we have a pole

they have rivers

we have lights at night

they have stars

we buy foods

they grow theirs

we have walls

to protect us

they have friends

we have television

they spend time with family and


the boy's father was speechless

then his son nodded thanks dad for

showing me

how poor we are

listen and practice

i went to mexico city for the first time

last summer and i managed to use my

spanish every day i mean i still had to

look up words a lot but i was really

proud of myself

the only bad experience i had there was

when someone stole my purse while i was

having lunch in a restaurant

next time i'll watch my purse more


listen and practice

i really enjoyed my visit to london i

wish i could have stayed there for a

month instead of just for a week

the thing i really enjoyed most was the

british theater i went almost every

night and saw some really famous actors

unfortunately i didn't realize how

expensive london can be i spent twice as

much money as i had planned to

listen and practice

you wouldn't believe what happened on my

vacation to bangkok i lost my wallet in

the taxi

i thought i would never see it again

but that evening the taxi driver came to

my hotel and gave my wallet back to me i

was so relieved the last day i was there

though i got food poisoning from some

fish i had at a restaurant near my hotel

next time i'll eat at a different

seafood restaurant

listen and practice

it used to take me about an hour to get

to the airport but now it takes me more

than two hours there's so much traffic

here these days

listen and practice

october 31st is halloween

children wear costumes

in the evening

they knock on doors and people give them


at halloween some people buy a pumpkin

they cut holes in the pumpkin to make

eyes a nose and a mouth

they put a candle in the pumpkin

to make a lantern

a lantern and a scary face

stores sell halloween toys

like skeletons and spiders

people aren't really scared at halloween

it's fun

listen and practice

new year

all around the world there are big

festivals for new year

people in different countries do

different things

in spain and portugal

people eat 12 grapes at midnight on

december 31st

in japan

people like laughing at midnight

they say
start the year with a laugh

then all the year is happy

in thailand

people throw water in the streets

they have water all over them

but it's not a problem

the weather in thailand is always hot at

new year

at new year

many people watch fireworks

little children sit on their mother's or

father's shoulders

so that they can see the fireworks

the fireworks go up

and all the people say

happy new year

listen and practice

the rise of ebooks

ebook means electronic book

you can use a device called an ebook

reader to read ebooks

ebooks are popular for many reasons

first they are cheaper

on average ebooks are about eight

percent cheaper than paper books

second they are faster and easier to buy

you don't have to go to a bookstore

you can pay for and download the books

from the internet

third you can carry ebooks easily

an e-reader can hold thousands of ebooks

and remain thin and light

finally an ebook is comfortable to read

you can change the size of the text

you can also change the brightness of

the screen

listen and practice


on saturday morning i did chores at home

you know

laundry and stuff

then i went grocery shopping because


because there was no food in the house

sunday morning i fixed my bike

walked the dog

called my mom and made lunch

then i wrote a report for work cleaned

the house and went to bed

listen and practice


what an awesome weekend

i went running in the park on saturday

evening and i met someone i knew from

school 10 years ago

it was so cool

her name is marie and we always hung out

together when we were kids she's married

now and has a baby

listen and practice

i just had the worst weekend ever

it was my best friend pete's wedding and

my car broke down on the drive

i was on a quiet road and suddenly there

was a bang

then the car just didn't move i missed

the wedding and came home on the back of

a truck

listen and practice

hey guys guess what i just got back from

my first ever parasailing class it was

amazing i traveled to a town by the

ocean and met my instructor

we went high up above the ocean where

people jump off the rocks

it was kind of scary but so exciting

here's a picture of me


that's me

listen and practice

i had a part-time job in a restaurant

i was a server

i was young

only 16.

i remember that on my first day things

were really busy

and i was very nervous

i made a lot of embarrassing mistakes

and my boss wasn't too pleased

listen and practice

it's my birthday next wednesday i'm

gonna be 10 years old

in my country we always eat fairy bread

on our birthdays

my mom's gonna make me a huge plate of

fairy bread it's a snack

we make it with bread butter and

colorful sugar called hundreds and


listen and practice

i love birthdays they're a lot of fun

here in jamaica we have an old custom we

like to surprise people on their


guess what we do

we throw flower at our friends

it's my best friend's birthday tomorrow

i'm gonna go to the store soon i'm gonna

buy a lot of flour to throw at him

listen and practice

my grandmother is going to be 100 years

old in june

she's very excited because she's gonna

get a special letter from the queen

the queen sends a letter to every person

who reaches one hundred

it's a tradition that makes people very

in my country we celebrate birthdays

with a special type of food

noodles are a sign of long life for us

this year i'm gonna make some long life

noodles for all my friends we're gonna

eat them together and have a great


listen and practice

facebook is a free social networking

site on the internet it was created by

three computer science majors

at harvard university

at first

it was limited to students at harvard

but eventually

it was opened up

to the general public


facebook is used all over the world

and by all age groups

although users must be at least 13 years


even though facebook was originally

designed for university aged students

the fastest growing facebook age group

is between the ages of 30

and 50.

listen and practice

my name is melissa
and i was born in 1984 in canada

but i didn't grow up there

my family moved to the united states in


so i really grew up here in america

i went to school and college here and i

became a tour guide in 2004

i give tours to canada

listen and practice

i'm colin

i grew up here in the uk

and i still live here now

but i wasn't born here

i was born in south africa in 2000

my parents moved to the uk in 2002

so i went with them of course

i'm a student

and i'm going to be a doctor someday

ice cream

about 2 000 years ago the ancient romans

brought ice and snow from the mountains

and mixed it with fruit and honey

about 1

500 years ago people in china made

desserts with ice and milk

the soft ice cream that we eat today was

probably invented in europe about 400

years ago

fruit ices were popular in europe

then people started to add cream

they put the cream in a metal bowl with


then they froze it in a bucket of ice

this was hard work because they had to

keep mixing the cream by hand

in 1843

an american woman named nancy johnson

invented an ice cream machine

seven years later the first ice cream

factory opened in baltimore in the usa

listen and practice

what are ecosystems

there are millions of living things on


from the smallest plants to enormous


these plants and animals live in

different places like oceans

rainforests and deserts

these different places and all the

things that live in them are called


in an ecosystem

there are living things like plants and


and things that are not living like


water and air

together these things make an ecosystem

the different parts of an ecosystem work

together and use each other

for example

in a garden ecosystem

plants use the land water light and air

to live

bees visit plants to drink nectar from

their flowers

when bees do this they also take pollen

from one plant to another

pollen helps flowers to make seeds that

can become new plants

listen and practice

potato chips

in 1853 george crumb was a cook in a

restaurant in saratoga springs in new


one day a customer said he didn't like

george's french fries

he said they were too thick

so george played a joke on the customer

he made some french fries that were very

thin like paper

the customer loved them

soon all of george's customers wanted

thin french fries

george called them saratoga chips

in 1860 george opened a new restaurant

and his thin chips became famous all

over the usa

today potato chips are one of the most

popular snacks in the world

in the united kingdom french fries are

called chips

and potato chips

are called crisps

listen and practice

do you see clouds in the sky where you


some clouds are gray

and some clouds are white

gray clouds have many raindrops

white clouds don't have many raindrops

when it's cloudy

big clouds stop some light from the sun

coming to earth

cumulonimbus clouds are very

very big

when you see this type of cloud

get your umbrella

cumulonimbus clouds have lots and lots

of raindrops

and they make very big storms

cumulonimbus clouds can make lightning

lightning is very



listen and practice

when it's very cold in the sky

water in clouds

is ice

some ice falls to earth

when it falls

the ice is snow

when snow falls on warm ground

the snow melts

then the snow is water again

some water goes into the ground

and it helps plants to grow

some water goes into rivers

when snow falls on cold ground

it's white everywhere

when lots of snow falls on mountains

people can go skiing

when lots of snow falls on houses and


people can't drive their

cars then they can't go to school

or work

listen and practice

molly jones

molly jones is 25 and she's an artist

she lives in a small house by the ocean

in cape cod massachusetts near boston

she always gets up late at 10 o'clock in

the morning

she has a big breakfast

coffee eggs and toast

and then she goes to the beach with her


when she gets home she works in her

studio until seven o'clock in the


she never eats lunch

but she always cooks a big dinner

and she often invites friends

after dinner she usually listens to

music or plays the piano

sometimes she calls her brother luke in

new york

she goes to bed very late

at one or two o'clock in the morning

listen and practice

yesterday was sunday so i got up late

about 11 30

i had a big breakfast

orange juice

toast eggs and coffee

then i went shopping just to the

supermarket and i bought some tea

some milk and the sundae paper

then i just stayed home for the rest of

the day

in the afternoon i cleaned my house and

then i did some work on my computer for

a bit

then in the evening i watched a movie on

i went to bed early about ten o'clock

listen and practice

he gets up at six o'clock and he takes a


he has breakfast at 6 45

he leaves home at 7 15 and he goes to

work by taxi

he has lunch a soda and a sandwich in

his office at one o'clock

he always works late

he leaves work at eight o'clock in the


he sometimes buys a pizza and eats it at


he gets home at 9 15.

he never goes out in the evening he

works at his computer from 9 30 to 11


he always goes to bed at 11 45

he watches television in bed

listen and practice

last summer i went on vacation to


i went with my brother josh

we had a great time

it was summer in the u.s

but winter in argentina

so we brought lots of warm clothes

we loved buenos aires

it's a fantastic city

we saw a tango dancing show

and went to the market on sunday

we also visited many museums

and ate a lot of meat

the restaurants were great


we went to mendoza

we went skiing in the andes mountains

and saw mount aconcagua

the tallest mountain in north and south


it was


listen and practice


my name is daniela delgado

i'm from brazil

this is a photo of my family

our house is in sao paulo

this is my sister

her name is isabella

and she's 24.

she's a nurse


is my brother

his name is davi and he's 29.

he's a businessman

this is my mother

her name is adriana

and she's 54.

she's a sales assistant

this is my father

his name is alonzo and he's 60.

he's a doctor

my family is fantastic

listen and practice

i think i need a new job

my boss criticizes me about my work all

the time

he even accused me of taking ideas from

my co-workers

my co-worker bob discussed my ideas with

our boss

and he told my boss they were his ideas

i don't discuss my ideas with anyone now

people in the office gossip all the time too

they whisper when the boss or any of the

managers walk by

i complain to human resources but they

said they couldn't do anything

the manager suggested i apply for a job

in another office in the next town

she promised to recommend me to the

manager there

listen and practice

people enjoy making fun of my phobia i'm

afraid of snakes

i think my phobia surprises people

because i'm a big guy

but if i see a snake or even a picture

of a snake i just freak out

and i can't imagine being in the same

room as a snake

last year one of my co-workers put a

picture of a snake on my computer

i didn't see the picture when i first

walked to my desk but then i turned to

use my computer and i saw it

i remember suddenly feeling really sick

i tried to run but my feet wouldn't move

i tried to scream but there was no sound

my co-workers all knew about the joke

but they quickly started to feel like it

wasn't a joke to me

bill managed to get the picture off my

computer and cynthia offered to take me

on a walk

my co-workers promised never to scare me

like that again

big guys get scared too

listen and practice

do you know the sun makes wind

wind is air that moves

in the sky there's air

the sun makes the air warm

warm air goes up into the sky

in the sky it's very cold

so the air gets cold

when the air is cold

it goes down again

wind blows

a breeze is wind that blows slowly

a breeze can blow flags in the sky

some winds blow fast

a hurricane

is wind that blows very fast

when there's a hurricane

people are scared

a hurricane

can blow down trees and houses

listen and practice

when it's sunny

people can get hot

many buildings have windows with


when it's sunny the shutters

stop the heat and light going in the


then people in the buildings don't get


when it's sunny

many people wear a hat

then their head

doesn't get hot

when it's rainy


can get wet

buildings have roofs

the rain falls off the roofs

and it doesn't go in the buildings

then people in the buildings don't get


when it's rainy

many people use an umbrella

then they don't get wet

what do you do when it's rainy and when

it's sunny


and practice

in the arctic and the antarctic

it's very cold and dry

a lot of the water is ice or snow

there are no trees

plants can't grow in these places

there's white ice and snow


there aren't many animals in the arctic

and the antarctic

there are no leaves


or nuts for animals to eat

seals swim in the ocean to find fish

they eat lots of fish

and they get very fat

this helps them to be warm

listen and practice

my name is jerry peterson

i am from san diego california

but i live in new york now

i have an apartment in new york

i am a student at new york university

i'm a student now

but i want to be a teacher

i want to be an english teacher

i am 20 years old and not married

i have a brother

his name is charlie

he also lives in new york

but he is not a student

he is a software designer

he's married

his wife's name is dana

i see my brother and his wife every week

it's nice to have family here

california is so far away

listen and practice

the problem with travel

most of us travel to school or to work

every day

maybe we travel by car to go shopping

or to visit friends

or by plane to go on vacation

why should we travel less



buses and ships all put carbon dioxide

into the air

this increases the greenhouse effect

and makes our planet warmer

vehicles also pollute the air with other


this makes our cities dirty

airports are getting very very busy

about 59 000 international passengers

travel through the main airport in new


every day

listen and practice

it's very difficult to stop traveling

but we can think carefully about the way

we travel

for short journeys we can walk or cycle

this is also better than sitting in a


because exercise is good for us

we can share cars or use public

transportation for some journeys

we can try to use small cars

because they use less fuel than big ones

we should also reduce the number of

vehicles that we make

because we use fossil fuels to power the


where we make the vehicles

listen and practice


billions of years ago bacteria were some

of the first living things on earth

bacteria are microbes that live

everywhere and there are many different


some bacteria make us sick

and some are very useful

bacteria can eat almost anything

some feed on waste

some eat oil and some eat the food

between people's teeth

bacteria are many different shapes

some are like rods

some are like balls

and some are curly

some have flagella that look like tiny

hairs these move in different directions

to help the bacteria to move around

bacteria live in places like glaciers

high mountains and volcanoes where most

other living things can't survive

listen and practice

solar energy

another way to make electricity is to

use the heat from the sun

solar power stations only work well in

places where it's very sunny all year


in many countries people use solar

energy from solar panels to heat water

in homes


and swimming pools

and to power watches calculators and

road signs

in sunny countries you can cook by using

only heat from the sun

all you need is sunshine and a solar


listen and practice

nuclear energy

nuclear power stations make electricity

without using fossil fuels

they don't put carbon dioxide into the


but they produce dangerous radioactive


this waste is put underground or under

the ocean

where it must stay for thousands of

years before it's safe

if there's an accident at a nuclear

power station

dangerous radioactive waste can get into

the air

and travel a long way

in 1986

an accident happened in chernobyl in


people died and many more people were



336 000 people had to move away to new


scientists are working hard to make

nuclear power stations


listen and practice

scientists think that earth's climate is


and the weather is getting more extreme

they think that this is happening

because earth is getting

warmer why is this happening

and how can we keep our planet cool

earth gets heat from the sun

some of the heat escapes into space

but some is trapped by a blanket of


this keeps earth warm enough for us to

live here

and it's called the greenhouse effect

because it works like a greenhouse

listen and practice

global warming

when we use fossil fuels we make a gas

called carbon dioxide

scientists think that we are putting too

much carbon dioxide into the air

the carbon dioxide increases the

greenhouse effect

and earth gets warmer


is called global warming

scientists think that global warming is

changing our climate

and making the weather more extreme

this is a problem for people

animals and plants

listen and practice

well everyone welcome

i am very happy to have you all in my

history class

i think we will all have fun

i believe that you learn best if you

enjoy learning

the title of our textbook is great

events in world history

that gives you a good idea of our main

goal in class

our aim is to cover the greatest things

that happened all over the world

imagine the building of egypt's pyramids

the glory of rome

the american revolution the rise of the


listen and practice

cleaner cars

engineers are investigating how to make

car engines cleaner

so that they won't damage our planet so


instead of using gasoline

some cars use electricity

and others use a mixture of gasoline and


some cars use fuels made from plants

these biofuels can be made from nuts


and other plants

there are also a few cars that use

electricity made from solar energy

maybe in the future all cars will be

powered in these ways

listen and practice

animals in danger

every animal has a special place to live

called its habitat

but people are destroying many of these

important habitats

when we cut down the rainforest

trees we destroy the habitat of gorillas

and tigers

and hundreds of smaller animals

global warming is also a problem for


for example
if too much ice at the north pole melts

polar bears will lose their habitat

hunters kill some animals for money

many elephants were hunted because

people could sell their ivory tusks for

a lot of money

now this has stopped

but all around the world hundreds of

different types of animal from insects

to tigers are disappearing because of

lost habitats or hunting

pollution is also a huge problem for


listen and practice

cleaner planes

engineers are trying to make plane

engines that don't pollute the air

but it's very difficult

they know that lighter planes with

bigger wings use less fuel

they are designing better planes all the


some planes can fly using biofuels

but many people think it's wrong to grow

plants for planes

they say

that we need the land to grow food for


what do you think

a few planes are already powered by

solar energy

but they don't have any space for


listen and practice

too many plastic bags

we throw away more plastic bags than

anything else

plastic bags are a huge problem for our


it's difficult to recycle them

you can use a plastic bag for only five


but it can take 500 years to decompose

people throw away too many plastic bags

and this pollutes our cities


and oceans

many fish

birds and other animals die if they eat

a plastic bag

because then they can't breathe or eat


try to use plastic bags lots of times

or use a bag that is made of a natural

material instead

listen and practice

without plants

we would have nothing to eat

we also use plants to make clothes


and medicines

plants take carbon dioxide from the air

and they give us oxygen to breathe too


are really important

all living things are part of food


plants are at the start of all food

chains because plants only need sunlight

water and carbon dioxide from the air to

make their food

animals need to eat plants or they eat

other animals that eat plants

so we all need plants

listen and practice

food and drink

plants give us food like fruit


and rice

we eat fruit and vegetables

because they contain vitamins that keep

us healthy

cereal crops

like wheat and corn

give us flour to make bread

many drinks like tea

coffee and chocolate come from plants

we also use some plants as herbs or

spices to make our food taste good

we use olive trees in many ways

we can eat the fruit

and use oil made from the fruit for


the oil is also good for our hair and


listen and practice


for thousands of years people have used

plants as medicines

many modern medicines are made from

chemicals that were first found in


many plants that are used for medicines

grow in rain forests

for example

the rosy periwinkle from madagascar

contains chemicals that can treat two

types of cancer

listen and practice

plants in danger

plants need clean air and water to grow

polluted air and water can damage them

global warming is also a problem

some plants cannot grow in their usual

place if the temperature gets too high

or if there is extreme weather like


we are using too many trees

big international companies cut down

huge numbers of trees for wood to make

furniture or paper

sometimes they cut down trees in rain

forests to make space to grow crops or

to raise cattle

so that they can produce cheap food like

palm oil and hamburgers

listen and practice

what can we do

if we keep our planet clean and use

fewer fossil fuels to reduce global


we will save millions of plants

we must also use fewer trees

we can use less paper and recycle it

some charities collect money to buy

trees to keep them

safe we can pay people to care for trees

and use them in different ways to make


for example farmers can sell nuts from

their trees

we must stop companies destroying

rainforests to bring us cheap food

we can plant new trees

countries and big companies can also

replace the trees that they use

finland and canada already do this

listen and practice

we need animals

earth is home to many amazing animals

from tiny bacteria that we can't even


to huge whales

we share our planet with all these other


animals help us in many different ways

and we must protect them

many animals like cows sheep and

chickens are raised for food

farmers raise them to give us meat


eggs and milk

in the ocean there are fish farms where

large numbers of fish are raised for


we use animals to give us leather


and feathers

around the world animals are also used

to help us with work

they carry people and crops

and they help with farm work

listen and practice

useful mini beasts

insects like beetles

flies and ants

help the planet too

some insects carry pollen from flower to


many flowers need pollen from another

flower to make seeds

bees fly from flower to flower to get

nectar to make honey

people collect the honey and enjoy

eating it

many insects are useful because they eat


and worms help us by making compost

and keeping the soil healthy

listen and practice

being active is very important but do

you know why

there are many benefits to exercise

it is good for your mind and body in

many ways

exercise makes your body stronger

you need a strong body so you don't get

sick easily

exercise is good for your heart

your heart pumps blood around your body

the more you exercise the stronger your

heart is

exercise helps you keep a healthy weight

a healthy weight is important so you

don't get sick

exercise helps your brain work better

when you exercise more blood goes

through your brain

the more blood that goes through your

brain the better your memory gets

exercise makes you happier

is a great way to reduce stress

it gives you more energy to do things

that make you happy

the more things you do

the better you sleep

there is a kind of exercise out there

for everyone

you can do it alone or with others

you can ride your bike or climb the


you can learn a new team sport

you will meet people and make friends

exercise makes you strong healthy and


and it's fun to exercise

so don't forget to exercise

listen and practice

pollution makes land air and water dirty

factories make pollution

and landfills make pollution too

polluted air and water can make people

and animals sick

people throw some waste onto the ground

or into rivers

this waste makes more pollution and more


polluted rivers can kill the plants and

animals that live there

all around the world people make lots of

new things every day

we need materials like paper and plastic

to make these things

paper is made from trees

plastic is usually made from oil

many factories use oil for the energy

that they need to make machines work

or to make things very hot

earth gives us trees and oil

we need to use them carefully so that we

can have them in the future

we are making too many new things

and using too many materials

we are also making too much waste

we can't live like this forever

we are making too many problems for


listen and practice

food waste

we all make a lot of waste

there's waste from our homes


offices and schools

we recycle a lot of our waste materials

but we should recycle more

what do you do with the food that you

don't eat

in some countries

people throw away billions of metric

tons of food waste every year

some of it is food that we can't eat

like banana skins and eggshells but some

of it is good food

most of it goes to landfills

in landfills there's no air under the


so food decomposes very slowly

we can make compost with some of our

food waste

we can do this at home

the compost helps plants to grow in the


in a compost bin worms eat the waste and

make it into compost

in many places people collect food waste

from homes

stores and restaurants

machines called biodigesters use the

food waste to make compost for farms

when the food decomposes it makes a gas

people can use this gas to cook with or

to make electricity

we can reduce waste and save money when

we only buy food that we need

we should think carefully about what

food we need to buy

so that we don't waste it

listen and practice

animals in danger

every animal has a special place to live

called its habitat

but people are destroying many of these

important habitats

when we cut down the rain forest trees

we destroy the habitat of gorillas and


and hundreds of smaller animals

global warming is also a problem for


for example

if too much ice at the north pole melts

polar bears will lose their habitat

hunters kill some animals for money

many elephants were hunted because

people could sell their ivory tusks for

a lot of money

now this has stopped

but all around the world hundreds of

different types of animal

from insects to tigers are disappearing

because of lost habitats or hunting

pollution is also a huge problem for


listen and practice

healthy habits

good habits are important for living a

healthy life

bad habits are difficult to break

so it's important to live a life of good

healthy habits

that's why i have made a list of healthy

habits and how to keep them

habit one

eat healthy


eat a variety of fruit and vegetables

and drink water often

eat junk food like chips and cookies

only occasionally

habit two

always be polite and kind


i say please and thank you frequently

and i always share with my friends

i help people when they need help before

they ask

habit 3

stay active and exercise often


i walk to school and i take the stairs

i play outside with my friends

i never play video games for more than

one hour

habit 4
take good care of my teeth


i brush and floss my teeth every night

and i visit the dentist


habit five

do the sleeve sneeze when you've caught

a cold


i always sneeze into the inside of my


do not spread germs to others

with these good habits it's easy to stay

healthy listen and practice

every country has typical dishes that

are popular with local people

these dishes are often made in a

traditional way with special ingredients

couscous is one of the most typical

foods in morocco

it's made from wheat

the couscous grains are small when they

are dry

then they get bigger when they are

cooked with water

moroccans often eat couscous with meat

and vegetable dishes

what types of dishes are typical in your

listen and practice

another typical food in morocco is


it's a hot dish made with vegetables and

meat or seafood

people also add nuts and dried fruit

like raisins

they cook the tagine very slowly in a

tagine pot

when it's ready they serve it with fresh


it's delicious

listen and practice

travel more spend less

this was a great year for traveling

i took trips to france australia and


i spent almost a month in each country

besides the cost of transportation i

only spent six hundred dollars total for

all three trips


well i didn't stay in any hotels and i

didn't eat in expensive restaurants

it's easy when you know the secrets to

cheap travel

for my first trip i went on a working

holiday in france

every year farmers in france hire

travelers to come and work on their


i slept at a farm for free

and every weekend i traveled around the


during the week however i picked fruit

for eight hours a day

five days a week

picking fruit isn't easy and sometimes

it didn't feel like i was on vacation

but i met a lot of great people and i

ate a lot of delicious food at the farm

for my next trip

i went backpacking in australia

during the day i went hiking and each

night i slept in my tent

carrying a backpack and tent all day can

be tiring

however the mountains and beaches were

so beautiful that i didn't think about

my heavy backpack

finally in turkey i tried couchsurfing

to couchsurf you join a special online


this network connects travelers with

hosts in different countries

hosts invite travelers to sleep in their

home instead of spending money on a


you sleep in a bed or even on a couch

that's why people call it couch surfing

couch surfing is a great way to meet

people when you travel

all my hosts were really nice

but one guy had two big dogs and they

were noisy it was hard to sleep there

i have to go for now

two couch surfers from canada are coming

in an hour and i need to clean my house

happy travels

listen and practice

you're not going to believe this but i

missed it i left really early so i

wouldn't be late but i wrote the address

down wrong and i couldn't find the


i was so nervous about the interview

that i forgot my phone too so i couldn't

call them and ask for directions

i was so mad at myself i really wanted

that job

listen and practice

i was so disappointed and so was my


i had flowers and a card to give her and

i really wanted to be there for her

special day

but i ran out of gas on my way to the


can you believe that

i made it to a graduation party later

that evening

but i really wanted to make it to the


listen and

practice i'm glad i decided to study

there my spanish is much better now it's

pretty expensive but the facilities are

very good

they have a great computer lab and

there's free wi-fi all over campus

it's much better than the school i was

going to last year

listen and practice

mukesh ambani a businessman in india

is the owner of the most expensive house

in the world

ambani's dream house is 27 stories high

so it has room for everything his family

needs and wants

mr ambani owns a lot of cars

so the first six floors of his house are

just for cars

another floor of the house has a movie

theater with seats for 50 people

two floors of the house are for a health

center with a gym and a swimming pool

another floor is for guests of the

ambani family
the four floors at the top of the

building are just for the ambani family

from there

they have a view of the arabian sea

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