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The curriculum outline of Dermatovenereology

Dermatovenereology includes three parts: the pandect of dermatovenereology,
common dermatoses and sexually transmitted disease. This outline is written for
medical students who major in clinical medicine ,stomatology and anaesthesiology. It
is our aim that by schoolteaching in classroom and practice in hospital they can
understand the structure of skin, grasp the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and
therapy of fundamental dermatologic and venereal diseases , and undertake clinical
and scientific research better.

Contents and period

chapter contents Total period theory practice discussion
Part 1 Pandect
Chapter 1 Anatomy and histology of 5 2 3
Chapter 2 Dermatologic symptoms 5 3 3 3
and diagnosis
Chapter 3 Dermatologic therapy and 5 3 3 3
Part 2 Common dermatoses
Chapter 1 Dermatitis and eczema 15 6 3 3
Chapter 2 Urticaria 12 3 3 3
Chapter 3 Drug eruption 12 3 3 3
Chapter 4 Viral dermatologic 10 3 3 3
Chapter 5 Superficial and deep 11 5 3 3
Chapter 6 Impetigo 7 1 3 3
Chapter 7 Erythroderma 10 4 3 3
Chapter 8 Scabies 7 1 3 3
Chapter 9 Accessory organs disease 6 2 3 3
Part 3 Sexually transmitted
Chapter 1 Condyloma acuminatum 7 2 3 2
Chapter 2 Gonorrhoea 7 2 3 2
Chapter 3 Syphilis 7 2 3 2

Total 126 42 42 42

Teaching of Theory

Part 1 Pandect
1 Master the anatomy , histology and physiology of skin.
2 Understand etiology, symptom and diagnosis of dermatologic diseases.
3 Understand basic therapeutics.

Chapter 1 Anatomy and Histology of Skin

The skin is composed of epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, accessory organs,
blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves and muscles .
1 Epidermis: the features and functions of five layers: stratum basale, stratum
spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum. Melanocyte,
2 Dermis: the composition and functions of the papilla layer and reticular layer.
3 Subcutaneous tissue: the functions of connective tissue and fat.
4 Accessory organs: the distribution, anatomy and functions of hair, hair follicles,
nails, sebaceous glands , sweet glands, blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves and
Teaching period: 2

Chapter 2 Dermatologic Symptoms and Diagnosis

Section 1 Dermatologic Symptoms
1 Subjective symptoms: topical and general symptoms.
2 Cutaneous lesions:
⑴ Primary lesion: macule, papule, plaque, wheal, nodule, vesicle, pustule, cyst.
⑵Secondary lesion: scale,maceration, erosion, ulcer, fissure, excoriation, crust, scar,
lichenification, atrophy.
Teaching period: 1.5

Section 2 Dermatologic Diagnosis

1 Case history: chief complaint, case history, personal history, family history.
2 Physical examination: object and method of visualization and palpation.
3 Laboratory examination: bacterial analyses, fungal cultures, skin biopsy, skin
testing for allergy and venereal disease laboratory examination, etc.
Teaching period: 1.5

Chapter 3 Dermatologic Therapy and Prevention

1 Therapy:
⑴ Oral medication: the indications, effect and side-effect of antihistamines,
antifungal agents, antiviral agents and glucocorticoid.
⑵ Medication for external use: the performance and type of medication for external

use, therapeutic principle and precaution of external treatment.
⑶ Physiotherapy: the indications and precautions of cryotherapy, laser and radiation
therapy, etc.
2 Prevention
Teaching period: 3

Part 2 Common Dermatoses

Chapter 1 Dermatitis and Eczema
Section 1 Contact Dermatitis
1 Know well the etiology,clinical manifestations and diagnosis of contact dermatitis.
2 Master the treatment and prevention of contact dermatitis.
1 Etiology: primary irritation , allergy, common substance causing contact
dermatitis: animal , plant, and chemical substance .
2 Clinical manifestations: features of tetter , part, local and general symptoms,
symptoms in acute and chronic period.
3 Diagnosis: etiology, tetter trait, patch testing.
4 Treatment: removal of possible offending contactant, antibacterials, antihistamines,
topical therapy.
Teaching period: 2

Section 2 Eczema
1 Understand the etiology of eczema.
2 Master the clinical manifestations and the principle of treatment.
1 Etiology: interior factors,external factors.
2 Clinical manifestations: acute eczema, subacute eczema, chronic eczema, several
localized eczema.
3 Diagnosis and differential diagnosis:
⑴ Essentials of diagnosis: polymorphic and symmetrical lesion, exudations, severe
itching and lichenoid skin lesions in chronic period.
⑵ Differential diagnosis: contact dermatitis,neurodermatitis, tinea of manus and
4 Treatment: ⑴ oral drugs: antihistamines ⑵ topical therapy
5 Prevention
Teaching period: 2

Section 3 Atopic Dermatitis

1 Understand the etiology and clinical features of atopic dermatitis: infancy,

childhood, adult.
2 Know well the diagnosis, treatment and nursing.
1 Etiology: hereditary tendency, interior factors , external factors, raised serum IgE
2 Clinical manifestations: tetter trait, features in infancy, childhood and adults.
3 Diagnosis : case history, familial history, clinical manifestations.
4 Treatment: general precautions, antipruritics, topical therapy.
Teaching period: 2

Chapter 2 Urticaria
1 Understand the etiology of urticaria.
2 Master the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment.
1 Etiology: foods, medications, ifections, physical factors, chemical factors,
psychologic factors and autoimmune disease.
2 Clinical manifestations: the clinical features of acute and chronic urticaria and other
types of urticaria.
3 Diagnosis : case history, clinical manifestations.
4 Treatment: removal of possible causes, antihistamines, glucocorticoid, local
therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture.
Teaching period: 3

Chapter 3 Drug Eruption

1 Understand the etiology and pathogenesis.
2 Master the diagnosis , treatment and prevention.
1 Etiology: immune responsiveness and nonimmune responsiveness, common
medications causing drug eruption.
2 Clinical manifestations: the clinical features and complications of ten types of drug
3 Diagnosis : case history, medication history, latent period and clinical
4 Treatment:
⑴ Stop taking possible medication and help wash it out.
⑵ Antihistamines, glucocorticoid.
⑶ Local treatment
⑷ Precautions of serious drug eruption.
Teaching period: 3

Chapter 4 Viral Dermatologic Infections

Section 1 Verruca
1 Understand the etiology of verruca.
2 Master the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of common verruca.
1 Etiology: human papilloma virus.
2 Clinical manifestations: the lesion feature and common location of verruca
vulgaris,verruca plantaris, verruca plana and molluscum contagiosum.
3 Diagnosis : clinical manifestations.
4 Treatment: topical treatment, antiviral agents, Chinese traditional medicine.
Teaching period: 2

Section 2 Herpes Zoster

1 Understand the etiology of herpes zoster.
2 Master the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment.
1 Etiology: varicella-zoster virus,relationship with immune function.
2 Clinical manifestations: prodrome , lesion feature and distribution.
3 Diagnosis : clinical manifestations, symptom and pain preceding the eruption.
4 Treatment: antiviral agents, glucocorticoid ,Chinese traditional medicine.
Teaching period: 1

Chapter 5 Superficial and Deep Mycoses

Section 1 Superficial Mycoses
1 Understand the etiology and epidemiology of tinea capitis, tinea corporis, tinea
cruris, tinea manus, tinea pedis, tinea unguium, etc.
2 Master the clinical features and essentials of therapy of tinea capitis, tinea corporis,
tinea cruris, tinea manus and tinea pedis.
1 Tinea capitis : causative organism, infection route, clinical features, microscopical
examination of hair and scrapings and wood’s lamp examination.
Therapy: haircut, medicine, external treatment.
2 Tinea corporis and tinea cruris: causative organism, infection route, clinical
features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
Therapy: medicine, external treatment.
3 Tinea manus, tinea pedis, tinea unguium and tinea versicolor: causative organism,
clinical features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
Teaching period: 3

Section 2 Deep Mycoses

1 Understand the etiology of candidiasis and sporotrichosis.

2 Know well the clinical features of candidiasis and sporotrichosis.
1 Candidiasis: etiology and clinical manifestations.
2 Sporotrichosis: etiology, infection route, clinical features, diagnosis, therapy and
Teaching period: 2

Chapter 6 Impetigo
1 Know well the etiology of impetigo.
2 Master the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of impetigo.
1 Etiology: S. aureus and streptococci infection.
2 Clinical manifestations: clinical characteristics of impetigo vulgaris, impetigo
bullosa, ecthyma and SSSS.
3 Diagnosis : clinical manifestations, season, age and prevalence.
4 Treatment: ⑴general management ⑵oral drugs: antihistamines ⑶topical therapy
Teaching period: 1

Chapter 7 Erythroderma Desquamativum

Section 1 Psoriasis
1 Understand the etiology of psoriasis.
2 Master the clinical classification of psoriasis and clinical features, diagnosis and
treatment of psoriasis vulgaris.
1 Etiology: heredity, disorders of immunity, incretory changes, metabolism obstacle,
2 Clinical manifestations:
⑴ Clinical characteristics of psoriasis vulgaris.
⑵ Clinical characteristics of psoriasis pustulosa, psoriasis arthropathica and
erythrodermic psoriasis.
3 Diagnosis : clinical manifestations.
4 Treatment: principles of therapy, oral drugs, local treatment and physiotherapy.
Teaching period: 2

Section 2 Pityriasis Rosea

Master the symptoms and treatment of pityriasis rosea
1 Etiology:
2 Clinical manifestations: herald lesion, features of tetter and course.
3 Diagnosis : features of tetter.

4 Differential diagnosis: psoriasis and tinea corporis.
5 Treatment: acesodyne, ultraviolet light therapy and Chinese traditional medicine.
Teaching period: 1

Section 3 Erythema Multiforme

Understand the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of erythema multiforme.
1 Etiology: related to viral and streptococcal infection
2 Clinical manifestations: main sign of skin lesion and course.
3 Diagnosis : clinical features.
4 Differential diagnosis: drug eruption.
5 Treatment: antibiotic, antihistamines, glucocorticoid, etc.
Teaching period: 1

Chapter 8 Scabies
1 Understand the etiology and infection route of scabies.
2 Master the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of scabies.
1 Etiology: the shape and life history of itch mite, transmission route.
2 Clinical manifestations:
⑴ Features of skin lesions: papule, vesicle, nodule.
⑵ Distribution: finger webs, elbows, axillary folds, buttocks, penis, etc.
⑶ Subjective symptoms: severe itching occurring at night.
3 Diagnosis : contact history, clinical symptoms, examination of itch mite.
4 Principles of treatment:
5 Prevention: general hygienic measures, segregation, disinfection.
Teaching period: 1

Chapter 9 Accessory Organs Disease

Section 1 Acne Vulgaris
1 Understand the etiology acne vulgaris.
2 Master the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of acne vulgaris.
1 Etiology: microorganism, sebum, incretion, abnormal corner of hair-follicle and
sebaceous glands.
2 Clinical manifestations:
⑴ Features of skin lesions: blackhead comedone, whitehead comedone, inflammatory
papulae, nodules and abscesses.
⑵ Features of other types
3 Diagnosis : features of skin lesions and common distribution.
4 Treatment: medicine, external agents.

Teaching period: 1

Section2 Seborrheic Dermatitis

Understand the etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
1 Etiology: the relationship between incretion and seborrhea,
2 Clinical manifestations:
3 Diagnosis : clinical features.
4 Differential diagnosis: eczema, psoriasis
5 Principles of treatment
Teaching period: 1

Part 3 Sexually Transmitted Disease

Chapter 1 Condyloma Acuminatum( CA)
1 Understand the etiology and infection route of condyloma acuminatum.
2 Master the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapeutic methods.
1 Etiology:
2 Clinical manifetations: position, features of skin lesions and symptoms.
3 Diagnosis: case history and clinical features.
4 Treatment: local therapy.
Teaching period: 2

Chapter 2 Gonorrhoea
1 Understand the etiology and infection route of gonorrhoea.
2 Master the clinical manifestations and therapeutic methods.
1 The etiology and infection route of gonorrhoea.
2 Clinical manifestations:
⑴Male: acute urethritis and chronic urethritis.
⑵Female: cervicitis and urethritis.
3 Diagnosis:case history, clinical features and laboratory examination.
4 Treatment: antibacterials and review.
Teaching period: 2

Chapter 3 Syphilis
Understand the etiology, infection route, clinical stage ,clinical manifestations,
diagnosis and treatment .

1 Etiology: treponema pallidum(TP), the infection route(acquired syphilis and
congenital syphilis).
2 Clinical manifestations: clinical stage and features.
3 Diagnosis: contact history, clinical manifestations, serological examination and
cerebrospinal fluid examination.
4 Treatment:penicillin, other antibacterials and review.
5 Prevention.
Teaching period: 2

Teaching of Practice
Master the basic diagnosis and therapeutic method and laboratory examination
technique of common dermatoses and sexually transmitted disease.
Teaching period: 42

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