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Daily Q&A Exercise

Date: 16th November 2023

Random 5 Questions:

Question - 1

Q. Agile approaches recommend keeping estimates of size and duration separate by:

A. Using different teams to estimate size and duration.

B. Using different units.

C. Estimating size at the start of an iteration and estimating duration by the end of the iteration.

D. Using historical data to estimate size and using the Agile teams to estimate the duration.

Question - 2

Q. While forming an Agile team for a complex project, which of the following is desirable?

A. Self-organized, cross-functional team.

B. Focus on individual throughput.

C. Specialists for each function.

D. Majority of I-shaped team members.

Question - 3

Q. You were halfway through your project when the product owner left the company. The new
product owner has been assigned to the project but they come from a different part of the business.
What should you do first?

A. Send a copy of all project documents created so far on the project to the new product owner.

B. Don’t engage the product owner until the current iteration finishes and you are ready to
demonstrate the results.

C. Give a detailed progress presentation to the product owner and invite them to the daily standups.

D. Meet with the new product owner and groom the entire product backlog.

Question - 4

Q. A new CEO has taken office and has assigned you an interesting project. The goal of the project is
to identify ways to increase the revenue and/or decrease the costs in a way that the stock price of
the company increases by 100% on an annual basis for the next five years (which is the term of the
new CEO). What might be a problem with this objective?

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Daily Q&A Exercise

A. It is not attainable.

B. It is not time bound.

C. It is not specific.

D. It is not measurable.

Question - 5

Q. A team is currently engaged with a complex software product development. This team has
completed similar projects in the past on a waterfall approach, however this time the team has
decided to try an Agile approach. The team decided to use Agile to deliver this project because:

A. Earlier projects were not successful.

B. The project involves knowledge work and involves learning while delivering value.

C. Earlier projects were not completed under budget.

D. Earlier projects were not completed by the deadlines.

Email: WhatsApp/Call: +919336581252

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