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Revision Questions

1. The gravitational field strength is 2N/kg on the Moon and 10N/kg on the Earth. An astronaut
returns from the moon to the Earth. What effect does this have on the astronaut’s mass and

State which instrument you would use to measure (i) mass (ii) weight

2. A car of mass 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝟎kg travelling at 20m/s 2 is brought to rest in 4s. Find

i. Its velocity, )
ii. The deceleration,
iii. The braking force.

3. What must be the angle of incidence for a ray of light striking a plane mirror if the angle
between the incident and reflected rays is 800?

4a. Define the period of oscillation of a pendulum.

b. Hence, find the period of oscillation of the pendulum if it makes 30 oscillations 15 seconds.

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