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1 Basics

Use the words in the box to complete the dialogues.

:whafs where what I'm is are I'm

1 A:Hi, Kaito.
B: Hello, my name Pedro.
A: Nice to meet you.
2 A: Hello. are you from?
B: I'm from Japan is your name, please?
A: I'm Hans. Pleased to meet you.
3 A: Good to meet you, Svetlana. you from Poland?
B: No, from Russia. your name?
A: I'm Danielle.
2 -
Use the words in the pool to complete the orders.
I Stand
2 Write
3 Turn
4 Close
5 Sit
6 Raise
7 Come
3 Write the words in the correct columns.

Tools Electricals Fixings


ffi. ,.-'?
2 Letters and numbers
1 Wffi Listen and correct the five mistakes on the business card.

Alex Gr/yson : e
Tel:: (0044) (0)1 sA2 AOzgzz
Email: alexol 4 @

2 ffiFfil Listen and complete tlrt' lorrl

Match items 1-10 with the riglrt wot.rls 'l'lttrn match items ii-20.
1 gal a) amp
2 € b) angle/degrt:t'
3 kg c) Celsius
4 A d) euro
5 in e) foot
6 ft f) gallon I

7 km g) gram
8 h) inch
9 g i) kilogram
10 C j) kilometr<,:

11 + k) kilometrcs pt't lrottr

12m l) kilowatt
i3 kw m) litre
14V n) metre
15 kph o) negativt:
16 rpm p) positive 11

17W q) pound
18L r) revolutiorts per minute
19S s) volt
20- t) watt
4 Krtl Mr Martin is buying a car. Listen and write down the facts about the car.
1 Kilometres:12O OOOI{n
2 Engine temperature: Celsius
3 Petrol tank: litres
4 Engine speed: up to rpm
5 Top speed: -"
6 Price: - euros
3 Dates and -times
1 Write the words for these ordinal numbers.
4th fourth 5th
12th 29th
23rd 8th
7th 3 lst
30th 6th
22nd 20th

2 Complete the puzzles.

I Jan 31 Fri
- * Feb 8
January the thirLy-firat ie a Friday, ao February the eiqhth ie a Saturday.
2 Mar 29 Wed * Apr 2

3 Mav 29 Tue - June 3

4 July 30 Thur * Aug 4

5 Sept 28 Mon'Oct 7

6 Nov 27 Thur - Dec 6

3 Use the words in the box to complete the dialogue.

A: the meeting?
B: on Monday.
A: - that Monday 12th?
B: Yes. right.
A: Do you know time?
B: - at l0 o'clock.
A: OK. See you Bye.
B: Bye.
4 Word list

adapter amp {irst listen

antenna angle ,
second lower
bolt Celsius third pick up
cablg oegree lourth put down
chisel euro fifth raise
nut foot sixth read
plug gallon seventh say
saw gram eighth SII

screw inch ninth stand

screwqflver kilogram tenth start
spanner kilometre eleventh stop
washer kilometres per lrour twelfth write
counter. ,
kilowatt thirteenth
flioht ilIre twentieth closed
model' . metre thirtieth dorrn
platform ' : Pouno tn

first name revolutions per mir rutc Excuse me left

surname volt Hello olT

initial(s) watt Good to meet you on

Nice to meet you open
negative Pleased to meet you out
positive right

1 Make up answers to these questions. I lst'worrls from column 2 of the Word list.
How heavy is it? 425 0ram5 kilrr4rams
2 How hot is it?
3 How long is it?
4 How far is it to Dubai?
5 How fast is the car travellinr{'/
6 How fast is the engine turninqr'
7 How much petrol is in the tarrl< /
8 What's the price of the car'/
9 How do you write 225 V in wrtrtls/
1 Naming
1 Write sentences for the pictures

Parts Vehicles
axle deck nose boat motorbike
number plate tail wheel mountain bike plane
racing car rocket

E That'a the wheel of a racina car.

Use the words in the box to correct the sentences.
spanner staple washers

I Thaf, ien't a hammer. That'e a screwdriver.

2 Those aren't screws. Those are naile.
3 Thre-achisel.This
4 washers. These
5 a nail. This \r-
b nuts. These
7 a staple. That's
8 nuts. Those %**
2 Assembling
1 How do you change a car wheel? You need:

a jack, to raise and a box spanner, a spare wheel

lower the car for the nuts
Complete the instructions for the pi<:tures, using the verbs from the box.

put on raise take olf liqlrlcn

I the car with the jack.

2 all the nuts with the box sl);uur('r.
3 all the nuts.
4 - the wheel the axle.
5 - the spare wheel the ;rxlc
6 - all the nuts.
7 - all the nuts with the Llox sl):u r r('r-
8 the car
Write the dialogue lines in the riglrl or.<lcr.
30 mil. How many nails do you nectll Slropl<t:eper:
30 mil, please. ( lrsl()rner:
Hello. Slro1rl<ceper:
I need 80, please. (.uslomer:
Some nails. What size do you ner:tlr' Slropkeeper:
Hello. I need some nails, pleasc. (lustomer:


re!fl Listen to the two phone messages. Correct the mistakes in the names
and numbers.

1 Name: Vladislaw Sczetin Phone number:00 48 920 4516

2 Name: Abdel Mohamed Mabruk Phone number:00 20 537 1490

lBlllt Listen to the two phone messages. Complete the message forms.
Phone number:
Phone- number:

@fl Listen to the dialogue. A

customer is ordering skateboard
parts on the phone. Complete the
order form.






Helmet red yellow blue rarge medium small

Deck reo yellow blue rarge medium small

Pad reo yellow blue rarge medium small

4 Word list

axle bolt assemble large

deck hammer loosen medium
helmet Iever pull small
nose nail push red
pad nut pur yellow
plate screw take blue
tail screwdriver tighten

tr.uck spanner use

wheel' staple


Spelling: there are eight words in tht: Wrrrl lisl with double letters. Write them

Vocabulary gro ups: write the words irr t'olrrnrrr 2 on the correct line.
Tools: hamme\
Things: bolL,
Complete the instructions for skatebo;rrtlirrr{ witlr words from the box.
loosen push put take tighten

Before skateboarding
on the helmet.
it down onto your head.
the helmet strap.
on the pads.
the pads.
After skateboarding V
the pads and thern off.
the helmet strap and olf
the helmet.

Section 1

Complete the dialogues.

. ,:r:t:,
I'm he's that's is do I'm " iie-..'''

1 A: you Maria?
B: Sonia. Maria.
2 A: What you do, Toni?
B: a builder.
3 A: -Carlos a builder?
B: -No, an electrician.
2 Check the information in Students' Book page 9. Write the dates in column 2.

A person writes ... What is the date?

February 1et 2011

1 cLaLre T'arL., t./?/J 1

2 vbky &icaao,3/9,/tl

3 Y.A Tol9a,11/01/U

4 l\ati 5ea++le, t1/\7/7t

5 Director, ISo ceneva, 20LL.07.08

6 Peler BeA;n, lltolll

Work out the sequence of days and dates. Write the missing ones.
1 Monday, May the first
2 Thureday, May Lhe fourLh
3 Sunday, May the seventh
5 Saturday, May the
7 Friday, May the
Section 2
1 Jumbled letters. Write the plural words.
I lotsb bolLe 5 ilsan n-
2 hessraw w- 6 lesax a-
3 wressc o- 7 eatsksarbod o-
4 tuns n_
2 Write two more dialogues, like the example. Use the words from the box.
A: What's this tool called?
B: lt's a spanner.
A: Is it Ior nails?
B: No. It's for nufs.
hammer screws nuts spanner scrcwdriver rrails
A: What's this tool called?
B: It's
A: Is



3 Complete the dialogue with the questiorrs

What's your phone number? Wlrirl's yorrr t'lrrail address?
What's your name? Wlr;rl :;izr'<'rrrtls do you need?
How many do you need? Wh;tl':; yorrr;rcldress and postal code?
When do you want them?
A: Hello. I need to order some busincss r.;rr<ls
B: now many

A: 200, please.

85 millimetres by 55 millimetres.

Stevens, with a V. Initials HC.

14 Havfield Road. Bristol. BR7 4.lK

0117 893462.

It's harry.stevens@oj s. com

Friday, please.

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