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Unit 1 TestAA
1 Test

Vocabulary 4 Zmień zdania twierdzące w zdania przeczące.

1 Peter likes ice cream.
1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij wyrazy.
Peter doesn’t like ice cream.___________
1 2 3 2 We take the bus to school.
3 Amy wears jeans and hoodies.
4 play football on Monday.
4 5 6 ______________________________________
5 You and Jack surf the Internet in the evening.
6 Mum goes shopping on Saturday.
1 belt 4 b____ ______________________________________
2 t________ 5 s____ 5
3 h_____ 6 g______
5 Ułóż pytania w czasie present simple.
1 we / like / cheese?
2 Połącz połówki wyrazów tak, aby powstały Do we like cheese?__________________
nazwy ubrań.
2 Karen / go to / St Paul’s school?
1 ski oes
2 sh ners
3 sho cks 3 I / get up / at seven o’clock?
4 so rt ______________________________________
5 co rts 4 they / watch TV / in the evening?
6 trai at ______________________________________
5 5 you / ride / your bikes / to school?
Grammar 6 when / you / do / your homework?
3 Ułóż zdania twierdzące. ______________________________________
1 go / I / often / skateboarding 5
I often go skateboarding. ______________ Speaking
2 do / our / always / we / homework
______________________________________ 6 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami i wyrażeniami
z ramki.
3 usually / you / red / wear / coat / a
______________________________________ start good idea Let’s Really What about Let me
4 TV / she / watches / sometimes
______________________________________ Jane We need £70 for our trip. What can we do?
5 I / friends / meet / often / my Sue _ What about _ a car boot sale? We can
______________________________________ sell old clothes and make lots of money.
Jane That’s a ______________!
6 Mum and Dad / hardly / tennis / play / ever
The next day ...
Sue What have you got for the sale?
5 Jane
______________ see. There are two
coats and lots of old shirts.
Sue ______________? That’s good.
Jane Well, it’s a ______________, but we need
some jackets and skirts too.
Sue My mum’s got lots of clothes she doesn’t
want. ______________ ask her.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Editable Steps

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press StepsForward
Plus 2 • Unit
Unit1 1Test
TestAA 7 1
Unit 1 TestAA
1 Test

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij zdania. 9 Napisz tekst o swoim koledze lub o swojej
koleżance. Uwzględnij informacje o:
Dogs and cats usually fight. But my dog, • jego/jej rodzinie,
Bob, and my cat, Mimi, are unusual – • jego/jej zainteresowaniach,
they’re best friends! When I take Bob • jego/jej wyglądzie.
outside for a walk, Mimi sits next to the door Podziel swój tekst na trzy akapity.
and waits for us. When she sees Bob, she _______________________________________
runs to him. Bob always likes playing with
Mimi, but he never eats her food. When _______________________________________
Bob goes to sleep, Mimi jumps on his back, _______________________________________
and they go to sleep together. It’s unusual _______________________________________
to see, because Bob is a big, brown dog, _______________________________________
and Mimi is a small, grey cat.
1 Dogs and cats _usually_ fight.
2 Bob and Mimi are _________ friends.
3 Mimi _________ for Bob when he goes for
a walk. _______________________________________
4 Bob and Mimi _________ play together.
5 Bob _________ eats Mimi’s food.
6 Bob and Mimi go to sleep _________.
5 _______________________________________
Listening _______________________________________
8 02 Posłuchaj nagrania. Czy te ubrania
podobają się Sarze i Tomowi? Uzupełnij tabelkę 5
właściwymi znakami: lub .
jacket coat hoodie

Sarah 1
_ _ 3
11 Popatrz na tabelkę. Uzupełnij zdania w formie
twierdzącej lub przeczącej.
2 4 6
Tom _____ _____ _____ play go read
computer swimming magazines
5 games


Jo and I
10 Uzupełnij nazwy czynności poznane Ryan
w rozdziale 1.
1 Amy __doesn’t play __ computer games.
1 s u r f the I n t e r n e t
2 Amy _______________ magazines.
2 r___ a b_k_
3 Amy and Ryan _______________ swimming.
3 p___ f__tb__l
4 Jo and I ________________ swimming.
4 l _ _ _ _ _ to _ u _ _ c
5 Jo and I _______________ magazines.
5 d_ h__e___k
6 Ryan _______________ computer games.
6 w___ a j__k_t

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Editable Steps

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press StepsForward
Plus 2 • Unit
Unit1 1Test
TestAA 8 2
Unit 1 TestBB
1 Test

Vocabulary 4 Zmień zdania twierdzące w zdania przeczące.

1 Peter likes ice cream.
1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij wyrazy.
Peter doesn’t like ice cream.___________
1 2 3 2 We work in a restaurant.
3 Amy speaks Spanish.
4 Mum goes shopping on Saturday.
4 5 6 ______________________________________
5 I dance on Tuesday.
6 You and Jack read magazines.
1 shirt 4 t________
2 h_____ 5 s____
3 s____ 6 b____ 5
5 5 Ułóż pytania w czasie present simple.
2 Połącz połówki wyrazów tak, aby powstały 1 we / like / cheese?
nazwy ubrań. Do we like cheese?__________________
1 glo ners 2 they / watch TV / in the evening?
2 sh rts
3 trai ves
4 be at 3 Tim / go to / St Mark’s school?
5 sho lt ______________________________________
6 co oes 4 I / go to bed / at nine o’clock?
5 ______________________________________
5 when / you / do / your homework?
Grammar ______________________________________
3 Ułóż zdania twierdzące. 6 you / ride / your bikes / to school?
1 go / I / often / skateboarding
I often go skateboarding.____________ 5
2 red / usually / you / wear / coat / a Speaking
6 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami i wyrażeniami
3 always / do / we / our / homework z ramki.
4 friends / I / meet / sometimes / my start good idea Let’s Really What about Let me
5 Mum and Dad / hardly / tennis / play / ever Jane We need £60 for our trip. What can we
_____________________________________ 1
Sue __What about__ a car boot sale? We
6 TV / she / watches / never
can sell clothes and make lots of money.
_____________________________________ 2
Jane That’s a ______________!
5 The next day...
Sue What have you got for the sale?
Jane ______________ see. There are two
skirts and lots of T-shirts.
Sue ______________? That’s good.
Jane Well, it’s a ______________ but we
need some jackets and coats too.
Sue My Aunt’s got lots of clothes she doesn’t
want. ______________ ask her.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Editable Steps

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press StepsForward
Plus 2 • Unit
Unit1 1Test
TestBB 9 1
Unit 1 TestBB
1 Test

Reading Writing
7 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij zdania. 9 Napisz tekst o swoim koledze lub o swojej
koleżance. Uwzględnij informacje o:
Dogs and cats usually fight. But my dog, • jego/jej rodzinie,
Bob, and my cat, Mimi, are unusual – • jego/jej zainteresowaniach,
they’re best friends! When I take Bob • jego/jej wyglądzie.
outside for a walk, Mimi sits next to the door Podziel swój tekst na trzy akapity.
and waits for us. When she sees Bob, she
runs to him. Bob always likes playing with
Mimi, but he never eats her food. When ______________________________________
Bob goes to sleep, Mimi jumps on his back, ______________________________________
and they go to sleep together. It’s unusual ______________________________________
to see, because Bob is a big, brown dog, ______________________________________
and Mimi is a small, grey cat.
1 Dogs and cats _usually _ fight.
2 Bob and Mimi are best _________.
3 Mimi _________ for Bob when he goes for
a walk.
4 Bob likes _________ with Mimi.
5 Mimi _________ on Bob’s back and goes to
6 Bob is a big, _________ dog.
5 ______________________________________
Listening ______________________________________

8 Posłuchaj nagrania. Czy te ubrania

podobają się Sarze i Tomowi? Uzupełnij tabelkę
właściwymi znakami: lub .
jacket coat hoodie

11 Popatrz na tabelkę. Uzupełnij zdania w formie
_ _ 3
_____ twierdzącej lub przeczącej.
play go read
_____ computer swimming magazines
Tom games

Jo and I
10 Uzupełnij nazwy czynności poznane
w rozdziale 1. 1 Amy __doesn’t play __ computer games.
1 s u r f the I n t e r n e t 2 Amy and Ryan ______________ swimming.
2 d_ h__e___k 3 Ryan ______________ magazines.
3 w___ a j__k_t 4 Jo and I ________________ magazines.
4 p___ f__tb__l 5 Jo and I ______________ swimming.
5 r___ a b_k_ 6 Ryan ______________ computer games.
6 l _ _ _ _ _ to _ u _ _ c 5

Total 45 Total 55

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press Editable Steps

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press StepsForward
Plus 2 • Unit
Unit1 1Test
TestBB 10 2
Unit 1 TestCC
1 Test

1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij wyrazy.
1 2 3

1 shirt 2 b____ 3 t_______

4 5 6

4 s____ 5 g_____ 6 h_____


2 Wybierz właściwe zdanie. Zakreśl a lub b.
1 a I often go skateboarding.
b I go often skateboarding.
2 a We do always our homework.
b We always do our homework.
3 a You usually wear a red coat.
b You wear usually a red coat.
4 a He is usually late.
b He usually is late.
5 a She watches sometimes TV.
b She sometimes watches TV.
6 a They hardly ever play tennis.
b They hardly play tennis ever.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Editable Steps
Plus 2 • Unit TestC C 111
Unit1 1Test
Unit 1 TestCC
1 Test

3 Wybierz właściwą formę. Zakreśl a lub b.

1 ________________ like cheese?
a Does we b Do we
2 You ________________ ride your bike to school.
a doesn’t b don’t
3 ________________ watch TV in the evening?
a Do they b Does they
4 When ________________ your homework?
a does you do b do you do
5 Karen ________________ go to Blackwood School?
a doesn’t b don’t
6 We ________________ get up at six o’clock in the morning.
a don’t b doesn’t

4 Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź. Zakreśl a lub b.

Dogs and cats usually fight. But my dog, Bob, and my cat,
Mimi, are best friends! When I take Bob outside for a walk,
Mimi sits next to the door and waits for us. When she sees
Bob, she runs to him. Bob always likes playing with Mimi,
but he never eats her food. When Bob goes to sleep, Mimi
jumps on his back, and they go to sleep together. It’s
unusual to see, because Bob is a big, brown dog, and Mimi
is a small, grey cat.

1 Dogs and cats ____________________ fight.

a usually b don’t usually
2 Bob is a ____________________.
a cat b dog
3 Mimi waits ____________________ the door for Bob.
a next to b outside
4 Bob likes ____________________ with Mimi.
a eating b playing
5 Mimi ____________________ on Bob’s back.
a rides b sleeps
6 Bob is a big, ____________________ dog. 5
a black b grey Total 20

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Editable Steps
Plus 2 • Unit TestC C 212
Unit1 1Test

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