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IGCSE Rubric for coursework Assessment Criteria

Knowledge with understanding (within the context of teaching and guidance) (AO1)

0-4 marks
Describes information in simple geographical terms and shows a tentative grasp of the aims.

5-8 marks
Outlines relevant information using appropriate geographical terms and develops a link between the aims and the key geographical ideas.

9-12 marks
Provides comprehensive information with a careful use of geographical terms and shows a sound grasp of the aims clearly linked to the relevant key geographical ideas. Uses guidance to good effect and makes thorough observations and accurate recordings. Shows initiative in carrying out these tasks with some evidence of collecting information beyond the original design A coherent presentation using a range of appropriate techniques. Individual flair apparent. A thorough interpretation of the data with reasoned explanations and comments Directly relates to the original aims in reaching conclusions. Makes a critical appraisal of the assignment and may recognize its limitations and the difficulties of reaching definite conclusions.

Skills, Analysis and Investigation (a) Observation and collection of data (AO2)

Shows evidence of following basic guidance of the teacher on what to look for and how to record it, with some notion of planning.

Carefully applies basic guidance as explained in the planning of the investigation. Some personal initiative will also be evident.

(b) Organization and Presentation (AO2)

The presentation is loosely ordered and uses at least one technique effectively. Makes descriptive and simple analytical statements about the data. States superficial conclusions showing tenuous links to the original aims.

Analysis (AO3)

Conclusion and Evaluation (AO3)

The presentation is logically ordered using a range of techniques applied competently and selectively. Makes a number of valid statements about the data with some explanations attempted. States tentative conclusions linked to the original aims. Some judgments are substantiated by the information collected. Simple evaluations of the investigation are outlined.

*Bold words are level indicators.

IGCSE Geography

Assignment name: Due date: Criteria assessed: Knowledge Skills Organization Analysis Evaluation

Teacher Comments: Student comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent comment: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________

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