Project 1 - Instructions 2023 - 30

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LEVEL 5 2023-30
Project Title
Video for teachers:

In groups of three, you will research about a social problem in your city, neighborhood,
Description university, and then create a campaign to raise awareness about this problem.
You will carry out an oral presentation showing your campaign.

Procedure for Students

Steps Description Deadline

STEP 1 Setting a context: Work on material step one. Watch the video Week 2 about Mental health awareness campaign and
do the task.
(See material step 1- listening)

Project Introduction: Start your project by analyzing the structure of an

awareness campaign (See material step 1- Structure)
a. Analyze the sample campaign
b. Create the groups
c. Choose your topic

STEP 2 Research and collect information: (Material Step #2- Research) Week 3
Students work in their groups to research about:
a. Problem
b. Type of campaign
c. Expected impact
Create a plan of action: (Material Step #2- Action Plan)
Students work in their groups to define their action plan (Who, what, where,
when, why, how)

STEP 3 Campaigns Application: Week 4

Students apply their campaigns in their contexts and take their evidence
Evidence and Reflection (Material Step #3- Evidence)
Students compile their evidence and reflect on the experience

PPT creation: Students work in groups on ppt creation (See model ppt)

STEP 4 Presentations: Students give their presentations about their campaigns Week 5

Material step 1- listening (Setting a context)

Mental Health Awareness Campaign
Watch the following video and
complete the task below:

1.Why is it so difficult for people with a

mental disorder to communicate how
they feel?

a. Because people might worry what others

b. Because people feel sick
c. Because people are not interested on how
you feel
2.What is the culture of shame about in relation to mental health stigma?

a. Having a mental disorder is ok b. Having a mental disorder is strange

b. c. Having a mental disorder is funny

3. What is the video proposing as a solution to change the mental health stigma?

a. Take these people to the hospital b. Do nothing. That is their problem

c. Not judging and see them as people who are struggling

4. What would be the positive impact of addressing this stigma in the right way?

a. People would feel more comfortable telling others b. People would be cured c. People would
feel very happy

Material step 1- An Awareness Campaign Structure

See how to structure an awareness campaign:

An Awareness Campaign

Start a campaign to identify

early signs of suicide with
surveys on campus and
provide immediate assistance
Mental Health
Mental Health Help students with high
levels of stress because of
exams, by having counseling
sessions and study support

Steps to Build an Awareness Campaign:

Make mental health issues
1. Create the groups: visible by doing a campaign
in the campus where some
students carry a tag to show
people with these problems
Sit with people that might have similar interests or that you consider is are not alone. See video in
willing to participate actively. the link below:
2. Choose the topic:

Choose a topic in relation to a community problem that calls your

attention. It may be related to the major you are studying. Make sure
the topic is not too broad. For example:
Metal Health: Too Broad!
Stress because of exams: Specific (Good!)

3. Research and collect information: (Material Step #2- Research)


a. Research and describe the problem in your community that you want to help and the possible causes:
Well the problem that we are going to help in our community is captivity, pet abandonment and animal abuse of
pets, since not many pets are treated in a good way, so this would affect those pets mentally and physically because
the are also living beings like us.

b. Describe briefly the type of campaign you would like to carry out:
Our campaign would like to carry out on the rescue, good care and safety of all pets victims of abuse

c. Describe the expected impact:

The expected impact that we want is that make people think more on this type of problem that pets and animals have
in our society, also get other people to join the campaign too help more to expand this one.

4. Create a plan of action: (Material Step #2- Action Plan)

Section Information Sample: Health Campaign – Mental health visibility
Who Who do you want to educate/help with your People you want to help with your campaign: Students in
campaign? Your audience the campus with different mental disorders
People you want to educate with your campaign:
The university community for them to have a better
understanding of the mental health phenomenon
What What do you want your audience to learn? -What these mental disorders are about
-That they are not alone
-Offices the can ask for help in the campus
-Strategies to lower your stress during exams time
When When are you launching your campaign? Step #1: We carry out surveys in campus identifying students
How long is it running for? with mental disorders
What is the step by step of your timeline? Step #2: Agree with groups of them to create and use a tag
and carry with them in campus on a specific date.
Step #3: Create a support group in campus where people can
enrol and have support activities
Step #4: Upload a video with the campaign on the social
Step #5: Have an oral presentation in English class to show
the process and results of the campaign.
Where Where are you carrying out your campaign On campus…
on campus?
In your neighbourhood?
Why Why are you running this awareness -To raise awareness about mental disorders in young people
campaign? -To help young students to deal with them
-To make them feel they are not alone
How How are you going to run your campaign? -An in situ activity (Where students carry the tags)
Will you use social media? - An online campaign where the video is shown for all the
Will you use in situ activities? students to know about the problem

Now complete the table with your campaign´s information:

Section Information
Who Who do you want to educate/help with your Animals you want to help with your campaign:
campaign? Your audience Pets in our neighborhood that are on the street or in
houses that give them bad treatment.
People you want to educate with your campaign:
Make people in our neighborhood or city think more on
this type of problem that pets and animals have in our
What What do you want your audience to learn? -teach them more about the good treatment and good care
of our pets, giving some helpful tips.
- also which are the different problems that pets have if
they have a bad care.
- how animals have also feelings.
When When are you launching your campaign? We will lauch ours campaign on this month, and this will
How long is it running for? last 2 months
What is the step by step of your timeline? Step #1: We carry out surveys in ours neighborhoods to
different people, ask for different problems that pets have
with the bad treatment, also asking asking if they know
about people who have this type of treatment to their pets.

Step #2: with that information we will make videos and

photos, exposing these types of problems that affect pets,
and then making people aware of what happens to this

Step #3: Create a support group of the camping to those

people that want to join to the help.

Step #4: Upload a video with the campaign on the social

media, about different tips of how to take good care of
pets .

Step #5: Have an oral presentation in English class to

show the process and results of the campaign
Where Where are you carrying out your campaign In ours neighborhoods.
on campus?
In your neighbourhood?
On a specific part of your campus?
Why Why are running this awareness campaign? Because we feel that there is a bit of injustice to the
treatment or the way in which pets are lived, and some
people don’t care about this situation and that something
really bad, because they are also living beings, they have
feelings like all of us, so we would like to make that
people think more of this situation and how to fix it.
How How are you going to run your campaign? An online campaign where the video is shown for all
Will you use social media? people to know about the problem.
Will you use in-situ activities?

5. Evidence and Reflection (Material Step #3- Evidence)

d. Show the evidence of your campaign: Video, social media, pictures, etc.

e. Share your reflections about this experience:

Examples of awareness campaigns:

1- Recycling and Composting campaign 9- Eating healthy and working out campaign
2- Take care of animals’ campaign 10- Campaign against the use of guns
3- Diversity campaign 11- Campaign to raise awareness of drugs abuse in teens
4- Violence against women campaign 12- Campaign to raise awareness of the danger of using vapes in teens
5- Racism campaign 13- Campaign to raise awareness about early pregnancy and
6- Gender equality campaign 14- Campaign to raise awareness about the risks of social media in teens
7- People with physical disabilities 15- Campaign to raise awareness about the risks of climate change
8- Body weight campaign 16- Campaign to raise awareness about breast cancer

Model ppt:
Slide #1 Topic and title of the project
Slide #2 Members of the group: Names, major and semester
Slide #3 Table of contents
Slide #4 Description of the problem and its causes
Slide #5 Campaign description and expected impact
Slide #6 Action plan
Slide #7 Evidence
Slide #8 Reflections

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