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Your voice,
Your university
Who we are?

Beyond student
Youni is the biggest European platform for
applying to universities worldwide. For high
schools, Youni is the student & the educational
counselor & advisor.
Your Dream
Your dream should be your starting
point and Youni is here to match
your dream with the right:




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Our services

USA Support

USA Standard

USA Advanced

USA Premium
USA Support Package America 945 euro
+ VAT (19%)

CommonApp Application Management Youni will help you apply to 20 universities

University Portal Management

Independent Scholarship Applications CSS Application (Financial aid)

Post-Application Submission of SAT scores | Submission of English Proficiency scores Updates

Administrative Support Documents for Admission | Financial Documents

Letter of Recommendation Guidance
Admission Test Guidance (SAT, TOEFL, IELTS - account
creation, registration, strategic decision based on score)
USA Standard Package America Next page

USA Support Package +

Strategy University Research | University Selection | Deadline Management (Scholarship & Application)

Interview Prep CommonApp Essay CV Feedback

Support Final Decision Final Choice Counseling | Visa Support | Housing Support

4 Backup Universities in Europe (UK and The Netherlands are each considered 1 slot)

(not applicable for

Bonus Applications for Internships, Summer Schools, Volunteering & Conferences final year students)
USA Standard Package America

Starting IX X XI XII Average /

Instalment Instalment Instalment Instalment Total
Year 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12 grade

9 €1000 €900 €800 €800 €3500 €875

10 €1200 €900 €900 €3000 €1000

11 €1250 €1250 €2500 €1250

12 €1700 €1700 €1700

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

USA Advanced Package America Next page

USA Standard Package +

Essays CommonApp (Main Essay, Additional Information Essay, COVID)
Supplemental Essays (20 universities x 4 supplementals = 80 supplemental essays)
Brainstorming and Feedback
Grammar Check and Vocabulary Improvement

6 Backup Universities in Europe (UK and The Netherlands are each considered 1 slot)

5 SAT Sessions

(not applicable for

Bonus Applications for Internships, Summer Schools, Volunteering & Conferences final year students)
USA Advanced Package America

Starting IX X XI XII Average /

Instalment Instalment Instalment Instalment Total
Year 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12 grade

9 €1200 €1200 €1000 €1000 €4400 €1100

10 €1500 €1200 €1200 €3900 €1300

11 €1600 €1600 €3200 €1600

12 €2500 €2500 €2500

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

USA Premium Package America Next page

USA Advanced Package +

Choose Your Own Consultant 10 SAT Sessions (5 English, 5 Math)

9 Backup Universities in Europe (UK and The Netherlands are each considered 1 slot)

(not applicable for

Bonus Applications for Internships, Summer Schools, Volunteering & Conferences final year students)
USA Premium Package America

Starting IX X XI XII Average /

Instalment Instalment Instalment Instalment Total
Year 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12 grade

9 €1500 €1500 €1000 €1000 €5000 €1250

10 €1700 €1400 €1400 €4500 €1500

11 €2000 €2000 €4000 €2000

12 €3000 €3000 €3000

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

Prices - USA Overview America

Starting USA Support USA Standard USA Advanced USA Premium

Year Package Package Package Package

12 €945 €1700 €2500 €3000

11 €2500 €3200 €4000

10 €3000 €3900 €4500

9 €3500 €4400 €5000

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

Our services


Europe Support

Europe Standard

Europe Premium
Europe Support Package Europe 480 euro
+ VAT (19%)

Application Management 7 universities and programs

All applications in Netherlands and UK are counted as
one application

Independent Scholarship Applications

Administrative Support Documents for Admission

Financial Documents
Letter of Recommendation Guidance
Admission Test Guidance (SAT, TOEFL, IELTS - account
creation, registration, strategic decision based on score)

Bonus Money refunded if student does not get accepted to any university
Europe Standard Package Europe Next page

Europe Support Package +

Application Management Up to 9 universities Interview Prep CV Feedback

Strategy University Research | University Selection | Deadline Management (Scholarship & Application)

Essays All essays | Brainstorming and Feedback | Grammar Check and Vocabulary Improvement

Support Final Decision Final Choice Counseling | Visa Support | Housing Support

(not applicable for

Bonus Applications for Internships, Summer Schools, Volunteering & Conferences final year students)

Bonus Support Package Price Money refunded if student does not get accepted to any university
Europe Standard Package Europe

Starting IX X XI XII Average /

Instalment Instalment Instalment Instalment Total
Year 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12 grade

9 €850 €850 €400 €400 €2500 €625

10 €900 €500 €500 €1900 €633

11 €650 €650 €1300 €650

12 €800 €800 €800

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

Europe Premium Package Europe Next page

Europe Standard Package +

Application Management Up to 11 universities

Choose Your Own Consultant

5 SAT Sessions (Math or English)

(not applicable for

Bonus Applications for Internships, Summer Schools, Volunteering & Conferences final year students)
Europe Premium Package Europe

Starting IX X XI XII Average /

Instalment Instalment Instalment Instalment Total
Year 9 grade 10 grade 11 grade 12 grade

9 €1050 €950 €850 €750 €3600 €900

10 €1100 €1000 €900 €3000 €1000

11 €1250 €1250 €2500 €1250

12 €1500 €1500 €1500

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

Prices - Europe Overview Europe

Starting Europe Support Europe Standard Europe Premium

Year Package Package Package

12 €480 €800 €1500

11 €1300 €2500

10 €1900 €3000

9 €2500 €3600

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

Our services


Personal Ed Counselor

Essay Prep

Custom 4 Youth
Personal Ed Counselor Consultancy 800 euro
+ VAT (19%)

At least ten 1-1 sessions You will have minimum 10 meetings with your personal counselor

Guidance You will receive guidance for internships, activities & camps

Summer Camps Application to 2 summer camps

Internships Application for 3 internships

Youni 4 Youth You will be part of the Youni 4 Youth team

Events Participation at 7 Youni4Youth events

Duration 10 months period

Essay Prep Consultancy

Grammar Check Vocabulary Support Support on ideas and feedback

USA €1000 Support for all essays for US

Europe €300 Support for all essays for Europe

1 Essay €150 Any essay

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

Custom 4 Youth Consultancy 200 euro
+ VAT (19%)

Youni allows you to make your custom package!

Five 1 hour sessions with personal counselor or One session at a time €50 + VAT

Possible topics for the 5 sessions:

Choosing your university Criteria and Eligibility Filling and sending the application Behind the scenes

Personalized research For Universities & Programs Motivation Letter, Essay or Video Presentation

Admission file checkup What is needed and why? Briefing What happens after sending the application

Admission exams, Interviews or portfolio What, How and Why

Extra Costs Consultancy

If you’re in need of extra services, you can always choose an extra option.

Extra slot for university application limit: €100 / University

Multiple installments +5% per extra instalment

Our services

Prep Center
SAT Math / English Prep Prep Center

Amount without Amount with Amount with

Package Description
VAT VAT VAT / session

€45 25 sessions of 3
Prep Package 25 €940 €1120
~220 RON hours

€47 15 sessions of 3
Prep Package 15 €590 €703
~230 RON hours

€49 10 sessions of 3
Prep Package 10 €410 €490
~240 RON hours

Prep 1 1 session of 3 hours
~250 RON

Prices are in Euro without VAT (19%)

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