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First Name: Debora
Surname: Musonda
NRC No: 438321/67/1
Date of Birth: 05October, 1989
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Religion: Christian
Nationality: Zambian
Contact Details: +260 968 333 284/+260 977366699

Very hardworking, honest and dependable young lady, with good nursing skills, willing to learn,
also a team participant, ready to adapt and adjust to a new environment professionally and
socially and able to work in multi-cultural environments.

2004-2006: Senior Secondary School Certificate Obtained from Ndeke High School, Kitwe.
2002-2003: Junior Secondary School Certificate obtained from Mano Basic School, Mufulira.


2019: ART Nurse -USAID Health Discover at Kabwe Hub: Coordinated District ART activities and
conducted field contact reviews & offered numerous Health Education-Attachments, on part
time basis.
2018- 2019 Dec – Mahatma Gandhi Clinic as Nurse, Midwife, Nurse prescriber and male
circumcision provider.
2018: Health Inspector- Chibombo District Council: Conducted Field Health Inspections of
premises, facilities and institutions in line with Public Health Act: Attachments
2018: Occupational Health attachments with Chibombo District Council where field inspections
on Healthy and safety of Farm Laborers was conducted.
2012-2018: Nurse – Chibombo Rural Health Centre as Nurse, Nurse prescriber at ART, midwife
at Maternity ward, pediatric ART coordinator, child Health Department focal point person, male
circumcision provider, coordinator youth friendly corner.
2019-date: -Community and Public Health nurse at konkola copper mine plc, Art nurse, public
health activities, malaria surveillance, male circumcision, community out reach,quality control,
school health services, health education, inspection of premises and community sensitization,
supervising community health workers on community health activities, contact tracing of
notifiable diseases like TB. Mobilization of community health workers in managing cases.

2014-2018 – Bachelor of Sciences Degree (BSC.PH) in Public Health at University of Lusaka
2010-2012: General Certificate in Nursing Obtained at Agape School of Nursing Kabwe
2008-2009 – Certificate in Purchasing and Supply at NIEC School 0f Business &Management


 Participated in the National Malaria Field Research
 Participated in the Peer Mobilization, Health Education, & Cholera Control Research
 Participated in Pitman Research on the Main HIV/AIDS drivers in Chibombo District
 Male circumcision
 Adolescent’s sexual Reproductive health


 SMART care training

 PMTCT, Pediatric and Adult ART, Counseling, help babies breath, TB and PREP.

I served as male circumcision provider since 20 12, I served as youth friendly corner coordinator
providing youth friendly services(family planning, male circumcision and hiv testing and
counseling) I used to link youth to these services, often times adolescents shun away from
these services because they are judged, so they need people that can understand them and
help them in information provision so that they make right decisions, this was my job in 2015
we used to engage the youths in social life skills to change behavior and make them active like
gardening .I have been oriented in long term and short term family planning insertion of jadelle,
inplanon and Intrauterine device and I have worked at the MCH since 2012, I worked with
maries stopes in family planning provision, I was a focal point person in child health department
in 2016. I have worked in the maternity ward for 7 years of which am not a mid-wife. I was a
Youth friendly corner coordinator in 2015 and linking youths to male circumcision.I was child
health department coordinator in 2016-2017, assessing nutrition status of children, managing
mild malnutrition and referring complicated cases, working with community in following up
babies at all stages of their lives, doing cookery demonstrations on how to prepare the food for
I do male circumcision provision I have worked with ZPCT, SAFE, JHPIEGO, DISCOVER HEALTH,
PLAN ZAMBIA, SPEAR AND SHIELD on part time basis and I am attached to CHAZ now that I am
with KCM.
I am so much dependable, reliable and work under minimal supervision. I am well organized, I
do duties on time and working under pressure is not a problem for me. I am able to adapt to
any environment and I am able to work in any cultural setting.

Bemba, Lenje, Tonga ,Chewa and English

 Works at maternal child health department administering family planning long term
and short term.
 Labour ward as midwife and nurse counsellor, initiation of HIV treatment and giving
prophylaxis to exposed infants.
 ART as nurse prescriber and clinician.
 Male circumcision linking males from mc to counselling and testing.


 Smart care user in all departments.

 Male circumcision provider.
 Community and public health nurse.
 Public health activities .
 Malaria surveillance.
 General health educator
 Inspections of premises, work place

Caring for the less privileged, going to Church, Singing, reading, interacting with people from
diverse culture and learning new things.

 Mrs. Banda : Nursing Officer Mahatma Gandhi Kabwe Zambia Cell No: +260 979 308 786
 Mr. Samakao Misheck : Deputy Dean of Students Nkrumah University Cell No: +260 977 376
 Mr. Mark Phiri Pastor: Central Zambia Conference (SDA Church) Kabwe Zambia Cell No: +260
977 402 719.
 Mr John Chila: coordinator at USAID Discover health Kabwe Hub: 0978603749

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