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‫ ص‬11:36 2023/‫‏‬9/‫‏‬15 Weekly challenge 1* | Coursera*

*Weekly challenge 1* English Due Sep 18, 12:59 AM EEST

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Problem-solving and effective


Take action with data

Solve problems with data opportunities.

*Weekly challenge 1*
1. Fill in the bank: One goal of structured thinking is organizing the available information to reveal _____ and 1 point

Quiz • 40 min
Craft effective questions
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*Weekly challenge 1*
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8 questions
Due Sep 18, 12:59 AM EEST Attempts 3 every 24 hours

2. Fill in the blank: One thing a data analyst could do in the share step of the data analysis process is to _____ their 1 point
results using data visualizations.
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3. A national chain of sporting goods stores advertises during popular sporting television broadcasts. This is an 1 point
example of the company doing what?

Defining the problem to be solved

Reaching its target audience

Monitoring social feedback

Demonstrating its support for a sports team

4. A company wants to make more informed decisions regarding next year’s business strategy. An analyst uses data 1 point
to help identify how things will likely work out in the future. This is an example of which problem type?

Making predictions

Identifying themes

Spotting something unusual

Discovering connections

5. Describe the key difference between the problem types of categorizing things and identifying themes. 1 point

Categorizing things involves assigning grades to items. Identifying themes involves creating new
classifications for items.

Categorizing things involves determining how items are different from each other. Identifying themes brings
different items back together in a single group.

Categorizing things involves assigning items to categories. Identifying themes takes those categories a step
further, grouping them into broader themes.

Categorizing things involves taking inventory of items. Identifying themes deals with creating labels for

6. Which of the following examples are closed-ended questions? Select all that apply. 1 point

How tall are you?

Have you taken this class before?

What is your opinion of the new movie?

What did you think about the article that I sent you?

7. The question, “Why was the Monday afternoon yoga class successful?” is not measurable. Which of the following 1 point
questions presents a measurable way to learn about the yoga class?

Is yoga a great way to stretch and strengthen your body?

How many customers responded to our recent half-price yoga promotion?

Why do people like taking yoga classes on Mondays?

Do yoga instructors seem more energetic at the beginning of the week?

8. Fill in the blank: Questions that make assumptions or suggest that a given answer is correct are examples of _____ 1 point





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