(AC-S16) Week 16 - AndreaRuizChero

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Nombre del estudiante: Andrea

Ruiz Chero.
Hello, my name is Andrea Ruiz Chero, I am 17
years old and I study at the Technological
University of Peru. In this opportunity, thanks
to some good decisions, my friend Noemi and I
have opened a grill restaurant, which, thank God,
is going very well for us. in the city, it is very
successful, many people recommend us to their
family and friends.

At the beginning Noemi and I had many

differences between the two of us because we
had different references, but we do share a
great love and passion for cooking, we share our
same tradition since we are both Peruvian. A
great interest that we have in common is to go
very far with our restaurant to open new
businesses in another side of the city and in
other countries if God wants and allows us.

Our preferences are the same because we

always prefer good service and the good taste
of the clients and we take any recommendation
in a good way to continue improving and one of
the best restaurants in the country.

Thank you very much for your attention!!! See

you soon, take care and kisses.

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