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Facultad de contaduría pública y administración

Actividad de clase .

Grupo 3FI

Sergio Higmbler Guerra Luna

Aguilar Reyes Benjamin - 1968446

Alvarado Torres Angel Adolfo – 1898079

Alvarez González Axel Karim – 2134141

Álvarez Rodríguez Alejandra Lizeth - 2063659

Avilán González Dana Paola - 2053087


Blockchain technology is a decentralized distributed registration system that has gained

prominence thanks to its application in cryptocurrencies, especially in Bitcoin. However,
its usefulness extends beyond digital transactions and has become a significant
innovation in various sectors.

In its essence, the blockchain is a chain of connected blocks, where each block
contains information and has a cryptographic link with the previous block. This chained
structure provides security and transparency to the information stored in it.

One of the key concepts of blockchain is its decentralization. Unlike traditional systems,
which depend on a central authority to validate and maintain records, the blockchain
operates on a network of distributed nodes. Each node on the network has a complete
copy of the registry, and for a transaction to be valid, most nodes must agree. This
decentralization reduces the risk of data manipulation or corruption, since there is not a
single point of failure.

Security on the blockchain is achieved through cryptographic algorithms. Each block

contains a unique code called "hash" that is generated from the information contained in
that block and the hash of the previous block. If someone tries to alter a block, it will
change its hash and, therefore, it will affect all the following blocks. This makes data
manipulation extremely difficult and expensive, since it would require the modification of
all the blocks of the chain, which is practically impossible in a decentralized network.

The best known use of blockchain is in cryptocurrencies. In the case of Bitcoin, for
example, the blockchain records all cryptocurrency transactions in a transparent and
secure way. Anyone can verify the validity of a transaction by reviewing the blockchain,
which eliminates the need to trust a central entity.

In addition to cryptocurrencies, blockchain is being used in various industries. In the

financial field, it is used to streamline and make transparent the settlement and clearing
processes. In the supply chain, it is used to track the origin and distribution of products,
ensuring authenticity and quality. It is also applied in smart contracts, which are self-
executing agreements with rules programmed in the blockchain, eliminating the need for
The blockchain, however, is not without challenges. Scalability, interoperability and
privacy issues are aspects that the blockchain community seeks to address in order to
achieve more widespread adoption.

In short, blockchain is a revolutionary technology that has changed the way we

conceive and manage information and transactions. Its decentralization and security
make it a powerful tool with the potential to transform a variety of industries and aspects
of our daily lives

Blockchain related with the logistics process

The logistics industry has witnessed a transformative impact through the integration of
blockchain technology. This essay explores the symbiotic relationship between
blockchain and the logistics process, with a focus on key ideas that underscore the
effects of this integration.

Transparency is fundamentally enhanced by the integration of blockchain. The

decentralized nature of blockchain facilitates the recording of each transaction and
movement of goods in a secure and transparent manner, creating a shared and
immutable ledger. This transparency minimizes the risk of discrepancies and
inaccuracies, providing all stakeholders with real-time access to a single version of the
truth. Consequently, the logistics process becomes more accountable and efficient, as
data is systematically recorded, emphasizing the comprehensive and accurate
representation of the entire supply chain.

Automation is another pivotal dimension of the blockchain-logistics nexus. Through the

implementation of smart contracts, self-executing agreements with predefined
conditions, the logistics process can be automated with precision. This automation
reduces the need for intermediaries and manual interventions, thereby streamlining
operations and minimizing delays. As the secure and tamper-resistant nature of
blockchain significantly contributes to data integrity and trust within the logistics
ecosystem. Each block in the blockchain contains a cryptographic hash of the previous
block, creating an immutable chain of information. This cryptographic framework
ensures that once data is recorded, it cannot be altered retroactively. Consequently,
stakeholders across the supply chain can have confidence in the authenticity and
accuracy of the information at every stage. The impersonal tone in describing this
attribute underscores its universal application and benefit to the logistics industry as a

The departments the Blockchain gets along with are:

 Transparency
 Security
 Traceability
 Smart Contracts
 Decentralization
 Data Integrity
 Cost Reduction
 Audibility
Why is blockchain important to implement?

Because Blockchain helps in the verification and traceability of multistep transactions

needing verification and traceability. It can provide secure transactions, reduce
compliance costs, and speed up data transfer processing. Blockchain technology can
help contract management and audit the origin of a product. It also can be used in
voting platforms and managing titles and deeds.
Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize numerous sectors, including
finance, supply chain management, healthcare, voting systems, and more. It enables
secure and transparent peer-to-peer transactions, eliminates the need for
intermediaries, and provides a new level of trust and efficiency in various processes.

Blockchain benefits in an organization

The use of blockchain can offer several benefits to a company, including:

 Security: Blockchain technology uses advanced cryptography to ensure data

security, which reduces the risk of fraud and cyber attacks.

 Transparency: The blockchain provides an immutable and transparent record

of all transactions, which improves trust between the parties involved.

 Efficiency in supply chain management – Enables more accurate and faster

tracking of products along the supply chain, which can reduce costs and
improve efficiency.

 Reduction of intermediaries: By eliminating the need for intermediaries in

some transactions, such as payments, companies can reduce costs and
streamline processes.

 Smart Contracts: The automation of contracts using smart contracts in

blockchain can simplify and streamline processes, eliminating the need for
intermediaries and reducing errors.

 Faster access to financing: By issuing tokens, companies can access

financing more quickly and directly, without relying so much on traditional
financial institutions.

 Improvement in traceability: Blockchain technology facilitates the traceability

of products, which is especially valuable in sectors such as food or
pharmaceutical, where it is crucial to know the origin and route of products.

 Corporate Governance: Facilitates the implementation of transparent and

audible corporate governance practices, since all transactions are immutably
These benefits may vary depending on the industry and the specific application, but
in general, blockchain offers significant potential to improve efficiency and security in
various business operations.
Challenges to implement

One of the biggest challenges of blockchain implementation is scalability. As the

number of users and transactions grows, the size of the blockchain increases, making it
difficult to manage and process. This can limit the scalability of applications and
networks, making it difficult to support a growing number of users. To address this
challenge, companies and organizations can develop ways to reduce the size of the
blockchain and increase the speed at which transactions are processed.

Another challenge posed by blockchain implementation is cost. Implementing a

blockchain solution requires significant upfront investments, including hardware and
software costs, as well as ongoing maintenance and support costs. To reduce costs,
companies and organizations can look for ways to streamline the deployment process,
such as leveraging existing infrastructure or adopting a staged deployment approach.

Process time and power

Energy consumption is another challenge when adopting this technology as it, for the
most part, follows the infrastructure of the virtual currency bitcoin using Proof of Work as
a consensus algorithm. To keep the system running, mining will require a lot of
computing power.
That is, mining will require your computer to solve complex equations, which will require
a lot of electrical power. If we translate it to the daily processing of large volumes of
data, this management is quite expensive.

The public system that powers the blockchain means that it does not get along very well
with privacy. This is a big problem for companies that handle sensitive data and need to
have very defined boundaries since their customers trust them. But, if the data is stored
in a huge public system, how to provide this with privacy? It seems that the only solution
is to change the registries to limit access to the data, a challenge that has yet to be

In relation to the previous point about energy management. If mining requires a large
amount of electricity, it makes this system very unfriendly to the environment, urgently
needing a new, more sustainable power source.

Legal regulation
Although many organizations are already using blockchain as a means of transaction,
there is no specific regulation in this regard and this is a problem. Although this
technology guarantees visibility as one of its great benefits, you will never know if it is
safe or not for you.
The blockchain eliminates the need for a central server to store transactions and device
IDs, but the data must be stored on the same nodes, or it causes it to increase in size
as time passes. In the end it will surpass the needs of the smart devices that exist
today, such as sensors, whose storage capacity is very low.

Benjamin Aguilar Reyes 1967446

So in this quick activity that we made, we were able to identify what a blockchain is and
the benefits that it can give to the logistics of a company, as far as blockchain goes it
provides a company with some feeling of security, and well not just the feeling let me
clarify, it does provide with security. The visualization of the problem that it can provide
to a company is very astonishing, the idea that millions of data of information can be
gathered in such a little thing is mind blowing. The implementation of the blockchain into
the logistics of a company really improve how the logistics move, and well a blockchain
is a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records,
called blocks. These blocks are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a
cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. A
blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger that is used to record
transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively
without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network.

Angel Adolfo Alvarado Torres-1898079

Supply chain visibility is elevated through blockchain integration, enabling real-time
tracking and traceability of goods. By assigning unique identifiers to each product or
batch and recording their movements on the blockchain, comprehensive insights into
the entire supply chain lifecycle are gained. This visibility is paramount for quick issue
resolution, minimizing the impact of disruptions, and optimizing inventory management.
The impersonal construction reinforces the idea that this visibility is a systemic
improvement, not contingent on individual actions; which get along with the security
concerns. In a perennial challenge in logistics, are addressed by blockchain’s
cryptographic protocols. The encrypted nature of data in the blockchain ensures that
only authorized parties have access to sensitive information. This heightened security
minimizes the risk of data breaches, cyber attacks, and fraudulent activities. The
impersonal tone in discussing security highlights the systemic benefit, emphasizing the
broader impact on the logistics process rather than attributing security solely to specific
entities. Adding the integration of blockchain technology into the logistics process
represents a paradigm shift, bringing about enhanced transparency, automation, data
integrity, supply chain visibility, and security. The use of the impersonal passive voice
underscores the systemic nature of these improvements, positioning blockchain as a
catalyst for positive transformation across the logistics landscape. As this integration
continues to evolve, the logistics industry stands to benefit from a more efficient, secure,
and interconnected supply chain ecosystem.

Axel Karim Alvarez Gonzalez 2134141

In conclusion, blockchain technology has emerged as an innovative distributed
registration paradigm that offers a decentralized, secure and transparent solution for the
storage of information and the execution of transactions. Its most prominent application
in cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, has challenged traditional conventions by
eliminating the need for a central trusted entity.

The strength of the blockchain lies in its chain structure, where each block is linked
through cryptography, guaranteeing the integrity and immutability of the data. The
decentralization inherent in this technology provides resistance to manipulation and
reduces the risks associated with single points of failure.

However, despite its benefits, the blockchain faces significant challenges, such as
scalability and interoperability, which must be addressed in order for its adoption to
become widespread. In addition, successful implementation in various sectors requires
the overcoming of technical barriers and the consideration of regulatory and privacy

In the current landscape, the blockchain has not only transformed finance with
cryptocurrencies, but has also found application in the supply chain, asset
management, smart contracts and more. Its disruptive potential continues to be
explored by companies and innovators who seek to optimize processes, increase
transparency and redefine business relationships.

In short, the blockchain represents a significant evolution in the way we conceive and
manage information and transactions. As technology continues to evolve, its
applications are likely to expand, offering innovative solutions in multiple sectors and
contributing to the configuration of a more decentralized and efficient digital future.

Alejandra Lizeth Álvarez Rodríguez. 2063659.

In conclusion, blockchain is an innovative technology that offers transparency, security

and decentralization in transactions. Its ability to provide an immutable and distributed
ledger has the potential to transform various industries, although it also presents
challenges and considerations, such as scalability and widespread adoption.
The relevance of the blockchain lies in its ability to provide a secure, transparent and
decentralized record of transactions. This has significant applications in various
industries such as finance, supply chain, healthcare and more. Blockchain technology
can improve efficiency, reduce costs, prevent fraud and build trust between parties
without the need for intermediaries. As adoption continues, its relevance continues to
grow in the search for safer and more efficient solutions.

Dana Paola Avilan Gonzalez

In conclusion, blockchain is reshaping the logistics industry by addressing challenges
like inefficiency, trust issues, and security concerns through its decentralized and
transparent nature. It provides a secure and unchangeable ledger, improving
traceability, reducing fraud, and streamlining supply chain processes. The use of smart
contracts further enhances efficiency by automating and enforcing agreements. Despite
existing challenges such as scalability and regulatory issues, the potential benefits
make blockchain a promising solution for transforming logistics and supply chain
management. The technology's maturation and widespread adoption are expected to
drive innovation and improve overall efficiency in the logistics industry.

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