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The Island Arc (1994) 3, 522-537

Thematic Article
Summary of taxa and morphological adaptations of the Desmostylia
'Department cf Anatomy, University of Tokyo, Faculty of Medicine, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 11 3, Japan,
2Department of Anatomy, Howard University, 520 W Street NW, Washington, DC 20059, USA and 3Department
of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, USA

Abstract Desmostylians from the Pacific coasts of Japan and North America are compared and
taxonomy and adaptations in the mammalian order Desmostylia discussed. The taxonomy is
based mainly on teeth and skulls. Feeding adaptations and habitat are discussed using teeth and
restored skeletons, respectively. In the extinct order two families, six genera and 10 species can
now be recognized. Each genus is distinguished by a set of tooth characters. The three species
of the genus Paleoparadoxia have different body sizes. Two species of the genus Desmostylus
can be distinguished on morphological differences in the cranium. As a result it is clear that both
species, D. hesperus, which had long been recognized only in North America, and D. japonicus,
which has hitherto been recognized only in Japan, inhabited both coasts of the Pacific. All genera
of the Order Desmostylia share a common and distinctive body form, interpreted by Inuzuka as
having a laterally placed limb posture. Based on this body form, the optimum habitat is thought
to have been an intertidal sandy beach. The dental morphology is variable, and derived species
show an adaptation for wear by an abrasive diet. In conclusion, we theorize that the Order
Desmostylia was adapted for a coastal habitat from its inception, with each genus adapting to a
different sort of herbivorous diet.

Key words: adaptations, Behemotops, Cornwallius, Desmostylia, Desmostylus, evolution,

Kronokotheriurn, Paleoparadoxia, taxonomy, Vanderhoojius.

The higher classification of mammals has recently 1888), was most often placed by many authors in
received much reconsideration in the context of the Order Sirenia, though other authors placed it
mammalian paleontology. The Order Desmostylia among the proboscideans, multituberculates and
was once included in Paenungulata (Simpson 1945) elsewhere, as shown in Table 1. However, because
or Subungulata (Romer 1966). McKenna (1975) the genus has many characters different from those
erected the Mirorder Tethytheria including only of other sirenians, it has been given increasing
three Orders, Proboscidea, Sirenia and Desmostylia. taxonomic isolation: the Family Desmostylidae
Domning et al. (1986), Tassy and Shoshani (1988) (Osborn 1905), Suborder Desmostyliformes (Hay
and others have also included the Desmostylia in the 1915) within the Order Sirenia, a Suborder Desmo-
Tethytheria. Thewissen and Domning (1992) dontia within the Order Multituberculata (Kishida
grouped these three orders, plus Perissodactyla and 1933), or an Order Desmostyloidea (Abel 1933) in
Hyracoidea, to make the Mirorder Pantomesaxonia; the Subclass Multituberculata. I t finally became the
however, they were unable to resolve the relation- basis of the independent Order Desmostylia (Rein-
ships within the Pantomesaxonia. hart 1953). However, the relation between the
Despite prolonged discussion, the taxonomic Order Desmostylia and other orders has never been
position of the Order Desmostylia is still unsettled. clarified (see Domning et al. 1986; Ray et al.
The type genus of the order, Desmostylus (Marsh 1994).
Taxa and adaptations of Desmostylia 523
Table 1 Opinions on the taxonomic affinities of the desmostylians.
Sirenia Proboscidea Multituberculata Monotremata Ungulates Desmostylia
1888 Marsh
1891 Flower and Lydekker
1902 Osborn
1902 Yoshiwara and
1905 Osborn
1906 Merriam
1910 Osborn
1914 Yatsu Abel
1915 Hay Tokunaga
1918 Matsumoto
1919 Abel
1922 Hannibal Abel Abel
1923 Hay
1925 Schlosser
1927 Sone Honda
1928 Weber
1933 Kishida Romer
1934 Tokunaga
1937 Vanderhoof Ijiri
1938 Sickenberg
1938 Ijiri
1941 Nagao
1944 Naora
1945 Simpson
1945 Romer
1951 Gregory
1953 Reinhart
1955 Colbert
1958 Dechaseaux
1961 Ijiri and Kamei
1964 Mitchell
1966 Shikama
1966 Romer
1968 Thenius
1971 Olson Kurt&
1975 McKenna
1978 Starck
1984 Inuzuka
1986 Domning et al.

In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to TAXONOMY

know the characteristics of the Order Desmostylia.
For this purpose, characters of each genus and The name of the extinct mammalian order Desmo-
species belonging to the order must be set forth. In stylia is derived from the bundled columnar shape
the present paper we reconsider all known genera of the molar cusps in the advanced taxa. Cheek
and species of the order and attempt to redefine teeth of Behernotops Domning, Ray and McKenna,
them and identify distinguishing characters. 1986, however, which is the most primitive known
The abbreviations used in this paper are as genus in the order and has only recently been
follows: GSJ, Geological Survey of Japan, Tsukuba; discovered, are bunodont and do not have columnar
LACM, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles cusps. Therefore, this order cannot be defined by
County, Los Angeles, California; PV, National Sci- means of molar shape. In the original description
ence Museum, Tokyo; UCMP, University of Califor- of the genus Behemotops, the basis on which this
nia Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley; UHR, De- taxon is referred to the order is its possession of
partment of Geology and Mineralogy, Hokkaido fused roots on P, and, possibly, a postzygomatic
University, Sapporo; USNM, US National Museum foramen connecting the temporal fossa with the
of Natural History, Washington, DC. external auditory meatus.
524 N. Inuxuka et al.

However, Behemotops also shares some charac- are represented by only a few specimens, and it is
ters of its postcranial morphology in common with possible that they are synonyms of Desmostylus.
advanced forms like Paleoparadoxia (Reinhart Fossil desmostylians are only found near the
1959) and Desmostylus. For example, they share a coasts of the North Pacific and from the Late
flat and broad sternum, a medially twisted tibia, Oligocene to the late Middle Miocene. Behemotops
and an inwardly inclined calcaneal tuber. There- and Cornwallius are Oligocene and the other gen-
fore, these features of the postcranial skeleton era are Miocene. Desmostylus, Paleoparadoxia
should be selected as characters defining the order. and Behemotops occur on both coasts of the Pacific
The order is further characterized by the follow- Ocean, Cornwallius and Vanderhoojius are known
ing morphological features: dorsally protruding only from the west coast of North America and
orbits; short cranial base; long paroccipital process; Kronokotherium is known only from the Kam-
broadened muzzle with transversely aligned inci- chatka Peninsula (Fig. 1).
sors; enlargement of lower canine to form a proc- Each genus in the Order Desmostylia can be
umbent tusk; upper molars with more than five distinguished by molar shape and the number of
cusps; funnel-shaped and ventrocaudally directed lower incisors (Table 2). Only the most primitive,
epitympanic sinus; epitympanic sinus, postzygo- Behernotops, has bunodont teeth; other, more ad-
matic foramen and anterior squamosal foramen vanced forms have stylodont teeth. In Paleopara-
opening into temporal fossa; shortened cervical doxia the cusp (column) retains a small diameter
vertebrae; compressed humeral shaft; large olecra- and thin enamel. In Cornwallius the cusp is
non of the ulna; fused and parallel radius and ulna thicker and has thick enamel but retains a low
in adult; concave radial and convex ulnar distal crown height. The molars of Desmostylus,
articular surfaces; anteroposteriorly flattened fem- Vanderhoojius and Kronokotherium have higher
oral shaft; low greater trochanter; well-developed crowns and more cusps than those of the other
lesser trochanter; nearly flat patellar surface; thick genera.
patella; marked and laterally inclined tibia1 tuber- Vanderhoojius cannot be distinguished from
osity; anterolaterally inclined distal articular sur- Desmostylus on molar shape, but acccording to
face of tibia; fibula much shorter than tibia. the original description of Reinhart (1959),
The Order Desmostylia includes a t least two Vanderhoojius has no lower incisors, in contrast to
families, containing possibly six genera and 10 Desmostylus, which has a pair of lower incisors.
species, and these can be classified as follows: However, the only known mandibles of Vander-
Order Desmostylia Reinhart, 1953 hoojius are from adult individuals, so it is possible
Family Behemotopsidae Inuzuka, 1987 that this could be an age character and their
Genus Behernotops Domning, Ray and incisors had already been shed. The peculiar bone
McKenna, 1986 expansion on the medial surface of the holotype
B. proteus Domning, Ray and and other mandibles can also be interpreted as an
McKenna, 1986 age character rather than a generic character,
B. sp. nov. (the Ashoro I1 specimen) since such an expansion is also seen in adult
Family Desmostylidae Osborn, 1905 Desmostylus but not in juveniles.
Genus Paleoparadoxia Reinhart, 1959 According to Domning’s opinion, a referred topo-
P. weltoni Clark, 1991 typic skull (USNM 214945, unpubl. data) retains a
P. tabatai (Tokunaga, 1939) sagittal crest, like Desmostylus japonicus (see
P. sp. nov. (the Stanford specimen) below), but differs from all Desmostylus in retain-
Genus Cornwallius Hay, 1923 ing an anteriorly tapering zygomatic process of the
C. sookensis Cornwall, 1922 squamosal. Therefore, Vanderhoofius coalingensis
Genus Desmostylus Marsh, 1888 is doubtless a valid species, but whether it is
D. japonicus Tokunaga and generically distinct from Desmostylus is a matter
Iwasaki, 1914 of arbitrary definition.
D. hesperus Marsh, 1888 Kronokotherium is based on only one specimen,
Genus Kronokotherium Pronina, 1957 a left mandible with molars (Pronina 1957). The
K. brevimaxillare Pronina, 1957 lower molar is a high-crowned stylodont tooth with
Genus Vanderhoojius Reinhart, 1959 six thick columnar cusps like that of Desmostylus,
V. coalingensis Reinhart, 1959 but Kronokotherium differs from most Desmosty-
The Order Desmostylia thus includes six nominal lus in cusp arrangement. In lower molars of Des-
genera, but Vanderhoojius and Kronokotherium mostylus, the rows of cusps are usually arranged
Taxa and adaptations of Desmostylia 525

4 Paleoparadoxia
V Cornwallius
0 Desmostylus
0 Kronokotherium
v Vanderhoojius

Fig. 1 Distribution of genera of the Order Desrnostylia

in parallel and the buccal protoconid and hypoconid largely speculative, as VanderHoof (1937) noted.
tend to be situated slightly distal to the lingual But now, the discovery of a primitive member of
metaconid and entoconid, respectively. In Kro- the order, Behemotops, makes it possible to homol-
nokotherium this trend is reversed and the buccal ogize the cusps, and this Inuzuka (1987) attempted
cusps are situated fairly mesial to the correspond- to do with the cusps not only of the upper molar of
ing lingual ones. Also, the horizontal ramus is Desmostylus, but also both upper and lower molars
extremely short for its height. Therefore, Kro- and premolars of all desmostylian genera.
nokotherium may be generically distinct from The upper molar of Behemotops has five cusps,
Desmostylus. three cusps in the first row and two in the second.
The upper molars of Desmostylus have eight The upper molar of Desmostylus has eight cusps
cusps. The problem of cusp identification in the arranged in four rows ( from mesial to
Order Desmostylia is which cusps correspond to the distal). So there appeared to be two possibilities:
primary trigon. Matsumoto (19 18) first attempted the five cusps of Behemotops correspond to those of
to identify them, VanderHoof (1937) proposed an the first two rows of Desmostylus, or to those of
alternative interpretation and Reinhart (1959) the second and third rows and an intermediate cusp
agreed with VanderHoof. Due to lack of ancestral of the first row of Desrnostylus. The latter identi-
forms, the homology of the primary cones was fication has been selected (Fig. 2) based on the

Table 2 Dental characters that distinguish desmostylian genera,

Crown type Diameter of cusp Crown height Dental formula of lower teeth

Behemotops Bunodont Thin LOW

Paleoparadoxia Stylodont Thin LOW
Cornwallius Stylodont Thick LOW
Desmostylus Stylodont Thick High
Vanderhoojius Stylodont Thick High
526 N. Inuxuka et al.


molar and
milk molar


Behemotops Paleoparadoxia Cornwallius Desmostylus Kronokotherium

Fig. 2 Cusp identification of cheek teeth of Desmostylia. See text

following three points: (i) the intermediate cusp of from North America, with B. proteus as the type
the first row of Behemotops is smaller than the species. Type specimens of both Behemotops pro-
other four cusps; (ii) in Desmostylus the four cusps teus and B. emlongi are mandibles with lower
of the second and third rows are larger than the teeth. The upper teeth of the genus are known
three cusps of the first row; (iii) accessory cusps or from a whole skeleton from Ashoro-cho, Hokkaido,
tubercles developed on the cingulum in front of the Japan found in 1981 (Inuzuka 1989b), and also
first row of Behemotops can be regarded as devel- from a new North American specimen (Ray et al.
oping into the lateral cusps of the first row of 1994).
Desmostylus. In the same way, cusps of premolars The dental formula of Behemotops is
and of other genera are identified based on size and The upper molar has five cusps which include three
arrangement of cusps and accessory cusps or tu- main cusps, protocone (P), paracone (Pa), and
bercles. In Fig. 2, the hypocone or hypoconid (H) is metacone (M), plus hypocone (H) and a mesial
shown as well as the trigon or trigonid. Cones of talon (A) (Fig. 2). Some accessory cusps or tuber-
the mesial talon are designated A, B and C from cles may appear at the positions shown by black
their sizes and frequency of appearance, as are the circles in the figure. The lower molar has four
distal talon X and the distal talonid Y and Z. cusps, protoconid (P), metaconid (M), hypoconid
Accessory cusps that always appear are shown by (H) and entoconid (E), and an accessory cusp may
open circles and those cuspules or tubercles that appear distally. The lower premolar has two cusps,
variably appear are shown by black. protoconid and metaconid, and low and small distal
tubercles, corresponding to the hypoconid and en-
toconid. Besides these, some tubercles may appear
GENUS BEHEMOTOPS a t the three points shown by black circles in Fig. 2.
A specimen from Baja California, Mexico, UCMP
The genus was proposed by Domning et al. in 36078 (VanderHoof 1942) which has been as-
1986, containing two species based on specimens signed to Cornwallius sookensis, may belong in-
Taxa and adaptations of Desmostylia 527
stead to the genus Behernotops, because its unworn The first Ashoro specimen is an adult skeleton
cusps are relatively bunodont. including the skull and 14 teeth (Inuzuka 1987). It
In the genus Behernotops two species, B. proteus has primitive characteristics and a smaller skull
and B. emlongi, have been described. The type and body than those of Ashoro I1 despite having
specimen of B. proteus is a small mandible of a molars of the same size. Therefore, Ashoro I
young individual retaining milk molars, and that of represents the oldest and most primitive taxon in
B. ernlongi is a large mandible of an adult with the order, and is probably a different genus from
only the last molar. The last molar of B. proteus is Behernotops.
not fully formed or erupted, complicating the com-
parison of the two specimens. Later, a third speci-
men of the genus was discovered that had charac- GENUS PALEOPARADOXIA
ters in common with both ‘species’, so B. emlongi
has become a synonym of B. proteus (Ray et al. This genus was established by Reinhart (1959).
1994). The desmostylian genera having low-crowned
Two fossil skeletons of the genus have been stylodont teeth are Cornwallius (Hay 1923) and
collected from the early Late Oligocene Morawan Paleoparadoxia, but Paleoparadoxia has never
Formation in Ashoro-cho, Hokkaido, Japan. The been clearly distinguished from Cornwallius
first Ashoro specimen (Ashoro I) was obtained before. Reinhart (1959) noted ‘The cingulum of
from the lower hard shale member (about 29 Ma) Paleoparadoxia differs from that of Cornwallius
in 1976 and the second one (Ashoro 11) from the in extending more than halfway above the crown
upper tuffaceous silt member (about 25 Ma) in of the tooth, completely encircling the crown,
1981 (Matsui & Ganzawa 1987; Saito et al. 1988). having greater lateral thickness, and forming a far
The second specimen includes upper and lower more prominent part of the tooth.’ However, the
teeth. Compared with the three specimens from cingiilum of Paleoparadoxia does not always com-
North America, the second Ashoro specimen differs pletely encircle the crown. Mitchell and Repenning
from B. proteus in the following characters of the (1963) tried to distinguish three genera, Desmosty-
teeth and mandible, and therefore seems to be a lus, Cornwallius and Paleoparadoxia, by shape,
new species. height and whether or not the columns were closely
(1) In the third upper molar of Ashoro 11, the appressed, and by presence or absence and degree
hypocone and metacone stand side by side and the of development of the cingulum. However, whether
intermediate transverse valley between mesial and the columns are closely appressed varies individu-
distal rows is linear, while in that of B. proteus the ally and cannot be used as a generic character.
hypocone is situated distal to the metacone and Desmostylus has no cingulum but Paleoparadoxia
inclines distally. cannot be distinguished from Cornwallius by the
(2) In the lower molars the crista obliqua is less degree of cingular development. Mitchell and Re-
developed and the crown is narrow for the length penning (1963) noted that columnar height was
of the tooth. about one to two diameters of a column in Corn-
(3) In the fourth lower premolar of Ashoro 11, the wallius and only about half of crown height in
protoconid has only a mesial ridge, while in that of Paleoparadoxia. However, this difference is not
B. proteus it has both mesial and distal ridges. The constant and hence also not a usable criterion.
metaconid inclines distally and is small. The hypo- Later, two skulls of Cornwallius were discov-
conid and entoconid are comparatively larger. ered (USNM, undescribed), showing that Cornwal-
(4) In the third lower premolar the protoconid lius (Reinhart 1982: fig. 1) can easily be distin-
inclines distally and the metaconid is better devel- guished from Paleoparadoxia. Cheek teeth of
oped than in B. proteus. Cornwallius can be distinguished from those of the
(5) Compared with B. proteus, the mandible of two described species of Paleoparadoxia, P. taba-
Ashoro I1 is relatively larger and the molars are tai and P. weltoni, using crown size, columnar
relatively smaller. thickness and enamel thickness. However, a new
(6) The mandibular ramus is high and its lateral species of Paleoparadoxia, represented by the
surface is deeply concave. Stanford specimen (UCMP 81302), is larger than
(7) The mandibular notch is deep. the other paleoparadoxian species, and its teeth are
(8) The mandibular condyle is larger, inclines comparable to those of Cornwallius in size. Hence,
more medially and is convex sagittally and trans- teeth of these two genera must be distinguished
versely. from each other by shape. Differences between
528 N. Inuxuka et al.

Cornwallius and Paleoparadoxia, therefore, will teeth and distally expanded incisors, and can be
be enumerated after this new species has been distinguished from all other desmostylians by its
described. lack of a hypoconulid on M, and a well-developed
The dental formula of Paleoparadoxia was de- paraconid on P,.
scribed as by Ijiri and Kamei (1961) but
was changed to, decreasing by one pre-
molar, by Inuzuka (1986). Determination of the GENUS DESMOSTYLUS
number of premolars by Ijiri and Kamei (1961) was
based on an X-ray of the diastema between two of This genus was erected by Marsh (1888). Desmo-
the lower premolars in the Izumi specimen (PV- stylus has characteristic high-crowned stylodont
05601). Inuzuka (1986) re-examined the same teeth with more cusps than those of Paleopara-
radiograph to try to confirm their identification, but doxia and Cornwallius, and no cingulum. The
found no trace of an alveolus or a root in this additional columnar cusps of Desmostylus can be
diastema. Based on his observations, it became homologized with accessory cusps or hypertrophied
clear that there were originally only three pre- cingular cusps of Behemotops or Paleoparadoxia
molars (Pz-,) with a diastema between P, and P, in (Fig. 2).
Paleoparadoxia. In the genus Desmostylus, several species have
Three species of Paleoparadoxia, P. weltoni, P. come and gone in the literature (Table 3). In the
tabatai (Fig. 3), and the new Stanford species, are United States, after the first description of D.
smaller, intermediate, and larger in body size, hesperus Marsh, 1888, D. cymatias Hannibal,
respectively. Because erupted teeth remain the 1922, and D. californicus Hay, 1923, were named
same size despite growth in body size, each species but soon became synonyms of D. hesperus
can be recognized by the size of its molars. The (VanderHoof 1937). American authors have since
Stanford specimen does not preserve any cheek regarded Desmostylus hesperus as the only species
tooth, but its tooth size can be estimated by the of the genus. In Japan, meanwhile, after the des-
sizes of the alveoli remaining in the left mandible. cription of D. japonicus (Yoshiwara & Iwasaki
Crown lengths of the third lower molars of these 1902; Tokunaga & Iwasaki 1914), a larger species,
three species are 23, 35, and 42 mm (e), respec- D. mirabilis Nagao, 1935, and a smaller one, D.
tively. minor (Nagao, 1937a), were named.
According to Clark (1991), P. weltoni is very A ten-cusped lower molar from Japan was
similar to P. tabatai but differs in having smaller named Desmostylella typica (Nagao, 1937b).
However, Reinhart, (1959), re-identified it as a
milk molar of Desmostylus. His identification was
proven to be correct by a fossil mandible with a
similar multi-cusped tooth of a young Desmostylus
(USNM 181742) from Oregon. This and other
specimens show that the fourth upper and lower
milk molars of Desmostylus have many cusps,
accounting for the pattern seen in the holotype of
Paleoparadoxia weltoni v The holotype of D. mirabilis (the Keton speci-
men, UHR 18466) has a second molar nearly equal
in size with a second molar of the holotype of D.
japonicus (the Togari specimen, PV-05600). That
the Keton second molar looks larger than the Togari
is attributed to greater wear (Inuzuka 1989a). The
holotype of D. minor (the Honto specimen from
Sakhalien), which was distinguished by its small
size, has the same size as the first molar of the
Utanobori specimen (GSJ-F7743) (Inuzuka 1988).
Paleoparadoxia tabatai Therefore, these three ‘species’ from Japan are not
Fig. 3 Crania of two species of Paleoparadoxia. Dorsal views, drawn to the
distinguishable on molar morphology.
same scale: (a) P. weltoni after Clark (1991); (b) P. tabatai after ljiri and In general, although American authors have
Kamei (1961). regarded the Japanese specimens as representing
Taxa and adaptations of Desrnostylia 529
Table 3 History of the specific names in the genus Desmostylus from North America and Japan.

Specimens from North America Specimens from Japan

Author Tooth Oregon skull Skull Togari skull Keton Honto Yuda Utanobori
YPM11900 USNM8191 USNM187310 PV-05600 UHR 18466 tooth tooth GSJ-F7743
1888 Marsh D. hesperus
1914 Tokunaga D. japonicus
& Iwasaki
1915 Hay D. hesperus D. watasei
1922 Hannibal D. cymatias
1924 Hay D. hesperus
1935 Nagao D. japonicus D. mirabilis
1937 Nagao D. minor Desmostylella
1937 Vanderhoof D. hesperus D. hesperus D. hesperus
1937 Ijiri D. hesperus D. japonicus D. japonicus D. japonicus
1954 Ijiri Desmostylella
1959 Reinhart D. hesperus D. hesperms D. hesperus D. hesperms D. hesperus
1959 Yabe D. hesperus D. japonicus D. japonicus D. japonicus
1961 Ijiri & Kamei D. japonicus D. mirabilis
1966 Shikama D. hesperus D.h. japonicus D.h. japonicus D.h. japonicus D.h. japonicus
1982 Inuzuka D. mirabilis
1990 Inuzuka D. hesperus D. japonicus D. japonicus D. hesperus D. hesperus

D. hesperus (e.g. VanderHoof, 1937; Reinhart smaller type completes its growth sooner. There-
1959), Japanese authors have been apt to regard fore, the two types in D. hesperus are considered
them as a distinct species, D. japonicus (Ijiri 1937; to represent sexual morphs rather than distinct
Yabe 1959), or subspecies, D. hesperus japonicus species.
(Shikama 1966). Three fossil skulls of Desmostylus have been
The reason why Desmostylus from Japan were described from Japan, the Togari specimen of D.
regarded as the same species as D. hesperus from japonicus, the Keton specimen of ‘D. mirabilis’
North America is that characters that clearly dis- (Ijiri & Kamei 1961), and the new Utanobori
tinguish them from each other cannot be found in specimen. The former two are adult and incomplete
the molar shape. In order to solve the problem, it is specimens lacking the anterior or posterior part.
necessary to study the range of variation of many The Utanobori specimen is complete, but of a
molars of Desmostylus from California and to young individual with the first molars worn. Hence,
compare fossil crania from Japan with those from morphological differences among these skulls can-
North America. So, Inuzuka measured 320 cheek not with confidence be attributed to specific differ-
teeth in the UCMP and LACM and compared seven ences or age variations.
fossil skulls from North America with three skulls Skulls and mandibles of Desmostylus from Ore-
from Japan. gon in the USNM include each tooth class from
Tooth class identification of isolated teeth of DP3 to M3 (Table 4). Among them an old individ-
Desmostylus is difficult because the individual vari- ual with M3 (USNM 26134) has a narrow and high
ability in size and shape is great. As Desmostylus rostrum very similar to the Utanobori specimen
has three molars, if the genus includes only one with M1 from Japan, and another type (USNM
species, three peaks should appear in a histogram 187310) has a wide and low rostrum similar to
of crown sizes, even if the size variation of each that of the Togari specimen and has a sagittal
tooth class is large. In Inuzuka’s data, however, at crest. These skulls and cheek teeth are small and
least four peaks appeared. Also, a second molar in the canines are also small or lacking. Moreover,
one large mandible is comparable in size with a there are two types of skulls with DP4, one type
third molar in another individual. These facts sug- with a sagittal crest (USNM 181744) and another
gest the presence of two morphotypes, one large without it (USNM 186887, 214743). Therefore,
and one smaller, in D. hesperus. these seem to be different species rather than
In the smaller type the second molar is nearly sexual morphs.
equal in size to the third molar. In the fourth milk Consequently, the Utanobori specimen is identi-
molars, however, two size categories are not dis- fied as D. hesperus, because it belongs to the same
tinguishable (Figs 4, 5). These facts show that type as the Oregon skull described by Hay (1915).
both types have young of the same size, and the The other type belongs to the same group as the
530 N. Inuzuka et al.




5 -
2 :

20- Fig. 4 Upper cheek teeth of Desmosty-

D4 /us from North America and Japan. 04:
DP4 of both types; M1, M2, M3: larger
type; m l , m2, m3: smaller type; Kt: Keton
l o [ , , ~ , ( , , , , ( , , , , , , , , , ( , , , I ( , , , , ( , , , , , specimen; LM: Los Angeles County Mu-
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 seum specimen; Ut Utanobori specimen.
Length (0)America; ( X ) Japan.



5 -
? .

Fig. 5 Lower cheek teeth of Desmostylus

from North America and Japan. 04: DP4 of
both types: M1, M2, M3: larger type; m l ,
m2, m3: smaller type; Kt: Keton specimen;
LM: Los Angeles County Museum speci-
men; To: Togari specimen; UC: University
101, , , , ( , , , I ( , , , . , , , , , ( , , , , , , , , , ( , , , , , of California Museum of Paleontology
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 specimen; Ut: Utanobori specimen: (0)
Length America; ( X ) Japan.

Table 4 Character distribution in crania of Desmostylus specimens.

Specimen Dental stage Canine Rostrum Narial opening Nasal rise Frontal Sagittal
width crest
USNM186887 D3-4 - - - Strong Wide Absent
USNM214743 D4 - - - - Wide Absent
USNM181744 D4 - - - - Narrow Present
USNM8 1 91 M1 - - - Strong Wide Absent
Utanobori GSJ-F7743 M1 Absent High Anteriorly Strong Wide Absent
Togari PV-05600 M1-2 Present LOW Dorsally Weak - I

Keton UHR18466 M2 - - - - Wide Absent

USNM187310 M2-3 Present LOW Dorsally Weak Narrow Present
USNM26 134 M3 Absent High Anteriorly Strong Wide Absent
USNM214944 M3 Absent LOW Dorsally Weak Narrow Present
USNM18 1737 M3 - - - - Wide Absent
Taxa and adaptations of Desmostylia 531

Table 5 Difference of characters between Desmostylus hespe-

"us and D. japonicus.

D. hesperus D. japonicus
Maxillary rostrum High and narrow Low and wide
Direction of narial Rather anterior Rather dorsal
Rise in nasal part Strong Weak
Frontal width Wide Narrow
Sagittal crest Absent Present
Mandibular ramus High and short Low and long

Desmostylus hesperus
troversial, as vividly demonstrated in the illustra-
tions compiled by Inuzuka (198213).
Inuzuka (1984) restored a skeleton of Desmosty-
lus. His methodology included comparative anat-
omy, functional morphology and fossil posture as
preserved taphonomically, and is designed for sci-
entifically restoring extinct animals with no living
His method of comparative anatomy has two
Desmostylus japonicus purposes. One is to compare individual bones of
Desmostylus with those of other mammals to find
Fig. 6 Crania of two species of Desmostylus. Left lateral views, not drawn to characters peculiar to the animal in question. The
the same scale. (a) D. hesperus after Inuzuka (1988); (b) D. japonicus after
Yoshiwara and lwasaki (1902).
other is to compare skeletons of living mammals
with each other, especially ungulates, among which
Togari specimen, so it should be called D. japoni- Desmostylus belongs, to find rules of skeletal com-
cus (Fig. 6 ) . That is, Desmostylus includes a t least position. As bones of Desmostylus display some
two species, D. hesperus and D. japonicus, which morphological characteristics peculiar to the lin-
can be distinguished from each other not by size eage, they do not follow all these skeletal rules. So,
and shape of the molars but by characters of the some rules to adopt are selected by means of
skull and mandible shown in Table 5 . The Keton functional morphology. The method is to restore
specimen, which lacks a sagittal crest, probably the position and degree of development of muscles
represents D. hesperus. based on tuberosities of the bones most character-
In conclusion, both species of Desmostylus in- istic of Desrnostylus and to determine the positions
habited the east and west Pacific coasts in the of bones in which the muscles can work most
Miocene. Fossils of Desmostylus from Japan are efficiently. The skeletal posture restored by these
Middle Miocene and ones from America are Early two methods was corroborated by examining the
and Middle Miocene, but most specimens from both posture displayed by a fossil skeleton lying on the
areas are represented only by teeth and they bedding plane. This study led to the following
cannot be assigned to species. conclusions.
Many bones of the postcranial skeleton of des-
mostylians have peculiar shapes, different from
ADAPTATI0NS those of all other mammals. Their many character-
istics can be explained on a reasonable anatomical
SKELETAL RESTORATION basis only if one single restored posture is postu-
lated, that which is characterized by laterally ex-
Among the six genera of the Order Desmostylia, tended stylopodia.
reasonably complete fossil skeletons of three gen- In typical terrestrial mammals with an inferiorly
era, Behemotops, Paleoparadoxia and Desmosty- extended humerus, the fore part of the body is
lus, are known. These postcranial remains make it mainly supported by serratus muscles running like
possible to restore the skeleton, by which the a hammock from each side of the thorax to the
habitat and mode of locomotion of these animals serratus surface of the scapula (Fig. 7). However,
can be hypothesized. However, the body form and changing the position of the humerus from beneath
locomotion of desmostylians have always been con- the trunk to laterally, the main weight supporter
532 N. Inuxuka et al.

In typical terrestrial mammals with inferiorly

extending forelimbs, the antebrachial skeleton is in
pronation so that the toes point forward. As a
result, the radius and ulna run across or fuse in
crossing each other. If, however, the humerus
inclines laterally during bending of the elbow, the
arrangement tends to supinate the antebrachial
pectdrales skeleton so that the radius and ulna run in parallel.
As the two bones of Desmostylus fuse in parallel,
Desmostylians in the lateral limb posture with laterally extending
elbow the toes point forward. Otherwise, in the
inferior limb posture with the humerus extending
beneath the trunk, the toes point outward. Thus, if
a posture with a laterally extending humerus is
postulated, peculiar morphological features of the
sternum, scapula, radius and ulna in Desmostylus
are reasonably explainable.
As well as the forelimb, many peculiar features
in the hindlimb of Desmostylus are also explain-
radius able, if a posture with a laterally extending femur
is postulated. In typical mammals with an inferi-
orly extending femur, the hind part of the body is
mainly supported by the gluteus medius muscle
n running from the gluteal surface to the greater
trochanter (Fig. 8). Changing the direction of the
femur from beneath the trunk to laterally, the main
weight supporter changes to the iliopsoas or adduc-
Typical land mammals tor muscles, because in this posture the body
Fig. 7 Postulated mode of muscle attachment and forelimb posture, after weight causes the femur to be abducted. The
lnuzuka (1984): (a) cranial views; (b) left lateral views. adductor muscles originate from the portion of the
hip bone ventral to the acetabulum. The relatively
great breadth of this portion of the bone in Desmo-
naturally changes from the serratus to the pectoral stylus can be interpreted as indicating well-
muscles. That is because this change in direction of developed adductor muscles. The iliopsoas muscle
the humerus shifts the position of the scapula from inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur. The
parasagittal to horizontal. In a posture with later- large and distally extended lesser trochanter in
ally extended humerus, the role in body support of Desmostylus is also explainable since in mammals
the serratus muscles decreases, because the muscle with a lateral-type limb, more power is needed for
fibers run more horizontally. On the contrary, pec- adduction or flexion of the femur than in mammals
toral muscles running from the sternum to the with an inferior-type limb.
humerus would play the main role in body support The patella in desmostylians is large and thick
instead of the serratus, because the position of the for their body size. In a lateral limb posture with
humerus relative to the trunk is higher in the the femur extended laterally, an animal must al-
lateral limb posture than in the inferior, and the ways flex the knee joint even in standing, because
muscle fibers of pectoral muscles would run more the knee faces anterolaterally. This demands devel-
nearly vertically. The main muscle working as a opment of the quadriceps femoris muscle to extend
body supporter would increase in mass and expand the knee joint. In this way, the morphological
its bony attachments, resulting in the development characteristics of the patella are explainable from
of larger tuberosities. The flat and broad sternum the body posture and muscle function.
of Desmostylus can thus be accounted for as In typical land mammals with inferior-type
an attachment area for hypertrophied pectoral limbs, the knee and ankle joints are uniaxial hinge
muscles, and the ill-developed serratus surface of joints. In general, the mode of movement in a joint
the scapula is attributable to reduced serratus is more conservative than the size or proportions of
muscles. a bone. Hence, a bone is more easily identified by
Taxa and adaptations of Desrnostylia 533

Fig. 8 Postulated mode of muscle attach auuuctor

mint and hindlimb posture in (a) desmo- triceps surae
stylians and (b) typical land mammals, after
lnuzuka (1984), posterolateral views.

an epiphysis than by a diaphysis. In mammals with

lateral-type limbs like Desmostylus, the knee faces
anterolaterally, so the toes also point anterolater-
ally, unless the shaft of the tibia twists inward. In
fact, the toes do point forward due to the medially
twisted tibia1 shaft. This reflects the fact that
desmostylians, with lateral-type limbs, were de-
rived from animals with inferior-type limbs, and by
twisting the tibia managed to retain anteriorly
directed toes in the course of evolution.
In typical mammals with inferior-type limbs,
when the calcaneus is articulated with the talus,
the calcaneal tuber protrudes posteriorly perpen-
dicular to the axis of the ankle joint. However,
desmostylians characteristically have a medially
inclined calcaneal tuber. This character was re-
garded only as an oddity (Shikama 1966), but can
be interpreted more reasonably, considering the
muscle function, as follows. The gastrocnemius Desmostylians
muscle, which originates from the posterior surface
of the distal femur, inserts on the point of the Fig. 9 Comparison of limb postures. Reptiles and mammals after Lesser-
tisseur and Saban (1967); desmostylians after lnuzuka (1984).
calcaneal tuber. In an animal with lateral-type
limbs in which the knee joint is flexed and pro-
trudes anterolaterally, the gastrocnemius muscle Another view of desmostylian posture and loco-
must run obliquely a longer distance than in motion has been expressed by Domning, but has
inferior-type limbs, if the calcaneal tuber keeps the not yet been published. It combines features of the
orientation of the inferior type. In order for the reconstructions made by Shikama in 1974 and
muscles to pass straight between the femur and Kamei in 1975 (see Inuzuka 198213). Domning
the tip of the calcaneus as they do in the inferior proposes that the terrestrial posture of desmo-
type, the calcaneal tuber must incline inward in the stylians deviated from that of ‘normal’ ungulates
lateral limb-type animals. much less than has been supposed, and that des-
Thus if a posture with laterally extending femur mostylian osteology is compatible with a modified
is postulated, peculiar morphological features of inferior-type limb posture. They probably had a
the pelvis, femur, patella, tibia, talus and calcaneus quadrupedal stance with the body well off the
are explainable on a reasonable anatomical basis. ground and the limbs more or less under the body;
As a result, Desmostylus was restored by Inuzuka a strongly arched spine and steeply inclined pelvis;
in a posture with laterally extending stylopodia like slightly abducted elbows and more strongly ab-
a reptile despite its being a mammal (Fig. 9). ducted knees; and a digitigrade foot posture with
534 N. Inuzuka et al.

Fig. 10 Restored skeleton of Desmostyhs

by lnuzuka (1 984), based on the Keton speci-
men from south Sakhalien housed at Hokkaido

an extended but not hyperextended wrist, the front this direction of morphological change goes against
toes pointing anterolaterad and the hind toes point- the trend of terrestrial vertebrate evolution, an
ing forward. Domning will defend this alternate unusual habitat can be inferred: a habitat where
interpretation in a future publication. stability of the body would be most advantageous,
Most peculiarities of the desmostylian skeleton that is, where moving water would tend to over-
are in fact paralleled in one or another of various turn the body. The most likely habitat is an inter-
large, slow-moving terrestrial mammals such as tidal sandy beach.
ground sloths and chalicotheres. Like these, des- The animals of this order seem to have inhabited
mostylians apparently had skeletons well suited to such places from the behemotopsian stage onward,
supporting their weight on the hindquarters. In because even Behemotops had already taken on
Domning’s view, this was most likely necessary this special body form. The fact that Paleopara-
while the animals clambered slowly over very un- doxia and Desmostylus have a similar body form
even intertidal areas, and crossing such areas en suggests that they also inhabited a similar habitat
route to and from the water. Locomotion in the and walked with the same mode of locomotion.
water probably resembled that of polar bears, with On the other hand, desmostylian teeth diversified
the forelimbs providing the principal means of greatly from the ancestral morphotype seen in
propulsion and the hindlimbs used for steering. Behemotops to some divergently derived types seen
in Paleoparadoxia, Desmostylus and so on, as
EVOLUTIONARY PATTERNS mentioned above (Fig. 11). This fact suggests the
evolution of diverse feeding habits, which cannot
The peculiar osteological characters of Desmosty- yet be fully elucidated. However, the hypsodont
lus on which Inuzuka’s restoration is based are as teeth of Desmostylus, a t least, seem to indicate
follows: paired flat sternebrae; parallel radius and adaptation to a more abrasive diet, probably one
ulna fused in supinated position; pelvis with ace- that contained grit mixed with plant material
tabulum in the middle; femur with well-developed scooped from the sea floor or sea shore (see discus-
lesser trochanter; tibia medially twisted; fibula far sion in Domning et al. 1986). In conclusion, we
shorter than tibia; calcaneal tuber medially inclined speculate that the animals of the Order Desmostylia
relative to the axis of the ankle joint. colonized a unique nearshore-marine habitat, and
This set of unique characters is common to subsequently adapted to diverse herbivorous diets.
Desmostylus, Paleoparadoxia and Behemotops, so
it can be regarded as characteristic of the Order
Desmostylia. If Inuzuka’s hypothesis that Desmo- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
stylus had a crocodiloid posture is correct, the
same interpretation will hold for all desmostylians. Inuzuka would like to thank Drs W. A. Clemens,
This body form peculiar to the Order Desmo- J. H. Hutchison, L. G. Barnes, M. Kato and Y.
stylia is characterized by having the contact points Tomida for giving him access to specimens of
of the feet well away from a very low center of desmostylians for comparison. He is also pleased to
gravity (Fig. 10). Such a posture sacrifices body acknowledge the considerable assistance of Dr
support and walking efficiency to stability. Because G. V. Shkurkin during his stay in Berkeley.
Taxa and adaptations of Desmostylia 535

Fig. 11 Characterization of molar teeth in

various desmostylian genera. Upper row: oc-
clusal view of right upper molar. Middle row:
lateral view of molar. Lower row: schematic
cross section of tooth germ and enamel. Behernotops Paleoparadoxia Cornwallius Desmostylus

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