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Sexual harassment refers to any form of unwelcome sexual act which is legally wrong, offensive,

humiliating and intimidating. The types of this are verbal, non-verbal, sexual coercion, requests for
sexual favours, and blackmailing. This pressing issue has been discussed in the media for ages, but
very little concrete actions have been made including for workplace sexual harassment.

This is caused by abuse of authority power and to take actions in personal interest that impacts the
company, and its employees negatively is commonly conducted by a superior because of the lack of
supervision. In addition, lack of gender equality is part of the problem that happens because women
have less rights and, too often being taken advantage of also the victim tends to be shown as a
vulnerable target making it easier for the harasser to act against them. For example, to be single
young women that have a lower position job that are under-represented by the company.

A victim of sexual harassment would experience deep psychological impact such as, anxiety,
headaches, isolation, suicidal thoughts, and depression after being harassed which causes a negative
effect on mental health. According to women who had experienced, fifteen percent had suicidal
thoughts, creating difficulty for the victim of the misconduct to communicate with their co-workers
during work. Furthermore, sexual harassment in the workplace also affects the environment by
causing the amount of work progresses decreasing, affecting the performance at the company that
happens because of the conflict by constructing a hostile environment with the harasser still being a
part of the environment causing tension and fights. A clash may start with a dispute on business
practices and escalate from there to mutual loathing. This type of workplace conflict is bad for
business because it can lead to downturns in productivity.

Following the cases of sexual harassment, values must be practiced avoiding workplace sexual
harassment such as setting fairness towards each gender especially in a competitive work setting,
because women have always been seen as the lesser sex and treated as inconsequential in the work
industry. By practicing equity between each gender, creating a wonderful workforce where the co-
workers can unite regardless of genders. Simultaneously, professionalism is one of the values that
needs to be implemented because senior workers exploit their power and use it inappropriately
towards their employees. Henceforth, departments must develop a sense in laying strict boundaries
to avoid sexual harassment by abuse of authority. As a benefit, it produces an integrous worker with
strong morals and the most invaluable values that must be adopted is basic human decency by
developing empathy, respecting everyone. For example, co-workers must be attentive, avoid conflicts
and handle any issues in a sensible way, where the workers’ relationship will be put in higher regards.

A sexual harassment must take to resolve the issue is by reporting the sexual harassment case to the
human resources department as soon as possible, resulting in the company taking action and
punishing the harasser according to the organization's policies and saving the victim. Additionally, the
departments must also build a healthier relationship, between the employers and the employees by
having a team building session. Ergo, creating a safe space for the staff to work in, communicate and
avoid conflicts that target any individuals. Concomitantly, the organization must also take action by
updating a stricter policy against the misconduct towards the workers. For instance, any worker that
was caught in the act will be terminated from their job and reported, provided with enough
evidence, resulting in the company having a good reputation profile.

As a conclusion, sexual harassment in the workplace has been a big issue that must been put a stop
on as it will affect the victim of the misconduct lives and the whole work industry. To do so, certain
actions must be taken to tackle the issue to protect the workers from being the victim.

647 words

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