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Voice of The Customers 客户的声音

In Midea, customers are our greatest assets and your feedbacks are improtant to us. We appreciate you to take your
time to fill up this quick feedback for us and we will do our best to use the information to improve on our business.


Dealer Name* 客户名字 *

Your position in company 您的工作职位:

Which country does your company operate at? 您的公司在那个国家进行商业? *

1. Malaysia 马来西亚

2. Singapore 新加坡

3. Vietnam 越南

4. Cambodia 柬埔寨

5. Laos 寮國

6. Thailand 泰国

7. Philippines 菲律宾

8. Myanmar 缅甸

9. Indonesia 印度尼西亚
How much Midea brand contribute your business in term of volume?美的在您的电器生意中占据了几
成的销售? *

1. >50% 多于50%

2. 30%-50% 30% 到 50%

3. 10%-30% 10% 到 30%

4.<10% 少于10%


How many years you've been working with Midea?您的公司和美的公司合作了几年? *

1. <2 years 少过两年

2. 2-5years 两年到五年

3. 5-10years 五年到十年

4. >10years 超过十年

Which of the key area do you think Midea should improve on? 有什么主要地方美的公司需要进步的? *

1. Communication with dealers 客户沟通和互动

2. Product Prices 产品价格

3. Logistic Efficency 物流效率

4. Sales Management 销售管理

5. Products Specification 产品规格

6. Brand Awareness 品牌露出

What do you think is the main strength of Midea? 您认为美的公司的强项是什么? *

1. Good and Frequent Communication 良好沟通方式

2. Competitive Prices 有竞争力的价格

3. Good Products Specs 非常好的产品规格

4. Good market knowledge 很好的市场知识

5. Quick business adaption 快速的业务适应

Which product catergory you wish Midea to improve on the most?您希望美的可以进步哪一些产品类


1.RAC (Residential Air Con) 住宅空调

2.REF (Refrigerator) 电冰箱

3.LAD (Laundry) 洗衣机

4.SHA (Small home appliance) 小家电产品

Which of the events do you feel are the most helpful for your business right now? 您认为目前哪些活
动对您的业务最有帮助? *

1. Expert knowledge sharing and talks 专家知识分享与讲座

2. Regular feedback sessions 定期反馈会议

3. Marketing and strategies recommendation articles 营销与策略推荐文章

4. Products training and recommendation 产品培训与推荐

5. Ecommerce and digital platform training 电子商务和数字平台培训

6. Promoters management training 促销员管理培训

Which of the following channel you wish Midea could improve on? 您希望美的改进以下哪个方面? *

1. Digital Transformation 数据化转型

2. Product line-up 产品阵容

3. Customer Relationship 客户关系管理

5. Logistic and Supply Chain 物流与供应链

6. Marketing and Branding 营销和品牌推广

7. Aftersales service 售后服务

Are you interested in participating in our top customers monthly event? 如果我们定期开展客户互动
活动,您对会有兴趣参与吗? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Not Interested 没有兴趣 Very Interested 很有兴趣

What type of activity are you interested in most at this period? 哪些方面的活动您最有兴趣参加,请
按顺序排列选择 *

2. Industry 4. Organizational
1. Product 3. Online lucky 5. New product
analysis report management
training 产品培训 draw event 线上 experiencing 新产
sharing 行业数据 strategy training
类 答谢抽奖活动类 品体验类
报告分享类 公司治理培训类

First 最有兴趣

Second 第二兴趣

Third 第三兴趣

Fourth 第四兴趣

Fifth 第五兴趣
From1 to 10, how is your willingness to recommend Midea products to your friends 从一到十,您会

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Poor 较差 Excellent 优秀

From 1 to 10, how satisfied are you partnering with Midea? 从 一到十,您对与美的合作的满意度如何?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Poor 较差 Excellent 优秀

From 1 to 10, how is your confidence to enlarge the cooperation with Midea in the future? 从一到
十,您对美的未来合作的扩大机会有信心吗? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Poor 较差 Excellent 优秀

From 1 to 10, how do you rate Midea products across its competitor 从一到十,您如何评价美的产品
与其竞争对手的分别? *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Poor 较差 Best 最好

What are some of the key feedbacks that you wish Midea could improve on? 你还有哪一下反馈想让
美的公司知道的? *

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