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Structure and Function: Built to Specifications

Prompt - Engineering 16-18: What is the connection between structure and function?
Structure and function, as the University of Hawaii suggests, can also be referred to as ‘form and

function’. The structure of a body is its system or inner arrangement used to support loads, resist forces,

and maintain stability. Alternatively, the function of a body is the specific purpose or task that the given

system is intended to achieve. The following essay will aim to examine the relationship between structure

and function.

Structural integrity is extremely important in a system because it allows the product to be secure

(and hence usable) for the general public. Structure integrity ‘helps ensure whether it is fit for purpose

under normal operational conditions and is safe despite sudden shocks.’1 A lack of attention to this field

could lead to a collapse, like the Tacoma Narrows Bridge of 1940. Additionally, the right material is also

essential. To ascertain the function, one must analyze the ‘stability, maintenance, aesthetics, and cost of

each material.’2 (Erandole, Rethinking the Future). The Sydney Opera House, for instance, uses concrete

and steel to withstand dynamic loads and unstable environments. The fluidity and plasticity of cement

also allowed it to be aesthetically appealing, serving as a tourist location, thereby bringing in profits for


Figure 1: Working Drawing of Shells (Urooj, U.)

‘What is Structural Integrity and Why is it Important?,’ TWI,, date of access: 14 August 2023.
Shraddha Erandole, ‘8 things to consider while choosing the materials for your project,’ Rethinking the Future,
s-for-your-project/, date of access: 14 August 2023
Moving on, the functionality of a system is elemental in how it operates. This includes whether it

is operationally successful as well as safe for its users. Today, the functionality of a system may be

compromised at the cost of its aesthetic – for financial motives. For instance, the Theranos Blood Testing

Device aimed at making the blood testing kits’ designs more compact, but they did so at the opportunity

cost of its functionality. The Antennagate, introduced by Apple in 2010 for the iPhone 4, was immensely

successful at the beginning at it was aesthetically pleasing. However, users faced functionality-related

problems as it could not recept signal very well.

Figure 2: Remote Blood Testing Device by Theranos

Figure 3: Apple Iphone Antennagate Design

While the two – structure and function – are individually necessary, they intertwine with one

another quite commonly. Functionality often dictates the structure of a design. For example, an aircraft

wing is structured in a way that allows it to achieve its functionality – to fly with a minimum margin of

error of failure. The curved shape of an aircraft wing, called the airfoil, allows it to create a pressure

difference above and below it. This lifts the aircraft since air will try to neutralize the pressure on both

sides. Such a structure in an airplane makes it fit to fly securely. Furthermore, the material of a system is

chosen on the basis of its function. Here, the slat (front mechanisms) and flap (back mechanisms) are

made of aluminium, a light yet dense metal, to help the wing withstand heavy rains, fast winds, or even

bird crashes mid-air. Therefore, they are highly connected and dependent on one another.

Figure 4: Schematic Representation of the Bernoulli Principle’s Use in Aircrafts

In conclusion, structure refers to the form of a system, while function is its intended purpose.

While the focus on structural integrity and functionality of a system are key, they often intertwine and one

cannot be accomplished or completed without the other. Without a good structure, the product cannot

achieve its function; without a well-defined function, the product cannot have a stable structure. In

essence, they are complementary, forming the very bedrock upon which innovation, efficiency, and the

progress of modern-day engineering and design stand.


Erandole, S., 8 things to consider while choosing the materials for your project, Rethinking the Future,

oosing-the-materials-for-your-project/, Date of Access: 14 August 2023.

Ghoshal, A., Troubled medical startup Theranos unveils a new device for blood testing in remote

locations, TNW, 2 August 2016,, Date

of Access: 14 August 2023 (Figure 2).

Introduction to Structural Analysis, LibreTexts Engineering,

Chapters/1.01%3A_Introduction_to_Structural_Analysis, Date of Access: 14 August 2023.

Lightweight Materials for Cars and Trucks, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,, Date of Access: 14

August 2023.

Mei, L. and Wang, Q., Structural Optimization in Civil Engineering: A Literature Review, MDPI, 13

February 2021,, Date of Access: 14 August 2023.

Scallan, P., Material Evaluation and Process Selection, ScienceDirect, 2003,, Date of Access:

14 August 2023.

Singh, A., Apple Settles Antennagate Suits: How Do You Get $15 Cash Settlement?, DazeInfo, 31 March


ent/, Date of Access: 14 August 2023 (Figure 3).

Structure and Function, Exploring Our Fluid Earth: Teaching Science as Inquiry - University of Hawaii,

ndards-ngss/crosscutting-concepts/structure-and-function, Date of Access: 14 August 2023.

Structure Definition, Designing Buildings: The Construction Wiki,, Date of Access: 14 August 2023.

The Element of Function in Architecture, BluEnt CAD, 11 April 2017,, Date of Access: 14 August 2023.

Urooj, U., Working Drawing of Shells, Pinterest,, Date

of Access: 14 August 2023 (Figure1).

Wax, D.M., 7 Essential Guidelines for Functional Design, Smashing Magazine, 5 August 2008,, Date

of Access: 14 August 2023.

Wings and Lift, Science Learning Hub,,

Date of Access: 14 August 2023 (Figure 4).

What is Structural Integrity and Why is it Important?, TWI,, Date of Access: 14

August 2023.

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