Essay Electricity and Magnetism

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Jennifer P.



The Forces Behind Our Modern World

When you hear the words "electricity" and "magnetism," think of the things that power our
world and make our devices work.

Electricity makes our lights turn on, our phones charge, and machines run. It's like a flow
of tiny particles called electrons. Magnetism, on the other hand, isn't as easy to see, but it's what
makes magnets stick together and helps things like electric motors work.

These two forces are connected. They create things like light, radio waves, and even
medical machines like MRI scanners. They've changed the way we live and continue to shape
our future.

Electricity and magnetism are behind the technology we use every day, from the lights in
our homes to the smartphones in our pockets. They've been a part of human discovery for
centuries, and they're still making our world a better place.

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