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Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Integrated College Academy Foundation

Department of Social Work
Biaba- Damag, Marawi City


Presented to
MR. Bohary R. Macapanton RSW
Faculty, Department of Social Work
Philippine Integrated College Academy Foundation, Inc.
Marawi City

In Partial Fulfillment
For the Requirement of the Course
SW 196 – (Seminar on Current Trends in Social Work Practice)
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024


Alinor P. Lambayan

February 11, 2023


Children at Risk are persons under 18-year-old who is experiencing an intense and or
chronic risk factor, or a combination of risk factors in personal, environmental and or relational
domains that prevent them from pursuing and fulfilling their God-given potentials.
They are the children under 18-year-old who live in an environment where they lack of food,
shelter, education, healthcare, safety and love. These children rare more likely to suffer from
abuse and exploitation.
In accordance on my findings, there are 4 main types of harm that the social services may think
the child is at risk of suffering or is already suffering. These 4 types are; Emotional harm, refers
to any type of harm that involves the continual emotional mistreatment of a child. This could be
child being made to feel rejected or being bullied within their home and also child domestic
Physical harm, refers to a child is physically hurt or harmed on purpose. This is something that
can be done by parents, siblings, family in a way of hitting in any parts of body without nothing
is done by the child that is unacceptable.
Sexual harm, refers to a child that is being forced into sexual activities. They do not have
discernment or understanding on what is happening is a form of abuse.
Neglect refers to a child who is continuously not having their needs met at home. Such as
clothing, enough foods, missing health and not attending schools.


Based on the video given, there’s a question regarding on what is the proper handling of
children who violates ordinances made by the government? A child who violates or is rescued
from violating ordinances like quarantine ordinance must be recorded in the Child at Risk log
book and immediately contact the parents or the guardian of the child to return the custody of
the child to the parents. It was also said in the video that it is wrong to immediately arrest the
child when he violates a government ordinance and that this needs to be reported to his
parents and return the custody of the child to his parents. It is not permissible to put the child
that is rescued into Bahay Pag-asa without the consent of the parents of the child.

In accordance with the video, when the child violated ordinance, and is caught by a
barangay chairman, and he contacted the parents of the child and returns the custody of the
child to the guardian, he must advice the child’s parents that it is important to follow the
ordinances made by the government for the welfare and safety of the community.

In a community, parents play vital role by providing their responsibilities to their

children. In order to prevent a child from rebelling and developing bad habits, such as not
abiding by the rules or policies of their parents, particularly government policies, it is important
for parents to provide their children’s basic needs, such as giving them sense of importance,
love, and family membership. Take good care of the youngsters because they represent the
future of the population and will aid in the development of contented and peaceful society. The
children must be taught virtues like obedience.

Given these kids would likely turn deviant in a neighborhood where they become
hardheaded and would interfere with gangs, drug usage, and drinking liquor if their parents
neglected them and did not care about them, and this would create social issue.

Always be grateful for the fact that our parents did not overlook us as an individual. We
have to be grateful also to almighty god (ALLAH) that our parents carried out their parental
duties so that we might have better lives and prospects. If they disciplined us after we did
something wrong or unacceptable, do not be upset or angry with them because it was done out
of love and protection for us. They did that in order to keep us from adhering to certain
inappropriate standards and ideals.


Here are the Local Government Unit interventions regarding to a child who have had
violated ordinances.
 LGUs established a webinar on online skills
 online contest and workshop,
 gardening and recycling,
 online crafts and
 especially online counselling session
If there’s a person such as PNP violates or mistreatment the children if they did violations from
government ordinances, you can report it to the followings; Barangay Council for the protection
of the Children, Local/ municipal city Social Welfare and Development office, PNP specifically,
Women and Children Protection Desk, Regional Juvenile Justice and Welfare Committees.

Regarding this case (Children at Risk), the punong barangay of the community shall
enlighten the community’s people about CAR with the help of the sultan, because sultans are
also responsible for helping or solving issues in a community. The sultan and the punong
barangay shall implement a seminar regarding how these children become at risk and how
these occurs in a child. Giving seminar as well to the community’s parents about good parenting
skills because, in this generation, most of the children are likely to have no manners.

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