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dòng w ù h é zhōng g u ó chéng y ǔ

动物和 中 国 成 语
Circle the correct implied meaning of the following idioms.
1. 成语:鸡犬不宁 (jī quǎn bù níng)
A. Dogs and cats playing
B. Chaos reigning in a household
C. Birds chirping happily.

2. 成语:狗急跳墙 (gǒu jí tiào qiáng)

A. A cat in distress
B. When the dog is anxious, it jumps over the wall
C. Taking swift action like a dog jumping over a wall

3. 成语:狼狈为奸 (láng bèi wéi jiān)

A. Wolves and sheep coexisting
B. Colluding and acting in collusion.
C. Cunning foxes

4. 成语:狐假虎威 (hú jiǎ hǔ wēi)

A. The fox exploits the might of the tiger
B. Cunning foxes hide their power
C. The fox impersonates the tiger’s might

5. 成语:虎头蛇尾 (hǔ tóu shé wěi)

A. Head of a tiger, tail of a snake
B. Starting powerfully but ending weakly
C. The ferocity of a tiger and the slither of a snake

6.. 成语:鱼龙混杂 (yú lóng hùn zá)

A. Fish and dragons mixing together
B. A mixture of good and bad elements
C. Aquatic diversity

7. 成语:鱼目混珠 (yú mù hùn zhū)

A. Fish eyeing pearls
B. Mixing fish eyes with pearls
C. Camouflaging pearls among fish eyes

8. 成语:亡羊补牢 (wáng yáng bǔ láo)

A. Mending the sheepfold after the sheep are lost
B. Protecting the sheep from harm
C. Preventing the loss of sheep
9. 成语:画龙点睛 (huà lóng diǎn jīng)
A. Drawing a dragon and adding the eyes
B. Adding the finishing touch to a masterpiece
C. Making a dragon painting come to life with eyes

10. 成语:杀鸡取卵 (shā jī qǔ luǎn)

A. Killing chickens to get eggs
B. Sacrificing chickens for prosperity
C. Exploiting a source for immediate gain

11. 成语:瞎猫碰死耗子 (xiā māo pèng sǐ hào zi)

A. A blind cat running into a dead mouse
B. Accidental success like a blind cat finding a dead mouse
C. Unintentional outcomes

12. 成语:画蛇添足 (huà shé tiān zú)

A. Drawing a snake and adding legs
B. Overdoing something that's already perfect.
C. Completing a task unnecessarily.

13. 成语:如鱼得水 (rú yú dé shuǐ)

A. Like a fish swimming in water
B. Feeling at ease and comfortable
C. Finding water like a fish

14. 成语:猴年马月 (hóu nián mǎ yuè)

A. The year of the monkey and the month of the horse
B. Referring to a long period of time
C. A playful year followed by a busy month

15. 成语:狐朋狗友 (hú péng gǒu yǒu)

A. Foxes making friends with dogs
B. Dubious or untrustworthy friends
C. Companionship between cunning animals

16. 成语:鸡肋之物 (jī lèi zhī wù)

A. Chicken bones as a delicacy
B. Something neither valuable nor enjoyable
C. Treasured chicken dishes
Animals and human nature:
1. 解释成语 狗 仗 人 势, 举例子说明。


2. 对牛弹琴是什么意思?用这个成语写一个句子。

láng x ī n g ǒ u f è i

3. 狼心狗肺是形容哪种性格的人? 举例子说明。

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