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1. The Marina has her own cranes and derricks for loading and unloading the cargo.


 True
 False

2. The Port of Santander does not have facilities for handling all types of cargo. (P-33)

 True
 False

3. Until the 20th century the most important cargo ship was the break-bulk carrier, sometimes called the general cargo ship or freighter. (P-34)

 True
 False

4. The deckhands must also lash the cargo so that it will not shift during the voyage.

 True
 False

5. The second mate is responsible for loading and discharging of the vessel.

 True
 False

6. Depending on the type, bulk goods can be loaded and unloaded using a conveyor, grabber or bucket. (P-33)

 True
 False

7. A modern port maintains shipping channels, harbor basins and navigation aids. (P-32)

 True
 False

8. The Chief Engineer Tom McGhee was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. (P-22)

 True
 False

9. Captain James was born in Winchester, Great Britain. (P-21)

 True
 False

10. The hull is the main body of a vessel, tank, flying boat, etc.

 True
 False

11. Cargo packed into boxes, cases or any other kind of packing not in containers is known as:

 dry bulk cargo

 bulk cargo
 liquid cargo
 general cargo

12. This kind of vessel has a huge 400 and 500 ton crane to the main deck.

 the LNG carrier

 the Lash
 the oil tanker
 the liquid carrier

13. Timber, paper rolls are some examples of goods that can be carried by a:
 liquid bulk cargo ship
 dry bulk cargo ship
 general cargo ship
 dry & liquid bulk cargo ship

14. They have huge under-deck specialized holds where the bulk products are poured & stored.

 bulk carriers
 reefers
 general cargo ships
 container ships

15. They are built to carry fruit, meat, vegetable, and other refrigerated food products.

 the bulk carriers

 the reefers
 the RORO vessels
 the container ship

16. Today these kinds of ships are seen in ports all over the world and are gradually replacing the general cargo ships.

 bulk carriers
 reefers
 container ships
 general cargo ships

17. Damage to the interior is known as:

 external damage
 internal damage
 inner damage
 outer damage

18. Another word for the captain is the:

 master
 chief mate
 engineer
 first officer

19. Another name for the break-bulk carrier or general cargo ship is:

 bulk carrier
 container ship
 freighter
 reefer

20. They come in different sizes, from the so called “handysize”

 bulk carriers
 general cargo
 freighter
 reefer

21. Bothnia the main direction in the coastal fairways is from south to north, and in The Gulf of Finland from west to east.

 True
 False

22. The Special Mark is yellow in colour. The topmark is a yellow cross.

 True
 False

23. It is correct to say: I think we ought to reduce speed to half speed.

 True
 False

24. Grammatically is correct to say the Ship is leaving the port.

 True
 False

25. The Isolated Danger Mark is black in colour with red bands. It indicates that the mark is on the rock and the mark may be passed on either side.

 True
 False

26. The Safe Water Mark is red with white vertical stripes. It is spherical in shape, pillarshaped or spar-shaped.

 True
 False

27. The Cardinal Marks may appear in different forms such as Spar Buoys, Beacon.

 True
 False

28. Rescue Centre Santander, asked to cancel Pan Message dated 141315 local time.

 True
 False

29. The North Mark is black over yellow in colours. It should be passed on the north side.

 True
 False

30. Seagull was carrying flammable cargo.

 True
 False

31. Bothnia the main direction in the coastal fairways is from south to north, and in The Gulf of Finland from west to east.

 True
 False

32. The Special Mark is yellow in colour. The topmark is a yellow cross.

 True
 False

33. It is correct to say: I think we ought to reduce speed to half speed.

 True
 False

34. The Isolated Danger Mark is black in colour with red bands. It indicates that the mark is on the rock and the mark may be passed on either side.

 True
 False

35. The Safe Water Mark is red with white vertical stripes. It is spherical in shape, pillarshaped or spar-shaped.

 True
 False

36. The Cardinal Marks may appear in different forms such as Spar Buoys, Beacon.

 True
 False

37. Rescue Centre Santander, asked to cancel Pan Message dated 141315 local time.

 True
 False

38. The North Mark is black over yellow in colours. It should be passed on the north side.

 True
 False

39. Seagull was carrying flammable cargo.

 True
 False

40. Routine is the name used for all radio communication, which is not distress, urgency or safety communication.

 True
 False

41. It is correct to say: I swam in the sea and sunbathed on the beach.

 True
 False

42. The message ends in the word “Over”, which means that the transmission is turned over to the other party.

 True
 False

43. The Perfect Tense expresses what someone has done or what has happened.

 True
 False

44. Distress communication indicates that a vessel or person is threatened by grave and imminent danger and requests immediate assistance.

 True
 False

45. We use the Past Continuous to say that someone was in the middle of doing something.

 True
 False

46. The answer to a distress message consists of two parts: a) acknowledgement b) assistance information message.

 True
 False

47. The Baker does all the baking on board - an important task, as freshly baked bread makes all the difference.

 True
 False

48. Radar is used only on ships and not for ashore.

 True
 False

49. The Marina is equipped with a Navtex receiver and an Inmarsat ship station for navigational warnings, meteorological warnings, and ice reports.

 True
 False

50. Today few ships have an electronic chart which shows the ship’s position and route.

 True
 False

51. Assistant Cook prepares the raw ingredients for cooking and he does most of the cooking of hot meals.

 True
 False

52. The Engine room has been called “the heart of the ship.

 True
 False

53. Chief Steward / cook is responsible for the overall efficiency of the Catering Department.

 True
 False

54. The Marine Engineer or Chief Electrician still has to be “a jack of all trades.
 True
 False

55. Peter Green, the injured man, has been given first aid and a life-jacket has been put on while waiting for the helicopter to come

 True
 False

56. Peter Green was injured in his leg and was taken by the helicopter assistance for transportation to the hospital

 True
 False

57. It was a complete breakdown approaching the area south of Helsinki, a so called blackout in the ship’s power system

 True
 False

58. On board the Marina there is a feeling of relief and the vessel continues on its voyage under the dark September sky

 True
 False

59. As it is dark outside, the ship has to be well illuminated to make it easier for the helicopter to see the vessel and the pick-up area

 True
 False

60. Voice communication will be possible when the air is filled with the powerful noise of engines and rotor-blades

 True
 False

61. The Marina has unloaded its cargo in the port of Gdynia, and is now in the Gulf of Finland passing south of Hanko and there we find Peter Green, one of the
motormen, has injured his leg badly and needs immediate medical attention.

 True
 False

62. When the helicopter is approaching the ship the air will be white with spray; and it will even be difficult to stand upright.

 True
 False

63. When the weather conditions started to change and visibility was greatly reduced by fog Timo gives orders to reduce speed and the Marina proceeds on its route

 True
 False

64. The violation of the Finnish restricted area was, according to the suspect, due to an error of navigation

 True
 False

65. The seaman on board who did not have a visa was not aware of the fact that a visa is compulsory for anyone of non-EU nationality in Finland

 True
 False

66. One of the crew members of The MS Marina was very badly injured. He was picked up by helicopter in position 59° 40´ North and 024° 00´ East

 True
 False

67. After the breakdown of the MS Marina, the Coast Guard had contacted the vessel and boarded the ship

 True
 False

68. According to the suspect the reason for deviating from the course was a navigational error and a temporary blackout
 True
 False

69. Weather conditions had by then deteriorated and the Marina started drifting towards the coast (P-195)

 True
 False

70. On inspecting the crew list it was revealed that one of the crew members was of Algerian nationality

 True
 False

71. The MS Marina was on her way to her port of destination, Kotka in Finland where she was due to deliver a cargo of containers and dry bulk

 True
 False

72. According to the suspect the MS Marina and its crew left Santander in Spain on the 14th of September 2006

 True
 False

1. When Lieutenant Mustasaari tried to make contact on the radio, the radio was not working on board the Marina. (The correct answer is false)

 True (Calificación del sistema)

 False (Calificación del correcta)

2. After the incident with the injured motorman and the helicopter rescue operation Captain James leaves the bridge, and goes to his cabin to get something to eat.
(The correct answer is false)

 True (Calificación del sistema)

 False (Calificación del correcta)

3. It is correct grammatically to say: the next weather report will be at 1200 UTC. (The correct answer is true)

 True (Calificación del correcta)

 False (Calificación del sistema)

4. Deck crew is working on outside decks. (The correct answer is true)

 True (Calificación del correcta)

 False (Calificación del sistema)

5. Questions are formed with the auxiliary did + the basic form of the main verb. (The correct answer is false)

 True (Calificación del sistema)

 False (Calificación del correcta)

6. Bearings and courses are always given in three figures: Pilot boat is bearing 215° (T) from you. (The correct answer is true)

 True (Calificación del correcta)

 False (Calificación del sistema)

7. Grammatically this is not the correct spelling: The window was open and the curtains were fluttering in the wind. (The correct answer is true)

 True (Calificación del correcta)

 False (Calificación del sistema)

8. Grammatically is correct to say the Ship is leaving the port. (The correct answer is false)

 True (Calificación del sistema)

 False (Calificación del correcta)

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