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Lesson Title/Focus Permanent Changes Date November 16th, 2023

Subject/Grade Level Grade 3 Science Time 60 mins



General Learning Matter: Understandings of the physical world are deepened by investigating
Outcomes: matter and energy.

- Students investigate and analyze how materials have the potential to be


Specific Learning A permanent change is a change that cannot be undone, such as cooking an egg
Outcomes: or baking a cake. (K)

Changes to materials or substances can be permanent or reversible, depending

on the properties of the given materials or substances. (U)

Discuss examples of changes to materials or substances that are permanent and

examples of changes to materials or substances that are reversible. (S & P)

Safely perform experiments on various materials and substances and classify

changes as permanent or reversible. (S & P)


Students will:

1. Understand the meaning of permanent and what a permanent change is.

2. Be able to create a permanent change.


● Have all ingredients, utensils, and measuring ● Computer/Printer

● Cookie ingredients (flour, sugar, butter,
tools in the small room. baking soda, smarties…)
● Have all the ingredients measured out and ● Ovens, oven mitts, baking sheets,
ready for use in the kitchen. parchment paper, cooling racks, plates
● Prep kitchen and make sure baking sheets, and mixers
cooling racks, oven mitts, and mixers are out ● Measuring cups and utensils
and ready to use. ● Stirring utensils
● Print out colouring sheets to be used while
we wait for the cookies to bake.
● There will be no slides as I will attempt to
keep discussions brief to allow more time for
the experiment.


Introduction Time

● If necessary go over expectations that students should raise their hands if 10 mins
they want to answer a question or if they have a question. Also tell
students they should be sitting quietly and not playing with their reading
buddy (i.e. hands are still).
● Acknowledge good behavior by congratulating specific students (i.e.
Student A is ready, good job!)
● We have learned all about water now we will be moving onto something
● Ask students if they know what the word permanent means. (Use the
example of a permanent marker to help student)
● Explain that permanent means: it lasts a very, very long time and that it
doesn’t go away easily. (Give an example of a big tall tree, it stays there
for a long time and you can’t just pick it up and move it like a book or toy.
You would need to put in a lot of effort to get rid of the tree.)
● Then discuss with students what a permanent change is (when we say a
permanent change we mean that when something happens (when
something changes) it can’t go back to the way it was before. The change
cannot be undone. So for example if a caterpillar turns into a butterfly it
can’t turn back into a caterpillar so the change from caterpillar to butterfly
is permanent.)
● Ask students what are some other examples of a permanent change.

Body Time
● After the discussion, tell students that as a class we will be performing a 30-45 mins
permanent change. (Making cookies)
● Tell students “When I Say Go”, they will split up in two groups (Kai, Kason,
Sophia, Bradley, Camryn, Juniper, Mario, Skyla, Ava, Kalina, and Kennedy
will go with Miss. Blade and Liam, Trinity, Grayson, Eric, Amariah, Attica,
Carson, Willow, Maizey, Hudson, Jayden, and Peyton will go with Mrs.
Harty). One group will follow Miss. Blade and the other group will follow
Mrs. Harty to the kitchen.
● The teachers will bring colouring pages and crayons for students while
cookies are baking.
● Then the 2 groups will make their way to the kitchen. Once at the kitchen
students will line up to wash their hands, talk about why we have to clean
our hands before baking (To prevent the spread of germs) and sit at tables
while being reminded to not touch anything (hands to yourselves).
● Then the student teacher will go over the rules. (Students will not touch the
oven or mixers only adults may touch them. Students will be respectful and
measure or put in materials as they are being instructed to do so. Students
will not touch any hot trays. Students will not eat the cookie dough!)
● Warn students if they are not listening they will sit on the side.
● Explain the cookie jobs to students - For Miss. Blades group:
● - Kai brown sugar - Kason Butter - Sophia white sugar
- Bradley baking soda - Camryn vanilla - Juniper salt - Mario flour
- Skyla egg (the eggs will be cracked into a little bowl and then put into the
mixer incase of any egg shells) - Ava white choc. chips - Kennedy milk
choc. chips - Kalina smarties
● For Mrs. Harty’s group:
● - Trinity brown sugar - Liam butter - Grayson white sugar
- Carson baking soda - Eric vanilla - Willow salt - Attica flour
- Amariah egg - Maizey white choc. chips - Hudson milk choc. chips
- Peyton smarties - Jayden mixing and such
● As ingredients are being mixed in, ask students if the process can be
reversed or if it is permanent. (When flour and baking soda is mixed
together, make sure to tell students that when the smarties are mixed in
with the cookie dough that they can be removed and is therefore not a
permanent change.)
● After cookie dough is mixed, the teachers will demonstrate how to roll
dough (and that it will be put on a plate) then the teachers will scoop the
dough and students will roll out the cookie dough and place it on a plate.
● When students have finished rolling their cookie dough they will wash their
● Then the teacher will place the rolled cookie dough onto the sheet and
then put the cookies in the oven at about the same time.
● Once cookies are placed in the oven, hand out colouring pages and
crayons for students while we wait for the cookies.
● While the cookies are baking the teachers will do some tidying up (Any
major things that need cleaning will be done when school is out).
● When the cookies are finished, the TA and student teacher will take them
out and place them on cooling racks. Then discuss with students why
baking cookies is a permanent change (Can the cookies go back to being
cookie dough?). Mention that even though the cookies have been baked
the smarties could still be removed and are still not a permanent change
(though they would leave some residue behind).
● Once cookies are cooled and the change has been discussed students will
be given a cookie to eat! :)

Closure Time

● Clean up the kitchen area and once the kitchen is tidy (pick up any stray 5 mins
crayons and papers) have students line up in numbered order.
● Bring any leftover cookies back to the classroom.

Sponge Activity/Activities ● If there is still time students will catch up on work and if they are
done that they can read or colour.


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