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q1 = 2μC q2 = 4μC

r (cm) r2 (m2 ) 1/r2(1/m2) FE(N)

10 0.01 100 7.19

9 0.0081 123.457 8.88

8 0.0064 156.25 11.23

7 0.0049 204.08 14.67

6 0.0036 277.78 19.97

5 0.0025 400 28.76

4 0.0016 625 44.94

3 0.0009 1111.1111 79.89

Question no 1:

Here, in the graph along the Y - axis we take FE(N) and along the X- axis we take r(cm).we can
see a curve decreasing when we increase the value of distance or radius
Question no 2:

Here, in the graph along the Y axis we take FE(N) and along the X axis we take 1/r2(m-2). We can
compare the graph with the equation y = mx + c where c or Y intercept.. After plotting the value
𝑦 𝐹 2 𝑞1𝑞2
of m = 𝑥
= 1 = 𝐹𝑟 we get, m = 0.0719. We know, F =k 2 . Now, from this we get,
2 𝑟
k= 𝑞1𝑞2
0.0719 9
k= −6 −6 = 8. 99✕10 NC-1 .
(2✕10 )(4✕10 )

Question no 3:

Now for the error, we know error = (known constant - Found Constant)/ Found constant
So the error will be ((9✕109) - (8.99✕109))/(8.99✕109) = 1.1✕10-3

Percentage error = (1.1✕10-3 ) ✕ 100% = 0.1 %


q1 = 5μC r = 6 cm
q2(μC) FE(N)
10 124.82
9 112.34
8 99.86
7 87.38
6 74.9
5 62.41
4 49.93
3 37.45

Question no 1:
Here, along the X axis we take the charges q2 and along the Y axis we take the Forces due to q1
and q2. We can see that with the increase of charge q2 the force also increases if we keep q1 and
distance r(cm) constant.

Question no 2:

We can compare the graph with the equation y = mx + c where c or Y intercept. After plotting
𝑦 𝐹 𝐹 𝑞1𝑞2
the value of m = 𝑥
= 𝑞2
we get, m = 𝑞2
= 12.482✕106. We know, F =k 2 . Now, from this
we get,
k= 𝑞1𝑞2
6 −2 2
(12.482✕10 )(6 ✕ 10 ) 9
k= −6 = 8. 99✕10 NC-1 .
(5✕10 )

Question no 3:

Now for the error, we know error = (known constant - Found Constant)/ Found constant
So the error will be ((9✕109) - (8.99✕109))/(8.99✕109) = 1.1✕10-3

Percentage error = (1.1✕10-3 ) ✕ 100% = 0.1 %

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